mmom"m EDITOR'S NOTE See Page 2 aes i43 Latest Deadline in the State Dal 11 1 ). k: r A '. VOL. LXII, No. 189 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JULY 19, 1952 FOUR PAGES Latest Truce Effort Seen NearFinish Chinese Pound Allied Positions By the Associated Press _' . MUNSAN, Korea, Saturday, Juy 19-The latest effort to reach a armistice in Korea through secre negotiations appeared to be near ing an end today after more tha two weeks of maneuvering. Allied and Communist delegate arranged to meet an Panmunjor at 11 a.m. (9 p.m., Friday, CDT) for the twelfth closed-door sessior devoted to the bitter dispute ove prisoner repatriation-the onl barrier to an armistice. NOTHING was announced afte Thursday's 41-minute session, and there was nothing to encourage hopesfor a quick settlement. The Peiping Communist radio yesterday showed rising heat in its propaganda blasts at Amer- ica. It had been somewhat sub- dued in its charges during the past days of the secret armistice sessions. The Reds charged that the planes flew over northeast China 489 times between July 12 and 16. On the fighting front Chines infantry and artillery pounde away all day and night yesterda3 at the Allied defenders of "Old Baldy," a pivotal hill on the Kor- ean western front. An Allied officer at the fron described the Red shelling a "quite intense," but could give n detAils on the course of the battle in the area west of Chorwon. A drenching rain pelted the hill's defenders and attackers. The rain and overcast agair hampered Allied aircraft yester- day, cutting down fighter-bombei strikes in North Korea and in sup- port of the old baldy battle. Eighteen B-26 light bombers plus Thunderets and Mustang fighter bombers did manage to hit the Reds on the front. Chiang Says Coastal Block Not Dangerous TAIPEH, Formost-MP-Pres- dent Chiang Kai-Shek of Nation- alist China said yesterday he does not think a positive step against Red China such as a blockade of the Chinese coast would provoke another World War. The Nationalists do not need foreign manpower to recover China from the Reds, Chiang said. But he added that his forces need and are entitled to claim "other necessary assistance" . What steps could in your opin- ion be taken by the free world to halt Communist expansion in the Far East? "The free world should relin- quish whatever illusions . they might have regarding the Com- munist regime," Chiang replied. "Effective and prompt steps should be taken so that the free world may achieve unity of purpose and action in the Far East." Do you think positive steps such as United Nations or American, British and French blockade of Communist China would provoke war? Do you think a blockade would cause Russia to aid Red China under the terms of the Mos- cow-Peiping treaty? "My answers to both these ques- tions are in the negative," Chiang said. "In my view all actions of the Kremlin will be based on the cal- culation that they will strengthen the position of Soviet Russia 'as the 'motherland of international Communism.' 1 Justice North Seriousl Ill, Associate Justice Walter H. North of the Michigan Supreme Court was reported in "serious" condition by University Hospital authorities early this morning. The 80-year-old jurist was ad- mitted July 8, but hospital attaches did not disclose the nature of his ailment. Justice North has served on the Court since 1927. VISITING-Shot Putter Jim Fuchs of the United States Olympic team shows his injured hand to Nina Dumbadse, Russia's cham- pion discus thrower at Helsinki, Finland. Fuchs was visiting the Otaneimi camp where the Soviet athletes are quartered. 1952 Olympic Games Open_ Toa in Helsinki HELSINKI-(A')-The 15th mo- dern Olympic Games, bringing to- gether the largest number of the world's athletes since the ancient Greek games were revived at Ath- ens in 1896, begins officially to- day. Iran Leader Pled ges Oil Settlement Tehran, Iran-(A')-Premier Ah- med Qavam pledged yesterday to get a friendly settlement of the British-Iranian oil problem or re- sign-and advised Iranian trouble- makers to stay out of his way. "I warn everybody that the per- iod of disorder and uprisings is over," said- the veteran rightist statesman who replaced national- ist Mohammed Mossadegh in the premiership Thursday. Qavam issued a communique on his aims as troops and police arrested several nationalist dem- onstrators shouting fo~r his death and occupied two pro-Mossadegh political clubs. The communique was broadcast. "Solving of this (oil) problem will be one of my most important efforts so that the moral and ma- terial interests of Iran will be com- pletely secured, without the slight- est rift in good relations between the two countries," Qavam said. For the next two weeks, 5,870 of the."world's great amateur ath- letes from 70 nations will partici- pate in 17 sports events, before the sacred Olympic flame finally is extinguished Aug. 3. JUHO K. PAASIKIVI, President of the Finnish Republic, will of- ficially proclaim the games open today at 1 p.m. (6 a.m. EST) when the giant parade of men and wo- men athletes takes place in the 70,000-seat Olympic stadium. The games are dedicated to the youth of the world, a grand get-together with the individual gaining the laurels. Olympic rules say no nation is the win- ner,sbut box scores of how vari- ous teams fare are kept to de- termine the unofficial team champion. The Duchy of Liechtenstein with its 13,000 population has the smallest team, two cyclists, while the millions of the United States and Russia have sent the largest squads. The U.S. has 334 athletes, Russia nearly 400 as the Soviets compete for the first time. Naturally there is expectancy of great rivalry between Russia and the U.S., which usually has dom- inated the games since 1896. Following theopening ceremon- ies, Finland meets Austria in soc- cer football, and gymnastics com- petition gets under way. But the heavy program running about 12 hours daily won't start until Sun- day. Although originally a man's show, 574 women athletes will take part. Government May Take Over Steel Draft Law Backs Federal Seizure By The Associated Press' WASHINGTON-A new Federal move to seize part of the strike- bound steel industry under the draft law was reported under ser- ious consideration at the White House yesterday. At the same time, Price Stabi- lizer Ellis Arnall turned down a petition by the Weirton Steel Company for a $5.50 price rise. A good deal of confusion arose over just how final that was. ARNALL said the limit under the Capehart Amendment was $2.84 a ton, and said the steel companies were not entitled to any more. But other Government offi- cials, in a higher echelon than Arnall, appeared entirely re- signed to granting an increase around $5 when a settlement in the 47-day-old steel strike is finally reached. Reports of impending White House action to take over some steel mills under the 1948 Select- ive Service Act persisted without official denial. THE ACT permits seizure under certain emergency conditions. A high government official, commenting on possible seizure action, put it this way: "The sit- uation is so desperate that we must do something." - This official, who refused use of his name, said the justice de- partment was drawing up legal papers as a basis for seizing a small portion of the industry under the 1948 act.. It would apply to mills produc- ing special steel for such defense items as guns, bullets, tankq. Workers in the affected plants presumably would be barred from striking against the Government as the temporary operator of the mills. Meanwhile in Detroit, the Ford Motor Co., the only big auto pro- ducer which make a large share of its own steel, announced yes- terday that it will reopen its 15 Ford assembly plants across the nation next week. Truman Signs Compensation Expansion Bill WASHINGTON-(P)-President Truman yesterday signed. legisla- tion providing for a 540 million dollar a year expansion of Social Security benefits. Truman called the measure "an important landmark in the pro- gress of our Social Security sys- tem." THE PRESIDENT, however, ex- pressed deep regret at what he called "one drawback"-Congres- sional failure to "take proper ac- tion to preserve the old-age and survivors insurance rights of per- sons who become permanently and totally disabled." The new program provides that: About 42 million retired persons will have their monthly Social Security payments in- creased by $5 or 122 per cent, whichever is greater, effective after September 1; And almost 31/2 million recipi- ents of public assistane-the aged, blind, totally disabled and de- pendent children-will share in a 300 million dollar boost in the Federal Government's grants to the states for such prograns. The act calls for a $5 boost in monthly payments for the aged and disabled to begin October 1 and run for two years; and this amount would be doubled if the Federal grant is matched by the states. HST Shakes Off Infection WASHINGTON-(ff)-President To Try for, Nomination; Candidates Court Lor abor CIO, AFL Unions May Join Forces } Groups Consider Estes, Harriman By The Associated Press CHICAGO -- The big mystery man of the approaching Democra- tic National Convention, Gov. Ad- lai Stevenson of Illinois, last night rejected another plea that he try for the party's Presidential nomination. Two men who do want the nom- ination, Sen. Estes Kefauver and Mutual Security Director Averell Harriman, held a conference. So did some of their lieutenants. HARRIMAN confirmed that much but insisted there were "no deals." The only purpose, he told re- porters, was to push for liberal ideas at the Convention that opens Monday. That goes, Har- riman indicated for the seating of pro-administration delega- tions from Texas and Mississip- pi. Stevenson stuck to his guns on the Presidential nomination through a two-hour session with Illinois Democratic leaders who tried to talk him into changing his mind. * * * COOK COUNTY Democratic Chairman Joseph L. Gill told re- porters: "We urged the Governor to reconsider his position without success. He still asked us to re- spect his wishes and not do any Adlai Stevenson Refuses FIRST VOTERS-Part of the large Ann Arbor delegation of the First Time Voters Club of Mich- igan is shown prior to their departure yesterday for the Democratic Convention in Chicago. First Time Voters Leave for Chicago By HARRY LUNN A large, enthusiastic delegation from the Ann Arbor chapter of the First Time Voters Club of Michi- gan left yesterday for the Demo- cratic Convention at Chicago. Representing scores of Ameri- can youth who will cast their first votes in the fall presidential elec- tion, the group will interview the major candidates for the Demo- cratic nomination within the next few days. * * * RESULTS of the talks will en- able them to decide who the best possible Democratic nominee would be. Then they plan to send their New GI Bill Won't Start Era, But Enrollment Will Increase AMUSEMENT LEVY: Judge To Rev eal Tax Proposal Ruling Today The question of whether the city of Ann Arbor will be allowed to place a ten per cent amusement tax proposal on the Aug. 5 ballot will By JOHN HUBBS be decided today. Circuit Judge Archie D. McDonald of Hastings said in a tele.. phone interview yesterday that his opinion in the Butterfield The- atres suit against the city will reach the clerk's office this morning. FRED. J. LOOKER, Ann Arbor city clerk, said he was "in the dark" as far as knowing whether the amusement tax proposal will be on the Aug. 5 election ballot. The Butterfield Theatre Cor- M ighty Blast poration is trying to enjoin the city from placing thissproposal W r ck lan on the ballot, Loker said. W reeks Plant., The proposed tax was defeated in the Apr. 7 election and has been " , brought up as an amendment to ui'res Three "St f"". Inj u es hree the city charter for the Aug. 5 election. The Butterfield Thea- REDWOOD CITY, Calif.-(P) altrescontend that the city cannot An electric furnace melting downl adena entedatgr a ton of magnesium castings blew amendment on the ballot again up with a mighty roar and a tre- for two years. mendous flash of fire yesterday. THE CITY counters that the The thunderous blast collapsed present proposal is different from a big corrugated aluminum build- the defeated proposition in that ing and seriously burned three it seeks specific authority to im- workmen. pose a ten per cent tax on enter- Two other workmen at the Se- tainment admissions of 26 cents quoia metal crafts plant in near- or more; and that, unlike the de- by San Carlos were blown bodily feated April proposal, it does not out of the building, bruised but ask -additional authority to levy The new billion-dollar GI Bill\ for Korean veterans is not likely to start an era on campus like the World War II plan did, but predictions are that it will cause a substantial enrollment increase. According to President Harlan H. Hatcher, the new veteran's bill passed Wednesday by President Truman has been given a lot of study by educators. They are agreed, he said, that it is a "bet- ter overall approach" to veteran education than the World War II bill. It is hard to tell at this point how much enrollment will jump forward with the new bill, but it is "bound to increase," President Hatcher stated. ALMOST a year prior to the passage of the bill for Korean vet- erans, an era ended on college campuses with the deadline for education under the World War II plan. University educators at that time agreed that the period had been the most stimulating and beneficial in the history of high- er learning. Statistically, 2,350,000 veterans received college training under the Bill from 1944 to 1951, a total of 25,000 of them at the University. Enrollment jumped from a pre- war high of 12,000 to a soaring 21,000 in 1947. Housing became one of the biggest problems University ad- ministrators had yet had to face. The still flourishing Wil- low Village, a temporary defense housing project, was crowded with thousands of married and single students. Classrooms and dormitories were frantically expanded and new facilities had to be built. * * * 2 OTHER THAN the physical ex- pansion of the University com- munity, the returning GI's de- manded a revisal of educational systems and renewed interest in extra-curricular activities. But despite the overcrowding and the inconvenience, adminis- trators and educators were agreed that the GI bill had been benefi- cial in producing a more mature, serious-minded student body, home delegates telegrams urging them to vote for the candidate. The strictly non-partisan or- ganization is interested in hav- ing excellent candidates run- ning for both parties in order to insure a good selection for the electorate. They believe the Re- publicans picked the strongest possible GOP slate, and want the Democrats to choose equally out- standing aspirants. Feeling that "America's strength is in her youth," the members are dedicated to increasing the im- portance of young voters in state and national politics. Recently the group adopted a twelve point program which the candidates will be questioned about, THE MEMBERSHIP supports equal participation of women in politics, construction of the St. Lawrence Seaway, statehood for Alaska and Hawaii, the vote for 18 year old citizens and a "con- structive, forward looking" foreign policy. They also favor greater under- standing between labor and management, lower taxes, vol- untary National Health Insur- ance, a "co-operative civil rights program," "progressive national economy" coupled with a phil- osophy of "sound enterprise," a "concrete defense program" and "realistic farm policies." Any interested "first voters" can write the president at 906 Green- wood in Ann Arbor for further in- formation on the club's activi- ties. There are no membership fees or dues. THIRD PARTY SURVEY: ADLAI STEVENSON . . . rejects party plea thing to further his candidacy. We can't get him to change his position." Stevenson arrived on the Con- vention battleground yesterday while other men who want the nomination were courting or- ganized labor and union leaders sought roles of kingmaker. Some labor spokesmen obviously would like to push for Stevenson if he would take the nomination. The Illinois Governor said right away he would ask the big Illinois delegation not to nominate or vote for him. But he ducked an out- right answer to a question whether he would take the nomination if the Convention deadlocked and the party banner were offered to him. * AFL AND CIO leaders gather- ing for the Democratic National Convention, talked yesterday of blending forces to support Averell Harriman or Estes Kefauver, or a ticket including both. CIO President Philip Murray came from Pittsburgh, cutting off his steel strike talks; and immediately plunged into a ser- ies of conferences with CIO '52 Socialist Party More Moderate By MARGE SHEPERD With Darlington Hoopes ad- vancing the standard dropped by Norman Thomas, the Socialist Party will face the election bat- tles this year with a moderate program of traditional socialist re- forms. After running as the party pres- idential candidate for six elec- tions, Thomas refused the nomi- nation this year, with his place go- ing to the Quaker attorney from Marked by mild squabbling, unlike the bitter feuds that once raged between the "con- servative" and radical elements of the party, the convention adopted platform planks oppos- ing conscription and advocating a world-wide "peace" income tax. Under the plan, all coun- tries in the United Nations would contribute to a pool to be used for extensive "Point Four" imnrovements. Gradually some of these ideas began to be accepted in this country, with the Socialist Party acting as a catalyst for the movement, but never becoming a direct force. Since the initia- tion of New Deal reforms the Party has steadily decreased in power. Never of any great vote-getting strength, the party has not polled more than the 919,000 votes re-