See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
:43 at t
VOL. LXII, No. 181
Number Please?
* * * *
FIGURES GALORE-To locate the phone numbers and address-
es of scarce summer session coeds, John Messer, '52, advocates
the use of his "little tan book" which will go on sale today for
fifty cents.
* * * *
Campus Summer Directory
To Reveal Vital Statistics
John Messer, '52, announced yesterday that he has decided to
share his "little tan book," which contains so valuable statistics on
4 the more than 2,000 women on campus.
His book, the summer student directory, will go on sale today
at a price of 50 cents-"the lowest price in summer directory history,"
Messer said.
It contains the home and local address of every student registered
' in the summer session. Besides, the directory will include a complete
list of visiting faculty members, their departments, and their home
'schools, he explained.
A convenient run down of league, houses, dorms, fraternities,
Sand sororities will also be in-
May Support
Early Roll Call
Shows Opinion
CHICAGO -()- The secretary
of Pennsylvania's 70-vote delega-
tion to the Republican National
Convention said last night he be-
lieves the Keystone State will cast
55 votes for Gen. Dwight D. Eisen-
hower when the convention roll is
The statement by Samuel S.
Lewis was the first public an-
nouncement by a responsible
member of the delegation on what
Pennsylvania will do.
LEWIS SAID it was his own
estimate, based on the roll call
vote of the delegation Monday.
Pennsylvania cast 57 votes to re-
ject a Taft-sponsored amendment
to the convention rules then, with
13 votes favoring the change.
Lewis long has been close to
Gov. John S. Fine, who only a
short time earlier had been re-
ported still delaying announce-
ment of his own choice for the
In Detroit, Free Press publisher
John S. Knight. said last night,
"It's all over but the voting."
* * *
"GEN. DWIGHT D. Eisenhower
will be the next Republican nom-
inee for President, with Senator
Richard Nixon of California as
his probable running mate,"
Knight said.
"The 658 to 548 defeat hand-
ed the backers of Sen. Robert A.
Taft on the first test of conven-
tion strength was a severe set-
back for 'Mr. Republican,'" he
"Taft's strategists were never
too happy over the prospect of an
open struggle on the convention
floor and made several unsuccess-
ful attempts to reach a compro-
"THESE EFFORTS were rebuff-
ed by Eisenhower's campaign man-
ager, Sen. Henry Cabot Lodge of
Massachusetts, who knew he had
a first-rate issue that would appeal
to the American sense of fair play.
"The lagging of the Eisen-
hower campaign in recent weeks
needed just such a stimulant
and the turn to 'Ike' became ap-
parent as public indignation was
aroused over the Texas 'steal.'
"For the most part, those repre-
senting Taft are getting old, with
not many years of active party
service remaining.
"Eisenhower's followers are
strikingly young by contrast. They
are also better speakers and mar-
shal their arguments much nmore
"The change is not coming, it
is here."
Secret Peace
Talks Continue
6 i
At Panmunj om
By Th' Associated Press
Korean truce teams went to
# Mnmunjom yesterday for their
sixth straight secret session.
The meeting was scheduled for
9 p.m. (Ann Arbor time).
* * *
THE ALLIES entered into the
executive sessions July 4 in hopes
that some face-saving formula
might be worked out on the cru-
cial prisoner exchange issue-
major obstacle to an armistice.
Such a formula probably
would provide for the return of
all military prisoners--as de-
manded by the Reds-but only
after changing the status of
4 anti-Communist prisoners held
by the Allies, perhaps to provide
for their release as political
In Norway, Trygvie Lie, United
Nations Secretary General, said
yesterday he hoped for a solution
of the Korean truce negotiations
"by the end of July or the begin-
ning of August."
* * *
THE TWO delegations have
shown "a certain positive willing-
ness to reach an agreement on the
deadlocked questions, he said,
and he "hoped without certainty"
that a successful conclusion might
be reached within a month.
Meanwhile, Allied tanks and
infantry raided Chinese Com-
munist position on the east-
central Korean front early yes-
terday and at daybreak were
holding the area firmly.
On the central' front, southeast
of Kumsong, 14 Communist tanks
supported by probing attacks on
the United Nations line during
the night. The Eighth army re-
ported the Reds broke off the ac-
tion but "remained in the area."
It was the heaviest concentration
of Red armor seen in a month.
aX Inj uneton
Still Pendng
The "little tan book" will be on
sale from 8 a.m. to 12 noon on the
diag. While Messer holds forth
at that central campus location
other salesmen will be stationed in
the Engine Arch, the Union, and
in front of Angell Hall. Copies of
the directory will also be avail-
able in local bookstores.
Messer has worked with Milt
Goestz to get this year's directory
out in record time.
"Campus life social is due for a
rapid acceleration with the release
of this little sun tanned treasure
of summer hope, he said, as he
practiced his sales talk,
The City of Ann Arbor is con-
sidering annexations of the new
North Campus property, the site
of the Veterans Administration
hospital, the University golf course
and the University botanical gar-
City Planning director, R. C.
Eastman, has suggested that Ann
Arbor annex VA property "if and
when" the developing North Cam-
pus site is annexed. City Alder-
man Arthur Gallup told the City
Council Monday that annexation
of the golf course was under con-
The proposed annexations would
provide the city with land for de-
velopment near the rapidly ex-
panding Huron River areas
Bad Year
nation's marriage rate appar-
ently dipped last year to the
lowest point since 1938, the
public health service reported
And the divorce rate for 1951
was estimated to be the lowest
since 1941.
The 1951 marriage rate of
10.4 per thousand population
was 37 per cent below the rec-
ord set in 1946. and 6 per cent
down from 1950. There were
1,594,900 marriages estimated
for 1951, a reduction of 72,300'
from the 1950 total.
In 1951 there were 2.4 di-
vorces granted for every 1,000
persons, compared with 2.5 in
1950. Since 1946, when a rec-
ord was set, the divorce rate
has dropped 44 per cent. It was
estimated there were 371,000
divorces in 1951, compared with
385,100 in 195.
P .er an 's
A pp roved
WASHINGTON-() -Solicitor
General Philip Perlman, who un-
successfully pressed President Tru-
man's claim for power to seize
the steel industry in an historic
Supreme Court test, resigned from
government service yesterday.
Announcing the resignation,
President Truman said he accept-
ed it with "sincere regret" and
wished Perlman success on his re-
turn to private law practice.
* * *
WIDELY recognized as one of
the top trial lawyers in the coun-
try, Perlman personally handled 61
government cases in the Supreme
Court during his five- year term
and won 48 of them.
Among his victories were cases
establishing the vaidity of an
anti-Communist oath for un-
ion leaders and contempt action
against leading Reds.
Obviously aware that he is leav-
ing at a time when the Justice
Department has been under heavy
fire, Perlman emphasized in his
letter of resignation that the work
of his office has been carried en
without pressure from any quar-
ter "and without criticism."
NOW 62 years old, he is the
fourth high Justice Department
official to quit since James P. M-
Granery took over as Attorney
General on May 27 frliowing the
ouster of J. Howard McGrath.
The earlier resignations involved
H. Graham Morison, head of the
anti-trust division; Harold I.
Baynton, head of the Alien Prop-
erty Office, and William A. Un-
derhill, chief of the Lands Divi-
Will Lecture
Here Today
Peter Viereck, historian and
Pulitzer Prize winning poet, will
present the fifth lecture of the
summer series "Modern Views of
Man and Society" at 4:15 p.m.
today in the Rackham Lecture
He will speak on "Europe's Rev-
olution in Values: Roots of To-
talitarianism, 1871-1952."
* * *
VIERECK will read and discuss
selections of his poetry in the
East Conference Room of the
Rackham Bldg. at 8 p.m. today.
A summa cum laude graduate
of Harvard, he received both the
Garrison Medal for best verse
and the Bowdoin Medal for best
Georgia Delegation
CHICAGO-()-A solidly pro-Taft delegation of 17 from Geor.
gia got the nod from the G.O.P. Credentials Committee yesterday,
but Eisenhower forces squared away to try to toss it out of the
convention today.
The convention credentials committee, with backers of Sen. Rob-
ert A. Taft in the majority, handed down a 30 to 21 decision to seat
the delegation. Unnumbered Americans saw the proceedings by
MANAGERS for Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower filed immediate
notice that they would appeal to the 1,206 delegates today.
* * > The convention credentials com-
Convention Schedule
Following is the Convention schedule for Wednesday and Thurs-
day morning:
Address by Gov. John Fine, of Pennsylvania.
Address of Mrs. Gilford Mayes, of Idaho, assistant chairman of
the National Committee.
Address by Herbert B. Warburton, of Delaware, chairman of the
Young Republicans' National Federation.
Address by Patrick J. Hurley, Republican nominee for United
States senator from New Mexico.
Address by Senator Joseph It. McCarthy, of Wisconsin.
Report of the Committee on Resolutions.
Address by Rep. Katharine St. George, of New York.
Address by Rep. Walter H. Judd, of Minnesota.
Address by Senator Harry P. Cain, of Washington.
Roll call of states for nomination for President of the
United States.
Nominations for President of the United States.
Roll call of states for selection of a nominee for President of
the United States.
Hoover Seeks
CHICAGO-(P)-Herbert Hoov-
er, in a farewell address to the
Republican legions he once head-
ed, last night labelled as largely
a "phantom" the European army
until recently commanded by Gen.
Dwight D. Eisenhower.
In a major address to the Re-
publican National Convention, he
warned the United States to look
to its aerial strength and be ready;
to strike back like a "rattlesnake"
at any Communist aggression.
* * *
THE ONLY living ex-President,
in a 4,500 word prepared address,
raked the Democrats with hot fire,
accusing them of throwing away
the fruits of victory in World
War II.
Hoover dramatically referred
to his age-he is 77-and told
the assembled delegates that in
"the inexorable course of na-
ture, this is likely to be the last
time I shall attend your con-
* * *
HITTING AT the concept of
building up large land armies in
Europe, Hoover declared that
aside from American and British
divisions, the European Army is
largely a myth because the conti-
nent's will to defend itself is
"I'm not ashamed to say," he
declared, "that our first duty
is to defend the United States.
"I do not propose that we re-
treat into our shell like a turtle.
I do propose the deadly reprisal
strategy of a rattlesnake."
Western Hemisphere."
Hoover did not mention by name
either of the two leading con-
tenders for the Party Presidential
nomination which he won twice.
But the theme of his speech,
devoted in large part to foreign
policy, was much closer to the ex-
pressed views of Taft than to
those of Eisenhower.
I e* * *
, * , ,
Address by Mrs. Gladys E. Heinrich Knowles, Republican National
Committeewoman for Montana.I
Address by Rep. Albert P. Morano, of Connecticut.
Roll call of states for nominations for vice president of the
United States.
Nominations for vice president.
Roll call of states for selection of a nominee for vice president.
Election of National Committee and announcement of meeting
for organization.
Jackson Prison Returns To
Normal After SundayRiot
mittee, with backers of Sen. Rob-
ert A. Taft in the majority, hand-
ed down a 30 to 21 decision to seat
the delegation. Unnumbered
Americans saw the proceedings by
MANAGERS for Gen. Dwight
D. Eisenhower filed immediate
notice that they would appeal to-
the 1,206 delegates today.
Similar appeals shaped up in
the contests over pro-Taft slates
in Louisiana and Texas.
The credentials committee de-
cision followed that of the GOP
National Committee, which had
voted last week to seat tempor-
arily a Georgia Delegation favor-
able to Taft. Unlike the National
Committee's deliberations, those of
the credentials committee were
thrown open to radio and tele-
vision coverage. Voting was in
public session,
ABOVE THE smoke of this new
scorching round in the Taft-Eis-
enhower battle for disputed con-
vention votes, Republican candi-
dates and orators raised frantic
cries for party harmony that so
far has been little in evidence in
their 25th party meeting.
The convention itself dropped
behind schedule, marking time
with speeches and fol-de-rol.
There was nothing else to do
while waiting for Eisenhower
and Taft forces to tangle in the
crucial floor scrap over delegate
contests today.
The Convention Committee was
sitting in judgment on those con-
tests today, but making slow head-
way through disputes involving
seven states and 93 delegates. Its
report, the signal for eruption of
the big showdown on the floor,
won't be ready until sometime to-
* * s
THE CONVENTION hit still an-
other snag last night as platform
drafters failed to bring Northern
and Southern forces together on
a civil rights platform. This raised
the prospect of a fight over the
issue on the convention floor.
Sen. Eugene D. Millikin of
Colorado, chairman of the con-
vention's resolutions committee,
conferred for nearly two hours
with leaders in the struggle over
a plank, and then announced
that no agreement had been
The majority of a resolutions
subcommittee on civil rights is in-
sisting on a plank calling for a
federal agency with powers to hold
hearings and summon witnesses-
but not mete out punishment-
on 'alleged discrimination in the
hiring and firing of Negroes and
other racial groups. The majority
favoring such a plank hails from
the North and West.
A Southern minority of the sub-
committee wants to leave the ra-
cial problem to the states, but in-
dicated it would accept a federal
agency without power to call wit-
nesses and hold hearings. It would
limit the commission to "concil-
iatory" measures.
Millikin said the issue will be
tossed into the lap of the full
106-member resolutions committee
this morning. It will be asked to
write a plank.
JACKSON- (A) -Things were
pretty much back to normal at
Southern Michigan Prison yester-
day after Sunday's short-lived out-
break, the second in three months.
"We're back to normal again,"
said Warden Julian N. Frisbie.
"The prison industries operated
yesterday. Inmates' privileges were
* * *
FRISBIE SAID screening of all
inmates had been completed, and
troublemakers removed from Cell
Block 9, scene of the latest out-
break. They have been transferred
elsewhere in the prison.
Inmates confined to Cell Block
15, the disciplinary quarters
which was headquarters of the
April 20-24 riot, became restless
Monday afternoon and caused
some damage to the cells, largely
to toilets. Frisbie placed the
blame on "perennial trouble-
Officials said there were no res-
ignations by guards following Sun-
day's outbreak. A number of
guards resigned after the April
* * *
TWO GUARDS were seized in
the Sunday rioting but were re-
leased unharmed.
Twelve extra squads of Mich-
igan State Police, rushed to the
prison Sunday night, began dis-
persing yesterday. Four squads,
totaling 57 troopers, will remain
at the big institution.
The Sunday rioting was staged
by 140 convicts of two tiers of
cell block 9. They captured two
guards and held them as hostages
to enforce their demands that din-
ing room, yard and magazine priv-
ileges be restored to them.
Rivalry Rises Between
Ilse and Taft Leaders
. .. rattlesnake policy"
CHICAGO - (P) - Tension
mounted yesterday between the
still undeclared Taft and Eisen-
hower blocs in the Michigan dele-
gation to the Repuoi,.an National
The politically-amnateur leaders
of Dwight D. Eisenhower in the
delegat'on showed signs of ne:-
vousness as the mote experienced
tional manager, asked for signed
commitmEnts from 12 of the 46
Michigan delegates. He got a
promise of 13, some said, but not
all of them signed on the dotted
line. ,
Sen. G. Elwood Bonine of Van-
dalia, a Taft leader, said he had
the "personal -pledge" of 12 votes,
but he was reported to have told
Dirksen Seen ,as Compromise Choice
(Editor's Notes Mike Scherer, '54,
former Daily assistant night editor,
is an honorllry assistant sergeant at
KEYNOTE speaker Gen. Doug-
las MacArthur looms as the ponu-
definitely against a military man
as president.