M FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRDAY, AUGUST 8, 1952 HOLLAND'S HIGHER EDUCATION: Ancient Dutch Universities Visited * . s * * " * * ,~ By BARNES CONNABLE special To The Daily UTRECHT, Netherlands-Here where they signed the treaty end- ing the War of the Spanish Suc- cession, we had a brief look at higher education, Dutch-style. The University of Utrecht, and the University of Leiden further west, are the Oxford and Cam- bridge, the Michigan and Harvard, of the Netherlands. * * * BOTH THE town and the Uni- versity at Utrecht spell antiquity, a medieval charm unblemished by modern architecture. There are the huge cathedrals which men spent their lives put- ting together, and, as harden- ed as you may be to ancient buildings, you can't help feeling a sense of history as you gaze at the statues defaced during the reformation.. The best view of the city you have to -struggle for. It's a long, hard climb up the stone steps of an endless circular stairway in one of Utrecht's old towers. But you don't regret it when you get to the top. FROM THE summit you have a diffieult time locating the Univer- sity. It's scattered all over town. So we descended and stopped in at the administration build- ing, which is a bit more on the artistic side than Michigan's pink monstrosity, to chat with the people who run the place. The Regents are the "curators," but they seem to take a larger hand in affairs than at American universities. Their top appointee is the secretary who handles any- thing that has anything to do with money, which covers a good deal of territory. The Faculty Senate has con- siderable power in lower admin- istrative affairs. It meets in a venerable conference room wall- ed by portraits of, prominent Utrecht teachers through the centuries. Every year a new dean, or rec- tor, is named to take. charge of the programs. The honor is ro- tated among the faculty and they tell us the system works out-at least at Utrecht. * * * SCHOOLS ARE called "facul- State Deer Hunting May Be Expanded GRAYLING, Mich(.-UP)-Mich- igan's first general shooting of bucks, does and fawns in 30 years appeared in the offing last night. After informal discussions at Higgins Lake training school, a majority of the conservation com- mission members said they would vote in today's formal session to open the last three days of the deer season to the shooting of any deer in the northern lower penin- sula. THIS PROPOSAL, made by commissioner Donald B. McLouth of Detroit, was more drastic than the recommendation of game chief Harry D. Ruhl and Ilo H. Bart- lett, department game specialist. They proposed that liberalized deer regulations be presented to the public more slowly by per- mitting only a controlled num- ber of hunters to shoot any deer in a special season to run seven days after the regular season in special areas. Some 90 representatives of sportsmen and tourist and con- servation interests attended the meeting. None opposed liberalized deer hunting and many urged the commission to "do what should be done now." Political Slang OriginsTold (Continued from Page 1) Cass with the later name. Another tag applied to Cass was "doughface." It referred to vacil- lation(on his part to take any stand on the slavery issue and goes back to folk lore in its ori- gins. Originally a "doughface" Was a false face made of dough that was used to play pranks as Halloween masks are. "MUGWUMP" was the label ap- plied to reform Republicans who bolted the Blane ticket in 1884. An old Indian title meaning "big man," it was incorporated into secret societies as the name for leaders. Originally a religious term, "platform" has grown to mean a party's declaration of principles. Since many early abolitionists were preachers, they brought the term into party politics with them. Current political phrases such as "bandwagon" ae not so old in usage the liguist revealed. Al- lusion was first made to a band- wagonin the 1884 Blaienomina- tion fight, although the phrase "hopping on the band wagon" be- came popular around 1902 when GOP leaders were hastening to align themselves with Teddy Roosevelt. 9 :1 -Daly-Matty Kessler DOLPH FUNERAL HOME, SLATED TO BECOME 'U' TV CENTER * * * * * * * l oS 'U Laes Funeral Home as TStudio 1! . I *1 f a HOLLAND FAVORS BICYCLING AS A MODE OF TI ties" and they generally follow the classical categories of philosophy, theology, science and so on. But Utrecht, which was founded in 1836, isn't completely rooted to the past. Animal husbandry is a big field in this dairy land. Medi- cine and dentistry also receive prominent attention in college. The Utrecht medical school has 2400 enrollees, a good portion of them disappointed American ap- plicants who found it tough going in the states. * * * AT LEIDEN, arch-rival of Utrecht which claims superiority' 'U' Geologist Says Permanent Climate Change Unpredictable A University geologist yesterday said a report of the possibility of an "appreciable permanent change in the world's climate during the next 25 orr50 years" was based on unpredictable trends. The report in question was made by C.E.P. Brooks, a British meteorologist, who spoke before a meeting of U.S. Weather Bureau experts in Washington. He point- 75 Educ'ators. Meeting Here In Workshop Seventy-five educators are cur- rently participating in a two week workshop in human relations of- fered by the School of Education in cooperation with the National Conference of Christians and Jews. Assisted by a 12-man research and planning staff, the school ad- ministrators, teachers and other participants are here for a twvo- week period. The conference be- gan Monday. * * * THE WORKSHOP is concentra- ted on intensive work in human relations, in planning instruction- al developments in this field and in learning how to meet the prob- lems of intergroup tension and ,onflict as these arise in school and community. During the morning, the group meets in general session where a speaker outlines a par- ticular problem and then throws the topic open to discussion. In the afternoon they meet in one of seven special groups concern- ed with specific questions. These include such topics as community education and action programs for better intergroup re- lations, meeting problems of in- terreligious tension in school and community, intergroup relations and the world community and what the community expects of the school in intergroup relations. Special field trips are also on the agenda. On Wednesday the groun made a trip through De- ed out that the world's glaciers have been retreating during the past 100 years and are now at their furthest stage of retreat since 1650. If this trend continued, Brooks said, the world will warm up to such an extent that it will have important economic and political effects. PROF. John V. Kesling of the geology department, said that "there is absolutely no way" to predict any trend of this kind. Scientists cannot predict even within a decade when a climatic cycle will reach its climax, he said. "What Brooks, who has stu- died climatic conditions for many years, has evidently been trying to do is project present trends to tell what might hap- pen." He said that the glaciers are receding as a result of increased solar radiation. This is shown by the fact that new mastodon fos- sils have been found in Siberia as the ice has melted, he explained. He 'emphasized, however, that the ice melting is not.a fast pro- cess, with not more than a few 10's of feet melting during a year. . The professor said that what would happen if the trend con- tinues would merely be a displace- ment or moving of climates to- ward both the poles. while Utrecht claims equality, we took a look-see at the veteranar- ian laboratory, the "sweat room," where students await their final marks, and a Far Eastern museum with a roomfull of hypnotic bud- dhas. Our only chance to talk with students came at Amsterdam University, where we got the low-down on student govern- ment. Briefly, the students han- dle the picayune matters of college life through h u g e "clubs." Although at Amsterdam there is a formal student government, the fraternal organizations, which have their own clubhouses, have the largest influence in activities. The president of the biggest club has the best crack at swaying the Dean on any issue. ' " * WE LEARNED more about edu- cation in Holland, the most signi- ficant topic being the attitude of Plan Foreign Student Meet Forty-seven foreign students in the United States to study at American universities will present a special program at 8 p.m. today in Rackham Assembly Hall. .Representing 13 countries, the students are at the University this summer for an orientation pro- gram under auspices of the Insti- tute of International Education. Today's event, the first of four Friday night programs, will be de- voted to helping students integrate themselves into the university at- mosphere and gain some know- ledge of American ways and man- ners. Meetings are open to the public. Anyone wishing to invite students to their home may contact the English Language Institute which is helping. run the program on campus. ANSPORTATION educational. circles, including ad- ministrators, faculty and stu- dents, toward the Red scare. "McCarthyism" is a well- known word among the intelli- gensia here. They don't rave against it. They just don't un- derstand it. "Yes, we have Communists on our faculty," a top official at Utrecht told us. "It's good experi- ence for the students. The most convincing anti-Communist talk I ever had was with a faculty member who was telling me about the marvels of Russia." Communist and Red-frontpo- litical clubs are looked down upon by most of the students. But they don't worry about them. "After all," one lad said, "if they want to believe lies, that's their privilege. Most of us have learned a lot from arguing with them." We asked them how they were getting along with the lecture committee problem. They didn't know what we were talking about. Remodeling operations to con- vert the Dolph Funeral Home into facilities for khe University's tele- vision activities is scheduled to be- gin soon, according to University officials. The University has taken a 10- year lease on the property, it was announced yesterday. DETAILS for the remodeling have not yet been worked out. However, it will include installa- tion of extensive and valuable TV equipment. Among the new items, will be three TV cameras- and stu- dio control machinery. Prof. Garnet R. Garrison, di- rector of television, said that only four or five other universi- ties in the nation use such equipment for educational pur- poses. 11 '-p Offices for Prof. Garrison- and his staff will be located in the building together with at least one large studio. In addition, classrooms for TV instruction, a control room, work shops for preparations of signs, scenery, costumes and other props and possibly an, area where the public may watch TV operations will be incorporated. The facilities are expected te be ready for use sometime this fall. University officials said. PART OF THE PRESENT work in television is being carried on in temporary offices in the South- Quardrangle, and some TV equip- ment is housed irt Angell Hall. The possibility of ultimately establishing a television station at the University has been dis- J cussed, but no decisions have been reached on the project. The property on which the Fu- neral Home stands was originally the site of the Granger Dance Academy, an Ann Arbor campus social landmark. Constructed be- fore the turn of the century, it was operated by Col. Ross Gran- ger, member of an early and prom- inent family who was city clerk for many years. Practically all University social events were held there until erec- tion of the Union and the League. Terms of the University lease of the Dolph property were not dis- closed. Mr. and Mrs. Dolph will continue to hold title to the build- ing. Mr. Dolph will become an as- sociate of the Staffan-Hildinger Funeral Home in Ann Arbor. i i MusicnSHOPS Operated by Musicians f r Music Lovers Kimberly makes -Campus- 211 S. State St. Phone 9013 t -Downtown- 205 E. Liberty St. Phone 2-0675 vacation time P Q' AM , $A Y! -y Everything about our two-piece knit is fashion news ..the tweedy look of the intarsia design cardigan, irbbd sk d the way it adapts itself to every woman's wardrobe Heather grey, heather brown Newnan Group Will Hold Fiesta The Newman Club's "Summer Fiesta" will be held from 8 p.m. to midnight today in the club- rooms of St. Mary's Chapel, ac- cording to James Hubbell, a mem- ber of the club's executive council. There will be dancing, refresh- ments and entertainment, Hub- bell said. READ and USE Daily Classifieds ~cJP. ~ ;* -. - 'mm..,' % - i's- REMOVAL or black two-tones. SUMMER HOURS .12:30 to 5:00 Closed Saturdays Other Hours by Appointment SAVE '/2 and more Sizes- 10 to 18. 39.95 on your vocation clothes and dozens of _... _ _ _ t 1 _ r I