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July 17, 1952 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1952-07-17

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See Page 2

Sir ujau

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Latest Deadline in the State


Truman Signs GI Bill for



Civil Rights Issue
May Split Dems
By The Associated Press
A stormy battle over Civil Rights that could split the Democratic
party asunder and trigger a repetition of the 1948 Dixie "revolt"
threatened to erupt yesterday as a prelude to the Democratic National
Convention in Chicago.
Discordant rumblings from the North and South over the explo-
sive issue suggested that the Democrats may make the Republicans'
strife-torn.convention look like a pink tea party.
WHILE PARTY leaders plumped for harmony, these were the
S- developments:

Seel S trie
q zHits Campus
The steel strike made itself felt
in new ways across the country
yesterday, from Ann Arbor to Cal-
Work on the Cooley Memorial
Laboratory on the University's
North Campus development al-
ready is two months behind sched-
ule because of the strike, it was
SUPPLIES of structural steel
have all but been exhausted, and
a 50 to 60 man crew may be laid
off within a week or 10 days, ac-
cording to L. A. Perry, project
manager for the Jeffress-Dyer
Construction Co., contractors for
the job.
However, the steel' situation
has not materially affected pro-
gres on the Out-Patient Clinio
or the Kresge Medical. Research
Building, which Jefress-Dyer
also is building.
In San Francisco, the Canners
League of California warned yes-
terday that part of this season's
canning crops will be rotting in
orchards and fields unless there
is an early settlement of the strike.
p * * *
NO THREAT TO the apricot
pack, now being completed, was
foreseen by the League. Failure
to get the normal supply of tin
cans rolling soon, however, would
Jeopardize part of the state's huge
packs of peaches, pears and fruit
cocktail valued last year at more
than 200 million dollars.
Cintinuation of the steel strike
the announcement said, also
poses a threat to the state's
packs of tomatoes and tomato
products coming in late August
and September.
But in Pittsburgh, no one lifted
a finger to end the steel strike.
* * *
LABOR AND industry have no
plans for new bargaining sessions.
The White House has not made a
move to get them together again.
The walkout, longest and most
expensive in steel history, costs
about 40 million dollars a day in
lost wages and lost steel produc-
Millard Blasts
State Prison
LANSING-(W)-Deplorable con-
ditions led to the tragic mutiny'
and riot at Southern Michigan
Prison last April and the prison
administration was partly to
blame, State Attorney General
Frank G. Millard charged yester-
In his second of three reports
on his six-week investigation of
the convict uprising, Millard lash-
ed out particularly at State Cor-
rections Commissioner Earnest C.
Brooks and Dr. Vernon B. Fox,
former Assistant Deputy Warden
who since has been fired.
THERE WAS NO immediate re-
ply from any of the men named
in the report.,
As the second report was
made public, the first two of 23
«a Alf. i

1. Sen. Herbert Lehman of
New York, a supporter of presi-
dential aspirant Averell Harri-
man, pledged a showdown fight
on the convention floor If nee-
essary to get a Civil Rights plank
"at least as strong" as the 1948
It was the '48 plank on Civil
Rights that sparked a Southern
bolt from the convention and led
to the creation of a Dixie states
rights party.
2. Leaders of rival Democratic
factions from Texas headed for
Chicago to battle for the right
to cast Texas' '52 convention
votes -- with states and Civil
Rights a prime issue in the dis-
Briefly, here is the background
of the Texas fight:
* * *
TWO GROUPS met in separate
conventions and each elected its
own delegation to the National
Convention in Chicago.
One group-the pro-adminis-
tration "loyalists" headed by
former Rep. Maury Maverick-
pledged its delegates to support
the national party's nominee for
The other group- Oth anti-ad-
ministration "regulars" led by
Gov. Allan Shivers-refused to ac-
cept the pledge and insisted on
waiting to see what the Chicago
convention does about FEPC and
other states rights issues.
Both will lay their arguments
before a credentials subcommit-
tee of the Democratic National
Committee in Chicago tomor-
While partychiefs tried to soft-
pedal talk of a split over Civil
Rights, the two front-running
candidates for the democratic
presidential nomination flew to
Chicago to lay battle lines for the
convention opening Monday.
* *. *
SEN. ESTES Kefauver of Ten-
nessee, No. 1 in the pre-conven-
tion race, arrived from Washing-
ton aboard a private plane bear-
ing the legend "Kefauver for
President" and a white-winged
Sen. Richard B. Russell of
Georgia, who holds the No. 2
spot in the Associated Press tal-
ly of delegate strength, arrived
and predicted he would be nom-
inated between the fifth and
eighth ballots.
In Chicago, Chairman Frank
McKinney of the Democratic Na-
tional Committee indicated to
newsmen that despite the big field
of candidates-seven avowed and
at least a dozen potential "dark
horses" - he doesn't expect the
convention will drag out more
than four days.
MEANWHILE, the man who will
signal President Truman's choice
for the nomination at the con-
vention -- Thomas J. Gavin of
Kansas City-made two telephone
calls to the White House in a fu-
tile effort to see Truman.

Bill Grants
3 to.4 Years
Of Education
Provides Loans,
Discharge Pay
WASHINGTON - (P) - Presi-
dent Truman yesterday signed a
new billion dollar GI Bill of Rights
extending most of the World War
II benefits to veterans discharged
since fighting began in Korea.
The. Veterans Administration
reported there were 870,000 such
veterans on May 31, with the num-
,ber increasing daily.
* * *
THE MEASURE sailed through
Congress on Independence Day
with only one dissenting vote.
Truman signed it, along with
36 others, while in Walter Reed
hospital for a checkup.
The law gives new veterans an
education and training program
on the order of that received by
World War II veterans.
But there are some changes
-in amounts of money available
and in the way the program is
to be run.
The act also provides for mus-
tering out pay, unemployment
benefits of $26 a week up to a total
of 26 weeks, and financial backing
for home and business loans.
* * *
widespread feeling that Congress
ought to do something for Korean
Veterans because they couldn't
qualify for benefits set up for
World War II servicemen.
It will provide benefits for
service personnel released after
June 27, 1950.
Eligible veterans include those
who served 90 days or more and
were discharged under conditions
other than dishonorable.
* * *
FOR EACH DAY of military ser-
vice, a veteran will be entitled to
1% days of education up to a max.
imum of 36 months. But if the ex-
GI qualified for training by reason
of World War II service and then
put in additional duty after Korea
began, he will be permitted a top
total of 38 months of training.
It it's formal schooling he
wants, he takes his pick from
a list of institutions approved
by the VA or state agencies. He
can go full-time or part-time.
A veteran who elects to go to
school full-time, will draw $110 a
month if he has no dependents,
$135 if he has one dependent, and
$160 if he has more than one de-
THE RATES are scaled down
for those who take their training
on a three-fourths or half-time
With these funds, veterans
will pay their own tuition fees,
buy books and take care of liv-
ing expenses.
Tax-supported schools that or-
dinarily don't charge tuition fees
will be permitted to assess vet-
erans up to $10 a month.
And all schools will be paid $1.50
a month for each veteran enrolled.
Here is the schedule by which
mustering out payments will be
made to all service personnel be-
low the rank of major or lieu-
tenant commander:
For 60 days active duty and ser-
vice outside the U. S. or in Alaska,
For 60 days active duty within
the U. S., $200; and for less than
60 days, $100.

Faculty Replies
To Czech Germ
Warfare Charg
A group of University faculty members have asked educators
behind the Iron Curtain to join in an effort to secure a scientific,
objective and impartial investigation of Communist charges that
the United Nations armed forces are waging germ warfare in North
The faculty members, represented by a committee of the Uni-
versity Senate, have urged the faculty of Charles University in
Prague, Czechoslovakia, to support the proposal of the International
Committee of the Red Cross for an impartial inquiry into the "causes,

-Daily-Jack Bergstrom
RELIGION PANEL-The Rt. Rev. Richard S. Emerich, Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Diocese
of Michigan, Prof. Frank Huntley of the English department and President Harlan H. Hatcher
(1. to r.) were participants yesterday in a panel discussion on "The Social and Educational Impli-
cations of Religion Today."
ieR* * * * * *y
Pane DssssRigon at Universit

An interdepartmental degree
program in non-sectarian religious
studies was advocated yesterdam
by The Rt. Rev. Richard S. Emer-
ich, Bishop of the Protestant
Episcopal Diocese of Michigan and
University President Harlan H.
Speaking in a panel discussion
on "The Social and Educational
Implications of Religion Today,"
they agreed that the philisophical
values of religion were not being
properly stressed in education to-
day, but emphasized that such
teaching should be strictly non-

sectarian if it were introduced in-
to colleges and universities.
* * *
THE PANEL was one of the
programs in the summer series,
"Modern Views of Man and So-
ciety." It was moderated by Prof.
Frank Huntley of the English de-
partment, chairman of the Board
of Governors of Lane Hall Student
Religious Association.
Prof. Huntley reviewed the
religious situation at the Uni-
versity, pointing out that a re-
cent faculty report had recom-
mended an interdepartmental

Deferment Form May Save
'U' Students from Uncle Sam
A slip of paper, Form SSS 109, may be the only barrier between
you and the Army!'
Robert Garfield, Director of Extension Recording in the Regis-
trar's Office, explained yesterday that his office is doing all it can
to rush through to draft boards the information form regarding the
class standings of male University students. This piece of paper is
necessary for possible deferrment from the draft.
GARFIELD SAID that his office had received some complaints
from students and from the draf tboards on the University's handling

degree program in religion and
Bishop Emerich outlined the
three basic elements of civiliza-
tion: material base, technical
knowledge and meaning or pur-
pose. "This third element has
been neglected in our society and
schools," he said.
Stressing the need for faith as a
basis of morals, he mkintained
that there is no ultimate dignity
of human nature or man unless
man is a child of God. "The cur-
ricula of the universities and col-
leges reveal that the people do not
think what I am talking about is
important or they would put more
emphasis on it," he said.
IN A DISCUSSION of the tra-
ditional separation between the
church and state as functions,
President Hatcher said that this
separation did not divide the unity
of religion, morality and know-
"As the college and university
curriculum became more concern-
ed with technical subjects and the
old courses which stressed the
great ideas behind religion were
being eliminated, the home and
church were relaxing their pro-
vincedof religious education,"
President Hatcher said.
"We have to be concerned
that the great background of
understanding from which- re-
ligious beliefs stem is included
in the curriculum," he concluded.
Dems To Ask New
Vote on Unit Rule
State Democratic Chairman Neil
Staebler said yesterday that sev-
eral Michigan delegates have indi-
cated they will ask reconsideration
of the defeated unit rule measure
in a pre-convention caucus Sun-

Baseball Scores
New York 8, St. Louis 7 (10
Philadelphia 8, Pittsbu'rgh 7
Chicago 3, Boston 2
Brooklyn 5, Cincinnati 3
New York 8-7, Cleveland 7-4
Detroit 9, Washington 0
Boston 7, Chicago 3
Hope Stirs
For Korean
Peace Break
MUNSAN -(M)- An unexpected
Communist announcement stirred
hope yesterday for a break in the
critical deadlock over prisoner ex-
change-the major issue blocking
an armistice in the Korean War.
The Chinese Reds said they
conditionally recognized the Ge-
neva conventions banning germ
warfare and setting rules for
treatment of war prisoners.
* * *
Red China's Peiping radio placed
a new aspect on the truce nego-
tiations at Panmunjom, but its
exact effect on the long-stalled
talks was not known.
It came shortly before the Com-
munists requested Wedneseday a
two-day additional recess in se-
cret negotiations.
* * *
the recess continue until 11 a.m.
Friday. The UN command agreed
at once. The talks have been in
recess since Monday.
The announcement, made by
Red China's number two man,
foreign minister Chou En-Lai,
seemed to suggest that the Com-
munists might be willing to agree
to transfer of prisoners, who re-
fused repatriation, to a mutually
agreeable third power or a "sub-
stitute" organization.
If this is so, it might pave the
way for settlement of the dead-
lock over prisoner repatriation.
Meanwhile a flight of 50 Com-
munist jets, described as "the
cream of the crop," challenged
U. S. sabre jets high over north-
west Korea late yesterday and one
Red fighter was reported shot

nature and extent" of epidemics
reported to have occurred in
' * * *
A LETTER containing the sug-
gestion was sent to Prague over
the signature of President Harlan
Hatcher and five representative
members of the Senate. It was
a reply to a letter of March 25
from the faculty of Charles Uni-
versity in which the charge was
made that the armies of the Unit-
ed Nations have made use of bio-
logical warfare in Korea.
The five other signers are Prof.
James K. Pollock, chairman of
the political science department;
Prof. Warner G. Rice, director
of the University Library; Prof,
Lee R. Dice, director of the in-
stitute of Human Biology; Prof.
Thomas Francis, Jr., chairman
of the epidemiology department
and Prof. Walter J. Nungester,
newly appointed chairman of
the bacteriology department.
Dispatch of the letter on Jun#-
23 to Dr. Jaroslav Charvat, pro-
rector of Charles University, was
announced yesterday after allow-
ing it sufficient time to reach
Prague. Besides urging support
for the Red Cross investigation,
the letter says this in regard to
the. germ warfare charges:
"The Senate is acquainted with
no evidence which substantiates
the serious charges thus made in
the proclamation of the academic
community (of Charles Univer-
sity), and thinks them likely to be
without foundation in view of the
known services of American medi-
cine and the American government
toward the extirpation of disease
wherever their influence extends.
* - * *
IT ALSO credits completely the
unqualified denials of Secretary
of State Dean Acheson, who has
fully and repeatedly answered al-
legations of germ warfare since
these were first put forward.
"Nevertheless, being constant-
ly guided by the high humani-
tarian ideals which are conse-
quent upon the love of liberty,
peace and truth, and being hap-
pily free to pursue inquiry
*herever it may lead through
an . unfettered application of
sound scientific methods, the
Senate of the University unhes-
itatingly asserts its full support
of the proposal of the Interna-
tional Committee of the Red
Cross, addressed to both par-
ties in the Korean conflict on
March 12, 1952, to prosecute,
under guarantees of moral and
scientific independence, an in-
quiry into the causes, nature,
and extent of the epidemics re-
ported to have occurred in North
"The Senate will be gratified to
receive from the Academic Com-
munity copies of letters which it
has addressed to its government
advocating the initiation of the
Red Cross investigation, or any
other plan for the collection and
study of evidence relating to
health conditions in North Korea
which can be carried out under
guarantee that only impartial and
well-qualified scientists will par-
* * *
THE LETTER points out that a
copy of the Senate communication
has been forwarded to the Depart-
ment of State in Washington
which already has notified the Red
Cross committee of its acceptance
of the plan.
Included with the letter to
Prague was a copy of a letter
written to the Hungarian Acad-
emo nf Sieneb hv fr. Detav W.

of the form which gives informa-<
tion on the student's present class
ranking, and indicates whether or
not he is accepted for enrollment
here next fall.
He said that in a number of
cases his office had omitted to
place on the form the informa-
tion regarding the students' ac-.
ceptance for fall enrollment,
but that this matter has subse-
quently been taken care of.
The official said that a total of
approximately 2,333 deferrment
information forms were sent out
to draft boards last week, after
the staff of the University Tabu-
lating Service had been working
weekends and nights for almost
30 days since the end of school,
compiling the class standings of
male students of LSA, Pharmacy,
Natural Resources, Music, and
other undergraduate schools, with
the exception of Engineering.
Garfield said that for the most
part draft boards are "considerate
of students - some seem to be
helping all they can to keep stu-
dents in school."
"Form SSS 109 is," he con-
tinued, "exceedingly important
to the draft boards" in determ-
ining whether or not a student

is to be deferred and allowed to
continue his college career.
Garfield said that students who
are enrolled in any of the under-
graduate schools of the Univer-
sity must, in order to have their
college status information for-
warded to the draft boards, obtain
Form SSS 109 at the Registrar's
Office in the Administration Build-
Engineering students and grad-
uate students should, he explain-
ed, find out their class status
through their respective schools.


Vegetarians Ready for '52


British Display Great
Interest in Many Sports

Special To The Daily
LONDON-English sports-lovers
are perhaps a larger bulk percent-
age-wise than Americans, judging
from a number of signs.
Newspaper coverage of cricket,
rugby, football and the races is as

is retained an enthusiastic and
time-consuming interest in the
curious games they play over
This seems a bit odd when you
observe a few of these athletic op-
srations. But they tell us our
sports are Just as amazing in their

One of the most colorful but
little-known of the currently op-
erating third parties is the Amer-
ican Vegetarian Party.
Girding themselves for the 1952
presidential campaign with the
motto "Thou Shalt Not Kill,"
America's leading pacifist party.
has nominated retired army offi-
cer Brig. Gen. Herbert C. Hold-
ridge for President.
THE PARTY'S foreign policy
plank calls for the designation by
all governments of "Ministers of
Peace," who would meet togeth-
er in continuous session," guided
V%- +Ia fg Q1 of ., ,_ c m .. ,. - ,,

platform calling to rthe print-
ing of more money to pay off
the national debt and finance a
public works program to end
His proposed public works pro-
jects included a'vast housing pro-
gram and a network of eight-lane
trans-continental highways. In a
1948 radio address, Dr. Maxwell
proposed to build "garden cities"
in under-developed areas, financed
by the printing of new money.
also demanded the abolition of
cattle cultivation and opposed
food processing and the demin-

Train Crash



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