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September 17, 1952 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1952-09-17

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New Campus'
Now Under
Huron River Site
Of 'U' Expansion
Gigantic plans for a multi-mil-
lion dollar "overflow" campus in
the hills beyond the Huron River
will go into effect this year now
that the initial surveying and
ground-breaking has been com-
The double barrelled program of
expansion northeast of Ann Arbor
was outlined by University vice
president Wilbur K. Pierpont last
IT PROVIDES for immediate
construction of a "research cam-
pus" of four buildings and a long-
range development of. perhaps 20
or more buildings, including hous-
ing, dining and recreational fa-
Also in the project are a fine
arts center, including an out-
door amphitheatre and televi-
sion station, and a veritable
mecca of research facilities.
A 267 acre tract directly north
of the new Veteran's Administra-
tion Hospital has been purchased
over the past two years by the
University from eight major own-
ers at an average cost of about
$1,000 per acre.
THE FOUR buildings actually in
the blueprint stage are a $850,000
Cooley Memorial Laboratory, $1,-
000,000 Phoenix Memorial Labora-
tory, an $800,000 automotive lab-
oratory and a $500,000 library
stack unit, which will eventually
be expanded into a full library.
Funds for the first two are al-
ready available from private do-
nations. The University has al-
ready begun construction of the
Cooley Laboratory, which will
house the Engineering Research
The new Engineering Institute
building will be a memorial to
Dean Mortimer E. Cooley, who
headed the engineering college
from 1903 to 1928.
THE INSTITUTE functions as
a coordinator and liason body for
scientists from various depart-
ments, private firms and the gov-
It will be a boon to the har-
ried scientists who have trekked
from building to building during
the scattered Institute's 30-year
existence on the campus.
See HURON, Page 2

Whirl Holds
Tests, Meetings
Still Scheduled
Midway through the busy orien-
tation week program, freshmen
and transfer students still have a
long way to go.
The whirl of meetings, recrea-
tional programs and exams has
been designed to acquaint new
students with all phases of cam-
pus living.
* * *
THE ROUNDUP will continue
Wednesday, with the beginning of
registration and a series of meet-
ings. For those with .a good back-
ground in chemistry, optional
chemistry placement tests will be
given at 8 p.m. in the Natural
Science Auditorium.
College night programs for all
students will be held Wednesday
evening, with each college in the
University planning a program to
orient students with the college
and their fellow students.
Numerous campus organiza-
tions, including Student Legis-
lature, Inter-Fraternity Council,
Association of Independent Men,
the Union and The Daily, will
participate in an activities stag
party for all new men students
at 8 p.m. Thursday in the Union
Some of the University's ath-
letic standouts will be on hand and
pictures of a Michigan football
game will be shown.
Rushing registration for fresh-
man women interested in the fall
rushing program programs will be
held from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Thurs-
day in Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
tre. Upper class transfer women
can register from 7 to 9 p.m.
Thursday in the League Ballroom.
* * *
PROVIDING new women with
an idea of the entertainment
which League activities offer the
campus, two League Night pro-
grams have been scheduled for 7
and 9 p.m. Thursday in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. Excerpts
from shows of last year will be

Bigger Campus
Total Expected
Earlier Count May Be Surpassed
In Final Tabulations for Term
A sharp increase of about 500 students in the freshman popula-
tion is expected to push University enrollment for the fall term over
earlier predictions of 16,695.
Admissions officials, still too busy with the personal side of en-
rollment to compile statistics, felt that the jump in freshmen students
would keep the campus population about the same as last fall's total
of 17,226.
* * * *
ORIENTATION DIRECTOR Ivan Parker listed 2,533 students-
1411 freshmen men and 1122 freshmen women-enrolled in the first-
* * week program as of September 5.

-Daily-Alan Reid
THE LINEUP-This gallery or representative freshman types were getting the "true poop" from their group leader yesterday in front
of the General Library. Their faces tell the story. They are (1. to r., beginning with sweatered brushcut) "Eager," "Astonished," "Bored,"
"The Man From Missouri," "Repelled," "Resigned," and "Starry-eyed."

Garg Issue
Out Monday
Gloomy Monday approaches but
Gargoyle' ntends to compensate
for it.
A special Wendy Owen Memori-
al issue of the University humor
magazine will be sold by eager
hawkers throughout the campus
The first issue will be an an-
thology of the best that Garg has
offered in the last ten years, ac-
cording to Peg Nimz, editor of
the compilation.
Proceeds from the sales will go
to the Wen'dy Owen Blood Re-
search Fund to help in the bat-
tle against aplastic anemia which
took the life of Gargoyle staffer
Wendy Owen two years ago.
Anyone may acquire the Gar-
goyle, which will be bursting with
ten years of hilarity, for a quar-
ter or as much as the purchaser
wishes to pay. The goal has been
set at $1,000.

Campus. Presidential Poll Set

. s *

'U' Students Can Choose
Between 145 activities
The realm of activities offers a wealth of opportunity for in-
coming freshmen at Michigan.
Over 145 organizations, ranging from political clubs to nation-
ality groups provide students a chance to pursue outside interests
on campus during their leisure time.
FIRST SEMESTER freshmen once again are eligible to partici-
pate in extra-curricular activities. Students carrying less than 12 hours
or on academic discipline, however, are not allowed to work in activities.

"Time for a change"
Grid Ticket
Student football ticket distribu-
tion will take place from 8 a.m.
to 4:30 p.m. Monday through
Wednesday at Barbour Gymna-
The No. 6 coupon on the regis-
tration "railroad ticket," located
under the cashier's receipt, will be
punched, placing the student in a
group according to the number of
semesters he or she has attended
the University.
* * *
STUDENTS with three or more
years at the University will be in
group four; two and one year stu-
dents in group three and two re-
spectively and freshmen in group
Transcripts must be available
at registration to prove ticket sta-
tus, according to. Mike McNearny
'53, ticket committee chairman.
Groups can pick up tickets at
the following times: Group four,
Monday; groups two and three,
Tuesday; group one, Wednesday.
McNearny also announced that
the Athletic Department will dis-
tribute student programs again
this year, at student section gate

A campus presidential prefer-
ence poll will, highlight registra-
tion at Waterman Gymnasium this
Conducted by The Daily
throughout registration the poll
is a follow-up on one held last
February when Dwight D. Eisen-
hower won an overwhelming vic-
tory over a score of candidates.
* * * *
down to Eisenhower, Adlai Ste-
venson and a handful of -minor
candidates the race this time is
expected to be considerably clos-
Stevenson's statements early in
the year concerning his unwill-
ingness to be the Democratic
standard bearer resulted in.his re-
ceiving only 31 votes in the first
poll. Eisenhower, on the other
hand polled a whopping 51 per
cent of 'he 5,313 votes cast to beat
his nearest rival, Sen. Robert A.
Taft who netted 19 per cent of the
final count.
On the basis of their sweep
in February, 78.2 per cent of
the total vote went for the
Grand Old Party, the Republi-
cans are favored this week.
Stevenson forces expect to pick
up early Ike supporters who felt
the Illinois governor would not
win the Democratic nomination.
Eisenhower backers are relying on
stalwart Taft supporters to vote
for the General following the
Taft statement of last week en-
dorsing the General.
Daily pollsters will be on duty
throughout the week in the base-
ment of Waterman Gym to poll
students as they proceed to regis-
ter. Final results will be announced
in the first Daily of the semester
on Tuesday.
Cinema Guild Will
Show Free Movie
The Student Legislature Cinema
Guild will present a. free show,
"Unfaithfully Yours," at 8:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Sept. 17. in Hill Audi-
The Guild will open its regular
semester program withr"Drums
Along the Mohawk' 'starring Clau-
dette Colbert and Henry Fonda
along with "Pennies From Hea-
ven" starring Bing Crosby and
Louis Armstrong at 7 p.m. Satur-
day in Hill Auditorium.

"Change-to what?"

4 _ ''

Two Welcomes

M'U' Women
Lose Out As
Ratio Drops
Cold statistics are catching up
with the freshman woman, but
newcoming men, it seems, never
had it so good.
The men-women ratio in the
University freshmen class tradi-
tionally keeps women the under-
dogs by an over two-to-one figure,
consequently giving them the up-
per hand in campus social rela-
* * *
BUT FATE-and the draft--
have conspired this year to bring
the ratio the nearest to equilib-
rium it has ever been.
According to orientation offi-
cials, freshmen men number 1,411
with women close behind at 1,122.
Women have taken over two East
Quad houses and are still occupy-
ing a one-time men's dormitory,
Victor Vaughan house.
* S *
AND EVEN with this additional
planned housing for women, the
Dean of Women's Office reported
"more women than expected" and
temporary housing facilities are
being expanded to accommodate
No one would comment just
yet on the psychological impli-
cations of the diminishing ratio,
but campus town was fast be-
coming a man's world as wo-
men's choice in the matter of
picking a date dwindled.
Admission officials encouraging-
ly noted, however, that the men-
women ratio in the freshmen class
is usually lower than among up-
perclassmXn. .
Art Loan Exhibit
Open at Rackhamn
Art Loan prints will be on ex-
hibit from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. for a
week beginning Wednesday, Sep-
tember 17, in the mezzanine gal-
leries of the Rackham Bldg.
Students may rent the prints
from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday
through Wednesday by presenting
their ID cards and the fifty cent
Seven hundred and fifty prints
are now available in the collec-
tion, including samples of most
of the masters, bothold and mod-I

To All New Students:
A cordial welcome to the
University, where most of you
will spend the next four years.
If those years are to be some of
the'most eventful and valuable
of your life, they should provide
at least three things--the tools
for earning your living; life-
long friends; and ideas that will
form the basis of action in
your life.
The first of these objectives
is comparatively easily at-
tained. The second depends
largely upon you. The saying,
"If you want a friend, be one,"
is a social axiom. The third ob-
jective is the very reason of a
university's existence - the
study of principles, philoso-
phies, ideas, and ideals that
have survived and that point
the way to the good life.
May you realize these objec-
tives in full measure.
E. A. Walter
Dean of Students

Welcome to the student com-
munity of the University of
Michigan! As a student, you will
find that you are an integral
part of the total educational
community, encompassing the
faculty and administration as
well as the student body. The
University of Michigan is re-
nowned for its distinguished
faculty, extensive facilities, and
enlightened educational philos-
ophy-all designed to promote
the intellectual development of
its students.
An equally important goal of
the University is to prepare the
student for intelligent, aware
citizenship. To fulfill this
function, the University en-
courages students to partici-
pate in a myriad of student ac-
These opportunities are
yours; the success of your col-
lege career depends on your
taking advantage of them!
Howard P. Willens
Student Legislature

Total freshman enrollment in the
fall of 1951 was about 2,000.
Plagued with the usual tem-
porary housing crisis, housing
officials for both men's and
women's residences noted a big-
ger than usual crowd of fresh-
man and transfer students.
Even with two houses in East
Quad housing women students, the
Dean of Women's Office, reported
130 freshmen in temporary ac-
commodations. The Office of Stu-
dent Affairs has about 160 men in
temporary living headquarters.
ADMISSIONS director Clyde
Vroman noted that the variables
in, predicting enrollment were
greater this year than they have
been in the past. There is, how-
ever, a general understanding col-
leges throughout the country will
either increase or hold their own,
he said.
Such factors as family pres-
sure and the socially recognized
importance of a college educa-
tion pull students Into college,
while armed services and the
advantages of industry work the
other way to decrease enroll-
ment, he explained.
Korean veterans, eligible for
University education under the
new billion dollar GI Bill passed
last month, are beginning to en-
roll, but in very small numbers,
Vroman indicated. Veteran en-
rollment is expected to pick up
University Controller Gilbert L.
Lee said that the University is
budgeted for 16,000 students, the
same as in the fall of 1951. Facul-
ty membership is not expected to
vary much from last year's total.
Service Aids
All Students
The University's well-integrated
"referral" counseling system op-
erates as a service to University
students faced with emotional, vo-
cational and academic headaches.
Attempting to simplify the
huge University system, the
counseling service is divided into
two general categories; one con-
cerned with all students enter-
ing the University; the other
comprising more specialized ser-
vices to students with specific
The "referral" system molds the
individual counseling service into
a network whereby each counsel-
ing agency can consult the re-
sources of the other.
THE FIRST counselors the en-
tering student encounters are the
residence hall advisers.
In the men's dormitories, a
system known as the Michigan
House Plan has been in effect
for the last decade. Heading the
plan are three resident direc-
tors, one for each Quadrangle.,
The Quads are divided into
houses, each house having a resi-
dent adviser, an asociate adviser

Special permission for part-
time and special students and
those on discipline may be
granted in extraordinary cases
by the Dean of Students and the
Dean of Women.
Students are directly responsible
for observance of the eligibility
rules but in case of doubt con-
cerning status, they should inquire
at the Office of Student Affairs
CAMPUS politicos already are
oiling up their machines in an-
ticipation of the November elec-
tion. The Young Republicans and
the Young Democrats work in
bringing national, state and local
political figures to campus
The Young Progressives, Lea-
gue of Women Voters, Civil Lib-
erties Committee, International

Army, School
Can Be Met
'Three ways are open 'for the
physically fit freshman to face his
armed service obligation and go to
college too:
1. He can seek deferment from
his draft board.
2. He can join the Organized
Reserve Corps or the National
3. He can join the ROTC.
IF A STUTDNT akes the first

SL Acts on Campus Issues

Oper House

From the Lecture Committee to
a Thanksgiving weekend holiday,
controversial campus issues are
thrashed out and acted upon by

nights and Sundays. They also
won approval of a plan to have a
Thanksgiving holiday included
in the University calendar.

of 7,100 voted. During the spring
election, seven separate contests
were handled by SL election work-

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