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By VIRGINIA VOSSr After much experimenting with forms and activities of student governing bodies, the idea of representative student government has 4 become firmly entrenched in the minds of most of the campus popu- lation. ; But the present substantial interest in activities of the Student Legislature, indicated by a recent Survey Research Center sponsored 6 -Daily-Jack Bergstromi NO WORRIES-Clarence Mason, Grad., has no worries about the dread ragweed, pollen which causes many unlucky people with allergies to sniffle and cough each summer. Honor Sniffling Sufferers In RagweedControl Month + Sniffling ragweed sufferers have won official recognition for their tortured allergies. Their proud moment came when the month of June was officially designated "National Ragweed Control Month." ALL AROUND the country the coughing, wheezing citizens, aided by the lucky ones with no allergy, were busy burning, spraying and cut- ting down the poisonous plant which causes so much summer misery. Steel Strike Shutdowns Hit Ford Industry DETROIT - (-P) -The steel strike struck its first sledgeham- mer blow at auto production yes- terday when the Ford Motor Co.x announced a series of mass shut- downs and layoffs within the next few days. Ford, one of the industry's big three producers, said it will close all its 14 Ford assembly plants from Massachusetts to Californiat and three of its four Lincoln-Mer- cury assembly plants at the close "of work Monday. This will idle 27,200 employes. * * STARTING Tuesday, the com- pany said, manufacturing opera- tions in the huge Dearborn Rougeb plant will be brought to a grad- ual holt, with most of them shut s down by the Fourth of July week-k end. It was not certain just how N ,many of the 69,000 employes in s this division would be affected. In addition about 1,800 work- t I ers in five Ford parts and equip- ment plants in Michigan were} laid off today and 2,300 othersI may face a similar fate Thurs- day. Ford said some manufacturing- and assembly operations may be j resumed the week of July 7, but it l will depend on the steel outlook at that time. The company makes ,about 50 per cent of its own steel. is GENERAL MOTORS, biggest of m the big three, has laid off 38,- si 500 workers in 19 plants in its vast d productive system. But its lay- V toffs have been scattered and less sz dratic than the imnpndin F ird Here in Ann Arbor and Wash- tenaw County, no special ob- servance was made of the month, although health author- ities reported that normal ef- forts were being made to fight the weed. The city has a weed- cutting ordinance which is ac- tively enforced, reported Dr. Ot- to K. Engelke of the health de- partment. Throughout the county the road commission chops down offending plants along its right-of-ways, he said. The commission also has an agreement with farmers to get rid of ragweed on their land. Sprays are utilized in the rag- weed fight, although care must be taken to make sure they will not be poisonous to valuable wild-life. "It's hard to organize an anti- ragweed campaign in rural areas," Dr. Engelke commented. "However, if anyone wants to go around and cut the stuff down, it's fine with us." Meanwhile, sneezing students bleakly observed the ragweed sea- son by adding to their stores of kleenex and eye drops. Sufferers were not helped much by the teamy atmosphere, but resigned- y had to keep on sniffling through he month observing their agony. West To Talk With Russ ia Can Germany By The Associated Press The three Western Foreign Min- sters reached a compromise agree- ment last night to meet with Rus- ia under certain conditions to iscuss the merging of East and Nest Germany, informed sources aid. Meanwhile.+he Rnccinne ha Polls Show Grads Lack SL Interest According to a poll conducted by the Graduate School Council at the spring registration, only 2C per cent of the graduate students voted in the Student Legislature elections, compared with a 40 per cent student body vote. The most frequent reason re- ported by grads for not voting was lack of knowledge about can- didates. This is to be expected, the report said, "since so few graduaterstudents run in these elections." * * * OTHER REASONS given were "lack of interest," "did not know graduate students could vote" and "did not think SL activities affect graduate students. The report added that struc- tural changes in student gov- ernment will be necessary to make SL representative of the graduate student body and to increase graduate student par- ticipation. However, Council officials indi- cated that no immediate move is being planned to urge such a change. International Center To Hold Dance Today JI The International Center ini- tiates its summer program for foreign students with a reception and dance at 8 p.m. today in the Rackham Assembly Rooms. Professor Harold Dorr, Director of the Summer Session; Dr. Esson M. Gale, Director of the Interna- tional Center; and the Interna- tional Center Board of Governors and their wives will greet the guests in an informal receiving line. At the reception the News Bul- letin will be issued announcing future plans made for Thursday afternoon teas beginning July 3, trips to points of interest in the Ann Arbor vicinity and a number of scheduled picnics. State High Court Rebukes Brennan LANSING-(P)-In an unpre- mn~ra n nihli .-rhukrathe State Kpoll, has not always been the case during SL's six-year existence. The now resolved problem of whether or not the campus should elect a representative student gov- erning body was in 1946 a highly debatable issue. * * * ACCORDING to former SL pres- ident Len Wilcox, '55L, the present interest in SL's activities is a re- vival of campus attitude in 1946 when SL's present constitution was approved. After a spurt of strong ap- proval in student government, interest slumped in 1947 and 1948. Wilcox said he has seen a renewed interest in the past two ryears, partially due to the con- troversial issues SL hasetaken up. JiAnother former SL president, Jim Jans, Grad., thought it was "the group itself rather than stu- dent attitudes toward it" that had changed most in the past six years. * * * DEAN OF STUDENTS Erich A. Walter saw a marked increase in interest in SL in the past three years in terms of the number of students voting. The proportion of students voting has increased to a high of almost 50 percent tabulated in the last spring elec- tion. Commenting on the nature of, SL's action, Dean Walter point- ed out that "in the last two years, the Legislature has taken its name more and more liter- ally and has legislated' in the sense of passing regulations and laws." He said that SL was presently resolving the long-standing ques- tion of whether student govern- ment should exist as a law-mak- ing body or as an indecisive forum in a trend towards more actual student government. * * * THE PROBLEM of determining SL's jurisdiction along with the varying degrees of student inter- est in the group has largely decid- ed the governing body's history. Four short-lived types of stu- See INTEREST, Page 4 Late Scores NATIONAL LEAGUE Brooklyn 8, Boston 3 Philadelphia 6, New York 0 St. Louis 6. Pittsburgh 4 Chicago 6, Cincinnati 0 AMERICAN LEAGUE Chicago 5, Cleveland 1 New York 10, Philadelphia 0 St. Louis 2, Detroit 1 Soath African Resistance Hit JOHANNESBURG, South Afri- ca-(P)-Police struck at the heart of the resistance to race segrega- tion laws yesterday by throwing the two top leaders in jail. Security officers, backed by uni- formed police armed with rifles and pistols, arrested Yussif A. Cachalia, secretary and top plan- ner of the nationwide campaign of non-violent civil disobedience, and Nelson Bandela, chief volunteer of the nation's Negroes who have pledged themselves to risk impris- onment by breaking the race laws they consider "unjust and hate- ful." Yesterday's arrests swelled to 140 the number of non-whites jail- ed since their defiance campaign was launched Thursday. The others were arrested for deliberately crossing forbidden race barriers, marching out en masse without required permits and identity papers. POW HURDLE EVENT-Allied prisoners-of-war clear hurdles during a 100-meter hurdle event at an athletic meet in Camp No. 1 somewhere in North Korea. This picture was taken by an Associated Press photographer, who is a POW. It was released by U.S. Army censors after Red censors had released the negative. Allied authorities have often noted that Communist censors pass such pictures because of their evident propaganda value. or ld News Roundup By The Associated Press SEOUL-The boss of the Far East U.S. Superforts, Brig. Gen. Wiley G. Ganey, said yesterday on this second anniversary of the first B-29 strike in Korea that his command is ready to hit Man- churia if restrictions are lifted. Meanwhile, Allied warplanes roared down yesterday in their fourth attack of the week on hydro-electric power plants in North Korea. And Korean truce teams today started a three-day recess called by United Nations negotiators, who walked out on a Communist tirade. . * * * * WASHINGTON-Senate-House conferees early today were re- ported near agreement on a compromise economic controls bill ex- tending wage and price controls for another eight months to a year. WASHINGTON-A State Department spokesman denied yes- terday that Secretary Acheson had made a specific apology to Britain because the British were not told in advance of a decision to bomb North Korean power plants along the Yalu river. Acheson did agree with the British, however, that they should have been consulted. * * * * * SSED; VETO Senate Vote Cuts Across PartyLines Present System To Be Retained WASHINGTON-()-A com- plete overhaul of the nation's im- migration and naturalization laws was put on the statute books by Congress yesterday over the veto of President Truman, who had contended the measure would sap U. S. leadership for peace. The bill, sponsored by Sen. Mc- Carran (D-Nev) and Rep. Walter (D-Pa), was passed by the Sen- ate by a vote of 57 to 26. That was one vote more than the two-thirds majority required to override Tru- man's veto sent to Congress on Wednesday. A switch of two Sen- ators' votes would have been re- quired to change the result. THE HOUSE had voted 278 to 113 Thursday to enact the bill in disregard of the President's ob- jections. Among other things the mea- sure retains the present system of immigration based on na- tional origins, and increases only slightly the permissible number of immigrants. The Senate vote cut sharply across party lines. Voting to over- turn the veto were 25 Democrats and 32 Republicans. Voting to sus- tain it were 18 Democrats and eight Republicans. Absent for the vote on overrid- ing were five of the Senate's can- didates for Presidential nomina- tions-Sens. Taft (R-Ohio), Kerr (D-Okla), Russell (D-Ga), Ke- fauver (D-Tenn) and McMahon (D-Conn). Kefauver and McMahon, how- ever, were announced as favoring a vote to sustain the veto. SENATE debate, although lim- ited and brief, was as heated as the days of talk which preceded initial Senate passage on May 22. McCarran accused the Presi- dent, with whom he has long been at odds, of making un- founded and unfair attacks on the measure. He said that if immigration "floodgates" were opened without careful screen- ing, the internal security of the nation would be destroyed. Sen. Humphrey (D-Minn.) re- plied that the issue was not one of internal security, but rather whether the nation was to be "worthy of the name of a great democratic republic." The measure will become ef- fective six months from yesterday, the date of enactment. Truman had said he favored some provisions of the bulky bill, the first complete redrafting of the nation's basic immigration and naturalization laws since 1798. But he said these were far offset by other provisions, such as reten- tion of the present quota system for immigrants, of which he thor- oughly disapproved. Group Protests TB Admninistratoi as at WASHINGTON-President Truman yesterday fired Robert Grant United States marshal for the southern district of Illinois, effective once. Attorney General James P. McGranery said Grant had been mixed up in irregularities. * * * * SEATTLE--A specially-called Federal grand jury yesterday indicted a Seattle travel agency executive on a charge of falsely reporting that Owen Lattimore planned a trip to Russia. S * * WASHINGTON-One of the nation's top atomic scientists, J. Robert Oppenheimer, hinted yesterday at mysterious new develop- ments in the field of atomic energy-so important they were laid directly before President Truman. R EVI IEWS INSURANCE: Shryock Calls Health Plan Old Concept By JOYCE FICKIES The whole notion of compulsory medical insurance is not a modern idea, as many people think of it, but an eighteenth century concept according to Richard Shryock, director of the Institute of Medi- cine at Johns Hopkins University Medical School. .ohrn- a -- - aca---MA .1.. * * * to the poor. This public opinion culminated in a system of "bene- ficial societies," a form of health insurance organization. Members paid dues and were given pay- ments in case of sickness. During the early part of the century nearly one million peo- nl sa o . Rra on 9..ml:nn chant seamen to join insurance programs, the beginning of the federal marine insurance in this country, * * * MORE AND MORE persons, Shryock continued, became in fav- or of a compulsory health insur- ance program for the poorer class