WEDNESDAY, JULY 1, 1953 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE IWI v i i m mom Fifty Thousand Dollar Gift Tops Regents' Approval List A fifty thousand dollar grant from theFord Foundation to pay for a survey of University ."re- sources for the scientific study of man, led the list of gifts and grants amounting to over $79,500 accepted by the University re- U ''Approves, New Offiials (Continued from Page 1) ecutive committee. He will suc- ceed Dean Russell A. Stevenson whose term has expired. Dean Charles E. Odegaard was appoint- ed to succeed Prof. Robert C. Angell, whose term has also ex- pired. Both posts are for terms Swhichi will end on June 30, 1956. * * * THE REGENTS also granted permission for Prof. Francis Day Curtis of the education school to retire on August 1, upon his re- quest. Prof. Curtis, who will become 65 years old on August 6, joined the'faculty in 1924. The Regents conferred the title of professor ' emeritus on him and ordered a memoir prepared. Three leaves of absence, ex- tensions of two other leaves and seven part-time leaves of ab- sence received regents' approba- tion. * * * PROF. BRADLEY M. Patten, chairman of the anatomy depart- ment was granted a sabbatical for the spring semester of the coming academic year for travel and study gents at a special meeting yester- day. Conducting the survey of in- struction and research in the be- havioral sciences will be a com- mittee headed by Prof. Donald Marquis, psychology department chairman. Prof. Ronald Freedman of the sociology department and director of the Detroit Area Study will serve as acting chairman in Prof. Marquis' absence this summer. THE NEWLY established Alum- ni Fund received a gift of $10,000 and a commitment for an equal sum within the next year from Laurence H. Favrot, '24, of Hous- * ton, Tex. From the Upjohn Co., Kala- mazoo, the 'Regents accepted $10,000 to be forwarded Sept. 1, to provide equipment "for the new manufacturing phar- macy laboratory and for the ex- panded program of graduate student research. A fellowship in thebnatural re- sources school will be awarded with $2,250 received from the New York Community Trust for the Schoen-Rene Fellowship Fund for 1953-54. * * * THE PHILLIPS Petroleum Co. Fellowshop fund received $2,000 for the coming academic year. A total of $1,586 from the De- troit University of Michigan Club will be divided into $1,268 for the club's endowment fund and $317 for the Union Opera Assistance Fund. Seniors in chemical engineering programs will be eligible to apply for the University Oil Products Co. scholarship established by a $1,000 grant. From Mrs. John Sundwall of Ann Arbor, the Regents accepted $1,000 to be added to the Dr. John Sundwall Memorial Fund. A Other gifts and grants received by the Regents amounted to $2,127. Mrs. William W. Pearson of Des Moines, Iowa, gave the Pearson Collection of Anatomical Material and Surgical Instruments to the medical school. The collection, which belonged to the late Dr. William Wilson Pearson, '93M, is now on display in the Department of Anatomy in the East Medical Bldg. Senate OK's Aid Measure WASHINGTON-()-The Sen- ate approved yesterday a plan to permit-but not require-Presi- dent Eisenhower to hold back a billion dollars in military aid if he is dissatisfied with progress toward a unified Western Euro- pean military force. Backed by both Republican and Democratic Senate leaders, the proposal was accepted with- out opposition as the Senate spent its second day on consider- ation of the administration's $5,- 318,000,000 foreign aid authori- zation bill. Senate action would give the President maneuvering room which the House foreign aid bill would deny him. The House version requires that the President withhold the bil- lion in military help unless Athe North Atlantic Treaty Organiza- tion nations ratify treaties calling for a unified army. President Loses Williamsburg Use WASHINGTON - (P) - The White House yacht Williamsburg, hit by economy, was taken out of service yesterday. In a brief ceremony at the naval gun factory here the commission- ing pennant which had flown from her mast since she was ac- quired by the Navy in 1941 was hauled down. Presidents Truman and Eisen- hower both have used the trim; 244-foot yacht since she was as- signed to the White House in 1945, after service as an escort vessel and flagship during the war. Fast spring Eisenhower ordered that she be taken out of commis- sion as part of the economy move. Warning! LONDON - /P) - Britain's Foreign Office yesterday warn- ed reporters against attaching any political significance to the family motto of Lord Salisbury. The family motto of the new acting foreign secretary is: "Late but in earnest." Farm Relief Asked by Ike WASHINGTON-(P)-President Eisenhower asked Congress for blanket authority yesterday to dip into the U. S. government's vast stocks of farm products and give, lend or sell the food to foreign na- tions "urgently needing relief." Besides its purely relief aspects the legislation, if passed, could have an important effect on: 1. The domestic farm prob- lem. Many farm legislators and others have been seeking means to get rid of the huge supplies of farm products the government has on its hands as a result of price-support operations. Big surpluses tend to drive down farm prices. 2. The cold war with Russia. There have been suggestions that shipping more food to key areas would, aside from the humanitar- ian aspects, tend to win friends for the United States and thwart the Kremlin. , ON THE latter score, a reporter at Secretary of State Dulles' news conference yesterday asked wheth- er the United States was consid- ering sending food to the East Germans, thousands of whom re- cently arose and staged street riots in protest against Red rule. Dulles replied that he did not know whether the American-Brit- ish-French High Commissioners had considered such an idea. But as for himself he thought it worth considering. Whether the power the Pres- ident asked yesterday would be broad enough to send such ship- ments to East Germany was not clear immediately, however. It Zoo Denies Plot To Steal Wolverine As stormy weather left Frosty, Michigan's first native born Wol- verine cowering in his cage at the Detroit Zoo, zookeeper Frank G. McInnis yesterday denied publish- ed reports that the youthful pre- dator was being protected from kidnapping by "over-enthusiastic undergraduates from the Univer- sity of Michigan." "We're not taking any extra pre- cautions," McInnes told The Daily, "I'm sure that no one is after our wolverine or could get him if they wanted." McInrwes went on to say that although Frosty is really not as vicious as his mother he could give any student, from either Michigan or Michigan State, quite a tussle. Just why Michigan should be called the Wolverine State is not very clear. Until March 23rd one had never been born inside the state's borders. It was only when someone sent home from Alaska a captured Wolverine who in turn turned out to become an expect- ant mother, that there seemed to be a chance for Michigan to ful- fill its destiny. Frosty was named so because he was pure white when born. Now he has started to change to a light brown but he still has traces of white on the temples and sides. Concerning the possibility of Frosty viewing the Wolverine- Spartan football game, McInnes was adamant. "There isn't a chance in the world . . . Frosty is too high strung. "The game would just make him nervous." appeared that there would have' to be an administration finding that "urgent relief" was re- quired. The President said the authority he was asking would be limited "to meet only the occasional needs arising from famine or other ur- gent relief requirements." Regents Set To Approve 'U' Pay Hike (Continued from Page 1) "We trust further advances can be made nert year. It is always our practice to concentrate the University's resources on the things that count most and serve the state as one of the ranking institutions of the nation," Presi- dent Hatcher said. In addition to the General Funds Budget there are several self-supporting service enterprises, including the residence halls, Michigfian Union and League and intercollegiate athletics. No state funds are appropriated for these activities. The Regents also received a pro- posed budget of $8,102,235 for University Hospital which is op- erated on a self-sustaining basis. * * * INCREASED operational costs necessitated a hike of $750,433 over last year's funds. As there is no state appropriation, costs will be met by higher patient fees. Two other units which do re- ceive state appropriations also submitted budget's consideration. The Neuropsychiatric Institute proposed a budget of $690,338 as compared with $570,464 for the year just ended. For the Veterans' Readjustment Center, the budget submitted was $312,000, an increase of $35,300. Brownell Praised WASHINGTON - M) - A 17- months congressional investiga- tion of the Justice Department ended yesterday with both Demo- crats and Republicans praising Atty. Gen. Brownell for what they said was "real progress" in clean- ing up "unsavory conditions." As the final witness in a lengthy inquiry by a House judiciary sub- committee, Brownell said steps have been taken to assure no more special handling of cases "on a political basis" by the attorney general or his deputy. ABOVE is Sunback of Rayon Linen at 10.95 Going straight into a beautiful eve- ning, this printed organza cocktail dress is only $25.00 Tiny Head Hugger is $3.95 Long Gloves $3.95 God \ No warm weather wilting for the damsel dressed in our pretty prints of considerate fab- rics, calculated to keep her cool in palette colors that laugh at the sun, melt in the moonlight. . ,/ . r'' yy Pure Silks or Crepes from $16.95 Silk Pongee or Shantung from $19.95 Cottons, Nylons, Bembergs from $8.95 Sizes 9-15, 10-44 and 12'hz-241/z h4 i . ABOVE is printed pure silk crepe. Wonderful for church and casual dress-up. Velvet carlu heel hat $10.95. Other' beautiful hate from $3.95 Spec. Just off S. University s on Forest... Patrons parking lot in rear. v ; Vt/ ov I rwr -"'=... ,/, '' . i! I REFERENCE DR. WAYNE L. WHITTAKER .. receives post s s * in this country and abroad. He will do research on congenital de- fects, particularly those involving the cardiovascular system. An additional leave without pay for Prof. Wayne E. Hazen of the physics department was granted by the Regents so he may continue his cosmic ray re- search at Imperial College in London and accept a Fulbright grant for study in France. John C. Johnson, research physi- cist in the Engineering Research Institute was granted a leave from July 1 to Sept. 1 to serve on the Summer Study Panel of the National Research Council to be held at Pennsylvania College. An extension of his leave of ab- sence was granted Eugene H. Jacobson, assistant programr dir- ector in the Institute, of Social Research for he period from-July 11 to Dec. 31. Engaged Captain and Mrs. Warren Pot- ter Mowatt, USN, of Pearl Harbor, T. H., announce the engagement of their daughter Margot Jeanne to Lieutenant junior grade William Reid Upthegrove, USNR, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clair Upthegrove of 1417 Granger St., Ann Arbor, Mich. The wedding will take place at the Pearl Harbor Makalapa Chapel 7 on July 11. Miss Mowatt was graduated from the Coronado High School, Coronado, Calif., and is an alumna of San Diego Junior College and the University of Hawaii. Lieutenant Upthegrove received his Bachelor of Science degree in engineering from the University of Michigan, where his father, now retired, was a faculty member. Lieutenant Upthegrove was affil- iated with Phi Gamma Delta and . Tau Beta Pi fraternities. He received his commission in 1950, after completing NROTC t training at the University of Mich- igan. He is now serving in the USSt Radford in Pacific waters. S ATER'IS YOUR COLLEGE BOOKSTORE 336 S. State St.* Phone 2-0814 F' "lI !U MM M Mfflww . 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