TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, JULY 19, 1952 I (4itc'P4 lOte By LEONARD GREENBAUM THE NEW GI Bill for veterans of the Kor- ean War will be a bonanza for the Uni- versity and similar large, state supported schools, but it will prove a handicap to the small, private colleges. Why the new GI Bill will aid one type of educational institution to the detri- ment of another lies in a rather vital change between this bill and that put into effect after World War II. Under the last GI bill, the government paid single veterans a monthly living allot- ment of $65 and footed the bill for tuition and books with a $500 a semester ceiling on the total amount. Under the new GI bill, however, the sin- gle veteran will get a lump sum of $110 a month out of which he must pay for his tuition, books, and living expenses. Whatever he can save on tuition will go into his own pocket, whereas under the old GI Bill the difference stayed nth Uncle Sam. The amount that a veteran can gain for his own upkeep by going to the big state Universities rather than to a small privat- ely endowed school is rather impressive. The average annual tuition for private schools during 1952-53 year will be $408 with the highs running to $800. Public sup- ported schools, however, have an annual average tuition of $124. When living expenses are added in, the benefit of going to a public-supported school is conclusive. The average annual cost of tuition, room, board and fees at a private -school is $1255 while at a public school it is $718. Simple addition and subtraction by vet- erans will bring them flocking to the big, cement sidewalked Universities. For this campus the influx of veterans will have several beneficial aspects and but one bad one. For students it will mean a return of the post-war political and social awareness that has degenerated into panty raids. For the University it will mean added revenues through increased enrollment. The veterans of World War II were a main fac- tor in boosting University registration to a record high of 21,363 in 1948-49. Last fall, with most of the veterans gone, enrollment had dropped to 17,226. In asking the State Legislature for more funds in 1951, one of the arguments advanced was that the Uni- versity had lost revenue when the veterans departed. The veteran influx will also justify the dormitory expansion program that saw an eight story, 1,000man South Dorm rise up, and women moved into the men's East Quad because of a lack of males and a surplus of women. The bad part of the veteran increase, however, is that the University, rather than growing larger could stand to shrink some- what and concentrate on quality rather than quantity. The lack of personal, in- dividual contact is the unsolvable fault of the state institutions. As far as veterans will be concerned, however, the demand will be for the giant- sized, economical education. The ivy-cov- ered schools will be left to the young 'uns. CINEMA] Architecture Auditorium THE GHOST OF MRS. MUIR with Rex Harrison and Gene Tierney. T HE ROMANCE story, as it turns up in most slick weaklies and the women's magazines, has always seemed to me to be a rather indiscriminate sort of thing, exist- ing in that limbo between sincere tragedy and sharp-edged comedy or satire. It is gen- erally an effective medium for purposes of entertainment, since a little of everything- pathos, wit, or what have you-may be thrown in without fear of debasing the mix- ture. Often, however, the writer seems too in- terested in getting his proportions right to note whether or not what is being said has any merit. And it becomes a matter of tim- ing. The Ghost and Mrs. Muir is the film version of such a story, having as a gim- mick the idea of a pretty, lonely young widow falling in love with the ghost of a sea captain. It isn't hard to excuse this behavoir, with Rex Harrison playing the very un-ghostlike captain; further, it isn't hard to imagine the by-play which must result from such a relationship. Through- out the first part of the picture, Harrison immense and satisfying bravado makes the character come as much to life as the scenario permits. He realizes the impov- erished condition of Mrs. Muir (Gene Tier- ney) and dictates a book to her called "Blood and Swash," the story of his life. When the impracticality of their love af- fair becomes evident, it also becomes evi- dent that some stalling must be done to make. the story come out all right in the end. Mrs. Muir had an abortive love affair with a fel- low who writes children's books under the name of Uncle Neddie, and then merely mopes around the house until she is seventy years old. As might be imagined, this serves to slow up the plot rather badly. I couldn't help thinking, as I watched this DORIS FLEESON: Nixon Is A lmost Frivolous Choice for Vice President I "iIow-I rty Of TIeM YouiWant PriunedUp?" NEW YORK-As a man potentially one heartbeat from the presidency of the United States in these perilous times, Sena- tor Nixon of California is almost a frivolous choice for vice president. The Dewey forces put him over on the battle-worn delegates in the smoothest operation of the convention because his political assets are real, readily recogniz- able and easily grasped. California is geographically perfect. Un- derneath his internationalist overlay, Gen- eral Eisenhower is a Kansas Republican, as his campaign will increasingly show. (He keeps Senator Carlson of Kansas and Sea- ton of Nebraska with him because he is com- fortable with them. If he were a Harvard man, he'd prefer Senator Saltonstall of Massachusetts.) He is still the candidate of the eastern internationalists-which is not to say the puppet-who saw in him their chance to beat Senator Taft. They picked him, gave him money, press and astute direction; their judgment of the times they live in proved sound. This ruled out another eastern inter- nationalist on the ticket of whom one, at least, Senator Saltonstall, far outdistances the Senate freshman, Mr. Nixon, in the affection and esteem of his colleagues. It disposed of the only pursuer of the vice-presidency amid the din, Governor Driscoll of New Jersey. Senator Nixon is a sharp and attractive campaigner with experience of the issues in the House and Senate. It is a brief experi- ence and he attempted no leadership; his name is on no legislation except a subver- sives bill. Noticeably, however, he recognized that a man's record in congress stays with him. He built one that he can take to the coun- try. It is that of a moderate internationalist. If it contains no crusades, it contains few clinches and none of the spitefulness or pettiness that too often was the recent rule. He therefore will be invaluable in Gen- eral Eisenhower's most thorny tack-the problem of electing a Republican congress, especially the Senate. The geographic dis- tribution of the Senate, one-third up this fall, will make it hard, under the best of circumstances, for Republicans to gain control. In addition, the one-third in- cludes the meat-crisis class of 1946-Sen- ators McCarthy, Jenner, Malone, Kem, et al.--who in no way fit the Eisenhower picture. No Ike senator can easily thread his way through this sector; Senator Nixon is at least personally noncontroversial. That he was Alger Hiss's nemesis serves two purposes. He took in too much territory in his campaign on the subversive issue against Rep. Helen Gahagan Douglas, for which liberals do not forgive him. Nonethe- less, in contrast to McCarthy, he tracked down real quarry, earning the right to speak, and he is armed with real ammunition. That his vital role in the Hiss case was designed to intimidate Governor Steven- son of Illinois, the ablest Democrat with- in present reach of the nomination, also seems probable. Politicos unanimously at- tribute this aspect to Governor Dewey, in- sisting he would think of that. Republicans also believe that Senator Nix- on will attract women voters in somewhat the same way Senator Kefauver obviously has. Governor Dewey was able to testify of his own knowledge that various New York women influential in his party admire the Californian and say that women generally will vote for him. Governor Dewey naturally has thought always that young politicians were as able as old ones, especially the G.O.P. old guard. A quiet dissatisfaction with the Nixon no- mination still exists in some Republican circles, apart from the Taft camp, which would have liked to name the vice president. These dissenters argue that, smart as he is, Governor Dewey traded away themoral victory of the convention for ephemeral tactical advantages. They would have pre- ferred a nomination from outside Wash- ington and all its influences, a clean break with the past. They distrust Senator Nix- on as an expedient politician; he is, they, think, too clever. When, they ask, cogently, will conventions learn that vice presidents do become presi- dents, since not even the example of Harry Truman was able to teach them? (Copyright, 1952, by the Bell Syndicate) 11 £ j: itl i gill I aI~~4I1 a t 5--CrdFFQ eorVNIA -.4 o~. ,9~%T$S V S~/M4?~ ~j ~ ~ DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Need for Compromise The cry of "No compromise" is not an easy one to sympathize with even when it comes from such distinguished legislators as New York's Herbert Lehman and Minne- sota's Hubert Humphreys. The dominent motif in American legisla- tive history is progress through compromise. Our entire party system is held together by the willingness of individuals wth common basic outlooks and differences of opinion on many particulars to find a common ground on which they all can stand. When compromise is abandoned the in- evitable result is either the loss of democ- racy by having the will of one side forcibly prevail or the inefficiency that character- izes nations with many obstinate political parties. In view of these considerations the willfullness of both Northern and South- ern Democrats exemplified by Senator Leb- man's no-compromise-on-civil-rights state- ment of a few days ago is not encouraging either for the Democratic Party or for the United States. The ironic feature of this intra-party struggle is that it is concerned with wheth- er or not the convention should do what would amount to only an empty gesture. The Lehman-Humphreys faction insists that the Democratic platform include the advocacy of a compulsory federal FEPC act with jail sentence penalties for violators. The South is opposed to any such plank. In 1948 the Northern 'liberals' had their way and the FEPC plank was included in the party platform. Despite four years of a Democratic Congress and White House no action on FEPC legislation was taken. The opposition to compulsory, federal, jail sentence FEPC is too strong and will con- tinue to be too strong for a long time to come for such a measure to become law. The only way statutes will be passed fur- thering the emancipation of minority groups is if the principle of compromise is adhered to. An ideal compromise proposal was of- fered to the party by old-time New Deal congressman Brooks Hays of Arkansas. The Brooks Hays proposal calls for a national anti-lynching law, a constitutional amend- ment outlawing the poll tax and a voluntary federal FEPC law coordinated with state FEPCs and an educational program con- ducted by the Department of Labor. The advantages of such a plank would be twofold-it would hold the party together and would stand a chance of actual passage by Congress. It would not contitute retro- gressing from the 1948 platform for the lat- ter's FEPC plank was merely an empty gesture while the Brooks Hays proposal would stand a chance of becoming law. If the Democrats are to take advantage of the folly of the Republicans in succombing to internal strife and not make the GOP disagreement look 'like a tea party' many among them should recognize the necessity of compromise and abandon their wide-eyed pleas for the impossible. Dave Kornbluh Bernie Backhaut The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510 Administration Building before 3 p.m. the day preceding publcation (11 a.m. on Saturday). Notices Lane Hall will be open evenings dur- the Democratic National Convention for the television broadcasts. All interested faculty and students are welcome. School of Business Administration: Students from other Schools and Co leges intending to apply for admission for the fall semester should secure ap- plication forms in Room 150, School of Business Administration, as soon as possible, Sociedad Hispanica. Tuesday, July 22, 8 p.m., East Conference Room, Rack- ham Building, Mr. E. Gallo will deliver a lecture, in Spanish, on Picasso. Il- lustrations by means of colored slides. Ex-Occupational personnel, EUCOM, FAC, Overseas Teachers, DACS, etc. will meet for dinner in the Michigan League Conference Room, opposite the Cafe- teria on Monday, July 21 from 5:30 to 7:15. If possible, telephone 3-1511, Ext. 360 to make reservations. Cerle Francais: The Cercle Francais of the Summer Session meets every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock in the Henderson Room of the Michigan League. The meetings offer a varied program of songs, games and short talks in French on topics of general interest, as well as the opportunity for informal conversation and recreation. All students, faculty members, and summer residents who are interested in France and things French are cor- dially invited to participatein any or all of the activities of the Cercle. Closing hour for women students at- tending theyCollegium Musicum, Wednesday, July 16, 1952 will be no later than 11:00 p.m. Law school Admission Test: Apnlica- tion blanks for the Law School Admis- sion Test to be given on August 9, may be obtained at 110 Rackham Build- ing. These application blanks are due in Princeton, New Jersey, not later than July 30, 1952. Lectures Syposium on Heat Transfer. "Heat Transfer with Boiling and Forced Con- vection." W. M. Rohsenow. 10:00 a.m., 311 West Engineering Building. Speech Conference: Sessions in Rackham Amphitheater: "Speech Therapy for thiiten with Cerebral Palsy," Harold Westlake, Presi- dent, American Speech and Hearing Association; Director, Speech and Hear- ing Clinic,, Northwestern University. 9:00-10:00 a.m. "Wanted-A Renaissance in Ameri- can Theatre," Barnard Hewitt, Vice- President, American Education Thea- ter Association; Associate Director, Il- linois Theater Guild, University of Il- linois, 10:00-11:00 a.m. "The Teacher of Rhetoric in a Suc- cessful Democracy," J. Garber Drushal, Executive Secretary, Central State Speech Association; Director of For- ensics, The College of Wooster. 11:00- 12:00 a.m. Luncheon: "Truth Through Personal- ity"; Lionel G. Crocker, President, Speech Association of America; Chair- man, Department of Speech, Denison University. 12:15 p.m. Michigan Union Ballroom. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Rex Harry White, Jr., Mechanical Engineering; thesis: "An Investigation of the Ef- fects of Extreme Low Temperatures upon Cold Starting of' Spark Ignition Engines Using Standard Gasoline," Monday, July 21, 201B West Engineering Annex, at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, J. A. Bolt. The results from the language exam- ination for the Master's Degree in His- tory are posted in the History Office. Concerts Universit of Mihigan Wodwind noon, July 20, in Hill Auditorium, the first of two recitals scheduled for the summer. It will open with Three Chor- ales by Franck, followed by Brahm's Chorale Prelude, "0 Welt, ich muss dich lassen," and Reger's Fantasia and Fugue in D minor. The general public is invited. Exhibitions Museum of Art. The artist's view- point. July 8-28. General Library. Books which have influenced the modern world. Museum of Archaeology. Ancient Egypt and Rome of the Empire. Museums Building.qRotunda exhibit. Some museum techniques. Michigan Historical Collections, 160 Rackham Building. The changing Cam- pus. Clements Library. American books which have influenced the modern mind (through September 1). Architecture Building. Student work. Events Today Beacon Picnic today. Leave main en- trance of the League at 1:30 for I'land Lake Park. Return 7:30-8:00. Ev- eryone is welcome. Coming Events Classical Coffee Hour. Students in the Classics and others who are inter- ested will be the guests of the Museum staff at the Museum of Archaeology on Tuesday, July 22, at 4 p.m. The Graduate Outing Club will meet at the northwest cornor of the Rack- ham Building, Sunday, 2 p.m. Swim- ming, games and picnic supper. Those who have cars bring them. Band Conductors Conference. July 21- 26. Intercultural Education Conference. July 21-22. Rearmament IT IS INTERESTING to see that not only the Great Powers but the Swiss too may be having diffi- culties with their rearmament pro- gramme. The "Gazette de Iau- sanne" suggests that the Federal Government's present emergency programme designed to end in 1955 will not be completed on time. Swiss industry, like the British and American, has not been able to deliver at the rate originally planned. Now that it is becoming hard- er to sell on the international market it will be increasingly difficult to cut into engineering exports and the obstacles to a higher rhythm of arms produc- tion are likely to remain. Atlan- tic rearmament itself is retard- ing the Swiss in what is probab- ly the most vital part of their re-equipment: armour. Swiss military theory has given up the war-time conception of de- fending the Alpine "redoubt" and its valuable mountain passes in favour of a "defence in depth" of the rich northern plateau, Mobile armoured forces are es- sential to such a strategy. The Swiss at one time hoped to obtain British Centurions. But now every major producer needs its weapons to keep up with its own programmes. Lacking sup- pliers the Swis experts have not apparently been able to decide what kind of tanks they will re- quire and from whom. They may not be able to get deliveries from any source before 1954. A contract i ON THE WASHINGTON MEHHY-GO-H01UND WITH DREW PEARSON Drew Pearson says: SPEAKER SAM RAYBURN, MOST POPU- LAR MAN IN CONGRESS, IS RELUCTANT CANDIDATE; EISENHOWER'S CRACK ABOUT FRENCH RELIGION WAS CABLED TO FRANCE IMMEDIATELY; VIEWS OF PRESI- DENTIAL CANDIDATE MUST BE STUDIED, NOT SUP- PRESSED. (Ed. Note-The Pearson diagnosis of candidates in the wide-open Democratic race continues today with the spotlight on Sam Rayburn.) CHICAGO-If a popularity vote were taken in the House of Representatives, the winner among the Democrats-perhaps even among the Republicans-would be an egg-bald gentleman from Texas who presides over the House with an iron hand, and who is affectionate referred to as "Sam." Speaker Sam Rayburn would be the ideal candidate for the Democratic ticket today if he were ten years younger. Just past his 70th birthday, however, Sam is not an active candidate, though if his friends had their way, he would be. It has now been almost 40 years since Sam came up from the Texas prairies to sit in Congress. That was in 1913, during the admin- istration of Woodrow Wilson. Sam has seen two great wars since then. He has weathered the Republican victories that swept many of his Democratic colleagues out of office. He has helped write legislation for six different Presidents. And through it all he has still kept his integrity, -his idealism, and his sense of humor. CORNERSTONE OF NEW DEAL MOST PEOPLE HAVE FORGOTTEN IT, but Sam Rayburn was responsible for writing most of the legislative cornerstone of the New Deal-the laws which no Republicans are likely to wipe off the books. Few men in the past century can equal that record. As chairman of the Interstate Commerce Committee, it was Sam's ;ob to push through the Truth-in-Securities Act and the Securites and Exchange Commission which cleaned up Wall Street; the Holding Corporation Act which broke up some of the big utility combines; plus rural electrification, and the Federal Communications Act. Few men in the past century can equal that record. Friends who have talked to "Mr. Democrat" about running for president don't get much encouragement. On the contrary, Sam talks seriously of retiring from Congress altogether. His chief dream is to build a library in his home town, Bonhan, Texasi He has already raised part of the money for the project, has collected an old mantelpiece from the White House when it was remodeled, and gathered together an assortment of gavels he used in presiding over joint sessions of Congress when addressed by Queen Elizabeth, Winston Churchill, General MacArthur, General Eisenhower, and others. Sam has also made arrangements to take his congressional desk back home from Washington, and wants to set up an exact replica of his speaker's office. There, surrounded by the laws which he helped to write, the hearings has held, and the records of the debates he has argued, Sam wants to sit and visit with the people he loves, and enjoy life. EISENHOWER AND FRANCE A NUMBER OF READERS have queried me as to what General Eisenhower actually said about atheism in France and the disinte- gration of the French moral fibre. They have also asked about the propriety of publishing his remarks, for fear it would play into Communist hands. The answer to question No. 1 is that the General, in talking to the press and a group of delegates at Chicago on July 8, did criticize France for its religious and moral attitude. The news- papers did not invent his remarks. He volunteered them. The answer to question No. 2 is that there wasn't the remotest chance of hushing up the General's statement, since it was cabled to France by the press associations and by Franch newsmen within a matter of minutes. It was published in all the French newspapers the same day. For instance, here is the "bulletin" which International News Service cabled to France: and declared one of the reasons is that the French brag that they, "Gen. Eisenhower said today France has 'gone astray' morally are 50 per cent agnostic or atheist. "He asserted France has reached the point where the moral fibre disintigates. "'One reason France has gone astray is that they brag that they are 50 per cent agnostic or atheist.' " Other cabled dispatches to France were similar. SCRUTINIZING A CANDIDATE THOSE WHO EXPRESSED the view that Eisenhower's statement should have been suppressed or not commented upon apparently forget two things: 1. It is not possible for the United States any longer to live ostrichlike with our heads in the sand. As the most powerful country in the world, what our leaders do or say is cabled immedi- ately to every part of the world. 2. One of the most important reasons for an election campaign is to gauge and size-up the candidate. To do that is necessary to know what he says, and what his judgment is regarding any and every im- portant situation. President Truman has been continually criticized, and rightly so, for making off-the-cuff statements which affect our foreign rela- tions. If Eisenhower is addicted to the same habit, then the American 4 f A M INTERPRETING THE NEWS: The Iranian Premier By J. M. ROBERTS, JR. Associated Press News Analyst IRAN'S NEW premier is literally staking his life on his struggle to get the country back into the oil business. Ahmed Qavam's desire for good rela- tions with Britain made his appointment a direct challenge to the nationalist fan- atics which already have used assassina- tion-in the case of the late Premier Raz- mara-as their chief political weapon. Qavam's ascendancy represented a rout by the Shah of Dr. Mohammed Mossadegh and those who supported his demands for dic- tatorial powers. Mossadegh finally cooked his own goose when he demanded control of the army, the one great source of power re- maining to the Shah. He was believed ready to cut the army to get funds to help meet the crisis caused by the oil shutdown. Nevertheless, Mossadegh's fanatical na- tionalists still had overwhelming if ill-in- formed public support, and Qavam had been expected to move very circuimspec~tly boldly-against a background of possible violence and the great danger of assassi- nation for Qavam-to take over the sit- uation. Instead of moving slowly, Qavam had hardly been in office 24 hours when he put out his first peace feeler to Britain. He made solution of the oil problem the prime objective of his administration. The Shah moved even more rapidly to give the new regime a curtain of physical protection behind which to carry on its ne- gotiations. Troops and police were mobilized -disturbed areas of Iran have been under martial law for some time-and immediate- ly broke up two nationalist political clubs. Anti-Qavam demonstrators were arrested. Qavam acquired the name of Iran's strong man when he directed the United Nations fight which, with the aid of the U.S. and Britain, forced Russian troops to go home when they sought to extend into peacetime their wartime cooperative oc- public have a right to know it, in advance. The fact that this criticism of an important ally came from a man who had been working daily among them, naturally hurt-for several reasons. The obvious one was that it gave ammunition to the Communists. But also important is the deli- cate situation in France with the Catholic leaders, who hap- pen to be the best friends of the United States and the most vigorous opponents of Commun- ism. The leaders of the French gov- ernment today belong to the Catholic group. The statement that 50 per cent of France is ag- nostic or atheistic will be con- strued by the enemies of the Church as a reflection on the Church, since France is officially a Catholic country. But perhaps equally important. the Catholic group must have the cooperation of the moderate, non- Communist socialists and leftists in order to stay in power. On one side they face the Communists, on the other side the De Gaullists. Therefore, the 01 4P .V Sixty-Second Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. EDITORIAL STAFF Leonard Greenbaum Managing Editor Ivan Kaye and Bob Margolin ..... ...-Co-Sports Editors Nan Reganall . .... ..Women's Editor Joyce Fickies.............. Night Editor Harry Lunn ..........Night Editor Marge Shepherd...........Night Editor Virginia Voss..............Night Editor Mike Wl........... ...Night Editor BUSINESS STAFF Tom Treeger........Business Manager C. A. Mitts.......Advertising Manager Jim Miller..., ,. ,. .Finance Manager L