THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, JULY 17, 19 Russian Ban THE GOVERNMENT apparently had lit- tle choice in closing down its Russian language magazine "Amerika" which has been distributed in the Soviet Union under .,progressive restrictions" since 1944. The large, illustrated State Department publication was designed to tell the Rus- sian people the truth about how Ameri- cans really live. But according to State Department officials its circulation has been increasingly harrassed until the cost no longer warranted the continuation of its distribution. The Department charged the Russians with trying to kill the reportedly very popu- lar magazine with "critical and often in- sulting attacks in the press which attempt- ed to intimidate readers by blackening the magazine's reputation." They also reported that Soviet censors began to reject whole articles intended for publication. The State Department was hterefore jus- tified in closing down the magazine and in taking the retalitory measure of ordering Moscow to cease publication in this coun- try of the U.S.S.R. Information Bulletin (which enjoyed freedom from censorship) and other pamphlets and periodicals. However, it must be remembered that "Amerika" served a valuable purpose in telling the Russian people the truth about our way of life and thus helping to dis- count the vigorous lies of the Kremlin's propaganda machine. It is to be hoped, therefore, that the State Department will follow through with its plans to step up the activities of the Voice of America and help fill the gap left by the magazine's suspension. -Mike Wolff Lapeer Eviction FOLLOWING THE RECENT, violent evic- cition of Mrs. Stevens from her Lapeer County farm, a new and thorough investi- gation of the failure of the Lapeer Farm- ers Mutual Fire Insurance Association has been asked. Such an inquiry would seem to be in order. The case has been in the courts since the failure of the insurance com- pany in 1935, during which time it has been taken to the state supreme court 17 times and has been through more than 100 other court actions. Investigation of the case has been made difficult by the fact that the books of the defunct insur- ance company were destroyed by eburt order before the case was completely settled. Further complications arose when court records were destroyed in the State Office Building fire of February 8, 1951. Many of the farmers who were assessed for the $90,000 debts of the company claim that they were not liable, having left the company several years before it failed. Most of these finally paid their assessments un- der protest, but Mrs. Stevens held out; as did Paul and Chris Ziegenhardt, brothers who owned-and still occupy-a prosperous farm in the same territory. Mrs. Stevens was assessed $172, the Ziegenhardts were ordered to pay $274.10. As a result of the owners' refusal to pay, the two pieces of property were sold at the customary, little-publicized sheriff's auction in 1948, both being bought by Mrs. Grace White, a practicing attorney in Lapeer. Mrs. Stevens' home, valued at about $6000, was sold for $500; the Ziegenhardts' 240 acres, assessed at $40,000, went for $13,500. Both the Ziegenhardts and Mrs. Ste- vens have now lost much more than the original assessment in their battle against the injustice which they believe has been done them. Others, many of whom were not directly involved in the case, have given what aid they could, financial and otherwise, in the long fight. A real investigation of the circumstances will be no easy task: time and fire have obscured many of the facts. But a real in- vestigation may be necessary to prevent more and worse violence in Lapeer County. -Pat Durand Unit Rule THE RECENT DECISION of Michigan's Democratic delegates to abolish the binding unit-rule is a commendable move, but it is evidently not a final one. Since National Convention officials have announced that they will enforce any unit rule voted by State Conventions, it is possible that the delegate's decision will be overridden by the Rules Committee next week. The Michigan State Conven- tion decided in May to bind its delegates to unit rule, which requires the entire delegation to vote the way a majority of its members do. There is also the possibility that the state delegates may be influenced by the Wil- liams-Moody combination to retract their decision before the Convention forces them back under the politically strong unit rule. Both the pro and con sides to the unit voting decision have valid arguments. The up-coming convention promises to be an unpredictable one, and delegations will need unified strength to influence the nomina- tion. Unit rule is set up expressly for the purpose of strengthening the hand of the state's convention representatives. But the Democrats' big worry is to find a winner from a partially noncommittal, partially mediocre string of possibili- ON THE Washington Merry-Go-Round WITH DREW PEARSON (Ed. Note-Prior to the Democratic Con- vention, which promises to be one of the hottest in years, Drew Pearson is writing a series of columns diagnosing the qualifica- tions of the candidates.) WASHINGTON - The most surprising of W all the candidates in the Democratic stable is William Averell Harriman, former polo player, millionaire stockholder of the Union Pacific Railroad, ex-ambassador to England and Russia, and Mutual Security Administrator. When Harriman first started campaign- ing nobody took him seriously. A few of his friends were kind enough to observe that he might make a pretty good vice president. But that was all. In fact, the only man who really took his candidacy seriously was Averell him- self. And he has taken it so seriously and worked at it so hard, that he has ended up as one of the top contenders for the Democratic nomination. Ex-congressman John Carroll of Denver dropped into the White House the other day to tell the President how Harriman had come out to Colorado with all the cards stacked against him, but done such a terrific job that he defeated such stalwart Demo- cratic delegates as Senator Ed Johnson and Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman, HIGHBINDER FATHER PROBABLY the most surprised of all at the emergence of Averell Harriman as a crusading liberal would be his father, one of the toughest highbinders ever to milk the stock of a public utility. It was Edward Harriman who built the Union Pacific, then engaged in the famous battle with Jim Hill to control the Northern Pacific, a battle which did not end until it caused a crash in Wall Street. Ed Harriman's motto was the public be damned. His son's motto is the public comes first. And almost everything he has done has been the exact opposite of his father-even to the Voint that friends ac- cuse him of trying to atone for the eco- nomic sins of the past generation. More likely perhaps is that Averell is following in the footsteps of his grand- father, a devout Episcopalian minister. He is an example of what happens in few coun- tries of the world outside the United States and England-a young man of wealth who conscientiously tries to devote his life to public service. Some of Averell's old friends hav ebeen unkind enough to say that if he hadn't been born with a silver spoon in his mouth he wouldn't have been able to feed himself. They have also made wisecracks about his lack of business ability and the lucky break for the Harriman fortune that Averell chose to go into government rather than business. It is true that Harriman has now resigned as Chairman of the Union Pacific, and that he has given up his former directorships in the Illinois Central and Western Union. But it is also true that he has kept a weather eye on his main property, the Union Pacific, with the result that that railroad's coal mines have the best safety record of any in the United States. CONSERVATIVE PAST HARRIMAN has not always been the cru- sading liberal, however. In 1944, the Justice Department planned to bring a criminal antitrust suit against his railroad, together with most of the other roads west of the Mississippi. Harriman himself was to have been named as a defendant in the criminal conspiracy. When President Roose- velt reviewed the case, however, he said: "We can't indict our ambassador to Russia." 'ne probably saved the western roa. facing criminal charges. In- stead the Justice Department switched the case to a civil one. Even so Harriman was most indignant. The railroads, he apparently felt, had every right to conspire to fix rates. "If this be conspiracy," he wrote the Interstate Com- merce Commission, "then the railroads of the country need better and bigger con- spiracies." Harriman is also campaigning today as the great friend of labor, and he seems to be sincere about it. But just four years ago when the Taft-Hartley act was up for dis- cussion at the White House, Harriman, then Secretary of Commerce, did his best to per- suade the President not to veto it. And when the President was about to send a stiff message to the 80th GOP con- gress on economic controls in 1947, Harri- man also did his best to dissuade the Pres- ident. At that time the Republicans claimed that no controls were necessary and Senator Taft led a heated battle to abolish them entirely. Truman ruled otherwise. How- ever, he did so, over the head of his Secre- tary of Commerce, Mr. Harriman, who took a line inside the cabinet somewhat similar to Taft's that even the big steel companies would submit to voluntary price controls. The strike arguments of the past few months have given some indication of how wrong Averell can be. ABLE TO LEARN THE MOST important thing about Harri- man is that he has learned. 41is views have not solidified with the passing of the years. They have broadened. Beginning as a slow, timid, ponderous person when he first came to Washington, Averell has grad- ually grown up. I recall talking to him after Roosevelt and Churchill met on a battleship in the North Atlantic in the early days of the war. Harriman was with them, and upon his return I dropped in to see if I could pick up some human interest stories. I knew Averell well enough to realize that I could get no diplomatic secrets from him-not even an inkling. He was too much of a scared rabbit. So I asked him a few simple, nonsecret questions, about pleasantries and pastimes aboard ship. Averell, however, was hesi- tant. Finally I asked whether the Prime Minister and the President wore evening dress when they dined on the battleship at night. "I am afraid;" said Harriman, "that that would be confidential and I must not dis- cuss it." As I walked out of his hotel, I glanced at the afternoon papers. They featured a pic- ture of Roosevelt and Churchill aboard ship in evening dress. About ten years has passed since then, but in that ten years, the onetime timid Mr. Harriman has become a rip-roaring, rostrum-pounding candidate for President. And I'm almost beginning to think he might make a pretty good one. (Copyright, 1952, by the Bell syndicate) DORIS FLEESON: Young Demts ATSOME POINT in the convention, what- ever Mr. Truman does, a white crested, Main-born Quaker his left arm rendered useless at Okinawa Sen. Paul Douglas of Illinois will call upon the convention to re- pudiate dictation and nominate Senator Ke- fauver. He may do it after California, fourth state on the roll cal yields to Tennessee so that Governor Browning may nominate Tennessee's favorite son. Senator Doug- las will make the principal seconding speech and main argument for his col- league. He will meet the assembled delegates, however the first day when he is scheduled to speak on foreign policy. If the reports to Washington of his popular standing are correct, he will get an ovation. Senator Douglas, in turn, will have a col- league from a pivotal state, Senator Moody of Michigan, watching for a moment when. if the Kefauver banner falls, he can raise a Douglas one. Senator Moody is up for ,ire-election this fall. Both he and Michigan's attractive young governor, Mennen Williams, hew more closely to the Douglas line than to that of any avowed candidate; their for- tunes are deeply involved in this year's re- sults and they will not yield lightly to a candidate who lacks appeal in their state. Senator Kefauver, should he face defeat, would naturally turn to his supporter, Douglas. His votes, more nearly than those of other candidates, are transfer- able almost intact. He also will be under no obligation to hold back for the elder statesmen now so determined to beat him. etter to theC tor General Republican . . . "Do Yo Think I'v*e Sared To Ende , wik .r really suffered a battered head when he said, "Son," (a real op- To The Editors: timist-my dad), "It's O.K. if you IT HAS NOW become apparent draw lousy marks, smash up your that the Republican Party has -(Jaguar, or suffer a shotgun wed-. becomera military party. It would 1'ding, but in the hallowed name ,,,,of Michigan propriety, make a er the fates of other republics un- senior society." der military leaders.-,;a+ Now that's all very peachy-keen, One of the first nearly contem- but all that "between the idea and porary instances is the case of the reality" stuff kind of screws Oliver Cromwell who, in the name up the pitch, which, of Christ and The People, installed Ifyu sosar rii o as stern a dictatorship as England ." shady or your general deportment had ever seen. - not sufficiently sophisticated, Two little corporals have im- Leave the so-inclinated posed their power-centered egos C Frustrated. on Europe within the last two th Im ye. centuries, Napoleon and Hitler. Even though I'm not yet eligible Ec enre Napomad tlr. to develop the D.T.'s and a twitch Eisenhower has promised to re- stigI yro fetn i. store the United States to the sitting i my room affectin de- position of world leadership that interest while the blue-bloods de the Republican Party seems to ' mean feel has been lost, to rid the Unit- Among the unclean, ed States of Communists and thosee way thngs are going now, ed Sate ofComuniss ad toseI can't see how I'll ever engineer guilty of un-Americanism and, it will be noted, to support that party shoeay any group of this which has regularly voted against re adequate legislative enforcementrCrew, S n yrI have, therefore, a plan, de- of minority rights.- General Eisenhower has been, signed to make the unsuccessful since an early age, associated with wheel only one group, the Army of the Feel United States. He has, by his p they are sufficiently "anti-Com- Better about his coming exclu- own statement, never before en- rogressive Party . . . munist," can lead only to inten- sion, for I am founding a new munit,"canlea ony t inen-society to known from nrth to gaged in politics or had anything To the Editor: sifying the danger of war. Neither south whatsoever to do with the admin- party can promise a militant istration of the government of CONSERVATISM needs no third p As "Hoof and Mouth" this country. party for itself. Conservatives struggle for Negro rights, nor can All members will be given pock- A former military president of (if one may employ that euphem- promise an end to the cold- et guillotines with which to lop the United States who was spec- ism) have both major parties well wrhte, n-Amey" or - off the heads of the peasants tacularly unsuccessful said, at the under control. What the Ameri- We must look to independent our presence end of his reign, "It was my for- can people need today is a politi- political activity if we are to win Who mention the hallowed tune, or misfortune, to be called cal force that can revive the tra- back for ourselves those gains name of our noble group, and we to the office of Chief Executive dition of militant New Deal lib- we made under the Roosevelt Ad shall convene at each full moon without any previous political eralism that we have not seen ministration. I was a delegate to in the womb training. From the age of 17 I since the days of Franklin Delano the Progressive Party convention Of our tomb. had never even witnessed the ex- Roosevelt.thPrgesvPaycoenin HwogtiTo ofad citement attending a Presidential Any illusions that Eisenhower in Chicago last weekend, and I Mouth? Well, our requirements Campaign but twice antecedent to represented a liberal movement found there an organization of are a car, a million, a paddle, a my own candidacy ... Under such have been shattered by his en- workers and farmers, students letter, circumstances it is but reasonable dorsement by Joe McCarthy, by and professionals, Negroes and (The more the better), to suppose that errors of judg- his backing ("Closer examination wt that proises o a mii- And a carefully nurtured sophis- ment must have occurred." This finds the Eastern banking fra- pant, effective force in defense of ticated sneer to blend with your is a portion of the document now ternity heavily represented in the peace and the rights of the Amer- condescending smile, known as President Grant's Apol- General's camp-Wall Street, in- icon people. Support for the sort While, ogy. cluding Morgan, Mellon, and some of program the Progressives offer On the other hand, your aver. General William Tecumseh at least of the Rockefeller inter- is, to mind, the only type of age must not exceed a gentleman. Sherman had the good sense to ests, is definitely for Eisenhower" action that offers real hossive Party is ly 75 or your social acceptability say, "I will not accept if nomin- -from a documented report in Will suffer mutability. not "the" third party (whatever Wilsfemualty ated and will not serve if elected." The Nation, July 5), by his choice nht means.)iBd ony through We with Hoof and Mouth guar- We submit that General Eisen- of running mate: Richard M. Nix- ocy threp-hantee 20 million dollar-a-year jobs hower agrees with General Sher- on of Mundt-Nixon Bill fame. Any building a political force that rep- to all members following gradua- man, the chastened General Grant illusions - that Truman's Demo- resents a militant New Deal type tion, and with us for, in 1948, he said, cratic Party is the "liberal" party o liberalism, can we effectively, Plus the celebration "r am not available forand could have been smashed by the Ad- free speech. Iturn for one willthought -and Of pagan rites and skin flicks not accept nomination to high ministration's use of governmental port the Progressive Party, in the bowels of our tomb political office . . . It is my con- seizure as a strike-breaking weap- -David R. Luce To all whom viction that the necessary and on, by its enforcement of the * * RLcWheelship is The Achievement wisecsubordinationof the military Smith Act and the McCarran Act the sine qua non, and The Cul- to civil- power will be best sus- and its indulgence in unprecedent-od toamnin tamed, and our people will have ed political prosecutions, by the To The Editor Of education, greater confidence that it is so packing of the Supreme Court DEDICATED to the proposition And yet more, you lucky men sustained, when lifelong profes- with the most inept political of a greater senior society sys- with Hoof and Mouth; for all of sional soldiers, in the absence of hacks. tem at Michigan I submit with you will be, by dint of affiliation some obvious and overriding rea- Both Republicans and Demo- the acknowledgement of Gray with us, The Men To Know, The sons, abstain from seeking high crats have foreign policies which, MacArthur of Yale - The Rites B.M.O.C.s, and Popularity will be political office." geared to the maintenance of im- of Spring. yours, you great, big wonderful, Sincerely, perialism throughout the world When my private Polonus was shoe, Philip C. Freund, Grad and supporting the most corrupt shooting me the dope on how and You. Paul O. Hellenga, Grad. and reactionary regimes wherever what to do at Michigan, the nail -Frank G. Butora DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN II 1*, e- I AN AUDIENCE literally hanging from the windows and overflowing into the halls, was treated last night to an excellent pro- gram of 16th, 17th, and 18th century music. The performing group was the Collegium Musicum, under the direction of Louise Cuy- ler; the program itself was in three parts, music for- harpsichord, for small choral groups, and music illustrating the styles of ornamentation characteristic of the above centuries. It would be impossible to describe all the music played, and I shall only name the high points. An early example of program music, the Kuhnau "Biblical" sonata, was performed by Tait Sanford at the harpsi- chord. This music is not as programmatic in the sense of telling a story as it is in recreating the moods suggested by the' familiar narrative of David and Goliath. Miss Sanford played the work with free- dom, and did quite well in projecting its dramatic contrast, a difficult feat on an instrument with the limited dynamic range of the harpsichord. Of extreme expressivity was the aria, "A Dio Roma," from Monteverdi's opera, "The Coronation of Poppea," and the adagio for flute by Quantz. The first exemplifies a dramatic recitative style of aria, and the sec- ond a free, simple melody adorned with rich and flowing embellishments. Miss Ruth Orr, mezzo, and Miss Frances Brown, flutist, did admirable jobs in performing these two works, which were edited respectively by Richmond McCluer and Edward Reilly. The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510 Administration Building before 3 p.m. the day preceding publication (11 a.m. on Saturday). Notices Ex-Occupational personnel, EUCOM, FAC, Overseas Teachers, DACS, etc. will meet for dinner in the Michigan League Conference Room, opposite the Cafe- teria on Monday, July 21 from 5:30 to 7:15. If possible, telephone 3-1511, Ext. 360 to make reservations. The Summer School council in con- nection with the women's League is holding duplicate bridge sessions every Thursday evening from 7:30 on. Try to bring your own partner. The room will be posted in the League. On Stage: "Winterset" by Maxwell Anderson, July 23-26; "Second Thres- hoid" by Philip Barry, July 30-Aug. 2 and a comic opera, "The Merry Wives of Windsor," by Otto Nicolai, presented by the Department of Speech at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Tickets for all performances are on sale now at the Mendelssohn box office from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. La Petite Causette: All students and summer residents who are interested in speaking French are invited to join this very informal group every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon between 4 and 5 o'clocc in the Tap Room of the Michi- gan Union. A table will be reserved and a French-speaking member of the staff will be present, but there is no pro- gram other than free conversation in French.j Rayonier, Inc., Research Division,. Shelton, Washington would like to hearI from PhD in chemistry men for posi- tions in reasearch laboratories. They are also recruiting people with BSc and MSc in chemistry or chemical engi- neering. Very good opportunity for peo- ple who desire to live in the west. Firm does research and development in the fields of chemical wood cellulose, vis- cose and acetate rayon, resins and plas- ties- and nreonm nhear, or iEmp ni.1 research and development program in commercial aircraft and military air- craft such as aircraft refrigeration units, auxiliary drives and pumps, jet fuel controls and starts, propellers for turbine engines and others. The Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, Michigan, has an opening for a pro- duct cost engineer, and would consider recent graduates for this opening as wellnas experienced people. Work would consist of engineering manufacturing problems in relation to cost and speci- fications and budget appropriation al- liance. The State of Washington Personnel Board, Seattle. has announced an ex- amination to be given all people who submit applications until further no- tice for Public Health Dental Hygienist. Citizenship is required but State of Washington residence is not. An an- nouncement with all details may be seen at the Bureau of Appointments. The Electric Storage Battery Com- pany, Detroit, Michigan (Exide) has an- nounced vacancies in its sales trainee (industrial) program and for General Sales. There is also an opportunity to get into the automotive sales training program. The need is for men with engineering degrees, electrical and oth- ers, and for business administration men., The United steel & Wire Company, Battle Creek, Michigan, has an open- ing immediately in the Cost Account- ing Department for a cost accountant. Duties require knowledge of standard and job cost accounting, and also prop- erty accountiny, general accounting, financial statement preparation, and budgeting. 'Work is considered train- ing for the position of AssistantrCost Controller, which is being held open for the trainee. The LaSalle & Koch Company, To- ledo, Ohio, is accepting trainees, men or women, for its Junior Executive Training Squad. Information concern- ing an interview may be had at the Bureau of Appointments. For further information, application blanks, details, please come to the Bu- reau of Appointments, 3528 Administra- tion Building, or call extension 371. A _ 3 . X7 _. lims on "Hormonal-Enzymatic Control of the Pupal Diapause of the Cecropia Silkworm." Wed. July 16, 4:15 p.m., 1300 Chem. Bldg. Doctoral Examination for James Jo- seph McLaughlin, Education; theis: "The Mathematics for the Teacher of Vocational Agriculture," Thursday, July 17, East Council Room; Rackham Building, at noon. Chairman, F. D. Curtis. Seminar in Mathematical Statistics: Thursday, July 1, at 4 p.m., in Room 3201 A.H. Mr. R. W. Royston will be the speaker. Orientation Seminar (Mathematics): Thursday, July 17, at 3 p.m., in Room 3001 A.H. Mr. Al-Dhahir will speak on "Irredundancy." Lectures Thursday, July 17 Summer Education Conference. Morn- ing: "Learning More from Out-of-Class School Activities," Paul Misner, Super- intendent of Schools, Glencoe, Illinois, 9:00 a.m.; panel discussion. "School Ac- tivities," 10:00 A.M., Schorling Audi- torium. Afternoon conferences, 2:00 p.m.: Adult Education, Schorling Auditor- ium; Industrial Education, University High School; Physical Education, 2432 University Elementary School; Secon- daryEducation, 1430 University Ele- mentary School. Lecture, auspices of the Department of Classical Studies. "The Historical and the Mythical Past." Bernhard A. Van Groningen, University of Leyden. 4:15 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater. Symposium on Biological Regulation. "The Relationship of the Adrenal Cor- tex to Growth." Dwight J. Ingle, Re- search Associate, the Upjohn Com- pany. 4:15 p.m., 1300 Chemistry Build- ing. Linquistics Program. "Seminatics and Formal Linguistics." Assistant Profes- sor Rulon S.. Wells, Yale University. 7:30 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater. Concerts Oratorio Class under the direction of Exhibitions Museum. of Art. The artist's view- point. July 8-28. General Library. Books which have influenced the modern world. Museum of Archaeology. Ancient" Egypt and Rome of the Empire. Museums Building. Rotunda exhibit. Some museum techniques. Michigan Historical Collections, 160 Rackham Building. The changing Cam- pus. Clements Library. American books which have influenced the modern mind (through September 1). Architecture Building. Student work. Events Today In honor of the Summer Session Stu- dents, President and Mrs. Harlan H. Hatcher are holding an informal re- ception at their home this evening from 8 until 10 o'clock. All students ar* cordially invited. U of M $siling Club Meeting, Thurs- day, July 17, Room 3-A in" Union at 7:30 p.m. Plans for going to Wisconsin Regatta this weekend. The International Center's Weekly Tea, for foreign students and American friends, 4:30 until 6:00 o'clock. Sixty-Second Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. EDITORIAL STAFF Leonard Greenbaum...Managing Editor Ivan Kaye and Bob Margolin Editors Nan Reganall............Women's Editor Joyce Fickies.............Night Editor Harry Lunn ...........Night Editor Marge Shepherd........Night Editor Virginia Voss . ..........Night Editor Mike Wolff...........Night Editor BUSINESS STAFF Tom Treeger.......Business Manager C. A. Mitts....... Advertising Manager Jim Miller.........Finance Manager Jim Tetreault......Circulation Manager 4- I i