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August 11, 1953 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1953-08-11

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Latest Deadline in the State

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Keiinan Says
i s
Soviet Orbit
Will Revolt
Claims Russian
WASHINGTON - )-- George
Kennan, former U. S. ambassador
to Moscow, predicted yesterday
that revolution will break out
eventually "in the Soviet orbit"
and he pictured Russia'sdanger
to the outside world as probably
on the wane.
Kennan, one of the nation's
foremost authorities on Russia,
sounded a word of caution, how-
ever, against official, American
interference in Soviet internal
SUCH interference, he said,
might boomerang by stimulating
Communist unity.
Addressing a seminar on So-
viet imperialism, sponsored by
Baltimore's Johns Hopkins Uni-
versity, Kennan declared:
"Plainly, the edifice of Soviet
power is faced today with severe
strains and crisis.
* * *
"THIS CAN BE observed in its
internal structure which has come
to depend on the institution of. a
supreme and glorified leader but
contains no formal provision for
the method of his selection.
"It can also be observed in
the satellite empire where the
nature of Soviet power has been
thoroughly exposed, where its
devices have worn thin, where
it is harvesting the crop of hat-
red and rejection it sowed with
such reckless arrogance some
years ago in defiance of the
pleas and warnings of the West-
ern world."
Kennan said Soviet ideas no
longer have, a powerful attraction
in the Western world, and in Asia
there has been "a certain turn of
the tide of battle" toward the
forces of realism and common
AS FOR THE role of the West-
ern Allies, Kennan said the United
States and the United Nations
could only "stand aside" and
maintain "a readiness to be help-
ful to the extent that we can,
when and if the opportunity de-
Reds Wage
Radio Warfare

POWs Report
Claim Reds Return 'Progressives '
To Further Communist Doctrines
By The Associated Press
Returning American prisoners of war bitterly reported yesterday
that some of their fellow prisoners who fell for the Communist line
were being sent through in the prisoner exchange to try to spread
the Red doctrines in the United States.
A handful of others, completely overcome by the Red "brain-
washing" chose to remain in Communist territory, the angry free
men declared in interviews.
How many of these there were in either category was unknown.
THREE such POWsmayebe aboard the first planeload of liberated
prisoners of war flying home from Honolulu it was reported yester-
A partial news blackout and contradictory statements by mil-

itary spokesmen here indicated, a

Vote Given
Sit. Laurent
TORONTO - (P) - Louis St.
Laurent, 71 year old Canadian
Prime Minister, led his Liberal
party to a fifth term in election
The victory continued a string
of Liberal triumphs that began in
* * *
THE LIBERALS defeated the
Progressive Conservative party,
which campaigned with a promise
* * *

possible repeat performance of
a "mystery flight" in last spring's
sick and wounded prisoner ex-
change. Then a group of freed
captives suspected of having
swallowed Red indoctrination
was flown under wraps to hospi-
tals in the United States.

The first report from Tokyo said
17 disabled Americans left Hane-
da Airport last night, but no des-
tination or arrival time in the
United States was announced.
* *.*
THEN a military spokesman in
Honolulu who later attempted to
retract his words indicated more
freed prisoners might be aboard.
He had said that the plane's
manifest showed 21 passengers,
including 17 ex-POWs whose
names could be released and
three ex-POWs whose names
could not be released "due to
their mental condition."
Finally all military sources
agreed there were 21 prisoners,
none of whose names could be re-
Cpl. Leslie E. Scales, 22 years
old, of Folsomville, Ind., said he
knew of 30 pro-Reds who had been
sent back from his 306-man com-
pany at Camp 5, near Pyoktong.
THREE Iowans from the same
camp said the pro-Reds were
among the first sent south in the
current prisoner exchange.
"All the 'progressives' from our
camp have gone through now,"
said Cpl. Dale L. Reeder of Wau-
kon, Ia. "They were in the first
groups liberated."
"Progressive" is the name the
Communists gave to those they
were able to indoctrinate.
Sgts. Gordon Schmidtz of Le-
Mars, Ia., and Kenneth Darrow
of Charles City, Ia., agreed with
Reeder about the early freedom
for pro-Communists.
In contrast with the "progres-
sives" some prisoners resisted the
Red indoctrination and were
punished for it. Leonard Brewton
of Toledo, O., said he fought the
Chinese guards and was badly
beaten twice for refusing to attend
a lecture accusing America of
germ warfare.

Red Union
Calls French
Rail Strike
Follows Crippling
General Walkout
PARIS--()-More than half of
France's rail workers were order-
ed last night to strike at'once for
higher wages and to protest gov-
ernment economy decrees.
The new strike call came less
than 24 hours after harried France
began to emerge from a paralyzing
general walkout.
* * *
IT WAS ordered to support
striking postal, telegraph and tele-
phone workers.
The strike call was issued by
the Communist-led National
Federation of Railwaymen and
was set to last "until further
The union urged its membership
to make the strike general among
France's 440,000 rail workers
through persuasion and argument.
The Communist-led union controls
only 270,000 of the workers direct-
* * *
ALL THE three big union fed-
erations-Socialist, Catholic, and
Communist-dominated-met dur-
ing the day to study the texts of
new decrees published by the gov-
The decrees were prepared by
the Cabinet as a first step in
straightening out the nation's
jumbled financial and economic
All sectors-labor, employers,
farmers, government workers-
were touched by the new meas-
ures, but it was labor that was
reacting most violently-particu-
larly against the proposals to boost
the retirement age of some work-
ers in government-owned indus-
The six-day strike of post of-
fice workers still had delivery of
mail, long distance telephone calls
and telegrams almost completely
AF Rescues
Desert Air
Crash Victims
WEISBADEN, Germany-()-
All 24 men aboard a U. S, Air
Force Flying Boxcar were safe
last night after parachuting from
the big transport plane over the
Libyan desert late Saturday.
U. S. Air Force European Head-
quarters said the men, none of
whom was seriously injured, were
taken by helicopter and ground
rescue teams to a U. S. Air Force
hospital at Wheelus Field, about
60 miles from where the plane
plummeted to the ground.
The aircraft was on a flight
from Udine, Italy, to Wheelus
Field when it apparently missed
its destination and developed
trouble. The six crew members
and 18 passengers were forced to
parachute to the desert below.
Wheelus Field's own commander,
Col. Royal Anthis, spotted the
wreckage on the desert while mak-
ing a search sweep. Helicopters
were sent out and a ground party
got underway from Wheelus.
Rescuers found 21 men near the
wreckage, and reached the re-
maining three later.
Reports here said injuries were

confined to bruises, scratches anid
sprains suffered in the jump.
The Air Force did not identify
the men.

Says ROK Army

S. Koreans
'Will Utilize
Truce Period
No Peace Unless
Reds Withdraw
SEOUL- ()-The South Korean
Army will use the armistice period
to train "physically and mentally
for an offensive whenever neces-
sary," President Syngman Rhee
said yesterday.
In a statement to his country-
men, the Republic of Korea leader
said "it has been our unchanging
policy from the very beginning
that we will not accept either a
peace or a truce unless the Chi-
nese aggressors withdraw from our
THIS POLICY remains un-
changed, he said, "although after
the recent talks between Korea
and the United States the achieve-
ment of the objective has been
postponed for a few months."
Rhee was a stubborn objector
to the truce finally signed which
left his country divided and Chi-
nese Red soldiers in North Ko-
rea. At United States and Unit-
ed Nations insistence, he agreed
not to obstruct a truce, although
his government did not sign the1
armistice document.
The fiery old statesman said
that if the postwar political con-'
ference fails to unify Korea in 90t
days "the 16 United Nations in-
cluding the United States, will
join us in an effort to achieve our
unification by other means." t
* * *
IT WAS announced Friday at
UN headquarters in New York
that the 16 nations with troops
in Korea had agreed to take up
arms again if Red forces break
the truce and attack South Korea
again. There Was no mention oft
renewing the war to unite Korea,(
or of a time limit on the politicalA
Rhee acknowledged that
"there is no definite commit-
ment that they will resume war-
fare, but they certainly recog-
nized our right to pursue our
objective by our own means, and
in such a case, we firmly believet
we will have the more effective
aid from the United Nations
He said the policy of waiting for
the armistice conference "is doubt-
less preferable to further contin-
uation of war by ourselves."
Japs Seize Soviet
Boat; Capture Spy
TOKYO-(RP)-A Russian motor
boat seized 1% miles off the north-
ern tip of Hokkaido Island Sun-
day was en route to a rendezvous1
with a Soviet agent who had beent
arrested in Japan earlier this
month, the newspaper Asahi said
Japanese maritime safety offi-
cers trapped the vessel by flash-t
ing a light toward the sea, justt
as the admitted spy had been in-1
structed to do.





POW CAMP WAS NEVER LIKE THIS-Repatriated prisoners of
war enjoy a noonday meal in the mess hall at the Inchon process-
ing center while a GI orchestra supplies the music.
* * * *
Red Radio Cites 1,050
Allied Prisoner Deaths
By The Associated Press
The Communist Peiping radio said yesterday 1,050 non-Korean
prisoners have died in Red captivity.
The Red broadcast account, monitored in Tokyo by The Asso-
ciated Press, was far short of the 8,705 Americans listed by the U.S.

On Food Aid
BERLIN-(P)-The Communists
waged unceasing war on American
food relief yesterday with radio
blackouts, arrests, confiscations,
and scare-propaganda in East
The 300,000-watt main transmit-
ter of RIAS, the U. S. State De-
partment station in Berlin, was
under constant jamming by a Rus-
sian network.
* * *
RIAS OFFICIALS said whole in-
dustrial areas in Saxony were
blockedl off from listening to Amer-
ican-controlled German broad-
casts. and described the situation
as "serious."
The radio counter-attack by
Russians and their East Ger-
man puppet government ob-
viously was prompted by fear
that the slowdowns now crip-
pling production in strategic
industries might flare into a
new anti-Red revolt. RIAS
broadcasts were an importantJ
source of information for lead-
ers of the June 17 uprising.
Communist newspapers in Thur-
ingia, Saxony-Anhalt yesterday
printed the names of new infan-
tile paralysis 'dead and noted they
had "received food from West Ber-
lin or West Germany" immediate-
ly prior to their illness.
the deaths with a report by Dr.
Erwin Grahneis, public health of-
ficer of Halle, who warned that "a
leading factor in the spread of
poliomyelitis is the consumption
of food which has been exposed
to flies."
The newspapers did not mention
snecifically American relief nak-

of tax reduction and a charge of
extravagance by the federal gov-
The Liberal party campaigned
on its record, contending it was
keeping taxes down as much as
possible in view of defense needs
and its accomplishment in reduc-
ing the public debt since World
War IL.

Defense Department last Wednes-
day as missing in Korea.
* * *
Command simultaneously reported
8,440 Communist captives had died
in.Allied stockades.
Returning American POWs
have told of fellow prisoners by
the thousands dying of torture,
cold and hunger in North Korean
prison camps.
Meanwhile, Americans freed
from long months and years of
Communist captivity were home-
ward bound yesterday while the
Michigan POWs released in
yesterday's exchange include
Sgt. Howard Tates, Detroit; Cpl.
Lahman L. Bower, Jr., Berkley;
Cpl. Clyde A. Keck, Sparta; and
Pfc. Clarence Harris, Detroit.
traffic down Freedom Road moved
again in the seventh day of pris-
oner exchange.
ONE HUNDRED Americans and
300 other Allied prisoners were in
yesterday's liberation quota. The
exchange began promptly at 7
p.m. yesterday. The' first Ameri-
can arrivals appeared healthy.
The Communists had said
there would be no sick and
wounded prisoners in yester-
day's group. There were no am-
bulances in the first contingent
passing through Panmunjom.
The Americans jumped from the
high tailgates of the Russian-built
trucks and responded to roll call
alertly: "Yes sir." But some were
choked with emotion as they
reached freedom.
The Communists said yesterday
they would return 350 captives in
today's exchange, including 50
Americans, 25 British, 25 Turks
and 250 South Koreans.

Katherine Anne Porter
Appointed ''Lecturer
Katherine Anne Porter, short story writer, has been appointed
visiting lecturer in the English department for the year 1953-54, it
was learned yesterday.
In announcing the appointment, President Harlan Hatcher said
she would teach a course in creative writing and a course in con-
temporary poetry or criticism.
* * * *
INCLUDED IN HER list of short stories published in book form

Senator Says
Atomic. Data
Open to Reds
WASHINGTON -- () - Sen.
McCarthy (R-Wis.) said last night
new evidence has come to light in-
dicating that a member of the
Communist party now has access
to secret data of the Atomic En-
ergy Commission, the military and
the Central Intelligence Agency.
McCarthy made the statement
to newsmen after questioning four
witnesses for two hours at a closed-
door session of his Senate investi-
gations subcommittee. He refused
to name the witnesses.
SEN. DIRKSEN (R-Ill.), who
attended the hearing, said the
subcommittee had run across "the
beginning of a trail" which might
lead to sensational disclosures.
"It very definitely involves
the national security," Dirksen
said, "if the facts are as they
were developed today."
A reporter asked Dirksen:
"Does this involve Communists
presently in the government?"
Dirksen: "Yes, if. the case is
* * *
McCARTHY and Dirksen de-
clined to say where the alleged
Communist with access to atomic
data works in the government-
whether in the Defense Depart-
ment, the AEC, the CIA, or in some
other agency.
McCarthy also refused to give
any further details on the new
evidence he said the witnesses
had given.
"We'd rather not go into that,"
he said.
The Wisconsin senator said yes-
terday's inqgiry stemmed from a
lead furnished the subcommittee
during its recent investigation of
the U.S. overseas information pro-
YD Post Given
To Carstenson
Blue Carstenson, Grad., former
president of campus Young Demo-
crats, was appointed co-director
of the college division of National

Dulles Form
POW_ Plans
Would Retaliate
If Reds Withhold
DENVER-(')-President Eisen-
bower and Secretary of State
Dulles yesterday discussed plans
for American retaliatory steps
against the Communists in Korea
if they refuse to release all U. S.
prisoners of war.
Dulles told reporters at the
President's vacation headquarters
in Denver that the United States
"presumably would adopt recipro-
cal measures" if the Reds with-
hold American prisoners in viola-
tion of the armistice terms.
« « «
ASKED WHETHER "reciprocal
measures" meant that Communist
prisoners would be withheld in
turn under such circumstances,
Dulles replied:
"That would seem to be a nor-
mal procedure."
Dulles arrived here early yes-
terday after an overnight non-
stop flight from Honolulu on
the way from South Korea
where he negotiated and Initial-
ed a mutual security pact with
President Syngman Rhee of
South Korea.
The Cabinet officer was accom-
panied by Ambassador Henry Ca-
bot Lodge Jr., of the U. S. mis.
sion to the United Nations, and
two assistant secretaries of state-
Walter S. Robertson and Carl Mc-
Cardle. Lodge and Robertson sat
in with Dulles at yesterday's con-
ference with Eisenhower.
* * *
AFTER THE 70-minute session
in Eisenhower's summer White
House office in the Lowry Air
Force Base Administration Build-
ing, Dulles repeated that he had
received from Rhee "unqualified
and categoric assurance" that
South Korea won't upset the
The secretary also said he ha
informed Japanese Prime Mi-
ister Yoshida in Tokyo that the
United States feels Japan must
assume "a larger responsibility"
for defense of its home Islands.
"We don't expect Japan to as-
sume responsibilities for areas.
other than Japan," Dulles said.
"But Japan Is not doing all we
could hope for its own security."
* * *
THE SECRETARY said in reply
to a question that he had discussed
with Eisenhower the possibility of
retaliatory steps against the Chi-
nese Communists and North Ko-
reans if they withhold American
prisoners of war.
Gen. Mark Clark, supreme
commander of United Nations
forces in the Far East estimated
last Thursday that the Reds hold
from 2,000 to 3,000 more Ameri-
can prisoners than the figure
3,313 they have agreed to re-

The Cabinet officer said this
government is greatly concerned
over "the risk that some of our
prisoners of war may be withheld
and not exchanged" by the Com-
Bonn Elections
To Be Viewed
By 'Experts
A group of University political
scientists will fly to Germany to
conduct a field survey of the'ap-
proaching German parliamentary
elections scheduled to be held Sep-
tember 6.
Prof. Frank Grace, Prof. Dahiel
S. McHargue and Henry L.-Bret-
ton all of the political science de-
partment will join department
chairman Prof. James K. Pollock

are "Pale Horse, Pale Rider,"
"Noon Wine," "Hacienda," "Flow-
ering Judas," "Preface to Fiesta
in November" and "The Leaning
Tower." Sh'e also translated "The
Itching Parrot" from the Spanish.
In addition, she has contribut-
ed book reviews and short stories
to magazines and has compiled
and translated a book of French
Miss Porter holds an honorary
Doctor of Literature degree-from
the Women's college of the Un-
versity of North Carolina.
. In 1950, she received the Texas
Institute of Literature's annual
prize for literary work. Ten years
earlier, she received the first an-
nual gold medal for literature of
the Society for Libraries of New



, alue of Popular Arts Discussed by U' Panel'


"Popular art is art put through a sieve and diluted to be fed to
the public in large doses," Paul Ziff of the philosophy department
declared yesterday.
In a four-member panel discussion appraising the "Popular Arts
in America," Ziff explained "the difference between art and popular
art is like the difference between a complicated form of chess and
a simplified checker game."
* * * *
ACCORDING TO ZIFF, popular art is designed and intended for
huge masses of people. "Finnegan's Wake" could never be classified
as popular art, Ziff said, for it has the wrong'structure.
Popular art makes little or no demands upon its audience, he
said, like soap operas or popular music. "But Dixieland jazz is

self-consciously created art, the professor explained. "Art is the{
by-product of the popular arts," he said.
Contrary to the objection that popular arts are behind the times,
Prof. Gowans pointed out, "Comics pioneered in the field of visual
motion, thus educating and preparing the people for mobiles."
* * * *
PROF. NORMAN NELSON of the English department warned
of dangers concerning a culture split between "highbrows and low-
brows." He said that universities were the natural meeting ground
where highbrows can, be explained to lowbrows.
According to Prof. Nelson, "Esthetic soviets of artists, com-
posers and writers form a cult among themselves and create for
their peers, developing a danger of a producers' monopoly."
Years ago, the patron told the artist what he wanted, now the
artist "feels he can't take his place unless he acts as a high priest in-

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