EDITOR'S NOTE See Page 4 L Latest Deadline in the State #a440r -- K CLOUDY, WARMER VOL. LXI, No. 177 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 2, 1952 SIX PAGES HARVARD CRIMSON: Cite 53 Academic RightsViolations By 'LEONARD GREENBAUM Daily Managing Editor Twenty-five colleges throughout the United States and territories were the scene of 53 violations of academic freedom during the last year, according to the fourth annual survey of the Harvard Crimson. The survey, which was reported in a special issue of the college newspaper, emphasized the cases of Fairmount State Teachers College in West Virginia and of Prof. Dirk Struik of the Massachusetts Insti- tute of Technology. PROF. STRUIK, an avowed Marxist, is presently under suspen- sion with pay pending the outcome of his trial for "advocating .. . > the overthrow by force and violence of the Commonwealth of Massa- chusetts." Fairmount College has been the center of a dispute over the security risk of a fine arts teacher that has resulted in three dismissals, nine resignations and a slander suit. Also prominently featured in the Academic Freedom survey were the speaker bans at the University, and the investigation into the now famous MPhaul dinner at the Union. The dismissal of Mrs. Lorraine Meisner from Wayne University for refusing to testify before the House Un-American Activities Committee in Detroit was also included. THE MAJORITY of academic freedom violations involved either the bannings of speakers accused of affiliation with Communist or ' Communist-front organizations (those on the Attorney General's list) or the attempts to enforce loyalty oaths. Book bannings, the listing of teachers as "reducators," un- proven accusations by American Legion posts, unexplained faculty dismissals, suspension of students and student organizations and the installation of a university "commie hunter" made up the remainder of the violations. Among the speakers banned were Paul Robeson at City College of New York; Cecil E. Hinshaw, a Quaker Pacifist, at Ohio State University; Max Schactman, chairman of the Independent Socialist League, at the University of California's Berkley campus; and Arthur McPhaul, Abner Greene, William Hood and Mrs. Ann Shore at the University of Michigan. SEVERAL SCHOOLS, however, were cited for refusing to bow to public demands for speaker bans. These were the University of Minnesota which gave speaking permission to Carey McWilliams, edi- torial director of The Nation, and Yale University and Columbia University for granting permission to Howard Fast. State employee loyalty oaths were put into effect this year in Alaska, Pennsylvania and Oklahoma. In both Pennsylvania and Oklahoma, the laws have been taken to the courts with the Supreme Court due to rule on the Oklahoma oath. An anti-subversive bill was passed in Massachusetts, and a similar bill in Illinois was vetoed by Governor Adlai Stevenson. In Hawaii, a special loyalty oath was required of all teachers, while in New York, the Fineberg Law, directing the State Board of Education to draw up a list of "subversive" organizations and dismiss teachers who belong to them, was approved by the United States Supreme Court. IN CALIFORNIA, where teacher loyalty oaths met with their strongest opposition, the University of California Regents have cir- cumvented a decision of the California District Court of Appeals that threw out the oath. By declaring all teachers to be civil defense workers, the Regents have made them subject to a loyalty oath for state em- ployees. This oath is currently being considered as an amend ment to the state constitution rather than face a court test. Among the book-bannings last year were four by Mark Van Doren banned by the Jersey City Board of Education, and Harvard Prof. See HARVARD, Page 6 * * * * Superintendent Sees Danger Of Teacher Self-Censorship Senate OK's Agreements. On Germany Other Nations Still Must Act WASHINGTON-(P)-The Sen- ate yesterday overwhelmihgly rat- ified peace agreements bringing West Germany as an armed ally into the free world's mutual de- fense organization. The United States thus became the first nation to approve the documents, hailed by sponsors as ushering in a new era of Euro- pean cooperation. THE AGREEMENTS do not be- come effective until ratified by parliaments of the other nations involved, including West Germany -a process sure to spark stormy debate and one that could con- sume many more months. One agreement between the U. S., Britain, France and West Germany ends the Allied occu- pation of West Germany and re- turns the' Federal Republic of Germany to the family of na- tions as an almost equal mem- ber. The Senate approved this pact, 77 to 5. A second document in the net- work of pacts signed in Europe last month would create a Euro- pean Defense Community (EDC) with a single army of units from France, Italy, West Germany, Bel- gium, the Netherlands and Luxem- bourg. The Senate was not called upon to ratify the EDC contract, but it approved an agreement tieing ED -and thus West Germany-to the North Atlantic Treaty Organiza- tion (NATO). The effect is for the United States and 13 other NATO members to extend their mutual defense guarantee to West Germany. The Germans in turn agree to help defend NATO mem- bers from attack. The vote on this move was 72 to S. ]McPhaul Cited For Contempt Arthur McPhaul, who was ban- ned from speaking on campus last semester, and Saul Grossman, a former University student, were unanimously cited for contempt by the House of Representatives Monday. The House action came as a re- sult of the Un-American Activi- ties Committee hearings in De- troit last March when both men refused to produce books and rec- ords as requested. McPhaul, who is executive sec- retary of the Michigan chapter of the Civil Rights Congress, was the cause of a two month long investi- gation by the University when he "illegaly" spoke at an "unspon- sored" dinner at the Union. Grossman, who attended the University from 1945 to 1947, was executive secretary of the Mich- igan Committee for the Protection of the Foreign Born. He accom- panied Abner Greene to campus when Greene vwas. also banned from speaking here by the Lecture Committee. Taft Of Nails Down MVost FlorVida's Delegation 103 Faculty Members Promoted Promotions for 103 members of the University faculty were an- nounced yesterday by President Harlan H. Hatcher, All of the promotions become ef- fective with the start of the fall semester. Twenty-two of the pro- motioons were to the rank of pro- fessor, 36 to the rank of associate professor or its equivalent and 45 to the rank of assistant professor. In addition to the promotions, the president also announced two appointments and a major change in duties for an Extension Service staff member. Dr. Walter J. Nungester, who has been acting chairman of the Department of Bacteriology in the Medical School, has been Made chairman. The other ap- pointment involved naming Kent W. Leach as assistant di- rector of the Bureau of School Services. Leach also received a promotion from lecturer to as- sistant professor in the School of Education. In the Extension Service, the title of Michael P. Church has been changed from supervisor of the extension center in Saginaw to supervisor of special projects. The promotions, with the reci- pient's field of specialization in- dicated in parenthesis, are as fol- lows: TO THE RANK OF PROFESSOR College of Literature, Science and the Arts: Enrique Anderson- Imbert (Spanish and Spanish Am- erican Literature), Frank Egbert Eggleton (Zoology), William Per- due Halstead (Speech), Cecil James Nesbitt (Mathematics), Ka- therine Elizabeth Schultz (Library Science), Ralph A. Wolfe (Phy- sics). College of Engineering: Floyd Newton Calhoon (Mechanical En- gineering), Walter Johnson Em- mons (Highway Engineering), Edwin Richard Martin (Electrical Engineering), Charles Thomas Olmsted (Engineering Mechan- ics), Roy Stanley Swinton (Engi- neering Mechanics). Medical School: Burton Lowell Baker (Anatomy), Reuben L. Kahn (Serology of Syphilis), Dr. William Dodd Robinson (Internal Medicine), Dr. Konstantin Schar- enberg (Neuropathology). School of Dentistry: Dr. Donald Archibald Kerr, Dr. Floyd Darl Ostrander, Dr. Corwin Hobert Wright. School of Music: Hans Theodore David. College of Architecture and De- sign: Catherine Bortic Heller (De- sign), Alexander Mastra Valerio (Painting and Drawing). School of Social Work: Ralph Carr Fletcher.' TO THE RANK OF ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR College of Literature, Science and the Arts: Irving Mariner Copi (Philosophy), Pierre Dansereau (Botany), Samuel J. Eldersveld (Political Science), Francis Cope Evans (Zoology), Norman Edou- ard Hartweg (Zoology), Emmet Thurman Hooper (Zoology), Vol-. ney Hurt Jones (Anthropology), Robert Lado (English Languish Institute), Werner Siegmud Lan- decker (Sociology), William Ray- mond Leslie (History), Hazel Mar- ie Losh (Astronomy), Dourossoff Edmund Morley (Speech), Max- well O. Reade (Mathematics), Ed- win Charles Stumm (Geology. Medical School: Basu Kumar Bagchi (Psychiatry), Dr. Robert Edward Lee Berry (Surgery), Dr. William Henry Beierwaltes (In- ternal Medicine), Dr. Reynold La- velle Haas (Obstetrics and Gyne- cology), Dr. John Woodworth Henderson (Ophtalmology), Dr. Richard Coy Schneider (Surgery). School of Education: William GOP Bars TV, Radio -Daily-Jack Bergstrom AMBITIOUS GOLD DIGGERS FEVERISHLY SEARCH FOR "HURON HARRY'S" STRIKE * * * * * * * d Students St age Hur on River Gold Rush By LARRY HYATT Armed with buckets, pans, picks and shovels, more than a dozen adventurous students carefully panned their way down the Huron River yesterday looking for the spot where "Huron Harry" is re- puted to have made a gold strike late Sunday afternoon. Nyaradi Will SpeakToday Nicholas Nyaradi, former Hun- garian finance minister, will speak on "Man and State in Communist Countries" at 4:15 p.m. today in Rackham Lecture Hall. It will be the fourth lecture in the summer series "Modern Views on Man and Society." Nyaradi had a colorful career during the postwar period as fi- nance minister. He was called up- on to negotiate with Moscow over Russian claims against his coun- try. Despite strong Russian pressure, he urged Hungary, unsuccessfully, to participate in the Marshall Plan. He went into voluntary ex- ile int1948 and arrived here short- ly after. "My Ringside Seat in Moscow" is his latest publication. Strike Threatens Political Coverage NEW YORK-Early this morn- ing a radio writers' union order- ed a strike against three major networks threatening coverage of the forthcoming political conven- tions. Responding to stories in The Daily and a Detroit newspaper, and to rumors which have been floating around campus since the reported gold find Sunday, the eager "fifty-twoers" examined the winding river bank for traces of an excavation. * * * * THEIR ardurous efforts were+ of no avail, however, and they wearily trudged back to campus yesterday evening without finding so much as a trace of the glit- tering metal. Leaders of the unsuccessful expedition theorized that either "Huron Harry" covered up his diggings so cleverly they could SL Discusses New Activities The members of Student Legis- lature who are on campus at ube present time held a brief meet- ing last night at which plans for SL activities during the summer session were discussed. Tentatively scheduled were three SL discussion meetings to which interested faculty members and student leaders are to be invited. SL members, are also going to' attempt to begin a codification of all motions ever passed by the stu- dent governing body. SL will also organize an Inter- national Correspondence Program for persons interested in writing to foreign students who will be on campus next semester. The campus correspondents must be on campus next fall, also. Information may be obtained by calling Janet Alarie, at 3-1553 or 2-1718. not be discovered, or else he found gold in some remote lo- cale not yet searched by the group. Undaunted by their first futile efforts, the troupe of sourdoughs plan an early return to the quest. Tentative plans call for exten- sive search during the long Fourth of July weekend. * * * RELIABLE sources had hinted that the fabulous prospector, who inspired yesterday's activity on the Huron, was panning near the golf course when he made his discovery. A detailed inspection of that area was stopped yesterday when golf- ers began lopingballs onto the river bank where the student pros- pectors were working. Little is actually known of the lucky prospector. Close-lipped friends maintain that he lives a dual life: by day a diligent gold digger, by night a hard working student. Meanwhile, The Daily received a letter from a woman who thought she recognized her long lost son when she saw Harry's picture in The Daily last Satur- day. "This poor boy strongly re- sembles our own dear son who left home these many years ago and for whom we have searched-all in vain," she related. "Please try to contact this poor boy and inform us if he is in- deed our son," the woman pleaded. Clarification During the summer The Michigan Daily is published five days a week. The Daily comes out Wednesday, Thursday, Fri- day Saturday and Sunday mornings. At Hearings Lodge Calls Ban Major Blunder CHICAGO--(P)-Sen. Robert A Taft of Ohio nailed down most of the 18-vote Florida delegation yesterday and the first victory in the crucial free for all over dis- puted delegates to next week's Republican Convention. And the Republican National Committee - apparently under control of Taft forces-banged the door on television, radio and pic- tures of any kind at its all im- portant hearings on delegate con- tests. * * * BACKERS OF Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, battling it but witl4 Taft for 72 disputed delegates and the GOP presidential nomination, showed no immediate inclination to carry the Florida case any fur- them. They could appeal to the convention Credentials Committee and then the convention itself. But some of them were taking the position the General wasn't much concerned about the Flor- ida dispute, on grounds that it involved primarily two rival del- egations and both were largely for Taft to start with. Sen. Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. of Massachusetts, campaign manager for General Eisenhower, issued a statement calling the move to bar cameras, TV and radio 'a major political blunder." "FROM THE outset," Lodge said, "Taft supporters have fought the attempt which we have made to have an open and unrigged con- vention. Their vote yesterday in committee is a flagrant disregard of public opinion. "They have shown a public be damned' attitude which will be resented where ever free in- stitutions are prized. If this is Taft's idea of victory they are welcome to it." Sen. Taft expressed satisfaction over the seating of the "regular" Florida Republican delegation yes- terday. But he had no comment on the National Committee's decision to black out television from r*he remaining delegate contest hear- ings. Analyst Sees western Law In Arab States "Western law has been in the Near East for many thousands of years and has played a decisive role in the culture and religion of the Arab states," Herbert J. Lie- besny, a State Department re- search analyst said yesterday aft- ernoon. Liebesny, speaking on "Islamic Religious Law and Westernization" said that the Arab states-the "modern Near East"-are now re- ceiving the influences of Western law on a basis of general needs, rather than according those in- fluences the "wholesale reception" that characterized former adop- tion. WESTERN LAW he explained, caught on in areas least close to religion, such as administration, criminal law, and commerical re- lations. In speaking of the backround of Islamic religious law, Liebes- ny stressed that there is hope today by Arab jurists that "the door of interpretation will be re-opened." He said that this "door" was closed in the ninth century aad America's future is endangered by teacher self-censorship, Mar- tin W. Essex, Lakewood (0.) school superintendent, said yesterday in Detroit. Essex, chairman of a National Education Association committee on Teacher Tenure and Academic Freedom, made this statement in a newspaper interview prior to his report to the association. * * * MORE THAN 5,000 educators representing the majority of the nation's public school teachers are in Detroit attending the 90th an- nual meeting of the NEA this week. "Teachers fear to instruct about the current scene," Essex said, "and they impose a self- censorship on themselves for job security reasons. "This is the greatest danger fac- ing this country because it results in our children being instructed in a hothouse atmosphere. They will never learn to form their own opinions." Reviewing encroachments of academic freedom during the past year, Essex related how ad- verse criticism in some quarters is affecting the inclination of schools to teach about UNESCO SYP'S Discuss Ploan for Fall because these critics consider suchinstruction subversive. Similarily, he said, when Gen. Douglas MacArthur was removed by President Truman, teachers feared to touch upon the subject because of the strength of feeling on both sides. Considering the whole field of scademic freedom, he commented that "this school year finds fres- dom to learn and freedom to teach at a low tide for our century." World News Roundup By The Associated Press MUNSAN, Korea, Wednesday, July 2-Communist truce nego- tiators today asked for a surprise one-day postponement of the Kor- ean armistice talks. The United Nations command agreed. In Seoul, two Allied raiding parties punched into Communist positions on the Western Korean front yesterday but the soggy bat- tleline was generally quiet. * * * * LONDON-Prime Minister Winston Churchill's conservative government yesterday beat down a Labor Party attempt to drive it out of office for not knowing in'advance that American planes planned to bomb Communist power plants on the Yalu River. The Conservative victory came after Churchill warned the House against antagonizing American public opinion in a Presidential year. UNITED NATIONS, N. Y.--The Security Council rejected 10-1 yesterday Russia's demand to invite Communist China and North Korea into debate here on an American resolution for an.impartial ISRAEL'S PROBLEM: Foa Calls for ImmTgrant Orientation Looking at the Near East crisis from a sociologist's point of view, Uriel G. Foa said Monday that Israel's big problem today is to orient Eastern immigrants to Western civilization. Foa, executive director of the Israel Institute of Applied Social Research, explained that a social crisis has arisen because the prob- lem of "training immigrants in * * * set-up of the state. Where there had been a surplus of profes- sional people, an abundance of laborers flooded the country. Il- literacy was profuse among the new settlers. Besides increased immigration, Foa listed three other factors which have contributed to Near East tension: the introduction of "R z