I THIRD PARTY See Page 2 Latest Deadline in the State 4ati4 4r CLOUDY AND WARM VOL. LXII, No. 184 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JULY 12, 1952 - FOUR PAGES 1g * * ' sp .* . S S S * S * * * * t S Minnesota's Vote I Rolls Bandwagon Nixon's Nomination Unopposed, Ike Promises Fighting Campaign By The Associated Press Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, the Kansas lad who once dreamed of baseball stardom rather than political glory, took the Republican Presidential nomination yesterday with a dazzling first ballpt victory. The official tally was 845 for Eisenhower to 280 for Senator Taft, after delegates from Minnesota and other states switched to the General. The Convention later made it unanimous. And last night the five-star General formally accepted the sum- mons to lead the GOP in a "great crusade" for another victory--and "for freedom in America and freedom in the world." * * * * UNITED FOR NOVEMBER * * * 4> * * * * * * AFTER THE BATTLE *. * * * * *. Hilton Rests After GOP Excitement- By HELENE SIMON Special To The Daily CHICAGO -- After the frenzied jubilation that seized the normal- ly staid Conrad Hilton hotel when 3eneral Eisenhower won the nom- ination yesterday, the world's larg- !st hotel is already sinking into exhaustion from its harrowing week of Convention experience. The plush lobby which has been brimming over this week with blaring demonstrations and sup- porters of the various candidates passing out literature and cam- paign buttons looks strangely empty. Just about the only activity cen- ters around the airlines and rail- roads decks where delegates are trying to obtain reservations for the victorious or glum trip back home--depending on which can- didate they supported. * * * AS EXPECTED "I like Ike" but- tons are seen everywhere in the Windy City which up to now has been calling itself "Taft Town." However, here and there, standing out like sore thumbs among the welter of Eisenhower buttons. An orange and blue Taft pin defiantly appears. ** * WORKMEN ARE busy tearing down the booths of the Eisenhow- er recreation room on the mez- zanine of the hotel where the mad victory celebration took place yes- terday afternoon. Summerfield in Line For Top GOP Position By The Associated Press Michigan's National Committeeman, Arthur Summerfield, whose belated public swing to Eisenhower added firepower to the General's first ballot blitz, is in the running for either the GOP National Com- mittee Chairmanship or for general campaign director. Sinclair Weeks of Massachusetts, who came out recently for Eisenhower and urged Sen. Taft to withdraw from the race, was re- ported favored for the National Committee chairmanship. s 'p ; LEADERS CLOSE to Eisenhower said either man could have his Former U' Student Faces Jail Term By BOB MOELLER A former foreign student at the University, Albert Hagopian, 29, was convicted Thursday in Muni- cipal Court of a charge of "mali- cious destruction of property," and was sentenced to 10 days in jail. Hagopian, who comes from Iran, also faces deportation charges in Detroit, it was disclosed yester- day by immigration officials. * * * THE FORMER student was ar- rested Monday after his landlady lodged charges claiming he had smashed down her door the pre- vious day. At his trial Thursday after- noon before Judge Francis O'Brien, Hagopian consistently denied the charge against him. Hagopian, who came to the United States as a visiting student, must face a hearing before Bureau of Immigration Service authori- ties in Detroit as soon as he has served his ten-day jail sentence.1 * * * . WILLIAM FOLEY, investigator, for the Immigration Bureau, stated yesterday that the Iranian stu- dent has "failed to maintain the status under which he was law- fully admitted to this country." Hagopian has not been en- rolled in school since February of this year, at which time he received a B. S. degree in Mech- anical Engineering. Immigration laws in the U. S. provide that visiting students from foreign lands must maintain their student status in order to lawfully remain in the country. Foley said that if the Immigra- tion Bureau finds that Hagopian has not complied with this law. choice of jobs. They added that the two will probably sit down with the General to talk the mat- ter over before the National Com- mittee meets today to reorganize. At that time a successor for Guy G. Gabrielson, present chairman, will be chosen and the first move made to add about 31 members to the Com- mittee. * * * YESTERDAY Michigan Repub- licans, profiting by their exper- ience of four years ago, mounted the bandwagon of Dwight D. Eisenhower at the strategic mo- ment and rode it to victory. The state's 46-man delegation on the first-and only-ballot di- vided 35 to 11 for Eisenhower, one more vote than had been prom- ised at a 2:30 a.m. caucus yester- day morning. Michigan's top Republican elected officials bubbled with enthusiasm yesterday over the nomination of Gen. Eisenhower as the Republican Candidate for President. "It spells the end of Gov. 'Soapy' Williams, Sen. Blair Moody and their associates as political fig- ures in the state," said Secretary of State Fred M. Alger, Jr., a candidate for the Republican nom- ination for governor. Colorless? WASHINGTON -( M)- How times do change department: It was during World War II. A worried public relations of- ficer at the Pentagon told news- papermen: We are going to name a lit- tle known officer to a big job. He is a military expert, an all around good man. But there's one unfortunate thing-he's pretty colorless and doesn't have an appealing per- sonality. We wish you'd do everything you can to help us popularize him as commanding general of the European armies. His nickname might help. It's Ike. Red Capital Hit In NightRaid SEOUL, Korea-(P)-Sixty-,five B-29 Superforts renewed the blis- tering air attack on blazing Pyong- yang, the North Korean capital, last night in the greatest night raid of the war, the Air Force announced today. The night attack came hard on the heels of 856 jolting daylight strikes by Allied fighter-bombers that made the Reds scream "bar- baric." Main target of the Superforts was Pyongyang, hit by 540 tons of high explosives from 54 planes. This was in addition to 870 tons of bombs, 650 rockets and 9,600 gallons of Napalm (jellied gaso- line) poured on the Red capital during the day. Other Superforts blasted supply areas at Hamhung, Kyompipo and near Sinmark, in North Korea's eastern and central sectors. PROF. GEORGE PEEK of the convinced the Republicans had "p Eisenhower." He feels that the G ReportIN ew SPossibility PITTSBURGH-(YP)-Top offi- cials of several big steel companies and the striking CIO United Steel- workers held a 90-minute meeting yesterday amid reports a new of- fer may be made to end the 40- day old strike. There was no report of progress in the second day of secret huddles. AFTER A morning meeting, in- dustry and union negotiators held separate sessions. Emerging from a conference room last night where he had been conferring with other un- ion officials, steelworkers presi- dent Philip Murray declared: "I have nothing to report on today's meeting with industry and that's that." Asked if another meeting will be held today, Murray replied: "It is a reasonable assumption that a meeting will be held today." Spokesmen for the industry re- fused comment after their separ- ate meeting. Ike Nomination Seen As Good Thing for GOP By VIRGINIA VOSS The first-ballot nomination of Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower to the Republican Presidential candidacy has impressed local Democratic representatives as a "good thing for the GOP." But they are jointly skeptical as to whether Ike's nomination is as good a thing for the Democrats. * .4 * , *, e political science department was icked their strongest candidate in eneral will strengthen liberal and internationalist wings in the GOP, thereby benefiting both the Re- publican party and the two-party system. Prof. Peek wasn't certain how the Ike nomination would affect the Democratic Convention. "If Stevenson is nominated," he said, "the campaign should re- sult in a good fight."" The issues in an Eisenhower- Stevenson campaign battle, Prof. Peek indicated, , would probably hinge around corruption and other aspects of domestic policy rather than "collective security." PROF. ARTHUR M. Eastman of the English department, however, suspected Stevenson would not be available to the Democrats. Ac- cording to Eastman, the nomina- tion will probably go to Sen. Ke- fauver or Harriman, or possibly Sen. McMahon. Eastman viewed Eisenhower's victory with mixed reaction. He said he agreed with others of his party that "as a Democrat I hoped Taft would win; as a patriot I hoped Eisenhower would." Commenting that he was "de- lighted" with Eisenhower's nom- ination, Prof. Preston Slosson of the history department said he still was supporting the Democrats because he felt that party "has several men-Kefauver, Harriman, and Stevenson-quite equal in ca- pacity to Eisenhower." BY HIS SIDE, as a. running mi * * * Maneuvers Mark GOP -Nominat ion CONVENTION HALL, CHICA- GO--(P)--Gen. Dwight D. Eisen- hower became "Mr; Republican" yesterday-and the way it was done is the fascinating inside story of a rough-house week of political maneuvering. He took the title in the emo- tional climax that came in one electric moment of voting in the 25th GOP Presidential Nominat- ing Convention when Minnesota suddenly shifted 19 votes from Harold E. Stassen to Eisenhower. That was the payoff-the big one that counted. After that, all the others fell in line. * * s THE CLIMAX came after the delegates had cast their votes on the first ballot. The scoreboard read: Eisenhower 595; Sen. Rob- ert A. Taft of Ohio 500; others 111. That wasn't enough for Eisen- hower. He needed nine more votes for the nomination. And then Minnesota -- which had voted nine for Eisenhower 19 for Stassen -- suddenly asked re- cognition. A voice said: "Minesota casts its 28 votes for Eisenhower." A roar burst from the throats of the delegates. Minnesota's vote had run Eisenhower's total to 614 -10 more than he needed. The battle was over. They had the nominee of their choice. * * * BUT THE real story goes back to the opening of the Convention Monday when Eisenhower and raft forces were locked in a strug- gle for delegates. Taft was claiming a first-bal- lot victory. The Eisenhower command knew it had to build up a hard core of strength to stop Taft-and then try to put the General across on the sec- ond or third ballot. They had not dared hope for a first ballot win. The Eisenhower people were 'onfident. And this confidence stemmed from the fact that they had assurances the big Michi- gan and Pennsylvania delegations would be top-heavy for Eisen- hower. 1 ade for the great political wars of '1952, the Republican National Convention placed the man he wanted-39-year-old Richard M. Nixon, Senator from California and nemesis of Alger Hiss. For Nixon, it was an unoppos- ed nomination, without even a roll call. For Eisenhower it was unanimous, too, but only after a roaring finish fight with Sen. Robert A. Taft of Ohio. In a large measure, it was a win for the younger, international- ly minded element in the party; a defeat for the professional old guard. But once the Convention made its choice, there were the usual calls to close ranks for the campaign ahead against long-en- trenched Democrats. * * * AS SOON as he had won the nomination aides said, Eisenhow- er telephoned Taft and said he wanted to do all he could to re- store party harmony. Taft, an aide to the General told newsmen, then asked Eisen- hower to come to his suite im- mediately-that he would like very much to see him. The gen- eral was in his headquarters at the Blackstone Hotel; Taft was just across the street in the Conrad Hilton. Eisenhower slipped down a back elevator and crossed the street. He and Taft conferred together pri vately for a few minutes in Taft's office and then appeared together for television cameras. Both were smiling broadly, but Taft's cha- grin at losing the nomination was evident. * * * THE JAM-PACKED room was in an uproar, but Taft was heard at one point to tell the man who beat. him for the big GOP prize: "You'll win the election." Taft help up an arm and pleaded for quiet. Finally the hub-bub subsided and he said: "I want to congratulate Gen. Eisenhower on his nomination and assure him I will do everything possible for him in his campaign and after he wins the election." Eisenhower said he had come "to pay a call of friendship on a very great American." He thanked Taft for his promise of cooperation and then hurried back to the Blackstone. "Our aims-the aims of this Republican crusade-are clear: to sweep from office an admin- istration which has fastened on every one of us the wastefulness, the arrogance and corruption in high places, the heavy burdens and the anxieties which are the bitter fruit of a party too long in power." Promising a nothing-in-reserve fighting campaign, the General called to party leaders from the top down to precinct level to fall in behind him. Study Assured On Abduction BERIM--(P)-Soviet Gen. Vas- ily I. Chuikov promised U.S. High Commissioner John J. McCloy personally yesterday to investigate Smiling crowds fill the eleventh floor Eisenhower head- quarters where the faithful gaily tell each other that they knew it all the time but were a little surprised that their candidate copped the prize on the first ballot. Last minute bandwagon climb- ers clamor for Eisenhower buttons and seem a little chagrined that they waited so long to show they, too, like Ike. But there is no joy on the ninth floor where only a few disappoint- ed Taft supporters sit amid the refuse of empty pop bottles and scattered convention literature. The unhappy Taftites quietly talk or read newspapers proclaiming In huge headlines "Ike .wins onu first ballot." K I 'THIRD PARTY' SURVEY: Greenbackers Continue To Operate * * -* THESE WERE the keystone of! the General's strength-Michigan )nd Pennsylvania, plus the rock- hard strength of New York which Gov. Thomas E. Dewey was ready to deliver to Eisenhower. After weeks of wooing, Fine and Summerfield agreed to line up with Eisenhower. The Eisenhower strategists knew then they were ready for an open test with Taft. They maneuvered it on the first ^r%"Unin av-_n +he isumnpthpr By JOYCE FICKIES I Last Nov. 12, Fred C. Proehl, a Seattle business man, was nom- inated by the Greenback Party by mail referendum as its candi- date for President of the United States--the first candidate to hbe "the issuance of greenbacks by the government directly to the peo- ple for services and supplies." The platform was announced by national chairman John Zahnd, of Indianapolis, leader of the party holding their first national con- vention in 1874. It waged war especially on the Republicans whom they charged with having brought about the de- cline in prices by their monetary Party. By this and other fusions the party that year cast more than one million votes, its all time high, electing 14 Congressmen. Among other things which they favored that year were: the establishment of ., n. 1tnn ...- r all 1f lhn - v I