FROZEN PRINCIPLES See Page 2 Latest Deadline in the State 4Ii444WP b e CLOUDY, WARMER 7I'~T T '~PTTT s.r.. nfl ~' CLOUDY, WARMER v VU'JLJ. L~~Allli NO. A 7.U ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 31. 1953 rnrtn nint+ ANROR WW RDA TT. 1i YURjs PAGE 93 Red Aerial Violations Seen by AF Communists Hit UN Infringemen By The Associated Press The 5th Air Force spotted larg numbers of Red planes flying int North Korea after Monday's 14 t p.m. time limit in violation of the armistice, but no Allied protes was on record yesterday. " The Communists, on the othe hand, have filed protests charging ten Allied violations of the now de serted buffer zone which sepa rates the United Nations Command and Red armies. * * * IT WAS POSSIBLE that th matter of the mass flight of plane -presumably MIG jets which nev er dared to base in North Korea during the war-might come up to- day. The joint Military Armistice Commission, which enforces the truce, met at 8 p.m. yesterday at Panmunjom United Nations and Communis officers were also meeting in the battle-seared demilitarized strip at 1 p.m. yesterday in the first con- tract of joint observer teams which will patrol the zone. Their job is to see that both sides observe ar- mistice terms along the 150-mile front. * * *. IN THE MEANTIME Allied and Communist armies quit the Korean Front yesterday and took up new fortified positions 2% miles apart, alert for any sign of truce viola- tion. The last Allied soldier with- drew ten minutes before the 10 p.m, deadline set by the armis- tice agreement. Peiping said the last Communist soldier pulled out by the deadline. With a minimum of discussion, the Senate yesterday voted 200 million dollars for rebuilding war- ravaged. South Korea and Sen. Humphrey (D-Minn.) proposed a like amount for North Korea. "Let's make a quick bid for the friendship of the North Ko- rean people while the armistice is being celebrated there," Hum- phrey said. Hmphrey conditioned his pro- posal, however, on the "conclusion of a satisfactory peace," "permit- ing Korea's freedom and unifica- tion." The 200 million relief and reha- bilitation fund for South Korea will be taken out of military ap- propriations already voted. The re- lief money was requested by Pres- ident Eisenhower. RED CROSS workers from the United Nations; North Korea and Red China planned to hold their second session today in prepara- tion for the prisoners of war ex- change which begins Aug. 5. In a report delayed by censors, the Air Force said American ra- dar on Cho Island, secret Allied base off Northwest Korea, spot- ted large numbers of Red planes speeding southward from Man- churia Monday after the 10 p.m. deadline. KF Head Tells Stock Situation WASHINGTON - (A') - Edgar Kaiser said yesterday a stock pros- pectus and registration statement issued by the Kaiser-Frazer Corp. in early 1948 truly reflected the auto manufacturing firm's finan- cial conditions. Kaiser, son of Henry Kaiser and then general manager of K-F, testified before a Securities and Exchange Commission examiner in an investigation of a stock offer- ing that never came off. THE INVESTIGATION was or- dered 'in March after the Fed- eral Appeals Court in New York held that a summary of earnings in the prospectus and registration statement was misleading. Edgar Kaiser now is president of Kaiser Motors Corp., the firm's new name. "The corporation was going along all right." he stated. "Sates Taft in Coma, 'Failing Rapidly Ohio Senator On Critical List; Reportedly Dying of Blood Cancer NEW YORK- W)-Sen. Taft is in a coma and is failing rapidly, New York Hospital reported late last night. A 10 p.m. hospital bulletin gave no further details. Three of the Senator's sons were at the hospital, where their father earlier in the evening was reported critically ill. ONLY YESTERDAY morning the Ohio Republican party stal- wart had sat up on his bed and chatted with callers. At 2:30 p.m. he took his first turn for the Eisenhower, s Congressmen To Hike National Debt r SMilitaryTrio eCalled Real s Red Power LONDON- (AP) -The London Evening News last night said "the real power in Russia has passed to a military triumvirate led by the t famous wartime hero Marshal Georgi K. Zhukov." "This dramatic development," said the News, "has taken place- according to reports toPrime Min- ister Sir Winston Churchill dur- ing the past few days-because Premie- Georgi Malenkov, still faced with the opposition of strong pro-Beria elements has had to turn to professional marshals as the only force in Russia capable of maintaining his regime." THE ARTICLE was signed by the paper's diplomatic correspond- ent, C. F. Melville. Melville said the two other members of the reported military triumvirate were Marshals A. M. Vasilevsky and Vassily D. So- kolvsky. The three marshals, he said, are "the power behind the throne" and are strongly in favor of peace with the West, because they "believe Russia is not in a position to risk conflict." There was no confirmation of the Evening News story from any source here. The Foreign Office1 declined comment.1 Zhukov, one of the most decor- ated military men in the world,t was the captor of Berlin and heroi to Russian millions.I New Bills Create More Judgeships WASHINGTON -- (R) - TheJ House passed by voice vote andt sent to the Senate yesterday a bill creating 26 new federal judgeships. A similar bill, to create 39 new seats, has been passed by the Sen-c ate. The two measures will go to aI Senate-House Conference commit-l tee for adjustment of differences.e Attempts to amend the House bill to make it conform to the Sen-a ate measure were defeated.- Both bills would add one dis-r trict judge in western Michigan. 1 worse. Then at 5:15 p.m. the hos- pital said Sen. Taft's condition suddenly had taken a turn for the worse. The Ohio Republican was said to be "breathing with marked difficulty." The 5:15 p.m. report was the first to refer to the Senator's case in grave terms. It followed a report by an Ariz- ona newspaper publisher that the Ohio Republican "is dying of can- cer of the blood." The hospital consistently has re- fused to disclose the nature of Taft's illness. It first became ap- parent weeks ago with a lesion of the hip, Publisher William R. Mathews of the Arizona Daily Star of Tuc- son, writing from Washington, said in a dispatch to his paper. "Where- as originally he was expected to live for six months to a year, he is not expected to live for more than weeks at the most, and pos- sibly days. "The fact is generally known in Washington," he explained. Mathews did not reval the source of his information. President Eisenhower, concern- ed about Taft's condition, sent his personal physician flying here dur- ing the day to the bedside of the ailing senator. Snyder talked with Taft and later described him as "an ill man." He .refused, however, to be drawn into any discussion of the nature of Taft's illness. The White House physician told reporters before returning to Washington: "I came here simply to convey the personal greetings of the President to Sen. Taft."' The hospital had viewed the Ohio senator's condition in opti- mistic terms until Tuesday, when he also took a turn for the worse. But he rallied somewhat Wednes- day and his condition earlier yes-, terday had been reported un- changed. Earlier in his illness, Taft sur- rendered his duties as Senate ma- jority leader to Sen. Knowland (R- Calif.). The Ohiosenator, son of the 27th President of the United States underwent anrexploratory operation at New York Hospital July 8. Originally it was expected he would return to Washington Wednesday. However, on Monday his return was deferred indefinit- ely. Three of Taft's four sons were at the hospital throughout the day, including William Howard Taft III, American ambassador to Ire- and. c Soviets Say B-50 Flies Over Siberia By The Associated Press The Soviet government charged yesterday that an American B-50 flew over Siberia near Vladivostock and fired on a Soviet fighter plane which rose to intercept it. A note delivered to the Ameri- can embassy in Moscow strongly protested an alleged violation of Soviet territory by the American plane. * * * THE NOTE claimed that the American plane-a four-engined B-50--violatedthe Soviet frontier in the region of Vladivostock. It said two Soviet fighters rose to intercept it and the American plane then opened fire., It said the Soviet fighters then returned the American plane's fire and the American B-50 disap- peared in the direction of the sea. THE SOVIET note demanded that the "guilty fliers" be called to account and demanded that the U. S. government see to it that such violations of the Soviet fron- tier do not occur in the future. The incident is alleged to have taken place on July 29. Pravda and Izvestia headlined the So- viet note. In Tokyo the Air Force yester- day abandoned search for 16 of 17 crewmen of a huge B-50 bomber which Russia charged had ex- changed shots with two Soviet fighters Wednesday and then dis- appeared over the sea of Japan off Siberia. THE CO-PILOT, 1st Lt. John Rohe, was plucked yesterday by ,the U. S. destroyer picking from waters "within sight of the moun- tains of Siberia," Pacific fleet headquarters said at Pearl Har- bor. THEY LIKE THIS RETREAT-United States Marines clamber aboard a truck on the. Western front in Korea to move to new positions from th e demilitarization zone under terms of the Korean armistice. They are retreating, but this time with grins. E. Germans Defy Reds For Food BERLIN - (A') - Communist billboard warnings of death were defied yesterday by 200,000 East Germans swarming to West Ber- lin for U.S.-financed food relief. Two thousand volunteer German welfare workers, already swamped by the flood of the needy, were or- dered to prepare to feed at least a half million tomorrow and Sun- day. * , * ALL OVER East Germany, fac- tory workers were reported plan- ning to set out for West Berlin on their weekend holiday time. Red police struck back at hun- dreds of 'East Germans return- ing with Western fats, flour, canned milk and dried vegeta- bles. World News Roundup By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - A compro- mise $6,652,422,390 foreign aid bill was worked out late yesterday by a Senate-House Conference Com- mittee. The total, including $4,530,457,- 999 in new cash and $2,121,964,391 in unobligated funds left over from previous appropriations for mili- tary and economic aid program, is $669,315,866 less than President Eisenhower asked. CAIRO, Egypt - A Russian- Egyptian trade agreement in- volving a million pounds ($2,- 8800,000) has been initiated, re- liable sources said yesterday. Informants said the pact calls for an exchange of Egyptian cotton for Russian wheat. *, * , WASHINGTON - Capt. Hyman G. Rickover, the navy's atomic submarine expert who had been passed over twice for promotion, was nominated by President Ei- senhower yesterday to be a rear admiral. There had been vigorous com- plaints in Congress that the coun- try faced the loss of a most valu- able officer. He would have had to retire, lacking specific action to keep him on duty, because navy selection boards twice had failed to recommend his promotion. WASHINGTON -The Senate last night passed and sent to the White House a bill authoriz- ing development of mineral re-. sources in the submerged lands of the outer continental shelf. The vote was 45-43. The chamber adopted a com- promise Senate-House measure which lacks a provision ear- marking all federal revenues from oil, gas and sulphur for education. * * S PHILADELPHIA -- Lacking $175,000 in bail, six men identified by the FBI as among the top lead- ership of the Communist party here were held in Moyamensing Prison yesterday on charges of conspiring to teach or advocate the overthrow of the U.S. govern- ment. * * * WASHINGTON - Theodore C. Streibert, New York radio ex- ecutive, was chosen by President, Eisenhower yesterday to head the reorganized overseas information agency. In announcing his nomination, Eisenhower said he was charging Streibert with the job of "clearly and factually" presenting U.S. pol- icies and objectives to the world. * * * O'NEILL, Neb. - Six persons, one of them a noted German scien- tist, died yesterday when a big Air Force helicopter plunged to earth and burned near here. The scientist was Dr. Guenter Loeser, one of the directors of the Air Force lower atmosphere re- search project. The others aboard were military personnel. ZAeiin Makes Pleas Despite Tries At 'Economy Humphrey Fears Financial 'Panic' WASHINGTON-(AP)--President Eisenhower asked Congress yes- terday for a 15 bllion dollar hike in the federal debt limit in view of red ink figures which he said have piled up despite "vigorous ef- forts to reduce expenditures." The present limit, fied by Con- gress In June, 1946, is 27 billion dollars. The debt is 272%/ billions. SHORTLY before Eisenhowe sent the formal request to Con- gress, Secretary of the Treasuiy Humphrey told newsmen that if, the government failed to pay it bills and meet federal payro1l- under restrictions of the present debt limit-it might catse "nea? panic." Eisenhower's 11th hour re- quest threw congressional plans. to adjourn this weekend into ain uproar. There were some fore- casts that adjournment plans would be delayed at least a week. Grumbles of protest-both at the prospect of canceling vacation plans. and at raising the, debt lid to a point only 10 bilion dollars below the World War II peak-- arose from Democrats and Repu- licans alike on Capitol Hill, * * -* WHILE many Republicans, have said the present fiscal situation is a heritage from the Roq@q Truman regimes, Democrats - terday raised a cry of "waste" and accused the Eisenhower adminis- tration of staging a "political ma- neuver" by waiting almost until the eve of adjournment to spring its proposal. With adjournment plans still up in the air, heads of key Sen- ate and House committees call- ed for committee sessions today to consider the President's pro- posal. Chairman Millikin .(R-C'olo.) called the Senate Finance Com- mittee to tackle the issue behind closed doors at 12:30 p.m. * * * MILLIKIN said he expected Secretary Humphrey or Budget Director Joseph M. Dodge to pre- sent the administration's case seek- ing to justify a ceiling increase.. In a special messge to Con- gress, Eisenhower declared: "The administration in co- operation with the Congress has moved promptly and vigorously to reduce earlier recommenda- tions for appropriations for the fiscal year 1953-54 by about 13 billion dollars and to reduce the prospective deficit by about: one half." However, Eisenhower said, the government is now saddled with a deficit of $9,400,000,00 for the fiscal year which ended June 30 and the administration is faced with spending 81 billion dollars authorized by Congress. "TO MEET necessary expendi- tures and to maintain a safe work- ing balance of funds, it will be necessary to borrow more money before the next session of the Con-, gress," Eisenhower continued. "This will carry the debt above the present legal limit of 275 bil- lion dollars "I must, therefore, request of the Congress legislation raising the statutory debt limit. It is my'rec- ommendation that the limit should be increased to 290 billion dollars." * * * COUNTERING Democratic as- sertions that the White House pulled a fast one on, Congress .by waiting until just before adjourn- ment to make its request, Sen. Knowland (R-Calif.), acting Sen- ate majority leader, said adminis- tration leaders held back in the hope they would not have to ask for the increase. Knowland said apparently data on congressional appropria- tencirm se a~ni~trn9n mic Energy Group for H-Bomb Test [INGTON-(V)-The Atomic Energy Commission, entering production of material for hydrogen bombs, is getting 3 new series of test blasts at the mid-Pacific proving grounds rshall Islands. was hinted yesterday in the commission's semi-annual re- i said results of the spring tests in Nevada were so good it be necessary to conduct a fall series at the mainland ound. * * . * * , MEANS the nuclear weaponeers are free to concentrate ng for experiments at Eniwetok or Bikini atolls, or both. " There has been speculation that the next Marshall Island tests will include detonation of a large- scale hydrogen device. IN HOUSE HEARING: Methodist Minister Calls Accusers Liars Down by the Station This would produce the great- est man-made explosion yet. There has been no official an- nouncement so far as to whether the Pacific tests will be in the fall or the spring. The commission's report, ex- pressing satisfaction with the 11 experiments in Nevada from March through June, the longest series so far held, mentioned la- conically that some "very profit- able avenues to new and improved weapons" have been discovered which will lead to "substantially greater atomic weapons capabil- ity for the United States." Testing of standard atomic fission explosions needed for fir- ing a hydrogen bomb presum- ably had been included in the Nevada experiments. In another field of the applica- tion of atomic energy to military WASHINGTON-()-A Metho- dist minister tangled angrily with the House Un-American Activities Committee yesterday and swore that two men who accused him of having been a Communist are "liars and perjurers." Rev. Jack Richard McMichael, 46 year old pastor of a church at ,, * * HE PROTESTED bitterly that the committee had circulated "false charges" against him with- out giving him an opportunity to be heard first. McMichael did say that in 1941 he was chairman of the American Youth Congress--an organization cited as a Com- munist front by the House com- mittee, several state committees and two attorneys general. But he insisted: "This organiza- tion was not Communist dominat- ed and I can prove it." It was an uproarous, gavel- pounding session. Tempers were whetted to a fine edge. Everyone talked at once-and sometimes shouted. COMMITTEE Counsel Robert L.' Kunzig produced testimony he said the committee got in New York earlier in the month from two - ;.... . ti .... ..... ....,..... ._ .. .....:. . :... ..r., ..,: -,. .. aamm.