I' 'WEAK SQUEEK NEAL See Page 4 Y Latest Deadline in the State 43atly } v e Q Q /"iI'lf1T 2. itp /"T ILI A tiTLT/" VOL. LXIII, No. 32-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1953 OOLER, CLEAURING E FOUR PAGES; .1 ' PO WExchange Begins with Military * * * * * * Today's UN Totall Return Set at39 MajdorTells of Officers Sentenced By Reds on Anti-Peace Charges By The Associated Press With swift military precision, the exchange of Korean War pris- oners began yesterday and the first American freed immediately related that the Communists only two days ago had sentenced some high U. S: officers to special prison terms for "instigating against peace." Maj. John Daujat of Richmond, Calif., told his chilling story as the first of 400 Allied prisoners on yesterday's exchange list were RUSSIA TO BIG S CCEPT WI R HIGH-LE :S Precision * * * TERN BID EL TALKS 11 FOUl I .1> ___._. * * * Dulles, Rhee Conference. Goes 'Well' By The Associated Press 4 U.S. Secretary of State Dulle opened his vital post-Korean ar mistice conferences yesterday wit) President Syngman Rhee and sai afterward the meeting "went ver well"o "We had a good preliminar talk and agreed on the topics t be discussed," Dulles told corres pondents after the one hour, 5 minute conference at Rhee's presi dential mansion. THE SECRETARY said he an4 Rhee agreed to discuss these point during their four-day conference 1. The forthcoming Korean political conference. 2. A United States-Korean mutual security treaty. 3. American economic aid to t.e, b p of Korea. They will meet again at mid. - night today. U . * . MEANWHILE, the State De partment yesterday issued a state. ment designed to show that there is no split between Dulles and Pres ident Eisenhower over use o American Army resources for re building war-battered Korea. THE DEPARTMENT said a clar- ifying announcement by the White House Monday was released after "full consultation with the State Department." Officials said there had been some interpretation of the White House announcement as a re- pudiation by the President of Dulles and that they wanted to bring out the record to show that this was not correct. On Saturday Dulles told diplo- mats representing 15 United Na- tions with troops in Korea that President Eisenhower had approv- ed the use of America troops as missionaries of rehabilitation to rebuild the country into a show window of the free world. Police Crush E. Berlin Red Food Attack BERLIN - (P) - Six thousand Communist raiders were smashed back with clubs and water guns yesterday by police commandos ,rushed to defend American free food stations in West Berlin. More than 100 Red storm troop- ers were carted off to jail, some with bleeding heads, after 30- minute street battles in the U. S. and French sectors. Seventy-five were identified as oldtime trouble- makers and booked for further in- vestigation. The others were re- leased. *~ * * TWO POLICEMEN were injured in the fighting, which flared at midday after the Communists had slipped "action brigades" by sub- waj from the Soviet sector to West Berlin Small police details regularly assigned to the food distribu- tion centers were overwhelmed by the Red rioters. With sirens screaming, commando platoon cars and truck-borne water xuns " handed over by the Chinese and North Korean Reds. THE FIRST GROUP of 100 crossed the line into this neutral zone promptly at 9 p.m. yesterday. They included 35 sick and wound- ed Americans. The Communists informed Al- lied officers that the second day's return of war prisoners will total 392. S This total, eight less than the promised daily 400, will include 1 70 Americans, 250 Koreans and 72 other Allied personnel. * * * DAUJAT, a prisoner 31 months, said he knew nothing of Maj. Gen. William F. Dean, highest-ranking Allied ,officer held by the Reds. He mentioned a lieutenant he said had gotten a year's term on the Reds' belated charges, but did not give his name. Dean, a prisoner for three years, was not in the first day's group. A U. S. helicopter arrived at Freedom Village yesterday bear- ing the first American sick and wounded to be returned in yes- terday's opening of the prisoner of war echange. Three more helicopters followed, all carrying litter patients. There Sgt. Edward Hewlett of De- troit was the only Michigan solder among the released POW's yesterday. Knowland Elected New GOP Leader WASHINGTON-W)-Republi- can senators unanimously elected Sen. William F. Knowland of Cali- fornia as majority leader yesterday at a session that was described as completely harmonious. Sen. Homer Ferguson of Michi- gan was named to succeed Know- land as chairman of the GOP Pol- icy Committee. The vacancies in the key legislative posts resulted from the death last Friday of Ma- jority Leader Robert A. Taft of Ohio. * * * THE 45 YEAR old Knowland is one of the youngest men named to fill that post in recent years. He had been acting majority lead- er under appointment by Taft since the Ohioan was forced to give up active direction of the Senate leg- islative program. Yesterday's selections had been anticipated, but the harmonious action at a closed-door session attended by 39 of the 46 Repub- licans now serving followed a minor intra-party dispute that broke out in the open Monday. Seven Republicans, led by Sen. Bridges of New Hampshire, senior party member in Senate service and Sen. McCarthy of Wisconsin, Monday had urged a delay until January in election of a perman- ent successor to Taft. Neither at- tended the meeting. TWO SENATORS, Capehart and Jenner, who supported this de- laying tactic without direct opposi- tion to Knowland, attended yes- terday's closed conference. Jenner, as he pushed his way through reporters after the meeting, was asked if anyone sought a delay. "Everything was unanimous," he said. "It was just one big hap- py family." Taft's place on the policy com- mittee was not filled nor were choice committee assignments left vacant by the death of Sen. Tobey (R-NH).They probably will be de- cided before the next session in January. were two patients on each helicop- ter. Within the next five weeks al- most 87,000 men-12,763 Allied and 74,000 Communists-will be exchanged. Of these only 3,313 are Ameri- cans and there was no accounting for some 8,300 others still listed as missing in action. " * * THE EXCHANGE, known as "Operation Big Switch," culmin- ated more than 20 months of bit- ter negotiations during a stale- mated war that was halted ten days ago. The exchange point, freshly bull-dozed, and its four small re- ception tents was the first sight of the free world for the returning Allied prisoners. , * * * REPRESENTATIVES of each nation, were on hand to welcome the returning men and speak to them in their native tongues. Helicopter crews stood by to fly the seriously sick and wounded to the 121st Evacuation Hospital near Seoul. From Munsan the able-bodied American prisoners will be taken to Inchon, Seoul's port, where they will board transports for the re- turn to the United States. Non- American prisoners will be sent to Japan for processing before be- ginning their journey home. Figy Refuses To Resign Job BENTON HARBOR, Mich.-(AP) -The Commission of Agriculture at ,n executive session here Mon- day asked Charles Figy to resign as director of the Department of Agricuture, it was learned yester- day. William A. Anderson of Benton Harbor, a member of the commis- sion, said last night Figy refused the commission's request and that he was given until Sept. 4 to pon- der over it. * * .* HELICOPTER CRASHES-In Seattle Governors watch as a helicopter, participating in a Naval show for the visiting execu- tives, hits the water a short distance from the reviewing stand after the pilot lost control. Both the pilot and the machinist mate were rescued, uninjured, by another helicopter and crash boat. Ike Calls Commuists n InAsia'Ominous' Threalt SEATTLE, Wash.--MP)-President Eisenhower declared yesterday that the advance of communism in Southeast Asia and Iran has cre- ated a "very ominous" threat to American security. The President, speaking informally at the annual governors' con- ference here, pointed toward a possible change in national policy which might give Asia immediate-if not lasting-priority over Eu- rope in the American defense system. APPLAUDING THE decision of Congress to put 400 million dol- O lars of foreign aid into the defense of Indochina, the President told ]Veiv iethod the nation's governors forcefully that this is no "give-away" pro- PRINCE GEORGE COURT- gram. HOUSE, Va. - (P) - A Virgin- "We are voting for the cheap- ia judge yesterday rejected est way that can prevent the what was probably an unprece- occurence of something that dented excuse for speeding. would be of a most terrible sig . "I was just trying to fright- nificance to the United States en my mother-in-law," Johnny of America," he said. M. Marshall, 26 years old of Baton Rouge, La., told the ar- He spelled this out as the pos- resting officer when he was sible loss of all Southeast Asia, in- nabbed on U.S. 460 near here. cluding India and Pakistan, to the Communists and the denial to the free world of the tin, tungsten and other products it needs. * * * "IF INDOCHINA goes, several o Talk Today tgs happen right away, he "The peninsula, the last little ater and its various phases, Ken- bit of land hanging on down there, would be scarcely defen- n Pictures: the Art and the Audi- sible. The tin and tungsten that um A, Angell Hall. we so greatly value from that ater arts department of the Uni- area would cease coming and all , MacGowan also writes books on India would be outflanked." )pment. He said that if Indochina were and Paramount studios, he came lost to the Reds, "Burma would dway. Previously he had been be in no position for defense." Reds Reject LONDON - () - Moscow radio said yesterday the So- viet Union has rejected as "completely groundless" a U.S. protest against the shooting down of an American bomber off Siberia July 29. The U.S. protest had followed an earlier Russian charge that the American plane had flown over Soviet territory and open- ed fire on Russian MIG fighters. The United States denied this charge and counter-charged that the MIGs had attacked the bomber 40 miles out over the Sea of Japan. Hint Moody Will Publish Newspaper DETROIT-(/A)-Former Sena- tor Blair Moody, ex-Detroit news- paperman and Washington politi- cal writer, announced yesterday that a syndicate headed by him- self has signed a contract to lease a Detroit printing firm. Moody, making the announce- ment in Washington, refused to comment on reports here thergroup might use the firm to publish a daily newspaper. * * * THE FIRM in mind is the Mich- igan Rotary Printing Co., one of the largest rotary printing estab- lishments in the middle west. The ex-Michigan senator, who was defeated for election last November by Republican Sen. Charles E. Potter, said a 15-year lease was obtained by the syndi- cate, which includes many prom- inent Detroit and New York bus- inessmen. Moody said organization of the syndicate was directed by himself and Roger L. Stevens of Ann Ar- bor and New York, principal own- er of the Empire State Building,; and engaged in shopping center developments in Boston and Se- attle.' * * * MOODY SAID the syndicate had obtained an option to buy the plant in five years. One of the firm's biggest con- tracts is publication of the De- troit Shopping News, a weekly advertising paper. Detroit has three daily newspapers in a 2,500,000 population area. A longtime newspaperman, Moody was appointed to the Sen- ate in 1951 by Gov. Williams to re- place the late Sen. Arthur H. Van- denberg. Moody, 51 years old, is a Democrat. Inclusion of Red. China 'Essential Agenda To Include German Unity, Decrease in 'International Tension' MOSCOW - P) - The Soviet Union accepted the West's invita- tion yesterday to a Big Four foreign minister's conference, but said Red China's participation was "essential" for easing of world ten- sion. In notes delivered yesterday to the ambassadors or Britain, France and the United States, the Kremlin proposed a two-point agenda for the conference: 1. Discussion of "measures to decrease international tension. 2. Discussion of the German problem "including re-establish- ment of the unity of Germany and the conclusion of a peace treaty." THE THREE Western Powers proposed on July 15 that the Big Four hold a conference toward the end of September on setting up free German elections leading to reunification of that country and on signing an Austrian independ- ence treaty. Yesterday's Soviet note said the Soviet Union felt the con- ference would have a better chance of success if the Austrian treaty were postponed until aft- er the German problem had been dealt with. The Western Powers suggested in their invitations that the con- ference concentrate on free elec- tions to produce a unifled-Germany and an independence treaty for Austria. They said that a German peace treaty would be possible only with a free and representa- tive German government chosen by free elections. The Soviet reply was made pub- lic a few hours before a scheduled meeting of the Supreme Soviet- parliament of the Soviet Union. Mayock Says Ille gal Funds Used in 1948 WASHINGTON-()-A Wash- ington attorney who used to work for the Democrati National Com- mittee testified yesterday he en-, gineered an illegal $30,000 contri- bution for the 1948 Democratic campaign. Welburn Mayock, who called himself "a furtive little lawyer,"j told a House Ways and Means sub- committee about the money and said he is willing to suffer the con- sequences. REP. BYRNES (R-Wis.), asked the greying, outspoken witness: "There was no question in your mind that it was a violation of the Hatch Act?" "There is no question in my mind about that," Mayock re- plied. The subcommittee is investigat- ing the handling of tax cases. The $30,000 involved was part of a $65,000 fee Mayock said he obtain- ed in 1948 from William S. Lasdon, head of a Yonkers, N. Y. chemical company, as- a result of getting favorable taxruling from the1 Treasury Department. Flemming May' Succeed Taft MIDDLETOWN, Ohio - (') - The Middletown Journal said yes-r tetday it has learned the appoint-s Congress' Attainments Appraised By GAYLE GREENE University political scientists commenting on the achievements of the congressional session just convened all drew attention to Ei- senhoweras a "non-forceful" exec- utive but disagreed in assessing Congress' accomplishments. Prof. Frank Grace of the polit- ical science department cited an "absolute minimum of cooperation between Ike and his lawmakers." And Prof. Philip B. Taylorof the political science department un- derlined his colleague's statement. * * * "THERE IS always a struggle between Congress and the Presi- dent for predominance. Eisenhow- er entered with a different atti- tude, however. He wasn't going to force executive dominance on them," he pointed out. The result of Ike's attitude according to Prof. Taylor is "Congress has failed to work with him on every major issue. Rather than exert strong lead- ership Eisenhower has waited for Congress to give him an opening," Prof. Grace noted. "Working against Ike is a fundamental split in Congress, more fundamental than the Democratic split," Prof. Grace said. * * * PROF. GRACE cited the Presi- dent's stand on the excess profits tax as the one exception to Ei- senhower's complete lack of strong executive pressure on the legisla- ture. "He has defended the exec- utive branch, however," the profes- sor added, calling attention to. Ike's defense of Central Intelli- gence head Allen Dulles. A change in Eisenhower's tac- tics -is essential according to Prof. Taylor who feels "strong- er and stronger executive lead- ership is needed." "It's up to Ei- senhower to save Congress from themselves," the professor add- ed. Congressional plans change from week to week in response to the demands of pressure groups, he explained. "I don't believe the public expected this lack of leadership," he said. According to Prof. Henry L. Bretton, of the political science department, Eisenhower is capable of utilizing his power to full ex- tent if the need arises but "he will hesitate to forcethe issue because of his deep respect for Congress." THE NEED for such leadership ac- cording to Prof. Taylor is shown by Congress' refusal to go along with the President on his foreign aid recommendations, their be- grudging acceptance of Bohlen's nomination as ambassador to Rus- sia and their equally begrudging POPULAR ARTS: MacGowan]T Long-time associate of the the neth MacGowan will discuss "Motio ence" at 4:15 p.m. today in Auditori Currently chairman of the the versity of California at Los Angeles the motion pictures and their develo Formerly a producer for RKO to Hollywood straight from Broa drama critic for newspapers and t magazines, including a stint as an editor for "Theater Arts." MacGowan has worked with Eu- gene O'Neill and Robert Edmond 'TALES OF HOFFMANN- Of fenbach Opera Opens Tomorrow "Tales of Hoffman," Jacques Offenbach's opera of fantasy will be the final presentation of the University's Summer Playbill. A joint undertaking of the School of Music and the speech department, the production, which will open at 8 p.m. tomorrow in : the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. has been translated into English .o by Josef Blatt of the music school. =' * * * * THE STORY concerns a student,! Hoffman, who tells his fellow stu- dents about three weird and imag- I THE ~COMMISSION wuill bhavp it.- ,~..,....,.