TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY. JULY 1, 1952 Two Speeches THE MAC ARTHUR "boom" for the Pre- sidential nomination was effectively dispelled the other evening by the General's keynote address to the Republican Conven- tion. Delegates and observers had expected a fiery empassioned speech with the gamut of satiric and dramatic devices which MacArthur usually employs in his oratory. Instead they got a rather dull recitation of Administration shortcom- ings and an insipid, uninspirational chal- lenge to throw the Democrats out. It had been predicted that a blistering speech might open the way to a deadlock nomination for the General, but'if dele- gates were interested in him as a Presiden- tial candidate, they showed no signs of it Monday evening. Although he was given a tremendous ovation, there were no demon- strations and no cries of "We Want Mac" as had been anticipated. MacArthur's approach to domestic and foreign policy was not new to anyone. He merely synthesized his speech before Con- gress and subsequent addresses into one overly long statement of principles. More impressive as a declaration of the ultra-conservative approach to contem- porary affairs was the address delivered Tuesday evening by venerable old Herbert Hoover, the last GOP president. "The in- explicable course of nature" is overtaking the former President as he himself com- mented several times, and this conven- tion is probably the last one he will ad- dress. Unfortunately the opposition tends to laugh at him and discount every state- ment he makes, but his speech should be assessed as an interesting contribution to contemporary theory of the extension of government. Hoover is on'e of the most intelligent ex- ponents of modern conservatism. Although we may disagree with his individual poli- cies (and there are many fallacies in his foreign affairs thinking), we should ap- preciate his fear that the extension of gov- ernmental functions will lead through the Welfare State to state-socialism. -Harry Lunn DRAMA At Lydia Mendelssohn .,. HARVEY by Mary Chase THIS FRAGILE bit of whimsey which ran for so many years on Broadway and which now threatens to become a staple with amateur theater groups was given an earnest run-through last night by the speech department's production group. Most of the play's action revolves around the attempt to have Elwood P. Dowd, an amiable tosspot who has as his constant companion, the protagonist, a six-foot white rabbit, committed to an asylum. Since Har- vey is a Pooka with a benevolent quirk, Dowd is eventually allowed to remain in his dreamworld without having to undergo the harsh realities of pyschiatric shock treat- ment. The play's success depends largely on whether Dowd's gently'fey character can be communicated to the audience. The part is ratheimsubtler than it would appear on the surface. Apparently, the author had in mind something beyond the level of a lovable crackpot who not only has hallucinations of startling originality, but who is also a bit of a lecher. He has reach- ed that stage somewhere between nor- mality and acute alcoholism where every- body is kind and good and events move in slow motion. Dan Mullin for the most part succeeds in capturing the gay, quietly boyant quali- ties of the main role and almost makes his drinking partner come alive. Bette Ellis as Elwood's distraught sister who seeks to force the committment issue is easily one of the best things in the play. Her performance is perhaps too energetic, however, and she al- most overshadows Mullin's deft acting. The rest of the cast are quite adequate with the acting of John Cottrell as an unctuous psychiatrist, perhaps, a little above the rest. Unavoidably, the play sometimes seems to be one long double-entendre with an un- due emphasis upon alcoholism and insan- ity. As these are two of society's greatest problems, it is perhaps unfortunate that they still today can engender raucous laughter. -D. R. Crippen Satisfaction IT IS BETTER to be a human being dis- satisfied than a pig satisfied; better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool sat- isfied. And if the fool, or the pig, are of a different opinion, it is because they only know their own side of the question. The other party to the comparison knows both sides. MATTERi OF FAC By JOSEPH and STEWART ALSOP CHICAGO-Even before this madhouse be- Eisenhower in nomination, thus giving him gan its peculiar course, the Eisenhower the always envied opportunity to appear in forces had got the big break they were the golden role of kingmaker. waiting for. The tame was after midnight, * * the place the hotel room of Michigan Na- THE TAFT PEOPLE, meanwhile, relied tional Committeermin Arthu: Summerfield. heavily on the influence over Fine at- The break was a farm agreement between tributed to General of the Army Douglas Summerfield and Gov John Fine of Pennsy- MacArthur. Some days before the conven- lvwnia that they would throw their con- tion opened, Fine was summoned to Mac- uined support to Ger. Dwight D. Eisenhower Arthur's redoubt in the Waldorf-Astoria. at the psychological moment. He was not consulted about MacArthur's Perhaps the existence of this FineSum- keynote speech as previously reported but merfield agreement may becomn public he was certainly exposed for three hours to property before these words are printed, the genral's majestic persuasions. although it was still a clhse-kept secret Interestingly enough, neither MacAr- when they were written. Events are mov- thur's persuasions nor the big public ap- ing fast and confusingly her. It will be a pointments dangled before John Fine heavy blow to the hopes of Sen. Robert seem to have influenced him in the least. A. Taft when Fine and Summerfield lead He thinks MacArthur would make an ideal the majority of the two biggest officially president but he does not believe Mac- uncommitted delegations into the Eisen- Arthur can be nominated. bower camp. But perhaps Sei. Taft will come up with a counter-blow of his own. As for great appointments, Fine does not want them. He is that rare bird, a genuinely In any event, the background of this Fine- local politician. He wants to rule in Pennsyl- Summerfield agreement is vividly interest- vania. He regards the Pennsylvania gover- ing. In the case of Summerfield, his "un- norship as the second most important job committed" status has been strictly for pub- in the nation because, next to the president, lic and Taftite consumption ever since Gen. the Pennsylvania governor appoints the Eisenhower', visit to Detroit. As the Gen- largest number of office-holders. Naturally, cral departed. Sen. Henry Caber Lodge ar- thesG.nerhaf obclers.herly, rived in Detroit, saw Summerfield, and got then, Gov, Fine had to be clear where he rihed inetr itawdumTerier, hand :ght stood with political organization matters be- the word he wanted. Thereafter, behind the fore he made his decision fqr Eisenhower. shield of his supposed neutrality, Summer- iield was in fact at work lining up the At the same time, what really made up his maximum of Michigan's 46 delegates for mind was his conviction that Gen. Eisen- Gen. Eisenhower. hower was most likely to win. Perhaps it * would have been different if the ancient and OF LATE, Summerfield's inclinations have malodorous Republican organization had not been defeated in Philadelphia two years ago. become a more and more open secret. In SnetadfahovrPnsvni the case of Fine, on the other hand, all has Since that defeat, however, Penpsylvania .been mystery,, doubt and speculation and the Republican politicians have had to worry a benf mystey, doub a n etioante lot about whether they could carry their own case of Fine has Leer even more important sae than the case of Summerfield, since Pennsy- lvania has no less than 70 delegates, of Among the delegates, among the Penn- whom many moe than a third are either sylvania county leaders, among the mem- controlled or strorngly influenced by the bers of the Pennsylvania legislature, Fine gcvernor. found a great majority convinced that The result of Gov. Fine's control of this Gen. Eisenhower was the most likely man large bloc of uncommitted votes was best to win nationally and to help the ticket summed up in his own remark, "I'm being locally in Pennsylvania. kind of wooed." Both the Eisenhower and Thus Fine made his decision. Thus, elud- Taft camps did everything in their power ing the many watchers who have concen- to bring the governor over to their sides. trated on him more than on any other man Mentions of cabinet places, hints of the in Chicago, the Pennsylvania governor slip- Vice Presidency, the most iron-clad prom- ped over to the hotel of the like-minded ises of control over all Pennsylvania pa- Summerfield and made his crucial agree- tronage-these were the commonplace of ment. What the outcome may be in the end, Fine's pre-convention weeks. no man can foretell. But the agreement be- The Eisenhower people went so far as to tween Fine and Summerfield is still a great ask Gov. Fine's old friend and more recent event, whatever the future may bring. And enemy, Sen. James Duff, to cede to the gov- Fine's motives are still significant, as com- ernor his senatorial patronage powers. They mentary on the Republican party's situation. also suggested that Gov. Fine place Gen. (Copyright, 1952, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) +MRU SIC + ROBERT CATO, organist of the Fort one of Bach's most rhythmically complex Street Presbyterian Church in Detroit, works, and except for occasionally falling presented an ambitious organ recital yes- into a rut of accented off-beats Mr. Cato terday afternoon in Hill Auditorium to a carried it off rather well. sparse but appreciative audience. The pro- gram was very well balanced, the first half The second half opened with "The Tu- being made up entirely of the works of Bach, mlt in the Praetorlum" from the Passion and the second portion comprised of all Symphony, which was one of two organ romantic music by Maleingreau, Brahms and symphonies by the Belgian organist Paul Widor. de Maleingreau. Harmonically this sound- ed very much like the other French or- Mr. Cato exhibited a technique which ganisst of the early twentieth century, but was more than adequate, even for such it has even less thematic imagination than a demanding program, and sound musi- man yof the others. Mr. Cato is to be cianship which is rarely coupled with such commended for exploring the meagre re- keyboard dexterity. In the opening move- pertofre, but this particular piece might ment of the Bach Concerto (transcribed well have remained unfound. It does not from Vivaldi) he experienced a little stand up as music, and since no program trouble in effecting smooth transition be- was provided it failed on that count as tween different registrations, but this was well. overshadowed by the sensitive phrasing of te seond ovemnt.The Chorale Prelude by Brahms an a theme by Praetorius was a welcome respite The three Bach Chorale Preludes contain- between the two more thunderous symphon- ed some interesting combinations, and the ic exerpts, and over-sentimentalizing was Prelude and Fugue showed further intelli- tastefully avoided. 0 gent registration which produced a remark- The Allegro from Widor's Sixth Symphony able clarity of voices. This transparency was was more or less a march with variations, only slightly marred by the comparatively and contained more substantial musical fare early use of the bombard stop in the Pre- than the Maleingreau work. This virtuoso lude, which thereby tended to build to a display was final proof that our guest is far greater climax than the Fugue, in which the above the calibre of the average 'church bombard was used only on the last few organist,' technically as well as esthetically. chords in the usual manner. This fugue is -Tom Reed 96 rOVI r ~t" oeYo-osD n' e it .' ra }.. , 2 Vic.." r > { DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETINJ The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510 Administration Building before 3 p.m. the day preceding publication (11 a.m. on Saturday). Notices Dr. Merrill Harshorn, Executive Se- cretary of the National Council for So- cial Studies, will be present for a dis- cussion of the teaching of the social studies in- the high schools Thursday, July 10, in the west Conference Room of the Rackham Building at 3:15 p.m. All education and social studies su- dents welcome. Lane Hall will be open this evening for the Television Broadcast of the RepublicandConven",ion. Any interested faculty and students are invited to drop in, S.R.A. Luncheon Group mects at Lane Hall, Friday at Z± :i Discussion The Republican Platform. All interest- ed students are invited. Summer Camp Opportunities: A girls' camp located near Ann Arbor is seek- ing an assistant director for the sum- mer, The salary is $35 per week and room and board. The University of Michigan Fresh Air Camp has an opening for a kitchen helper during the summer. For further information contact the University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information, 3528 Ad- ministration Building. La Petite Cauasette: All students and summer residents who are interested in speaking Frendt are invited to join this very informal group every Tuesday and Thursday tfternoon between 4 and 5 o'clock in the Tao Room of the Mi- chigan Union. A table will be reserved and a French-speaking member of the staff will be present, but there is no program other than free conversation in French. The Fresh Air Camp Clinic will be held at the camp on Patterson Lake, Friday, July 1, at 8:00 p.m. Dr. Rabin- ovitch, Assoc. Prof., of Psychiatry: in Charge of Children's Service, Neuro- psychiatric Institute, will be' the dis- cussant. Employment Opportunities: The Uni- versity of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, announces part-time instructorships in English. An AB. or higher deree in English is required. Teaching experi- ence is desirable but not essential. The State of Michigan announces Civil Service examinations for Educa- tion Consultants. There is a minimum requirement of three years of teaching experience and a master's degree in education. Applicant must be filed no later than July 23. For further information contact the University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information, 3528 Admin- istration Building. M.A. Language Examination-Friday, July 11, 4-5 p.m., 1007 A.H. Sign list in History Office. Can bring a dictionary. Make-Up Examination in History- Saturday, July 12, 9:00-12:00 a.m., 1007 A.H. Obtain written permnissia from your instructor, and then sign list in History Office. Department of Astronomy. Visitors' Night, Friday, July 11, 8:30 p.m. Dr. Guy C. Omer, Jr., Visiting Professor from the University of Chicago, will speak on "The Birth of our Universe." After the illustrated lecture in 3017 Angeli Hall, the Students' Observatory on the fifth floor will be open for telescope obser- vation of Mars, a star cluster, and a double star, if the sky is clear, or for inspection of the telescopes and plane- tarium, if the sky is cloudy. Children are welcomed, but must be accompan- ied by adults. Personnel Interviewsy There will be a representative on campus from the Wayne County Bu- reau of Social Aid on Thursday, July 17, for purposes of interviewing people interested in social work as a career, Please call the Bureau of Appointments if an appointment is desired. The Girl Scouts of America will have a recruiting representative on campus Tuesday and Wednesday, July 15 and 16. Any women students who are in- terested in having an interview may make appointments by calling the Bu- reau of Appointments, extension 371. Valuation Engineer, Gas Tester, Junior Civil Engineer, Westchester County, Senior Draftsman, Junior Draftsman, Printing Shop Assistant Foreman, and others. Full announcement may be seen at the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Administration Building. The County of Wayne, Michigan, Civil Service Commission, Detroit, have an- nounced a current examination for Library Aid, open only to Wayne County residents, last filing date is July 25, 1952. Information regarding duties, qualifications, type of examination and promotional opportunities may be found in the announcement available at the Bureau of Appointments. No* library science degree is required and graduates in the fields of literature, languages, and the social sciences have an excel- lent opportunity, through this exami- nation, to obtain valuable sub-profes- sional experience in the Wayne County Library system. Lectures Symposium on Biological Regulation. "Environmental Control of Processes in Living Organisms." Frank H. Johnson,, Associate Professor of Biology, Prince- ton University. 8:00 p.m., 1300 Chemistry Building. Linguistic Forum. "How Many Types of Linguistic Change Are There?" Henry M. Hoenigswald, Associate Professor of1 Linguistics, University of Pennsylvania. 7:30 p m, Rackham Amphitheater Academic Notices' Seminar in Mathematical Statistics: Thursday, July 10, at 4 p.m., in Room 3201 A. H. Prof. Craig will be the speak- er. Orientation Seminar (Mathematics): Thursday, July 10, at 3 p.m., in Room 3001 A. H. Mr. Hoffman will conclude his talk on "Quaternions as Matrices." Tennis and Golf Instrction The Department of Physical Education for Women will offer the following classes beginning July 14 for ten lessons: Golf, MTuWTh. 3:30, Tennis MTuWTh. 4:30: Anyone interested should register for1 these classes in Office 15, Barbour Gym- nasium, Teachers' Seminar in Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 1:00 p.m.. 2:30 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater Biological Symposium: Technical Se- minar by Professor Frank H. Johnson; on "Some Recent Advances in the Anal- ysis of Drug Action," Friday, July 1. 4:15 p.m., 1300 Chemistry Building. Seminar in Aeronautical Engineering' Friday, July 11, at 10:00 a.m. Gilles M. Corcos will speak on "The Stability of Poiseuille Flows." Concerts Carillon Recital. Professor Percival Price, University Carillonneur. 7:15- 8:00 p.m. Student Recital Postponed: The re- cital of Harriet Wilson, Organist, pre- viously announced for Friday evening, July 11, has been postponed until Wed- nesday afternoon, July 30, in Hill Audi- torium. Exhibitions Museum of Art. The artist's view- point. July 8-28. Rackham Galleries. Children's art from the schools of Michigan. July 9-18. General Library, main lobby cases. Books which have influenced the mo- dern mind. Museum of Archaeology. Ancient Egypt and Rome of the Empire. Museums Building, Rotunda exhibit. Some museum techniques. Michigan Historical Collections, 160 Rackham Building. The changing Cam- 'pus. Cements Library. American books which have influenced the modern mind (through September 1). Law Library, Atomic energy. Architecture Building. Student work. Events Today "Harvey," the sparkling comedy about a six foot one and one-half inch rabbit at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater to- night at 8 p.m. Tickets for the play and all other plays of the Dept. of Speech summer series are on sale at the Men- delssohn box office from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily except Sunday. Organizational Meeting of the Modern Poetry Club at 4 p.m. in the Michigan League. All interested are invited to ON THE Washington Merry-Go-Round with DREW PEARSON CHICAGO-Inside the smoke-filled roorm-the political naive Mr. Eisenhower can't quite be sure whether his friend. Gov. Tom Dewey, is an asset or a liability. Probably a little of both. Dewey has one of the smoothest working political machines in the country and he personally helped woo and win Pennsylvania delegates for Ike. His friend, Herbert Brownell, also did a skillful job of directing strategy. But Dewey has built up much ill will inside the party and this boomeranged somewhat against Ike. . . . Enmity against Dewey boiled inside his own New York delegation at its first caucus when the Governor tried to whip his delegates into line. "I'm going to be governor for another two and a half years," Dewey warned the men who must depend on him for favors. "If you think that Taft has a steamroller, wait until you see our steamroller operate." . . . despite this whipcracking, some New Yorkers bolted to Taft. TAFT EFFICIENCY-Seldom has there been such efficient or- ganization for a political convention as that of Senator Taft's. His Democratic colleague from Georgia, Sen. Dick Russell, has two ob- servers at*Chicago, Bill Primm and John Connelly, who are greatly impressed... . Taft has five different cross-indexes of every delegate in Chi- cago. Here they are: Index No. 1 gives the name of every dele- gate and also the name of every one of the Taft Big 4 who should contact them. The Taft Big 4 are Ben Tate of Standard Brands, Tom Coleman of Wisconsin, Dave Ingalls, and Taft himself. This index also has a red tab on each card showing whether the delegate has been contacted within the past 24 hours. Shortly after he arrived in Chicago, Taft himself sat down and began phoning dele- gates allotted to him to make sure they weren't slipping to Ike. , . Index No. 2 gives the names of the family doctors of delegates. This potent piece of political intelligence is reported to have come from the American Medical Association and permits Taft leaders to work on delegates through their family doctors... Index No. 3 is the smallest of all and lists Eisenhower delegates who are waivering. Only 14 were in this file at the start of the con- vention ... . Index No. 4 lists uncommitted delegates, while index No. 5 gives the party case-history of every delegate. This is the most im- portant of all. It tells when a delegate joined the Republican party, how he has voted, whether he likes the theatre, good food or liquor, who his friends are, and even contains a map of his district. Thus functions the efficient Taft machine. CONVENTION MONEY-There's more money, more entertain- ment flowing around this convention than any before. Both sides are taking delegates out to dinner and to the theatre in droves. Almost anything they want is theirs . . . . Henry Ford II has his yacht an- chored just off Michigan Boulevard where wavering delegates are en- tertained. Ford is for Ike, and has reached as far away from Michigan as Virginia to woo delegates for his candidate . . .. Ford also brought in 150 svelte Mercurys and Fords in cream and blue to put at delegates' disposal .... Young and Rubicam, New York advertising firm, has been mas- terminding the Eisenhower publicity campaign . . . . Every train ar- riving in Chicago with delegates, newsmen or anyone else was met by Eisenhower enthusiasts. They beat drums, hammered tambourines, pinned on buttons. "We're glad you're for Ike," exclaimed beautiful girls, just taking it for granted. HOTELS AND HOSPITALITY-The Conrad Hilton hotel asked the two leading candidates for the customary advance deposit on their rooms three weeks before the convention opened. Taft came through the next day with $5,000, but Ike's people begged off, said they were hard up. At the last minute, just before festivities started, Eisenhower came through with a deposit for $12,000-two and a half weeks late. Rooms weren't so scarce as expecetd. A lot of people en- gaged two rooms, figuring they might need extra space. Then at the last minute they canceled the extra reservation .. . . Chicago police had plain-clothes men checking convention galleries to look for hidden microphones so there won't be a repetition of the Willkie boom when hidden mikes were used to whoop it up - for Willkie . . . Though Ike and Stassen are considered kindred political spirits, friction developed when Herbert Brownell, an Ike leader, failed to keep an appoinmtent with a Stassen leader. The latter scribbled a note: "To hell with you and your whole Eisenhower crowd." WHO'S WHO AT CHICAGO-Everybody and their brother came to Chicago, including non-Republicans and some who have never even voted . .. . Two suspicious characters seen in the background are Matt Connelly, the White House Secretary, and Leslie Biffle, Senate Secretary and Chief braintruster for Vice-President Barkley . .. . Other visitors: Oscar Levant, the piano-humorist; Joe Kennedy, the ex-ambassador to London and most of his family (once a Democrat, he's now leaning toward the Republicans); Perle Mesta; Jimmy Dur ante; and Irene Dunne, a Hollywood delegate for Taft. BACKSTAGE STRATEGY-One of the most effective moves backing up Eisenhower was the petition by 24 governors at Houston against the so-called "steal" of Southern delegates. This was strictly "made in Denver," and the man who masterminded it was Sen. Frank Carlson of Kansas, a former governor, he called the GOP governors in Houston, got them to sign the petition ..- When the Taft people moved into their headquarters at the Hilton hotel they found Bob Allen's assistant, Paul Scott, occupy- ing a room right in the middle of their extensive layout. It meant that Scott could watch everything the Taft delegation did-a wonderful spot for a newsman. Taft people asked Scott to move; He politely declined. What newsman wouldn't? ... f At The State... BRIGHT VICTORY, with Arthur Kennedy and Peggy Dow. FOR CERTAIN evident reasons, the inva- lid-picture has always been a favorite with Hollywood. While stimulating the easy emotion, it also offers an orderly plot framework (i.e., the hero first spiritually beaten by his handicap finally learns to overcome it.) This seldom makes for much penetrating drama, but on occasions, can develop into a forthright and moderately interesting depiction of the problems of the handicapped. "Bright Victory" is, with these limita- tions, within the group where the attempt den after a while. Some of the frank melo- drama and cathartic violence of "The Men" probably would have helped the film consid- erably. Arthur Kennedy undoubtedly deserved his Oscar nomination for this role. He succeeds in making a character out of a narrow Southern sergeant who is excep- tional only because of"his handicap. Ken- nedy, however, welds the personality of the middle-class small towner with that of the struggling blind man into the representa- tion of something more than a mere type. He achieves not only the blacks and whites of the character yielding to and overcom- ing his blindness, but also the grays that make him an individual. In supporting roles, Peggy Dow contributes Republican National Committee is so touchy on the subject of se- crecy that it even refused to let TV cameras focus on the outside of the committee-room door. TV producers wanted tonshow the locked door, but sensitive GOP- eers said no . Sen. Gene Millikin of Colo- rado and ex-speaker Joe Mar- tin both called on Eisenhower early in the convention to try to heal GOP wounds. Millikin wanted to consult regarding the G O P foreign - affairs plank. Martin assured Ike that the question of seating Southern dele- gates would be brought up before the entire convention on the first day, not wait until later-as some Taft people desired ... . Eisenhower, who never attended a political convention before in his life, is learning fast. (Copyright, 1952, by The Bell Syndicate) orchestra, refreshments served. Gradu- ate students and their friends invited. S.R.A. Inter-cultural Outing, Kensing- ton Recreational Area, Saturday. Le,