Stevenson Gets Picked
CHICAGO-Gov. Adlai Stevenson built a
better mousetrap and the Democrats
are trampling him in their rush to clear a
path to his door.
Stevenson seems destined to make po-
litical history by achieving presidential
nomination strictly on his own terms.
It appears that he will be the object of a
genuine draft on a very early ballot. He
has made no commitments to any person,
state, or voting bloc. He hasn't even con-
sulted the omniscient-or are they?-col-
umnists. He is under no obligation to the
incumbent president of his own party.
Even his floor leader is being forced to
volunteer his services. The politicos are
plaintive and bewildered by turns. They
are still confident he can catch General
Eisenhower in his mousetrap, which is con-
solation enough.
The Governor has accomplished this
without loss of dignity and with even an
occasional joke at his own expense. That
he will be a "strong" president if elected
is hardly open to doubt.
All the speculation about vice president
is whistling in the dark. Governor Steven-
son will be in a position, it seems, to make
his choice in that matter too.
He can go East, South or West from his
sweetly central position in the heart of the
great Midwest. All the aspirants for second
place can only stand and wait, hoping they
will be allowed to serve.
The contrast between the situation here
now and two weeks ago could hardly be
more complete.
General Eisenhower is a man of stature.
He will run his own show when he mas-
ters it. But, new to politics, he was ob-
viously in the hands of his managers here.
They fought a good fight for him, capital-
izing fully on a moral issue the Taft
forces handed them. They also, in a pro-
cess of addition and subtraction, chose his
vice president, Sen. Richard Nixon.
In this convention, a stubborn man, wise
in the ways of politics after four 4years at
the helm of a great pivotal state, has per-
formed "operation solo" and seems about to
get away with it.
The American people for their part can
look forward to a campaign between two
men who have no vested interest in the mis-
takes of the past which they will feel bound
to defend.
Democrats felt reassured today when
they looked at the vast hall as astutely
decorated with the legends of their ac-
complishments. Very few however are
inclined to minimize the corruption issue
and the stale winds out of Washington.
They hope and believe the nomination of
Stevenson will minimize these weaknesses.
The temperate Stevenson influence be-
came apparent early. New Dealers respond-
ed by softening the rules changes they were
demanding on the question of contested
delegates. The Southerners were accepting
such changes in part in a manner very dif-
ferent from their early intransigence.
As for other candidates, backers of Aver-
ell Harriman and Sen. Robert Kerr admitted
their wheels were spinning. Sen. Estes Ke-
fauver hasn't given up, nor is he admitting
that he may be making a show of strength
in order to get second place on the ticket.
(Copyright, 1952, by the Bell Syndicate)
CHICAGO-Whatever happens to Averell
Harriman at this convention, it is at
least worth noting that his last-minute
Presidential candidacy has become a re-
markable phenomenon in American politics.
First there is the transformation of the
candidate himself. Harriman did not desire
to run, preferring to support Gov. Adlai
Stevenson of Illinois; He was originally of-
fered the New York delegation because Paul
Fitzpatrick and the other New York lead-
ers had nowhere else to store their dele-
gates. He had been a great official, but he
was a rank amateur in practical politics.
He had the handicap of his wealth. And
he was only barely able to make a coherent
Yet in a few short months, without any-
one as yet noticing it very much, Harri-
man has transformed both himself and his
candidacy by sheer courage and grim de-
termination. The politicians here still
underrate Harriman because they have
not seen him in action. But he has always
had a way of learning by doing, and he has
now learned to be a curiously effective cam
"Gee-Ain't He Terrific!"
THE SECOND CONCERT by the Stanley forte or their desire. At any rate their per-
Quartet again showed the musical in- formances can not be called delicate or
ventiveness of the group and the high ar- frail.
tistic calibre of their programs. Opening This energetic and vigorous quality was
with the familiar "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik," clearly demonstrated in tlhe Beethoven,
Serenade in G, by Mozart, they achieved a and also in the Bartok first quartet which
high level of preformance which was main- concluded the program. The work of Bar-
talned throughout the whole concert. tok's'surely evidences the romantic tradi-
Ths particular Mozart, a work of utmost tion from which he was to turn away, but
Ths artcula Moarta wrk o utost it also contains the motor rhythm and in-
lyric simplicity, exemplifies the crystal- tensity of expression which he would pur-
lized classic structure of which Mozart suein later works. Both the Beethoven
was the acknowledged master. The in- and Bartok interpretations were dynamic,
terpretation, however, was a change from and as such both attentively conveyed the
the usual, but certainly a not unwelcome respective meanings of the two works.
change. The performing medium was a I have never heard the Stanley play music
string quintet rather than a string orches- of the latter half of the 19th century (the-
tra, and there was emphasis on individ- greater and more illustrious part of quartet
uality of line instead of a cohesion or literature is not from this period anyway),
oneness in ensemble. Thus the work be- nor have I heard them perform much music
gre orerhybust andrie.Ipossesusdaned of more placid and less dramatic nature.
graterhyhissmimriestoss wenedre But if all their performances are imbued
tality which is sometimes lest when there with the same vitality and energy, from
is too much emphasis on a perfection or which springs the source of the musical
unity of parts. instinct, then they certainly will fulfill the
The second work, Beethoven's opus 95, performer's role in the "musical experience"
is an experimental work, bringing the gap with the discriminating and sensitive in-
between the composer's so-called second and sight it demands.
third periods. Nonetheless it is neither weak
structurally nor dissatisfying emotively. It A SMALL BUT extraordinarily enthusias-
is an intense, dynamic Beethoven exploiting tic audience witnessed last night a pro-
greater contrasts between the lyric and dra- gram of saxophone solos by Dwight Dailey.
matic than he had done before, and weav- The saxophone, a recent addition to the
ing a still more virtuostic and compact family of musical instruments, possesses
quartet texture. Here the Stanley showed neither the versatility and consistency of
unity of ensemble; the drama that was Bee- tone of its older, tried and true relatives,
thoven's intention was given real substance, nor has it their wealth of literature, as was
I feel that the quartet is at its best when shown by last night's use of transcriptions.
it can display its vigor. They are a group Although performed well, the main interest
of extreme energy and drive, and though of the recital lay in the novelty of the
they are capable of subtle nuance, as in the medium, rather than the music which was
Milhaud of two weeks ago, this type of un- for the most part second rate.
dynamic music seems neither to be their Donald Harris
On the stump, he still stumbles. But he
has acquired a remarkable knack of convey-
ing passionate sincerity and strong emo-
tion, which very few other politicians have.
s e"
PRESIDENT TRUMAN is credited with the
remark that "You can't make a bare-
foot boy out of Ave'rell," but the sincerity
and emotion Harriman achieves can still be
singularly effective. His people here have a
recording of a speech he made in Colorado
which they play to doubters. Even the re-
cording was good enough to change the view
of Sen. Hubert Humphrey, no mean plat-
form speaker and a not insignificant per-
sonage at this convention, that Harriman
would never catch the popular imagination
in an electoral campaign.'
Besides achieving this odd style that
alternates Franklin Roosevelt's organ tones
and his own hesitant honesty, Harriman
has also managed to inspire a remarkable
loyalty and devotion in his little band of
supporters. The whole Harriman show
looks like a youth movement, which is odd
in itself in the rather tired Democratic
The older liberal Democrats are still hop-
ing for Adlai Stevenson. But Harriman has
attr cted to himself an extraordinarily high
proportion, if not of the ripe wisdom, of at
least the genuine faith and idealism in his
party. Whether or not you agree with the
views prevalent in Harriman headquarters,
it is a rather cheering place to be, if only
as proof that idealism still fluorishes in odd
corners of our political life, and that there
are some people left who are not against
cynics or hopeful payrollers.
Perhaps this is because Harriman, the
richest man in public life, seems to be about
the last Democrat who really believes in the
New and Fair Deals.
**. .
THEN, TOO, there is great interest, again
whether you approve of it or not, in
the underlying Harriman strategy. This
strategy is based upon a simple copputation.
A check of the elections from 1932 onward
shows that the whole Southern electoral
vote could have gone to the Republicans
every time except 1948, and the Democratic
party would still have won every time by
majorities ranging from 133 electoral -'otes
in 1936 to 39 electoral votes in 1944. Further-
more if the Wallace Progressives had not
drawn votes from the Democrats in New
York and other Northern States, the Dem-
ocrats could have lost the whole South and
still won even in 1948.
Since Harriman and his supporters ar-
gue that the Democratic future depends
apon a clear progressivism, a firm rejec-
tion of all compromises with the Southern
conservatives. And it must be said that
the arguments sound convincing when you
hear Harriman, pale, rather gaunt, yet
full of vigor, expounding his thesis in his
low-voiced, intense way.
Harriman's trouble is, meanwhile, that
he has got to convince this convention, which
will take a lot of doing. His favorite anec-
dote these days is a quotation from Wood-
row Wilson. According to Harriman, Wil-
son once remarked that there were always
more liberals than conservatives, but that
the liberals marched to their objectives alone
and apart, so that the conservatives, who al-
ways stuck together, were generally able to
pick off the liberals one by one.
In the present case, Harriman's chances=
would look much better if, for example,
he could form a combination with Sen.
Estes Kefauver. Sen. Humphrey has sought
to arrange just such a combination. But
Kefauver, after his hard fight, was not
willing to consider second place; and
neither was Harriman. Thus all the Harri-
man leaders are now awaiting the word
of the President. Truman encouraged the
Harriman candidacy. He has more than
once stated to Harriman that he meant
to support him. If the President is faith-
ful to his moral obligation, Harriman will
have Truman's support.
But again the trouble ia that the exnert
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official-publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (11 a.m.
on Saturday).
Department of Astronomy, Visitors'
Night, Friday, July 25, 8:30 p.m. Dr. Leo
Goldberg will speak on "The Milky
Way." After the illustrated lecture in
3017 Angell Hall, The Students' Ob-
servatory on the fifth floor will be open
for telescopic observation of a star clus-
ter and 'a double star, if the sky is clear,
or for inspection of the telescopes and
planetarium, if the sky is cloudy. Chil-
dren are welcomed, but must be ac-
companied by adults.
The Fresh Air Camp Clinic will be
held at the camp on Patterson Lake,
Friday, July 11, at 8:00 p.m. Dr. Rab-
inovitch, Assoc. Prof.., of Psychiatry: in
charge of Children's Service, Neuro-
psychiatric Institute, will be the dis-
The Summer School council in con-
nection with the Women's League is
holding duplicate bridge sessions every
Thursday evening from 7:30 p.m. on
Try to bring your own partner. The
room will be posted in the League.
North Michigan College of Education,
Marquette: Alumni and friends, league
cafeteria-Saturday, 5:00 p.m. Watch
League Bulletin for room assignments
for evenings get-together.
The Artist's Viewpoint including "The
City" (Museum of Modern Art), paint-
ings from the Whitney Museum of
American Art and works from the Per-
manent Collection. Museum of Art
Galleries, Alumni Memorial Hall. Week-
days, 9-5, Sundays, 2-5. The public is
La Petite Causette: All students and
summer residents who are interested in
speaking French are invited to join
this very informal group every Tuesday
and Thursday afternoon between 4:00
and 5:00 in the Tap Room of the Mich-
igan Union. A table will be reserved
and a French-speaking member of the
staff will be present, but there is no
program other than free conversation
in French.
Closing hours for undergraduate
women Friday, July 25, 1952, will be
1:30 a.m. because of Beach Ball.
Closing hour for women who attend-
ed the Stanley Quartet concert Tues-
day evening, July 22, will be no later
than 11:00 p.m.
Closing hour for women who attend-
ed the Woodwind Quintet concert Mon-
day evening, July 21, will be no later
than 11:00 p.m.
Personnel Requests
The Board of U.S. Civil Service Exam-
iners, U.S. Patent Office, Washington,
D.C. has announced an examination to
be given for Patent Examiner. The first
examination will be held in August and
applications for this examination must
be filed by August 12, 1953. Work would
be in connection with examining of
applications for patents, a full descrip-
tion of the work is on file at the Bureau
of Appointments, where it may be seen.
Civil Service ratings GS-5, 7 and 9 go
with the job.
The State of Michigan Service Com-
mission has announced an examination
for Laboratory Technician A, B, and C,
to be given in September. Applications
must be postmarked no later than Au-
gust 13, 1952, to be eligible for the
examination in September.
The New York Stat Civil Service
Commission has announced examina-
tions open to the public to be held on
September 27, 1952, for the following
positions: Librarian, senior and as-
sistant Architecture and Engineering,
six different positions; Stenography and
Clerical Work, four different positions;
Physical Education, Recreation .Super-
visor and Recreation Instructor, and
Assistant Recreation Instructor and
Senior Occupational Therapist (Mental
Hygiene); Job Training Representative;
Land and Claims Adjuster; and other
miscellaneous jobs.
The George F. "Alger Company, De-
troit, Michigan, has an immediate need
for an accountant. This is a large truck-
ing concern and the work would be
in the comptroller's office. Require-
ments are business administration and
accounting background, and company
wants tn oni a nr.nn not nnm.. 5
p.m., West Conference room, Rackham
Conference on Housing the Aging.
The Problem. 10:00 a.m. Rackham Am-
phitheater. Living Arrangements for
Older People. Groups A and B. 1:30
p.m., Rackham Amphitheater and As-
sembly Hall.
Lecture on Problems of Hydrodynam-
ic Stability. Professor C. C. Lin of the
Massachusetts Institute of Technolo-
gy will lecture at 4 o'clock p.m., July
24, in Room 1504 of East Engineering
Physics Colloquim. East Conference
Room, Rackham Bldg. Professor Harold
H. Nielsen will give two lectures on
"Infrared Spectra and the Structure
of Molecules," the first on Thursday,
July 24, at 7:30 p.m., and the second
on Monday July 28 at 7:30 p.m.
Academic Notices
Orientation Seminar: Thursday, July
24, at 3 p.m., in Room 3001. A.H. Miss
LaSalle will speak on "Quarterions as
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics:
Thursday, July 24, at 4 p.m., in Room
3201 Angell Hall. Mr. Royston will be
the speaker.
The University Summer Session Band
will be joined by the Cass Tech High
SchoolB ond in the presentation of a
joint outdoor concert "On The Mall"
(the steps of the Rackham Building)
on Thursday, July 24, at 7:30 p.m. In
addition to Dr. Wm. D. Reveui, regu-
lar conductor of the Summer Session
Band, there will be three guest con-
ductors: Mr. Paul Yoder, Mr. James
Neilson,eand Mr. Harry Beglan. The
combined bands will also be acompa-
nied by Prof. Percival Price on the
carillon in three numbers. In case of
rain the concert will be presented on
the same evening at 8:30 instead of
7:30 P.M. in Hill Auditorium.
The highlights of the program are:
"Funiculi Funicula" ........ by Denza
"Slavonic Rhapsody No. 1"
... -. ......... .. by Friedma.nn
"Newsreel" W. Schuman
"Marcho Scherzo'....... by D. Moore
"The Great Gate of Kiev" from
Pictures at an Exibition
- Moussorgsky
"The Coronation Scene from
Boris Godounow .. by Moussorgsky
"The Bells of St. Mary's" . by Adams
The Cass Technical High School Band
will present a concert as a feature of
the Band Conductors' Workshop on
Thursday, July 24, at 3:00 p.m. in Hill
Auditorium. Mr. Harry Gegian will con-
duct the band in the following num-
"Perpetuum Mobile"....... by Bohm
"Moreau Symponique" . . by Guilmant
a Trombone solo
"Stepping Out" from An American
Week-Ead ............. by Morrissey
"Three Trumpeters" .... by Agostini
a Trumpet trio
"Nocturne" from Two American
Sketches .............. by Grissile
"Etude for Clarinet" Rose
"A Manx Overture" ........ by Wood
"Andrea Chner"
Excerpts Giordano
Marches: "Colossus of
Columbia" ........... by Alexander
and "Emblem of Unity .. by Richards
Thursday, July 24
Band Conductors Workshop. Morning
sessions, Hill Auditorium. "The Foot-
ball Band," Frank Piersol, Iowa State
College, and Jack Lee, University of
Michigan, 8:00 a.m.; "The Ear and Mu-
sic," Earle L. Kent, C. G. Conn, Ltd..
9:30 a.m.; "How to Record Your Band
Under School Auditorium Conditions,"
Eugene Carrington, Allied Radio Cor-
poration, 10:30 a.m. Arranging for the
School Band, 1:00 p.m. Hill Auditorium.
Student Recital: Paul Willwerth, cor-
netist, will present a recital in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for
the Master of Music degree at 3:00 Fri-
day afternoon, July 25, in Hill Audi-
torium. A pupil of Clifford Lilya, Mr.
Willwerth will play compositions by
Pllss, Jean Jean, Chapuis, Montbrun,,
Katz, and Handel. The general public
is invited.
Student Recital: Elizabeth Woldt,
violist, will present a program in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements
for the Bachelor of Music degree at
8:30 Friday evening, July 25, in the
Architecture Auditorium. A pupil of
Robert Courte, Miss Woldt will play
compositions by Mozart, Telemann,
Hindemith, and Milhaud. Her recital
will be open to the public.
CHICAGO-The inside story of Adlai Stevenson's tortuous trail
toward the Democratic presidential nomination can now b told
for the first time.
Inside fact is that Stevenson stayed in the background, for two
basic reasons:
He wanted an absolutely free hand, did not want to be the
handpicked stooge of the big city bosses.
He did not and does not want to be Truman's man. His private
opinion is that Truman is a political albatross around any Demo-
crat's neck.
That was why the Illinois Governor grimly fought off the en-
treaties of Illinois political boss Jake Arvey, that he announce his
candidacy. Such a move, he knew, would have made Arvey the big
wheel of any Stevenson-for-president drive. He also gently rebuffed
all pressure from the White House, deliberately scorned a White
House blessing.
During a series of conferences with a White House adviser
two months ago, Stevenson laid down five basic conditions under
which he would consider running. They were aimed to discourage
Truman, as follows:
1-That he, Stevenson, have the right to name his own campaign
2-That he have the right to name his own chairman of the
Democratic National Committee.
3-That the Democratic platform be cleared with him before
presentation to the convention.
4-That President Truman agree to campaign only when-
ever and wherever Stevenson wanted him to.
5-That President Truman agree to clear all speeches during
the campaign with Stevenson in advance of delivery.
Stevenson also asked that he have the power to pass on his
own vice-presidential running mate. He also wanted the White
House emissary to be very careful not to consult with Jake Arvey
on any of the above.
WHEN PRESIDENT TRUMAN heard Stevenson's conditions, he hit
the ceiling. Stevenson's attitude, he exploded was a personal
affront, particularly when it came to clearing presidential speeches
with a candidate.
"I'm President," Truman said, "and I owe that fact to no
one, including Adlai Stevenson. I'm not going to clear my speeches
with a living soul.
"What's more," Truman added, "I'll speak whele I darned well
want to speak and when I want to speak. I fought the '48 campaign
out alone and I can fight this one out alone too if I have to."
As a result of Truman's reaction, Stevenson climbed back
into his shell,'refused to commit himself further on the nomina-
tion. As a result, also, Truman put Stevenson in the same dog-
house that Truman already erected to hold another leading Dem-
ocratic -candidate-Sen. Estes Kefauver.
Stevenson's stirring speech to the opening of the Democratic
convention brought his candidacy to life with a bang. It will be inter-
esting to see whether the President and his cronies now gang up on
Stevenson the way they have on Kefauver.
THE MOST PATHETIC meeting of the entire Democratic conven-
tion occurred not in a smoke-filled room but in Room 709 of the
Blackstone Hotel during a breakfast between Vice President Alben
Barkley and eight Labor leaders.
The meeting was called by friendly mutual agreement and
was attended by Walter Reuther, head of the United Auto Work-
ers, George Harrison, head of the AFL Railway Clerks, Cy Ander-
son of Railway Labor's Political League and Jack Kroll, head of
the CIO Political Action Committee. Barkley came without an
aide or assistant. He said he wanted to talk to the Labor leaders
At the start of the breakfast, the Vice President made a long
and empassioned plea for Labor support. He told of his long record
of fighting liberal causes, how he had always championed Labor. He
reviewed his own voting record on civil rights and social legislation.
The Labor leaders listened carefully but before he finished they
knew they would have to tell him they could not support him.
They couldn't break the old man's heart by telling him the
truth-that, at 74, he was too old, that he couldn't be elected.
They tried to let him down gently.
Kroll pointed out that Barkley was getting into the race at a very
late date and much of Labor's support was already pledged to Harri-
man or Kefauver. Furthermore, he said that labor could not take
some of the personalities who had climbed aboard the Barkley band-
wagon. He specifically mentioned Jim Farley, though the Labor lea-
ers also had in mind reports that General Motors was secretly pushing
Barkley with the idea that he would be one Democrat who would
insure an easy Eisenhower victory.
The Labor men knew that Barkley's record was good, and they
admired it. Bt t they also knew that no man of 74 could win, and
they were determined that a Democrat be nominated with a chance
to win.
Later, Reuther put it to Barkley as gently as possible.
"Mr. Vice President," he said, "we have nothing against you.
We admire you andar efor you personally. But the trouble is that
you're being used."
As the meeteing broke up, they could see that the old man's eyes
began to fill with tears. After years of battling for the party, years of
working for New Deal legislation in congress, after hundreds of
speeches he made at Jackson Day .
At Lydia Mendelssohn . .
WINTERSET, by Maxwell Anderson. Pre-
sented by the Department of Speech.
PROBABLY the most impressive artistic
by-product of the Sacco-Vanzetti Case,
this play remains the single successful at-
tempt in American drama to cast contem-
porary tragedy in classic terms and in poetic
form. With it Anderson corroborates the
Greek conclusion that drama is to be found
in the single, sensitive man's struggle against
the indifferent forces which shape his life.
Grafted onto this, in the Anderson play, is
an Elizabethan reassurance that man, at
least before he is infected by the vices of
this world, has some virtue to him. Even as
he goes down, the tragic hero finds victory
by persisting in his resistance. Man, in Win-
terset, is noble only in his youth. After that
he must either die or conform.
The poetry of Winterset is often beau-
tiful. Its construction is simple and spare,
and its characters move rigidly but log-
ically in their places with that pattern of
inevitability which is the mark of tragedy.
In its production of Winterset, the Speech
Department meets with, at best, only indif-
ferent success. This is mostly because of a
monotonous mediocrity of performance: only
ftf![A.C n ....C .oa - 4--_
the articulate and disenchanted Mio Ro-
magna, Donald Kleckner once in a while
achieves poetry but is more often merely
histrionic. As Trock Estrella, Ted Heusel is
curt and ominous. The best sustained per-
formance is that of Dan Mullin, the Elwood
P. Dowd of two weeks ago. Mr. Mullin does
the mad Judge Gaunt with a kind of de-
tached unreality that invests his maunder-
ings about the function of the law with gen-
uine satire.
The remainder of the cast, however,
moves as in'a grade-B thriller, without
conviction or consciousness. And as an
unfortunate result, the audience often re-
ceives as 'comic relief' scenes which are
far from that.
It is as though this entire production of
Winterset were being treated as one deals
with a period piece: as an exercise in
'drama', without importance or immediacy,
and with only a kind of historical interest.
It has a great deal more of substance to it
than that.
-W. J. Hampton
AMVERICANS who look forward each sum-
mer to a prolonged feast of native corn
can rejoice that this year the season has
been extended by the length of two con-
dinners throughout the country,
Alben Barkley had hoped that his
great ambition to be President of
the United States might be ful-
But now it appeared dashed to
pieces just on the brink of victory.
* * *
GOVERNOR Stevenson's son,
Borden Stevenson, has been
secretly working to draft his fath-
er. Borden is at the "draft Stev-
enson" headquarters run by a
group or University of Chicago
professors at the Conrad Hilton
Hotel-Washington Lawyer George
Ball flew to Chicago just before
the convention opened with a
round-robin plea to the Illinois
governor from a number of Stev-
enson's former colleagues in the
New Deal . . . The University of
Chicago volunteer "draft Steven-
son" team spent less than $7,000
stirring up their drive. Each vol-
unteer rented and paid for his own1
room at headquarters . . . The
volunteer group had strict orders
to stay away from the Arvey po-
litical machine . . . One of the
Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Leonard Greenbaum Managing Editor
Ivan Kaye and Bob Margolin
.. ......Co-Sports Editors
Nan Reganal..........Women's Editor
Joyce Fickies.. .......Night Editor
Harry Lunn ...........Night Editor
Marge Shepherd . .... Night Editor
Virginia Voss ..,.......Night Editor
Mike Wolff-................Night Editor
Tom Treeger........Business Manager
C. A. Mitts........Advertising Manager
Jim Miller.........Finance Manager
Jim +T't,.-,..,1* r!.n,,1-. a tifn s -io