DORIS FLEESON See Page 2 I Cv, r Latest Deadline in the State :4Iaiiiip 4 4 4 WARMER, SHOWERS VOL. LXH, No. 178 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1952 FOUR PAGES Lattimore Faces PerjuryCharge WASHINGTON - (/P) - A Senate subcommittee accused Owen Lattimore yesterday of intentionally serving Communist purposes and of lying to the committee on at least five points. The group recommended perjury action against Lattimore and. against John P. Davies, Jr., a State Department official whom the report also accused of giving untrue testimony. * *4 * * DAVIES, now Deputy Director of Political Affairs for the' U.S. High Commission at Bonn, said in Germany that "I certainly deny allegations of perjury." The subcommittee said he falsely denied that he recommended persons with Communist connections for intel- ligence jobs. Lattimore withheld comment pending issuance of a formal statement through his attorney. The points on which he is ac- cused of lying range from his testimony that Outer -Mongolia was independent of the Soviets up to World War II, to the question whether Lattimore arranged to have a student report a committee hearing for him. The Internal Security Subcommittee made the charges in a formal report to the Judiciary Committee on its longinquiry into the Institute of Pacific Relations. Under the leadership of Sen. Mc- Carran (D-Nev.), who also heads the full committee, the group spent more than a year searching for evidence of Communist influence on American policy in the far east. It centered its study on the IPR. YESTERDAY'S REPORT asserted that he has been "a conscious articulate instrument of the Soviet conspiracy" and declared at an- other point that throughout its hearings his "connections and asso- ciation with the Communist international organization" were shown to be pronounced. Lattimore, in a formal statement through an attorney late yesterday, said the call for perjury action is "fantastic." He added that it is "inane as the recent report that I was trying to leave the country without a passport." The State Department apologized to him last week for a stop order to prevent him from leaving on any trip behind the Iron Curtain. The tip on which that t order was based turned out to be a hoax. "Untrue and supported by no credible evidence," Lattimore said of the accusation that he was a "conscious instrument" of the Reds. 'HORSE RACE': Prof.Eldersveld Calls Race Unpredictable Calling the 1952 Republican nomination fight a close "horse race," Prof. Samuel J. Eldersveld of the political science department refused to make any predictions as to its possible outcome. Speaking~ yesterday to an overflow, Speech Assembly audience in the Rackham Amphitheatre, Prof. Eldersveld discussed the method and significance of the colorful convention system which selects presidential candidates every four years. Berlin Reds Grab Three U.S. Priests Tourists Stray Into Soviet Zone BERLIN - (P) - Three touring American priests and their Ger- man woman driver were snatched up on the Berlin border by rifle- waving Communist police yester- day and rushed into Russian cap- tivity. The three young priests, from the Chicago diocese, were wear- ing their clerical collars when they strayed a few feet over the line into the .Soviet zone and pointed a camera at a Russian of- ficer. * * * HE IMMEDIATELY ordered a black-booted Communist police detachment into action and they forced the priests' car behind a Soviet checkpoint barrier. The car was confiscated. The United States immediate- ly demanded the release of the four captives. The United States provost mar- shal first listed all four as repre- sentatives of Cralog (Catholic Re- lief Agencies Operating in Ger- many.) But J. J. J. Norris, of Elizabeth, N.J., European director for the National Catholic Welfare Confer- ence at Frankfurt, said the priests were not connected with Crolog or NCWC. Norris said the three priests "all in their 30's," attended the World Eucharistic Congress in Barcelona and were touring Germany while on leave from their diocese. It was believed the captives were being held last night at Karls- horst, Russian headquarters, al- though Soviet authorities had not acknowledged that the priests were being held in their zone. GOP Governors Protest Delegate Dispute MOVe HOUSTON, Tex. - (P), - Twenty-three Republican Governors voiced yesterday a powerful demand to bar contested delegates from voting on the admission of disputed colleagues to the Republican National Convention. In a surprise move that was regarded here as a heavy blow at -the presidential nomination hopes of Sen. Robert A. Taft of Ohio, the Governors said in a statement any other course would put the party "under a serious moral cloud." * * *. * the BOTH SUPPORTERS of Taft and Gen. Dwight. D. Eisenhower, Ohioan's chief rival for the nomination, joined in the statement. -Daily-Jack Bergstrom RIGHT. OF WAY ARGUMENT OCCURS AT CROSSING WITHOUT STOP SIGN * ** , . * * * * Unmarked Intersections Annoy Drivers While road crews busily widen Ann Arbor streets to step up the flow of traffic, local drivers stil face the hazard of several un- marked intersections throughout the city. A spot check yesterday disclosed five intersections at which there was no traffic control sign or signal. THE MOST neglected street is Tappan which lacks any controls at both the Monroe and Oakland crossings. Other intersections without traffic signs are Detroit and N. Fifth, E. Jefferson and T]homp- son, and Catharine and Thayer. The spot check was made as a result of several complaints of near accidents which reached The Daily during the past week. Drivers reported that they did not realize cars approaching from other directions could also enter the intersection without stopping. By the time two driverA saw one another, they said, the cars were close to collision. Local automotists familiar with Ann Arbor streets habituallyg low down when approaching these in- tersections. According to police there are no plans at present to install any more stop signs in Ann ArboA. Meanwhile two stop signs are sitting idly on the corner of S. Division and E. Auron where the traffic is controlled by lights. All R"ocket Jet Fighter SOVIET CONTROL: Nyaradi Describes Russian Methods 0 * s S * 4s Russians Put, Thumbs Down On Gargoyle A Russian periodical agency has turned thumbs down on a request by Gargoyle (editors to exchange issues of the University humor magazine with the Soviet publi- cation Krokodil. The refusal came two months after Gargoyle editors made the request "just to see what would happen." Nothing much did, be- yond the receipt of a sample copy of Krokodil. The writer of the letter, a rep- resentative of the Export De- partment of the Soviet Periodi- cals agency, said that a copy of the request had been sent to the State Lenin Library dealing with the exchange of books "as ex- change is beyond the competence of (this agency)." He advised them to subscrib# to "Soviet Un- ion" through a New York per- iodical agency. xPrimary Vote RosterHeavy With only two more days to reg- ister for the presendential pri- mary, voter registrations are about equal to the 18,619 total in the September, 1948 election, accord- ing to City Clerk Fred J. Looker. Looker said the city's voter reg- istration total stood at 17,585 for the April 7 election. He estimated that "about 1,000 more residents had registered since." City Hal will be closed on Fri- day, July 4, because of the legal holiday. However, the clerk's of- fice will remain open until 8 p.m. Monday for last minute registra- tions. IN AN ANALYSIS of the dele- gate strength of major candidates, he pointed out that Taft needs an additional 120 votes to achieve the 604 required for nomination, while Eisenhower is 197 delegates away from victory. According to Prof. Eldersveld, these votes are to be found in four places: 1) 70 votes are tied up in Southern or contested delegations, 2) five crucial states control an additional 180 dele- gates, 3) 18 states have between them 40 undecided delegates in blocks of one or two per state, and 4) seven states have an ad- ditional 40 uncommitted dele- gates in blocks of six or seven. He concluded that each indi- vidual delegate will be tremen- dously important because Taft strength in one group will be off- set by Eisenhower gains in an- other. Discussing the public's attitude towarda politics, he characterized Americans as "ignorant of factors of politics and cynical of conven- tion processes." * * * "CONVENTIONS will receive more public attention this year than any time before," Prof El- dersveld continued. In 1944 only 400,000 television sets were in use, but this year 18,000,000 TV sets are in American homes, he said. Reviewing criticisms of the con- vention system, Prof. Eldersveld stressed that the 1206 Republican and 1230 Demiocratic delegates cannot be a deliberative body "if you operate on the assungtion that real decisions are made on the convention floor." He pointed out, however, that these decisions are usually made in delegate caucuses or meet- ings of party leaders. Conceding that the convention organization permits manuevering and manipulation, he told the aud- ience that they must remember the convention's chief function: nomination of candidates who all diverse elements of the party can rally around. By HARRY LUNN Warning that the adage "know your enemy" is truer today than ever before, Nicholas Nyaradi, an exile from Russian tryanny, out- lined Communist methods of psy- chological control of their sub- jects, and territorial seizure. Speaking on "Man and State in Communist Countries," the form- er Hungarian finance minister gave the fourth lecture in the summer series "Modern Views on Man and Society" yesterday. IN ANALYZING the psychology which keeps Iron Curtain people in subjection to their masters, he emphasized that "Stalin has a great amount of support from his own people, not because they are happy or like him, but because they do notknow how downtrod- den they are in comparison to citizens in other nations." The Voict of America is an ineffectual "propaganda device, because only a trusted one per cent of the people own radios and news reaches all other Rus- sians via controlled newspapers or loud speaker systems run by the state, he explained. "There is a treasure chest in the Russian population--a hoard of discontented people," he said. "The best way to reach them sia avoids Asiatic prejudice against white people. "Genocide by education'is the chief Russian method of con- trol in the bordering Iron Cur- tain countries, he pointed out. While the older generation re- tains their Western sympathies, he emphasized, children are be- ing indoctrinated in the belief that "Lenin is God and Stalin his prophet." Teachers call the Christian God an invention of American capital- istic warmongers he added. Striking at the misconception that Communism is a mass move- ment, the exiled Hungarian re- lated that the Communist party is actually a relatively small group of people who form the leadership for revolution and later govern the large ignorant masses. He outlined three steps in Communist acquisition of a country: 1) Formation of a new aristocracy to rule over the whole of society, 2) Neutralization of the great masses either by ter- rorization and confusion or by their consent, and 3) Destruc- tion of every enemy or potential enemy. In conclusionNyaradi warned that the Communists are a fa- natical and determined clique who are sure of their ultimate victory. Announced WASHINGTON - OP) -- A jet fighter entirely without guns-but bristling with rockets - was an- nounced by the Air Force yester- day. The new plane, the Lockheed F-94C Starfire, has been made so nearly automatic through the use of radar and mechanical brains that it spots the enemy miles away, locks onto the target, tracks, closes, aims and opens fire-all by itself. The pilot and radar operator do little more than take the plane off, bring it to the general target area and then switch on the "electronic crew." The pilot also must land the plane, but elec- tronics do the rest. The air force says that the Star- fire is the first air force fighting plane ever to have all-rocket arm- ament. It has 24 "mighty mouse" 2.75-inch rockets in a ring of firing tubes aroundthenose, and can carry more rockets in new-type armament pods on the wings. Late Scores NATIONAL LEAGUE Philadelphia 4-2, Brooklyn 3-1 Chicago 8-3, Pittsburgh 3-4 Boston 2, New York 1 AMERICAN LEAGUE Philadelphia 4, Washington 1 Cleveland 3, St. Louis 2 Chicago 3, Detroit 2 Taft Snaps Up 17 Votes In Georgia By The Associated Press Sen. Robert A. Taft of Ohio grabbed 17 Georgia votes yester- day and set his sights on a first ballot victory in the National Con- vention that meets here Monday to pick a Republican presidential candidate. "There may not pe a second bal- lot," the Ohio Senator told a news conference. * * * ROOTERS for Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower refused to let their man be counted out that easily or quickly. Senator Henry Cabot Lodge pub- licly gave up hope of winning an important victory from the Re- publican National Committee but predicted better treatment on the convention floor. Eisenhower followers set up a howl about "steamroller tactics," "steal," and "doublecross." They promised to appeal the Georgia decision to the Convention Cre- dentials Committee and, if nec- essary, stage a floor fight to seat the rival Georgia delega- tion that has 14 votes committed to Eisenhower, two to Taft and one on the fence. Eisenhower forces, in fact, took their worst shellacking and Taft supporters racked up their great- est victory of the pre-convention maneuvering yesterday. He bluntly warned the South that it's welfare is "wrapped up in the Democratic Party" and pre- dicted "there will be no bolt." Arm y Acts . To Step Up: Draft Quotas WASHINGTON-(P)--The Army acted yesterday to replace about 700,000 soldiers who will complete their service terms in the coming 12 months. In simultaneous announcements the Army forecast stepped-up draft quotas beginning in October and ordered all units in the Unit- ed States to produce trained en- listed men to take the place of overseas veterans. The moves were prompted by the necessity to maintain" the authorized manpower total and the number of combat divisions and units during the 'government year which started July 1, The issue of whether contest- ed delegations-seated tempor- arily in the convention by ac- tion of the Taft-controlled GOP National Committee-can vote on the admission of themselves and other disputed groups may influence the final decision for the party nomination. There are now 72 delegates In the dispute from seven states in the battle between Taft and Eis- enhower for the nomination. Taft controls the machinery of the convention, opening Monday in Chicago. One of the Taft dele- gates, Walter " Hallanan of West Virginia, is in a position as tem- porary chairman to rule on wheth- er the temporarily-seated delega- tions can vote, on contests. His ruling can be appealed to the con- vention itself. "* * IN A TELEGRAM addressed to Guy G. Gabrielson, National Chairman, convention officials and all the candidates, the 23 Re- publican Governors said that the good name of the party can only be upheld "if no contested dele-. gation is permitted to vote on the question of seating any contested delegation." "Any other course would per- mit some contested delegates ts sit as accused, judge and jury,", which would be wholly allen to every American concept of fair- ness, justice and equity," the Governors said. "We believe that if the contest- ed delegations are permitted to vote on the seating of other con- tested state delegations the Re- publican Party-no matter who ultimately may become the Re- publican, nominee-will enter a vital and difficult campaign un- der a serious moral cloud. These strong words of the Gov- ernors were regarded as likely to have a telling impact on the con- vention officials," especially since they were subscribed to by Gov. Earl Warren of California, himself a candidate for the nomination. Allies Blast Red Troops bulletin MUNSAN, Korea--(P)-Com- munist truce negotiators late last night made a new proposal to settle the prisoner of war ex- change issue and urged that it be considered today in secret session. The United Nations command quickly called for adjournment to study the Red proposal. By The Associated Press Allied raiders blasted and burn- ed Communist troops from hillside. .bunkers yesterday near the Pan- munjom truce site in Western Korea* Meanwhile Gen. James A. Van Fleet said yesterday that much heavier air' blows could force the Communists into signing a Kor- can armistice. He called for more' air pdwer to do the job. Political- Panel Will BeHeld Four state political leaders will participate in a political panel discussion at 4:15 p.m. Wednes- day, Aug. 6 in the Rackham Le- ture Hall, it was announced yes- terda. NICHOLAS NYARADI ... Hungarian exile and to dispel the prejudices of other Russians is to send balloons with cheap American mass pro- ducts over their cities," he sug- gested. THIS IGNORANCE of American ways is the chief psychological device used by the Russians in- side their own country, he indi- cated. In China they have taken the role of "agrarian reformers" and stood as a silent partner be- hind Mao-Tse Tung, he added. Thus Chinese seldom or never hear about Communism, and Rus- GOTHIC FILM SOCIETY PROGRAM: Second Summer Production Schedule Chosen # # # * * By VIRGINIA VOSS For its second consecutive sum- mer program, the Gothic Film So- ciety will present six movie clas- sics chosen to supplement the Uni- versity's "Modern Views of Man and Society" series. Beginning with a German sound film, "Kameradschaf.t" on Mon- day, July 7, Gothic Film's pro- gram includes both sound and si- lent motion pictures produced rm_ 1019 t ,Q' mand," the story of a discred- ited Russian aristocrat. Besides representing a survey of the development of >film tech- niques, the six pictures reflect in- fluential political and social con- ditions in Europe and the United States. ** * THE STORY of a mine disaster in the 1931 German picture "Kam- eradschaft" projects the director's ideas of the possibilities of inter- edy'" which reflected the bewild- erment of the 20's. A REVOLUTIONARY film with a symbolic social purpose, D. W. Griffith's "Intolerance" impressed Russia's Lenin so much that he invited Griffith to lead the new Soviet film industry. King Vidor's "The Big Par- ade" attempts to put across the feeling of a vast country being 1.,,.- 4 ... T .n .,1-4