TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1952 - I OP/ERA] SIR JOHN FALSTAFF, the ageless, and am- orous "fatpaunch," may be an enigma to scholars of the legitimate theatre, but in the realm of opera buffa, he is an irrestible buf- foon. Though Shakespearean authorities still argue the relative merits of the play, "Merry Wives of Windsor," its two operatic deriva- tives, one by Otto Nicolai, with the same title as the play, and the other Verdi's "Falstaff" are perfect vehicles for the bur- lesque and nonsense of comic opera. The Nicolai, presented last night at Lydia Mendelssohn, is not as good as the Verdi; it is eclipsed in the humor of the music and the boisterous action of the libretto. Super- ticially Nicolai continues the German Sing- spiel tradition, but more realistically his opera is part of the tradition which was cli- maxed by Strauss in "Fliedermaus." It is the music of Vienna, and if the waltz is not its main characteristic, the dances of that city are. Much credit is due to Josef Blatt, newly appointed professor of opera. The quality of the singing was more flexible and richer than previous operas. The orchestra, usually a sore point, was a welcome surprise. They played with precision and enthusiasm and most important never got in the way of the singers. The production itself properly empha- sized the vocal aspect. Outstanding was John Wiles in the principal role. His voice is sonorous and he is at home on the stage. The main brunt of humor is on his should- ers, and he carried it expertly without los- ing the importance of song, a common fallability of buffa artists. Wiles and Rob- ert Kerns, in their second act duet, com- bined in what was the'best individual scene of the evening. Kerns, a newcomer to op- era hereabouts, proved himself a convinc- ing actor and promising singer in por- traying the jealous anger of Mr. Ford. In the women's roles, Dolores Lowry as Mistress Ford exhibited real stage presence. Her relaxation made her voice more poig- nant. Lack of relaxation, however, hampered the vocal effectiveness of Frank Poretta, Mr. Fenton, and Grace Ravesloot, Ann Page. Both seemed nervous. Their actions were never positively assertive, although Miss Ravesloot sang her third act aria with ease and musicalness. The supporting roles, played by Arthur Jones as Slender, John Ferry, Mr. Page, Russell Christopher, Dr. Caius, and Ar- tene Sollenberger, Mistress Page, were on the whole complementary, though Jones also, had first night jitters. The set and staging were in the style of conveitional opera. Both were less crowded and bulky than previous operatic efforts and as such contributed to the overall mirth. If criticism is due, it is in the final scene of the third act. The alusion to "Midsummer Night's Dream" was just too much. It isn't even stylistically consistent with the rest of the opera. Cutting the brief portion from the appearance of Ann masquerading as Ti- tania to the conclusion of the short ballet just preceding the major dance would give the opera more unity. The fault, to be sure, is Nicolai's, but nevertheless the production emphasized it. The experience of the per- formance as a whole was certainly not pro- found, but definitely enjoyable and lots of fun. -Donald Harris Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writer only. This must be noted in all reprints. NIGHT EDITOR: VIRGINIA VOSS DORIS FLEESON: Invasion of the Old Guard "It's A Great Privilege To Deal With A Guy Like Me" W ASHINGTON-Dwight D. Eisenhower is expected to return to New York City by the last week in August. For the Eastern internationalist supporters who launched his candidacy, he cannot arrive a day too soon. Gov. Thomas E. Dewey is prominently mentioned on the list of those made un- happy by what seems to them the ease with which the Eisenhower headquarters in Denver is being infiltrated by the old guard of the National Committee and Congress. They grant it was necessary to come to terms with the Taft forces, grant too that Colorado is conveniently close to the Taft heartland, the Midwest. They are still of the opinion that the General is overdoing the olive branch. Their problem, especially Governor Dewey's, is how to fight back so long as they don't have to make a conspicuous journey to Den- ver to do it. Hence some inconspicuous em- issaries now on the Denver-New York road. When the Eisenhowers chose Mrs. Eisen- hower's old home town for their post-con- vention headquarters, Easterners quickly complained it would be difficult of access. But they did not feel they could deny the General a vacation in the fishing country he loves. From the Dewey staff, Tom Stephens, a skillful pre-convention operative for Eisen- hower, and James C. Hagerty, who artfully managed the Eisenhower convention press relations, were attached to the General. Un- deniable assets to any national candidate, they constituted at the time a fair percent- age of the inner circle. The controversial governor of New York went quietly back to Albany. Sen. Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. returned to a hard cam- paign for re-election in Massachusetts. Sen. James Duff took a far west vacation. Developments since then are described as vastly annoying to the Easterners who fear to have their candidate made captive by the elements who opposed his nomination. They particularly dislike the aggressive role ,as- sumed by Sen. Everett Dirksen of Illinois, autho rof the famous convention taunt to Governor Dewey, and they are groaning over his attack on the "lavender lads" of the State Department. Beneral Eisenhower is not the first can- didate for office who has found it expedient to placate his enemies with, the favors he owes to his friends. He would naturally de- sire as a matter of practical politics as well as temperament to create as great an area of party harmony as possible. If he knew more about the family quar- rels of the Republicans, his early backers would not be so readily alarmed perhaps by anything he might do in an organization way. But he does not know much about the conflict of personalities which reflects the policy division in the party and he will be for a very long time dependent upon the people close to him. The fact is too that the Old Guard out- numbers the original Eisenhower elements both in the Congress and in the National Committee. It named Senator Dirksen chair- man of thi Senate Campaign Committee which automatically gives him an import- ant campaign role. His defense of Senators Jenner and McCarthy may grate upon many G.O.P. ears but he can argue he is doing his job. There can be little doubt that the pro- Taft national committee group, reduced now in numbers and prestige but still powerful, are doinig their utmost to keep their places so they can share in victory and inherit in defeat. This means a fric- tion that will never really vanish during the coming montths. Of course, Republicans can console them- selves with the thought that the Democrats are jockeying with equal fervor for the prize places close to their candidatee. (Copyright, 1952, by the Bell Syndicate) 1 A r' w t . E , tttePJ TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. MATTER OF FACT By JOSEPH and STEWART ALSOP WASHINGTON-Behind the oddly frag- mentary reports about the campaign plans of Gov. Stevenson and President Tru- man, there is one single, simple central fact. Adlai E. Stevenson has declared his inde- pendence in an unmistakable manner. And Harry S. Truman has taken this declaration of independence from Springfield, Ill., with the good grace that does credit to Indepen- dence, Mo. Whether or no Stevenson would issue a personal declaration of independence of the White House, was really the biggest question about his campaign strategy, from the very beginning. One could see the question looming at Chicago. There was the President, with his brisk, confident, fighting speech to the convention. There was Stevenson, with his elevated, somewhat tortured, deeply reflective speech of acceptance. You could not doubt that Stevenson's was the more powerful intellect, but you could hardly help but feel that Tru- man had the more decisive character. By the same token, there was the whole serried phalanx of Democratic professionals, de- lighted to have Stevenson for their stan- dard-bearer, but yelling "pour it on, Harry" with special zest. The President had told his intimates al- ready, and now he told his party and country, that he meant to make a whistle- stop campaign as vigorous and extensive as he made four years ago. But this was, in effect an intention to dominate the electoral campaign and his successor. For how else could Stevenson hope to make his own mark in these circumstances? How could he possibly register with the voters as an independent personality, with quali- ties of his own, while'the President of the United States poured it on at every whis- tle-stop? Truman's intention plainly sprang from his own fighting nature and his loyalty to his party. Equally plainly, however, Steven- son had to find the courage to argue with the President about this intention of his, if he was going to be his. own candidate instead of Truman's candidate. Under the circumstances, then, it is extremely signifi- cant that Stevenson has found the courage. * * * * TWO POINTS were at issue. In the first place, the President and his circle had a clear idea of the proper campaign pattern. Nothing much was to be done until Labor Day, and both Stevenson and Truman were to start touring the country. The President was to pour it on, in the familiar manner, from first to last, while Stevenson, also from first to last, was to make what the politicians call the "high level appeal." Second, the existing, Truman-established organization of Democratic affairs was to be left intact. Frank McKinney was to go on heading the Democratic National Committee and handl- ing all such vital campaign problems as money collecting. Stevenson simply refused to go along on either point. As to the first, he rightly pointed out to the President that he was not well known in the country. Hence he had to begin early, as he has now done with the significant statements that are already coming out of Springfield. Hence too, he had to be given his chance to make his mark with the voters in full scale, campaigning, before Truman entered the struggle with all the authority and atten- tion-getting-power of a President of the United States. As to the second point, Stevenson also indicated to the President that he felt he had to have his own campaign organization in order to conduct his own campaign. Hence McKinney was not acceptable to him, and is now on the way out. WILSON WYATT was the Governor's first choipe for the national chairmanship. But Wyatt, while accepting the role of Stev- enson's personal campaign director, refused the larger post on the ground that he ,was not well enough acquainted with the Demo- cratic leaders all over the country. Those now under consideration for national com- mittee chairman include former Sen. Frank Myers of Pa. and former Rep. John Carroll of Colorado. In the end, neither may be chosen. Myers is the better bet. Yet the mere fact that consideration is being given to Carroll still speaks volumes. For Carroll is not only a leader of Americans for Democratic Action. He is also anathema to the Truman crowd in the White House, because of a bitter row with Matt Connelly which occurred when Carroll was serving the President as a White House assistant. The fact that Stevenson has declared his independence in this manner does credit to Stevenson. By the same token Dave Luce ,.. To the Editor: AVID LUCE lent himself rath- er well to the mildly malicious purpose of my recent letter, and I should like to thank him for help- ing me demonstrate (perhaps su- perfluously) that the Progressive Party is not the straightforward' party of traditional American lib- eralism which he had, earlier in the summer, declared it to be. -Homer Swander * * * Trucks Bill .. To the Editor: COULD IT HAPPEN HERE? If that question were asked twelve years ago, as to the possibility of the United States taking on the complexion of Nazi Germany, a violent no would have been the re- ply. Why in the face of Hitler's presecution of minorities, depriva- tion of civil rights, and imperial facism, even the posing of such a question would have been border- ing on the ridiculous. How far, however, have we ad- vanced since that time? There have been innumerable violations of individuals' civil as well as po- litical freedoms. There also has been a great preponderance of guilt by association and character assassination. Added to all these efforts to render the American cit- izenry a nation of conformists (in thought and action) comes state legislation making it a crime, pun- ishible by fine and/or imprison- ment, to register views which de- viate from our "established norms." Such a state law is the Michigan House Bill No. 20, com- monly known as the Trucks (com- munist control) Bill. This vague and nebulous piece of legislation provides for the State Police to interpret many of its provisions. It provides for those people who belong to organisa- tions "substantially controlled by communists" to register with the state police. What does "substan- tially controlled by . .. etc.. .. mean?Tht will be up to the po- lice of this state to decide. If this bill is upheld by the Su- preme Court (where it will soon be reviewed) and allowed to be operative, then this state more so than any other state in this coun- try will have reached a state of being closely analagous to Hitler's Germany. In view of the apparent danger that this Trucks Bill presents, I urge you to help defeat it. 'This can be done (to some extent) by writing your State Legislature, Federal District Court, and the U.S. Supreme Court, and demand- ing that this bill be declared un- constitutional. --Sidney B. Weiner WASHINGTON-For about four months the State Department. has been haggling with Dictator Franco of Spain regarding the pro- posed Spanish air and naval bases which Franco so glibly promised over a year ago when he wanted American cash, and which he has reneged on ever since the cash was voted. Although France, England, Italy, Greece and Turkey have turned over their soil to American forces for airfields and naval bases, Franco continues to hold back-until he gets exactly his own terms. These terms include 1) more U.S. dollars with no strings attached; 2) modern tanks, planes and artillery for the Spanish army which the U.S. Army needs primarily in Korea, second here at home, and third for the European Army. Meanwhile, Franco has not even been willing to get rid of the strict Spanish laws against foreign capital, which if abolished would invite American dollar investments in Spain by private enterprise. The State Department has asked for the modification of these laws in partial return for U.S. government loans, but Franco has said no. U.S. diplomats figure that one reason Franco is so stubborn is because he knows he has powerful friends in Washington and that the money for Spain already has been appropriated by Con- gress. Since he's going to get the money anyway, he undoubtedly figures there's no use giving naval bases 'and airports in return for it. Among his friends are powerful Sen. Pat McCarran of Nevada and Charles Patrick Clark, who is paid $75,000 annually to influence congressmen on behalf of Spain. McCarran once had the gall to summon the head of the Export-Import Bank, Herbert Gaston, and put him on the griddle in front of the Spanish ambassador as to why he had not loaned money faster to Spain. * * * BULLDOZING THE DIPLOMATS MORE RECENTLY, Senator McCarran proceeded to bawl out James Bonbright, the diplomat handling Spanish negotiations, during secret hearings on the State Department's appropriation. Since Mc- Carran sits on the subcommittee which decides how much money the State Department can get from Congress each year, he could have a whip hand over policy. "Why is it," McCarran demanded of Bonbright, "that none of the $100,000,000 has been allocated to Spain? Nothing has been done for Spain out of the $100,000,000, not a dollar of it." "That was voted for: economic, technical, and military assistance in the discretion of the President," replied Bonbright at the secret hearing. "It has seemed to us that the use of these funds will depend on our over-all military requirements." "You are negotiating with Spain, are you not, for bases and ports?" snapped McCarran. "Those have been surveys, sir," said Bonbright. "They were surveys to see what the facilities were and generally to break the ice." "How long does it take to find out?" shouted the Senator from Nevada. "How long does it take these studies to be made before you make a move? Does it require a war to be started before you will do anything in Spain." "No, indeed, sir," winced the State Department witness. "We are going to start very shortly." "I have heard that before, so I am just taking it with a grain of salt," grumbled the Nevadan. Then he snapped at Bonbright ac. cusingly: "You do not seem to know much about it, any more than you know much about your department, from what I have listened to this morning. SPAIN AND NATO McCARRAN ALSO tried to blame President Truman's cool attitude toward Spain on the hapless witness. "Why is there no mention in the President's message as to Spain, do you know?" he demanded. "I do not know, sir," Bonbright shook his head. "Does your Bureau of European affairs have anything to do with the preparation of the President's statement relative to the Franco government in Spain?" McCarran pressed. "No, sir," said Bonbright. "Are you sure of that?" persisted the Senator. "Absolutely, sir," replied Bonbright. Having reached a dead end, McCarran hurtled off in another direction and demanded that Spain be admitted into the North Atlantic Pact. But Bonbright threw cold water on the suggestion and again stirred up the Senator's wrath. "I think the fact is, sir," said Bonbright, "that the chances of getting Spain into the Atlantic pact now are bad." "Why?" bellowed McCarran. "Is it because Great Britain does not want her in? Is that it?" "I think you will find many more countries . . ." Bonbright started to explain. But McCarran cut him short. "Great Britain wants to enjoy the trade of Spain," exploded the Navadan. "She is enjoying the trade of Spain in the amount of hun- dreds of millions of dollars and wants to keep us out. That is the principal thing, is it not? Then you have a small contingent in France, of Spanish refugees who were run out of Spain-the Com- munists-who are fighting the ad- 4ftlv* mission of Spain." L t i 4 A 'V I9 i I1 I 3 i d i DAILY OFFICIAL BULL'ETiN , The ACLU on Cl Lb T HE PRESERVATION and enlargement of civil liberties, the core of the "rule of law" which is the heart of democracy, re- quire the faithful observance of the funda- mental constitutional principle that our gov- ernment is one of delegated, enumerated and limited powers. This involves clear re- pudiation of the doctrine that the executive branch h even for emergency purposes any "inherent" or "residual" powers beyond those expressly granted or reasonably im- plied in the Constitution. The growing complexity of society and government implies the necessity of leg- islative and administrative hearings. But if American citizens are to have due pro- cess in this new and rapidly expanding area of government by hearing, then Con- gress and the executive departments must adopt fair rules of procedure equivalent to judicial due process. Wh believe that the Federal Communi- cations Act should be amended to make clear the Congressional intent that wire- tannina. ent in the intereot f ntionnl intangibles-the impairment of federal em- ployees' morale by making them fearful of exercising their citizens' rights of free speech and association, and the discouragement of outstanding personnel from taking govern- ment posts by making them fearful of un- just secret accusations. We call attention to the Congressional investigation of radio and television now going on. We believe that "previous re- straint is a form of infringement upon freedom of expression to be especially con- demned." We urge that the rights now accorded to religious conscientious objectors be accorded also to those who in good faith refuse to fight on philosophical grounds. We urge the immediate appointment of an impartial, eminent, and qualified com- mission to investigate and report on all aspects o fthe momentous problem of main- taining both national security and individual civil liberties. Constitutionality apart, we urge that Sections 2 and 3 of the Smith act of 1940, which mnakeit unlawful to teach or advo- The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sentin TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510 Administration Building before 3 p.m. the day preceding publication (11 a.m. on Saturday). Notices Regents' Meeting: Friday, September 26. Communications for consideration at this meeting must be in the Presi- dent's hands not later than Septem- ber 18. Recommendations for Departmental Honors: Teaching departments wishing to recommend tentative August gradu- ates from the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and the School of Education for departmental honors should recommend such students in a letter to be sent to the Registrar's Of- fice, Room 1513 Administration Building before August 21. Edward G. Groesbeck Assistant Registrar Attention August Graduates: College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, School of Education, School of Music, School of Public Health: Students are advised not to request grades of I or X in August. When such grades are absolutely imperative, the work must be made up in time to allow your instructor to report the make-up grade not later than 11 a.m.. August 21. Grades received after that time may defer the student's graduation until a later date. Edward G. Groesbeck. Assistant Registrar All Applicants for the Doctorate who are planning to take the August pre- liminary examinations, in education, to be held from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 N, Au- gust 18, 19, and 20, 1952, will please no- tify the chairman of the committee on graduate studies in education, room 4019 University High School, immedi- ately. Harlan C. Koch, Chairman Committee on Graduate Studies, School of Education special Program. Prepared by foreign students from the Institute of Interna- tional Education. Friday evening, Aug- English and girls physcial education; and industrial arts and assistant coach. The director of Personnel, San Diego, California, announces the following positions open: woodshop and mechan- ical drawing; and radio-electricity. The supervisor of industrial arts, Up- per Marlboro, Maryland, announces the following position open: auto mechan- ics; and elementary printing-mechani- cal drawing. The Department of the Army in Ger- many needs a Russian, language in- structor to serveuina civilian capacity. Salary $5940, plus free housing for em- ployee and dependents. The Michigan Civil Service Commis- sion announces examinations for sev- eral positions as music director in state institutions. For further information call at 3528 Administration Building or telephone University extension 2614. Personnel Requests The Shreveport Child Guidance Cen- ter, Shreveport, Louisiana, has a position available in the Mental Hygiene Clinic located in the E. A. Conway Memorial Hospital in Monroe, Louisiana. This Is a State Operated Clinic supported also by Federal funds. The need is for a Psychiatric Social Worker. The Electric Auto-Lite Company, Bay City, Michigan, has an opening for an Electrical Engineer for work in connec- tion with maintaining the quality of automotive horns. Laboratory testing, analysis of difficulties arising in manu- facture, and similar related work are the main phases of the job. The J. I. Case Company, Racine, Wis- consin, is interested in hearing from men who wou]d like to enter its train- ing program. Company manufactures farm equipment. The company employs graduates for the following positions: Production, Metallurgical control and development,MIndustrial Engineering, Engineering, Accounting, Sales, and In- dustrial Relations. The Young Women's Christian Asso- ciation, Battle Creek, Michigan, is in need of people who are interested in Young Adult Activities. Would like to have applications from any young wom- en who are interested in work of this type in Battle Creek. The Lumbermen's Mutual Casualty Company, Chicago, Illinois, is interest- ed in hearing from August graduates who wou]d like working in underwrit- ing, accounting, statistics, claims and sales. Application blanks are available :, McCARRAN IS STUMPED DO NOT KNOW any European country, sir, outside of Portu- gal, that has indicated a favor- able attitude toward inviting Spain in now," retorted Bonbright. "The Congress of the United States has appropriated $100,- 000,000 to assist her economically, and she knows all that. How do you expect to get concessions from Spain when you do not go along with that policy the Con- gress has set up?" sizzled Mc- Carran. "Sir," spoke up Bonbright, "the Spanish government, for one thing has taken the public position that it does not wantto join the North Atlantic Treaty." This stopped the rumbling, rav- ing McCarran short. "Are you sure of that?" he de- manded incredulously. "Yes, sir," assured Bonbright, and he read a news dispatch quoting Spanish Foreign Minis- ter Martin Atago directly. I Sixty-Second Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under' the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications EDITORIAL STAFF Leonard Greenbaum Managing Editor Ivan Kaye and Bob Margolin . .....O-Sports Editors Nan Reganall.......... Women's Editor Joyce Fickies............. Night Editor Harry Lunn ............Night Editor Marge Shepherd.......... Night Editor Virginia Voss............Night Editor Mike Wolff.............Night Editor BUSINESS STAFF Tom Treeger......... Business Manager 0. A. Mitts....... .Advertising Manager I