DORIS FLEESON 1MW1 jg IA 10 See Pages 4 Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXII, No. 186 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, 1952 FAIR AND WARMER SIX PAGES CIO Leads Fight Against Vote Ruling Delegation Balks At UnitVoting By The Associated Press The state's delegation to the Democratic National Convention yesterday kicked up its heels against voting at Chicago under the unit rule. The 135-man delegation voted 25 and 5/6 to 72 to reject the imit rule, imposed by the Demo- cratic State Convention and al- ready certified to the National Convention officials. The 135 del- egates and alternates have 40 votes. STATE DEMOCRATIC Chairman Nel Staebler said he would pass the delegation's vote on to the Na- tional Convention Chairman and ask that Michigan be relieved of the unit rule, but he warned that under National Convention rules the state is bound by the decision of the State Convention. The fight against the unit rule, which requires the entire state delegation to ballot ac- cording to the wishes of its ma- jority, was led by CIO delegates. There was speculation that the labor union delegates wanted to get out from under the unit rule so that they would be free to vote in concert with labor members from other states for a Presiden- tial candidate acceptable to labor, no matter what kind of a decision the party regulars made. Governor Williams, U.S. Sena- tor Blair Moody and Staebler op- posed upsetting the unit rule, which August Scholle, state CIO chairman, former Governor Mur- ry D. Van Wagoner and Robert P. Scott, former secretary of the Michigan Federation of Labor, voted to upset. * s IN CHICAGO, the calm Demo- cratic front was shattered yester- day by a charge of a "gang up" plot against Sen. Estes Kekauver of Tennessee. Then came a re- port that President Truman still is determined not to run for re- election. Then in rapid-fire order came these developments: 1. Democratic National Chair- man Frank McKinney reported President Truman had instructed him Sunday to oppose any "draft Truman" move that might develop in the Democratic National Con- vehtion opening Monday. 2. McKinney told reporters Truman will not come to Chi- sago until after the Democratic nominee is chosen. 3. Sullivan demanded of McKin- ney that, the entire convention proceedings be thrown open to press, radio and television because "we want to be free of those fixers and masters of the doublecross." 4. Sullivan said he had been told an effort had been made to bribe some of the California delegates. On the eve of hearings before a tentative platform committee, Americans for Democratic Action served notice last night of an all- out drive to nail a strong civil rights plank into the 1952 Demo- cratic platform. National Roundup By The Associated Press WASHINGTON--Sen. Estes Ke- fauver said last night he is in- clined to think that Sen. Robert A. Taft of Ohio would have made a more formidable Republican can- didate for President than Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower. RICHMOND, Va.-Sen. Harry, F. Byrd won renomination for his fourth six-year term in the Senate in Virginia's Democratic primary yesterday. LANSING--Veteran Republican, campaigner D. Hale Brake an-j nounced yesterday he will seek re- nomination for his sixth consecu- tive term as State Treasurer. CHICAGO-ov. Adlai E. Stev- enson of Illinois, who insists he is not a candidate for the Demo- cratic nomination for the Presi- Heave-ho! -Daily-Jack Bergstrom WORKERS BREAK UP LANDMARK IN FRONT OF LIBRARY - *II By BOB MOELLER A time-honored University land- mark was recently erased from the campus forever as a result of the ambitious face-lifting operations undertaken this summer by the University Building and Grounds Department. This department also plans the partial removal of the ivy vines that adorn many of the campus buildings. State Moves To Punish Riot Leaders LANSING, Mich., (P)-Ignoring a "no reprisal" promise by prison officials,the State of Michigan moved yesterday to punish the ring-leaders in the million-dollar- plus riot and mutiny at high- walled Southern Michigan Pris- on. Attorney General Frank G. Mil- lard called for kidnaping war- rants against 14 convicts respon- sible for holding 13 guards as hos- tages to win - their demands for prison rule changes. He also re- quested morals (sodomy) war- rants against six other inmates. He asked that three others be charged with both crimes. WINDING UP a six-week inves- tigation of the April uprising, Mil- lard said he might seek other war- rants if the evidence justifies. At Jackson, where the prison is located Jackson County Pros- ecutor George Campbell said he may not prosecute some of the minor riot leaders cited by Millard. But he said would move immedi- ately. to obtain kidnap warrants against such key figures as Jack (Crazy Jack) Hyatt and Earl Ward, who reportedly ruled the insurgent cell block 15 with an iron hand. Both At Jackson, meanwhile, there still were reverberations from the big riot and a comparatively minor uprising earlier this month. Acting Warden William H. Ban- nan, who took over last week when Warden Julian N. Frisbie was fired, continued the shakeup of top personnel. Assistant Deputy Wa r d e n George L. Bacon, who has been in charge of custody,was dplaced on "special duty" outside the walls, an assignment similar to the one which preceded the dis- missal weeks ago of Dr. Vernon Fox, the prison's head psycholo- gist, as an assistant deputy war- den. Charles Cahill, an inspector in the uniformed prison guard, was named to replace Bacon. Dawson To Talk Over Television Prof. John P. Dawson of the EQUIPPED WITH sledge ham- mers and a bulldozer, mainten- ance workers converged Monday on the area of the Diagonal direct- ly in front of the main steps of the General Library and proceed- ed to tear up the large, circular central portion bearing the initials of the University on inlaid Maize and Blue brick. This portion of the Diagonal, dating back perhaps as far as the Twenties, and described by a Building and Grounds De- partment official as a "mud- hole," has long been a favorite meeting spot for University stu- dents, as well as the scene of an- nual clowning by pledges of University honorary societies. A somewhat hazy old tradition regarding this spot on campus holds that freshman who despoil the sanctity of the revered initials of the University by walking over them must face thorough "discip- linary" action from upperclass- men. STATING THAT the concrete sidewalks and the brick "seal" in front of the Library were in a con- dition of "bad repair," Mainten- ance Department heads plan to substitute in their place a huge concrete platform, extending close Panel to Talk On Religion A panel discussion on "The So- cial and Educational Implications of Religion Today" will be pre- sented at 4:15 p.m. today in the Rackham Lecture Hall as the sixth lecture in the summernseries, "Modern Views of Man and So- ciety." Speakers will be The Rt. Rev. Richard S. Emerich, Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Diocese of Michigan, and University Presi- dent Harlan H. Hatcher. Prof. Frank Huntley of the Eng- lish department, chairman of the Board of Governors, Lane Hall Student Religious Association, will moderate the discussion. to 133 feet out from the base the library steps, and ranging feet in width. of 93 According to the Maintenance Department, the estimated cost of the concrete platform includ- ing a rust-proof overlay comes to 45 cents per square foot Even the climbing ivy vines, eternal symbol of the American college, are undergoing extensive trimming operations at the hands of the Building and Grounds De- partment. According to a Michigan Union official, weather conditions last winter killed off a large portion of the vines covering that build- ing, and have given it an "unsight- ly appearance." The official also explained that the vines have a destructive effect upon the mor- tar between the bricks of the building, and that it "cost $18,000 to re-point the bricks on the Un- ion tower" recently. U.S. Bans Red Pamphlets WASHINGTON-(A)-The State Department yesterday ordered the Russian embassy to quit publish- ing an distributing pamphlets in the United States. A department statement an- nouncing this said the United States was suspending publication of a Russian-language magazine called "Amerika," which it had been distributing in Russia., It said the twin actions were taken because the Russians were obstructing distribution of "Amer- ika" in the Soviet Union. In halting the "Amerika" pro- ject the department gave up op- erations on the last remaining wedge into the Iron Curtain. A spokesman said the slick- paper magazine was so popular in the Soviet Union that news- stands sold out all copies within a few hours after they went on sale wherever the Russian gov- ernment did not interfere.' Rain? Yesterday was Saint Swith- ins day and the legend sur- rounding the burial of this British monk should be of some significance to weather - con- scious Ann Arborites. The legend has given rise to the superstition that "if it rains on his anniversary it will rain daily thereafter for 40 days; but if it is fair on Saint Swith- in's day, it will not rain for 40 days." As yesterday's weather was neither very rainy nor very fair, local amateur weather seers expressed the belief that it may only rain for the next 20 days. Red China OK's Geneva Conventions By The Associated Press The Communists yesterday ask- ed for an additional two-day re- cess in the secret Korean truce negotiations and the Allies agreed. The new delay in the crucial talks came as Peiping radio an- nounced Red China's conditional acceptance of the Geneva Conven- tions providing for the care of prisoners of war and banning germ and chemical warfare. THE PRISONER of war issue is the sole remaining obstacle to a Korean armistice. The truce talks have been deadlocked on it for months. The Allies refuse to re- patriate any prisoner against his will. The Reds have insisted on the return of all their captured troops. Whether the startling Red statement they would adhere to the Geneva Conventions might provide a key to an armistice -was not immediately apparent. Allied truce officials were view- ing the development cautiously. Brig. Gen. William P. Nuckols, spokesman for the U. N. Command declined to comment. But certain decisive moves were possible which could break the deadlock. Under the Geneva Convention on prisoners, the Reds could trans- fer to a mutually agreed third power those prisoners who refuse repatriation. Such a step might be acceptable to both sides. The off-the-record talks have been in recess since Monday at Red request. * * * IN SEOUL the U. S. Army Chief of Staff implied strongly yesterday the Allies are ready to use an atomic weapon, if ever necessary, to prevent the Reds from driving -them out of Korea. Gen. J. Lawton Collins told a news conference in Tokyo the United Nations Command was pre- pared "to use anything except germ warfare," but only if the Communists seriously threatened Allied forces. He indicated he did not consider the present battle- front stalemate such a threat. Except for strike by Allied fighter-bombers on Western front positions and near Pyongyang, the war was relatively quiet. The Eighth Army reported only minor patrol skirmishes. Late Scores NATIONAL LEAGUE New York 6, St. Louis 3 Philadelphia 10, Pittsburgh 3 Brooklyn, Cincinnati (rain) AMERICAN LEAGUE Philadelphia 7-11, St. Louis 6-3 Washington 8-9, Detroit 2-6 Cleveland 7, New York 3 Boston 7, Chicago 5 Settlement Hopes Dim; Steel Talks Bog Down Over Union Shop Issue -Cut Courtesy News Service TRUMPET SECTION WARMS UP FOR CONCERT Summer Band To Give Open-Air Concert Today Compositions from British marches "as English as John Bull" to selections from a Broadway hit musical will be played by the Summer Session Band, conducted by Prof. William D. Revelli, in its first open air concert of the summer at 7:30 p.m. today. The concert will be given from the steps of the Rackham Bldg. In case of rain, it will take place at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Auditorium. Prof. Revelli suggested that open air concert goers bring blankets to their breezy auditorium on the mall. The concert will begin with "London Pageant" by Melachrino, a White House To Call New Meeting Soon Steelman Says Agreement Vital A crucial, White House-inspired steel strike parley between indus- try and union ended in failure yesterday, foiled by the contro- versial union shop issue. President Philip Murray of the United Steelworkers (CIO) and Vice-President Joseph M. Larkin of Bethlehem Steel Corp. spent two hours in a downtown Pitts- burgh hotel, only to finally issue a joint statement saying that they could find no common meeting ground on the union shop issue. BOTH INDUSTRY and union agreed to stand by for word from Presidential Assistant John R. Steelman, who took a hand after week-end negotiations between the same parties raised hopes of agreement but broke up in disap- pointment. Murray and Larkin had agreed to meet again at the urging of the White House after Steelman said settlement of the 44-day old steel walkout is imperative. Steelman is reported to have warned industry and union to re- sume bargaining or else face a summons to Washington where they would be locked in a confer- ence room until final settlement of the nation's longest and costliest steel strike is achieved- The joint statement of industry and union read: "We hate con- tinued our discussions . . . and are still in disagreement. We have reported that by telephone to Dr. Steelman. He has requested that we stand by for further word from him." The area of disgreement be- tween industry and union lies in Murray's demand that union mem- bership be made a condition of employment. The wage issue is believed out of the way with gen- eral agreement on pay boost of around 25 cents an hour, includ- ing fringe benefits. Arab States Influence In UNCited Harold Howard, State Depart- ment research expert, said in a public lecture yesterday that the states of the Arab League are ex- erting an increasing amount of in- fluence in the United Nations. The Near Eastern authority stated that the Arab nations with the cooperation of other nations of Asia and Africa have been able to attain important seats on many UN councils and commissions. They have influenced resolutions and have shown particular inter- est in agencies such as UNESCO which can help deal with Near Eastern problems, he said. * * * THE MAJOR INTERESTS of the Arab States have been in mat- ters concerning trusteeships and non-self-governing territories and the emerging nationalism of Asian and African nations. All the Arab delegates, Howard said, insisted on establishing the principle of UN technical and economic aid to un- derdeveloped areas in the East. Howard commented that some of the UN's toughest problems have also come from the Arab world. Among those problems mentioned were the partition of Palestine and the formation of the State of Israel, the Anglo- Iranian oil controversy, the Suez controversy and the disposition of Italian colonies. Howard observed that while in "stately British march" and Ike Ralies GOP Workers DENVER-(P)-Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, moving to rally grass- roots Republican campaign work- ers, called on them last night to lead a fight for true world peace and rejection of "the false doc- trine of Communism." And the GOP presidential nom- inee pledged to such workers that all of them "are going to be an integral part of this united effort, this drive to total victory" in the November elections. Eisenhower made the promise in a telegram to Rep. Edward H. Jenison of Illinois on the occasion of the opening of his re-election campaign in Springfield, Ill., last night. Eisenhower headquarters here said the Jenison rally amounted to a nation-wide kickoff of the Re- publican drive to capture control of Congress this fall. Hawaiian composer Dai-Keong Lee's "Joyous Interlude." The third selection, E. Leidzen's "The Trumpeters" will feature as soloists: Paul Willwerth, Grad.; Byron Autrey, band and voice dir- ector at White Deer, Texas and first trumpeter in the Amarillo Symphony Orchestra; Mitchell Osadchuk, Grad. and John Kin- caid, band director at Center Colorado. The program will continue with "Arioso" by Bach, "King Henry" by King, "Fantasy on American Sailing Songs arranged by Grund- man, "Cortege and Scherzo" by Moussorgsky, "On the Quarter- deck" by Alford, "L'Arlesienne-_ Suite de Concert No. 11" by Bizet and selections from "The King and I" by Richard Rodgers. Two Sentenced In Ccissidy? Lake Killing Two youths, convicted Monday of the murder of their former ca- bin-mate at Cassidy Lake Techni- cal School near Chelsea, were sen- tenced yesterday to life imprison- ment at hard labor. The young men, Jack Howard, 19 years old, of Muskegon, and Sylvester Salva, 20 years old, of Detroit, were sentenced by Circuit Judge James R. Breakey, Jr. They were turned ovbr to the custody of the Sheriff's Department for transfer to Southern Michigan Prison at Jackson later yesterday. * * * THE BODY of the victim, An- thony G. Bedard, 19 years old, was discovered in a septic tank at the school May 1. It had been weighted with a concrete block se- cured by means of electrician's I, 1~ JULIANA BROUGHT FORTH CROWDS: Americans Share Interest in Royalty By BARNES CONNABLE Special To The Daily LONDON-An unashamed, detailed interest in a royal family is not something at which Americans can reasonabley snicker. It should be recalled that the Netherlands' Queen Juliana's spring visit to America brought forth millions of curious citizens who had never been subjects. * * * * PERHAPS the huge turn-out at Grand Rapids can be attributed largely to the huge Dutch population in that area. But at the University, where milling crowds of students and townspeople lined the streets of Ann Arbor for a fleeting look at Her Majesty, an im- Englishman and American is the various troops which have for centuries guarded it. The Grenadier Guards, lifeguards and countless other cate- gories-you can't tell them apart without a program-look a bit ridiculous at first glance. After a while, though, you begin to wonder if there's something in all this, for you find yourself staring along with hundreds of Lon- doners at every move they make. Their get-up is fantistic, stifling and painful. But they con- duct themselves with humorless dignity and you don't really feel right about asking them whether this isn't a jolly waste of time. * * 4- *