w IMMIGRATION AND THE WALTERS BILL Y L Sitrtai D43atj 1 S cnz- s See Page 4 I Latest Deadline in the State HOT AND HUMID 1 6 , - .. VOL. LXIII, No. 7S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 1, 1953 SIX PAGE Savage Storms, Wind Lash State Ann Arbor Hit by Partial Electrical Power Blackout, Damaged Wires By The Associated Press As a result .of a brief rain, wind and thunder storm in Ann Arbor last night, electrical wiring and power lines were damaged and sections of the city were darkened for a short time. Extent of the damage, was not. serious, however, although large trees in the area were downed by strong winds. Lightning struck a local home on Birk street, partially damaging it by fire. Whitmore Lake officials also reported one small fire. * * * * A UNIVERSITY WAREHOUSE on Glen St. was the scene of a small fire started by broken wires. Ace Writer of Mysteries TalksToday By BECKY CONRAD Mystery author Kenneth Mil- lar's father and grandfather were newspaper men. "Maybe that's why I never went into newspaper work," he laugh- ed. But Millar, who will speak at 4:30 p.m. today in Auditorium A, Angell Hall at the second public lecture in the summer symposium on Popular Arts in America, is an * * * KENNETH MILLAR ..mystery writer Ea . . , ex-writer of short stories, novel- ettes, book reviews and political columns. AS A COLERIDGE scholar at the University, he wrote his doc- tor's dissertation in 1951 on the pschological criticism of Coleridge. So far in his writing career, Millar has published nine mys- tery novels, many under the pen- name of John Ross Macdonald. His first effort printed was a, parody of Sherlock Holmes, in a high school magazine. Interest ~ number two in detective writing was due to his wife, who was a mystery novelist. Millar did edi- torial work on her stories and later went on to write his own. Third reason was Henry C. Branson, "a very fine mystery writer in Ann Arbor." "Most of my recent stories are of the hard-boiled thriller type," he said. "Ideas come from actual mur- der cases, stories people tell me about their experiences and my own observations. I once wrote a spy book set in a background bear- ing some resemblance to Ann Ar- bor," he commented. "But none of my characters are taken so much from real life that anybody has yet sued for libel," the author explained. Millar said that "The detective story, to the extent that it is to be taken seriously as a literary form, is an attempt to express social and psychological guilt in order to reduce it to manageable terms or symbols and to purge it." "But the detective story isn't en- tirely a successful venture, the tragedy is the proper way to do it," Millar explained. We seem to be rather short on tragedy, and it may be that the mystery novel is one of our more inadequate substitutes, according to Millar. "One reason for its inadequacy is in the form-it lends itself to evasion and mystification, which may be'one reason it is so popu- Elsewhere in the area savage thunderstorms lashed the state from Lake Superior to Lake Erie, causing widespread prop- erty damage, and killing two persons. An undetermined number of persons were injured. * * * CAPPING THE day long wind storms; a cloud formation that resembled a tornado swept throughL the central part of the state last nfght. The storm brushed the tree tops in Bay City, felling power lines and blacking out part of the city. State police said the tornado- like storm originated .over Houghton Lake and swept high over West Branch before dip- ping to the southeast to the Bay City area. Then it veered into Saginaw Bay where it spent its force. * * * THE WINDSTORM brought gales reported up to 100 miles an hour. Accompanied by heavy rain and black clouds that made the afternoon dark as night, they hit all through the state, from Ontonagon in the northern up- per peninsula to Detroit. Countless trees and electric lines were blown down, and power fail- ures hit all over the state. Telephone service was complete- ly cut off in some areas as the storm mowed down trees that took phone wires with them. Housing Fund Misuse Hit WASHINGTON - (A) -- Three House Republicans charged yester- day that public housing funds were used for political lobbying and propaganda in California in "bra- zen disregard of federal criminal statutes." A Democrat promptly challenged the report and said its release now was "a very unfair thing." The charges were filed with the House in a printed report by the three-man Republican majority of a subcommittee of the House gov- ernment operations committee. Rep. Hoffman (R-Mich.) heads both the full committee and the subcommittee. Rep. Dawson (D-Ill.), senior Democrat on the full committee, said Democats had not participat- ed in the report and it had not been submitted to the full commit- tee for approval. The three Republicans aimed a broad attack at the Los Angeles Public Housing Authority and at officials of the Public Housing Ad- ministration PHA in Washington. SL Call The Student Legislature is inviting all students interested in working on summer projects to attend a meeting at 4:15 p.m. today at the SL Bldg., 512 S. State. According to Leah Marks, 55L, SL student representation coordinator, these students will do research this summer for the investigating a n d planning body for the coming academic year. Red Army Eases Rule In Germany BERLIN-()-The Soviet Army eased its gun-rule of East Ger- many yesterday even though some worker revolts were reported con- tinuing in the Russian zone and in Poland Czechoslovakia. One fire attributed to saboteurs was reported to have caused ex- tensive damage in an important brown coal field at Bitterfield in Saxony-Anhalt, and state secur- ity agents made more than 1,300 new arrests in strike-troubled pro- vincial industrial in East Ger- many. . THE WEST Berlin newspaper Nacht-Depesche reported for the first time that contagious anti- Communist revolts spread to at least seven cities under Polish con- trol on June 17, the day of the bloody East Berlin uprising. The paper said the situation was still "disturbed" in the East German area which Poland now considers her own. Allied sources were unable to confirm the re- port. In Czechoslovakia, reports from the Prague radio and newspapers, indicated worker unrest there was taking the form on passive resist- ance and a stay-at-home move- ment. * * * PRAGUE newspapers and radio admitted that production in key industries has dropped critically because of worker absenteeism and diplomats in Vienna speculated that workers who clashed with po- lice in bloody riots recently had turned to passive resistance. Three Power Talk Slated WASHINGTON - (P) -The foreign ministers of the United States, Britain and France will meet here July 10 to explore the great global questions, including waves of unrest in Russia's Euro- pean satellites. Formal announcement of the session was made late yesterday by the State Department. * * * ATTENDING will be Secretary of State Dulles, Lord Salisbury, acting foreign secretary of Brit- ain, and Georges Bidault, foreign minister of France.y Lincoln White, State Depart- ment press officer, said the meet- ing will be held in view of the postponement of the Bermuda talks, which were to have brought together President Eisenhower, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and French Premier Jo- seph Laniel. S! ta Talkr ROKs Score New or egents Clark Calls Top Level Gains inFighting By The Associated Press TOKYO - (R) - Far East Com- mander Gen. Mark Clark sum- moned his top field commanders to his headquarters yesterday for secret meetings. Army Chief of Staff Gen. J. Lawton Collins is to sit in on the talks. * * * CLARK'S headquarters said, "There will be no announcement as to the subjects discussed." There was immediate specu- lation that the top commanders would discuss the complex prob- lems they would face in the event of an armistice in Korea or that they might by laying top secret plans in the event the truce crisis with South Korean President Syngman Rhee deepens. Meanwhile, on the battle front, Souh Korean troops scored their greatest gains in a month on the battered East-Central Front yes- terday. They won back vital Lookout Mountain and chased Chinese off four other positions in swift counterattacks against crumbling Red resistance. * * * THE GAINS were in the rough hill country where heavy Red blows had knocked the Republic of Korea troops back about six miles in a little more than two weeks. They came one day after Al- lied Sabres smashed all jet com- bat records in flashing month- end fights by knocking down 15 MIG 15s and running their June total to 74 MIGs destroyed with- out the loss of a Sabre in com- bat. An American adviser with the South Koreans reported the ROKs now well-entrenched once more on lookout mountain and four out- posts nearby. "THE REDS didn't put up enough fight last night," the U. S. officer said jubilantly. There was no explanation for the slackening of Red resistance on the East-Central Front. Yesterday's sky victory for the Sabres was history's greatest. "Never has the issue of Sabre versus MIG been so convincingly resolved,". declared Lt. Gen Sam- uel E, Anderson, Fifth Air Force commander, in a triumphant mes- sage, to his Sabre pilots. Baseball AMERICAN LEAGUE Cleveland 6, Detroit 4 St. Louis 4, Chicago 2 Washington 3, Philadelphia 0 Boston 5, New York 4 NATIONAL LEAGUE Chicago 10, St. Louis 3 Philadelphia 10, Brooklyn 9 Cincinnati 6, Milwaukee 3 Pittsburgh 3, New York 1 I %../ New Budget Tops Old byTwo Million By GAYLE GREENE Pay hikes for the University staff from an allocated $1.238,0 were included in the budget committee's recommendations to the R gents at a meeting yesterday. Vice-President Marvin L. Niehuss, chairman of the budget groi said there is a "general upward adjustment of salaries." He not the proposed budget for the 1953-54 fiscal year allocates $235,000 new positions "required by larger enrollments." 'U' Staff Salary Approval TOTAL BUDGET Harlan H. Hatcher $2,180,850 higher than the year just ending. for general operations is $24,406,000, Pr announced, * * * the one for FREDRICK H. WAGMAN . .. director of University Library Regents Approve New U' Appointment List Designation of Frederick H. Wagman, administration director at the Library of Congress, as dir-' ector of the University Library was among appointments and faculty changes approved by the University Regents at a special meeting yesterday. Wagman will replace Prof. War- ner G. Rice of the English de- partment August 1. P'rof. Rice submitted his resignation several months ago in order to devote full time to the chairmanship of the department. He has held the two positions since 1947. WAGMAN has been with the Library of Congress since 1945 and in 1947 was made director of the processing department. He holds two degrees from Columbia University, a Master of Arts and a Doctor of Phil- osophy. He has taught at the Amherst college from which he graduated in 1933 and at the University of Minnesota. * * * NAMED assistant dean of the Medical School, effective July 1, is Dr./Wayne L. Whitaker, a mem- ber of the faculty since 1937. In his new post, Dr. Whitaker will act as chairman of the med- ical school's admission commit- tee. He will also assist in the evaluation of student progress and educational curricula and will serve as liaison officer be- tween the medical school and representatives of the literary # college who have jurisdiction over premedical students. Dr. Whitaker will continue to serve as associate professor of anatomy. REGENT'S approbation was voted to appointments of an act- ing department chairman and two assistant professors. Prof. Robert B. Hall was named to head the geography department for the Summer Session in the absence of Prof. Kenneth C. McMurry. Dr. Edward Albert Carr Jr., was appointed assistant professor of internal medicine and assistant professor of pharmacology in the medical school, beginning July 1. He will devote most of his time to internal medicine but will car- ry on research in pharmacology as it relates to therapeutics. Dr. Milton Tamrea was named assistant professor of chemistry for a two year period beginning with the coming academic year. A specialist in physical chemistry, he has been on the University of. Illinois faculty since 1948. SEVEN MEMBERS were named to the board of directors of the Alumni Association and two mem- bers appointed to the executive committee of the Institute of So- cial Research. President Harlan Hatcher was one 'of the seven directors nam- ed for the 1953-54 year. The others were: Vice-Presidents Marvin L. Niehuss and W. K. Pierpont; Prof. Maynard Phelps of the business administration school; Alumni Association Pres- ident John Brady of Howell; and Glenn Coulter and Clarissa Vyn of Detroit. Prof. Phelps was also among those named to the institute's ex- See 'U,' Page 5 Body Found Near Chelsea The decaying body of a man identified only as Martin Dado was found near Chelsea yesterday in a ,ditch off US-12, about 14 miles west of here. Sheriff's deputies said he ap- parently was thrown from a car. He was identified by a social security card, but no address was available. Regents' approval will not be- come effective until July 14 un- der -a by-law which requires a waiting period of two weeks aft- er presentation. The budget covers instructional, research, administrative and plant operation and maintenance costs. An increase of $190,000 was rec- ommended for plant maintenance and operations to meet higher costs and enlargement of facili- ties, such as the new Engineering Research Building on the North Campus. Chief source of revenue will come from annual State Legisla- ture appropriation of $18,796,000. * * * INCOME from student fees and other sources is estifiated at $5,- 610,000. Of this, $380,000 is antici- pated from various sources such as interest on endowment, depart- mental income, trust funds and the Smith-Hughes Fund. State funds are $1,859,350 higher than last year's appro- priation, and the student fee income is expected to exceed last year'sbby $323750. The es- timate is based on an expected enrollment of 17,000 students in comparison with 16,000 last fall. w In announcing the budget com- mittee's recommendations, Presi- dent Hatcher said the University would "hold it's own in most as- pects of its work" and he foresaw progress in other aspects with this budget. "The legislature, representing the people of Michigan, has given the University every consideration it could within the financial limits within which it had to work," he added. See REGENTS, Page 5 MoveTo Oust Douglas Fails In Committee WASHINGTON - (A) - Rep. Wheeler (D-Ga.) failed to con- vince a House subcommittee yes- terday that Supreme Court Jus- tice William . Douglas ought to be impeached. Three of the five members of the judiciary subcommittee said Wheeler had failed to make a case. * * * WJIEELER himself apparently accepted the idea he wouldn't get anywhere with impeachment. He said he would be satisfied if his action in bringing the charges re- sulted in nothing more than pre- venting "tolerance from going to a dangerous point." The Georgian filed an im- peachment resolution accusing Douglas of high crimes and mis- demeanors immediately after the justice temporarily stopped the execution of atom spies Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. Both Wheeler and the Supreme Court have said Douglas had a right to do so. Rep. Graham (R-Pa.), chair- man of the special subcommittee named to consider the resolution, told Wheeler: "I am afraid that as a layman you have not fully comprehended the depth of these charges in a legal sense which we lawyers know and understand." Development Council Gets Board of 28,.: Appointment of a 28 membe Board of Directors for the newly organized Development Council o: the University, and authorizatioi of student membership on the Council were approved by the Re. gents rat their special meeting her yesterday. Two students-a man and i woman, will be appointed as ful status members of the Council b the Student Affairs Committee i the fall, President Harlan Hatch. er has reported. THE DEVELOPMENT Counci is the University's agency for co- ordinating special fund-raising programs and assisting in publi relations and long-range planning Four nationally known Uni- versity alumni included on the board are: Secretary of the Treasury George H. Humphrey, Cleveland; Edgar N. Eisenhow- er, Tacoma, Wash., attorney and brother of President Dwight Eisenhower; George W. Mason, president and chairman of the. Nash-Kelvinator Corp., Detroit; and A. J. McAndless, president of the Lincoln National Life Insurance Co., Fort Wayne, Ind. The complete list includes' Wyeth Allen, president of Glob Union, Inc., Milwaukee; Dr. Ed- gar S. Bacon, New York dentist: Dr. William Benedict, Rochester Minn., physician; Joseph V. Brady vice-president of Citizens Mutua Auto Insurance Co., Howell, anc Alumni Association president; Ar. thur L. Brandon, director of UnI versity relations; and Robert P Briggs, executive vice-president o: Consumers Power Co., Jackson. * * * IT CONTINUES with Chesse M. Campbell, vice-president of Thi Chicago Tribune, Chicago; Glem M. Coulter, Detroit attorney; Ear H. Cress, president of the Ann Ar. bor Trust Co., Ann Arbor; Eisen- hower; Mrs. William M. Emery o: Wilmette, Ill.; Dewey Fagerburg Chicago attorney; and President Hatcher. Others are: G. Carlton Hill, vice-president of the Fifth Third Union Trust Co., Cincinnati; Humphrey; Chalmer G. Kirk- bride, president of Houdry Pro- cess Corp., Philadelphia; Ches- ter H. Lang, vice-president of General Electric Co., New York; Clifford B. Longley, Detroit at- torney; Edward P. Madigan, Chicago attorney; Fred Marin, president of the Bank of Lan- sing, and Mason, McAndless; and Kenneth E. Midgley, Kansas City Mo., attorney. Also chosen: Prof. William B Palmer, chairman of the Facult Senate Advisory Committee or University Affairs; Dr. Ralph 0 Rychner, Memphis physician; T Hawley Tapping, general secre- tary of the Alumni Association' Fred J. Vogt, president of Knap and Vogt Manufacturing Co. SUMMER PLAYBILL: Prof. Baird To Open in 'Madwoman' * * * * * * * * * Never underestimate the pow- ers of a'woman. In an effort to prove this famil- iar adage the speech department will present as its first offering on its Summer Playbill Jean Gira- doux's comedy-fantasy "The Mad- woman of Chaillot" at 8 p.m. to- day in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. * * * STARRING Prof. Claribel Baird of the speech department in the title role of the "Madwoman," an eccentric Parisian countess, the play is under the direction of Prof. Valentine Windt, also of the speech department. Determined to wipe out evil in the relatively short time of a single afternoon, the countess UAEME A - O ~S I, m