PAGE TIWO T HE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, AUGUST E, 1943 mos"t More Opera MATTER OF FACT: Sir Winston "Think That Does It?" DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ) I NOW THAT the School of Music and Speech Department are enjoying an- other highly successful run with this week's fine production of Offenbach's "Tales of Hoffmann," it is fitting to discuss what local operatic productions have done for the cam- pus, and what could be done to enliven the future. Both Josef Blatt and Valentine Windt, re- spectively our very capable music and stage directors, have sought to present operas in a way that would be appealing to an Ameri- can audience, in other words to remove the ancient barriers that kept Americans away from opera houses. These barriers are generally three in number: Language, Staging, Musical En- semble. Why should Americans be sub- jected to opera in a language they can- not understand? Why should they have to watch grotesque prima donnas whose unmotivated meanderings are placed against flimsy, undecorous sets? Why should good voices be accompanied by or- chestras who can't play and choruses who can't sing? Obviously Americans should not be faced with these barriers. And today they are not. The trend of the past few years has brought new life to opera, and now that we are hav- ing decent productions, opera is turning out to be a very marketable commodity. The public not only wants it but buys it. The music school-speech department pro- ductions have proven this point as much as anything by the Metropolitan, only on a smaller scale. Those in charge of our pro- ductions have done an extremely commend- able job. But now it is time to ask further questions. r Should operatic productions stick to the popular standard repertory?. Should it succumb to the same disease that has paralyzed the concert hall so destructively, namely that the public has been so con- CIIN Architecture Auditorium THE MALTESE FALCON with Humphrey Bogart, Sidney Gre'enstreet, Peter Lorre and Mary Astor "THE MALTESE FALCON" is a great movie. Its mystery centers around char- acter, not plot. It has a great deal of plot and just that much more character. The detective-hero, Sam Spade, is a hero. Unlike many of his popular colleagues, he is neither sadistic nor uncourageous, and he steers clear of psychological jargon. Sam has both emotion and intellect and thus, he begins to resemble our idea of the complete man, for he thinks and feels-simultaneously. A complete man by definition, and by consequence of his fusion of emotion and intellect, adheres to moral values, and in this society, recreates them. But morality now, and in the society this movie presents, is chaotic. As a result, Sam's morality cannot be communicated. It goes unseen. Thus, the most important thing about Sam Is Invisible. He is an invisible whole man. Or, to reverse the viewpoint, his moral actions take place in something like a vacuum-the Medieval world of order and degree which was over- thrown by the Rennissance. Sam's nobility is buried in history. Under the circumstances, he becomes a superman. The most percep- tive of all the other criminals, metaphysi- cally dubbed "the fat man," can explain Sam only as a "card," can see his actions only as unpredictable. Sam's motives are not fat: to repeat, in this society they are 4nvisible. Only. the criminals in this movie can offer him companionship and challenge. In their quest for th-e Maltese falcon, all but Sam adhere to a code of brutal prag- matism, and Sam, since he is invisible, also appears to. Yet, the criminals possess a fusion of emotion and intelligence. If 1t were of the same high quality as Sam's, they also would be supermen. They can- not participate within a society which has experienced the Renaissance and whose moral chaos since Industrialism is jet- propelled. This society's members, exem- plified by police and by $10,000 beneficiary widows, are all variations on a machine. They neither think nor feel; police swing at jaws and widows flirt. In such a society, no one but the police themselves are so anxious for a scapegoat that they would atcuse Sam if it were not for the obstructions of legal proceedure. And legality aside, their accusation could be justified. Sam is more of a threat to their system than the criminals. Sam cares who done it-to the visible extent that he knows he won't be pinched if he can produce a murderer. He cares who done it to the in- visible extent, morally, as one who has a nostalgic compulsion for order in an order- less society. The police are not interested in order, but the facade of order-conventions, expediency, and just plain private bourgeoise "getting-on." Sam the superman is a threat. He is, in fact, the revolutionary who is come full swing, approximately 900 years too late. Thus, we see his humanity only in his rela- tionship with his secretary, which is essen- tially a feudal relationship. ditioned by powerful entrepreneurs that it can only accept the standard and com- mercial, thus killing freshness and vitality in art? Or should this new audience, just being initiated into the delights of opera, be given the entire operatic literature, to see the old masterpieces as well as new ones hot off the fire? Here we must give a positive, emphatic, yes. The public must have the opportunity of hearing Gluck along with Gounod, Mon- teverdi with Puccini, Purcell with Offenbach, Stravinsky with Bizet, Hindemith with Wag- ner. A University theater should insure artistic equality by presenting the operas of the 16th, 17th, 18th, and 20th centuries as well as the 19th century. Presenting only Car- men is as contemptible as an art gallery exhibiting only Whistler, By enlarging their repertory to include operas from all periods, which hereto- fore has not been done in Ann Arbor, the School of Music and Speech Department could do the community a service many times greater than the Met, who probably would not have taken a chance on Mozart if his name had not been sculptored on the opera house's ceiling in full view of the diamond-studded boxes. Any art form must be continually created or else die, and likewise once a work has been created it must not be left to die. Creation of art is the only real proof that the world is conscious of it, for only man's desire to create produces our interest in it in the first place. Opera cannot become stagnant by lying dormant in one period. Let's have some contemporary and renais- sance operas to prove that Lydia Mendels- sohn is not prejudiced and narrow-minded. The magnificant work already done for opera in Ann Arbor should be continued con- structively. -Donald Harris human of them, the gunman (who deserves to be known only by the machine with which he functions), though again the criminals' choice is not based on imoral values, degree of humanity, but pragmatism on its shal- lowest survival level. Sam himself has singled out the gunman, giving the criminals little or no choice. At this moment, the camera switches to the gunman's point of view. For the camera to do this was human and compli- cated and moral. Perhaps it is by such methods that we perceive Sam's invisible morality. The gunman would have satisfied the police. Yet, in the end Sam turns them all in, although he has no respect for the po- lice and their facades of order. He admires the criminals, for their spirit and intellect. He actually loves one of them. But Sam does not give up his lover in the interests of the Hollywood censor. He gives her and the other criminals to the police- because he cannot live with them. He can neither trust them nor control them. He can at least predict the machina- tions of society. In this society, Sam is forced to sacrifice his love and loyalty to Pragma- tism. In the form of a detective story, Dashiel Hammett has managed to relate the fall of the complete man. He has managed this through symbols. The central one, the Mal- tese falcon, is a symbol for moral order. The Knight Templars made it for the Emperor Charles in order to show him their respect and loyalty. Charles never received it, how- ever, because the Renaissance, in the form of the Tudor buccaneers, reached it first. All the characters who possess both emotion and intellect know enough to look for it. With the falcon, Sam would not have needed to sacrif ice love and loyalty. His morality, essentially feudal, is based on a reciprocal code of respect and loyal- ty. But Sam's only vassal is his secretary, and his quest to extend the order of his office to larger relationships is, as he said, "the stuff that dreams are made of." Sam wanted a share in the falcon, but dreams are no longer real and the falcon, like reality in America, is hard, heavy and enamel. Sam gives up his emotion and be- comes the split man. As his sole survival demonstrates, he becomes the most com- petent practitioner of the brutal .pragma- tism. The suspense of "The Maltese Falcon" is involved in the revelation of these charact- ers, not in the unraveling of the plot. This review does not "give the movie away." The suspense is there and it is exciting. The act- ing is superb, and the music is more than background. It functions as a Greek chorus, commenting on the tragedy. -Donald and Eleanor Hope IF MY THEORY of relativity is proven suc- cessful, Germany will claim me as a Ger- man and France will declare that I am a cit- izen of the world. Should my theory prove untrue, France will say that I am a German and Germany will declare that I am a Jew. -Albert Einstein WE ARE the hollow men S Illness By STEWART ALSOP LONDON-Those in the best positions to judge do not believe that Sir Winston Churchill will ever again be able to assume the active, day-to-day leadership of his country. There has been much speculation about Churchill's illness, ranging from re- ports that it was wholly "diplomatic," to cir- cumstantial accounts of total paralysis. The facts are these. In the last week of June Churchill suffer- ed a stroke, caused by a partially blocked artery which resulted in an interference of the blood supply to the brain. The stroke was relatively mild; there was little loss of movement and the marvellous Churchillian intellect was left unimpaired. Even so, be- cause of Churchill's age, the doctors took an extremely serious view of what had hap- pened, and believed, at best, that Churchill would be a semi-invalid confined to a wheel chair for a long time. They were reckoning, however, with- out Sir Winston Churchill. He immediately demanded what all doctors hate to give-- a clear and simple explanation of what was wrong. He then proceeded to prescribe for himself an unconventional course of treat- ment, designed to restore his circulation. To the astonishment of the doctors, he was able very soon to leave his wheel chair. He now walks about, although for brief periods and with some difficulty. In short, he has made a near-miraculous recovery. But the facts remain. ~'~jt# C i ' *' P i - xs, Vic,. t " ---.. S k I . . t ,d-s aa ,c.acr" q q ,r .,yF w.,,py , ,w, par .w ; ON THE WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND WITH DREW PEARSON ** * * CHURCHILL is nearing eighty. A man of that age who has had one stroke is al- ways in danger of another, especially when subjected to physical and nervous strain. The strain of the British premiership is sec- ond only to that of the American presidency. This is why those close to the situation doubt whether Churchill, however magnificent his courage and tough his constitution, can con- tinue much longer as Prime Minister. The decsion of course rests with Church- ill-and he has apparently not confided his intentions even to his intimates. He has made clear his determination, however, that Foreign Minister Anthony Eden should be his successor. Despite much spec- ulation that Chancellor of the Exchequer R. A. Butler (whose star has been rising steadily) may succeed Churchill, there is not much doubt that Churchill will have his way. In England, suchrmatters are decidedly by a small inner circle of leaders. In this case, the inner circle consists of Churchill, Lord Salisbury, Eden and Butler. All four- notably including Butler himself-are agreed on Eden as Churchill's successor. But the situation is complicated by the fact Eden too has been seriously ill, and is not yet fully recovered. Eden is expected to be entirely well by September or early October. If Churchill were to resign before this time, however, Eden could hardly take over. This is why there is a strong belief in knowledgeable quarters that Churchill has already decided to step out, and that he is merely "keeping the seat warm for Anthony." AGAINST THIS seat-warming theory should be placed the undoubted fact that Churchill has a profound desire to play a decisive peace-making role, as the last great act of a great life. This desire may cause Churchill to stay on as Prime Minister for some time long- er, although he will certainly hand over to Eden the day-to-day business of the government, Churchill's motivations for his famous May 11th speech, calling for a four-power meeting at the highest level, were, of course, mixed. They were certainly in part politi- cal; Churchill unquestionably had his eye on an important by-election then impend- ing. They were also in part personal; Churchill was deeply angered by the So- cialists' war-mongering charge in the last elections. But his basic motivation rose above the political or the personal. According to those who have discussed his proposal with him, Churchill reasons that Stalin's death marked a great world change, and that it would be folly rigidly to adhere to past policy until an effort was made to find out what this change might mean. He reasons further that the West will strongly resist making further sacrifices to organize its defenses, unless it is first demonstrated that an agreed settlement is not a possible alternative. On this last point, at least, every day that passes seems to confirm the old man's prescience. The notion that Churchill wants to ap- pease the Russians enrages him almost as much as the Socialists' war-mongering charge. "Surely they do not think," Churchill remarked to a recent visitor, "that I would sell the pass." At any rate, however "irresponsible" Churchill's pro- posal may have seemed in Washington, it should be very well understood there that his May 11 speech struck an extraordin- arily responsive chord in England and throughout Europe. Partly for this reason, Churchill's politi- WASHINGTON-The last public function Senator Taft attended was the public-housing conference on May 12. With him at the meeting was Sen. Tom Hennings of Missouri, Democrat. This was two weeks before doctors told him on May 26 that he had cancer. Taft looked all in. "I shouldn't have come here," he told Hennings. "I seem to be tired all the time. The doctor says I have some kind of anemia. I, wouldn't have come at all except that I accepted the invitation a long, time ago and I didn't want to let these people down. After all, public housing is one of my babies." But while Taft lay on his deathbed two months later, his Re- publican colleagues, led by the man who succeeded him-Know- land of California-did some weird hatchet-work on his housing baby. Seizing a moment when other slum-clearance senators were ab- sent in New Hampshire attending the funeral of another great Re- publican, Charles Tobey, the Senate passed by voice vote a bill which drastically reduces the public-housing program Taft helped to pioneer; also permits cities which have already started housing pro- grams to back out of them; and finally gives a special bonanza to Los Angeles. The latter is the most amazing of all. For the bill contains a special rider permitting Los Angeles to get reimbursed at the na- tional taxpayers' expense for about $10,000,000 worth of architects' fees, land, other housing plans which the real-estate lobby has now tossed out. In brief, the taxpayers of Boston and Pensacola, Seattle and Louisville, plus all the other cities, will now pay for the discarded housing plans of Los Angeles. CITY OF THE ANGELES THE "CITY OF THE ANGELS" had started to clear out Mexican and Negro slums, prepared to build public-housing projects un- der the Taft housing act. Then the real-estate lobby got busy. After a terrific campaign in which all kinds of money was spent to defeat Mayor Fletcher Bowron, Republican, the real-estate lobby elected Congressman Norris Poulson, Republican, as new Mayor of the city of the Angels. Then Poulson came back to Washington, persuaded his two fel- low Californians, Senator Knowland and Congressman John Phillips, to tack a special rider on the independent office appropriation bill giving Los Angeles a special bonanza which may run up to $10,000,000. Los Angeles is the only city in the U.S.A. so favored by Sen- ator Knowland and Congressman Phillips. But when other cities hear of this, the line is bound to form on the right to stage simi- lar raids on the alleged economy-minded congress. Amazing fact is that Eisenhower's own housing chief, ex-congress- man Albert Cole of Kansas, gave his OK to this special legislation benefiting Los Angeles, as well as to the general drastic scaling down of the Taft housing program. NOTE-How devoted Taft was to the cause of public housing is illustrated by a hitherto unpublished event in July of 1948. The Re- publican Convention was meeting in Philadelphia. Taft was running for the presidential nomination.- The convention was waiting for him to get to Philadelphia. Nevertheless he delayed his departure until he could go over to the House of Representatives, buttonhole GOP leaders Martin and Halleck and tell them they must push public housing. , * * * HUEY LONG'S BROTHER THE FIRST SESSION of the greatest show on earth-the 83rd con- gress-was wearily grinding to a close. Tempers-were frayed, con- gressmen exhausted. Plane and Pullman reservations were waiting. Concurrent senate resolution 41 was before the House of Repre- sentatives. It suspended the deportation of 960 aliens from the U.S.A. Some were married to Americans, some had husbands fighting in Korea, all had been in the United States seven years, all had been investigated by the FBI. Republican leader Charlie Halleck of Indiana asked that it be passed in a hurry. The bill had passed the Senate, been OK'd by all appropriate committees. Halleck asked for unanimous consent. But Overton Brooks of Louisiana objected - on the ground that certain aliens who deserved no special treatment had been indluded among those who did. The debate which GOP leader Halleck sought to avoid was now on. Striding down the aisle came the brother of the late Huey Long. A dentist by profession, Dr. George Long had seen one brother, Huey, become a U.S. Senator, another brother, Earl, become governor, and a nephew, Russell, become a Senator. Finally, at the age of 70, he himself was elected to the House. A big man with a shock of gray hair to match, the freshman con- gressman from Louisiana strode up to the microphone in the speaker's well. He wore a dazzling white suit, and his language dazzled the House-stenographer with its sizzling, unintelligible eloquence. Waving his arms, tossing his hair, he struck out against the tactics of the Republican leadership. Those who knew his late brother, the Kingfish, recognized the oratory. But no one, not even the reporter, could quite tell what he was saying, except for one point. He was against the bill. As dentist Long turned to leave the microphone, a little man. The Daily Official Bulletin I an1 efficial publication of the Universityi of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construe- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 510 Administration Building before f p.m. the day preceeding publication (be- fore 11 a.m. on Saturday).1 SATURDAY, AUGUST S, 1953 1 VOL. LXII, No. 35-S Notices . students having Library books: 1. Students having in their posses- sion books borrowed from the General Library or its branches are notified1 that such books are due Wednesday,1 August 12.1 2. Students having special need for certain books between August 12 andE August 14may retain such books for that period by renewing them at the Charging Desk.1 3. The names of al students who have not cleared their records at the Library by Friday. August 14 will be1 sent to the Cashier's Office and their credits and grades will be withheld until such time as said records are cleared In compliance with the regulations of the Regents. Scholarship offer for study at the Free University of Berlin, Germany during the academic year 1953-54. Covers tu- tion, room and DM 170 per marks, plus round trip air transportation between West Germany and Berlin. Open until August 16. Application should be made to the office of the Secretary of the De-, partment of Political Science, Univer- sity of Michigan. For study in any field within the social sciences. Ade- quate knowledge of German required. Applicant must be unmarried and not older than 26, either sex, must have satisfactory academic record at college level. Personal interview to be held, with each applicant. Recommendations for Departmental Honors: Teaching departments wishing to recommend tentative August gradu- ates from the College of Literature, Si- ence, and the Arts, and the School of Education for departmental honors should recommend such students in a letter to be sent to the Registrar's Of- fice, Room 1513 Administration Build- ing before August 20. The informal Spanish conversation meetings which are held every Tuesday and Thursday in the North Wing of; the Michigan Union Cafeteria will now take place at 3:00 p.m. instead of 2:00 p.m. Attention August Graduates: CollegeE of Literature, Science, and the Arts, School of Education School of Music,I School of Public Health: Students are advised not to request7 grades of I or X in August. When such grades are absolutely imperative, the work must be made up in time to allow your instructor to report the make-up1 grade no later than 11 a.m., August 20.1 Grades received after that time may de- Xe tteto4 TO THE EDITOR Bias Charged .. To the Editor: A NEIGHBOR, a middle-aged lady, called at our house the other day to ask if we had apart- ments for rent. When I explained that we did but that none was vacant,' she came quickly to her point. "You have rented to colored people, haven't you?" she said, and I admitted it with firm politeness. She broke off quickly, saying she would tell the Real Estate Board about it, and they would put a stop to what we'd done. If the matter had rested there it would have been properly dis- missed as the aberrant reaction of a somewhat troubled person, fund- amentally harmless. But thses are times when such careless sparks catch fire. The next day we got an "official" phone call. The wife of a student received it, and re- ported she was asked by her name- less interlocutor, "what kind of people live in your house?" More recently, a young man, described only as "short" and again name- less, has appeared here represent- ing himself as of some city build- ing department. He said that there is a building code violation in this structure, though it has not been altered in many years. It happen- ed that the "violation" concerned the very apartment occupied by the colored couple. It also so hap- pened that a colored girl, a Uni- versity employe and the wife of a student, came in while the "in- spector" was conducting his inter- view. He was immediately interest- ed in another kind of information. "Do you live here?" he demanded, without formality. Naturally, it is regrettable that we and others in this predicament must turn to publicity and must be rescued piecemeal from the opera- tion of forces that can easily thwart academic careers. It would seem to me that the temper of these times calls for some realistic action on the part of the Univer- sity. As things now stand, sparks strewn by such irresponsibles as live in every block, can cause local explosions. And careers will be the casualties. fer the student's graduation until a la- ter date. "Law School Admission Test: Candi- dates taking the Law School Admission Test on August 8, are requested to re- port to Room 100, Hutchins Hall at 8:45 a.m., Saturday. The session will 'last until 1:00 p.m." Personal Requests Libbey-Owens-Ford Glass Co, Pias- kon Division, Toledo, Ohio, has released a listing of current technical and sales openings. Men graduates with degrees in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or Forestry are eligible to apply., The Kimberly-clark Corp. is looking for a graduate to fill the position of Male Personnel Understudy in Mem- phis, Tenn. Graduates in the field of Personnel, such as Industrial Relations, Industrial Management, Personnel Man- agement. Economics, Public Speaking, Sociology, and Psychology, may apply. For additional- information about these and other openings, contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin- istration Bldg., Ext. 371. Lectures MONDAY, AUGUST 10 Lecture. Institute for Mathematics Teachers: "Mathematics in the Machine Shop," R. A. Roggenbuck, Ford Motor Co., 11:00 a.m., Room 130 Business Ad- ministration Bldg. Popular Arts in America. Appraisal of the program "The Popular Arts in America"- a panel. Morris anowt, Assistant Professor of Psychology; Nor- man E. Nelson, Professor of English; and Robert P. Ziff, Instructor in Philosophy. 4:15 p.m., William L. Clements Library Lecture, Institute for Mathematics Teachers: "Make Mine Mathematics Walter Carnahan of Purdue Univer- sity, 7:30 p.m., East Conference Boom, Rackham Bldg. Linguistic Forum. "Language Strue- ture and the Structure of Society." Alf Sommerfelt, Professor of Linguistics, University of Oslo. 7:30 p.m., Auditor- ium C, Angel Hall. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for William Kerr, Electrical Engineering; thesis: "A Beta-Ray Microscope," today, 2518 East Engineering Bldg., at 9:00 a.m. Chair- man, H. J. Gomberg. Doctoral Examination for Harold Swan Edmondson, Speech; thesis: "The Sea- shore Measures of Musical Talents as a Prognostic Guide in Language Rehab- ilitation for Persons with Asphasla," Monday, August 10, 1007 East Huron Street, at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, H. H. Bloomer. Doctoral Examination for Hugh Wiley Hitchcock, Musicology; thesis: "The La- tin Oratories of Marc-Antoine Charpen tier," Monday, August 10, East Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, L. E. Cuyler. Doctoral Examination for Louis Ben- jamin Stadler, Pharmaceutical Chem- istry; thesis: "An Assay Method "ir Papain Using a Synthetic Substrate," Monday, August 10, 2525 Chemistry Bldg., at 2:30 pm. Chairman, Lee Wor- rell. Doctoral Examination for Katherine Lucy Washburn Wilcox, Psychology; thesis: "Intellectual Functioning as'Re lated to Electroconvulsive Therapy, Tuesday, August 11, 7611 Haven Hall, at 8:00 a.m. Chairman, E. L. Kelly. Doctoral Examination for John Bap- tist Villella, Zoology; thesis "The Life History of Brachylaima rhomboideum (Sinitsin, 1931) (Trematoda; Brachyla- matidae)", Tuesday, August 11, 2089 Natural Science Building, at 9:00 a.m. Chairman, A. E. Woodhead. Doctoral Examination for Ralph Le- land Shively, Mathematics; thesis: "On Pseudo Laguerre Polynomials," Tuesday, August 11, 247 West Engineering Bldg., at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, E. D. Rainville. Doctoral Examination for Charles Car- penter Buck, Mathematics; thesis: "The Algebraic Aspect of Integration in Space," Tuesday, August 11, West Coun- cil Room, Rackham Bldg., at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, G. Y. Ranich. Doctoral Examination fo Ray Mar- tin Bertram, English Language and Literature; thesis: "The Novel of Amer- ica's Past: A Study of Five American Historical Novelists, 1925-1950," Tues- day, August 11, East Council Room, Rackham Building, at 2:30 p.m. Chair- man, J. L. Davis. Doctoral Examination for William Thornbury Going, English Language and Literature; thesis: "Wilfrid Boa- wen Blunt and tie Tradition of the English Sonnet Sequence in the Nine- teenth Century," Tuesday, August 11, 1611 Haven Hall, at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, C. D. Thorpe. (Continued on page 4) Sixty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Harland Britz..........Managing Editor Dick Lewis.............Sports Editor Becky Conrad .........Night Editor Gayle Greene..............Night Editor Pat Roelofs................Night Editor Fran Sheldon..............Night Editor Business Staff Bob Miller.........Business Manager Dick Aistrom ...Circulation Manager- Dick Nyberg........Finance Manager Jessica Tanner....Advertising Associate .4 A6 r 4 I