PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1952 PAGE SIX WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1952 SL STORY: - - Legislature Gains Prestige Football Ticket Distribution Will Begin September 22 (Continued from Page 1) These projects and accepted recommendations represent the successful aspects of SL activities during the past year, but legisla- tors have not solved all the prob- lems that they had hoped to. For the second time in two years an SL sponsored anti-dis- crimination plan was vetoed by the President. Back in Novem- ber, 1950, SL passed a motion asking that recognition be with- held from any fraternity with discriminatory clauses in its constitution which failed to re- move them by 1956. It was later modified to give ex- tensions over the time limit to fraternities which can prove "sub- stantial probability that all such discriminatory clauses will be re- moved in the near future." THE AMENDED motion passed the Student-'Affairs Committee, the student-faculty body which administrates all student affairs, by a seven-to-six vote early in March, 1951. It was voted just before the end of the 1951 spring semester by retiring University President Alexander G. Ruthven. Last fall action was again dis- cussed by the SL, but it was de- cided to await developments in the Interfraternity Council which had said it would take some stand on the issue. In December the IFC passed the "Acacia Plan" which called for a gradualist approach with assist- ance to houses witheclauses if they asked for help. The assistance was to take the form of an IFC Coun- seling and Information Service de- signed to provide help and infor- mation for the affected houses. * s LATER the Big-Ten IFC-Pan- hellenic Association adopted this plan as its basic policy and set up a Big-Ten Counseling and Infor- mation Service under the direction of the Michigan IFC- Panhel or- ganizations. SL was not satisfied with this plan and in February discussed several proposals. Over strong opposition from some members, they decided to wipe out the time. limit section from their vetoed plan and recommend simply that fraternities be made to petition and actively urge re- moval of restrictive clauses be- fore their national conventions. This motion was passed by the SAC in March by a close 7-6 vote, but was vetoed by freshman Presi- dent Harlan H. Hatcher in May. SL has indicated that it would work on the discrimination prob- lem this fall through its own Hu- man Relations Committee in co- operation with the IFC-Panhel group. ANOTHER serious reversal that SL faced this spring was the Uni- versity administration veto of a legislature fund request. SL had asked for $5,000 from student fees for the coming school year to cov- er increased costs. The request was denied because of lack of available funds. A serious blow to SL, the fund veto has put a crimp in its plans for expanded service to the stu- dent body. One of the most controversial issues on campus this spring arose over the Lecture Committee cre- ated by the Board of Regents. The * * * I rules so that more responsibili- ty could be placed with the sponsoring organization. Under this plan, each approved campus group would be free to in- vite any speaker here without Committee approval, but would be required to inform the Committee of the proposed talk and submit a signed statement that the speak- er will not advocate violent over- throw of the government and that the meeting will be peaceful and orderly. However, if these assurances are violated, the sponsoring group would have a Joint Judi- ciary hearing and the Joint Ju- diciary Council would recom- mend disciplinary action to the University Subcommittee on Discipline. The Regents have not yet acted upon this proposal. Earlier in the semester, SL was allowed to appoint two students to sit informally on the Lecture Com- mittee. The representatives have speaking privileges but are not al-, lowed to vote on Committee deci- sions. When past SL President Len Wilcox retired this spring, he pointed out several serious prob- lems that face the Legislature in the coming year. There were three which he considered of prime im- portance: 1. Relationships with campus organizations -- SL has been working to have the many oth- er campus groups take advan- tage of their speaking privilege within SL, but the results have been unsatisfactory. 2. Problems faced with particu- lar organizations-SL is distinctly different in form from such or- ganizations as the Union or League, Wilcox has pointed out. However, he maintains that un- less SL is given adequate govern- ing powers, as the Union and League arehgranted facilities for operating their business, the Leg- islature can not be as successful as it might be. 3. Recognition by the Univer- sity-Under Wilcox'sleadership, SL has pressed for more ade- quate student representation on various University committees and has unsuccessfully requested increased funds. Wilcox also feels that University officials "have failed to attempt to un- derstand the student view and conditions on the student level." He believes that "Student gov- ernment must stand resolutely for what it believes to be right, wheth- er or not it will please the Univer- sity, for we know that the Uni- versity officials will always stand for what they believe to be right whether or not it pleases us." Student tickets for all Michigan home football games will be dis- tributed beginning Monday, Sept. 22, in Barbour Gymnasium, under the group seating plan instituted in 1949 by SL and the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Ath- letics. Tickets are handed out on the Fraternities Plan Program For .Rushing Fraternity-inclined men will find a full program of meetings, movies and open houses awaiting them when they arrive on campus in September. The official rushing period, with its luncheons, smokers and din- ners, will extend from Sept. 28 through Oct. 12. Rushing coun- cilors will be on hand to advise rushees from Sept. 17 until the end of the rushing period. Those planning to rush any of the 44 fraternities however, must register at the Office of Student Affairs, 1020 Administration Building, between Sept. 15 and Oct. 2, according to C. A. Mitts, Interfraternity Council co-rush- ing chairman. Unlike past years, there will be no rushing fee. A mass rushing meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 25 at the Michigan Union. basis of seniority. Seniors receive the best of the student allotment of seats, juniors the next best, and so on down to freshmen. * * * STUDENTS will pick up their tickets from Monday through Wed- nesday with freshmen collecting their's on Wednesday. Sophomores and juniors will receive their t ck- ets on Tuesday and senior on Monday. In order to receive tickets students must present a cash- ier's receipt at the student foot- ball ticket window in Barbour Gym. The cashier's receipt is coupon number six on the "railroad tick- et." (To the unitiated, that's the registration card with the many sections.) * * * THOSE WHO wish to sit to- gether at games may do so by pre- senting their receipts at the same time. Students in different classes sit together, but they will do so in the section where the one with the least semesters in residence sits. Seniors who wish to sit with freshmen forfeit their chances of sitting on the 50 yard line and must sit in the end zone. Returning students must brin a transcript to registration so that the number of semesters in resi- dence may be determined. Two sumner sessions counts as one re- gular semester under the plan. r K SL's HOME * * * Committee screens all speakers who appear on campus and may deny speaking privileges to a guest speaker. Each student organization sponsoringa speaker must sub- mit evidence that during a meeting or lecture "there shall be no violation of the recognized rules of hospitality nor advo- cacy of the subversion of the government of the United States nor of the state, and that such meetings and lectures shall be in spirit and expression worthy of the University." If the Committee feels that this criteria will not be met by a pro-i posed speaker, it may deny use of University property for his speech. * * * LAST SPRING several cases arose where the Committee banned a series of speakers. After great debate in which, some SL members asked for the abolishment of the Committee and others did not want to take any action, it was decided to ask the Regents to liberalize their -Daily-Jack Bergstrom UNION OPERA-Chorus 'girls' dance in last year's Union Opera production, "Never Too Late." Each year the Opera, in which all parts are taken by men, lightly and laughingly satirizes everything in Ann Arbor from the campus to the coeds. It is presented first for the campus audience, then on a vacation tour. Only once during the 40-odd years since its organization have the names of women been allowed on a Union Opera program-during World War I with the critical manpower shortage. Judiciary Handles Student Discipline A unique system by which stu- dents decide cases of other stu- -dents who are charged with viola- tion of University rules is embodied in the Joint Judiciary Council here at Michigan. The Joint Judiciary Council serves as the student disciplinary board at the University. Composed of four members of the Men's Judiciary Council and four from Women's Judiciary, plus a chairman it hears and decides all cases arising under the regu- lations of the University which are referred to it by the Offices of the Dean of Students and the Dean of Women. * * . which metes out final punishment. Appeals on Council recommenda- tions may be made to the Offices of the Dean of Students and the Dean of Women. Meeting separately, the Men's and Women's Councils handle cases which arise in their sep- arate jurisdictions. Women's Judie takes care of infractions of women's hours and other rules. (For a complete descrip- tion of the Women's Council see page 1 of the Women's Sec- tion.) Men's Judic is made up of seven male students,, who are appointed for a term of one year by the Stu- dent Legislature Cabinet. * * * LAST SPRING a new constitu- tion for the Joint Judiciary Coun- cil was formulated. It provided for a more representative and central- ized student judiciary system of five members. The new constitu- tion was drawn up after a year of experimentation under a Joint Judic system. COLLEGIATE CREW-CUTS You'll be pleased with one of our many styles. The Dascola Barbers Near the Michigan Theater : Jl~l:* 4r EI ki .tr SJSvvss5 "'c rs jo Q° e LS fr : s y.: 1~' '. fry THE mends Sub - JOINT Council recom- action to the University Committee on Discipline . " " "" ,c _t 1i . i There's a ationally-Known Independent Record Dealer in Ann Arbor! Years of musically intelligent service in an atmosphere of congenial informality, have resulted in an envied position among record dealers. A COMPREHENSIVE RECORD STOCK - ALL SPEEDS TABLE MODEL & CONSOLE RADIO-PHONOGRAPHS RECORD CABINETS AND OTHER ACCESSORIES TV SETS by RCA VICTOR BALDWIN PIANOS RECOMMENDED LISTENING Classical music enthusiasts will enjoy the fine pro- grams. Heard on WHRV (6:50 & 10) and WPAG-, FM (5:05 & 8) daily. May we invite you to visit us at either of our two convenient locations. z~k ,'W L " I'. j_ j r r t ""l w ,40 < <'. f \ w :. :% -, - .i fl 11A1 .3 . .o. " d . . . . t i K ., . 1 ? , ., 1 t l r . , 4. Your fashion-home on campus... featuring. the names you know in top-flight quality apparel for the well dressed college woman. AMERICA'S LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE ON-CAMPUS t -r }4 . {':". ii,; -A III NF _1 i