THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1952 UI I Jackson Investigations TO CALL this the era of the investigator in contemporary history would not take much strain. Since the war, men like Tru- man, Dewey, Kefauver, Nixon; Warren, Hal- ley, Thomas Murphy, Ferguson, Potter, and others have with devastating success em- ployed the muck-rake to vault to positions of political importance. While provocation for "the new investigation" varies more widely, day by day, the line of politicians waiting for a turn to make their leap grows longer. In this light, it is not really surprising to find the Jackson prison situation turn- ing into a field day for the self-styled sleuths.Transcripts of the questions asked and answers given concerning it should soon fill a small library. In April, as soon as the original riot end- ed, the legislature sent its ponderous com- mission to look into the problem. Shortly thereafter, the governor added a three-man inquiry board of his own. And now, on the heels of a new outbreak, Attorney-General Frank G. Millard has completed his own in- vestigation and is daily publishing install- ments of what went on in the largest walled prison in the world during the third week of last April. The pose of Millard is hardly unique among investigators. It is the attitude of shocked disbelief, the horrified hand over the eyes, the whispered play-by-play re- port of uncovered evil, or even as Millard had it, the discovery of sins which "certainly should not be reduced to print." In general, releases like these can safe- ly be predicted to extend over a number of days, run on at considerable length, and achieve a maximum display in the pa- pers. Preferably, they will appear short- ly before elections. Although Millard does not say, as Sena- tor Ferguson did, that he was shocked that men in prison had no respect for law and order, he reveals nothing that was not known immediately after the riot by every newspaperman present. The recommenda- tions he has made are substantially no dif- ferent than those made by Assistant Deputy Warden Vernon Fox and Warden Julian Frisbie months, and even years, ago-rec- ommendations which were consistently ig- nored by a legislature composed predom- inately of members of Millard's own politi- cal party. Both Fox and Frisbie have, of course, been fired from their posts as a result of the riot. The former, a nationally recog- nized penologist, is now working for a per- sonnel firm in Toledo, apparently because he injected various intellectual weapons into the struggle to save the lives of thirteen guards whereas men like gubernatorial can- didate, Donald S. Leonard, ex police-commis- sioner, preferred bullets. Frisbie was dismissed as warden last week when a frightened administration in Lansing decided that two months was more than enough time to have retrieved complete serenity at the prison, universally regarded as the most dangerous powder- keg in the country. At last report, Frisbie, who had scored highest on Civil Service tests for warden at the prison and whose generalship saved the situation from com- plete disaster in April, was still unem- ployed. Probably, the prison shake-up is not over. In a political year, however, these things are inevitable. When the election is over, sin will be swept under the rug once more for the appointed orderlies to take care of- until, of course, the men with the writs hear their destinies calling them again. -Bill Wiegand Unity in the west I N HER LATEST political maneuver, Rus- sia has as actual or ilotential allies many people for all practical reasons should be ex- erting every effort to thwart her. The maneuver is a concentrated attempt to create a cleavage between the United States and her Western allies. It is most likely the central reason for the appoint- ment of top Soviet diplomat Gromyko to the ambassadorship at London. It is the leading aim in the cries of germ warfare against the United States which are being screached from the front pages of Com- munist newspapers. In Britain, Anglo-American friendship is being endangered and consequently Stalin's cause aided by the presence of the follow- ers of Aneurin Bevan. They believe that British arms production should be reduced and are antagonistic toward the United States. They feel that American capitalists have an antipathy toward the socialism which they strongly advocate. These views are not without appeal to Britons weary of war, hard pressed under government military finances and slightly resentful of their loss of world leadership to America. The United States has not acted consis- tently in a manner best directed toward the active friendship of the British. It nght, for instance, have been a worth- while concession not to have insisted that Americans continuously remain in com- mand of Western military operations both in Korea and in Europe. Permitting the placing of a British general in command of SHAEF after Eisenhower's resignation would have improved not only Anglo- American relations but our position in the eyes of the rest of the world as well. A more serious error from the propaganda viewpoint was our bombing of the Yalu without consulting the military experts of our allies. Threats to Western unity exist not only in Britain but in France in the form of the DeGaullists and that large portion of the citizenry which espouse the Communist cause as a protest measure. In West Ger-- many the presence of a strong anti-Ameri- can socialist group constitutes further dan- ger to Western unity. A general fear that the United States might revert to isola+ionism or a feeling that we are attempting to force our way of life on them and engaging in a form of ideological imperialism might send these Europeans into the arms of those who do not favor unity with America. All the potential unwitting allies of the Soviets are not on the European side of the Atlantic. In the intense political cam- paign which will beset the United States during the next few months rash state- ments by certain candidates might create impressions abroad which it is in our best interests to avoid and in Stalin's best interests to foster. Attitudes toward Eur- ope can be a tool which candidates may use to appeal to different portions of the electorate. What these men say will not remain within our boarders. It is essential that all Russia's unknow- ing allies, those who for any reason are en- dangering Wesetern unity, awake to the realization that only together, in mutual respect and friendship, can we protect what is basic and decent in our civilization and in our individual national societies. --Dave Kornbluh Sky Watchers ANN ARBOR may well be proud of a small group of civic minded citizens who are almost single handedly carrying on the local civil air defense program. This group of thirty volunteers mans the local air spotting station, one of eight located within Washtenaw County. They deserve a pat on the back, for working without pay, and giving up their time. However, they can use more than just congratulations. Fellow Ann Arborites could easily give them some concrete help to ov- ercome the handicaps with which they have been beset since they began the expanded program last Monday. The first difficulty is lack of numbers. With only thirty volunteers working, many of them put in much more than the usual two hour shift, some of them working sev- eral times a week, in order to man the sta- tion day and night. Anyone who can put in even two hours a week spotting planes will be welcomed by civil defense officials. Volunteering is eaesy-anyone may register by telephon- ing 7116. 1 The second difficulty is lack of money. So far, the only cash the defense workers have had has been a $100 donation from the Ann Arbor Veterans of Foreign Wars for vital telephone service. Since the federal govern- ment has not appropriated money for the program, its success will depend on dona- tions such as this. The third handicap-and. the one which would prove the worst should real danger ever exist-is the lack of an adequate site for the spotting station. This is where the University can give its help. The view of the skies from the present site is partially obscured by trees and houses, to the extent that low flying planes are not visible at a distance. This could be remedied by use of a high build- ing, such as the top of South Quadrangle, the top of the Administratin Bldg. or the Union tower, all three of which have been mentioned by defense officials as good spotting sites. The University would have little to lose and much to gain in the way of public rela- tions by offering the use of one of these places. Here is a good chance for Univer- sity administrators to cement good feeling between town and gown and bring them close together in a common effort for civil defense. -Joyce Fickies Germ Letter THE ACTION taken by the Faculty Sen- ate this week asking Iron Curtain edu- cators for an impartial investigation of Communist germ warfare charges is the first stand on a non-routine issue that this body has taken in some time. While their protest is little more than the customary "going on record as opposing something" technique, it happens to be the only method of successfully combatting germ warfare propaganda. The faculty request for cooperation with an impartial Red Cross investigation of germ warfare charges was sent to Charles University in Prague, Czechoslovakia, in answer to a propaganda-filled document sent here. The Czechoslovakia University accused American scientists of going along with "American monopolists" in placing their knowledge at the service of the "mass extermination of mankind." In a unanimous decision, the Faculty Sen- ate voted that a letter of protest to the un- founded Communist charges be drafted. Their letter follows the pattern of most of the State Department answers to bacteri- ological warfare propaganda. There is no impartial evidence substantiating the Com- munist claims; Communist nations have an opportunity to comply with a United Na- tions proposal to allow the International Red Cross to set up an impartial inquiry of the reported epidemics. The Communists' repeated refusal to allow the Red Cross investigation will un- doubtedly be continued as long as germ- warfare propaganda exists. Furthermore, any retaliatory measures are likely to fall by the wayside as mere counter-propa- ganda attacks. But hopeless or not, the only possible re- medy to the situation lies in the cooperation of various Western agencies is issuing in- telligent refutations of the charges. The Faculty Senate has at least indicated it feels some responsibility along this line. --Virginia Voss Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writer only. This must be noted in all reprints. NIGHT EDITOR: HARRY LUNN Too Eager. OF THE SEVEN Democratic Senators who did not take the trouble to vote the day DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN1 The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510 Administration Building before 3 p.m. the day preceding publication (11 a.m. on Saturday). Notices Ex-Occupational personnel, EUCOM, FAC, Overseas Teachers, DACS, etc. will meet for dinner i the Michigan League Conference Room, opposite the Cafe- teria on Monday, July 21 from 5:30 to 7:15. If possible, telephone 3-1511, Ext. 360 to make reservations. schools of Education, Natural Re- sources and Public Health Students, who received marks of IL X, or "no report" at the close of their last se- mester or summer session of attend- ance, will receive a grade of ".E" in the course or courses unless this work is made up by July 23. students, wishing an extention of time beyond this date in order to make up this work, should file a petition addressed to the appro- priate official in their school with Room 1513 Administration, where it will be transmitted. Edward G. Groesbeck Assistant Registrar Students, College of Engineering: The final day for dropping courses without record will be Friday, July 1. A course may be dropped only with the permission of the classifier after con- ference with the instructor. Closing hour for women beause of the John Kollen piano recital on Tues- day, July 15, 1952 will be no later than 11 p.m. Personnel Requests The Ford Motor Company. Dearborn, Michigan, has an opening for a pro- duct cost engineer, and would consider recent graduates for this opening as well as experienced people. work would consist of engineering manufacturing problems in relation to cost and speci- fications and budget appropriation al- liance. The State of Washington Personnel Board, Seattle, has announced an ex- amination to be given all people who submit applications until further no- tice for Public Health Dental Hygienist. Citizenship is required but State of Washington residence is not. An an- nouncement with a11 details may be seen at the Bureau of Appointments. The Electric Storage Battery Com- pany, Detroit, Michigan (Exide) has an- nounced vacancies in its sales trainee (industrial) program and for General Sales. There is also an opportunity to get into the automotive sales training program. The need is for men with engineering degrees, electrical and oth- ers, and for business administration men. The United Steel & Wire Company, Battle Creek, Michigan, has an open- ing immediately in the Cost Account- ing Department for a cost accountant. Duties require knowledge of standard and job cost accounting, and also prop- erty accountiny, general accounting, financial statement preparation,rand budgeting Work is considered train- ing for the position of Assistant Cost Controller, which is being held open for the trainee. The LaSalle & Koch Company, To- ledo, Ohio, is accepting trainees, men or women, for Its Junior Executive Training Squad. Information concern- ing an interview may be had at the Bureau of Appointments. The Integrated Mica Corporation, Woodmere, New York, is trying to re- cruit an intructor in Nautical Engi- neering or Naval Architecture for the Nautical School in Haifa. Free trans- portation and a contract would be made for the person selected for the job. Applicant should be over twenty eight years of age and have had some practical experience either in ship de- sign,or at sea. Race or religion is of no consequence. For further information, application blanks, details, come to the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Administration Building, or call extension 371. Lectures Friday, July 18 Conference on Elementary Education. "Activities of the Department of Ele- mentary School Principals." Robert W. Eaves, Executive Secretary of the Department. 9:00 AM., Michigan Union Ballroom. Classroom Conference. Instructional group meetings, 10:00 A.M. Luncheon: "The Role of the Classroom Teacher." President Harlan Hatcher, 12:45 P.M., Michigan Union Ballroom. Panel dis- cussion: "What Are the Common Goals In the Classrooms of the Secndary Schools and the University of Michi- gan?" 2:15 P.M. Michigan Union Ball- room. Summeir SphCnference. 9:00 Speech Conference: Speech Therapy:Demonstration, 9:00 A.M. Speech Clinic Sessions in Rackham Amphitheater: "Directing Educational Television," Walt Koste, Production Director, WWJ-. TV. 10:00 A.M. High School Debate. Resolved: That the Atlantic Pact Nations Should Form a Federal Union. 11:00 A.M. "The Theater Abroad," valentine B. Windt, Professor of Speech. 1:30 P.M. "A Speech Point of View," H. P. Con- stans, Vice-President, Speech Associa- tion of America. 2:30 P.M. "The Status of the Speech Profes- sion," Paul Bagwell, Executive Vice- President, Speech Association of Ameri- ca. 8:00 P.M. Rackham West Conference Room. Academic Notices Biological Symposium: Technical Seminar by Dr. Dwight J. Ingle on "The Relationship of Adrenal Corti- cal Function to Carbohydrate Metabo- lism." Fri., July 18, 4:15 P.M., 1300 Chem. Bldg. The results from the language exam- ination for the Master's Degree in His- tory are posted in the History Office. Concerts University of Michigan Woodwind Quintet, Nelson Hauenstein, flute, Lare Wardrop, oboe, Albert Luconi, clarinct, Ted Evans, French horn, and Lewis Cooper, bassoon, will present a concert at 8:30 Monday evening, July 21, in the Rackham Lecture Hall, in conjunc- tion with the Band Conductors' Work- shop, being held in Ann Arbor the week of July 21. The group will be as- sisted by Benning Dexter, piano. The program, including compositions by Beethoven, Vinter, Ibert, Milhaudi, and Poulenc, will be open to the general public. Organ Recital by Robert Noehren, University Organist, 4:15 Sunday after- noon, July 20, in Hill Auditorium, the first of two recitals scheduled for the summer. It will open with Three Chor- ales by Franck, followed by Brahm's Chorale Prelude, "O Welt, ich muss dich lassen," and Reger's Fantasia and Fugue in D minor.. The general public is invited. Exhibitions Museum of Art. The artist's view- point. July 8-28. General Library. Books which have influenced the modern world. Museum of Archaeology. Ancient Egypt and Rome of the Empire. Museums Building. Rotunda exhibit. Some museum techniques. Michigan Historical Collections, 160 Rackham Building. The changing Cam- pus. Clements Library. American books which have influenced the modern mind (through September 1). Architecture Building. Student work. Events Today Luncheon Discussion Group: Lane Hail, 12:15 P.M. Group Discussion: The Contributions of the Minority Parties. S.R.A. Punch Hour, Lane Hall, 4:15- 5:30 P.M. All students welcome. There will be an informal record dance this evening in the League Ball- room. Dancing is from 9 to midnight and the admission is free to students. Coming Events Sat. July 19. Beacon Picnic. Leave main entrance of League for Island Lake Park at 1:30. Return 7:30-8:00. Ev- eryone is welcome. Fourth Annual National Band Con- j ductors Conference, July 21-26. ON THE Washington Merry-Go-Round with DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-While most Democratic candidates are operating on a shoestring, genial Bible-quoting Senator Bob Kerr of Okla- homa, the oil millionaire seems to be spending money right and left. Delegates to the forthcoming Democratic convention receive staggering amounts of printed material from the Senator; several were offered $500 as "expense money" to attend a Kerr meeting at Salt Lake City, and Kerr flew a number of delegates to Salt Lake in his private plane. On the heels of this, there turned up in Los Angeles the other day State Senator George of Kansas, who announced that he was working for Senator Kerr. George called at Kefauver headquarters, explained that he rea- lized the delegation must vote for Kefauver on the first ballot, but wanted them to know about Senator Kerr and vote for him in case the Tennessee Senator was no longer in the running. In the afternoon of the same day, a man appearing at the office of the ticket agent for the Santa Fe who is handling the special Kefauver delegation train to Chicago. He called himself J. G. Wilson, and answered to exactly the same description as Senator George, even wearing exactly the same clothes-a lightweight summer suit of fine grain with a thin blue cord running through it. * * * * WELL HEELED MR. "J. G. WILSON" took out of his pocket a bundle when opened contained approximately $1,700 in ten and twenty dollar bills. He told the ticket agent that he wished to purchase seven lowers and one double bedroom on the Kefauver train to Chicago, plus the regular train fare. The total cost was $1,607.52 which Mr. "J. G. Wilson" paid, and received deposit receipts. Mr. "Wilson" asked the ticket agent to keep his deposit confi- dential and instructed him to issue Pullman tickets when any person came into the office with the ticket receipt. The agent inquired where Mr. "Wilson" could be reached in case the people did not come for their tickets so that the deposit could be returned. Mr. "Wilson," however said he was leaving town would not be back and that the Santa Fe railroad would stand to earn a lot of money if the people did not come in for the tickets. He said he was temporarily staying at the Clark Hotel, but a check of its records showed that no man named "Wilson" was registered, Next morning three Kefauver delegates received anonymous let- ters containing ticket receipts, instructing them that they could pick up their tickets at the Santa Fe office on presentation of the receipt. The delegates had no idea who the tickets were from or why they were getting them. However, one delegate from Long Beach, L. A. Pipkin, who was eased out of the chairmanship of the original Kefauver com- mittee, has been bitter against the other delegates and lunched with Senator George. Significantly, the delegates to whom free tickets were sent happened to be those friendly to Pipkin. Signifi- cantly also, when Mr. "Wilson" was at the Santa Fe ticket office, he told the agent to reserve a double bedroom for Pipkin. Since California delegates are pledged by law to Senator Kefauver, any attempt to inf""lnce their vote by a free train trip might be a criminal offense. ver, the three Kefauver delegates who got the ticket receipts in tail are not biting and it looks as if the Santa Fe railroad would d to win $1,607.52. BUYING DELEGATES FOLLOWING this, another Kefauver booster, Wilbur Le Gette a subalternate, got a telephone call from a man who introduced him- self as a friend of State Senator George Luckey. He did not, however, associate himself with Luckey or pretend to represent him. "I know that you campaigned with Luckey for Truman," the caller told Le Gette. "And we know a lot of you boys on the delega- tion need money. I'd like to talk it over with you." "What do you mean?" asked Le Gette. "We need someone to arrange for three delegates to flop over to us after the first ballot," explained the caller. La Gette pointed out that the entire California delegation was committed to Kefauver on all ballots until released. "That's all right," replied the caller. "I can make it worth your while. I'll pay your train fare, all expenses, plus $1,000 if you put the deal over for three delegates. I'll also take care of those delegates you swing from Kefauver. You can buy delegates, you know, for $500 to $1,000 a head. "You ," replied Le Gette. "I have worked five and one-half months in Kefauver headquarters without one cent of pay. Who do you think I am?" he hung up. It looks as if whoever is trying to buy Kefauver delegates in Cali- fornia isn't getting very far. TAFT'S MILITARY BRAINS THERE WAS A BIG sigh of relief in the Pentagon when Eisen- hower won in Chicago. Not much has been said about it, but the top brass knew that in case Taft was nominated and elected, friends of Eisenhower's in the armed services would be pretty gen- erally swept out while Taft's military brain trust would come in. Here is the latter group of military masterminds who were work- ing diligently for a Taft victory and with the foregone conclusion that to the victor belongs the spoils: Admiral Louis Denfield, who was fired by President Truman in the Navy-Air Force row over -the supercarrier. He advised Taft on naval matters. General Albert Wedemeyer, who was sidetracked in the Army, secretly sided with MacArthur and the China Lobby, and retired. He served as Taft's unofficial army chief of staff. General Bonner Fellers, former psychological warfare chief under General MacArthur, and public relations expert for him. Long at- tached to the Republican National Committee, Fellers advised Taft on air force matters, resigned right after Ike's nomination. Feneral Leslie Groves, former boss of the Manhattan project which developed the atomic bomb, also advised Taft on army matters. General MacArthur, himself, was chairman of Taft's joint chiefs of staff. (Copyright, 1952, by The Bell Syndicate) 4, I . [F + ART + (EDITOR'S NOTE: The reviewer, Professor Rob- bert Iglehart is chairman of the Department of Art Education at New York University, and vice chairman of the Committee on Art Edu- cation at the Museum of Modern Art, New York. Prof. Iglehart is on campus this summer for two weeks as a guest specialist in the an- nual program "Interpreting the Visual Arts in School and Society.") THE CURRENT EXHIBITION at the Mu- seum of Art, Alumni Memorial Hall, is an interesting and useful adjunt to the inter- departmental summer program: Modern Views of Man and Society. Visitors to the gallery will find a cross-section of work, primarily American, produced since the turny of the century; the years between 1930 and 1940 are most heavily represented. The show is rewarding whether we re- gard it purely as paint on .canvas or whether we consider it as evidence of man's changing concept of himself and the world he makes. The artist is tradi- tionally involved, consciously or uncon- sciously, in the making, rather than the finding, o: worlds, and in our own day this aspect of his activity has generally caused difficulties for the spectator who believes that the artist's function is that of recorder. work of the thirties by far more than a decade. Essential changes in art forms are both the reflection, and the cause, of changing concepts of man and of his role. The aca- demician of the last century, and the re- gionalist of the thirties, record-approving- ly or critically, a given world. But "we do not imita'te," says Braque, "what we want to create." American painting since 1940, and European painting for a much longer pe- riod, has been concerned with the creation of realities rather than with a given world. The 20th century scientists have followed the same pattern of chaxge. Reality, ac- cording to Einstein, "is in no way given to us," and he speaks of what is real as an "intellectual construction." "Reality," writes Mondrian, "is the plastic manifestation of form and not of the events of life." Among the more recent works, even those involving a meticulous attention to "photographic" detail (such as George Todker's "Subway," or Louis Gugliemi's "Terror in Brooklyn") are aimed at evok- ing images rather than recording facts. But the mainstream of American paint- ing has not followed this "surrealist" method, but attempts to deal directly with the images of free creation itself. These arlifr rz r nrL. -hvit Vl ,af n c1, C[iCURRENT MOVIES1 At The Michigan .. . WASHINGTON STORY with Van Johnson, Patricia Neal and Louis Calhern. AFTER HAVING had abuse and indignities heaped upon its collective head by probing con- gressmen, does Hollywood hit back with a slashing attack on congres- sional manners and morals? Not a bit. If this effort by one of its most influential studios is to be taken seriously, "then Hollywood (who, by a not so strange conci- etc., and who is punched in the jaw by the self-righteous congress- man (Drew Pearson may sue MGM for libel). Added to this is the inevitable love interest and routine shot of Capitol Hill ineptly mixed with studio interiors, all of- which combine into a spurious me- lange of pseudo-timely dialogue and situations. The respective performances of Van Johnson and Louis Calhern are slick and empty with Calhern becoming more fatuous with each succeeding picture. Patricia Neal is little more than decorative. Pro- Sixty-Second Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan undar the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. EDITORIAL STAFF Leonard Greenbauin ..Managing Editor Ivan Kaye and Bob Margolin . .. ....Co-Sports Editors Nan Reganall. ........Women's Editor Joyce Fickies..............Night Editor Harry Lunn ...........Night Editor Marge Shepherd.... .Night Editor Virginia Voss............ -Night Editor Mike Wolff.............Night Editor BUSINESS STAFF Tom Treeger..... Business Manager C. A. Mitts......Advertising Manager Jim Mi1ler......... Finance Manager Jim Tetreault.....,Circulation Manager / x r