IDAY, ULY I3, 1958
Science Fiction Descends
From Homer and Swift
By BECKY CONRAD Writers haven't developed enoug
With such illustrious ancestors to talk about people, but only t
as Homer's "Odyssey," and Swift's about them in scientific situation
"Gullioer's Travels," science fic- McLaughlin explained.
tion has developed into a form of
literature in which demand far Prof. Laporte declared, "Ther
exceeds supply, according to Prof. isn't really a great novelist i
"Arthur_.arr of the English de- the science fiction field yet."
partment. "If someone could bring ina
Commenting in a four-man author as great as Hemingway,
panel discussion yesterday on' the think we would be satisfied,"l
newest, literary innovation, Prof. said.
Carr explained that the works of This literature, like detect]i
SJuleg Verne and H. 0. Wells have stories, is another form of escap
exerted "a deep and. lasting in- prof. Goldberg said.
pression on 24th century science * *
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St. Lawrence Seaway
Hurdles First Barrier
In U.S. Dam Approval
iOF. LEO Goldberg, chairman
of the astronomy department,
pointed, out. "?8cience fiction ought
T to !be 'based on general scientific
principles. The author should stick
to limits of science or the form be-
comes fantasy or pseudo-science
SHe cited a writer's use of
methods of transportation which
ean fly several times the velocity
of light as yia example of the
wrong' technique.
"Authors produce impossible sit-
uations," the astronomy professor
said, "and then proceed to get
out of them by using miracles."
PROF. GOLDBERG noted that
if people read enough science fic-
tion; some science "may rub off."
Prof. Otto Laporte of the
physics department comment-'
ed that science fiction could di-
reetthe attention of adolescents
toward an interest in science.
Bmetimes an author will ac-.
tually predict a. sgientific prin-
cple before it is discovered, Dean
McLauglin, '583 loted.-
* * *
"THERE IS VERY little crea-
tive nadginatio1n in the plot of a
t science-, fiction story," 'he said.
Neideff er Hits
Kaiser Tactics
DI1+. OIT-w)--President Har-
ley Neideffer of the Kaiser Local
of the CIO United Auto Workers
chargeol yesterday that the Kaiser,
Motors Corp. Is "not., negotiating
in good faith and is only attempt-
ing to smear the UAW."
Neidefer's statement was in
answer to one by President Edgar
P. Kaiser of the auto-making firm
that reopening of its Willow Run,
MWch;, plant depended upon
whether a "new and satisfactory"
contract is reached with the UAW.
* * *
NEIDEFFER claimed there had
been "no serious attempt" by the
? corpany to negotiate a new con-
1We "said e suggested at a
meoting with company officials
yesterday that contract talks be
t taken over by Kaiser and other
top officials and by representa-
ties of the International UAW.
Kaiser said. at a news confer-
ence in Toledo, O., Wednesday.
that the. contract with the UAW
does not fit 'the company's "com-
petitive position," and indicated
car assembly likely would be mov-
ed. elsewhere unless a new agree-
ment is reached soon.
* * *
IF A NEW contract were agreed
upon, Kaiser said Willow Run
could be reopened in a month. He
claimed the current contract has
' too many job classifications.
Currently the Willow Run plant
is all but closed down. Auto build-
ing has been stopped, Kaiser ac-
counting, purchasing and some en-
gineering functions transferred to
Toledo, where Kaiser recently ac-
quired the Willys-Overland com-
I pany.
A small force of workers are
winding up work on Air Force
cargo planes which were on the
assembly line when the Defense
Department cancelled its contract
several weeks ago.
Listing of Rooms
For Coeds Begins
Ann Arbor residents who are in-
terested in renting rooms in their
homes to one or more University
" graduate women students for the
fall semester have been advised to
list their rentals now with .Mrs.
Louise Hanson in the Office of the
Dean of Women.
The office has reported a special
demand for single or double rooms
both with or without kitchen priv-
All those interested may phone
3-1511, Ext. 341.
PROF. CARR noted that any
definition of science fiction would
have to include mysteries, utopias
and many other forms of litera-
Questioning the worth of sci-
entific training for a science fic-
tion writer, Prof. Laporte said,
"A psychological writer, is not
helped by .afew semesters of psy-
chology. The reader becomes over-
burdened with too many theories."
"Yet we expect science fiction
writers to be scientifically well-ed-
ucated and up, in their- field, he
McLaughlin credited the prom-
inance of science fiction today to
the overwhelming predominance
of science in the modern world.
Starry Open
House Slated
A double star, a nebula (gath-
ering of matter in a gaseous state)
and a star cluster will be uder
observation at the last of the Uni-
versity's Department of Astron-
omy Visitor's Nights tonight.
Dr. Kenneth M. Yoss, assistant
professor of astronomy at Louisi-
ana State University, Baton Rouge,
will give an illustrated lecture at
830 p.m. in Rm. 2003 Angell Hall.
His topic will be "Other Milky
Ways." Dr. Yoss is a University
graduate and has been on cam-
pus attending the. Symposium on
Following the- talk, the student
observatory on the fifth floor of
Angell Hall will, be open until
10:30 pm. for observations with
the telescopes and binoculars or,
if the sky is cloudy, for an inspec-
tion of the instruments and plan-
False Alarm
KALAMAZOO, Mich. -- (A)--
A bank; robbery scarcely could
bane created greater 'excitement
in suburban Milwood yesterday.
A telephone call caused it all.
The phone. in. the Milwood
branch of the National Bank
of Kalamazoo rang at 1:15
p.m. A man's voice said: "Your
bank will be held up in 32 min-
utes by three men." Then he
hung up.
Bankers got busier telephon-
ing than counting money Cops
poured in from all directions
to set up "a trap, but nobody
came for the bait and they
went home when the bank clos-
ed for the day.
CIO Protests
Byrnes in UN
DETROIT - (P) -- The CIO
United Auto Workers union yes-
terday urged the senate to block
confirmation of South Carolina
Gov. James F. Byrnes as a U.S.
delegate to the United Nations
general assembly.
"His appearance in an assembly
of all races and colors would be
shocking to delegates and embar-
rassing to our country," acting
president Emil Mazey wired Sen.
Ferguson (R-Mich.). Ferguson is
a member of the committee which
will act on Byrnes' nomination by
President Eisenhower.
Confirmation, Mazey said, would
"place ,the stamp of approval on
bigotry and racism." The union
made the telegram public.
Mazey, UAW secretary-treasur-
er, is acting for union president
Walter Reuther, who is in Europe.
'ISA Schedules
Summer Picnic
The annual summer picnic of
the International Students Asso-
ciation will be held tomorrow at
Kensington Metropolitan Park.
Members of the Association and
their American friends will meet
at noon at the International Cen-
ter, 603 Madison where transpor-
tation will be provided.
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Associated Press Feature Writer
Lawrence River seaway, either
a joint U. S.-Canadian project or
a go-it-alone Canadian job, has
now been laid.
The' U. S. Federal Power Com-
mission has approved the building
of a hydro-electric power dam sys-
tem. in the International Rapids
section of the river, which will
make a seaway possible as far as
the Great Lakes. NO proposal to
extend the channel through the
lakes to Duluth, Minn., is under
active consideration now.
SOME CANADIAN officials have
said that Canada would build the
river' seaway alone if the U. S.
didn't join in the project. But Can-
ada would have been in no posi-
tion to do it, according to U S.
Army engineers, if the. U. S. had
NOT permitted the erection of a
dam, which would have to. be an-
chored to the American side of
the river.
Now that the dam is assured-
barring intervention~ by the
courts-Canada can very well go
it alone on the seaway. Its lead-
er have made it plain that it
will-unless Congress acts fair-
ly soon on the pending Wiley-
Dondero bill to work jointly
with Canada on a seaway be-
tween Lake Erie and Montreal.
Without the dam, the cost of
the seaway would be at least 1%/
billion dollars, according to the
American Army engineers, instead
of the present estimated cost of
263 million dollars. Such an out-
lay would NOT be economically
justified, say the engineers, since
even the present estimated e pen-
diture is NOT calculated to earn
back the cost in tolls in less than
50 years.
* * *
after a few years decided to go
ahead with the dam after Canada
had spent such a sum on a seaway
alone, the dam would flood out
the seaway's lock and canal sys-
'the navigational importance
of the dam system is that it will
stack up a head of water 80 feet
deep at the east end of the In-
ternational Rapids section of the
river, forming a lake 28 miles
long. It will raise the water high
over the shallow swift-flowing
channels and over the unnavi-
gable rapids. The mile-long Sault
Rapids, the worst in the river,
will lie under 70 feet of smooth
water. Those rapids are so tur-
bulent now that the waves leap
six feet high.
Construction of canals and locks
in the International Rapids sec-
tion will be relatively simple com-
pared to what it would have been
without the dam.
* * *
THE DAM system is purely a
hydro-electric power project, with
* * <
the navigational benefits as a by-
product. It is to be constructed by
the New York State Power Au-
thority and the Ontario Hydro-
Electric Power Commission. They
alone-NOT the two national gov-
ernments-will pay the cost, which
is expected to be 600 million dol-
lars. Each will pay half and di-
vide the power output equally.
Three dams are involved.
At Barnhart Island, near Mas-
sena, N.Y., the main powerhouse
dam will span the river between
the eastern tip of the island and
the Canadian shore. The inter-
national boundary will run
through the middle of the 3,600-
foot structure. Each of the power
organizations will have a power-
house on its side of the river.
Another 3,600-foot dam will ex-
tend from the tip of the island to
the American side to complete the
barrier across the river at that
About 28 miles upstream a third
dam will block the river all the way
across between the Canadian town
of Iroquois and Point Rockway on..
the U. S. side.
THIS THIRD structure. 2,390
feet long, called the Iroquois Con-
trol Dam, will normally raise the
water level only about five feet.
Its purpose is to assist in holding
the present level of Lake Ontario
and to control the flow of water'
to the lower dams.
In winter it will help to keep
the lower lake smooth and its
flow steady, so that a solid ice
sheet will form. Water will flow
under the ice to the power dam
all winter. Without this ice layer,
pack ice might jam the river
and interrupt the water flow.
The New York State and On-
tario organizations also will build
dykes to contain the lake. They
will relocate railroads, highways
and housing inundated by the wat-
* * *
THE WILEY-Dondero bill, on
which committee hearings have
been completed iii both the House
and Senate, assumes that the dam
will be built and then provides for
the construction necessary to cre-
ate a channel 27 feet deep from
Lake Erie to where the St. Law-
rence crosses the international line.
No provision is made in this
bill to extend the channel all
the way to Duluth as proposed
in some of the seaway projects
which have been discussed in the
past 32 years.
The United States' share of the
seaway work under this bill would
be to:
1) Build two locks and a canal
eight miles long between St. Regis
and Massena on the American side
of the river, to carry traffic around
the Barnhart Island dams.
2) Build one lock and a three-
mile canal at Point Rockway,
* * *
east of Ogdensburg, on which
' shipping can pass the Iroquois
Control Dam.
3)Dredge and lower rock shoals,
particularly in the 68-mile-long
Thousand_,Island Section west of
IF THE U. S. Congress agrees
to this, Canada has promised to:
1) Build two locks in the vicini-
ty of Montreal, to enable ocean go-
ing traffic to by-pass the Lachine
2) Build two locks at Beau-
harnois, 20 miles upstream from
Montreal, to route traffic around
the Soulanges Rapids.
3) Deepen the Welland Canal,
the Canadian structure which con-
nects Lakes Erie and Ontario, to
27 feet, bypassing Niagara Falls.
It now has a 25-foot channel. The
rest of the present Canadian sys-
tem of seaway locks and canals
has a depth of only 14 feet.
IF THE U. S. does NOT agree to
go along with Canada on the sea-
way project, the Canadian plan is
to build a system of locks and can-
als on the north side of the river
at Barnhart Island and Iroquis.
The terrain on the Canadian side
is less suitable for such construc-
tion, so building costs and the re-
sulting shipping toll rate would be
higher than if the work were done
on the American side.
The U. S. would spend $88,-
074,000 for its share of the work
on the seaway. Canada would
spend $174,950,000.
The Wiley-Dondero bill was ap-
proved by a vote of 13 to 2 by the
Senate Foreign Relations commit-
tee on June 16, Chairman Don-
dero (R-Mich.) says. NO vote on
the bill will be taken in his House
Public Works Committee, where
hearings were held, until the full
Senate has acted.
As far as Canada is concerned,
however, the U. S. has already tak-
en the major step. Authorization
of the dam NOT only has opened
the way for a St. Lawrence sea
route; it also has assured her of a
source ofrdirely needed new. low
cost electric power. The shortage
of power in the Ontario area,
where half of Canada's manufac-
turing is done, is expected to be-
come critical by 1957.
CG To Continue
Tight Little Island'
The Student Legislature Cinema
Guild presentation "Tight Little
Island" will continue its run at
6:30, 8 and 9:30 p.m. today in
the Architecture Auditorium.
"Arizona," a western starring
Jean Arthur and William Holden
will be the second feature to run
this week. It will be shown at 7
and 9:30 p.m. tomorrow and at
8 p.m. Sunday.
New State Tax Called
Accurate, Fair -- Gornick
Michigan's business receipts tax
was described yesterday as the
most accurate and the fairest
method of taxing business by Alan
Gornick, tax counsel and director
of tax affairs for Ford Motor Com-
The new tax marks the first
time in the United States that the
"value added" principle has been
put into effect.
IN A REPORT given yesterday
to 550 lawyers and accountants at-
tending an institute sponsored by
the University law school in co-
operation with the Michigan Law
Institute, Gornick said the new
tax avoided the piling up of tax
on tax throughout the whole pro-
cess of production.
Under traditional tax policies,
big companies hold an unfair
advantage over smaller manu-
facturers, he explained.
"The new Michigan tax is de-
signed to avoid pyramiding of
taxes and double taxation by de-
ducting all goods and services on
which taxes have been paid pre-
viously by producers," Gornick
"The effect is that only the val-
uation added to' the product by
the business or industry which sells
it is taxable, and that is new
wealth, previously untaxed," he
* * *
GORNICK described as "regret-
able" the fact that the business
receipts tax had been subjected
to so much misunderstanding and
Prof. William J. Pierce, Prof.
Paul G. Kauper, and Prof. Samuel
D. Estep all of the law school also
took part in the institute.
Technical details of the various
provisions of the new tax law were
discussed in detail. It covers all
activities for "gain, benefit or ad-
vantage" except services rendered
by an employee for an employer or
"casual or isolated" transactions.
Shavian Comedy
To Continue Run
"Pygmalion," George Bernard
Shaw's comedy of the gutter-snipe
who was taught to be a duchess
will continue its run at 8 p.m. to-
day in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Tickets for all performances of
the speech department production
are on sale at the Mendelssohn
boxoffice for $1.20, 90 cents and
60 cents.
Eary Story
LONG BEACH, Calif. -- (A
--A Municipal Court jury de-
liberated only 40 minutes Wed-
nesday before freeing Adam
Thiele, 40 years old of a charge
of drunken driving.
Thiele said that just before
he was arrested last May 17, his
son and a neighbor's boy had
put their big toes in his ears
and wiggled them.
Songs, Dances
A program of international
songs and dances will be presented
by the International Teachers of
English at 8 p.m. today in the.
Rackham Assembly Hall.
Under the auspices of the Eng-
lish Language Institute, the pro-
gram will include selections repre-
senting eight countries; Mexico,
Brazil, Peru, Paraguay, Finland,
Ceylon, Indo-China, and Indone-
Participants in the program,
teachers of English in their re-
spective countries, are in the Unit-
ed States on a 6 months grant
from the state department.
On campus for ten weeks, they
are sudying methods of teaching
and English as a foreign language
at the English Language Insti-
sweater influence
class or out, on informal dates
or week-ends in town .
the reed-slim skirt with a
cardigan top, saddle-stitched on
the diagonal to outline the
triangular detail. Beige or grey
jersey. Sizes 10 to 16.
Better Dresses
- -
4 Tru
ph Saturday 1 P.M.