I TUESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1953 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'AGE THREE PAGE THREE li :; Popular Art Talks, Film End Series A round of four talks and a film program in the next two weeks will finish up the summer series on "Popular Arts in America." Lectures this week are centered on the movies when Kenneth Mac- gowan speaks on "Motion Pictures: the Art and the Audience" at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in Auditorium A, Angell Hall. * * * CHAIRMAN of the theater arts department at the University of California in Los Angeles, Mac- gowan has worked with Eugene O'Neill and Robert Edmond Jones at the famous Provincetown Thea- ter. At 8 p.m. Thursday, Milton Ros- enberg of the psychology depart- ment will discuss "People, the Pop- ular Arts and Society" in Auditor- ium A, Angell Hall. Illustrating his lecture with the animated cartoon, "Mr. McGoo," and 20 slides from the current ex- hibit in the Museum of Art, Alum- ni Memorial Hall, Rosenberg will explain the recent sociological theory of using content of mass communication media to read the unconscious of the audience. '. * 4 . By DONALD HARRIS Darius Milhaud's Quintet No. 1 for piano and string quartet will' highlight the summer's final con- cert by the Stanley Quartet at 8:30 p.m. today in Rackham Lec- ture Hall. The Quintet, which will be per- formed along with Beethoven's Quartet in C-sharp minor. Op. 131, and Haydn's Quartet in C major, Op. 74 No. 1. was written in 1951 and was to be the first in a pro- posed group of four by the con- temporary French master. * * # IV t: DEXTER, PIANO SOLOIST: Stanley Quartet To Play Final Concert A will arts FOUR-MAN faculty panel appraise the summer popular symposium at 4:15 p.m. Mon- -Daily-Lon Qui PROF. BENNING DEXTER ... no stranger in the chamber. -Daily-Lon Qui ENTHUSIASTS OF THE LOCAL BEANY CROWD TRY TO DRAG PATROLMAN ROBERT DAVIS TO THE LOCAL SANDLOT ** * * * * * * * _________ Local Police Lead G & SWorkingLife 'Angel Street' PT . tR L4.IA_ no s O nr Tod iv jy rAs XLVZLUr n Gilbert and Sullivan were right when they wrote "A Policeman's Lot is Not a Happy One." For some 40 members of the Ann Arbor city police force, things can get pretty tough. Take for in- stance a not unusual call from an irate citizen disturbed at the ca- Rebuff to Ike 7Ends Session Of Congress,. (Continued from Page 1) Korea. The Senate debated, but did not pass a resolution to limit the Presidents treaty-making pow- ers. * * * AGRICULTURE: Appropriated 150 million dollars for emergency loans to farmers and ranchers in drought-stricken areas. Extended the. International Wheat Agree- meit. Extended the program of im- porting Mexicans to help work on American farms. Reorganized the Farm Credit Administration to give farmer groups more control- oveipolicy. Authorized imposition of reduced wheat acreage quotas. GENERAL: Increased Federal Housing Administration's author- ity to insure housing loans. Limited to 20,000 the number of new public housing dwelling.units that may be constructed this year. Authorized continuance of federal aid for hospital construc- tion. Continued program of fed- eral aid for school districts whose pupil population is swollen by defense activities. The Senate approved, but the House shelv- ed a proposed constitutional amendment to provide equal le- gal rights for women. Extended limited rent controls but restricted them to critical de- fense areas. Ordered liquidation of Reconstruction Finance Corpora- tion and created Small Business Administration to make loans to smaller industries. Authorized sale of government-owned synthet- ic rubber plants. INVESTIGATIONS: Major in- vestigations in the Senate included those conducted by Sen. McCarthy (R-Wis.) in the field of Commu- nism and Sen. Smith (R-Me.) in the national defense field, par- ticularly with respect to air strength. HeadlinesHouse probes included those of Communism in the field of education and religion. by the Un-American Activities Committee; ef the internal reve- nue service, by a ways and means subcommittee; and of the Justice Department, by a special judiciary subcommittee. nine footprints in her freshly ce- men'ed driveway. She demanded action from local patrolman after the damage was done. * * * PUBLIC SERVANTS and main- tainers of the law, the men in blue go through a rigorous training period while learning state and city laws. Included in the four week "booklearning" period is the memorizing of 145 city ordinances, 55 of which are directly concerned with police action. Mental and physical examina- tions and training in the use of firearms are also a part of the training preceding actual initia- tion into uniform. But active policemen, including traffic officers, squad car "beat" men and plainclothes detectives, do more than give citizens traffic tickets and quiet down noisy par- ties. They have an active program sponsoring juvenile recreation, the purpose of which is to teach child- ren that policemen are friends and not prohibitors of their freedom. * * * FIFTY-FIVE boys between the ages of 13 to 17, under the direc- tion of Patrolman Chet Carter, meet weekly for supervised base- ball games. Commenting on the juvenile program, which extends to bas- I ketball and hockey in the win- ter, Patrolman Carter noted re- sponse from the children is "great" and formerly troubled youngsters often become success- ful student leaders as a result of interest taken in them by police- men. Members of the police force, headed by Chief Caspar Enkemann take off uniform, revolvers, hand- cuffs and whistles for fun, how- ever. Annual banquets and more frequent parties are highlighted by the appearance of the "Flatfoot Six," an orchestra of policemen- musicians who perform at the piano, guitar, violin, saxophone, bass and drums. AT THE PRESENT time the lo- cal police are at least 4 men short of full force. Yesterday a police- woman, Kathryn D. Eichorn, grad- uate of the Police Education Divi- sion of Michigan State College, joined the force as women's mat- ron and juvenile authority. Operating with 10 squad cars, numerous motorcycles and men on foot, policemen on the force re- ceive promotions only after 6 to 7 years of answering thousands of telephone calls, making hundreds of arrests, and receiving only oc- casional thanks from the benefit- ting public. Saline's soybean mill theater will present its third production when "Angel Street" opens at 8:30 p.m. tonight. Starring in the Patrick Hamil- ton drama, adapted for the movies as the thriller "Gaslight," are Earl Matthews, Florence Rupert, EdI Bordo, Connie Parker and Bette Ellis, Grad. Warren Pickett, an Arts Theater founder, directs the theater-in- the-round presentations produced by Barbara Hamel. The group plans to expand next summer by adding drama study classes and dramatic lessons to its schedule. Tickets are available by writing Box 205 Saline and phoning ,Sa- line 25. Engineer To Tcalk On Construction T. R. Higgins, Director of En- gineering for the -American Insti- tute of Steel Construction will an- alyze the "Current Progress in Steel Construction" at 4 p.m. to- day in Rm. 311 West Engineering Bldg. under the auspices of the civil engineering cepartment. day, Aug. 10, in the William L. Clements Library. On the panel will be Prof. Morris Janowitz of the sociology department, Prof. Norman Nelson of the English de- partment, Paul Ziff of the phil- osophy department and Prof. Alan Gowans of the Rutgers Univer- sity fine arts department. Radio and television critic for the Saturday Review Gilbert Seldes will talk on "The Popular Arts in America" at 4:15 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 12, in Auditor- ium A, Angell Hall. At 7:30 p.m. Monday, Aug. 10 "The Birth of a Nation," well- known Civil War epic will be shown in Rackham Lecture Hall. All the lectures and the film program are given in conjunction with the summer symposium on "Popular Arts in America" and are open to the public without charge. Baits Says U' MeetsChanges The University is meeting the "challenges, changes, threats and dangers" of the world today in scores of direct actions, according to Regent Vera B. Baits of Grosse Pointe. She said the University and its sister institutions in the free world know "better than do any other of civilization's bulwarks that na- tion after nation and civilization after civilization .. . have perished for lack of the techniques and tools necessary for such responce." Addressing the Master's break- fast, Sunday, Regent Baits said the degree of Master of Arts and Master of Science symbolize "im- plemented skills, trained judg- ments, deepened insights and cour- age of convictions." U.S. Communist Rumania Scene Of world Youth Conference ACCORDING TO Prof. Benning Dexter, who will play the piano part in the work, it reflects an im- portant tenGency in music today. "Composers formerly, in writ- ing for piano in chamber music combinations other than with one only solo instrument, wrote mostly piano trios," he said. "But the piano trio, consisting of piano, violin, and cello, is not so successful a combination as the piano quintet. The distance be- tween the violin and cello is too great to give a full ensemble sound, and the piano by itself is not sufficient to fill the gap." "Since Brahms, composers, rea- lizing this difficulty, began more and more to use the string quar- tet with piano to get the fuller and more substantial sound which the addition of two string instru- ments, the second violin and viola, could give.", "THE PIANO part in this work was originally written for the Dutch pianist, Egon Petri," Prof. Dexter continued. "It is brilliant and virtuoso, but always interwov- en with the strings. There are skips over the piano's different registers, which is characteristic of Mil- haud's style." A recitalist who has given numerous performances through- out the country and has appear- ed on NBC network broadcasts, Prof. Dexter is however no stranger to chamber music. As a student he would frequently get together with close friends who were string players to play so- natas and other chamber music combinations. Commenting on chamber music Prof. Dexter said he "enjoys play- ing it equally as well as solo work." This will be the second local performance of the Milhaud Quin- tet by the Stanley Quartet, and Prof. Dexter. However with pianist, Brooks Smith, the Quartet has re- corded the work and it is now available on LP records. Admission to today's concert is open to the public without charge, Scientists To View 'T' Respirators Scientists and medical writers, on a tour of four respirator cen- ters sponsored by the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis will visit Ann Arbor today and to- morrow. Scheduled to arrive here at noon today the group will confer at 2 p.m. at the University's Respirator Center in University Hospital. The group includes Roland Berg, director of scientific information, and Dr. Kenneth L. Laudauer, as- sistant medical director of the Foundation. They will also visit Boston, Los Angeles and Houstop. BUCHAREST, Rumania-(P)-- Communist whitewash lay thick over Rumania's capital yesterday as thousands of West Europeans joined Iron Curtainers in the Red- sponsored "Fourth World Youth Festival." On hand also were four Ameri- can correspondents, the first U. S. newsmen given Rumanian visas in more than five years. FOR THE visitors, the capital's buildings sparkled with new whit- ening and vivid flags. Virtually every building showed signs of a new paint job and residents said battalions of laborers and soldiers had been cleaning up the city for three months. Most buildings were draped with flags, including the Stats and Stripes. The American flags sported 64 stars instead of 48, The opening of the two week festival in Bucharest's new sports stadium was attended Sunday by 30,000 youths from 102 countries, according to the official Red claims. The affair appeared to be one more move in the Communist peace offensive. The correspondents and 1,000 of the delegates from England, France, Italy and other western' countries, rolled across Hungary and Rumania on the Arlberg-Or- ient Express. They arrived eight hours late because the train de- toured around the startegic Ploesti oil field. The rerouting was neces- sary, officials explained, because of heavy traffic on the main line. A red carpet was spread over the platform at the modern Ban- easa station in Bucharest, which King Carol had built for royalty's exclusive use. There was even white bread for sale in Bucharest-the first to be seen here since the war, western diplomats said. Linguistics Talk "Society and Linguistic Change" will be discussed by visiting Prof. Alf Sommerfelt of University of Oslo at 7:30 p.m. today in Rack- ham Amphitheater. NEWSMEN ATTEND: I ,.