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July 20, 1952 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1952-07-20

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SUNDAY, JULY 20, 1952


Woodwind Quintet

-Daily-Don Campbell
WOODWIND QUINTET-The Woodwind Quintet, with Nelson Hauenstein, flute, Lare Wardrop,
oboe, Albert Luconi, clarinet, Ted Evans, French horn, and Lewis Cooper, bassoon, will present one of
the three faculty concerts to be given thisweekend. They will be accompanied by Prof. Benning
Dexter, piano.
MusicFacultyTo Give Three Concerts

School of Music faculty mem-
bers will take over the musical
entertainment spotlight during
the next few days.
University organist Robert Noeh-
ren, the Woodwind Quintet and
the Stanley Quartet, accompan-
ied by Clyde Thompson, string
bass, will each present a concert.
THE FIRST will be an organ
recital by Robert Noehren at 4:15
p.m. today in Hill Auditorium. His
program will include: Three chor-
ales in E major, D minor and A
minor by Cesar Franck; Chorale
Prelude, "0 Welt, ich muss dich
lassen" by Johannes Brahms and
Franck To Deliver
Near Eastern Talk
Peter G. Franck, director of the
Rockefeller Project at Haverford
College, Haverford, Pa. will speak
on economic nationalism, plan-
ning and progress at 4:15 Tues-
day in the Architecture Auditori-
The speech is one in a series
sponsored by the Near Eastern
Studies department.
English Teachers
To Hold Meeting
"College Preporatory English-
The Senior Year Course" will be
discussed at the English teachers
conference to be held from 4 to
5 p.m. tomorrow in the Rckham
Assembly hall.
Topics of the discussion will in-
clude kinds of oral and written
composition; number of papers
and their length; grammar re-
views and punctuation drills and
assigned reading.
Prof. Fred G. Walcott, professor
of education and English will be
chairman of the session.

Max Reger's "Fantasia and Fuge
in D minor, Opus 135."
The Woodwind Quartet, ac-
companied by Prof. Benning
Dexter, pianist, will give a con-
cert at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in
Rackham Lecture Hall, in con-
junction with the Band Conduc-
tors' Workshop, to be held here
tomorrow through July 26.
The group, with Nelson Hauen-
stein, .flute, Lare Wardrop, oboe,
Albert Luconi, clarinet, Ted Evans,
French horn and Lewis Cooper.
bassoon will open the program
with Adagio, allegro, Adagio, Men-
uetto and Rondo from Beethoven's
"Quintet, Opus 71." This will be
followed by Two Miniatures:
"From Norfolk" and "From De-
von" by Vinter; and Allegro, An-
dante, Assai lento and Allegro
Scherzando from Ibert's "Trois
Pieces Breves."
* * *
THE SECOND PART of the con-
cert will include: Entree et ron-
Guston To Speak
On Modern Art
Prof. Philip Guston, adjunct
professor of art at New York Uni-
versity, will speak on modern
painting in a lecture at 2:15 p.m.
Tuesday at the Architecture Audi-
The speech will be sponsored by
the College of Architecture and
Guest specialist on the summer
program "Interpreting the Visual
Arts in School and Society," Prof.
Guston is the recipient of num-
erous awards in the field of art,
including a Guggennheim Fellow-
ship in 1947, and the Prix de
Rome, American Academy in
Rome, 1948-49, and a grant of $1,-
000 from the American Academy'
of Arts and Letters and American
Institute of Arts and Letters in

deau, tambourin, musette, Seren-
dade, Fanfare, Rondeau, Menuets
and LeCouCou from Milhaud's
"Suite (d'apres Corrette)" and Al-
legro vivace, Divertissement and
Finale from "Sextuor" by Pou-
At 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, the
Stanley Quartet, accompanied
by Clyde Thompson, string bass,
will present their second con-
cerf of the summer session
which will also be held in Rack-
ham Lecture Hall. Members of
the quartet are: Prof. Gilbert
Ross and Prof. Emil Raab, vio-
linists; Prof. Oliver Edel, cellist,
and Robert Courte, violist.
They will play: Allegro, Ro-
manze (andante), Menuetto (al-
legretto) and Rondo (allegro)
from Mozart's "Serenade in G
major, K. 525;" Allegro con brio,
Allegretto ma non troppo, Allegro
assai vivace, ma serioso and Lar-
ghetto espressive, allegro agitato,
allegro from "Quartet in F minor,
Op. 25" by Beethoven; and selec-
tions from Bela Bartok's "Quar-
tet No. 1, Opus 7:" Lento, Alle-
gretto and Introduzione (allegro),
allegro vivace.
All three programs will be open
to the public without charge.
Houses Moved
For New Pool
Eight houses are being removed
to provide room for the new wo-
men's swimming pool, according
to Walter Roth, University plant
Four of the houses are being
removed from Geddes; three from
N. University and one from For-
Roth said that the houses should
be cleared away by Sept. 1, but it
is not known now when construc-
tion of the pool will begin because
of the steel strike.

To Begin Run
Lauded as one of the finest
poetic dramas of contemporary
American life, Maxwell Anderson's
"Winterset" will be presented by
speech department Wednesday
through Saturday at Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
Concerned with a theme of jus-
tice and integrity built around
the turbulent story of a son's loy-
alty and devotion to the memory
of his wrongfully condemned fath-
er, "Winterset" was originally
produced in 1935 with Burgess
Meredith in the leading role.
* * *
A FAVORITE of American aud-
iences, the drama has won a Pul-
itzer Price and the coveted New
York Drama Critics Award.
According to critic Brooks At-
kinson "Winterset lives on a plane
of high thinking, deep emotions
and eloquent writing. It is packed
with terror. It is a courageous
poem of justice and integrity."
The play will be directed by
guest director Ralph C. Hunter
who also directedthe speech de-
partment production of "Twelfth
Many Changes
Mark History
Of Democrats
(Continued from Page 1)
of 1929 heralded their return
to power with Franklin Delano
Roosevelt in 1932.
Roosevelt with his conception
of the "forgotten man" epito-
mized the 30's. Legislation more
startling and extensive than
anything the country had ex-
perienced before was enacted
to halt the depression. By 1936
prosperity seemed to be return-
ing and Roosevelt won a sweep-
ing victory.
The 1937 business recession com-
bined with Roosevelt's court-pack-
ing plan and political purges dim-
inished his popularity somewhat.
but he won again in 1940. The last
years of Rooseveltian rule and
Truman's period in office are fa-
milar to all who gained their first
political awareness during that
Today the Democrats are be-
set by Northern-Southern strife
as they meet in Chicago to select
their 1952 candidates and write
the Party platform. Dixiecrats
ominously wait for the Northern-
ers to attempt a strong civil rights
program, and threats of a party
split are imminent.
Democrats .have .weathered
other factionalism in previous
elections, however, and probably
will stick together this year.
Their main problem is to find
a candidate of the Eisenhower
stature to lead the party to a
sixth straight victory. With Ad-
lai Stevenson slamming the door
in the king-makers' faces, the
'problem is intensified.
1952 may well, observers agree,
be the end of the Democratic 20
year reign and the beginning of
another long period of GOP

[I ;#



-Daily-Bruce Knoll
CONFESSION-Donald Kleckner, Grad., and Ted Heusel, Grad.,
are shown during an intense climactic scene from Maxwell Ander-
son's "Winterset" which will open at 8 p.m. Wednesday at Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
Londoners Face Unusual
Transportation Hazards

By the Associated Press
Who is right in the tumultuous
Lapeer County eviction battle?
What does the law say about the
17-year-old fight that has been
marked by the distasteful eviction
of a 60-year-old widow, fights be-
tween the sympathizing farmers
and the polide, numerous court
cases and reams of sensational
* * *
IS THE fault with Mrs. Eliza-
beth Stevens and the Zeigenhardt
brothers who have refused to pay
small assessments levied against
their two farms by the receivers
after the bankruptcy of the Far-
mers' Mutual Fire Insurance Asso-
ciation in 1935?
Or is it with Mrs. Grace White,
who bought the farms at auction
in 1948 after court decision rul-
ed the assessments valid?

- Special To The Daily
LONDON - Londoners think
their traffic snarl is the world's
worst, but they're wrong.
It can't hold a candle to any
middle-sized city in the states.
There are a couple of features,
however, which would turn a New
York truck driver's hair gray.
ONE IS THAT horrible inven-
tion of wrong way Corrigans-the
U-turn. You can do it here in the
most terrific traffic situations and
the onlooking Bobby won't raise
an eyebrow.
.The rigid driving regulations
we know are as hard to find
here as a formal constitution.
Just about 'everything goes-
short of manslaughter.
While car accidents are kept to
a minimum, foul play with pedes-
trians has been pretty nasty this
year. Consequently, a rule just
went into effect shedding more
light on the "zebras" at night.
These last are striped pavement
sections where Britishers optimist-
ically walk from curg to curb on
the assumption that they can't
get hurt.
LEGALLY, they can't. Cars are
obliged to stop when someone's
on a zebra. But we saw a lot that
One of the worst traffic spots
is the Fleet Street area after
press-time. Swarms of blood-
red newspaper trucks careen to-
ward you without a care in the
world-they all have rubber
Otherwise, though, it wouldn't
be fair to Detroit taxi drivers who
pride themselves on their tough
driving assognment if we called
this metropolis unusual from the
traffic standpoint.


At the request of the Associated
Press, Allan F. Smith, University
law professor and a specialist in
property law, studied the case with
these conclusions:
1) There is a persistent refusal
on the part of Mrs. Stevens and
the brothers, Chris and Paul Zie-
genhardt, to pay an obligation de-
clared legal innumerable times;
2) Mrs. Grace White has a
title to both Mrs. Stevens' 80-
acre farm and the 240-acre Zie-
genhardt farm that is "com-
pletely unassiable," under the
3) The "gangsterism" of the
sympathizing farmers, in beating
Sheriff Clark Gregory and a de-
puty during the June 2 eviction
attempt and their refusal to accept
the law is in violation of the basic
tenet of our form of government.

Lapeer Fight Fault of Ousted
Farmers, Law Professor Says

Transportation here is no prob-
lem. No matter where you are at
whatever time, you just whistle
and a half dozen cabs hove into
* * * -
have the pluck to sink that far
below sea level, is a good ride-
if you like subways.
For a slow ride, you can hire a
carriage. For a noisy one, try
one of the two-decker buses or
The trais, as you may have
read, are no longer. More than a
thousands were blitzed. The others
couldn't keep up with the buses.
The last one took its tearful swan
trip to the car barn on July 6.
Right-hand driving, unique on
this side of the world, is one of
the most terrifying experiences
you could ever hope to endure.
The only compensation, which
you don't realize for the first few
endless rides, is that the other
cars follow the same pattern.
After a while you begin to ad-
just to it, as ridiculous as it may
Beach Ball
The only big campus dance of
the summer, the Beach Ball,
will be held from 9 p.m. to 1:30
a.m. Friday in the League Ball-
room. Tickets, priced at $1.50,
will be sold at the door.

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