TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, AUGUST 3, 1952 ____________________________________________________________________________ I U _______________________________________________________________________________ Election Day-August 5 The .A a mendmnent * . **TheCandidates . I T HE BIGGEST controversy on the up- coming Tuesday ballot as far as students are concerned is a city charter amendment which, if passed, will hit the campus where it most hurts-its pocketbook. If put into effect, the amendment will give the city the go-ahead to tax amuse- ments - movies, athletic events, concerts, dances, plays - to an amount not exceeding ten per cent. For the movie-goer, this will mean paying a federal excise tax of 20 per cent plus the maximum ten per cent local tax. This puts the total levy on movie tick- ets up to almost one third of the admission price. For University events like the drama productions and concert series, the proposed tax will undoubtedly raise admission prices again shortly after they were conveniently lowered by a ruling exempting non-profit, educational amusement functions from the 20 per cent federal levy. There has been considerable controver- sy, largely between the city and the But- terworth Theaters, Inc., over the legality of placing the issue on the ballot at this time. In a less specific form which fixed no limit on the proposed tax, the amend- ment was defeated by a 4-3 margin in the April 7 elections. Student opinion, appar- ently enough, was not represented on the vote since city elections unintentionally fell during spring vacation. All the April defeat indicated to the city was that the voters wanted a definite limit to the tax power specified on the amend- ment. So city officials worded a ten per cent limit into the amendment and fought against theater-chain opposition to get the proposal on the ballot again this summer. The timing is a little too obviously played against the student interest in this case to indicate a mere coincidence. There are not enough students on campus this summer who are vitally concerned with the injustice of taxing concert and drama tickets to make a substantial mark on the vote re- sults. This has apparently been given due consideration by the city. It should be recognized, of course, that a majority "yes" vote on the amendment will only open the door for the city to step in with its new, diversified tax. City arguments that the present property tax and the mu- nicipal share of state taxes are already ex- ploited to the limit are for the most part justified. And, as local officials point out, Ann Arbor will not necessarily use the tax either to its maximum ten per cent limit or apply it to all existing local amusements. Though there is little doubt that the legality of the amusement tax, if con- tested, would be upheld (it is presently in use in nearly 200 United States cities), there is a strong feeling even among city officials that it would not constitutionally apply to University activities. A sort of precedent was set for this case when edu- cational functions like concerts and lec- tures were exempted from the federal ex- cise tax last fall. The city would have a substantially stronger case for their tax if it had made a point of excluding the so-called amusement functions which are actually more along the educational line, i.e. lectures, drama productions and con- certs. This lack of specificity works against the city's case in another way. For election pur- poses, the majority of city officials have chosen to prescribe the tax as a cure-all for the present somewhat anemic facilities. Ex- pansion of a municipal garage, improved sewage facilities, a new fire department, a better city hall, more recreational equip- ment, educational developments-all these are mentioned in one breath as, benefits which the new tax will enable the city to provide. But in a point-by-point break-down, it looks as though the tax is not really needed for most of the above improvements. Mu- nicipal garage expansion, for instance, is estimated to cost $90,000 under a three-year plan. This year's share of $30,000 has been nicely fitted into the budget, and there ap- pears to be no reason why the next two years' sums can't be handled in the same way. Under state law, such things as im- provement in sewage facilities, street sur-. facing, and garbage collection can be financ- ed by property taxes over and above the 71/2 mill limit for general municipal purposes. And the new fire department, admittedly badly needed, is being financed by issuance of bonds. The amusement tax revenues would only be used to pay additional per- sonnel salaries-which amounts to a minor item. Finally, improvement of the city school system-which stands as the most valid use for the amusement tax-can leg- ally be financed only by property taxes. All in all, the tax is needed specifically just for improvement of recreational f a- cilities and expansion of the city hall., Both of these items could be included on the present fairly flexible budget if less imperative expenditures like real estate expansion were curtailed. This, then, is the case we advance for a "no" vote on the up-coming amendment: the city doesn't need additional revenue badly enough to impose an inequitable tax which gives it power to take a cut from "educational" amusements. A "no" vote on amendment No. 3 on Tuesday's ballot will either encourage some economic-minded in- ternal changes in the city or force it to de- vise a more fair tax. Both of these solu- tins arep referable to thep rnoosed amuse- TO MOST STUDENTS, county government has a completely remote relationship to the University community. It's something that happens out there somewhere which we're really not part of: Consequently, when elections occur such as next Tuesday's pri- mary, there is a presumption that the Uni- versity insulates one somehow from the con- sequences and responsibilities of making the necessary decisions. As a result, Washte- naw County has become a kind of "rotten borough" with no more than twenty per cent of the registered voters going to the polls. It maintains in office men who repre- sent no one but themselves. The vast sea of public apathy has flooded over an area that by right, ought to be fertile with social en- lightenment and rife with advanced gov- ernmental techniques. One of the reasons that eighty per cent do not vote in primary elections is that they do not understand the issues. 'There is a general policy, which seems to be con- scious, to keep the campaign on the level of personalities; that is, you vote for Smith because he has had two more years exper- ience than Jones as chief administrative assistant; you re-elect Green because he has promised another prosperous business ad- ministration, and as far as you can tell, none of the other candidates have anything bad to say about him. This method of voting, of course, makes a political machine practical- ly invulnerable. When there are small turn- outs, the edge lies with the machine. The incumbent always gets re-elected; the chief administrative assistant always succeeds him. And in a one-party county, where Lincoln has been the only Republican rejected since 1865, this is not a healthy condition. One of the functions of the student newspaper therefore ought to be to show its readers how the county government has affected the interests of faculty and stu- dents in the past administration, and make certain predictions as to which can- didate is liable best to serve them in the future. This also invites a consideration of the real issues of the campaign, which are somewhat more serious than who promises to cut a few dollars off the bud- get, or who offers to work the longer hours. The Republican contest for prosecuting attorney in the county Tuesday lies between four men: William F. Ager, Jr., Edmond F. Devine, John W. Rae, and Leonard H. Young. The victor will undoubtedly follow with a triumph in the finals, since Repub- lican nomination is tantamount to election here. The favorite's role may be expected to be Devine's. He not only has the blessing of incumbent Douglas Reading and his organ- ization, but he may also be regarded as a ABROKEN ARM failed to hamper Pro- fessor Harold Decker as he conducted the Summer Session Choir in an entertain- ing concert of choral music Friday evening in Hill Auditorium. One cannot expect as- tounding results from six weeks' rehearal with such a strange group of people with widely varied experience, but before they were far into the program one could read- ily tell by the blend of their voices that the singers were well beyond the "We've howdy'd but we ain't shook" stage. A somewhat cool beginning was afford- ed by Normand Lockwood's austere setting of Three Psalms. Though this contained many interesting syncopations and strid- ent harmonies, the group seemed to suf- fer from a slight case of stage fright. A well-executed pianissimo ending to Mou- ton's Ave Maria apperaed to soothe the chorus as well as the audience, and the singers warmed up to render Billings' Be Glad Then America with suitable fervor. Deems Taylor's setting of a Czechoslovak- ian folk song was served up with the prop- er amount of syrup. Overly zealous sight reading of Melville Smith's Shepherds' Song all but obscured the tasteful oboe obbligato by Prof. Theodore Heger, yet with their noses in their music the choir lacked the abandon which this piece calls for. Norman Dello Joio's Jubilant Song was an effective set- ting of Walt Whitman's verses, and provided a thrilling climax to the first half of the concert. The rest of the program was occupied by a complete performance of Bach's fourth cantata, "Christ lag in Todesbanden," trans- lated as "Christ Lay in Death's Dark Pris- on." Probably the most popular of Bach's more than 200 sacred cantatas, the perform- ance of this work under the generally tran- ient summer conditions is a highly com- mendable undertaking. The result belied any adverse circumstances. Far from the least of the pleasant sur- prises was the delightful 17-piece orchestra which accompanied the choir in this can- tata. Although the presence of three loud trombones overbalanced the entire en- semble at times, the total effect was an en- joyable experience. The experience of the singers was further enhanced by Mr. Deck- er's decision to have the solo parts sung by the various sections tutti. This afforded the members of the choir, many of whom are teachers and conductors themselves, likely man to unite the interests of town and gown, since he serves as a member of the Law School faculty in addition to hold- ing the position of Reading's chief assistant. However, this background may in part be misleading. Because of his service in the prosecutor's office and the apparent support of it by hi mand him by it, he must share some of the responsibility of the actions of the current administra- tion. These actions have been, as a whole, hostile and arbitrary in the extreme. They represent in many ways not only a per- sonal antagonism between the office and the college but also a general lack of liberalism and understanding that should disturb anyone in or out of the university community. This is a part of that record: In the Stacy case, the defendant, whose mental balance was doubtful, was convicted on flimsy evi- dence of an "arson" which had once been termed an accident by fire department per- sonnel. In the Mielczynski case, a convic- tion was obtained at the expense of a deal made with another offender, the ringleader, who turned state's evidence. In a recent forgery case, there was curious repetition of mispronunciations of the names of Jewish character witnesses. In the Whipple "rape" case, the trial became a virtual circus, the prosecution's case was so far-fetched. All these cases involved University stu- dents. The record of the prosecutor's of- fice has been one of high success against young offenders, of rather curious indiff- ference to older ones, even confessed of- fenders. Clyde Fleming, ex-Washtenaw County treasurer, for instance, served less than twenty months at Jackson for em- bezzling county funds. In contrast, David Royal, 17, was convict- ed of second degree murder for riding in the same car with Bill Morey when the latter decided to kill a nurse. Royal was sentenced to a term of 22 years to life-and at that, Reading had pleaded for a stiffer first-de- gree verdict against Royal. For all these things, Edmond Devine must bear a part of the responsibility. He surely was 'at liberty to resign if these; or any of the other maneuvers of the administration seemed offensive to him. Since he did not, it must be assumed they have his sanction. The man who represents what should be the most beneficial change in the prosecu- tor's office is Leonard H. Young. He has had experience in the same office that Devine now holds, an office from which he resigned. Although he has been as silent as the other candidates about the more fundamental is- sues of the campaign, he is widely known as a man of integrity. He would certainly, by his very personality, Improve relations with the public and the press. His clients, in general, speak highly of his effort and his generosity. He was, for example, in the Stacy case earnestly convinced of his cli- ent's innocence-and though hired by the court in the case, spent a great deal of time in fighting it, and abandoned it only after Stacy insisted on it. -Daily-Bill Hampton "WELCOME back, my boy! Did you bring your pocketbook? We prepared a little surprise for you while you were gone. .. ' IDAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Young is not an ambitious man, and has a quiet competence that should great- ly benefit the office. He has the experience that Ager lacks, the stability that fails Rae; and most of all, does not wear the millstone of the Reading administration which Devine cannot escape. In the other major contest on the county ballot, that for sheriff, it is certainly time for a change. Sheriff John F. Osborn has been in office for twelve years now, and although he has one of the most modern county jails in the country, there is no sign that his police methods are worthy of the institution. Newspapermen have found the edifice harder than the Bastille to penetrate for independent information. Reliance on the sheriff's reports is a hard alternative, since they have omitted things as news- worthy as police gunfire on the streets. On the other hand, at times, they have includ- ed events like the Morey-Pell jailbreak last November, something which many peoplb believe never actually occurred. Certain definite facts have seeped out of the jail. One is the budget for feeding inmates-announced as 24c a day with Mrs. Osborn, the sheriff's wife as dietitian. This compares with 58c a day at Jackson where part of the food is raised within the walls. Mrs. Osborn has described ingredients of the "balanced" diet to the press; certain prisoners, however, have claimed that apple- sauce was outstandingly the leading item served. Also, a few years ago, the Sheriff ad- mitted during testimony in court that he had permitted one prisoner to beat anoth- er with a board in his jail. How often this has happened since is, of course, uncer- tain. The Sheriff has plainly been more concerned with violence outside the walls of his jail. His recent co-sponsorship of a two man vice squad for the county, how- ever, seems a little tardy in view of the way vice reports had been piling up in the area at a great rate in the months before the Campbell murder. In Tuesday's election, voters have as an alternative candidate Robert W. Winnick of Ann Arbor. He resigned from the sheriff's department in July of 1951 after serving six years. Prior to that, he was a member of the Ann Arbor Police Department for five years. He represents a progressive force, notably lacking in the county. He can be counted on for courage and honesty, and for a fresh The Daily official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in= TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510 Administration Building before 3 p.m. the day preceding publication (11 a.n. on Saturday). Notices veterans enrolled under the G.I. Bill who will receive a degree, change course, or change institutions, at the end of the summer Session and who wish to take additional training under the Bill, must apply for a supplemental Certif- icate of Eligibility on or before August 8. Application should be made in Room 555, Administration Building. Cercle Francais: The Cercle Francais of the Summer session meets every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock in the Henderson Room of the Michigan League.sThe meetings offer a varied program of songs, games and short; talks in French on topics of general interest, as well as the opportunity for informal conversation and recreation. All students, faculty members, and summer residents who are interested in France and things French are cor- dially invited to participate in any or ali of the activities of the Cerce. Kaffeestunde: All students of Ger- man and others interested in spoken German are invited to attend an in- formal group which will meet in the Michigan Union Tap Room Mondays and Wednesdays from 4 to 5 o'clock. A member of the department will be present to assist, but no formal pro- grams are planned. La Petite Causette: All students and summer residents who are interested in speaking French are invited to join this very informal group ever Tuesday and Thursday afternoon between 4 and 5 o'clock in the Tap Room of the Michigan Union. A table will be re- served and a French-speaking member of the staff will be present, but there is no program other than free con- versation in French. Personnel Interviews: A representative of U. S. Rubber Company (Mishawaga, Indiana) will be here Thursday, August 7, interview- ing August graduates for the following positions: Business Administration graduates for production supervision trainees, accounting, sales administra- tion, or production management train- ees; Chemists or Chemical Engineers (male and female) for control of de- velopment laboratory work; a journal- ism graduate for public relat ns trai- nee and assistant editor of plant publi- cation management; and mechanical and industrial and Chemical Engi- neers for general engineering. Personnel Requests Bourns Laboratories, Riverside, Cal - ifornia has a need for design and pro- duct engineers (ME oe EE or Electron- ics). They prefer persons in engineer- ing honorary societies and can get mili- tary deferments for men, company manufactures airplane instruments. Will pay expenses of moving out to coast. The Detroit Edison Company is cur- rently in need of a young women with a chemistry major or physics major with chemistry minor to be employed as a laboratory technician for its chem- istry research laboratory. Montgomery Ward, Chicago, Illinois, is interested in hearing from return- ing servicemen or August graduates who would be available for employment in the following fields: Merchandise or Operating Trainees, Industrial Engi- neers, Accounting Trainees, and Ac- counting Trainees for women. The Firestone Tire & Rubber Com- pany, Akron. Ohio, has openings in the organization for retail salesmen, Office and credit men, and outside salesmen. They are interested in hear- ing from August men who would like to join the company. Application blanks are available at the Bureau of Appoint- ments. The Jewish Center of Buffalo, Inc. is seeking applicants for the position of Assistant Director of Physical Educa- tion for the 1952-53. Preference will be given to applicant who have graduate work in Physical Education, Recrea- tion or Social Group work and exper- ience in camping or club leadership in a group work agency. Application forms may be had at the Bureau of Appointments. For further information, application blanks, and interview appointments come to the Bureau of Appointments, I 3528 Administration Building, or call Lectures Tuesday, August 5 Program of Near Eastern Studies. "Peasants Are People: Status of the Village in the Near East." William D. Schorger, Assistant Professor of An- thropology, University of North Caro- lina, 4:15 p.m., Architecture Auditor- Linguistic Forum. "The Field of Psy- lum. cho-Linguistics." John Carroll, Profes- sor of Psychology, Harvard Unversity,1 7:30 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater,. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Donald Charles Kleckner, Speech; thesis: "Sen- ator Robert A. Taft: A Study of his Public Address with Emphasis on the Labor Issue," Monday, August 4, 3211 Angell Hall, at 2:15 p.m. Chairman, W. H. Beaven. Doctoral Examination for Alice Braunlich Dickinson, Mathematics: the- sis: "Compactness Conditions and Uni- form Structures," Tuesday, August 5,{ 3001 Angel Hall, at 3:00 p.m. ActingI Chairman, H. Sameson. Doctoral Examination for Nadine Anna Cragg, Education; thesis: "An Evaluation of the Year-Around School Camp of Long Beach, California," Tues- day, August 5, 4014 University High School, at 1:45 p.m. Chairman, M. E. Rugen. Doctoral Examination for Harley Young Jennings, Jr., Chemistry; the- sis: "Contact Angle Hysteresis on Sil- ver Chloride Surfaces," Tuesday, Au- gust 5, 1565 Chemistry Bldg., at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, F. E. Bartell. Doctoral Examination for Joseph Wil- Ilam Shepard, Chemistry; thesis: "The Effect of Surface Roughness on Ap- parent Contact Angles and on Contact Angle Hysteresis," Wednesday, August 6, 1565 Chemistry bldg., at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, F. E. Bartell. Concerts Robert Noehren, University Organist. will present the second of two Sunday afternoon organtrecitals at 4:15 August 3, in Hill Auditorium, It will include compositions by Schmidt, David, An- driessen, Langlais, Koechlin, Messiaen, Milhaud and Durufle. The generalI public is invited. string Quartet Class, under the direc-i tion of Robert Courte, will present a program in the Rackham Assembly Hall at 4:15 Monday afternoon, August 4. It will open with Vivaldi's L'Estro Armo- nico in A major, followed by Mozart's Quartet in D major, K. 575 Milhaud's Quartet No. 4, and Brahms' Quartet in A minor, Op. 51, No. 2. Students par- ticipating are Alfred Boyington, James Vandersall, Beatrix Lien and Yvonne Schilla, violinists; Walter Evich and Daniel Barach, cellists; Charlotte Lew- is and George Webber, cellists. The general public is invited. Student Recital: Jewell Foster, pi- anist, will be heard at 8:30 Monday eve- ning, August 4, in the Architecture Auditorium, in a program of works by Bach, Beethoven, Schumann and Ravel. Mr. Foster is a pupil of Mary Fishburne, and his program, played in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Music degree, will be open to the public. Stanley Quartet, Gilbert Ross and Emil Raab, violinists, Robert Courte, violist, and Oliver Edel, cellist, assist- ed by Emile Simonel, violist, will ap- pear in the final program of the sum- mer series at 8:30 Tuesday evening, August 5, in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The program will open with Haydn's Quintet in C major for two violins, two violas and cello, followed by Hinde- mith's Quartet No. 3, Op. 22. After intermissionthe quartet will Aplay Beethoven's Quartet in E-flat major, Op. 127. The general public will be ad- mitted without charge. Student Recital Postponed: David Helm, pianist, whose recital was sched- uled for 8:30 Wednesday, August 6, has postponed the program until 4:15 Tuesday afternoon, August 12, in the Rackham Assembly Hall. Exhibitions Museum of Art, Selections from the Permanent Collection. General Library. Dictionaries. Museum of Archaeology. Ancient Egypt and Rome of the Empire. Museums Building. Rotunda exhibit. Some museum techniques. Michigan Historical Collections, 160 Rackham Building. The changing Cam- pus. ON THE WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND f WITH DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON-Already the scramble has started to get closest to the Stevenson throne. Taft Republicans, on the whole, are more dignified. They have not rushed to snuggle up to Eisenhower. But some of the Demo- crats who were working their heads off to defeat Adla Steven- son at Chicago are now in a frantic frenzy to get on the band- wagon. Franklin Roosevelt had an interesting way of dividing up his friends. He called them "B. C." friends and "A. C." friends-referring of course to whether they were "before" or "after" Chicago. Probably the staunchest "before Chicago" friend Stevenson had in Washington is Assistant Postmaster General Osborne Pearson (no relation of this columnist) who got into considerable hot water with certain Trumanites for boosting Stevenson. As early as last April, Pearson began predicting Stevenson. On May 23, speaking at San Jose, Calif., he made this amazing prediction, as quoted in the San Jose Mercury: "It will not be Stevenson on the first ballot. Two other candidates, Senator Russell and Senator Kefauver, will have to neutralize the situation. That done, Governor Stevenson- will be drafted and will accept." Shortly after coming out for Stevenson, Pearson was called in by his chief, Postmaster General Donaldson. "What do you mean by making these Stevenson statements?" the Postmaster General asked. "The White House is sore about it." WAS WHITE HOUSE SORE? " ITHOUGHT THE President was for Stevenson," Pearson replied. Later he found that it was not the President, but one of his aides who pretended to speak for him who was irked-Matt Connelly. Connelly, who has long been maneuvering to keep his job, phoned Pearson, asked why he was beating the bushes for the Illinois Governor. Pearson replied that, since the President wasn't going to run, the Democratic party had to get busy and pick a good man. "But," replied Connelly, "I think if we work it right, we can get him to change his mind." The assistant Postmaster General, however, kept on plugging his man, made speeches all over the country, and continued the battle on the floor of the Chicago convention. At one time he was almost thrown bodily out of the California delegation-his home state-for trying to switch its delegates to Stevenson. While Donald Dawson of the White House staff and Chairman Frank McKinney were plugging for Barkley, Pearson battled for the man he had picked months before. It will be interesting to see how Stevenson handles his "B.C." friends; also how he handles his "after" Chicago friends. SEN. WILEY TURNS DIPLOMAT SEN. ALEXWILEY of Wisconsin, the fepublican on the Foreign Relations Committee who will become chairman if Eisenhower is elected, staged a private dinner the other day for the new President of Panama which proved helpful to the State Department. President-elect Jose Remon, who has not been regarded as a particularly good friend of the U.S.A., was frank and forth. right to Senator Wiley. He criticized Dictator Peron's attacks on the U.S., proposed cleaning Communists out of Panamanian uni. versities, said he would appoint Bobby Heurtematte, now Am. bassador to Washington and a good friend of the U. S., as Pan- amanian foreign minister. Senator Remon told Mrs. Wiley that she was anxious to do some welfare work but was afraid of becoming another Evita Peron, while President Remon said he planned to slap an income tax on the people of Panama. "If Mexico can do it, Panama can, too," he said, "since the Mex- icans are worse thieves than the Panamanians." Wiley concluded that President Remon would be a good friend of the U. S. A. after all. NOTE-Senator Wiley, who used to be the most genial back- slapper in the Senate, has settled down to take life seriously since his new marriage. ANOTHER MOSCOW VICTORY?? THERE WAS A lot more than meets the eye behind the sudden come- back of aged, cantankerous Mohammed Mossadegh as Premier of Iran. First, it was a decisive defeat for American diplomacy. Second, it could mean that the Shah of Iran will go the way' of the King of Egypt. What happened was that the Shah had finally got up nerve to do- what he shoulq have been doing long ago. He fired Mossadegh, re- placing him with Ahmed Qavam, stanch foe of Russia, who immediately pledged publicly that he would settle the oil dispute with England and thus restore Iranian economy. Following this, U. S. Ambassador Loy Henderson, the Kansas boy who has become one of the State Department's top experts on the Middle East, called on Qavam and promised him a large American loan in order to help clean up the mess Mossadegh left behind, Henderson also called on the Shah, warned that the Commun- ists, in league with fanatical Mossadegh followers, would try to over- throw the government. So the Ambassador begged Shah to give Qavam the power to call out the army, arrest the ringleaders, and smash the riots. Word leaked out that he had changed his mind and that the new Premier could not call out the army. The result was whole- sale riots. Mossadegh followers and Communists took over without fear of reprisal. Qavam barely escaped with his life. Mossadegh will get no financial. aid from the U.S.A. until he cleans up his dispute with the British but the danger is from religious fa- natic Mullah Kashani, who has . t. been playing footsie with the M * 1~U !. ~ Communists. Continued unrest and economic depression in Iran is almost certain to suck it behind Sxty-Stcond Yeas the ronCurtin.Edited and managed oy students of the Iron Curtain. U. ve 01y Micigan under the (Copyright, 1952, by The Bell Syndicate)-----------C---t Michiand th R.r~ .to i+iw DI aru 1.. .nr.'J I... et t 4 'I '1 { I i s r which have influenced the modern mind (through September 1). Architecture Building. Student work. Events Today Masters Breakfast, honoring candi- dates for the Master's Degree. 9:00 a.m., Michigan Union Ballroom. The Graduate Outing Club will meet on Sunday, August 3, Northwest Corner of Rackham Building, at 2 p.m. for hiking, picnicking and swimming. Bring authority of the Bnare w confr ro Student Publications EDITORIAL STAFF Leonard Greenbaum Managing Editor Ivan Kaye and Bob Margolin .......Co-Sports Editors Nan Reganall. ......... . Women's Editor Joyce Fickies. ............ Night Editor Harry Lunn ............ Night Editor Marge Shepherd ..........Night Editor Virginia Voss .........Night Editor Mike Wolff ,-.......... . Night Editor BUSINESS STAFF Tom 'reeger...... Business Manager 0. A Mitts .....,.Advertising Manager I I