THE TAX SQUABBLE See Page 2 C, 4c Sia Latest Deadline in the State &tia tt Q S 'L* 4 0 0 0 FAIR, WARMER. VOL. LXIII, No. 5S Berliners Stage Planned March Renewed Diplomatic Activity Hints Reds May Call Four Power Confab BERLIN-()-Thousands of workers marched under Red banners, in East Berlin yesterday in a rigged demonstration of loyalty to the East German government. Soviet riflemen surrounding government headquarters on Wil- helmstrasse-target of the bloody June 17 revolt-guaranteed the demonstration would not backfire as did last week's. YESTERDAY'S PARADE, perhaps a prelude to lifting martial law, was matched by a flurry of diplomatic activity. This stirred specula- tion Russia was ready for a new move for a four-power settlement of ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 1953 FOUR PAGES Ia.- Germans To Frolic * * * , EXperts Call Berlin Riots Spontaneous By FRAN SHELDON The current East Berlin riot have been termed "spontaneous' and the "results of unfavorable local conditions" by two local po- litical experts. Agreement concerning the basi cause of the insurrection, how- ever, did not extend to the effec of United States propaganda in promoting the affair. IN THE OPINION of Prof. Pres- ton W. Slosson of the history de- partment these uprisings were o the type prophesied for dissatis fied Iron Curtain countries by John Foster Dulles during the recen presidential campaign. He called the riots "an index of public opinion" and said their chief value lay in the fact that they lent "proof to the world of the discontent of satel- lite people-even the working classes." "That the expression of discon- tent came from trade unions themselves and were not limited to the upper classes in indicative of this dissatisfaction," he said. "I THINK THAT % of the pop- ulation of most satellite countries is dissatisfied, but there is noth- ing the people can do. The civil- lian can seldom do anythtnig against the military," he pointed out. Prof. Slosson feels that "some people may have been influenced by our radio propaganda, but for the most part the riots have indicated a spontaneous begin- ning." Henry L. Bretton of the political science department feels that America and American propaganda had little to do with the riots. He called them "eet generated .by local conditions," and said that in them "the underground had come to the fore only to be chopped down again." BRETTON pointed out that for this reason they probably were not organized by any outside source because it would be foolhardy "to risk the execution of these under- ground leaders in a mere protest." The acceptance on the part of Communist leaders of part of the blame for the uprising he traced to "a new policy eminating from Moscow which had started even before the uprisings began." He said that "the Communists might make concessions," but these would be "planned conces- sions which are pure and unadul- terated propaganda." "They want to appear in the role of advocates of unity, and to this end they have had to make some changes in their industrial policy," he concluded. France Picks New Premier PARIS-(P)-Joseph Laniel, the eighth candidate for the job, was approved as the new Premier of France by the National Assembly Friday after 37 days of political crisis. A big hearty man from Norman- dy, the 63-year-old independent N right-of-center politician, immed- the German question. Soviet High Commissioner Vlad- mir Semyenov was reported to have received fresh instructions from Moscow. The three Allied high com- missioners left Bonn in special trains for a meeting in the French sector here Saturday- close enough for Semyenov to join them. An Allied aid said, "There's just a chance that there'll be a fourth " (Semyenov)" at the meeting. PRESIDENT Eisenhower, in a letter to West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, and acting c French Premier Rene Mayer join- ed British Prime Minister Sir t Winston Churchill Friday in pres- 1 suring the Russians to grant con- cessions to permit a- united Ger- many. President Eisenhower said the f June 17 revolt would be "felt throughout the Soviet satellite 1 empire" and expressed hope it might persuade Moscow to per- mit free elections in the east zone. Itnwas believed by many that the Russians would pull their troops out of the city within 48 hours if Premier Otto Grotewohl's government and the Socialist Unity (Communist) party showed enough control of Friday's dem- onstration by 3,000 workers. * * * THE GOVERNMENT gambled that its new sweeping reforms would win at least temporary obedience and support. It emptied its warehouses Fri- day of millions of dollars worth. of food, clothing and other sup- plies which it had been hoarding for an expansion of the army. A narchist? STERLING, Ill. - (M) - An 80 year old woman driver is spending five days in jail rath- er than pay a $10 traffic fine to the "crooked" state of Illi- nois. Justice of the Peace Gus Hansen said he ordered Miss Anna Pittman jailedsThursday after she told him she would pay "no damn fine" because the state and its justices of the peace are 'crooked." State Policeman Herbert Stealman told Hansen the woman ran a stop sign, drove down themiddle of State Route 88 near neighboring Rock Falls, and verbally abused the officer when he halted her. ACH DER LIEBER: Two local burgers get in the mood for the German Picnic, beginning at 6:30 p.m. today at German Park. Starting with a German meal, there will be folk singing, folk dancing and other Alpine pastimes. Public has been invited, K-F To Curtail Operations; Many Thousands Laid Off DETROIT-(P)-Operations at the big Kaiser MotorsWillow Run plant near here will slow down' sharply next week.j Sudden cancellation of its Air Force contract to build C-119 and C-123 cargo planes brought immediate layoffs to 5,600 workers, with notices to about 4,000 others that their employment would end be- tween now and mid-August. AT THE SAME TIME 2,200 automotive workers were laid off with the end of the final shift yesterday, as Kaiser carried out plans to move some of its automotive operations to Toledo. Ike Defense Plan Called Dictatorial WASHINGTON - (AP) - The House wrangled all day yesterday over President Eisenhower's plan to reorganize the Defense Depart- ment, then knocked off to resume talks this morning. Nub of the dispute was whether the plan opens the door for a dic- tatorial, "Prussian-type" general staff in this country. Critics al- leged that it does, while adminis- tration men hotly deny it. * * * LAST-MINUTE suggestions by foes of the proposal for a compro- mise of differences were rejected by House leaders. A roll-call vote is scheduled for today on a reso- lution to veto the plan. Rep. Hoffman (R-Mich.), a critic of the plan, told newsmen he had asked clearance for bills to knock out disputed sections, thereby avoiding yesterday's floor clash. He said he was turn- ed down. Approximately another hour of debate and a roll call remain to- day. GOP leaders look for approval of the plan. Hoffman asked the House to turn it down as "another step away from constitutional government." He described as "bad, bad" a section of the reorganization plan which would enlarge the powers of the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to direct military planning. Critics have called this a move for a Prussian-type general staff. As these moves were imple- mented Kaiser officials said that in liquidating the aircraft con- tract which they described as already 85 per cent completed, 11 of the C-119 planes will be completed at Willow Run along with the major sub-assemblies for perhaps 10 others. This, they said, will keep about 1,000 hourly-rated workers engaged until mid-August. At the same time 2,000 other salaried aircraft workers will re- main at Willow Run until com- pletion of the present unfinished planes on the line. The other 2,000 got one and two week no- tices of dismissal depending upon their seniority rating. Salaried employes with at least a year's employment are given two weeks' notice. AS THE NEARLY 8,000 workers were being laid off at Willow Run, Max M. Horton, director of Mich- igan's Employment Security Com- mission, said several thousand jobs were available in Michigan fac- tories. They will be offered to job- less Kaiser Motors employes at MESC branch offices next week, Horton said. A Kaiser spokesman said to- day that while the contract for C-119 and C-123 assemblies is being terminated the four ma- jor suppliers on the contract will continue producing parts for the full number of planes originally projected. The sup- plier firms are the Gibson Re- frigerator Co., at Greenville, Mich.; the Whirlpool Corp. at Laporte, Ind., Murray Corp., in Detroit, and Willys Motors at Toledo. Meanwhile, a Kaiser Motors Corporation vice president ack- nowledged that he gave the Se- curities and Exchange Commis- sion an unintentionally "false" answer in a 1948 inquiry into collapse of a 10 million dollar Kaiser stock issue. Teachers Meet AgainMonday Second meeting of the Confer- ence for Teachers of English will be held at 4 p.m. Monday in Audi- torium B, Angell Hall. Prof. Thelma McCandless, of the English department, Michigan State Normal College, and Ford L. Lemler, Director of the Univer- sity Audio-Visual Education Cen- ter will discuss "The Place of Vis- ual Aids in the English Class- room." Truman Hits President's MilitaryCuts Says Reduction Perils Security PHILADELPHIA-Former Pres- ident Harry S. Truman sharply at- tacked the Eisenhower administra- tion yesterday for reducing his military program. According to United Press re- ports he warned against "cutting corners on our national security" for the sake of lower taxes. IN HIS FIRST major speech since leaving office, Truman said there is no evidence the Commu- nist menace has lessened. "Those who talk about our de- fense program being too big may be letting their pocketbooks ob- scure their judgment," he said. He also assailed what he called the "reckless and isolationist wing" of the Republican party. HE SAID the Democrats saved President Eisenhower's foreign aid program in the House over the op- position of a majority of the Re- publican members. Truman showed grave concern with the Administration pro- posal to cut over five million dollars from what he had asked for the coming twelve months before leaving office. He said his Joint Chiefs of Staff had based the nation's defense goal on estimates of when Russia would have enough atom bombs to put this country "in the gravest kind of danger." He noted Gen. Hoyt S. Vanden- berg, retiring Air Force chief of staff, testified recently that noth- ing has happened to change those estimates. * 'I *. "NO DOCTRINE can be more dangerous than the notion that we cannot afford to defend ourselves," he declared. "Increasing the risk of World War III means increasing the risk of atom bombs on our own homes. Think about that hard, and think about it often," he said. New Garbage Disposal Sites Considered As a result of vigorous protest by residents of Ann Arbor's Sev- enth Ward, the University Botani- cal Gardens located there are no longer considered the only pos- sible site for a garbage disposal fill. George W. Sallade, City Coun- cil President announced yester- dayhthat a specially called pub- lic hearing on the proposed dis- posal site, scheduled for Monday night,. has .been .indefinitely postponed because new site of- fers have come into the picture. Earlier this week, a group of 20 citizens organized a committee to gather evidence against the advis- ability of using the Botanical Gar- dens for disposal because of its proximity to a large residential area and the odor factor involved. The effort of the citizens pro- test group reached a high pitch when petitions seeking to enlist the aid of as many as possible in the fight against the proposed sight received widespread atten- tion. Possible sites were studied along with research into legal as- pects of the case. Red Attack. Gains Over ROK Forces Fresh Battalions Hit Eastern Front SEOUL-(P)-Front-line reports said one, of three Chinese regi- ments broke through three main positions of the 3rd Republic of Korea Division due east of the Pukhan River early yesterday. Another Red force of more than two battalions hit and captured two more front-line positions a few miles to the east, front re- ports explained. SOUTH KOREANS were coun- ter-attacking in an attempt to re- gain the lost hills on the rugged front. The third attacking Chinese regiment scored big gains against the 3rd ROK Division at the junction of the Pukhan and Kumsong Rivers on the west shoulder of the Chinese push. Chinese were bringing up re- inforcements to keep up the at- tack, a front-line officer said. The 13,000-man Chinese Red push was stalled with heavy cas- ualties in the west yesterday and was thrown into reverse in the mountainous east by savage South Korean counter-attacks. * * , EIGHTH ARMY headquarters said fighting slackened late Thurs- day on the western front, where 10,000 Reds took 3,700 casualties in seizing three outposts west of Yonchon. They were beaten back from five other hills on this front 40 miles north of Seoul. Fighting still raged on a moonlit battlefield on the east- central front, where 3,000 Chi- nese were trying to strengthen a bulge two miles deep which they hammered out in the last week's big drive along the Pukhan River. A United States officer with the Republic of Korea Third Division said the Chinese seized three hills near the junction of the Pukhan and Kumsong River in the drive that kicked off Thursday night. Disputed Pair To Pick Faith HENDAYE, France-GP)-Gerald and Robert Finaly, Jewish war or- phans whose baptism and abduc- tion to Spain by Roman Catholics created a religious-political furor, were returned to France yesterday to live with a wealthy French Jew until they are old enough to choose their faith. Spanish authorities at San Se- bastian, Spain, handed the two lads over to a representative of Pi- erre Cardinal Gerlier, Catholic archbishop of Lyon and primate of all Gaul, who met them as they crossed the international bridge at this French-Spanish border town. SYNGMAN RHEE . 'Improved understanding' Ik e Attacks Censorship In ALA Talk LOS ANGELES - (R) - Presi- dent Eisenhower yesterday spoke out against "zealots who-with more wrath than wisdom-would try to defend freedom by deny- ing freedom's friends the oppor- tunity of studying communism." His statement was contained in a letter read to the 72nd annual conference of the American Li- brary Association, whose delegates received it with a tremendous ova- tion. Any who act as if freedom's defenses are to be found in sup- pression and suspicion and fear confess a doctrine that is alien to America," the President wrote. His letter was in reply to one written him by Robert B. Downs, president of the ALA. Downs wrote his letter after the Presi- dent's commencement address at Dartmouth College, June 14, in which Eisenhower warneduagainst "book burners" who would bar knowledge of communism from li- braries. Drought Areas To Get Aid By The Associated Press President Eisenhower yesterday declared drought stricken areas of Texas and Oklahoma to be "major disaster areas" and thus eligible for federal aid. ANY ALLOCAT16N of federal funds to aid cattlemen 'who have suffered as a result of the pro- longed dry spell will await a per- sonal survey of the situation by Secretary of Agriculture Benson, the White Houseksaid. * ** MEANWHILE yesterday the Ag- riculture Department yesterday extended benefits of a "distressed price support program on wheat to growers in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Missouri and Ohio. Rhee Reported Easing Demand for Pre-Truce Security Pact withU.S. *______ * Robertson Meets Rhee Last Night Early Reports Hint at Progress SEOUL - () - Sources close to Syngman Rhee said yesterday the rebellious South Korean pres- ident has withdrawn his demand for a security pact with the Unit- ed States in advance of any Ko- rean armistice. United Press reporters said Rhee was reported ready to accept a promise by President Eisenhower that he would seek quick Congres- sional ratification of a mutual aid treaty with South Korea after a truce. REPORTS Rhee had eased his terms followed the opening ofa "little truce conference" at Seoul. President Eisenhower's specia envoy was meeting Rhee last night for a second secret talk after each has voiced cautious optimism for solution of the Ko- rean truce crisis. After the first session Thursday, Assistant U.S. Secretary of State Walter W. Robertson said "we hope we are making progress in re- moving misunderstanding" in the U.S.-South Korea rift over Armis- tice terms. RHEE, stiff opponent of the truce agreement ready to be signed by United Nations and Commu- nist negotiators, said after the two hour and 45 minute meeting Thursday: "Mr. Robertson has brought good ideas and our mutual under- standing is being greatly im- proved." As the second meeting be- tween Robertson and Rhee con- vened, there still was no public announcement of the messages Robertson brought from Eisen- hower and Secretary of State John Foster Dulles. South Korean government of- ficials were interested, but refused comment, on a Washington report that Eisenhower told Senate lead- ers he was willing to send any man high in the U. S. government to meet with Rhee at some point outside Korea. World News Roundup By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-The Air Force says there are large numbers of Soviet four-engine B29 type long- range bombers in the Far East. Congress also has been informed of Air Force information that Rus- sia has a rapidly growing fleet of light jet bombers. * * * SAIGON, Indochina - Hard pressed by her seven-year war with Communist-led rebels,;France faced new troubles yesterday among her own restive Indochi- nese allies. SOUTH BEND, Ind. - A new contract calling for wage in- creases up to 20 cents an hour for 1,300 Studebaker Corp. em- ployes was announced yester- day by the company and the CIO United Auto Workers. * * * MACKINAC ISLAND - Post- master General Arthur E. Sum- merfield declared yesterday he would give the country better pos- tal service for $152,000,000 less a year than the amount Democrats had estimated would be needed. Slight Explosion Tito Marks Fifth Year Of Comm form Break By ELSIE KUFFLER On the fifth anniversary of the. Russo-Yugoslav split, Tito, his countrygandhis policies still re- main a deep enigma to the West. * * * AN EX-DAILY editor, Prof. Neal emphasized thedhistoryrof the Tito regime as a guide to un- derstanding later developments in the country. He pointed out that the Yugoslavian satellite as it was before 1948 was different from every other because it was Tito himself, as a Communist dic- tator with popular appeal who threw out the German armies. This was unlike other satellites such as Czechoslovakia which were beholden to the Russians for lib- eration from the Germans and which had not set up a Commun- ist government before the Rus- sians stepped in. slavs tried to explain the reasons for their wrong. Deciding that theirs was real- ly the true. following of Marxist and Leninist principles and that the Russians had perverted these principles, Yugoslavia ordered de- centralization of economic and po- litical powers. The economy has since become less controlled; in- stitutions have been created in which the workers have a say in running their own factories. According to Prof. Neal, an important development in the breakaway was the subsequent pivoting of Yugoslavia's foreign policy to the West. This had sev- eral consequences first of which is, that with increased American aid (about 400 million dollars) the Russians were able to strengthen their position with the satellite countries by hay- MACK SENNET COMEDIES: Gothic Film Society Series To Open * * * * Five Mack Sennet comedies will begin the Gothic Film Society's summer program at 8:30 p.m. Monday in Rackham Amphi- theater. ' The society has announced that memberships are now open for the Summer Session. Since only mem- bers and their guests are admitted to the Society's film programs and membership, priced at $2.50, is limited to the capacity of the Rackham Amphitheater, all per- sons interested in joining may Y { 1 r i