MORE OPERA bee Page 2 IrL Latest Deadline in the State Dati 00 00 a, FAM FA!M VOL. LXIII, No. 35-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. SATURDAY, AUGUST 8. 1953 FOUR PAGES _ _ _ .. FOU PAESO li j Allies Assure Defense Aid To s. Korea Horseplay? NEW YORK-()--The Daily News says the chief of Eng- land's royal stables has been fired for furnishing Princess Margaret with horses for secret rides with Group Capt. Peter Townsend. Maj "Fergy" Ferguson, long- time head of the royal mews, said that he suspected the Princess was meeting Town- send secretly, but that he could do nothing since Townsend out- U.S., Korea Warn Reds 16 Nations Pledg Against Attack UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. - (A -Tht United Nations was notifie yesterday that the United Mtate and 15 other countries with troop in Korea have signed a declaratio: pledging quick Allied resistanc against any new Red attack in Ko xea. The declaration said "The con sequences of such a breach of th armistice would be so grave tha in all probability, it would not b possible to confine hostilities with in the frontiers of Korea." THIS appeared to be a warnin of possible air attacks on Commu nist China or perhaps a nava blockade in the event of new Re l aggression. A spokesman at the British Foreign Office in London, react- ing quickly to the announcement here, said that Britain, a signer, was not committed in advance to "any precise course of action" in:Korea. He said future circum- stances would determine what the British would do. The declaration was turned ove: to UN Secretary-General Da: SrHammarskjold as part of a specia report by the United States gov ernment, acting as head of th Unified ommand in Korea. IT WAS signed in Washingto July 27 but not published at th time, The filing of the report coin- eided with a visit of the UN com- mander, Gen. Mark W. Clark, to UN headquarters. Clark told reporters in Wash- ington Thursday that he favored the use of all available weapons in the event of a new Communist at- tack-presumably including atom- ic weapons. CLARK, however, made no men- tion of possible extension of the war outside Korea and there was no hint of this at another news confedence Clark held here yes- terday. Meanwhile in Seoul, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and Korean President Syngman Rhee initialed a mutual security pact between the United Sttates and Korea, and warned'the Commu- nists the UN Command would meet any new attack in violation of the armistice. 4The nations that signed the. 16- power UN declaration are the United States, Britain, France, Australia, Canada, Belgium, Co- y lombia, The , Netherlands, New Zealand,hThailand, Greece, Tur- key, Ethiopia, The Philippines, South Africaaand Luxembourg. At the UN yesterday Clark ex- pressed a hope that all UN gov- ernments will maintain their pres- ent military strength in Korea un- til a firm peace is established. Berlin U. Grant For One Year is Reopened Because of the inevitable draft call, Don Messersmith, '53, will be unable to take advantage of his scholarship to study at the Free University of Berlin this coming academic year. As a result, the political science department has reopened applica- tions for the grant. Open until August16, the offer apples only .. to those students majoring in a social science and having an ade- quate knowledge of the German language. FURTHER qualifications are an! unmarried status and being under 26. And to prevent reoccurance of the Messerschmidt incident, stu- dents must have "permission," Application should be made immediately to the office of the secretary of the political science department where appointments will be made for personal inter- views. Of Armistic In Security e Violation Agreement r --4 7 ranked him in things, the scheme of GIVE AND TAKE, RED VERSION-Concerned over American gifts, Communist officials of East Berlin were giving away food last week at an "aid station" set up at the East-West border. French End, Strike Wave; Union Settles rains Runninb On Time Again PARIS -(P) -The crippling wave of strikes that hit France at the peak of the lucrative tourist season appeared to be waning yes- terday. Rail, bus and subway workers agreed to return to their jobs. The first trains chugged out of Paris' big rail terminals yesterday, ending the 24-hour walkout pro- testing economies Premier Joseph Laniel's government was rumored contemplating at the expense of workers on the public payroll. In other cities the rail strike contin- ued, however. THE THREE BIG labor unions involved in the strikes--Socialist Workers Force, Christian Labor Federation and Communist-led Federation of Labor-voted to call off the strike of bus and subway workers. It has paralyzed trans- port in all big cities since noon yesterday. Civil servants also agreed to return to their desks. Strikes in the big government- owned gas and electric power in- dustries were scheduled to con- tinue until midnight today. * * * AN ESTIMATED two million Frenchmen from a wide variety of occupations ranging from street sweepers to power and gas em- ployes, left their jobs in the spon- taneous protest against Laniel's proposals. It was the worst strike1 France has seen in 17 years. l Operal "Tales of Hoffmann," jointr speech department and School of Music production will con- I tinue its run at 8 p.m. today in 1 the Lydia Mendelssohn theater, A final showing of the 'opera : will be given on Monday.a I If i x 1 Y 1' n a a West Berlin Police Stop Red Anti-U.S.-Food Riot BERLIN - J) - Communists rioted in West Berlin last yesterday, but police commandos and water cannon crushed attacks by 900 Red storm-troopers against American food relief for hungry East Germans. Three bloody riots flared simultaneously at food give-away points in the U.S. and French sectors. More than 400 police commandos, reinforced with water cannon, charged the defiant Communist dem- onstrators. * * * * THIRTY RIOTERS, five with broken heads. were hauled off to jail and hundreds fled back to nearby Soviet territory. The West Berlin police who smashed back 6,000 rioting Com- .T. 1 munists at the food distribution N ationalcenters last Tuesday, were tip- ped off in advance that the Reds Roundup planned new trouble Friday. The hottest battle was waged on Prinzen Allee in the French sec- By The Associated Press tor. Police blasted 500 violent Reds WASHINGTON - The Justice there with water cannon thigh Department anounced yesterday it pressure) nozzles mounted on re- is investigating the circumstances volving turrets of trucks and then surrounding a $65,000 payment closed in with flailing clubs. made to Welburn Mayock, a laW-A yer, for getting a favorable tax A HUNDRED Communist toughs ruling for a New York business suddenly attacked six regular pa- executive. trolmen guarding a Kreuzberg food distribution center and tried Mayock told House Investiga- to steal the registration files of tors earlier this week he got the East German food applicants. money from William S. Lasdon, Three buses with 120 police com- chemical company executive of mandos and a water-cannon truck Yonkers, N.Y., in 1948 and con- raced to this alarm. tributed $30,000 of it to the Dem- The Reds, some with blood ocratic campaign fund that year. streaming down their faces from * * * clubbings, ran off toward the So- WASHINGTON -(R) - The viet sector a few blocks away. Democratic National Committee The Soviet zone news agency says most of the measures on yesterday described the riots as which action was completed in "protests by Berlin workers gainst the session of Congress just end- provocative food action." It de- ed "are merely continuations of clared Western jobless and pen- Democratic programs." sioners joined the "workers" from * * the Soviet 'sector in demanding LOS ANGELES - ()-- Dick that the American food parcels be Haymes' attorney last night said given to the Westerners and not to the crooner followed Rita Hay- East Germans. worth to Hawaii only after receiv- ing an immigration agent's ap-A proval. Auto Accident The Argentine-born Haymes- arrested Thursday for alleged il-Fatal to Flve legal entry as an alien-acted in good faith and "is a his aeart," his attorney said. . SCHOOLCRAFT - (/ - Five Atty. Robert Eaton said that persons, two men and three wom- Eaymes, prior to his trip to Hono- en were killed in a head-on colli- ulu, "sought the advice and ap- sion three miles south of here on proval of the immigration depart- U.S. 131 last night. nent, and was told by one of its A one-year-old girl, seriously agents that the trip was perfectly hurt, was the only occupant of ei- al right, their car to escape with her life. State police tentatively identi-. fled the driver of one vehicle as Samuel Anson, 39years old of Do- * wagiac. His wife, Cleo, 36 years old, was believed to have been one of the two women killed in his car. The child who escaped was riding with the Ansons. V P L at to it The other driver, police said they believed, was Lawrence Ran- som Walters, 51 years old of Penn- 00 a year. Federal judges get $15,- ville Ind. They believed the wom- 00 to $25,000 annually. an killed with him was h.Ws wife, 4. Trade-a bill extending the Leona, no age available. reciprocal trade program to next There were no witnesses to the June 12. collision, and there were .no skid 5. Military-a bill authorizing marks at the scene. 491,595,930 for construction of The scene is a half mile from rmy, Navy and Air Force bases the Kalamazoo-St. Joseph county nd other projects at home and line, about 17 miles south of Kal- broad. amazoo. 6. Relief-a bill authorizing the Anson was driving a 1951 Chev- resident to send up to 100 mi]- rolet and Walters a 1940 panel on dollars in U. S. surplus food nd farm products to friendly nursery stock. eoples threatened with famine or of one car and the left front end ther emergencies. of the other were worst damaged 7. Offshore lands-a bill pro- parts led police to suspect that viding for a system of federal both drivers might have swerved in mineral leases in the submerged the same direction in an attempt to lands on the continental shelf avoid the collision. North Korea Purges High Red Leaders twelve Accused Of Aiding Allies LONDON - (') - Moscow radio yesterday announced death sen- tences have been imposed on 10 top North Korean officials accused of plotting armed rebellion and plotting for the United States. Two other North Korean offi- cials were jailed. THE SENTENCES were hand- ed down by the Military Collegium of the North Korean Supreme Court following a purge trial in the Red tradition with all 12 ac- cused "confessing" guilt. Former Justice Minister Lee Sung Yop, accused as the ring- leader in the purported plot, headed the list of those sen- tenced to die. Also, doomed, the broadcast said, were Cho Yun Nyong, former dep- uty propaganda minister; Pak Hong Wong, former foreign min- ister and vice-Premier; Rhee Won Cho, former deputy propaganda chief of the Korean Communist party, and six others. ONE OF the jailed officials got 15 years, the other 12. The Pyongyang radio, moni- tored in Tokyo, announced last night that the 12 had been pros- ecuted for spying and plotting to overthrow the Red regime. The Pyongyang radio annourc- ed earlier in the day that the 12 North Korean officials had been prosecuted for spying and plot- ting to overthrow the Communist regime. THE BROADCAST thus con- firmed last month's South Korean intelligence reports that a great purge was in progress in the Com- munist north. The North Korean broadcast, heard in Tokyo, asserted the 12 led by Yop, were bribed to spy "for the U. S. and puppet Rhee government" of South Korea. It said they were directed from South Korea by an American mili- tary officer identified only as "Noble." Panel To Rate Arts Program A four-man faculty panel will appraise the current summer pro- gram on "Popular Arts in Amer- ica" at 4:15 p.m. Monday in the William L. Clements Library. Participating in the discussion will be Prof. Alan Gowans of the fine arts department of Rutgers University, Prof. Morris Janowitz of the sociology department, Prof. Norman Nelson of the English de- partment and Paul Ziff of the1 philosophy department. AN ROK EXPRESSES HIMSELF - A South Korean soldier holds up a sign he printed with blood from his finger as he reached Panmunjon, Korea, with the first groups of Communist prisoners of war to be repatriated. The sign is written in Korean, but the English interpretation reads: "Communists did not defeat '53 South Korea." * * * * More Captives Released Reporting Red A trocities PANMUNJOM-(A)-More Allied war captives came back yes- terday from the miseries and hardships of Red Korean prison camps to the warmth and bounty of their own people as the big post-armistice exchange rolled through the fourth day. They rode out of the Korean northland in rumbling Molotov. trucks led in column by Russian-made jeeps. * * * * SOME OF them joked and bantered as they waited for the call to clamber down from the vehicles of their captors and join their own side. * * * I. Reds. Might Not Return Some POWs TOKYO - (P) - Peiping radio hinted yesterday that not all the 12,753 Allied prisoners the Reds said they held would be returned to the United Nations. The propaganda broadcast mon- itored in Tokyo, quoted a "review of the question of prisoner of war repatriation" printed in the Peo- ples Daily, official newspaper of the Chinese Communist party. * * * SEVEN DAYS after the signing of the Korean armistice, July 27, the broadcast made a belated re- view of Red prisoners of war fig- ures given by the Allies two months ago. It suggested that the United Nations Command was holding out 2,000 Red prisoners. In Washington, Gen. Mark W. Clark, UN commander in the Far East, said yesterday the Reds may be holding back as many as 3,000 Allied prisoners. The Peiping broadcast said the Reds had informed the UN Com- mand July 22 that the total num- ber of prisoners in the custody "was more than 12,000." I "Where is the mess hall?" sev- eral Americans shouted. "Say, who's leading the National League?" another yelled, and "Are the Yankees still leading the Amer- ican?" The lightness of their quips con- trasted startingly with the depriva- tions and cruel treatment described by others released from Commu- nist captivity during the past three days. THE FIRST 100 captives releas- ed yesterday included 25 Ameri- cans. Most of these were from the UN To Meet Aggression With Attack To Base Troops IS South Korea SEOUL - () - Secretary of State Dulles and President Syng- man Rhee yesterday initialed a mutual security pact and warned' the Communists the United Na- tions Command would meet any- new attack on South Korea in vio- lation of the armistice. The mutual security pact, which provides for basing U. S. troops in South Korea, was signed at 8 p.m. yesterday. A JOINT statement said the United States and South Korea would walk out of a postwar politi- cal conference after 90 days if they decide "the conference is being ex- ploited" by the Reds. The statement declared "we will then consult further regard- ing the attainment of a unified, free and independent Korea." It was the first time Rhee has pubicly stated he would be con- tent merely to talk in the event the political conference failed. He repeatedly has threatened that South Korea will fight on alone, if necessary, to attain unification of this war-torn peninsula. THE 78-YEAR-OLD South Kor- ean President had demanded the mutual security pact as a condi- tion for going along with the Kor- can armistice, which he bitterly opposed. President Eisenhower i- June promised Rhee such a treaty, which must be approved by the U. S. Senate. The Rhee-Dulles statement said the United States recognizes the right of sovereignty of the Republic of Korea to "deal with its problems." But it added tht South Korea has agreed "to take no unilateral action to unite Korea by military means for the agreed duration of the political conference." At the same time, Dulles and Rhee warned the Communists that an "unprovoked armed attack" against South Korea in violation of the armistice would be met by the UN Command, including South Korean forces. Dulles, Secretary of the Army Robert Stevens, Ambassador Hen- ry Cabot Lodge, chief United States delegate to the United Na- tions; and high State Department officials arrived here Tuesday. Dulles and Rhee conferred four times. When Senate ratification is complete, the declaration said, "our governments will promptly nego- tiate- agreements to cover the sta- tus of such forces as the United States may elect to maintain in Korea." Until then. the status of UN forces in Korea will remain un- changed, the statement said. Birth of Nation PlaysMonday D. W. Griffith's epic of the post- Civil War reconstruction era, "The Birth of a Nation," has been select- ed as the final film in the current summer series depicting the his- tory and development of the mo- tion picture. The film to be shown at 7:30 p.m. Monday in Rackham Lecture Hall is considered by many to be a summary of the technique and style of Griffith, who is well-known as one of the greatest directors of early movies. The silent film has had great in- fluence on the style of later Amer- ican, French and Russian movies. Open to the public without charge, the movie series is a sup- plementary offering of the sum- mer symposium on "Popular Arts in America." Two Michigan men were among yesterday's r e e as e d POW's. They were: Pfc. Wilbert R. Gib- son of Melissa Gibson, 3728 McDougall Ave., Detroit, and Pvt. Kenneth L. Madison, son of Isabella Madison, 6451 Lafay- ette St., Detroit. 25th Division's 24th Regiment which was in the Korean fighting almost from the start. / The second group included Turks, South Koreans and Americans. All except one of the first Amer- icans released appeared to be in good health. That one carried a cane and limped. The freed prisoners were rush- ed on to Freedom Village for medi- cal checks, fresh food, clean cloth- ing and the start of the long jour- ney home. 149 TO GO: President Si Bills IBeforc WASHINGTON-P)-President Eisenhower signed a batch of 36 bills into law yesterday as he pre- pared to depart today for a vaca- tion in Colorado. A stack of 149 bills approved by Congress before -it adjourned for the summer last Monday still re- main to be signed. The President is expected to take them along on his vacation. * * * .._ 0 0 A a a RECEIVES BLACK AND WHITE: FCC To Okay Convertible Color TV AMONG THE measures signed P: yesterday were half a dozen im- li portant ones, including big ap- a propriations and legislation for p extension of the reciprocal trade o agreements law. He vetoed two minor measures. Major bills signed were: - 1. Voice of America and other I a srntniac _fl K '.flU A ..t . . 1 WASHINGTON - (P) - The Federal Communications Commis- sion announced yesterday it pro- poses to authorize a new compat- ible color television system which can be tuned in on existing re- ceivers. The new color plan is sponsored by the National Television System Committee, a technical group rep- resenting virtually all segments of the telecasting industry, which has been studying the color prob- lem for more than three years. * * * throw out the Columbia Broad- casting System's color broadcast- ing technique which FCC approved on an exclusive basis in 1950. THE CBS system cannot be re- ceived on existing sets without conversion. The new one would show up on present sets in black and white. Both manufacturing and com- peting broadcasting interests opposed Columbia color because it would require extra equipment -- Columbia officials have stated in recent weeks that they will back any other "workable" color plan. CBS got FCC approval yes- terday to experiment with the NTSC color on its national net- work, starting Sept. 10. Radio Corporation of America, which sponsored a color system turned down by FCC in 1950, was the first to ask for approval of the NTSC system in the current proceedings. RCA said that if the commission << ___v____._ __ r1 Part of a student exchange be- ween the University and the Free Jniversity of Berlin, the grant is I ,I