-^ ^ ^ 3
Composer W
When a composer can see his
music published, it is indeed a
rare occasion, as the limited mar-
ketability of serious music in this
country makes the writer of music
much less fortunate than his no-
velist cousin, but to George Balch
Wilson, Grad., this event has come
to pass early in his career.
The Society for the Publication
of American Music honored him by
choosing his String Quartet in G
(1950) for their 1952 award.
THIS AWARD presentation is
remarkable in view of the fact
that the young 26-year-old com-
poser has been studying music ser-
iously for less than ten years.
It was not until he was dis-
charged from the Armed Ser-
vices, in 1946, that Wilson de-
cided music was to be his ca-
Previous to that time photog-
raphy had been his main interest,
but there were earlier indications
of his musical gift. While study-
ing piano in high school in Wichi-
ta, Kansas, he delighted in impro-
visation, and his teacher wisely
did not discourage this musically
productive form of amusement.
* *
HOWEVER, THAT the musical
impulse should be so late in ac-
tually coming to fore is really not
surprising, although to the Euro-
pean, usually trained from adoles-
cence, it would seem so.
In a country where artistic sen-
sitivity is the luxury of a few
rather than the heritage of a mul-
titude, it is, quite naturMl for a
person to reach intellectual ma-
turity before he can give proper
focus to the arts.
And Wilson, entering the Uni-
versity In 1947, found there were
others of his age in the same
predicament, older than the
average freshman, with careers
delayed by the war, yet desirous
of exploiting their musical gift.
Thus he lived in a ready made
environment sufficiently forceful
to tax intellectual curiosity and
yet complementary so as to pro-
vide mutual encouragement for
the arduous task ahead.
s * «
STUDYING primarily with Prof.
Ross Lee Finney and Homer Kel-
ler; Wilson's first work was a
String Trio. Then followed the
String Quartet, which won the
award, an Adagio for Strings and
Horn, a Viola Sonata, and most
recently a Cello Sonata. On July
Record Room
Now in Use
With a selection of over sixty
long playing records varying from
Rigoletto and Andre Kostelanitz
the Barbara Little Memorial Lis-
tening Rooms on the third floor of
the League will-be, open from 1:30
to 5 p.m. every afternoon during
the summer session.
The record collection consists
mainly of classical music including
operas, ballets and Shakesperian
plays, but there are also some
modern non-classical selections
available. Many of the records
used in music literature courses
are available.
* " *
rooms are completely furnished,
one with modern furniture and the
other two in a more conventional
style. All three are soundproofed.
Music is piped into the rooms
from the League Library where re-
quests are put on turntables by the
In addition to the listening
rooms the League Library also
located on the third floor will be
open afternoons to any women stu-
dents who want to come in to
study or read.
dins National Music Contest
a * * *
$$$$$$$I~f[[f!8[s", iii '
Hillel To Offer
Many Events
Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation
will be kept busy with summer
Because of the success of the
first open house, a similar event
will be held every second Sunday.
The warm atmosphere of the
lounge, dancing and ping. pong in
the basement recreation room, of-
fer students a friendly meeting
Displaying its new hi-fidelity re-
producing system, Hillel will spon-
sor an open air music college at.
8 p.m. Thursday.
Prof. Akzian of Hebrew Univer-
sity will open a series of lectures
for which no date has as yet been
Movies will also be shown.
Kids Receive
Mass Injection
Of PolioVirus-
There was some weeping and wail-
ing yesterday as Montgomery's
small fry took gamma globulin
from needle-wielding polio ex-
Like a well-rehearsed military
team, volunteers armed with the
precious serum launched an at-
tack on the crippling infantile
paralysis virus unequaled in medi-
cal history.
Some youngters put up a fuss,
but the block-long lines that form-
ed at some stations moved rapidly
enough to indicate, all 30,000 child-
ren to be inoculated can get the
serum before the Friday night
Polio fighters, headed by Dr.
Lewis Coriell, medical director of
the Camden, N. J., Municipal Hos-
pital, hope the gg shots will stop
a mounting polio outbreak that
has stricken 81 persons in Mont-
gomery County. Three have died.
Temporary immunity provided
by the serum lasts only a month.
The experts think that may be
long enough to break the back of
the outbreak before it reaches the
epidemic stage.
Asian Talk Today
"Safeguarding the American
Stake in East Asia" will be dis-
cussed at 8 p.m. today in the
Rackham Lecture Hall by Joseph
W. Ballantine, American political
scientist and career diplomat.
During 38 years with the Amer-
ican Foreign Service, Mr. Ballan-
tine has held many positions re-
lating to Par Eastern Affairs.
The talk will be sponsored by
the University Center for Japanese
Studies and the Summer Session.
Speech Clinic Provides
* * * *
Housed in a converted 30 room home on Huron Street, the
University Speech Clinic's human adjustment center is rapidly out-
growing its walls and facilities.
Initiated in June, 1937, the Clinic, which works in conjunction
with the speech department, has expanded from an eight man staff
to its present faculty of 36. This includes speech clinicians, admin-
istrators, a physician and a psychiatric social worker.
* * * *
SIX DIVISIONS of patients are enrolled in the Student Division,
under the direction of Stanley Berlinsky,
This division provides examination, counseling and direct
speech therapy for University students who have defective speech.
Between 50 and 60 persons'receive this service each week.
Main disorders of ' students are stuttering, voice problems and
articulation defects.
Another program is the Dysphasia Division which provides
therapy for persons suffering language process impairment as a result
of brain injuries. This disability may include disturbance in compre-
hension or production of language, or both.
REHABILITATION for the twenty-six members of the Dysphasia
Division, under the direction of Mrs. Marion Knight, includes exten-
sive psychological treatment for both patients and their. families so
that readjustment may not be retarded due to misunderstanding
" the victim's particular difficulty.
q q Dysphasia patients also un-
.ii: ~dergo physical and occupational
therapeutical treatments in ad-
dition to attending speech and
reading classes.
Children of pre-school, primary
and intermediate grade levels who
have serious speech disorders, and
whose communities do not offer
special help, are served in the
Children's Division.
Individual and group classes
':.;provide experience in social situa-
tions. Deaf children whose speech
is impaired because they cannot
hear pronunciations and young-
sters with speaking difficulties
join in cooperative games where
they help each other. Rewards
for progress are given by class-
-Daily-Lon Qui
GEORGE WILSON .. . Composer
* * * C, * * *
13, Prof. Robert Courte will per-
form his Viola Sonata in a recital
in Rackham Lecture Hall.
The most important influences
on Wilson's music have been,
the 12-tone composers, mainly
Arnold Schoenberg and Alban
One of the most important
characteristics of this music is
chromaticism, 'and as Wilson said:
"I felt for some time that I had
been moving in a chromatic idiom,
and by exploring 12-tone technic
I could learn to integrate that!
technic, and better control my
BUT EQUALLY important have
been the influences of Beethoven
and Bela Bartok on Wilson's mu-
sic. The associative device of re-
lating each kernel of music to the
whole, so amply demonstrated by
those two composers, has been a1
driving force in all twentieth cen-
tury music.
That this and the 12-tone
idiom are part of Wilson's music
bespeaks not so much an. arbi-
trary admiration of the current
fashion, but more the involve-
ment of a composer with import-
ant musical philosophies of the
Nevertheless Wilson's music
shows individuality. When it is 12-
tone it is still tonal. His melodic
lines are rhapsodic, soaring, always
intense, perhaps explaining his
preoccupation with strings, and
sometimes they are accompanied
by thin, transperent textures.
* * *
THE FACT that his influences
can still be noticed is not damag-
ing as this is something very often
true with mature composers and
definitely in all young ones.
During the next year Wilson ex-
pects to turn away from his chro-
matic idiom. He feels that he "no
longer has 12-tone ideas to say."
At any rate he will have ample
time to explore new ideas as he has
also been awarded a Fulbright
Scholarship for study in Belgium.
Recital Planned
Nancy Wright, pianist, will play
a recital in Rackham Assembly
Hall, 8:30 p.m. today.
The program will consist of the
Sonata in G minor of C. P. E.
Bach, Norman Dello Joio's Sonataj
No. 3, and the Sonata in B minor,
Op. 58, .of Chopin.
ing program in speech correction
is operating in cooperation with
Ann Arbor schools.
From three to five percent of
school children are found to have
speech defects which justify their
having special classes in speech
correction. University students
majoring in speech and hearing;
correction act as instructors in
these classes.
Open houses for the public are
held each Tuesday night at the
clinic. Dancing, ping-pong, check-
ers and, special entertainment, are
on agenda. Students are urged to
attend and join in the festivities
which are an important part of
social' readjustment for speech
and hearing students.
ii ,d
%.k. AML
.'$, ,
- I2~'N
Some people go years without pay-
ing much attention to health.
Others need the Doctor on hand to
start the day - everyday. Between
these extremes are great numbers
of thinking people caring for their
health in an orderly manner.
They see their Doctor at regular
intervals for guidance. They report
unusual symntoms nromntIv. WhAn
IV) ?a 1
*.& ... .