PAGE FOUL: THE MICH1GAN DAILY i' 'i,1Ji a . di, .i1.;L 1, 1y 3 , , IU _____________________________________________________ I I I Immigration and The Walters Bill DETROITERS, coordinated by the Michi- gan Committee on Immigration, have been bombarding Washington in support of offering anti-Communist refugees asylum in this country. They have been especially pushing the Administration recommended Watkins Bill, which would permit entrance of 240,000 anti-Communist refugees and natives of overpopulated European countries during a, two-year period. The bill co-sponsored by Michigan's Sen Ferguson provides for admittance of 110,000 escapees and -expelled nationals now living in Germany and Austria, 15,000 now in Turkey and Trieste, 75,000 immigrants from overpopulated Italy and 20,000 each from Greece and the Netherlands. As a partial relief to the McCarren- Walter Immigration Act, one of the most prejudiced injustices ever perpetrated in a so-called Democracy, 'the Watkins Bill is deserving of all-out support. Although both Eisenhower and Steven- son denounced the McCarran Act in the course of the presidential campaign and Eisenhower promised that action for a change would not be long put off, in his State of the Union speech, n action of any great consequence has been forthcom- lng. There seems little possibility that any- thing will be done this session on his bill, which is based on policy of outworn preju- dices which Harvard's Prof. Oscar Handlin points out, "now stand in the way of our own national interest." At the Michigan ... SCANDAL AT SCOURIE, with Greer Garson, Walter Pidgeon. HOLDING TRUE to the Hollywood tradi- tion of trying to please everyone, this film manages to be diffuse enough to leave no one with any lasting impression. It concerns the adoption of a French- Canadian orphan by a leading Protestant couple in a small Ontario town during the early 1900's. Starting out with the conflicts raised by the difference in religion between the child and her parents the plot races off to trace the difficulties arising in her fath- er's political career due to the religious question. From this point the story degen- erates into a series of Orphan Annie epi- sodes fires, cloud burst, and melodramatic reunions, eventually culmi- nating in the usual happy ending. Apparently, the main objective of this movie is to provide "family" entertain- ment, but in doing so it glosses over what could have been a very fine portrait of the conflicts caused by religious differ- ences within the family. Actually the plot attempts to bring back Mr. and Mrs. Min- iver in a Canadian setting, but Greer Garson and Walter Pigeon are older and so is the story. Donna Corcoran as the orphan manages to overcome some of the plot's shortcom- ings by acting her natural self, a feat ac- complished by none of the other performers. Greer Garson as the mother is adequate, but inconsistent. Time and again she is forced to completely change from the overly sentimental mother to the firery defender of her husband's integrity without achieving a smooth transition. Walter Pidgeon as the father is a complete disappointment. He The law assumes, says Handlin, that "an annual immigration of 150,000 is desirable but makes it certain that number can never enter by setting aside almost 70 per cent of he quota places for countries like Great Britain which are no longer producing im- migrants." Not only would liberalized immigration laws benefit our own industrial situation (Immigration has always had the effect of raising the standards of native labor, according to Handlin) but would serve as means of proving our sincerity to millions who question the paradox between our lofty words and our not-so-lofty deeds. Although the Watkins Bill is only a small voice for justice, it is one step in im- migration reform. However, Detroiters fear, and rightly so, that behind-the-scenes maneuvering by Sen. McCarran (the Nevada Democrat who has so staunchly opposed liberalized immigra- tion) may stall the Watkins bill or any oth- er similar relief measure from reaching the floor in time for a Senate vote in this ses- sion of Congress. Thus far, McCarran has been successful in blocking all such measures within the Judiciary Committee-about 85 immigra- tion and nationality bills are bottled up awaiting congressional action. It is to be hoped that the host of letters and telegrams supporting the Watkins Bill. will multiply and work as an instrument forcing congressional action, affording lim- ited but much needed relief. -Gayle Greene MOVIE seems unable to portray more than one facet of his personality throughout the film. Cast as a rather stuffy, prosperous shop-keeper, he maintains his stuff-shirt pose whether he is expounding in the best William Jen- nings Bryan manner or trying to act the doting father. This picture as so many suffers from that illness known as "type casting." There are the good people, exemplified by Miss Garson and Mr. Pidgeon and bad people, the newspaper editor trying to foment trouble for the good people. The results of such an illness is an unreal sit- uation acted by unreal people ending in what amounts to a fantasy. Thus Holly- wood, in trying to create realism from fantasy, ends up with a product that has none of the attributes of either and most of their faults. Technically, this film is aided by the use of technicolor, but again the use of the1 camera as a unique medium is disregarded. Most of the scenes are indoors and action is confined to a small acting area. Such a movie might better be produced onj the ordinary box stage rather than wasting the camera's talents on such a static pro- duction. There is an almost complete lack of angle shots, use of shadows, and con- trast, resulting In *a flat, lifeless feeling that is reflected in the acting. The film as a whole is a reflection of the rut that Hollywood finds itself in. Such innovators as Mack Sennett and D. W. Griffith are gone. Perhaps the film as an art medium will find new life abroad. A short on sailing, and a Mighty Mouse cartoon about mice hot rods complete the program. music AT RACKHAM LECTURE HAIL .. . Emil Raab, violinist; Benning Dexter, pianist TWO SONATAS, by Faure and Beethoven, and Stravinsky's Duo Concertant pro- vided the materials for last night's most en- joyable recital of chamber music, presented by Emil Raab and Benning Dexter The program opened with the Beethoven Sonata, Op. 96 in G major, which was that composer's last effort in the violin-piano me- dium. Though it is a work of melodic sim- plicity, stating themes with variations and ornamentations, and never becoming dyna- mic or forceful, like the C-minor violin so- nata, it does present performance difficul- ties.t In the first place the piano accompani- ment is constantly interwoven with the vio- lin line, not providing a firm body on which the work can rest, but weaving contrapun- tal figurations with the violin. A hairs' breath of deviation between the two players would destroy this interwoven effect, which is what occasionally happened in the first movement, but for the most part, particu- larly in the development section of the first movement and the second movement, it was sustained. Also a work of this type is without strict metrical beats to guide the players, as Beethoven wished to display his melodic contours unhindered by such a precise rhythm. Here Messrs. Raab and Dexter occasionally rushed, the beginning of the first movement being an example, but after they had settled down, the master- ful timing of Beethoven as to phrase lengths was brought out. Altogether it is an exquisite piece of music, and though there is room for improvement in the perform- ance, it was a satisfying presentation. The contemporary work of the evening was the piece of Igor Stravinsky. Though this work goes back to archaic Greek forms for structural inspiration, its moods are such as to have meaning to anyone in a modern audience. Not only jazz, but folk tunes, and harmonic sounds reminiscent of much of today's popular cinematic music provided substance for this work. These moods never become banal how- ever, as they were immediately absorbed into Stravinsky's terse, and meticulously worked-out style. It was given an ener- getic and virile performance, and would have been the high spot were it not for the extremely understanding performance given the Faure Sonata in A. For a long piece, the Faure is well propor- tioned. Messrs. Dexter and Raab were here eminently successful in defining it, with Raab'sfine singing tone given free rein, and Dexter supporting it with precisely ma- neuvered digital movements. The concert successfully opened our summer season. -Donald Harris New Books at Library Ebon, Martin-Malenkov: Stalin's Suc- cessor. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1953. Hart, B. H. Liddell-The Rommel papers. New York, Harcourt, Brace, 1953. Hughes Langston-Simple takes a wife. New York, Simon and Schuster, 1953. Jeffersonian heritage. Boston, Beacon Press, 1953. Lowrey, Walter B.-Watch night. New York, Scribner's, 1953. Slote, Alfred-Denham proper. New York, Putnam, 1953. Sprague, Marshall - Money mountain. Boston, Little, Brown & Company, 1953. "Aloha" *. \7 A - M -oa (Continued from page 2) r r I v f e t a b c e t i c t t i l t E t 2 a r 1 t 7 0 a i n DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN women callers in men's residences are restricted to the main floor of the residence. Next week, July 8, 9, 10 and 11, the Department of Speech will present Max- well Anderson and Kurt Weill's delight- fully satirical musical comedy, Knick- erbocker Holiday. This popular musical uses New Amsterdam in 1647 as the setting for making fun of present day political activities. "September Song" is one of the popular tunes from Knick- erbocker Holiday. Miss Esther Schlos, of the DetroitPublic Schools and guest instructor in the Women's Physical Education Department, is creating and directing the choreography. Paul Miller, Grad. Music, is conducting the orches- tra and chorus. The entire production is under the direction of William P. Halstead of the Department of Speech. All performances are in the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre at 8:00 p.m. PERSONNEL INTERVIEWS A representative from The Canada Life Assurance Co. will be at the Bur- eau of Appointments on Tues., July 7, to interview men for Life Insurance Sales positions. Although a degree is not required for these positions, at least 2 years of college work in Bus. Ad or Education is preferred. PERSONNEL REQUESTS The Post Cereals Division of the Gen- eral Foods Corp. in Battle Creek, Mich., has two openings for men, either June or August graduates, in their Research Department as Assistant Technologist and Junior Technologist. Applicants should have a B. S. in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering. For appointments, applications, and additional information about these and other openings, contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Administration Bldg., Ext. 371. Lectures On the Symposium on X-Ray Dif- fraction, Professor P. P. Ewald, of Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute will speak at 9:00 a.m. today on Fourier Transformation and X-Ray Diffraction of Crystals, and at 10:00 a.m. Professor William N. Lipscomb of the University of Minnesota will speak on Experi- mental Studies of Crystal Structure; Determinations and Interpretations of Bond Distances in Aromatic Molecules. The talks will be in 1400 Chemistry Building. WASHINGTON - The two big- gest stories in the world today are: 1. Riots behind the Iron Cur- tain. 2. Depression clouds in the U.S.A. These two dwarf Korea. They make Dr. Rhee's gymnastics look like a punch and judy show. For if the Kremlin can't keep law and order at home it will have to drop Korea like a hot potato. Furthermore, if revolt behind the Iron Curtain spreads, it could begin the breakup of that un- wieldy, heterogeneous mass of peoples, 55 per cent of them non- Russian held together against their wills, called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. But-depression in the Unit- ed States could offset all of Rus- sia's trouble behind the Iron Curtain, could make us look just as red-faced as the Krem- lin. Here's the blunt score on both fronts: Most people don't realize how deep and serious are the Czech- German riots. In Pilsen, Czech workers stormed Communist head- quarters and raised the American flag. In Handlova and Ostrava, both Czech mining areas, workers tore down the pictures of Stalin and Gottwald. In Germany riots occurred not merely in East Ber- lin, but in many industrial areas. The sabotage of the Soviet uran- ium mines was serious. Most important of all: it was the workers who revolted. And Red doctrine makes Communism the leaders, the satiors, the pro- tectors of the workers. Though carefully censored, un- rest also has spread to Hungary, Rumania, Bulgaria. In Hungary purge has followed purge in an effort to fix the blame for what is happening. Two of the doctors who administered drugs to Cardi- nal Mindszenty have even been liquidated. Hungary is a great agricultural country. Yet meat has been so scarce that Premier Ra- kosi has coiplained to the Krem- lin that Hungarians can't get enough food for goulash. In Berlin two years ago, I talked to East German youths attending the Communist Youth Festival who sneaked over to the West Zone to get U.S. food. They were Communists only be- cause the alternative was the uranium mines or the army. They were obvious fodder for revolt. Again last winter, I talked to German youngsters of draft age fleeing across the border. Military service for the Soviet was not for them. But they were not then in a revolting mood. Now they are. Tragedy is that though the United States for years has looked forward to this day, we now offer little hope, little leadership. Free elections behind the Iron Curtain were one proviso of the Yalta pact. Now is the time for us to demand free elections, this is our biggest ace-in-the-hole, but we're not us- ing it. TIGHT MONEY IN US..A. BIG STORY No. 2 is why the Federal Reserve Board and U. S. Treasury are shaking wor- ried heads and holding day-long meetings. Their worry may seem a long way from the borders of Germany and Czechoslovakia; but when the Hoover depression first faintly cracked across the busi- ness horizon it was the Kredit Anstalt in Vienna which closed afford a drop in bond values from $100 to below $90. Equally serious has been the tight money policy of the U.S. Treasury. When George Humphrey, the able Cleveland coal and iron operator and Ike's best friend in the cabinet, took over the Treasury department last Jan- uary, everyone agreed that a little deflation might be healthy. So one of the first things his advisers did was to end the Mor- genthau-Snyder policy of short- term government borrowing at low interest rates. John Snyder, Truman's Secre- tary of the Treasury, had also pegged the price of government bonds at one hundred cents on the dollar. This was the subject of acrimonious debate between the Treasury and the Federal Re- serve Board, but Truman himself finally stepped in to remark that as a young man he had lost money when liberty bonds slipped from $100 to around $90 and he wasn't going to have that happen again. So U.S. bonds remained pegged, despite protests that this caused inflation. Came January 20 and the new Treasury-Federal Reserve officials shortly unpegged the price of bonds and hiked interest rates on government borrowings f r o m around 12 to 3% per cent. The effect was twofold: a drop in bond values and an in- crease in interest rates through- out the business world. Various corporations, all set to finance new plants or improvements, suddenly changed their minds. Borrowing the money was too expensive. Detroit Edison, Ala- bama Power, Union Tank Car, the Chicago and Western Rail- road were among those which suspended or curtailed expan- sion because of tight money. This deflating trend may be healthy. Some of it was consid- ered necessary. However, it hap- pens to coincide with a drastic cut in the defense budget and when government spending is being pull- ed in with a jerk. All of this is why inventories have been piling up and danger signals have been raised in the business world. The last thing this nation can afford is a depression, especially at the crucial moment when parts of the Soviet Union seem about to fall apart. Ever since V-E day the Kremlin has banked on depression in the U.S.A. This was their biggest goal, the thing they have set their hearts on. The capitalist system was to be shown up as a tawdry failure. That's why riots in Berlin and Czechoslovakia are interdepen- dent with the problems of the U.S.A.-both the biggest stories in the world today. MERRY-GO-ROUND Dining at British Air Marshal Elliott's home here the other night, Sir Gladwyn Jebb, Britain's diplomat who talks circles round the Russians at the UN, praised Ike's book-burning speech, "even though illiterate," but couldn't un- derstand why he reversed himself on book-burning two days later The cattlemen's lobby, which yelled the loudest against meat controls, is now starting to yell for government relief against the big drop in beef prices since con- trols were lifted . .. The Institute of Scrap Iron and Steel is con- TO THE EDITORt Snead Defended... To the Editor: MISS SNEAD was my friend.- Though I have deserted her,c I cannot let your aspersions go unchallenged. For you and your child will make her what she is: the patient support of pillars ofc order against youth's eager,, an-c archistic arms. Would you havec desired to test hero worship, had1 not she been teaching it? Would you have learned anything byc rote, useful as it might later be,. had not she insisted? And some day soon, you will be. a papa, too bored to go to PTA,r where Miss Snead will sit silent under the watchful eye of her ad- ministrator whose policies will never concern you. Miss Snead will not strike to better her work- ing hours, though her quarrel is with those who hire her, because she would be striking at your child and you. But when her energies are ground down so she can no longer raise the spark of inquiry in your child's mind, you will dis- parage her. It is easy to cast stones at the defenseless. And Miss Snead does care. She sees herself in her mirror, as well-silvered as the one you hold up to her. But simultaneously she feels the love of children which drew her into the profession in the first place. And so somehow Miss Snead continues, in work where she can not hope the right man will come 'round the corner (he'd rather be a million miles from the job of 'minding' kids), and where no one appreciates her save those who have the opportun- ity to take her money by lecturing to her. With even these last, as you yourself acknowledge, she still keeps faith. Consider the Miss Sneads of the land: how they shrivel and with- er away. And fie on you to mock them. -Katherine Limpus EDITOR'S NOTE: Miss Limpus' at- tention is called to the notice else- where on this page that editorials ap- pearing in The Daily represent the views of the writer only and not The Daily which has no "editorial policy." SixtyThird Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. For the Conference on Functions of aComplex Variable at 10:00 a.m. today n the West Conference Room of the Rackham Building, Mr. M. Ohtsuka will speak on Boundary Components of Abstract Riemann Surfaces, and at 11:15 H. L. Royden will speak on the Problem of Type of Riemann Surfaces. Professor T. C. Rosenbloom, Unive- ity of Minnesota, will speak at the luncheon sponsored by the Summer rogram in Linguistics at 12:10 p.m., oday, second floor dining room of the Michigan League. His topic will be "A Mathematical Approach to Syntax. The lecture topic for the Symposium on Astrophysics for today, at 2:00 pm. will be Galaxies: Their Composition and Structure. Dr. Walter Baade, As- tronomer, Mt. Wilson and Palomar ob- servatories, will be the speaker. The lecture will be in 1400 Chemitry Build- ing. For the symposium on Writing the speaker will be John F. Mueh: He will speak On Writing Nonfiction at 10:30 a.m., today, in 1006 Angel Hall. The Manuscript Session will meet at 2:30 p.m. Room 1006 Angell Hall. Professor William B. Halstead of the Department of Speech will be the speak- er for the Speech Assembly. His topi will be Through Europe by Stage. 3:00 p.m. today, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. For the Popular Arts In America pro- gram, Kenneth Millar, writer of mys- tery novels and Coleridge scholar will use as his topic, The Scene of -the Crime: Social Meanings of the Detee- tive Story. 4:15 p.m., today, Auditorium A, Angell Hal. Under the auspices of the Center for Japanese Studies, Joseph W Ballan- tine, of the Brookings Institution, for- mer Director, FAr Eastern Affairs, De- partment of State, will speak on Safe- guarding the American Stake in East Asia. The lecture will be at 8:00 p.m. this evening in the Rackham Lecture Hall. Dr. Eric P. Hamp, University of Chi- cago, will lecture on "Word Borrowing and Phonological Structure in Italo- Albanian" at the Linguistic FORUM Lecture Thursday, July 2, 7:30 pm..In the Rackham Amphitheater. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for William Price Brown, Mathematics; thesis:"Aan Algebra Related to the Orthogonal Group," Wednesday, July 1, East Coun- cil Room, Rackham Bldg., at 2:00 p.m. Acting Chairman, C. J. Nesbitt. Change in Orchestra Rehearsal Sched- ule. The Summer Session Orchestra un- der Josef Blatt, will meet on Wednes- days at 4-6 p.m., in Harris Hall, instead of 8:00 a.m., as previously announced. All other rehearsals will be held at the regular time, i.'+e., MTuThF 8:00 a.n. Any students having conflicts at the 8 o'clock hour are urged to attend the Wednesday afternoon rehearsals. The first meeting of the Orientation Seminar in . Mathematics for begin- ning Graduate students will be held Wednesday, July 1 in Room 3001 Angell Hall at 3:00 p.m. Concerts Student Recital. Nancy Wright, stu- dent of piano with Joseph Brinkman, will play a recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music at 8:30 this eve- ning, July 1, in the Rackham Assembly Hall. Her program will include works by Bach, Dello Joo and Chopin, and will be open to the public. Student Recital: Ann McKinley, pian- ist, will be heard in recital at 8:30 Thursday evenin, July 2, in the Rack ham Assembly Hall, in partial fulf ill- ment of the requirements for the Mast- er of Music degree. Miss McKinley stud les with Mabel Rhead Field, and her program will include compositions by Bach, Beethoven, Schumann and Ravel, The general public Is invited. Exhibitions Museum of Art. Museum collections. General Library. Best sellers of the twentieth century. Kelsey Museum of Archaeology. Gill- man Collection of Antiquities of Pales- tine. Museums Building, rotunda exhibit. Modern Mexican village ceramics. Michigan Historical Collections. Mich- igan, year-round vacation land. Clements Library. The good, the bad, the popular. Law Library. Elizabeth II and her empire. Architecture Building. Lithographs by students of the College of Architecture and Design. Events Today Tonight at 8:00 p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre the Department: of Speech will present the fantastic- comedy, The Madwoman of Chaillot, by the French playwright, Jean Gir- audoux. This Drama Critics' Circle Award winning play will continue through July 4. The entire production is under the direction of valentine Windt of the Department of Speech. Lane Hall Punch Hour. 4:45 to 6 p.m. Everyone welcome. La p'tite causette meets today from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the wing' of the northrroom of the Michigan Union cafeteria. All students interested ini speaking or learning to speak French informally and Faculty members are cordially invited. Coming Events Classical Studies Coffee Hour: Thurs- day, July 2, 4:00 p.m., in the West Conference Room of the Rackham Building. All students in the depart- ment, and others who are interested in the Classics, are cordially invited. 1 * i 1. -Dick Wolfef +1* AyTTER ;OF FAT+ By STUART & JOSEPH ALSOP PRESIDENT EISENHOWER'S problem with his own party is agreeably sym- bolized by Noah Mason, one of the unre- constructed members of the House Ways and Means Committee who are fighing the Administration on the extension of the ex- cess profits tax. This small, brisk, genial, silver-thatched old man thinks that Eisenhower is a great President. In the chatty weekly letter that he writes to his Illinois Congressional Dis- trict, Mason has sternly berated the Ameri- can business community for "just giving the President passive support." But ask Mason where he has stood on the main items of that rather -small Eisenhower legislative program, and you get some odd answers: How did he vote on the Foreign Aid bill? "I've been against all these giveaway pro- grams from the start, and I was against that one." How about the renewal of the President's government reorganizing powers? "I was against that too." And the Pakistan wheat bill? "Another giveaway. I opposed it." And the one year extension of the Re- ciprocal Trade Act? "I'm proud to say I've voted against every extension of reciprocal trade since I came to the House nearly seventeen cord of continuous opposition to the first Republican national administration in two decades. There are a good many others like him in the House,' from the Midwest and the country districts of the East. He is a phenomenon of some significance, worth having a look at. In a kind of way, to begin with, Noah Mason is the American dream come true. His family-he was the twelfth of thirteen children-emigrated from Wales when he was a child; and his father went to work in one of the now-played-out Illinois mine- fields. He did not have a soft childhood in the little coal-town, and he went to work himself, on a farm his father had moved to, at the age of fourteen, but his proud, ambitious, Bible-reading Welsh mother, who lived to be ninety-seven, wanted her chil- dren to be something--better than miners and farm-hands. She drove Noah to get himself an edu- cation that was perhaps a bit haphazard, but good enough in those days for a school-teacher. Before very long young Noah was Su- perintendent of Schools in Oglesby, Ill.; then Town Commissioner; then State Sen- ator; and finally, member of the House of Representatives from the Fifteenth District. "If I'd stayed in the old country," he says with a note of pride, "I suppose I'd have he frequently remarks, to "relieve the over- taxed by taxing the untaxed." By this he means reducing income and corporate taxes, while levying a manufacturers' sales tax, taxing cooperatives, and depriving the churches, charitable foundations and uni- versities of most of their existing exemp- tions. More generally, Noah Mason would like to repeal every item of social and economic legislation of the last twenty years. (Another favorite plan is to balance the budget by selling all government power projects on the open market.) He is 100 per cent protectionist, 100 per cent isola- tionist. His twin heroes are Sen. Mc- Carthy and Gen. MacArthur. And he thinks that "the Communist threat from within is much worse than the threat from without." "When I was sixteen, seventeen, eight- een," he says, with a characteristic twinkle, "I was almost a liberal. I took a nibble of everything new. But now, some people might almost call me a reactionary." Withal, Noah Mason is not at all like the bitter old men and cheap young demago- gues who form the majority of his Repub- lican faction. He is kindly, friendly, unas- suming and altogether sincere in his pecul- iar beliefs. None the less, the question re- mains-and it is a pressing question-whose i 1 f r i l e e Editorial Staff Harland Britz.......Managing Dick Lewis. .. .... ........ .Sports Becky Conrad.,. .Night Gayle Greene............. .Night Pat Roelofs.............Night Fran Sheldon............ Night Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Business Staff Bob Miller.........Business Manager Dick Alstrom..... Circulation Manager Dick Nyberg...........Finance Manager