RECOGNIZE RED CHINA ' CIrL Latest Deadline in the State D4at I p I c t &O' f. See Page FAIR VOL. LXIII, No. 28-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1953 FOUR PAGES Speakers Barred -AP Wire Photo NOTRE DAME STUDENTS BAR CHAPEL DOOR - Six followers of an excommunicated former Catholic priest (dark suits, back to the camera) a re barred from Sacred Heart Church on the campus of Notre Dame by a group of students. They were escorted from the campus after announcing they intended to convert students to their beliefs. They said they were followers of Leonard Feeney, former Jesuit priest, who preached, in opposition to orders from the Pope, that salvation is im- possible outside the Catholic Church. Solons Pass Money Bill For Defense Four Measures Yet on Agenda WASHINGTON-(P)-Speeding toward a weekend adjournment, Congress stamped its approval yes- terday on the year's biggest money bill, which provides more than 34 billion dollars to run the Defense Department in the fiscal year end- ing next June 30. It was the ninth money bill to go to the White House, leaving only four appropriations measures to be ironed out before Congress can quit for the year. THE HOUSE has approved all 13 money bills, the Senate 10. One is before a Senate-House confer- ence group seeking to straighten out the difference between meas- urgs passed by both chambers. There are other things to be cleared up, however, before Con- gress can adjourn, including a number of bills given a "must" label by President Eisenhower.. Chief among these are a series of compromises which must be worked out on differing versions of the same bill. * *~ * THESE INCLUDE: 1. A bill to permit more than 200,000 refugees to enter the United States over and beyond the regular immigra- tion quotas established in present law. President Eisenhower wantedj the figure to be 240.000. The House approved 217,000, the Senate 209,- 000. 2. A measure to extend the re- ciprocal trade authority for a year. The President asked for an "as is" extension, which the Sen- ate approved. The House, how- ever, voted to increase the Tariff Commission from six to seven members, giving the Republicans a numerical majority. 3. A bill declaring that the fed- eral government has title to sub- merged lands extending beyond the boundaries of the states-3 miles from all except Texas and the west coast of Florida, ,where the distance is 101/2 miles. The defense budget, which stir- red up a storm of protest when it was first proposed, was passed quietly by both houses with no further attacks on the administra- tion move chopping five billion dollars from Air Force funds rec- ommended by former President Harry S. Truman. As it finally cleared Congress, the defense bill called for $34,371,- 541,000 in new money for the pres- ent fiscal year. Taft Rallies NEW YORK-()-Sen. Rob- ert A. Taft, rallying after Tues- day's turn for the worse, had a betterday yesterday, New "ork Hospital reported early last night. The bulletin read: "Senator Taft had a better day today than yesterday. There has been no change in his con- dion since this morning."~ The Ohio Republican was operated on July 8 after he suffered a hip lesion. The exact nature of his illness has not been made public. Taft's wife, Martha, confined to a wheelchair as the result of a stroke, was flown to New York Tuesday. Two of their four sons also visited Taft and a third son, William Howard Taft III, is preparing to fly back from Ire- land where he is American ambassador. Senators OK Bill for Entry Of Refugees WASHINGTON--W)-TheSen- ate gave President Eisenhower a major victory yesterday by' ap- proving a bill to admit 209,000 "special quota" refugees includ- ing 4,000 orphans to the United States in the next three years. The vote on the hotly contro- versial issue was 63-30. ADMINISTRATION forces de-I scribed the legislation as a vital cog in Eisenhower's foreign policy by helping to provide asylum for refugees who have fled from Com- munist tyranny. Critics in both Houses of Con- gress denounced it in embittered terms as opening the gates to a flood of Red agents, subversives, criminals and potential sabo- teurs. All of the "special quota" im- migrants must be sponsored by American citizens and screened by U. S. investigative agencies before they can be admitted to this coun- try. * * * , SOME SENATORS said the stiff restrictions written into the bill made it dubious whether the full 209,000 could qualify for admis- sion. The bill now goes to a Senate- House conference committee to adjust differences with a separ- ately passed House version. Unlike the Senate bill, the House version does not require all ad- mitted to be refugees-an issue likely to provoke further dispute. As Truce TalkssGOn c4 Ike WinsVote On Foreign Aid in Senate WASHINGTON-MP)-The Sen- ite early today passed a $6,745,- 318,202 foreign aid bill after Eis- enhower leaders turned back re- peated attempts to slice the total. The niove gave President Eisen- hower a major win in the foreign aid fight as it refused to slash 548 million dollars out of the pro- gram designed to bolster foreign * nations against communism. The $6,745,318,202 was still some half billion dollars less than Eis- enhower originally requested but about half a billion more than the House voted. * . * A LONG DEBATE produced a discussion of the wisdom of re- ported plans to build new Ameri- can jet fighters in Italy. *Several senators said plants there might be used by Soviet Russia ifthe Red armies over- ran Italy. They also noted the nearness of Italy to possible Soviet bombing attack. Chairman Bridges (R-N.H.) of the Senate Appropriations Com- mittee led off the after-dark de- bate with a plea against any ma- jor changes. , Sen. Gore (D-Tenn.) made a futile attempt to get a detailed country-by-country breakdown of the various funds in the program which provides more than 4% bil- lions of new cash plus authority to use more than 2 billions of former appropriations not obli- gated. Sen. Symington (D-Mo.), form- er secretary of the Air Force, told the Senate he had learned of plans for Italian production of U. S. jets. "They plan to produce in Italy the latest model jet we have-the Sabre," Symington said. "This is only a few minutes away by jet from the Soviet," Symington said. Italians Face Chaotic Period In Government ROME-(A)-Italy headed last night toward possible political chaos in the wake of the downfall of Alcide de Gasperi's eighth gov- ernment. Responsible politicians seemed in doubt as to what the future may bring. Some were openly pessimis- tic. DE GASPFRI'S center govern- ment fell Tuesday before the com- bined opposition of Communists, Socialists, Monarchists and Fas- Red Charges of Eight UN Violations Denied East Berliners Throng Western Zone for Food -Daily-chuck Ritz SOLOIST ARLENE SOLLENBERGER REHEARSES WITH 'U' SYMPHONY S,* * * ,' U' Summer Orchestra To Give ConcertToday BERLIN-(P)-All German re- lief records were shattered as 200,000 Eastern needy defied Com- munist police terror and lined up at 50 distribution points for free Western foods in West Berlin yes- terday. Each day the total rises. In all, 450,000 food packages have been distributed to poverty-stricken East Germans this week. ARRESTS, confiscations, radio threats and scare leaflets were brushed aside in the trek across the Soviet sector border. The 15 million dollars worth of foodstuffs donated by the United States for East German relief-and scornfully rejected by Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov-will be giv- en out here to 12 million needy in 60 days if the present rate can be sustained, relief officials said. All over the Soviet zone, the food rush snowballed. Every East German returning to a home town in the provinces with arms loaded: with Western fats, flour and other rare treasures was a signal for more to set out for Berlin. RED POLICE arrested scores of food-laden East Germans in the Soviet sector of the city. At leastf some were freed later. The police took away the identity cards off many more. The threat of trialc as a Western spy shadowed each of the hungry.t ject can be completed, it will have provided something for two out of every three persons in the Soviet zone's 18 million popula- tion. With thousands of tons of Amer- ican food already across the Atlan- tic, the Bonn government estab- lished a food "air bridge" to Ber- lin today. A regular Pan American airliner brought in 4,400 pounds from Hamburg. More air cargoes will follow. * * * TESTING OUT the Soviet zone autobahn for overland shipments, the Bonn Food Ministry dispatched 20 tons of American flour in a big Diesel truck and trailer. It was delayed a total of 6/4 hours by two Communist customs inspec- tions, but got through without con- fiscation. There were indications that American food would soon be ar- riving he i huge tonnages byBookmen Face Alternatives; It will be distributed directly top East Germans after repackaging in * unbranded containers. Po uarT ste or Benefit A variety of orchestral combina- tions will characterize the sum- mer's only orchestral concert, at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditor- ium, when Prof. Josef Blatt leads the University Summer Session Orchestra in a program of four works using four different instru- mentations. The concert will begin with Bach's Suite No. 1 in C major, which is written for string orches- tra. Also to be played is Richard Strauss' Serenade in E-flat, Op. 7, featuring only wind instruments, and Schubert's Symphony No. 5 in F-flat, which uses the standard classical orchestration. Mahler's "Songs of a Wayfarer" will be the featured work of the evening. Arlene Sollenberger, con- tralto, will be soloist in a new Eng- lish translation of the work by Prof. Blatt. Miss Sollenberger is an Instructor in the School of Music, and was heard here last summer in the Opera Workshop's production of Nicolai's"Merry Wives of Wind- sor." ' Funds Slashed WASHINGTON---PW)-By an overwhelming vote, the House yesterday stripped Rep. Hoff- man (R-Mich.) of control of funds provided for inyestiga- tions by units of his House Government Operations Com- mittee. The floor fight was the latest chapter in a long-simmering feud between Hoffman and members of his committee. Earlier this year he directed the subcommittee chairmen to cut down the size of their in- vestigating staffs. This is Prof. Blatt's initial ap- pearance on the Hill Auditorium podium since his recent appoint- ment as conductor of the Univer- sity Symphony. He is also Director of the Uni- versity's Opera Workshop pro- gram. In the past he has been an Assistant Conductor of the Metro- politan Opera Company and has been a guest conductor of the New York Philharmonic. Admission to the concert is open to the public without charge. R.OTC Juniors Given Warniug By Air Force WASHINGTON - P) - The Air Force issued an ultimatum yesterday to 13,000 college juniors in its Reserve Officers Training Corps to take flight training or drop out. John A. Hannah, assistant sec- retary of defense for manpower, explained that the Air Force would' be unable to absorb next year's crop of young officers uness they were prepared to fly. * * * ONLY ABOUT 1,000 third-year college men in special categories- engineers was the only example cited-will be commissioned next year without flight training, Han- nah said. The Air Force is working un- der a 130,000-man ceiling on of- ficers this year and has only a limited need for ground officers. Nevertheless it plans to take in all of the 9,000 ROTC graduates who were commissioned last month-. Delay Return of Prisoners Prison Camps To Be"Inspected MUNSAN - (') - United Na- tions members of the Military Armistice Commission told the Communists yesterday to back up charges of eight Allied violations of the 3-day.old Korean truce. The commission called its third meeting early today in the weath- ered truce conference hut at Pan- munjom. THE REDS seized the initiative yesterday by lodging the first compluint of a truce. violation. The UN Command was charged with three unauthorized flights over the demilitarized buffer zone, and firing 11 artillery rounds and a burst of machinegun bullets. The Reds claimed threevola tions Monday night and five on Tuesday., Maj. Gen. Blackshear M. Bry- an, senior Allied commissioner, promptly called for additional in- formation. He dismissed the com- plaint as "nothing serious." * * * BRYAN disclosed that the Al- lies sought to speed up the ex- change of more than 86,000 prison- ers of war, including 3,313 Amer- icans, by three days. The Reds turned down the UN request which would have started the prisoners homeward through Freedom Village on Sunday, insteadoef next Wednes- day. Gen. Lee Sang Cho, Red Ko- rean truce commissioner, said the Communists could not be ready that soon. HOWEVER, Allied and Com- munist Red Cross leaders are meeting in Panmunjom today to coordinate plans for inspection of prisoner camps in both North and South Korea. The inspections be- gin as soon as the plans are com- pleted. Allied Red Cross organi- zations were refused permission to see Red prisoner stockades throughout the war. Early today armies are to com- plete the pullback from the battle- line. They will leave a buffer zone 2 miles wide winding 150 miles through abandoned hills and val- leys once drenched in blood. Willow Run's Future Depends On Union Talks TOLEDO - R) - Edgar F. Kai- ser, president of Kaiser Motors Corp., told newsmen yesterday that the future of Willow Run depends largely upon the working out of satisfactory union contracts. He said the present contracts did not at all fit the volume of oper- ations at the big former bomber plant and that it will not be re- opened for large-scale operations until contract dajustments have been made with the CIO United Auto Workers. KAISER added, "negotiations currently are under way with the union and they have been pro- gressing favorably." ful the reopening could be made within 30 days. The big problem in these con- tract differences, Kaiser said, was mainly one of job classifications. He said Willow Run is ideally laid out for manufacturing oper- ations and "we hope they can be resumed there." The recently combined Kai- ser Motors and Willys Motors are going after a greater part of the i Play To Continue The speech depar tent's pres- entation of George Bernard Shaw's "Pygmalion" will continue its run at 8 p.m. today in the Lydia Men- delssohn theater. Tickets for all performances through Saturday are on sale at But the food rush grew beyond the Mendelssohn boxoffice all expectations. If the vast pro- $1.20, 90 cents and 60 cents. for 3-omC Books An average book publisher faces two alternatives in business; eith- er to issue books to satisfy public taste (as shown by sales figures), or to be of maximum benefit to the public, Freeman Lewis ex- plained yesterday. Speaking at the ninth lecture on "Popular Arts in America," Lewis, executive vice-president of Pocket Books, Inc., pointed out "publishers all believe in the sec- ond method, but qualify it with 'whenever possible.,'" * * * HE SAID no matter which school of thought they belong to, chances are their decisions are wrong in the unpredictable pub- lishing business. "Public taste can no more be measured by sales figures of best-sellers than baseball by home runs," the publishing ex- ecutive said. Lewis cited the increase in pro- portion of non-fiction over fiction in the paper-bound book industry as the business grows older. 'SIN-TIME," he predicted, "non- fiction will be the biggest seller." Currently, fiction holds down 82 per cent of the list of best- sellers. There is an enormously-wide variation in the literary merit of best-sellers he explained. i; * "IN FICTION,, what the public seems to like best is sex, prefer- tration on violence or poverty, he said. AS REASON for this variation, the publisher pointed out "Books are not corseted by regulations and as a result, other media can't show realism without limiting the scope and honesty." Paper-bound book audiences are not easily influenced by keeping up with the Jones, he explained. They take all in their stride, ex- cept artiness, he noted, "but the common denominator is a good story teller." DISTRIBUTOR SHOWS LIST: Police Deny Book Ban Order Issued By BECKY CONRAD and GAYLE GREENE Conflicting statements, accusa- tions and denials on the banning of "obscene" literature came to light again recently. A local pocket book distributor produced a list of books with the heading "the following list of books have been banned by the Ann Arbor Police Department. Re- move these books from your stand immediately." The distributor said he was given the list by the Ann Arbor police. LIEUTENANT George Stauch, conntactedin t+e istornivP hiira Asked if he has read all 47 of the books on the list produced by the distributor, the lieutenant said "some of the books included on his list had been taken from the Detroit list, but not all." (A comparison of both lists re- vealed that every book on the Ann Arbor notice is represented on the Detroit list.) LIEUTENANT Stauch refused to issue a copy of his list saying he thought publication of the list would bring a demand for the cen- sored books. Each dealer is warned person- ally. the lieutenant said There their authority in issuing the no- tice to distributors," he declared. "The list serves to indicate to distributors that certain litera- ture they carry might not be free" from liability of prosecu- tion, Devine noted. The County prosecutor cited no recent cases concerning the sell- ing of "obscene" books by distri- butors, but said there had been some involving private individuals. I .j DEVINE explained that the De- troit bureau issues lists of banned books every 48 hours and that the Ann Arbor notice is "out-of-date and incomnlote " *, '°"-'