mo ELECTION DAY See Page 2 Latest Deadline in the State ~IaiIr 0~o 00 0 PLEASANT MWMMW VOL. LXII, No. 200 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, AUGUST 3, 1952 FOUR PAGES I K ;irma Stevenson, Ike Camps OpenFire Headquarters Exchange Blasts By The Associated Press Preliminary shots were exchang- ed last night between the camps of Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhow~er and Gov. Adlai Stevenson, the Repub- lican and Democratic presidential n ominees. In a statement issued from the executive mansion in Springfield, Ill., Stevenson said he wondered if Eisenhowre's "crusade" is not "more for office than principle." * * * "MY DISTINGUISHED oppon- ent says that he will support 'to the limit' Republican party win- ners, whoever they may be, and attach them firmly to his 'cru- sade' Stevenson stated. "Apparently any Republican primary winner automatically becomes a commissioned officer in this 'crusade' no matter how much his views may differ from those of the commander in chief." Eisenhower's campaign mana- ger; Arthur E. Summerfield, let off a fusillade of his own from the General's temporary headquart- ers in Denver. Stevenson, he said in a prepared statement, would "out-Truman the Truman regime in leading the na- tion down the road to complete socialism." SUMMERFIELD contended that when the Illinois governor ap- pointed Wilson W. Wyatt as his personal campaign manager Fri- day it meant that "the ultra-left wingers-not the Democratic Par" ty-will have complete charge of his campaign." Wilson has long been an exponent of the Roosevelt New Deal and the Truman Fair Deal. President Truman said In Kansas City yesterday heis awaiting the word to start out on a bare-knuckle campaign tour in behalf of Stevenson. But the word must come 'from Stevenson, the President told James Arrington, former Demo- cratic chairman in Oklahoma. "I'm just a private in the rear ranks now," Arrington quoted Truman as saying. An Associated Press survey of the 13 state in the "solid South" indicated yesterday that Eisen- hower has a better chance of win- ning electoral votes in November than any GOP presidential nomi- nee since Herbert Hoover in 1928. IN WASHINGTON there was speculation that Sen. Robert A. Taft of Ohio, who lost the Repub- lican nomination to Eisenhower, may face a fight next January to retain his key post as chairman of the Senate GOP Policy Commit- tee. Taft has held the job since 1944, but his leadership has been chal- lenged from time to time by a group of young Senators, including several influential backers of Eis- enhower. Flood Threat Temporarily Eased at Soo By The Associated Press Army engineers decided yester- day to close the spigots on Lake Superior and ease temporarily at least flood threats in the lower St. Marys River. The announcement from the Army district engineer's office in Detroit was good news to residents of the Sault Ste. Marie area. * * * THEY claimed the Army with- out warning on Thursday turned loose a flood by opening 15 of the 16 gates in a compensating dam . between Lakes Superior and Huron. Shore residents along the St. Marys demanded immediate ac- tion to stop the water from flooding their properties. Lt. Col. John D. Bristor, army district engineer, said part ofthe compensating gates will be closed today "for approximately two days." He said this was being done to nermit the Chinnewa county -Daily-Jack Bergstroi ERIC HASS, SOCIALIST LABOR PARTY CANDIDATE *. , * * Socialist labor Leader Predicts National Crisis By HARRY LUNN A crisis in this country which will result in the overthrow of the present social and political system is "coming with frightening velo- city," according to Eric Hass, pre- sidential candidate of the Social- ist Labor Party. The crisis may be caused by in- flation, reversals in foreign affairs or a number of other factors oc- curing at the same time, Hass be- lieves. When this great debacle NY Railroad Strike Off Temporarily NEW YORK-(P)-A threaten- ed strike on the New York Central railroad lines east of Buffalo is off at least temporarily and a com- pany-union conference aimed at settling the dispute was set last .night for tomorrow. Railroad and Union officials reached agreement on the confer- ence several hours after union of- ficials had called off, at least until tomorrow, the threatened strike. THE UNIONS meanwhile sched- uled a meeting of their own for the same day in Cleveland. Tomorrow's conference was announced by Lawrence W. Horning, vice president in charge of personnel and public rela- tions for the New York Central. It followed by several hours a joint statement by officials of two rail unions saying there was "no truth" in Friday's report that the strike would start today. The threatened strike, by an es- timated 1,500 operating employes, reportedlyhad been authorized for any time after 6 a.m. (EST) today. UNDER DISPUTE, it was said, were working rules and grievances covering more than 300 issues dat- ing back to 1950. Services Plan Commissions WASHINGTON-(1P)-The army and Air Force are completing plans to offer commissions of indefin- ite length to reserve officers, and to release those who decline. The action is called for under recently passed Armed Forces Re- serve Act. Plans are the same for Army and AirForce Reserve Of- ficers. A similar plan already is in effect for Navy and Marine Corps reserves. ARMY spokesman said the in- definite appointment plan pro- vides these main advantages: 1. Elimination of the commis- sion renewal. resulting in dollar happens Hass and his co-workers stand ready to offer a program that will establish control of in- dustry under the workers. THE 47-YEAR-OLD presiden- tial candidate was in Ann Arbor yesterday to give a radio broad- cast and meet with local party workers. Then he went to Detroit where he also appeared on a radio program. Besides acting as the party's standard bearer, Hass edits the weekly Socialist Labor newspa- per which originates in the par- ty's New York headquarters. He also has charge of publishing the numerous pamphlets and books which are distributed throughout the country. The presidential campaign will be carried by Hass throughout the country beginning in September. At present, the vice-presidential candidate, Stephen Emery, is on a speaking tour and will probably stop in Ann Arbor during the cam- paign. * * * THE SOCIALIST Labor Party believes in the Marxist interpre- tation of history which stresses the role of economic factors in shap- ing the world's history. "The ma- terialistic conception of history to- gether with the class struggle ex- plains the evolution of society," Hass explained. T h o u g h it is commonly thought that Marxists believe in violent overthrow of govern- ment by the working classes, Hass pointed out that Marx be- lieved that the worker's state could be achieved by peaceful means in such countries as the United States or England. Thus the SLP advocates over- throw by ballot, not by force. Al- though the party has been in ex- istence since 1892, it has never at- tracted too many followers, and only rolled up 40,000 votes in the last presidential election. However, the members it does have are loyal and confident workers. They believe history is on their side and feel the party will eventually triumph. !?Just because workers have re- jected our program and responded no reason why they will not see how well the program fits into their industrial system and use the ballot to vote it in," Hass said. See HASS, Page 4 West Berlin Prepared for Red Youth Communist Rally Threatens Cay> BERLIN-- (0) -West Berliners look for trouble today. Police riot, squads have been alerted to repel a threatened at- tack on the Western part of the city by fanatical Communist street fighters. ThesCommunists have ordered their blue-shirted Free German Youth (FDJ) to demonstrate on the border between the Soviet- ruled and allied sectors in behalf of made-in-Moscow proposals for world peace and German unity. * * * WESTERN police squads, armed with clubs and pistols and backed by powerful mobile water pumps, will be on special duty from early this morning. For two weeks, the Communist press has been drumming up a big "peace rally" in a public park, the Jungfernheide, in the British sector. Local German authorities banned the rally, but the organizers say they will go ahead and 10,000 persons will be there. The FJD was ordered to mass at four points on the bor- der in support of the rally. "Nobody can stop us from sing- ing, dancing and playing," a Com- munist East Berlin newspaper complained. The Communist challenge came as West-East tension was high ov- er the kidnapping of several West Germans by Red agents this week and an ominous accusation by the Russians that the West had brok- en the agreement that ended the Berlin blockade of 1948-49 by re- stricting West German trade with East Germany. WESTERN ALLIED officials in Germany will meet in Bonn next week to consider a reply to the So- viet charge. They declined com- ment until experts have studied the demands made by Gen. Vas- sily Chuikov. Soviet control com- mission chairman. Although the aim of the Rus- sian move was not immediately apparent, observers construed it significant in view of the ten- sion in this re-encircled city. It could foreshadow another block- ade if the Soviets are looking for an excuse for such a maneuver. Shortly after the Soviet licensed news agency ADN reported the protest, West German official an- nounced that East and West Ger- many had concluded a new trade agreement calling for the ex- change of 200 million marks (47 million dollars) worth of goods to run until Dec. 31. The Communist press has egged on the Red Free German Youth (FDJ) to rush to West Berlin to- morrow to "demonstrate we are for peace." In whipping up en- thusiasm, the Communists have recalled the bloody street fights on the boundaries a year ago inwhich more than 300 persons were injur- ed. Acheson Resumes Flight to Honolulu SAN FRANCISCO-(RP)-Secre- tary of State Dean Acheson land- ed here last night on a twice- delayed flight to Honolulu for talks to implement the ANZUS de- fense treaty between the United States, Australia and New Zea- land. The secretary's military air transport service Constellation touched down at San Francisco International Airport at 9:38 p.m. Ann Arbor time after an unsched- uled stopover in Denver on a flight from Washington. In Olympic Tests Victories iii Basketball, Swimming, Boxing Puts Yanks out of Red Reach By TED SMITS HELSINKI-(/P)-United States athletes, their position as the world's best in jeopardy, grabbed 111 points yesterday to- hurl back the challenge of the Russians and win the unofficial team title of the 1952 Olympics, 610 to 5531/2. Nothing the Russians can do in today's equestrian events, which will bring an end to competition in these games, can alter the outcome. FOR 12 DAYS the Soviets, appearing in their first Olympic games, were in the lead. They started yesterday with an edge of 241/2 tallies, 523%/ to 499. But the U.S. basketball team won the title to cut into the margin, Ford Konno shortened it even further by winning the 1,500 meter swim and then a trio of Uncle Sam's nieces swept the women's platform diving to pass the Russians. RUINED CROP-A Fayetteville, Ga. farmer and his son unhap- ily survey their sun-baked nine-acre tract of stunted corn, from which they expect to harvest only 15 bushels. Rain fell last night on parched New England fields, but Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi and South Carolina continued on the list of "disaster states." * * * * Eastern Drought Ends; Disaster Grows in South BOSTON-0)-Rain fell like manna from heaven last night over drought-stricken New England farms and forests. The weatherman forecast at least half an inch of rain, "possibly more" to end one of the longest, hottest, driest, most disastrous weath- er spells ever to blanket New England. During all of July, only a little more than half an inch fell in Boston. S * * .* "THE WEATHER pattern of the past month has been broken and no hot weather is in sight," the weather bureau said. Rain will continue through today and possibly into tomorrow, it added. Police Race To Bordeaux Prison Fires MONTREAL, Que.-(P)-Police reinforcements and firemen raced to riot-torn Bordeaux jail again yesterday when 700 rebellious pris- oners set new fires to back up their shouted demands for better food. The fires apparently were not serious and police appeared to be in control of the six "winged in- stitution ten miles from downtown Montreal. *g *x *s THE PRISONERS set 17 fires last night, smashed cell block locks and fought 200' police in a two-hour battle. A dozen or more convicts were injured. This was the second series of riots at Bordeaux over food since last May. Provincial police re- ported this morning that order had been restored after Friday's violent outbreak. Screaming- in- mates touched off the fresh fires a few hours later. Guards had been unable to con- fine the prisoners in their cell blocks because of the smashed locks. The prisoners roamed the main corridor and adjacent corri- dors at will. Outside the prison walls, yelling could be plainly heard. Word from within was that yes- terday's fires were minor and fire- men who rushed in with fire hoses were able to put them out without too much trouble. Ten police squad cars sped to the scene wheni the alarm was sounded to join heavily- armed squads who had been on guard since Friday. All during July the sun beat with merciless fury upon New England and except. for, scat- tered sections the only relief was brief, violent thunderstorms that wrecked crops, blew down buildings and trees and destroy- ed lives. By the end of July the federal government had declared Maine and Massachusetts "disaster areas" eligible for special relief and state governments and farmers were making preparations to produce mad-made rain. The drought has pushed fruit and vegetable prices to record highs in some sections for this time of year. EVEN AS RAIN beat down on Boston two forest fires in Central Maine were reported ragingun- checked and weary fire fighters were barely able to hold in check a third blaze. But in Atlanta, parched fields and shriveled crops offer mute but terrible testimony to "one of the most serious economic dis- asters .the . country . has .ever seen." This grave summation came from Knox Hutchinson, assistant- secretary of agriculture. He headed a group of farm experts which met at Nashville, Tenn., Friday to seek' means of relieving millions of farmers who face ruin because of the rainless plague. Mounting damage estimates have soared past the $500,000 mark. FARM EXPERTS in the dis- tressed South say that conditions are so bad that at least ;three full days of steady, soaking rains will be required to save the remaining crops. Georgia, South Carolina, Ala- bama, Kentucky, *Mississippi and Tennessee are disaster states along with 27 counties in Arkansas and some in Missouri. ' Disaster Area U.S. Tops Russia Truman Ratif ies West. German Pact; KANSAS CITY-(AP)-President Truman yesterday completed American ratification of the peace pact with West Germany and the companion agreement to take that fraction of a nation into the west's lineup against Communist aggres- sion. The new arrangement is aimed at giving the Bonn government practically full soveriegnty, ending military occupation of its territory and making it a partner of the free world. Its actual operation, however, awaits approval from the other signaotry nations in- cluding West Germany itself. * * * THE PRESIDENT signed instru- ments ratifying: 1. The peace contract, which is the closest approach to a peace treaty the Western nations felt they could make while Ger- many is divided by continuing Soviet occupation of the eastern zone. 2. A protocol to the North At- lantic Treaty Organization (NA- TO) pact extending its mutual military guarantees to Western Germany, but not actually mak- ing the Germans NATO mem- bers. Truman's action made the Unit- ed States the first nation to fin- ish the last formalities. Britain's House of Commons ap- proved both agreements Friday, following up earlier action by the House of Lords, but there remain- ed the legal gesture of having the contract "laid on the table" in both houses. * * * FRANCE, however, has yet to take ratification action and there is no assurance such action will come without a fight. There are still French forces which are re- luctant to see Germany climb back toward a place of equality among the nations. And ratification by West Ger- many's own parliament isthe subject of a hot fight. German Communists want no part of such a deal, and there is strong opposition to the rearmament phases of the arrangement. In both France and Germany a considerable part of the criticism centers on a companion agreement in which the United States has no part, to bring West Germany into the European defense community pact. That agreement would bind Britain, France, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and West Germany together for mutual defense in event of attack. Truman, on a working vacation at his home in Independence, Mo., near here, signed the papers in his temporary executive offices at Kansas City's Hotel Muehlebach. The President issued a statement emphasizing the importance of the agreements for relations with Ger- many and for the security of the West. The statement also gave some attention to an "interpreta- tion" which the Senate attached when it approved the contract 77 to 5 and the NATO agreement 71 to 5. Last night the U.S. boxers won five championships to put the team title beyond the reach of the Russians. That is the most indi- vidual ring championships eve' won by one country in a single Olympic tourney. THE U.S. champions are Nate Brooks, of Cleveland, flyweight; Charlie Adkins, Gary, Ind., light welterweight; Floyd Patterson, New York, middleweight; Norvel Lee, Washington, D.C., light hea- vyweight; and Eddie Sanders, Los Angeles, heavyweight. In the only fistic encounter in the finals between an American and a Russian, Adkins took a split decision over Viktor Med- nov. Patterson was the only winner by a knockout. He flat- tened Vasile Tita of Romania in twenty seconds of the first round. Mrs. Pat McCormick, a blonde California housewife, led the American sweep in diving. * * * TODAY the great white Olympic flag with the five interlocking cr- les will be hauled down and the called issued for the youth of the world to re-assemble at Melbourne, Australia, in 1956. Back of the United States and Russia in the team battle came Hungary, always an Olympic power, with 308. Other leaders were: 4. Sweden, 267; 5. Ger- many, 165 ; 6. Finland, 162; 7. Italy, 1584; 8. France, 146; 9. Czechoslovakia, 113%; 10. Great Britain, 105. Ever since Russia piled up a flock of points in men's and wom- en's gymnastics, the United States team had trailed despite its vir- tual sweep of men's track and field. There a record 14 first places were won. ONE OF THE biggest surprises of these brilliant games was pro- duced by little Ford Konno, of Ohio State. This tiny Honolulan suffered from a sinus condition all spring but yesterday he swam as he never swam before, and his amazing time of 18:30 set an Olympic record for the 1500 meter free-style. The sweep of women's high diving was expected. Mrs. Mc- Cormick previously won the platform dive and thus became one of the few double cham- pions of the games. Second was 17-year-old Paula Jean Myers of Covina, Calif., and third was Mrs. Juno Stover Irwin, 23, of Los Angeles. See DAVIES, Page 3 Truce Talks AdjournAgain MUNSAN, Sunday, Aug. 3-(A- Top-level Korean armistice nego- tiators met for only 32 minutes to- day, then adjourned until Aug. 11. It was their first session in a week, following a recess called by the United Nations Command. THERE WAS NO immediate an- nouncement of the reason for the recess called today. After the brief meeting, staff officers resumed their discussions on the wording of the draft agree- ment. Agreement was confirmed dur- ing the week on the wording of all MICHIGAN ELECTION ROUNDUP: Politicos Work To Stir Voters for Aug. 5 Primary Local politicians are among the' 1,000 candidates for public office in Michigan working to stir the voter from his mid-summer leth- argy in time for the Tuesday pri- mary election. In Washtenaw County, the elec- +in "rav" + f -- nnfo E io' i * * * * * * Numerous Republican con- tests, though, were provoking all-out, name-calling campaign 48 hours before the election deadline. Election officials estimated that a quarter of the registered voters