THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1952 T HE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE ThREE Shantz Stops Senators on Four H . ts i*) 4.) Sawyer's Dismissal Result Of Unexpected Prosperity By WHITNEY MARTIN NEW YORK -(A) -We have been pondering the ousting of Ed- die Sawyer as manager of the Phillies and have settled on the idea that he was a victim of un- expected prosperity. * That is, instead of it being a case of too little and too late, his troubles trace to the fact his Phil- lies got too much too soon. They won a championship when they were too young to handle the ac- comipanying adulation, and as their heads and waistlines swelled their batting averages shrunk. that al the so-called Whiz-Kids were vctims of this self-adulatin wer aflited tohav te a detrimen- The Phihies weren't supposed to win the National League Pen- nant two years ago. The power-. laden Brooklyn Dodgers were expected to be a shoo-in, but the Dodgers proved to be the Dod- gers-unpredictable, unexplain- able. Beach homes, convertibles, pic- nics. The Phils really lived like chapos. Theonly trouble was ahd the men who arrived in camp out of condition remnained out of TREATING THE players with kid gloves hadn't worked, so this past spring something new was tried. The gloves covered an iron fist, you might say. No wives at camp, no cars, a curfew, long and strenuous practice sessions made the spring grind ust that and it is noecre thattepayr e sente tis austerity program. Caught in the middle of all this was Eddie Sawyer, a scholarly, af- fable gentleman. He is no less as- tute as a manager than he was two years ago, so it must be de- duced that the slipping and slith- ering of his team must have been due to circumstances beyond his control. Eleven in 13 NEW YOR K-(W th a ls- sentenced 11 fixers as a climax to the big basketball scandal.* They drew prison terms rang- ing from six months to as high as four to seven years. JUDGE STREIT urged jail pen- alties for college alumni, boosters or officials who subsidize players. He warned that the nation's col- leges hold the fate of intercol- legiate athletics .in their own hands'. "When the next scandal breaks,'' said the general ses- sions judge gloomily, "it may destroy intercollegiate sports." It took Judge Streit nearly four hours to denounce commercial- ism in college sports anid to sen- tence the fixers. U~is denunciation FH ENRYH - STE VENS, Inc. DISTA C White Sox Beat Tigers, 3-2; Drobny Nips Phils Batter Bums Twice Herbie Flarn By TIhe Associated Press* 2-1 to cut the Dodgers' first place In Five Sets P HIL AD EL P HI A- Bobby lead over New York to three games. Shantz, the little moundsman with The Giants missed a grand op- the big curve ball, chalked up his portunity by dropping a 2-1 de- Favored Czeeh 14th victory of the American Lea- cision to the Boston Braves. gue campaign last night as he * * * Almot LI turned in a four-hitter to give A PINCH HIT home run by Bill H S . oses the Philadelphia Athletics a 4 to 1 Nicholson following an eighth inn- Swin over the Washington Sena- ing walk to Connie Ryan won the WIMBLEDON - (A) -- Herbie tors- nightcap for the Phils after Rob- Flam, America's last color-bearer, S Shantz, almost a shoo-in to be erts had chalked up his 11th vic- sunk in heart-breaking defeat be- the American League's starter for tory with a six-hitter in the open- fore Jaroslav Drobny yesterday in N ~the All-Star game here next Tues- er. a sensational five-set semni-final RED ROLFE day, was even stingier with the Nicholson, who had hit only match that ended a five-year U.S. ...exit the manager base hits than usual- one homer previously this sea.. domination of the men's singles * * * son, batted for Meyer, who was in the All-England Lawn Tennis IN ADDITION to Jackie Jen- credited with his fifth victory Championships. sen's homer, he issued singles to against nine defeats. Meyer al- A packed house of 13,000 fans / Se itetcesJim Vernon in the fourth, Pete lowed seven hits and uitched gave Flam the greatest ovation an Porterfieid 79 E i he e ighh. Shnt when SmokyHni Bugesv widribledon center court sic e son. permitted Andy Pfko, whob had '49,rcederin for fuly1 minnutes brought tears to the eyes of some WHITE SOX 3, TIGERS 2 Ben Wade, who also allowed iled Czec akd shlowleback to- odf the defendants. One broke DETROIT - Minnie Minoso's seven hits but walked as many, their dressing rooms. down in sobs, ninth homer of the season with went the distance and was charg- * no one on base helped the Chicago ed with the defeat. It was the IF ANYTHING, Judge Streit White Sox to a 3-2 victory yester- second time this year that Phila- AFTER LOSING the first two seemed even more aroused than day over the Detroit Tigers who delphia had won a doubleheader sets to the 31-year-old Drobny, he was last November when he are surrounded by reports of a from the Dodgers, who have drop- hyunsefrmBeryHs, branded college basketball and managerial shakeup. ped a twin bill to no other club. California, fought back in a stir- football a sordid big business. At Billy Pierce, although driven * * *rn al osur h ac t that time, he sent boss fixer Sal- from the mound in the seventh CUBS 8-3, PIRATES 3-0 2-2. One service break by Drobny vatore Sollazzo to prison for eight inning, was credited with his ninth CHICAGO-Paul Minner and thesdecisihe et.eeneedt ae to 16 years--the longest sentence victory. Steve Souchock blasted Warren Hacker pitched the Chi- tedcsv e. yet in college sports' worst scan- his fourth homer with one man on cago Cubs to a double-header Drobny outlasted his 23-year- dal. base off Pierce in the seventh inn- sweep via 8-3 and 3-0 scores over old rival after one of the most "To prevent demoralization ing. the Pittsburgh Pirates before 16,- spectacular comebacks Wimble- * ,, 453 paying customers yesterday, don ever has seen to win 6-2, adgecorruptio ofd athlnetes," THE WHITE SOX got their Minner scored his eighth tri- 6-4. 0-6, 8-10, 6-4. The victory' Judg Stei saat on pon first two runs with the help of umph, fourth over Pittsburgh, on put the bounding Czech into in toay's staement, "a new rightfielder Souchock's error in a yield of 13 hits in the free swing- Friday's final for the second state statute should be enacted the fourth inning. Minoso and ing opener that produced a total time in 10 years of tryng in each state, making it a crim- Sam Mele singled and Eddie Rob- of 27 assorted safeties.rin- inal offense for any person, be inson drove in Minoso with a sin- * * lie will meet Frank Sedgman he alumnus, town booster or gle. Mele also scored when Souch- HACKER RENDERED the Pi- who ousted Mervyn Rose, 6-4, college official, to subsidize ath- ock threw wildly to third. rates run-less in the bob-tailed 6-4, '1-5, in a drab all-Australian Veteran lefthander Hal New- second game, called after seven match that suffered badly in com- The stiffest prison sentence - houser suffered his fourth de- and a half innings due to dark- prison with the dramatics of the four to seven years -- went to feat against two victories. It ness, on a yield of just two sin- obyFmbate ,Joseph Benintende, 43-year-old was his third start since his gles. It was Hacker's fifth pay- Flam's defeat meant that the ex-convict, described as the lead- most recent comeback began off, and his first major league United States, which has held the er of his own betting rin. and aside from the homer and shutout to assure the Cubs a 3-1 title since Jack Kramer won in * * * three. successive singles, he look- series edge. 1947, won't have a man in the DANIEL LAMONT, 44, a weal- ed impressive. Hank Sauer belted his twen- final. Still, Flam's performance thyAltona Pnnslvaia mau- * ty-first homer in the fifth inn- fully vindicated the honor of facturer and real estate promoter, PHILLIES 4-2, DODGERS 3-1 igof the ssecond sgame behind American tennis. drew six months for conspiracy in BROOKLYN - RighithandersBoAdi'scnsnge the bribe scandal. Robin Roberts and Russ Meyer .Rookie Ronnie Kline, suffering DID YOU KNOW . . . That In pitched the Philadelphia Phillies his fifth loss without a victory, spite of the fact that the Michigan to a sweep of the doubleheader was the victim of Sauer's smack ,basketball team finished far down 4with Brooklyn yesterday, 4-3 and which cleared the left center field in the conference last year, the DEPT. OF SPIEEICI screen and landed in Waveland records show the Maize and Blue PRSNSAve. to be in fourth place behind Illi- "TWELFTHall-time games won and lost per- NTWEHT" Blanks Metals ]M'ajor League ___________ COMEDY - RoMANC;E ab on One Hi 1nig AMERICAN LEAGUE Tonight Tliru Sat.- sparkling one-hit shutout yester- New York 4' 2 Pet G 8:90 P.M. day as the Psychology Department Cleveland 39 32 .549 3 blanked the Metals Lab nine, 4-0 Washington 36 30 .545 3 Adrn. $l.20, 90c, 60c in the best of the five softball- Boston 38 32 .543 31, games played in the intramural Chicago 39 /33 .542 3 MEDLSON e MKeachie received strong bat- Piladelhia 27 TYP443G1 THEATRE ting support from Spike Tanner Detroit 23 47 .392 18 and Harry McCallum, bot;1 of * * - H R HA D ________ whom smacked long home runs. . NATIONAL LEAGUE SRT A D In the other four contests the w L Pet. GB ACCOUNTiNG COOL COOL ~~~Pyics Department be a h Lha- wok ! 2 U I E ent 10-4 Ph DeltPhi rolled St. Louis 39 34 .534 1 A CH, . ES ENDS TONIGHT over Theta Delta Chi, 23-9, and Philadelphia 32 37 .464 16 %lse o omn ENSONGTPhi Gamma Delta drubbed Phi Cincinnati 31 39 .443 18 C0ass andw Evening __________________ Kappa Tau, 19-7. Boston 28 43 .394 21 DAr-oold roomsn Pittsburgh 19 55 .257 32 Arcoe om COOL (Does not include last night'sHA IL N "Nms)HA_ _TO THEs BUSINESS COLLEGE SN IPER I CUST NG I StateP and Wlliam MARIE WINDSOR . AfOIP MJOIJ Ploying Through Saturday tAoRSP L INeashe71 so- ~Specialty Stlsfor Men&W me STARTING TLIt TAINGJ~ MU~ 7 Stylists - No Waiting FRIDAY, JULY 4th li5 MEII VULi - WELCOME - - The Dascola Barbers THREE IT SINGS, RINGS AND SWINGS and Near Michigan Theater TlECA T HROUGH T HR EE L.OV ES.. .T H REEnirI THEC WARS...AND THREE GENERATIONS! ..'than eyer! n >< ><>< >< > * flay Anthony's cGIESEKING: SIX BRi % BandTHIS GREAT P1/ BEETHOVEN, AN~ dacn n SWAN LAKE: FIRST / *'~~. 1 thestas ',MAGNIFICENT I '~~' Edgewater Park ~ BAiR MDECCA'S GOLD LABE at UCLASSICAL FAV ii' LP SIDE BUT TC ii Edgewatei' V ABLE ON TEN-il & Beach s Wes 7Mile Road ReyR d ~~ rClLASSIFIEDS PERSONAL. MICHIGAN DAILY COMPARE: your local newspaper--7c. HOURS 1 5 P.M. Phne 600, Student Peidia . CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TRANSPORTATION RATES WANTED-To form car pool to Lansing LINES 1 DAY 3 DAYS 6 DAYS Friday evenings. Call 8565 7-9 p.m. 2 6 1.3 1.6BUSINESS SERVICES 4 .90 2.24 3.92 ALTERATIONS on ladies garments. Figure 5 average words to a line. Catherine near State, Ph, 22878. Clasifie -deadline dail except WASHING, finished work, and hand Saturday is 3 P.M., Saturdays, ironing. Cotton dresses a specialty. 11:0 AM."'o Su"day'* issue.Ru'f ry an wet ashin. Also Iron- ing separately. Free pick-up and do- LOST A ND FOUND liver. Phone 2-9020. TYPING -Reasonable rates. Accurate, LOST-Gray Kitten in vicinity of East Efficient. Phone 7590, 830 8. Main. William and Thompson. Call No. on ALTERATION, sewing. Mrs. Draun, his tag or bring to 512 E. William, 2-7232. MENS' USED BIKES and used radios. FOR SALE Ann Arbor Radio & T.V. 1215 So. Univ., Ph. 7942. 1%', blocks east of EASY SPINDRIER-1949 Black Renault. East Engineering. Mrs. Braun, 2-7232. GIRL'S ENGLISH BICYCLE, 26 in., 3- RAD 10 SE RV ICE speed gear shift, basket, lock, used * Putono & orT.V. moth, excellent condiion CalVat & Reasoabe Serie ATSALE private collection, oils, water 1 block eas of . Eas 4nn Phone 2-1710. H ELP WANTED ANTIQUE CHAIRS - 1 Hitchcock, 1 MAKE $20.00 DAILY -- Sell Luminous Duncan Fyfe, 1 arm Windsor, 1 comb Name Piates. Write Reeves Co., Attle- back Windsor. 1 tilt top table. Mis- boro, Mass., Free Sample and detaIs. cellaneous objects: candle sticks, l2amps, dishes, fixtures. 1918 Day Ph. ENGINEERING & PHYSICS 2-170..,STUDENTS - SUMMER JOBS FOR RENT Assisting engineers In development eupment. Permanent positionshoen, AVAILABLE -- A new 3-room de- Send resume and expected salary. luxe apartment which accommodates TIMKEN Copeely franiseeectc Silent Automatic Division trance. $95 per month. Will rent for 209 W. Washington St. summer. Need a car. Call 2-9020. Jackson, Michigan ATTRACTIVE APT, near Campus to sublet July 15 to Sept. 15. Real bar- gain for right tenant. 3-1479 evenings. - g ROOMS FOR R ENT, ~ 11~ OVERNIGHT GUESTS?--Make reserva- --N W LA NG - to s TeCmpus Tourist HomesNO PLY G no. 18E Wllam hoe -85. J m Thorpe A TRTIE rm apartment fo 3 34 evenings, 5201 days. UW WE 4 STUDENTS-large, spacious 2 bedroom soa ring furnished ap't., twin beds, (practice BURT LANCASTER room available for music students.) $125 a month. Also single room. 320 B. n Washington after 4 P.M. . SH E RODE FOR 1 ROOM AP'T--Private bath, telephone, VENG EA NCE AN D 3ummer only. $35 a month. Call FOUGHT FOR LOVE "Rose of Read and Use sarn DAILY *JACK BEUTEL DAILY *MALA POWERS CLASSIFIEDS e BILL WILLIAMS FIREWORKS - JULY 4th FlintFMichgMa Lit. '4 Clet -1686 Maae Interstate Rates. We own, operate and schedule our own fleet of vans for direct service without transfer. Save in Our Great JULY SHOE for he utimate in. eXCellen food and pleasant atmosphere . athe Hammond Organ Friday, Saturday and Sunday * PAUL TOM PKINS * KARL KRUSCHKE noon lunches late snacks * DRAUGHIT BE] * CHOICE STEAl U ER K(S OPEN 12 to 12 DAILY air-COndtiioned 3715 JACKSON ROAD specializing in steak, sea-food, chicken, planked foods. IMPORTANT NEWS ITEMS SSIC AL R ECORD DE PART ME NT AND NEW LPs ANIST PLAYS DEBUSSY, SCHUMANN, BRAHMS, D MOZART IN A FINE SERIES BY COLUMBIA *regular to 8.95 CONNIES regular to 1 O.9' J ACQ UE LIN ES and NA TURAL POISE I Whites * Coiinbinatious I Reds $6.77 * Linen Aperas * Spectators Terrii Saw'ings COMPLETE RECORDING -UGH FIDELITY BY LONDON Ii II * U II * I I. ii II ~L "4000" SERIES 'ORITES THAT ARE TOO SHORT FOR A REGULAR )O LONG FOR A "78" OR "45" SIDE NOW AVAIL- NJCH LPs AT ONLY $2.50 changed yor .needle lately? U - U