Fora TIE MICHIGAN DAILY THMSDAY, TMY 17, 1952 EW THEORIES: Wiley Says Stuttering Has Psychological Roots By BOB MOELLER "Stuttering is an anticipatory, hypertonic avoidance reaction" Prof. John Wiley, Director of the Speech and Hearing Laboratory at the University of Nebraska, de- clared yesterday before a large audience in Rackham Amphithea- tre. Stated in the language of the layman, this means that by stut- tering the individual is strenu- ously seeking to avoid a repri- mand for his defect, hidden in his subconscious. * a a e A VISITING member of the staff of the University Speech Depart- ment this summer, Prof. Wiley Hatcher Talk Will Highight Education Meet An address by University Presi- dent Harlan H. Hatcher will high- light a public Classroom Confer- ence to be held tomorrow. President Hatcher wlil speak on on "The Role of the Classroom Teacher" in the Union ballroom following a luncheon which will begin at 12:45. * a a SPONSORED BY the Univer- sity as part of the Summer Ses- sion, the conference will center around consideration of common goals in the classrooms of secon- dary schools and the University. It is aimed at acquainting teach- ers in secondary schools and in the University with current practices and problems in the classroom, ac- cording to Clyde Vroman, director of admissions and conference chairman. At 2:15 p.m. a panel discus- sion on the topic "What are the Common Goals in the Class- rooms of Secondary Schools and the University of Michigan?" will be held. The panel will also discuss what unique contributions to the com- mon goals are made by secondary schools and the University, and what the two levels of education can do comparatively to improve education. The luncheon, President Hatch- er's speech and the panel discus- sion are open to the public. Reser- vations for the dinner may be made by calling the Admissions Office in the Administration Bldg. spoke on "Modem Theories of Speech." Prof. Wiley, who has achieved ,prominence in extensive studies of the causal factors of stutter- ing, described several fruitful avenues of approach to the ex- planation of this defect, but maintained that these theories yet remain 'nowhere near a fin- al solution." * * * THE PROFESSOR brushed aside many of what he called "pat" theories on the nature of stut- tering. Wiley said that the evi- dence for the validity of these theories, widely held in some cases, was "confusing, inadequate, and unimportant." Citing recent studies at the University of Michigan, and at the universities of Iowa and Nebraska as pointing the way toward ultimate solution and curative therapy of stuttering, Prof. Wiley outlined a hypothe- sis of the casual factors of this speech defect that, he said, "has many things to offer." The hypothesis, widely held by advanced researchers in the field of speech therapy, penetrates deeply Ato the psychoanalytic basis of stuttering, and offers that stuttering is a "symptom of a spe- cific kind of neurosis." * * * RECENT STUDIES have dis- closed, said Prof. Wiley, that stut- tering may be a "learned avoid- ance pattern"-an a" idance bas- ed on anxiety feelings because a child cannot measure up to the standards of a "domineering, per- fectionist mother." Prof. Wiley said that the neur- osis theory of stuttering maintains that the "individual" who stutters has hostile feelings that he trys to repress, but that his stuttering is the true expression of his hostil- ity." According to the hypothesis,, the hostile feelings arise in the child as a result of his self-con- sciousness in the face of repri- mands by domineering parent for! his "normal non-fluencies" of speech. Professor Null Gets New Position Prof. Virginia Sull of the School of Nursing has been promoted from assistant to associate direc- tor of the nursing service in the University Hospital, Prof. Rhoda Reddig, director of nursing service and director of the School of Nur- sing has announced. Englishmen Go All Out For Sports (Continued from Page 1) in his hand and bumps the ball along the ground. Almost inev- itably, the sphere is knocked aft- er one bounce in some direction or other. After that, the fun begins. The batter runs every way but first base and the gents in the field chase the ball. This goes on for some time and eventually one of the teams is said to have won. . * * * WE DIDN'T see a rugby match, but everybody, especially older University alumni, knows it's pret- ty rough stuff. What they call football here is actually soccer, with fore use of the head than American amateurs can muster up. If you really want to study the games scientifically, the best thing to do is consult the local newspaper. Sample: "the third day of the second test match at Lord's ended with India 165 runs behind England and eight wick- ets standing in their second inn- ings. "But so bald a statement is like describing a bubbling river in terms of mileage from source to mouth. It was wonderful stuff to watch. But, of all those who made the spectacle, Mankad, of India, and Evans, of England, stand out in heroic stature and performance. * * * "EVANS, WHO joined the ele- gant Graveney in the resumption of England's innings in the morn- ing, missed scoring a century be- fore lunch by only two runs. He bowled his Inswinger very well in- deed, and appealed for L. B. W. against each batsman in clear tones. Luck loved him." It's not inconceivable, however, that daily Gobbledegook, with its "matmen," "tankers," and "thin- clads" is hard to decipher without some background. As for American games, British- ers we've talked with consider our national sport a pretty dull thing, with its "meaningless rules" and "lack of action." A pet gripe, is that baseball hitters can develop pot bellies with no appreciable ef- fect on their abilities or salaries. Football, they admit, has some saving graces. It is about the only American sport they admire, but' they cannot concede its superiority to any English game. Unorganized sport in Great Britain is a pretty organized thing. One reason: Britons are extremely uniform-conscious. * ' * Lack of Facilities Hampers Plane Spotters .1 -Daly-Jack Bergstrom SPOTTER LEARNS AIRCRAFT TYPES By JOYCE FICKIES A small group of Ann Arbor citi- zens, hampered by lack of ade- quate facilities, funds and per- sonnel, are now carrying on a twenty-four hour a day program of civil air defense. The program of plane spotting, begun in connection with the na- tion wide defense expansion, went into full time operation at 8 a.m. Monday. Since then volunteers have manned the station, one of eight located in the county, day and. night. * a a THE SPOTTERS enable the civ- il defense department to keep tabs on the aircraft in America's skies. When the plane is spotted, the persons on duty identify it by means of booklets, then telephone The department of civil de- fense will welcome any persons who wish to become volunteer plane spotters, according to George P. Smith, Liason Officer of Washtenaw County. Inter- ested persons may obtain more information by calling 7116. the information in to a "filter center" where the courses of the planes in the air at that particu- lar time are plotted. If one of the planes cannot be accounted for or contacted, fighters are sent up+ into the air. At the present, the spotters have been instructed to look for only military or multi-engine planes. In addition to having to stick to their open air posts in good or bad weather, day and night, the plane spotting crew has been be- set by other difficulties. 4' * * THE FIRST is lack of adequate personnel to man the station. There are thirty persons taking part in the plane spotting at the present time, some of them work- ing several times a week. The ideal shift is two hours long. How- ever, since there are so few per- sons, they often work more than the usual stint. In addition, there is a lack of funds with which to operate. No money has been appropriated by the federal government for the program, so that transpor- tation and money for facilities depend on donations. The only money which the plane spotters have received has been a $100 donation for vital telephone service to the "filter centers." This was contributed by the Veterans of Foreign Wars. The VFW has also donated the use of its hall for meeting purposes. Dawson Will Back Adlai Stevenson a a a * -Daily-Jack Bergstrom SPOTTER PHONES INFORMATION TO 'FILTER CENTER' 0 * * * BUT PERHAPS the worst han- dicap is the lack of an adequate site for the plane spotting. Tle present location, on the fair- grounds at the edge of Ann Arbor, is next to a busy highway where traffic noises interfere with sounds from the air. Also, houses and trees partially obscure the sky. Several campus locations have been suggested as better sites. Among them are the top of the administration building and the tower of the Union. The ideal place, according to the spotters, would be the top of the South Quadrangle, because of its height and because of the fact that it is open 11 hours of the day. Fountain Pens Greeting Cards Stationery Office Supplies Typewriters W/C Tape & Wire Recorders Steel Desks, Chairs, Files MORRI LL'S 314 S. State Open Saturdays until i Phon 7177 1 P.M. A / " --Daily-Jack Bergstrom VOLUNTEER WORKERS SPOT PLANES Crucial Year Seen for Local Airlines Kids Recruited As PlaneSpotters PONTIAC-(P)-The Oakland County Civil Defense chief Lewis C. Jarrendt, may have an answer for that air spotter shortage. He launched a program yester- day to recruit kids of 12 or older for the jobs. JARRENDT SAID he's supposed to provide 13 posts with round- the-clock two-man shifts. But lack of volunteers has left at least four posts entirely unmanned and the rest manned only part-time. So Jarrendt has approved a pro- gram which can recruit youngsters for one-half of any shift, provided the other person on it is an adult. Watc Prof. John P. Dawson, of the Law School, Democratic candidate for Congress from Michigan's sec- ond Congregressional district, has given his support to Gov. Adlai Stevenson of Illinois for the Dem- ocratic presidential nomination. Participating in a Detroit tele- vision panel discussion concern- ing possible Democratic candi- dates, Dawson cited Stevenson's "remarkable grasp and under- standing of our foreign policy" and his administrative experience at both state and federal levels. The professor said that Steven- son has had "spectacular suc- cess"as govelnor of llnois. Add- ing that the governorship of a great state is the best possible training for presidency. Groups of Cottons, Ray- ons and Nylon Acetates. Many originally priced to $5.95. NYLONS RAYONS COTTONS SILK PRINTS Long sleeves, short sleeves, sleeveless, all types; all colors. All sizes 32-44. $1.98 and $2.98 $3.98 and $5.00 nylons, cottons, rayons A Al h for Also group of RAYON CREPE over blouses. Sizes 127/2 to 247. THE QUARRY'S Important Announcement This Friday V '1 originally priced to $10.95 All Sales Final ... South State off N. U. By The Associated Press , This is a crucial year for the nation's smaller airlines. More than half of them must qualify for certificate renewal or go out of business. This year too a Civil Aeronau- tics Board (CAB) experiment of seven years ago, designed to es- tablish a secondary short-haul air service pattern, will demonstrate success or failure. TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC an airline is an airline, some just big-' ger than others. But there are two distinct species-the 15 trunk systems, serving the larger popula- tion centers, and 19 local service lines which stop off at the smaller cities and towns. .Trunk line numbers have de- elined somewhat in recent years through mergers and sales, and additional mergers are in pros- " THE FIRST local service line< certified was Pioneer Air Lines, Inc., Dallas Texas. It started op- erating in August 1945. By 1949 CAB had certified 22 local lines for three-year permits. At the end of the first three years the board decided it was advisable to renew certificates for longer terms in order to give the operators a better chance to develop traffic and to make longer-range management plans. CAB THUS far has indicated: 1. It is not yet prepared to grant permanent certificates but wants the local service carriers to get more experience. 2. It fully expects the local service carriers ultimately to get along without substantial sub- sidy support. Qfail if these carriers become com-< 4 petitive with the trunk lines. * * * SOME TRUNK LINES have looked at the local service new- comers as potential rivals but oth- ers have welcomed them as per- forming an essential regional serv- ice and are happy to be relieved of the obligation of unprofitable service to smaller communities. A typical local service line is All-American, which last year car- ried more passengers than any other. It serves 50 cities in sev- en middle Atlantic states, with an average hop of only 51 miles. The company has asked CAB to per- mit it to quit serving five uneco- nomical stations and to authorize a flexible schedule to give smaller stations only the service they need. AT T "9f* * 4A1 h... . I I 17 !T .""" ..ems.. ---- The Market Research Department of THE PROCTOR & GAMBLE CO. has a number of openings for young women col- lege graduates between 21 and 26 to travel about the country conducting consumer surveys with no selling involved after a training period of approxi- mately 7 months in Cincinnati, Ohio. Prerequisites include a driver's license and ability to do simple arithmetic. In addition to salary while traveling, all expenses are paid. STEP DOWN TO OUR HUGE RECORD SA LE! w 45, 33/3 and 78 R.P.M. Records . . . Going at Amazingly Low Prices I 111 1