TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 1952 __________________________________ I _______________________________________________________________________ i _____________________________________________________ I DORIS FLEESON: Campaign Planning WASHINGTON-Back at his White House desk Wednesday morning, President Truman looked over a Thursday schedule which includes his first post-convention press conference and realized he was sure to be asked a lot of questions about his role in the coming campaign. Since he doesn't know the answers either, he decided the best thing to do was to arrange a conference with the man who does. His next step was to'pick up the telephone and call Springfield, Ill. The White House luncheon next Tuesday at which the Democratic nominee will meet with Mr. Truman, his cabinet and staff was quickly arranged. It will be an interesting test both of the President and the candidate he hopes will succeed him. Much water has run under the bridge since the winter week end when Mr. Tru- man designedly put the White House sound- ing board at the disposal of a Stevenson- foi-president boom. The Stevenson publi- city rolled out on schedule but it included the indispensable fact that Governor Ste- venson was reluctant to accept the crown from the incumbent president, preferring instead to be Governor of Illinois for four more years and then seek the presidency. The convention story further emphasized the Stevenson determination to be inde- pendent. So does his recent selection of a personal campaign manager, Wilson Wyatt, and his decision to replace Frank McKinney as National Chairman. So far the President has done the co- operating. At Chicago he took a hand with the delegations only after the in- conclusive first two ballots and helped roll up a Stevenson total on the third. In the conferences about a vice president he was agreeable, even deferential. Then he left for Kansas City where for 10 days he was almost out of touch with the nominee. This now is his frame of mind as described by close associates : The President is eger to put himself, his associates and the resources of the White House at the disposal of the ticket. He be- lieves that Governor Stevenson would make an excellent presidentt and he wants him to win, both as a friend and as a Democrat. Although he has jested in the past that he was getting ready for another whistle- stop campaign, the President is not now sure this is the most effective way of help- ing win the election. He realizes that such a campaign might tend to overshadow Ste- venson, might set a campaign pattern dif- ferent from one better suited to the Ste- venson talents. He is willing to work along other lines if that is what Stevenson wants. The President also has some experienced counsel in mind about finances to give the nominee. It was one of his greatest prob- lems; In solving it he. put himself under obligation to some who did not later add luster to his record. (Copyright, 1952, by the Bell Syndicate) WASHINGTON-Vice-Presidential Candi- date John Sparkman, together with Sen. Tom Hennings and various others, has been urging the White House to make public the confidential report on world control of the oil industry which has been bottled up ever since the Federal Trade Commission wrote this dynamite-laden document. Their contention is that the public is entitled to know the way in which certain big oil companies have worked out cartel agreements to keep the price of oil high and have divided up the world's oil sup- ply between themselves. This column has now had access to the Federal Trade Commission report. While the facts contained therein are voluminous, the commission comes to the following import- antt conclusions: "Outside the United States, control over the petroleum industry is divided, for all practical purposes, between state monopolies and seven large international petroleum companies, five of which are American. and two British-Dutch . . . "These seven companies are: Standard Oil of N.J., Standard Oil of Calif., Socony- Vacuum, Gulf Oil, Texas Company (all American); Anglo-Iranian Oil Co., Royal Dutch-Shell (British and British-Dutch.) "In 1949, the seven companies accounted for more than one-half of the world's crude production (excluding Russia and the sat- ellite countries), about 99 per cent of the output in the Middle East, over 96 per cent of the production in the Eastern hemisphere, and almost 45 per cent in the Western hemisphere." * * * HIGH PRICES TO UNCLE SAM THE FTC REPORT then proceeds to tell how the control of tankers and pipelines in the hands of these seven companies thus permitted them to stifle the competition of other companies. But the most interesting part of the oil report deals with the way American, British and Dutch companies secretly conspired to hold back oil production in some countries when they wanted to keep prices down, and how they jacked up prices to the United States Government during the war and tried to do it again after the war. One way competition is stifled, the secret report states, is through interlocking direc- torates. "A considerable part of the directors of the seven companies," states the FTC re- port, "hold multiple directorships in subsi- diary companies. For example, the directors of the Standard Oil of N.J. and Socony-. Vacuum, who determine the policies of the Arabian-American Oil Company (Saudi Arabia) are the same men who help to shape the behavior of the Iraq Petroleum Com- pany. The directors of the Anglo-Iranian Company, who assist in making high oil policy for Iraq and Iran, participate along with the directors of Gulf, in planning the price and production policies in Kuwait." It should be noted that during the Lon- don debates over the Iranian oil dispute, members of Parliament and British news- papers were worried over reports that American oil companies might step in and take over the Anglo-Iranian Oil Com- pany's operation in Iran. Nothing should have worried them less. For the trade commission's report makes it all too clear that American oil companies have been working hand-in-glove with the British. They held back production in one country when they wanted to, and fixed prices in this or that country when they wanted to. British companies had nothing to fear from American competition, or vice versa. * * * SHALLOW WELLS IN SOME CASES, the Trade Commission charges, companies drilled shallow wells in order not to strike oil, thus keep produc- tion down. Referring to attempts to hold back oil production in Iraq, the Federal Trade Com- mission states: "Among the tactics used to retard the production of Iraq oil were the requests for an extension of time in which to make the selection plots for Iraq petroleum com- pany's exploitation, the delays in con- structing a pipeline, the practice of pre- empting concessions for the sole purpose of preventing them falling into other hands, and the drilling of shallow holes without any intention of finding oil." Originally, these restrictive agreements applied chiefly to Iraq and were between the British-Dutch and French in coopera- tion with Standard of New Jersey and So- cony-Vacuum. However, the Texas company and Standard of California later got into the rich Arabian field, at which time Stan- dard of New Jersey and Socony-Vacuum horned in. They did it by letting Texas and Standard of California in on some of their own monopoly petroleum gravy in the Near East. The Federal Trade Commission, using! more refined language, explains it this way: "At this point (1947) ARAMCO (Texas and Standard of Calif.) proposed to build a pipelin to the Mediterranean. "This proposal caused 'treat concern to the established International companies, which immediately endeavored to open up additional markets to ARAMCO, but in such a manner as not to disturb world markets. This involved several coordinated steps. First, the Texas company sold its European marketing facilities to Caltex, thus making its markets west of Suez available to ARAM- CO. Second, Standard'- of California and Texas permitted Standard Oil Company (N.J.) and Socony-Vacuum Oil Company, together, to purchase a 40-per cent interest in both ARAMCO and Trans-Arabian pipe line company. And third, Jersey Standard and Socony-Vacuum entered into contracts to puy oil from ARAMCO. "Thus, while new markets were opened up to ARAMCO, the recognized market- ing positions of the International Oil Companies were preserved. The principal change was a shift in their sources of supply on the part of three of the four American companies which now own ARAMCO in order to make room for ARAMCO's production-production which they are now in a position to control." This is just part of the secret story of the intricate, far-flung attempt by five Ameri- can oil companies with two British-Dutch companies to corner the oil prodution and oil distribution of the rest of the world. (Copyright, 1952, by the Bell syndicate) CINEMA] Architecture Auditorium THE LADY VANISHES with Margaret Lockwood, Michael Redgrave and Dame May Whitty. PRODUCT OF Alfred Hitchcock's fruit- ful middle period, this oft-revived film still carries an impact that many of its pres- ent-day counterparts lack. Most of the ac- tion takes place on an express train careen- ing across Europe. The plot, involving the abduction of an elderly female British agent, is pleasantly preposterous, but no one seems to mind. The cloak and dagger atmosphere is properly menacing and, combined with what has now become standard Hitchcock suspense tricks, it rattles one's vertebrae like a stick on a picket fence. Ingenious cut- ting, clever use of sound effects (e.g., the in- cessant screech of the European train whis- tle) plus good performances from all hands add up to an above average thriller. Surprising enough, the short subjects that made up the other half of the bill are uni- formly first rate. A Canadian short in color utilizes authentic Indian masks to charact- erize an old legend. Though somewhat ama- °.Nope - Haven'-t Seen Any Flying Saucers Yet" DAILY O~iCIAL ULLETI ~A ettet4 TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. MATTER OF'AFACT By JOSEPHad STEWART ALSOP WASHINGTON - A report of a hitherto unpublished interview with Russian dic- tator Joseph Stalin s receiving powerful and puzzling attention in Washington and other Western capitals. The interview was granted by Stalin to Pietro Nenni, the Italian So- cialist leader, who has just returned from a months stay in the Sovie Union. Nenni, who wen to Russia to receieve A Soviet "peace prize," is universally re- garded as a captive of the Italian Com- munist party, and thus of the Kremlin. On his return to Rome, he made no public re- port of his conversation with Stalin, con- fining himself instead to the expected pro- Soviet propaganda. But immediately aft- er he talked to Stalin, he went to the Ital- ian Embassy in Moscow and described to Italian Ambassador, Mario di Stefano, the substance of what Stalin said. Nenni's report is accepted as accurate as far as it goes. Stali nstarted the conversation by saying the expected things about the Soviet "will to peace." This formality over, he questioned Nenni at length, displaying a surprising. grasp of the details of Italian politics, about the crucial Italian election next spring. Stalin then began to talk about Germany, and it is this portion of the interview which is considered particularly interesting. Stalin noted that the Bonn agreement had been approved by the United States Senate. He predicted as "bery probable" the elec- tion as President of Gen. Eisenhower. He re- marked that, for these reasons, he considered any further diplomatic exchanges on the subject of Germany with the Western bloc was no more than a "propagandistic and marginal expedient"-in other words with- out real meaning. And, he said, he had fur- ther considered that it had become impos- sible to prevent the division of Germany into two parts on a permanent basis. a « THEREFORE, Stalin told Nenni, it was necessary to substitute another formula c logical counter-weights to each other." In this situation, the "independence ana secur- ity" of Eastern Germany must be 'rein- forced." Stalin then reverted to the theme of the Soviet Union's "will to peace," and on this note the interview ended, without refer- ence to Korea or other problems. Nanni reported that Stalin seemed in excellent health and spirits, and "calm and confi- dent" throughout the interview. Stalin's attitude, Nenni implied, was that of a man who certainly has no intention of making war, but who is in no hurry either to make unnecessary concessions to the Western bloc. Having thus described the interview, Nen- ni then asked Ambassador di Stefano cer- tain significant questions about di Stefano's American opposite member, Ambassador to Russia George Kennan. How, he asked, was Kennan regarded in Western diplomatic cir- cles? Was Kennan sincere? Did he speak for his government when he referred, in conversations with Soviet officials, to the possibility of easing tension and eventually negotiating a peaceful settlement of the dif- ferences between East and West? Di Stefano replied firmly that Kennan was wholly sin- cere, and that the Soviets were making a most serious mistake in isolating him and paralyzing his efforts. S0 ENDS the Nenni story. As to what, if anything, it means, one man's guess is about as good as another's. And certain points do stand out. Nenni almost certainly reported the Stalin interview to his ambas- sador with the full knowledge and consent of the Kremlin. Equally certainly he also asked the questions about Kennan with the Kremlin's encouragement. Thus it is obviously dangerout to inter- pret the episode on its face value. Yet it is at least true that Stalin's statements on Germany seem to support the views of the more optimistic of two schools of The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510 Administration Building before 3 p.m. the day preceding publication (11 a.m. on Saturday). Notices Regents' Meeting: Friday, September 26.Communications for consideration at this meeting must be in the Presi- dent's hands not later than Septem- ber 18. Recommendations for Departmental Honors: Teaching departments wishing to recommend tentative August gradu- ates from the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and the School of Education for departmental honors should recommend such students in a letter to be sent to the Registrar's Of- fice, Room 1513 Administration Building before August 21. Edward . Groesbeck Assistant Registrar Attention August Graduates: College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, School of Education, School of Music, School of Public Health: Students are advised not to request grades of I or X in August. When such grades are absolutely imperative, the work must be made up In time to allow your instructor to report the make-up grade not later than 11 a.m.. August 21. Grades received after that time may defer the student's graduation until a later date. Edward G. Groesbeck Assistant Registrar All Applicants for the Doctorate who are planning to take the August pre- liminary examinations in education, to be held from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 N, Au- gust 18, 19, and 20, 1952, will please no- tify the chairman of the committee on graduate studies in education, room 4019 University High School, immedi- ately. Harlan C. Koch, Chairman Committee on Graduate Studies, School of Education Teaching Opportunities: The super- intendent of schools, White Salmon, Washington, announces the following positions open: English and library; English and girls physcial education; and industrial arts and assistant coach. The director of Personnel, San Diego, California, announces the following positions open: woodshop and mechan- ical drawing; and radio-electricity. The supervisor of industrial arts, Up- per Marlboro, Maryland, announces the following position open: auto mechan- ics; and elementary printing-mechani- cal drawing. The Department of the Army in Ger- many needs a Russian language in- structor to serve in a civilian capacity. Salary $5940, plus free housing for em'- ployee and dependents. The Michigan Civi Service Commis- sion announces examinations for sev- eral positions as music director in state institutions. For further information call at 3528 Administration Building or telephone University extension 2614. Closing hour for undergraduate wo- men who attended the Stanley Quar- tet concert on Tuesday, Aug. 5, will be no later than 11 p.m. Closing hour for undergraduate wo- men who attended "Merry Wives of Windsor" on Thurs., Aug. 7, will be no later than 11 p.m. School of Business Administration. Faculty meeting, Monday, August 11. 3:00 p.m. Room 268. Lectures Symposium on Heat Transfer. "Theo- retical Considerations in Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow of a Rarified Gas." S. A. Schaaf, University of California. 3:00 p.m., 311 West Engineering Building. Academic Notices The Inter-University Seminar on So- ial Integration will hold a round table discussion regarding its activities in the East Conference Room of the Rack- ham Building on Tuesday the 12th of August, at 8:00 p.m. Graduate students in Sociology and staff members of the Sociology Department are invited to at- tend. Doctoral Examination for Orville Chemistry Bldg., at 3:00 p.m. Chairman,1 F. E. Bartell. Doctoral Examination for George Felt I Osmun, Classical Studies: Greek and Latin; thesis: "Dialogue Technique in Menander," Wednesday, August 13, 2020 Angell Hall, at 10:00 a.m., Chairman,t W. E. Blake.7 Doctoral Examination for Robert May- er Kloepper, Physics; thesis: "Angular and Direction-Polarization Correlation for Successive Gamma-Gamma and Beta-Gamma Transitions," Wednesday, August 13, 2038 Randall Lab., at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, M. L. Wiedenbeck. Doctoral Examination for Harold Orel,j English; thesis: "The Russian Novel in Victorian England: 1831-1917,'" Wed- nesday, August 13, East Council Room, Rackham Building, at 2:00 p.m. Chair- man, K. Litzenberg. Concerts Student Recital: Grace Miller, pianist,1 will be heard at 8:30 Monday evening, August i1,nin the Rackham Assembly Hall, presenting a program in lieu of a thesis for the degree of Master of Mu- sic in Music Education. It will include works by Bach, Beethoven, Brahm, Chanler and Bartok, and will be open to the public. Mrs. Miller is studying with Benning Dexter. Student Recital: David Helm, student of piano with Helen Titus, will pre- sent a program in lieu of a thesis in partial fulfillment of the Master of; Music degree requirements at 4:15 Tues- day afternoon, August 12, in the Rack- ham Assembly Hall. It will include compositions by Haydn, Beethoven, Hin- demith and Chopin. Thepublic is in- vited, Student Recital: James Vandersa, violinist, will present a program in par- tial fulfillment of the requirements1 for the Master of Music degree, at 8:30, Tuesday evening, August 12, in the. Rackham Assembly Hall. He will play ::ompositions by Tartini, Sibelius, and' Saint-Saens. Mr. Vandersall studies with Gilbert Ross. Student Recital: Roland Samber,sp- anist, will be heard at 4:15 Wednesday afternoon, August 13, in the Rackham Assembly Hall, playing a prgram in partial fulfillment of the requirementsi for the Master of Music degree. It will include works by Bach, Beethoven. Cho- pin, Granados, Ravel, and Copland, and will be open to the public. Mr. Samber is a pupil of Benning Dexter. Student Recital: Carol Tannenbaum, pianist, will be heard at 8:30 Wednesday evening, August 13, in the Rackham Lecture Hall, playing a program in par- tial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Music degree. It will in- clude compositions by Scarlatti Bach, Strawinsky and Debussy, and will be open to the public. Miss Tannenbaum is a pupil of Ava Comin Case. Carillon Recital by Sidney Giles, As- sistant University Carilloneur, 7:15, Thursday evening, August 14. The pro- gram will open with Franssen's Gon- doliera, for Carillon, followed by selec- tions from Verdi's II Trovatore, Delibes' Sylvia, and Saint-Saens' Samson and Delilah. It will continue with Suite for Carillon by Nees, and close with three popular tunes, I Dream of Jeannie, My Wild Irish Rose, and All Through the Night. Student Recital Cancelled: The organ recital by Elizabeth Thomas, previous- ly announced for Thursday evening, August 14, in-Hill Auditorium, has been cancelled. Exhibitions Museum of Art, Selections from the Permanent Collection. General Library. Dictionaries. Museum of Archaeology.rAncient Egypt and Rome of the Empire. Museums Building. Rotunda exhibit. Some museum techniques. Michigan Historical Collections, 160 Rackham Building. The changing Cam- pus. Clements Library. American books which have influenced the modern mind (through September It. Architecture Building. Student work. Events Today opera, presented by the School of Music and the Department of speech. The Mrry Wives of Windsor. by Otto Potter . To the Editor: CONGRESSMAN Charles E. Pot- ter, running for senator from the Republican Party, native of Cheboygan, Michigan, is making capital from the speech made by a Detroit youngster in Finland. A speech which proclaims the friend- ship and fraternity of the people at the Olympics, without the judgment and approval of the war mongers in the United States who are responsible for the war. The congressman is very angry and as a member in the Un-Ameri- can Committee, demanded an in- vestigation of the issuance of the passport to "red sympathizers...." According to the informations the youth wanted to visit the Olympic games and visit relatives in Eu- rope. Is it any wonder why the young man from Detroit visited Finland? Is it any wonder why he made such a friendly speech in that country? The honorable congressman from the Republican party wants to make capitol of this speech be- cause elections are - coming you know. But this is only a partical from the "Republican Democra- cy" and from the Un-American Committee which is trying to su- press free speech not only in the U.S.A. but also in Finland. Is it any wonder why we lost our friends all over the world, in Europe, in Asia, and in Africa? "I am getting tired of Amer-. icans appearing at Communist rallies all over the world claiming to speak for the Ameri- can people," Potter said. Who does the honorable congressman think. he is? Does he think that the people should think what he wants them to. Perhaps he does not be- lieve in that kind of free speech. He probably believes in Republican free speech-reactionary ones. As a student I congratulate the student. tiom Detroit and recom- mend the voters to vote straight Democrat next election and re- pudiate the Republican reacion- ary, un-A.mT'ican foreign and do- mestic policies. -George MiJer * * * Prosecutors, To The Editor: IN AN EDITORIAL appearing in the August 3 Daily, Mr. Bill Wiegand has seen fit to intimate that there have been instances of maladministration in the local prosecuting attorney's office. To support his thesis he cites the dis- position of the following cases as erroneous: 1. Stacy was found sane within dant, whose mental balance was doubtful, was convicted on flimsy evidence of an 'arson' which had once been termed an accident by fire department personnel." His attorney is said to have abandoned the case only because Stacy in- sisted on it. 2. In the Mielczynski case con- viction was "obtained at the ex- pense of a deal made with another offender, the ringleader, who turn- ed state's evidence." When a read- er called attention to inaccuracies contained in this statement, an editorial note indicated In justi- fication that the confederate re- ceived probation. a 3. Trial of a forgery case is said to have involved a consistent mis- pronunciation of the name of a Jewish character witness. 4. The Whipple rape case is said to have been "a virtual circus" be- cause "the prosecution's case was so far-fetched." 5 Clyde Fleming, a former coun- ty treasurer convicted of embez- zlement, served less than twenty months at Jackson. 6. In contrast, David Royal re- ceived twenty-two years to life for "riding in the same car with Bill Morey when the latter decided to kill a nurse." To set the record straight, the following are the facts of the cases used by Mr. Wiegand, as they ap- pear in court and other official records of Washtenaw County: 1. Stasy was found sane within the standards of the criminal law. He admitted having set the Haven Hall fire; he denied only that he had committed "arson," the legal definition of which by Michigan statute includes the wilful setting fire to a public building. Twelve jurymen found the evidence of Stacy's guilt convincing beyond a reasonable doubt; Stacy's defense ceased only when the Michigan Supreme Court surveyed the trial court record and denied leave to appeal for want of substantial legal grounds. 2. Kluth, the confederate of Mielczynski, confessed fully to his participation in the breaking and entry charged and pleaded guilty. A Washtenaw County jury con- victed Mielczynski after a trial in which he was defended by counsel andi toir the stand in his nwn h- sentence can be explained partly because Kluth saved the state the expense of a trial, because his re- morseful attitude indicated that he was capable of being rehabili- tated and because he was a first offender, whereas Mielczynski had been convicted previously of lar- ceny in Detroit. 3. The particular forgery case is not identified. A check of court records indicates no case involving a student accused of forgery or writing bad checks where a con- viction was had other than after a jury trial at which defendant was represented by counsel. None were appealed on an allegation of prejudice because of racial or re- ligious issues interjected by the prosecution at the trial. 4. In the Whipple case defen- dant admitted intercourse, and color photographs in court records indicate that the prosecutrix had received serious bruises on the face. The preliminary examina- tion of defendant in Municipal Court indicated that the People had a prima facie case, and it was only after the proseutrix's reputation had been attackedby the defense that the jury after considerable deliberation freed the defendant. A judicial determina- tion in municipal court and at the close of the state's case in circuit court that the People have proved a prima facie case in itself indi- cates that the bringing of a prose- cution was justified. 5. Sentence is the' function of the court and not of the prosecu- tion. Fleming was sentencedto 31/2 to 14 years in Jackson prison. Time of for good behavior is pro- vided for by law, and probation prior to expiration of the maxi- mum term of sentence is purely a matter of prison administration based on how good a rehabilitative risk the prisoner represents. Lar- ceny is also considered less serious than homicide, 6. The trial of the Morey case indicated that David Royal helped carry the body of the murdered nurse to the car and shared in the enjoyment of oney taken from her purse. Evidence showed that Morey and Pell had in Roy al's presence related an earlier attack on another nurse, from which the jury apparently inferred that Royal knew what Morey's purpose was on the night of the murder, and joined in the enter- prise. Mr. Wiegand is entitled to his own opinion as to the qulifica tions of law enforcement officials, but a statement of opinion should be based on accurate facts. -B. J. George, Jr. '51L EDITOR'S NOTE: Mr. Wiegand's opinions were based on a major pre- mise quite opposite to that of Mr. George, namely that everything in the Prosecutor's office is not as just and objective as it's legal regalia would make it appear. Taking into account Mr.- George's specific objec- tions we must note that: 1) Stacy repudiated his confes- sion, and the prosecution was able to offer very little corroborative evi- dence that definitely identified Stacy as the arsonist. 2) In the Mielezynski case, the e- planation for the disparity in the sentences must be yielded to Mr. George for lack of proof to the con- trary. 3) The forgery case, which was attended by Mr. Wiegand, was the Jacobson case. One reason why there was no appeal might well be that the sentence was suspended. 4) The spirit under which a trial is conducted should be taken into account in determining the fitness of a prosecutor. In Mr. wiegand's opinion (he also sat in on this trial) the case was conducted in a duricrous manner. 5) While the sentencing of Fleming was proper for the crime of which he was committed, one of the counts against him was dropped by the pros- ecutor shortly before the trial. A conviction on this second count might have sent him away for a longer spell than 22 months. 6) As for the testimony that Royal had heard of an earlier Pell-Morey attack on a nurse, there is consid- erable evidence that perjury was coml- mitted at the trial on this very fact by the state's witness Dan Baughey, a person of- dubious character who we have not heard about since he vacationed in Florida where he was visited by prosecutor Reading. Sixty-Second Yea Edited and managed by students Cd the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications EDITORIAL STAFF Leonard Greenbaum .Managing Editor Ivan Kaye and Bob Margolin " ........Co-Sports Editors Nan Reganall.......... .Women's Editor Joyce Fickies..............Night Editor Harry Lunn ..............Night Editor Marge Shepherd..........Night Editor Virginia Voss ............Night Editor Mike Wolff . ............Night Editor BUSINESS STAFF Tom Treeger......... Business Manager 0. A Mitts........Advertising Manager Jim Miller ......... Finance Manager Jim Tetreault.....Circulation Manages , + y4 t. 'C f. I