lere s the FirstEditionof the 1953Summer Daily; I'joy the Dailyfor 8 Wee s-2.00-Call 2-324 WHERE TO SWIM See Page 2 * * * * * * * * * Y Lilt i&r 41P .:43 a t ty C Latest Deadline in the State MOSTLY OL. LXIii, No. 168 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 1953 SIX PAGES _______________________________________ I I SIX PAGES ,000,000 [o Mean 30f lcholarships Engineers Get Legacy Benefits One million dollars worth of en- ineering scholarships will be warded with the bequest of a alifornia widow whose husband as a University Alumnus, accord- ig to University officials. The anticipated gift will mean holarships for an estimated 30 ngineering students per year, the Sffcials said. Left to the University by Mrs. lice B. Groesbeck, whose hus- and, an 1898 graduate of the igineering college, died on Aug. ., 1948, the money is one-fourth an estate valued at $4,181,000. Terms of the will were re- vealed when an appraisal of the Groesbeck estate was filed in uperior court in San Diego. The, will has been admitted to pro- bate court in New York City. Earmarked in the will for schol- ships, the money will mean a boost to the student body and il encourage good students to >me to school here," Dean George Brown of the engineering col- ge said. DEAN BROWN and other Uni- rsity officials stressed their un- milarity with the specific con- tions of the will. -News Service Photo "TYPICAL" POLIO NURSE TO BE HONORED-Because she is "typical" of all nurses caring for polio patients, Martha I. Boggs, R. N., head nurse at the University Respirator Center, will accept a plaque on behalf of such nurses commending them for the contributions they have made. To be presented at the National League of Nursing convention tomorrow in Cleveland, the plaque will be placed permanently in the NLN New York offices. The patient she is holding is Bobby Snyder, 13 months, of Hillsdale, who came to the Center when he was five weeks old. PRISONER PROBLEM: Political Experts See t Korea War Lengthened Winnie Hits Rhee Action' On POW's Prime Minister Sees 'Treachery' LONDON-(IP)-Prime Minister Churchill roundly denounced South Korea's President Syngman Rhee for "treachery" yesterday and warned that the United Na- tions has no intention of going for- ward to conquer all of Korea for him. A cheering House of Commons greeted the Prime Minister's sharp attack on the South Korean Presi- dent for engineering the release of thousands of anti - Communist North Korean prisoners just as UN and Communist negotiators near- ed final agreement on a cease- fire. CHURCHILL said it would ap- pear only sensible to round up the released prisoners-as the Chinese and North Korean Reds have de- manded--and said "it might be that reinforcements would be needed for Korea in order to en- force a policy of peace and good faith." He did not elaborate on this statement. "It was hoped," said Church- ill, "that by a settlement in Korea-as there would have been but for this Rhee's act of bad faith-the United Nation and the United States would help to build up the ruined, shattered area of North Korea and by peaceful methods unite that country. Churchill disclosed he had sent Rhee a stinging note protesting the South Korean leader's action to upset the truce negotiations and declaring the British "strongly condemn this treacherous viola- tion of the authority of the UN Command to whichdthe govern- ment of Korea had agreed in 1950." Business Staff TryoutsCalled J. Pierpont Morgan didn't work on The Daily business staff, but reliable news sources indicate that the famed financier always held a suppressed desire to work under Bob Miller, Grad., summer Daily business manager. Calls went out all over the free world yesterday for anyone inter- ested in display and classified ad- vertising, circulation, promotions, accounting and page layout. Tryouts may apply at 4:15 p.m. today and tomorrow at The Daily business office in the Publications Bldg. on Maynard St. A prominant campus spokes- man yesterday pointed out that chances for advancement in the summer Daily were "great," pro- vided valuable experience for newspaper businessmen from Es- canaba to Tiahuana. Future Hemingways will get their chance next week at the an- nual tryout meeting for the sum- mer Daily editorial staff, Harland Britz, managing editor, explained yesterday. University For Sumn i 11 THE SEARCH IS ON-Marines fan out along the road and through the fields near prison camp No. 10 at Ascom City, Korea, looking for some of the 400 prisoners who escaped on the night of June 18. Reports 6,004 er Enrollment * + * * * * * * Gen. Clark Pays Second Call on Rhee The Dean expressed hope, however, the scholarships can be made large enough to cover more than just tuition. This would provide more edu- cational opportunities for those who would otherwise be unable to attend the University he feels. Mrs. Groesbeck was the widow of Clarence R. Groesbeck, des- cribed as a utilities magnate and former chairman of the board of Electric Bond and Share Co. of New York City. He received an honorary doctor of engineering degree from the University in 1931. The state in which the estate, consisting largely of stocks and bonds, is to be administered has not yet been determined. Mrs. Groesbeck died in San Diego on Oct. 17, 1952. University officials say it may take several months before any definite legal action is taken. By FRAN SHELDON According to campus political experts the Korean War has been "immeasurably lengthened." The recent release by South Korean President Syngman Rhee of 27,000 North Korean and Chi- nese POWs who had expressed reluctance to return home will prove to be a serious setback in the plans for any kind of speedy truce, they said. COMMENTING on yesterday's announcement by UN Far East- ern Commander Gen. Mark W. Clark that he could sign an armis- tice without South Korean approv- al, the fact was stressed that such a move would be pointless from a political standpoint. ENGLISH CONFERENCE: Hatcher Says Students' Capacity Underrated According to Prof. Robert E. Ward of the political science department,".the Chinese have said that a truce without South Kor would have no meaning." For this reason he said the Unit- ed States would not push such a move. Commenting on the recent re- lease of the 27,000 prisoners by Rhee's government and the ob- vious inability of the UN to con- trol the activities of Rhee, Prof. Ward said that the only way such control could be exercised would be "to subvert Rhee's govern- ment." * * * THIS, he pointed out, would be highly unethical from our stand- point, but "because the situation is desperate such a move has been suggested. "I don't know how such sug- gestions have been received," he continued, "and I don't mean to imply that this is the only solution to the problem. Per- haps Rhee is open to negotia- tion. This would be far more advisable." Maintaining that any truce without the consent of South Ko- ro would "defeat the purpose of the war," Prof. N. Marbury Efi- menco of the political science de- partment defined this purpose as "collective security." * * * FOR THIS reason, he said, it would be "dangerous to allow South Korea to continue the war, alone." He stressed "the strong moral obligation of the United Nations to unify Korea rather than to merely halt aggression." Prof. Efimenco pointed out that because "the strain of war was more telling on South Korea than on the United States, and because Rhee has always been known to be obstinate and auto- cratic" there seems to be little chance that the UN would risk pulling out of the war without the consent of the Republic. Another argument in opposition to a truce under present condi- tions, he said, is that such a move "would not receive unani- By The Associated Press gain South Korea's support for Gen. Mark W. Clark called on a truce. President Syhgman Rhee again atue yesterday-his second visit in two THE UNITED Nations com- days-in his 11th hour mission to mander went to Rhee's mansion at Note to Photographers Anyone interested in taking photographs of such world- famed- personalities as Marilyn Monroe and Shelley Winters need not apply for The Daily photography staff today and tomorrow. But those who long for a lucrative summer job close to campus may call Harland Britz, managing editor, at The Daily, 2-3241, all day today and tomorrow. The Daily will provide the camera and darkroom. Citizens Protest University, City Garbage Disposal Plan By PAT ROELOFS The points drawn up at the meet- Protesting a city and University ing are: agreement to use the southern 1) Gathering of legal evidence portion of the Botanical Gardens as Gotherin of e r san- for disposal of city garbage, a as to the operation of other san- group of 20 citizens from the tary fills, including fills that Seventh Ward met last night to the Council has labeled well- draw up alternative plans in an run, and pointing out the prob- attempt to stave off the proposedfens caused by the fils. action. An important factor to be con- Meeting at the home of Prof. sidered is the human factor, Prof. Charles W. Joiner, instructor in Joiner stated, for theoretically a the Law School, the groups drew fill may be sound. up an elaborate plan, stemming 2) Inviting Council members at from their dislike of objectionable the expense of the group to see odors caused by the nearness of these "well-run" fills. a sanitary fill. The proposed fill 3) Presenting evidence before would be located only 200 yards Monday to the Council and the 11:30 a.m., Korean time, confer- red in secret for 15 minutes with the defiant Korean leader and then prepared to leave Korea for Japan. The brevity of the meeting suggested Clark might have de- livered a message to Rhee, pos- sibly an ultimatum. Clark confronted Rhee Sunday for the first time since the Pres- ident upset an impending truce and reportedly got Rhee's prom- ise not to pull South Korean troops out of the UN command without warning. FROM PUSAN came reports U.S. troops redoubled precautions against seething unrest among anti-Communist Chinese on Cheju Island and got back 107 Chinese 'prisoners who escaped here. South Korean police quickly rounded up the 107 Chinese, presumably anti - Communists, but did not lift a hand to restore any of the more than 27,000 es- caped anti-Red North Koreans. South Korean police had little trouble finding the Chinese who fled the Pusan camp. The escapees could not speak Korean. The po- lice got them back the same day they fled. MEANWHILE U. S. Sabre jets shot down six Red MIGs over North Korea yesterday and bomb- ers went on a bridge-busting ram- page but ground- forces had little Ito do. Reports from Tokyo said a C119 flying boxcar participating in air- lifting the 187th Regimental Com- bat Team to Korea was missing in Southern Japan yesterday. It car- ried a crew of four and three para- troopers. Enrollment' Drops 5 %7c From 1952 By GAYLE GREENE Enrollment in the University's 60th Summer Session took a five and a half percent dip from last year as the Registrar's office re- ported 6,004 enrollees yesterday. Late registration and complete. figures from summer camps are expected to bring the final figures to approximately 7,600, the regis- trar added. LAST SUMMER, 6,468 students had enrolled when classes opened but the final figure ran up to 8,323. Late registration for the Sum- mer Session is permitted for teachers from schools and col- leges whose closing dates pre- Ivent their arrival for Monday classes. H. M. Dorr, director of the Sum- mer Session explained yesterday that the decrease, a general trend across the nation, reflects the large drop in enrollment in the academic semesters of a few years ago. "Summer session increases and decreasessalways trail such fluctuations in the regular school session by a few years, he explained. Enormous losses suffered in. Summer Session veteran enroll- ment have reached the low point, Dorr added, "We expect to follow a general trend up in the future," he continued. PRELIMINARY figures, to be supplemented later when statistics from the summer camps reach the registrar's office, show 1,544 vet- erans enrolled, a decrease of about 340 over last summer's figures. Slightly less than two men for each woman on campus brings a once highly fascinating ratio in favor of the coed to a disheart- ening low. Graduate students outnumber undergrads by more than a thous- and. Budget Affair Causes Extra Regents'_Meet Approval of the University bud.* get for the 1953-54 fiscal year which begins July 1 will bring the Board of Regents to Ann Arbor for a special meeting June 30, University officials announced yesterday. Action upon the budget which will go into effect the day after its approval has been delayed till this date by the tardiness in ap- propriations legislation in Lan.. ising. Held up by the disagreement over the new tax law between Democratic Governor Williams and his Republican dominated legislature, the legislature-approv. ed money bills weren't sent to the Governor for signature until al- most a week ago. * * * UNIVERSITY officials request- ed slightly over twenty and a half million dollars to cover general. operations. The final figure pass- ed by the State legislature called for an appropriation of $18,796,- By ELSIE KUFFLER T1 * * * "A little more and how much it is, A little less and what worlds away." Quoting from Robert Browning to illustrate his point, President Harlan Hatcher in a speech be- fore the Conference of English Teachers yesterday in Angell Hall stressed the fact that school teach- ers of all levels have underesti- mated the importance of litera- ture as a means of communication and 'private meditation. He also pointed out that they have under- estimated the capacity of their students in English. * * , PRESIDENT Hatcher expressed deep concern over the fact that because of the current tendency to debase literature, students are not being taught effectively to ap- preciate great English literature. He especially cited Lincoln's Gettysberg Address as an ex- ample of the wonders that can be accomplished with effective from a residential area. ACCORDING to Prof. Joiner, the plan is being put into action immediately so that the group may present evidence at the spe- cial session of the city Council Monday to discuss the problem. University in an attempt to con- vince them to change their plan to operate a fill in the Botanical Gardens. 4) Present other solutions, pointing out other possible areas for a fill that would not be ob- jectionable to residential areas. COMIC STRIP ARTIST: Milton Caniff To Open Popular Arts Symposium PRES. HARLAN HATCHER Leaving the field of English lit- erature to dwell on that of English composition, President Hatcher found it difficult to understand why college freshmen should be- Highlighting the first lecture in the University's summer program on popular arts in America, Mil- ton Caniff, creator of Steve Can- yon and Terry and the Pirates, will speak on "Art and the Comic Striy" at 4:15 p.m. Thursday in Auditorium A, Angell Hall. Tinpr Wnl W ar TT C1nri " lj I. popular and the fine arts. Working with Prof. Richard C. Boys of the English depart- ment, chairman of the commit- tee for the program, James B. Wallace, secretary of the music school, Prof. Donald B. Gooch the sociology department have 11. * * * MUSIC SCHOOL jazz authority Prof. Wiley Hitchcock and W. C. Handy of "St. Louis Blues" fame will represent modern popular mu- sic in the series. . Experts on advertising, pocket and with the relationship of the Detective Story" Wednesday, July program, Prof. Gooch will give a gallery talk on the popular arts at 9 p.m. next Tuesday in the Mu- seum of Art. Other gallery talks are scheduled for July 7 and Aug- ust 6. I Presenting visual art forms found predominantly in popular I mass communication media, the i