A PAPER IN THlE MAKING? See Page 4 1j 1Mw 43U Latest Deadline in the State ii 000 C *a Q. FAIR, WARMER VOL. LXII, No. 33-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1953 FOUR PAGES E. German Desertions BeginAnew Trainmen Hurt Food Blockade BERLIN-(P)-A new wave of mass desertions hit East Ger- many's Red Wehrmacht yesterday and thousands of Soviet zone rail- waymen started to sabotage the Communist blockade of American food relief. Twenty armed soldiers and 17 People's Police escaped to West Germany. RAILWAYMEN in Russian-oc- cupied Brandenburg engaged in wholesale violation of the decree against relief travel to Berlin, al- lowing 40,000 to slip into the city. The total of U. S.-financed food packages given away in 10 days reached 1,570,000. There were 125,000 handed out yester- day, about half to zonal resi- dents and the remainder to East Berliners. Bitterly fed up with Communist terror, the deserting soldiers and police turned in their khaki and blue uniforms to Western authori- ties. They were given civilian dress, and a promise of resettlement in the Bonn republic. * * THEY TOLD Allied Intelligence officers of widespread discontent in the East German armed forces, growing daily as they had to carry on with repressive measures against the hungry people. It was the largest mass flight since June 24, when 46 soldiers and policemen asked for politi- cal refuge in a single day, their morale brken by the East Ger- man revolt a week earlier. A total of 1,675 troops and 880 police 2,555 in all--have deserted to West Berlin since Jan. 1. The railway ban sabotage was carried out virtually under the nose of Premier Otto Grotewohl's government, which continued to brand all relief applicants "West- ern spies" and to stage scare trials of those caught last week. * * *9 "THOSE WHO take American food will die of it," the Communist Central Committee repeatedly warned by radio yesterday. Allied High Commission reports said East Germany's largest indus- tries, smoldering with workers' dis-. content, are so heavily policed and so strongly infiltrated with Com- munist spies that open strikes ap- parently are out of the question. But passive slowdowns are contin- uing to alarm Communist authori- ties. Biggest Soviet Budget Given To Parliament MOSCOW--(P)-Premier Geor- gi M. Malenkov's government pre- sented to the Supreme Soviet Par- . liament last night the biggest bud- get in the history of the U.S.S.R. More than one fifth of the half- trillion ruble budget is earmarked specifiically for the armed forces. Finance Minister Arseny Zverev told a joint.session of the Supreme Soviet 1953 expenditures would be 5302 billion rubles. Of this armed forces expenditures are listed at 110,200,000,000 rubles. This would indicate a decrease of 3,060,000,000 rubles from the 1952 armed forces U.S. SaysSoviet Offer Unclear Officials Dissect Counter-Terms; France, Britain To Be Consulted WASHINGTON-)-United States officials began digging into Russia's counter proposal for a Big-Four meeting yesterday with the caution of men dismantling a booby trap. The State Department announced that the Soviet response to a Western bid issued July 15 for a conference on German unification appeared to leave the way open. But privately officials said the Soviet note was so clouded by outside issues-including the potentially ex- plosive issue of Western relations with Red China-that they could not say right away what would be done about it. THE AMERICAN announcement did make clear that the British S venty Americans I In Second Prisoner teturned xchange Korea-U.S. " * s * * * * Sketiis Oand French Offices would be con- sulted before a reply is sent to Moscow. Meets Red's Acceptance LONDON-(P)--Russia's condi- tional acceptance of Western pro- posals for a Big Four foreign min- isters meeting got a mixed recep- tion in non-Communist Europe to- night. The British foreign office re- ceived the Russian reply cautious- ly. French Foreign Minister Georges Bidault saw it as "only slight encouragement." Newspaper comment in West Germany and semi-offioial com- ment in Austria showed disap- pointment. Britain, France and the UnitedI States invited Russia last month to a foreign ministers conference in the fall aimed at settling con- ditions for electing an all-German government and completing the long-stalled Austrian independ- ence treaty. The Russian reply, handed to Western representatives in Mos- cow Tuesday, conditionally accept- ed the conference idea, but sug- gested a wider agenda than the West had in mind and expressed belief the German problem should be dealt with before Austria be taken up. The British Foreign Ministry is- sued a statement saying: "The Soviet reply has not re- jected the proposal for a confer- ence of foreign ministers. "It is to that extent to be wel- comed, but the character of the conversations now suggested dif- fers so widely from those proposed by the Western powers that the Soviet reply requires a full exam- ination before any considered comment can be made." In Paris, Bidault took a similar line. He told the French cabinet the reply must be studied care- fully before a final judgment is made. West German Chancellor Kon- rad Adenauer said there are con- siderable risks in the Soviet pro- posal for four-power talks with- out a definite agenda, but he hoped the Big Four would meet to dis- cuss the problem of divided Ger- many. In an interview broadcast from Bonn by the northwest German radio, Adenauer expressed a con- viction the Western powers will not reply to the Russian proposals without first consulting his govern- ment. He said the participation of Red China in the settlement of the German problem was "out of the question." I On more familiar ground-a diplomatic exchange over the shooting down of an American bomber by Soviet fighter planes ---ie United States struck out sharply at Soviet denials of re- sponsibility for the crash of a B50 plane July 29. The United States demanded compensation for the loss of the plane and the lives of any crew- men lost. Saying the plane was downed 40 miles off Siberia, it re- fused to accept Soviet claims that no survivors had been picked up by Red vessels. IT NOTED that a dozen Soviet speed boats were seen in the vi- cinity and it demanded that the Russians make another inquiry concerning survivors. A new U. S. note on the air- craft incident was delivered to the Soviet Foreign Office by the American Embassy at Moscow yesterday. The two developments illustrat- ed the bitterness of the cold war conflict in which the great pow- ers are still fully involved even while they maneuver suspiciously to see whether agreements on some issues are possible. * * * THE SITUATION on Germany is substantially this: Efforts of the United States, Britain, France and Russia to uni- fy the defeated World War II ene- my broke down in 1947. Both sides have recognized that Germany is probably the most critical area at issue between them. On July 15 after A meeting of the Big Three Western foreign ministers here the Western Pow- ers proposed to Russia another foreign ministers conference on unifying Germany. The Russian reaction in Tues- day night's note afforded little new information on Soviet intentions. The Reds said it would be a good idea to get together and talk about German unity and a German peace treaty. Parsons Talk SlatedToday Prof. Talcott Parsons, Chairman of the Department of Social Rela- tions at Harvard University, will speak on "The American Family" at 4:15 p.m. today in Auditorium D, Angell Hall. Prof. Parsons, who holds de- grees from the London School of Economics and Amherst College is at present on a sabattical' leave from Harvard and will spend the coming academic year in Eng- land as a visiting Professor of So- cial Theory at the University of Cambridge. There will be an open discussion of his lecture at 8 p.m. today in the West Conference Room of the Rackham Bldg. I Pact Nears Agreement By The Associated Press SEOUL-Top aides of U. S. Sec- retary of State Dulles and Presi- dent Syngman Rhee yesterday were reported nearing agreement on a U. S.-Korea mutual security pact. The two statesmen conferred at Rhee's mansion at 7 p.m., yester- day for their second meeting in two days on vital postarmistice problems and a common course for the forthcoming Korean polit- ical conference. THEIR TALKS already were re- ported to have,prodced consider- able progress toward a security treaty and there were indications that accord would be reached be- fore Dulles departs for Washing- ton Saturday. Discussion of Rhee's long- sought goal of Korean unifica- tion was by-passed in Tues- day's opening conference-a ses- sion which Dulles said "went very well." In yesterday's session, which lasted two hours, Dulles and Rhee were said to have agreed to seek the opening of the Korean peace conference sometime in the first half of .October. * * * RHEE HAD demanded the se- curity treaty as one of his condi- tions for going along with the Korean armistice. The treaty would call on the United States to come to the aid of South Korea in the event of a new Communist attack. Clergyman Probe To Be Resumed EAST LANSING - (A) - Rep. Kit Clardy (R-Mich) said today that the Rev. Jack McMichael of Upper Lakes, Calif., will be called back before the House Un-Ameri- can Activities Committee. In an interview on Michigan State College's radio station WKAR, Clardy said he was not satisfied with the Methodist min- ister's testimony at a recent hear- ing in Washington on alleged Communist infiltration into the Protestant clergy. Big Puzzle TAMPA - (P) - The Navy launched a $500,000 something here yesterday but wouldn't say what it was. Reporters were- allowed to describe the object as huge and cigar-shaped. They said it was launched by rolling it into the water. About all newsmen could gt from Cmdr. J. A. McDonough, resident supervisor for navy shipbuilding in the Tampa Bay area, was: "It's a special design and construction for experimental purposes." He added that the cost was "about $500,000." Nevertheless the thing was launched with appropriate cer- emonies, the smashing of a bottle of champagne on its side. I HOMEWARD BOUND - Pvt. Frankie Dobbins of Anson, Texas, among the first 76 Americans to be repatriated at Panmunjom under armistice terms, is loaded into an ambulance for trip to Freedom Village at nearby Munson. 4? * * * * Plane Crash Takes Lives In Atlantic LONDON - (P) - Rescue planes and ships circled endlessly early today through thick fog hanging over the icy North Atlantic where four survivors of a downed 10- engined U.S. B36 reconnaissance bomber have been picked up. Survisors and the bodies of two who died in yesterday's fiery dawn crash were aboard the British freighter Manchester Shipper, 7- 636-tons, headed for an English port. The French trawler Madalina picked up a third body. * . A THE U.S. Air Force said four survivors have been picked up so far. The names of three of the four survivors and the two dead air- men picked up after the crash were released last night. The dead included S. Sgt. Robert E. Yoeman, 28, gunner, Buchanan, Mich. More than 20 U.S. planes were poised on British airfields ready to take off at dawn to join the other units which kept up the search through the stormy night. THE PLANE was carrying 23 men to Britain from Travis Air Force Base, Calif., on a training mission when it was stricken be- fore dawn. Seventeen remained unaccounted for. A vast international air-sea armada raced through mounting seas to reach other possible sur- vivors. The search centered 477 miles west of Shannon, Ireland, where American search planes earlier reported sighting a raft with five men aboard, four of them "waving like made." The rescue planes circled low and parachuted life rafts and sup- plies to the raft. But seaplanes could not land because of the heavy seas. THE SEARCH, one of the great- est in the Atlantic's history, went on in the wind and rain-torn dark- ness. Near gales whipped waves high as a house. The Manchester Shipper, a veteran of other daring sea res- cues, was the first of scores of ships from more than six na- tions to reach the crash area. She radioed that one of the sur- vivors was in fairly good condi- tion, although suffering from ex- posure. A second was suffering from shock and a damaged arm and a third airman was reported "badly shocked." Writing Contest ClosesToday The famed Avery Hopwood con- tests offering prizes to talented lit- erary students is holding its 15th 'Operation Big Switch' Continuing Malnutrition, TB Amnong Soldiers PANMUNJOM - (R) - Anoth- er 392 Allied prisoners, 70 of them Americans, came back to freedom yesterday amid mounting fears for the health and safety of thousands still in Red compounds. The second exchange of prison- ers in "Operation Big Switch" be gan at 6 p.m. last night at this truce town. THE COMMUNISTS promised to deliver 70 more Americans, 250 South Koreans, 25 British, 10 Fil- and 25 Turks-8 less than the daily 400 quota the Reds agree to send back. There was no explanation. for the shortage. Within the next five weeks about 87,000 men-12,000 Allied and 74,000 Communist-will re- turn to their own sides. The first 400 freed yesterday in the initial exchange included many in poor physical condition. Yet many waved, grinned broadly, gave loud shouts and even wept with joy when Communist trucks and am- bulances brought them within sight of freedom. * * * AN AMERICAN senior medical officer said about 20 percent of the returned men suffered from tuberculosis or other lung ailments. A U.S. medical officer said some may not recover. Many suffered from malnutrition. They brought restrained but disquieting accounts from Red Korea including word of a Com- munist trial in which an Ameri- can lieutenant-colonel wassen- tenced a few days ago to an- other year of imprisonment for "instigating against peace" and other .liigh officers were given sentences on the same charge. The United Nations Command protested strongly against unruly demonstrations by Communist prisoners being delivered to Red reception officials. The Communists have been rip- ping up and discarding newly-is- sued clothing, shouting insults and punching Allied personnel. AT THE PORT of Inchon, near Seoul, the big Navy transport Gen. Nelson M. Walker, awaited the first load of able bodied Americans for return to San Francisco. Aboard were 14,000 pounds of fresh stores, including milk, fruit, vegetables and meat. As yet there was no word of Maj.( Gen. William F. Dean, the highest ranking American in Communist hands. Presumably the former 24th Division com- mander was with other Allied prisoners about to be moved southward. Even while the first dramatic ex- change clicked off on precise, mil- itary schedule, members of the Military Armistice Commission were meeting in the truce con- ference hut where the armistice was signed 10 days ago. Red and Allied generals were keeping the truce machinery in gear. Lawyers Vote For Modified Missouri Plan' LANSING - (') -- Michigan's lawyers have voted in favor of a modified "Missouri plan" for se- lecting new jud'ges, the State Bar of Michigan reported yesterday. The favorable vote was the go ahead for the bar's board of com- missioners to start an educational program leading to the proposal for a constitutional amendment to put the plan into effect. Under the "Missouri Plan," a commission of judges, lawyers and laymen would nominate three can- OPERATION "BIG SWITCH"-This was the general scene at Panmunjom as the first truckload of UN prisoners of war unload from a Communist truck to start "Big Switch" in which more than 3,000 American prisoners will be released under terms of the Ko- rean armistice. Moviemen Miss Chances On T V MacGowan Says , outlay. The Soviet Union values the ru- ble at four to the dollar. This would mean in dollar equivalents a budget of 132% billion dollars, of which more than 27% billion dollars would be , for the armed forces. This is not necssarily the whole Soviet defense budget picture, how- ever. Western authorities say So- viet official budgetary expendi- tudes for the military fail to in- clude all military expenses. As revised last May, the total United States spending in the pe- riod ended June 30 totaled just over 741/2 billion dollars. AWAY FROM REALISM: MacGowan Tells of Theater Trends Motion picture people should have gotten in on the ground floor in television, Prof. Kenneth Mac- Gowan of the theater arts depart- ment of UCLA declared yesterday. World .News Roundup By The Associated Press BONN, Germany-The foreign ministers of six West European nations convene in Baden Baden today to review-and possibly ap- prove-the blue-print for a Euro- pean union and to discuss the whole range of East-West prob- lems. * * * HANOI,. Indochina - Gen. Henri Eugene Navarre, com- mander in chief of French Un- ion forces in Indochina, yester- day said he did not think Com- munist China ever could attack this country without risking World War III. LANSING -- The Percy Jones Hospital at Battle Creek may be- come a state mental institution. Rep. Harry J. Phillips (R- Port Huron)said he would in- vestigate the advisability of the state anroaching the federal Speaking at the tenth popular arts lecture of the summer, Prof., MacGowan explained "Hollywood cut its own throat, letting radio initiate TV." Radiomen are famil- iar only with sound as separated from sight, he said. * * * SAVING GRACES for movie1 theaters are the "uniformed but- lers who see you to a seat, luxur- ious restrooms unlike any average bathroom and the desire for an evening on the town," the former film producer noted. The movie industry works on the premise of, "whatthe pub- lic liked yesterday, it wants:to- morrow," according to Prof. MacGowan. The popularity of Cinerama scared Hollywood into 3-D, he explained, even though the history of films with polaroid glasses dates back to the '30's. And then the slightly-curved screen of cinema- scope came into existence, which MacGowan predicts will replace either of the other forms because of its relative cheapness. ONE OF THE characteristicsj peculiar to movies, according to Prof. MacGowan, is the cutting and editing of a film. Known as the grammar of the film, cutting shows the relation- n By BECKY CONRAD Terming New York theaters "boarding houses where a pro- duction company rents a room which is the theater," Prof. Ken- neth MacGowan of the theater arts department of UCLA advo- cated a national repertory theater instead. Hecited two possible forms of theater for theaUnited States. The first might be a permanent reper- tory company in New York en- dowed privately or by the govern- out their plays, the former Broadway producer noted. "Trends in playwriting now aim away from realism," MacGowan said. "Yet they are not impression- istic, romantic or classic," he ex- plained, "Instead plays now deal with people, but do it in a free form." A FORMER editor of "Theater Arts," MacGowan remarked mod- ern dramas "transcend barriers of MULTI-AUTHORED film scripts lead to a loss of the writer's per- sonality and integrity, the former movie and stage producer ex- plained. Movies, on the other hand, have "a breadth of scale--a wide-spread sweep of screenand an intimacy attained through close-up shots," according to Prof. MacGowan. As a producer for one Holly- However, onessiona l ain j