PROBE OF CLERGYMEN See Page 2 Y Latest Deadline in the State 014*F :43atly - WARMER oft" VOL. LXIII, No. 25-S ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN. SATTTRDAY. TLY 25.1 953 FOUR PArG u'r . PK AXLV to Surprise Raid TRUCE AY BE SIG ED TOD ,Y, * I TO ORO -SOURCES REPORT UNEXPECTED INTRUDERS-French paratroops land in Lang- son area this week during a 5,000-paratroop raid on Communist rebel Vietminh base in Indochina. The base, only six miles from the Red China border, held some 5,000 tons of Red supplies built up during, three months of deliveries from Red China. Troops took rebels by surprise and during the 12-hour raid destroyed everything that could not be carted off. Then they made a forced march through the jungle and linked up, after 48 hours, with a. relief column sent out from the Hanoi defense area. ON LABOR RACKETS: House Group Restores Hoff man's Probe Rights WASHINGTON - (R) - Peppery, 77-year-old Congressman Clare Hoffman won almost a complete victory yesterday over rebels on his House government operations committee. The group voted unanimously to restore to the Michigan Repub- lican all his rights to conduct inquiries into labor racketeering in De- troit and Kansas City., N. Korean Fires Russia Trainees TOKYO-(OP)-South Korean intelligence sources said last night that Red North Korea's Red dictator, Kim Il Sung, is firing Cabinet ministers who are pro-Russian in favor of men who are pro-Chinese. These unofficial reports, sifting through the Iron Curtain of Com- munist secrecy, supplanted earlier ones which said that Kim himself was being purged. * * *4 * LATER REPORTS said Kim still had the advantage in a tug of war between North Korean.Reds trained by the Chinese at Yenan and others trained in Moscow. Reports explained these things have happened so far: Kim's arch rival, Vice-Premier Hu Ka Week, trained by Mos- cow to act behind the scenes as the actual North Korean ruler, has been kicked out. Foreign Minister Park Hun Yung, a renegade South Korean, has been jailed and his job given A s ~er- an to Lee Tong Kun, also a South Ko- rean but trained at Yenan. Kim Too Bong, a Yenan- Polic H ead trained Korean who already held an important chairmanship in Kim's inner government, has BERLIN - (P) - Gestapo Boss gained even more stature. Wilhlem Zaisser was relieved as Choo Yung Ha, North Korea's Communist East Germany's min- ambassador to Russia, has been ister of state security last night fired, So has Justice Minister Lee and his 100,000 police agents were Sung Yup. placed under control of the Inter- Yenan-trained Vice Premiers ior Ministry. Hong Myung Hi, Jung Il Young, Eastern informants immediately Park Yi Won and Choi Yong Kum commented that Zaisser-despite have been moved up into more in- close ties with Lavrentv P Beria fluential roles. Rhee Stili Looms As Chief Threat U.S. Marine Units Alerted In Case Armistice Negotiations Break Down By The Associated Press Reliable sources in Seoul and Washington said yesterday they, expect a Korean true to be signed Saturday night or Sunday night. Allied liaison officers were called to a meeting at 7 p.m. last night at Panmunjom. The liaison officers adjourned after one hour and 20 minutes. UN and the liaison groups scheduled another meeting for mid- night. Although there was no official confirmation, all signs pointed sharply to the near approach of the signing and the end of two years of negotiation. THE CHIEF uncertainty was South Korean President Syngman Rhee. An unflinching opponent of an armistice that would leave Korea divided, he bluntly said yes-Q * * * i J J REPUBLICAN LEADERS MEET-President Eisenhower yesterday appointed Herbert Hoover to serve with James A. Farley, former chairman of the Democratic National Committee, on the new gov- ernment reorganization committee. i l , } x " x C Y' + r e b r b THESE WERE the same powers which were stripped from Hoff- man last week by his fellow committee members, some of whom ob- jected to his orders to curtail their, s * own investigative work. nti-Soviet" A unanimous vote in. Hoff. man's favor was taken at a clos- ed session of the committee to- S Aday. Newsmen were in the room at the beginning of the meeting, but Republican members of the Troo al~l committee voted to exclude the TroopTrain :reporters. The committee attached only one string to their vote-they set BERLIN - (P) - Eight thou- a limit of 60 ;days on Hoffman's sand anti-Communist partisans are renewed inquiry. active in Poland and their chief The 60-day clause irritated Hoff- attacks are against Soviet mili- man, who first told newsmen, "You tary trains hauling troops and can't do much in that time." East German reparations, intelli- Later, the Michigan Republican gence experts said last night. added, "We can't go into St. Soviet and Polish divisions are Louis as we were asked to do, and on maneuvers at present in Silesia we can't go into Chicago as we and sounds of artillery fire gave were asked to' do-by civic groups rise to rumors from the Neisse Riv- in both places." er frontier this week that open Hoffman said grand juries are battles with partisans are in prog- already looking into alleged labor ress, these sources said. The racketeering in Detroit and Kan- sources dismissed the rumors as sas City. He said he would hold off baseless. on resumption of his Congression- B H n s al hearings in those cities to give BY THEIR account of Polish de- the grand juries more time to make velopments: their own investigations. Marshal Konstantin Rokos- Shortly before the committee sovsky staged his big army and voted yesterday, Rep. Charles' air force review Wednesday in Brownson' (R-Ind.) said he and Stalinogrod, Silesian steel cen- other members were "being put ter, to intimidate discontented in the light of aiding and abetting workers. . racketeering" by their action of last week in curbing Hoffman's Silesia is "full of undercover solo powers. wrest against the regime, but very "I'm tired of getting beat over itle overt resistance." the head editorially," Brownson The Polish partisans are inade- added. -has "good chances" of bouncing back into power as new interior minister, replacing Willi Stoph. * * * THIS WOULD put Zaisser in command of both East Germany's police and 125,000-man people's army. There have been rumors that Stoph is in a shaky position with the Russians, though he is a member of the East German Communist Central Committee. Premier Otto Grotewohl an- nounced the changes. He ap- pointed Ernst Wollweber, state secretary for shipping, as direc- tor of the state secretariat for state security in the Interior Ministry-a new title and new organization. Zaisser is a hard-jowled steely- eyed man who became notorious as a commander of international bri- gades in the Spanish Civil War. He spent World War II in Rus- sia and was given the honorary rank of general in the Soviet Ar- my. Zaisser has boasted in recent years that he had a direct phone line to Beria. Zaisser took most of the Com- munists' whispered blame for the fiasco of state forces in combat- ting the June 17 rebellion, which finally was suppressed by 15 Soviet divisions. -The Interior Ministry has been in effect a defense ministry, run- ning the recruiting, training and supply of armed forces totaling 125,000 men. Its major depart- ments have been headed by gen- THE INTELLIGENCE reports said that Foreign Minister Park fell from power shortly after Rus- sia's secret police chief, Lavrenti Beria, was ousted. South Korean sources did not know whether Kim had any close connection with Beria although it was reported that he met Beria during the four years Kim was in training in Moscow. If the current reports are true, they suggest that Kim has been weaned away from his Moscow teachings and now leans toward Red China's Mao Tze-tung. Senate Group OK's Food Aid WASHINGTON-(P)--The Sen- ate Agriculture Committee voted yesterday to give President Eisen- hower a free hand in the distribu- tion of 100 million dollars worth of surplus farm products to friend- ly nations or peoples. Chairman Aiken (R-Vt.) said the change meant that food and other products could be sent be- hind the Iron Curtain if it helped the cold war against Communism. Aiken predicted quick passage of the bill by the Senate. BINGO! Lottery Ban Issue Raises State Protest Ay M hThe Associated Press As Michigan pondered its bingo- and-lottery problem yesterday, counsel for oneraffected group de- plored "hysteria." The expression came from Ed- ward N. Barnard, counsel for the Detroit firemen's benefit fund which has been forbidden from raffling automobiles for the fire- men's field day. * * * POLICE HAVE put a halt to all bingo games and raffles in the light of Attorney General Frank Millard's order for enforcement of all anti-gambling laws. Attorney Barnard, appearing before the firemen's commis- sion, took a crack at the anti- raffle order. This came from De- troit Police Commissioner Don- ald S. Leonard. "It seems strange," Barnard said "that after 30 years of raffling cars without the slightest sugges- tion of illegality suddenly they're told they're violating the law." * * * THE FIREMEN'S group met in an effort to decide what to do about 100,000 raffle tickets which have been sold at 50 cents each to the public. L ': i t [ Project Pigeon WASHINGTON - (P) - The International Information Agency has a plan for, a highly secret operation which it calls Project Pigeon. That, and the fact it "re- quires the use of radio construc- tion funds," was about all Un- der Secretary of State Walter Bedell Smith would tell the Senate .Appropriations .Com- mittee about it at a public ses- sion yesterday. Smith was asking the sena- tors to approve funds for the project-something the House did not do. He did not say how much it would cost, but explained, "while not an expensive project it is a vital one." He added that the National Security Council has approved it. u: 1i National Roundup Ike's Broher Levels Blast At McCarthy KANSAS CITY - (.P) - Arthur Eisenhower, oldest brother of the President, yesterday confirmed his description of Sen. McCarthy (R- Wis.) as "the most dangerous men- ace to America." It was in Nevada Thursday that Eisenhower told the Las Vegas Sun "when I think of McCarthy I automatically think of Hitler." The President's brother, a Kansas City banker, said he was surprised and embarrassed by the wide- spread interest shown in his in- terview with Sean Flannelly of the Sun. "I have nothing personally against Sen. McCarthy," Eisen- hower added, "but I deplore his tactics." "It's too bad we have such a man in public life," Eisenhower said in a brief interview between plane flights. He added that Mc- Carthy makes "deplorable attacks on people and gives people no chance to answer charges." 'Country Girl' The speech department's cur- rent production, "Country Girl" will terminate its run at 8 p.m. today in Lydia Mendelssohn Thea- ter. Tickets for the Clifford Odets drama are on sale at the Mendel- ssohn boxoffice for $1.20, 90 cents and 60 cents. , terday that some of the Allied agreements with the Communists "can not be allowed to happen." The 78 year old Republic of Korea President in effect ac- cused the United States of giv- ing him one ket of promises while giving just the opposite to the Communists at Panmunjom. Units from two Marine divisions in the United States have been alerted for rapid movement to Ko- rea should truce arrangements break down completely or an arm- istice be violated after it is sign- ed, officials said yesterday. One source, described the ac- tion as purely precautionary. He said that if an armistice is com- pleted without further hitches within the next few days the 2nd and 3rd Marine Divisions, will remain at their locations, except for such individuals who are sent to Korea as replacements. Washington sources said Pres- ident Eisenhower had given Gen. Mark W. Clark final authority as United Nations commander in Ko- rea to sign a trace agreement with the Reds. The purpose of the authorization was to enable Clark to act quickly after details were settled. * * * EMERGING FROM a White House conference yesterday Sec- retary of State John Foster Dulles said "I'd like a little enlighten- ment myself" when newsmen ask- ed him if he could enlighten them on prospects of a truce signing over the weekend. Dulles said he was "neither optimistic nor pessimistic" on the prospects. Plans for exchanging war pris- oners appeared to be the last order of business. The two sides already may have exchanged lists of near- ly 100,000 men they hold. * * * PRESIDENT Rhee in his state- ment yesterday criticizing the United States and United Nations, disclosed some details of his re- cent secret talks with Assistant, U. S. Secretary of State Walter S. Robertson. He said his agreement with Robertson provided that "no troops from Indian or any other foreign nation will be landed in South Korea to guard prisoners of war." Rhee cited Communist claims that UN chief negotiator Gen. Wil- liam K. Harrison "has agreed that such troops will land in South Korea and that they will be grant- ed police protection by the UN forces." "I can only say that the Korean people will not permit this to hap- pen," Rhee declared. 'Reds, Allies Battle Near Truce Town SEOUL, Korea - (P) - Chinese Reds, supported by Russian-style rockets, battled hand to hand with Allied troops yesterday for three outposts northeast of Panmun- jom-the town where a truce Is reported about to be signed. The Army identified the U. S. 1st Marine Division as the unit now holding hard-hit Outpost Esther and two nearby hills north- east of Panmunjom under heavy Red attack. CHINESE Reds, firing Russian- style Katusha rockets, stormed the three Western Front hills yester- day and battled hand-to-hand with the Marines. Associated Press Correspond- ent Forrest Edwards reported that the fighting must be "very heavy." The Marines cleared the hills of attackers in hand-to-hand fight- ing. Reds continued attacks in the area after that, however. * *a EXACT LOCATION of the three outpost hills was not permitted by censorship. But artillery dueling in the area could be heard plainly in the truce village of Panmunjom where a truce agreement was re- ported as imminent. Edwards said the trenches on the hills were shattered, rubbled little gullies after 10 hours of fighting. Drizzling rain through the night and heavy overcast at dawn made immediate Allied air support of the Marines out of the question, Edwards said. AP Correspondent John Ran- dolph reported from the central front that the Reds also used rockets in renewing attacks north- west of Kumhwa, a key road hub. A 300-man attack hit South Kor- eans early yesterday and was turn- ed back in short order. Aid to Korea After Truce Asked by Ike WASHINGTON - (A - Presi- dent Eisenhower asked congres- sional leaders yesterday for an in- itial fund of 200 million dollars to help restore Korea after the armis- tice. At the same time Eisenhower was reported to have given flnal authority to Gen. Mark Clark as United Nations commander in Ko- rea to sign a truce agreement with the Communists. Congressional leaders told of the erals. quately armed, although they oc- casionally obtain additional weap- ons when Soviet troop trains are derailed or military freight hi- jacked. The partisans long have been harassing the Russians in East Prussia, which was split between the Soviet Union and Poland in 1945, and in eastern Poland. A. To Purge Propaganda Of Reds--Smith t' WASHINGTON - (OP) - Under Secretary of State Walter Bedell Smith said yesterday the govern- ment's new International Infor- mation Agency will be under or- ders to remove immediately all Communist propaganda from its overseas libraries. He made the statement at a Senate Appropriations Committee Buitlding A Palm Tree By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-The government is allowing an atomic medical substance to be sent from Oak Ridge, Tenn., to Yugoslavia to treat ailing Roman Catholic Cardinal Stepinac, officials said last night. Two American medical experts left New York by air yesterday with a shipment of radioactive phosphorus, used to treat a blood dis- ease called polycythemia. It causes an overproduction of red cells. * * * * WASHINGTON-The House Government Operations Committee yesterday approved a bill by Rep. Coudert (R-NY) to limit govern- ment spending in any year to federal income except in emergency. LANSING-Representatives of the State Conservation Department will testify here Aug. 11 before a House committee investigating re- cent gasoline price increases in Michigan. WASHINGTON-The Veterans Administration said yesterday that some four million veterans with GI term insurance will no longer have to apply for renewal of their policies for another five-year term be- fore the policies expire. The new procedure became effective Thursday with the sign- ing by President Eisenhower of a bill providing automatic renewal of the term policies if they have, not lapsed. * * * GRAND RAPIDS - Names of one non-existent bishop and one bishop long dead are includ- GAMMA GLOBULIN SHOTS: Operation Lollipop Hailed Effective NflillĀ§