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August 02, 1952 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1952-08-02

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SL To Get New Quarters

* * * *

The Student Legislature will oc-
cupy the old Journalism Bldg. on
ate St. next fall, legislator Phil
erry, Grad., announced yester-
SL will move from the building
at 122 S. Forest that has been its
headquarters for the past two
WHEN the journalism depart-
ment received extensive space in
the new Angell Hall addition, it
became possible for the legisla-
ture to take over part of the old
building which is located be-
tween the Union and the Admin-
istration Bldg.
The legislature has been al-
loted eight rooms on the first
floor and two on the second.
This is less space than in the
present headquarters, but the
move will bring SL much closer
to campus.
From its beginning in 1946 SL
has had a variety of offices. Orig-
inally their main headquarters
was. a closet in the Union where
they kept the sole piece of office
equipment - a filing cabinet.
Meetngs were arranged in mem-
bers' homes or at the Union and
In 1949 the legislature was giv-
en a room near the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs in the Administration
Bldg., but most committee meet-
ings had to be held elsewhere.
Finally in August, 1950, they
were given the building on S.
Forest. Office equipment was
acquired gradually and today
SL has five typewriters, a ditto
machine, several filing cabinets
and miscellaneous material.
The summer legislature has
been working on plans for the
used book store which members
will run in the fall. It will be lo-
cated in Rm. 18 Angell Hall and
will open on Sept. 17. Approxi-
mately 1400 volumes have been
collected for sale to students.
Too Violent!
LONDON-(P)-A labor mem-
ber of Parliament said yester-
day American-style comic books
are rapidly becoming a national
problem in Britain.
He urged the government to
help curb them.
Maurice Edelman, also a
writer and newsman, told Com-
mons around 30,000,000 objec-
tionable comics are circulated
In Britain everf year.
"The sinister thing about
these publications," he said, "is
that they introduce an element
of pleasure into violence and
encourage sadism in association
with unhealthy sexual stimula-
Busy Staebler
Follows Full
Political Life
(Continued from Page 1)
the state convention that fall, sev-
eral county organizations includ-
ing the Washtenaw County group
tried to change the state party
Their efforts failed, but the
group of men founded the Mich-
igan Democratic Club of which
Staebler was treasurer. The club
was dedicated to cleaning up the
party and it gained the member-
ship of a promising state politi-
cian, G. Mennen Williams.
DURING THE next two years
the club grew in strength and in
1948 when Williams was elected
governor, the leaders had realized
their goal.
Staebler became chairman of

the Jefferson-Jackson Day din-
ner in 1949, joint state-nation-
al finance funds director in that
year and in June, 1950 was nam-
ed state chairman by the state
central committee
Later in February of 1]951 the
state convention elected him chair-
man for a two year term.
The popular Democrat defines
his job as primarily concerned
with coordination. He must direct
campaigns, gather funds and give
advice on party programs, and
keep all the local groups in Mich-
igan's 83 counties in harmony.
Sounds impossible? Well, Staeb-
ler's basic formula is "coordina-
tion-always coordination."
* * *
RIGHT NOW he's immersed in
plans for the coming November
ballot. With the Stevenson-Spark-
man slate on tap, he feels confi-
dent that the Democrats will not
have any trouble in winning Mich-
igan, and the nation.
"The voters have heard Eisen-
hower; most have yet to hear
Stevenson. When they do, they
will find in him what they hoped
for in Eisenhower," he commented.
"The election is characterized on

-Daily-Matty Kessler
Stevenson Names Wyatt
.4 -4F' 0ip 7siIr t."l--r- - fi -

/15 uampatg
(Continued from Page 1)
He said establishment of head-
"will be from Stevenson and
* * *
ASKED IF that doesn't mean
the National Committee will be
playing a lesser role than in prev-
Ike Regards
World Peace
As BigIssue
(Continued from Page 1)
November election, as for the par-
ty to win the Presidency.
3. Said he will support all the
GOP nominees for Congress, but
emphasized that he did not
necessarily mean he would see
eye to eye with each one on all
4. Declared he regards it,. most
important to dovetail the work of
campaign volunteer groups; such
as the National Citizens for Eisen-
hower Committee, with operations
of the Republican. National Com-
mittee and the party's affiliated
professional political organizations
around the country.
* * *
MEANWHILE an Associated
Press survey of 112 newspapers in
13 southern and border states dis-
closed yesterday that among the
editors of the papers Eisenhower
is the most popular candidate the
Republicans have ever nominated
for President.
Fifty-four newspapers in the
traditionally solid South have
endorsed Eisenhower or said
they would do so. That is far
more editorial support than has
been given any other Republican
The' survey also shows that
the newspaper lineup against the
Democratic ticket of Stevenson
and Sen. John J. Sparkman of
Alabama is not much greater in
the south than it was against
President Truman four years ago.
Sen. Russell B. Long of Louisi-
ana conceded yesterday that Eis-
enhower might make a good show-
ing in some Southern states, but
he said in a Washington inter-
view that he liked the Democratic
ticket and was going to be for it.

),n mvanager
quarters here was not an attempt
to divorce Stevenson's campaign
from President Truman. He said
the President's offer of help in
the campaign stumping has been
"cheerfully accepted."
Wyatt said he is certain that a
Stevenson for President Citizen's
Committee will be formed.
"A great many Independents
and Republicans in the country
are eager to support Stevenson
and Sen. Sparkman," he said.
No date has been set for the
Democratic standard bearer to
begin his speaking tour, Wyatt
added, but it probably will be
around Labor Day.
SEN. Paul H. Douglas of Illinois
was a mansion guest yesterday af-
ternoon at Stevenson's invitation.
He told reporters afterward he
had been asked to take an active
part in the campaign and would
do so after returning from a Eur-
opean trip planed several months
As to his role in the campaign,
Douglas said he would be "just a
humble soldier in the ranks; I'm
not a general."
Douglas said the fact that Sen.
Estes Kefauver of Tennessee
whom Douglas favored for the
Presidential nomination, w a s
passed over for the second spot on
the ticket, left no disatisf action on
the part of Kefauver or his asso-
"I doubt if Sen. Kefauver would
have accepted the vice-presiden-
tial nomination at all," he said:
Legionnaires Plan
State Conventioni
DETROIT, (R) - An estimated
seven thousand American Legion-
naires and their family will meet
in Grand Rapids Aug. 7 for the
34th annual State American Le-
gion Convention.
The agenda for the four-day
convention includes 32 resolutions
to be ruled on by the 1,916 dele-
gates ranging from schools for un-
derprivileged children to benefits
for Korean veterans.
The chief resolution concerns
the welfare of American service-
men now prisoners of war in
North Korea and Manchuria.

Food Costs
Rise to New
WASHINGTON-(/A)-The cost
of food was reported by the Gov-
ernment yesterday at a record
high indicating the overall cost of
living is almost certain to reach a
new peak later this month.
And price officials said new in-
flationary pressures are brewing.
* ,* *
IN A MERE 14 days, the latest
food index showed, the cost of
$1.00 worth of grocery store items
rose to slightly more than $1.01.
One price expert called that a
"large increase for so short a
The food price data, gathered
from eight major cities, showed
that during the two-week period
ended July 15 food went up 1.2
per cent to a point where it now
costs almost 16 per cent more than
just before the outbreak of the
Korean fighting in June, 1950, and
stands at 235.1 per cent of the
level of the 1935-1939 base period.
Food represents about one third
of all costs for the average, mod-
est income family living in or near
a city. The last over-all cost-of-
living report, published last month
and covering the month ended
June 15, boosted the cost-of-living
index to a record high.
* * * '
YESTERDAY'S food increase
report comes on top of a smaller
rise reported for the last two weeks
of June.
Thus it appears certain that
the next monthly cost-of-living
index, covering the June 15-
July 15 period, will push up to
a new high.
There is every indication that
the figure will be high enough to
require a raise for more than a
million auto workers whose pay is
revised quarterly in line with the
index. The quarter will end with
the next report.
Congress lifted price controls
on all fruits and vegetables when
it extended the defense produc-
tion act last June. The Office of
Price Stabilization says fruits and
vegetables account for about 20
per cent of an average food bud-
Ellis Arnall, the government's
price stabilizer, has repeatedly
said that the recent steel price
increase allowed by the White
House will add $100 a year to
the living costs of every Amer-
ican family. That increase will
not be reflected in family buy-
ing cost for some time.
Another factor giving officials
c o n c e r n is the devastating
drought throughout the Southern
states and New England.
Today's food cost index showed
that eggs advanced 18 per cent to
more than 75 cents a dozen. A
seasonal increase in the price of
eggs is normal at this time, but
this large an increase was con-
sidered 'excessive
Opened Darns
Cause River
Floods at Soo
The opening of dams against
Lake Superior's high waters start-
ed a river flood at the American
and Canadian Soo's yesterday.
Extensive damage resulted, and
protests were made to the United
States and Canadian govern-
FEARS also were expressed that

trouble would ensue for property
owners of the lower lakes who
took beatings into the millions
of dollars from last spring's floods.
However, government agen-
cies insisted that this was pos-
itively not correct.
Their predictions ranged from
"no appreciable effect" to a slight
retarding of the seasonal drop in
the levels of Lake Michigan and

University scientists discounted
speculations that "flying saucers"
might be spaceships from another
world in a radio roundtable discus-
sion last night.
Stanley P. Wyatt, Jr., of the
astronomy department said the
extreme atmospheric conditions
present on the planets rendered it
improbable that intelligent beings
would exist in our Solar System.
* * *
ALTHOUGH admitting the pos-
sibility of planets like the Earth
existing in other solar systems
throughout the Universe, he doubt-
ed that space travel over such
great distances would be feasible.
Wyatt felt that while the
"saucers" were not a hoax, their
explanation could be found in
such phenomena as meteors and
"optical ghosts" caused by at-
mospheric disturbances.
Harry H. Goode, director of the
Willow Run Research Center also
believed that natural phenomena
and not spaceships were the ans-
wer to the problem.
Discussig the recent radar
sightings, he pointed out that ra-
dar was not infallible and was sub-
ject to a good many sources of
.. *
JOHN TAYLOR, a research as-
sistant in the Vision Research Lab-
oratory, continued by describing,
the various illusions and disturb-
ances to which the human eye is
Frederick Wyatt, of the Bur-
eau of Psychological Services,
felt the current technological ad-
vances and basic fears and ten-
sions to which we are subject
might be partly responsible for
the recent outbreak of flying
object sightings,
He also pointed out the power
of suggestion, adding that "now
the idea has taken hold, more and
more people may begin seeing sau-
Meanwhile the astronomy de-
partment's last summer Visitor's
Night swung into high gear as the
curious flocked to the telescopes
on the roof of Angell Hall for a
look at the moon and perhaps a
glimpse of the elusive flying
One youngster asked the ques-
tion that may have been puzzling
many of the spectators when he
said "wonder what's in these sau-
cers anyway?"
Alger Attacks
LANSING-(W)-Fred M. Alger,
Jr., candidate for the Republican
nomination for Governor, yester-
day criticized Dr. E. C. Prettyman,
Secretary of the Michigan Tem-
perance Foundation, for his meth-
od of supporting a rival candidate,
Lt. Gov. William C. Vandenberg.
Alger charged that Dr. Pretty-
man induced the Rev. Raymond
L. Norton, pastor of the Mason
Methodist Church, to block a
scheduled church supper for Alger
supporters, and to circularize his
congregation on behalf of Vanden-
AS AN AFTERMATH of the can-
celled church supper, Vernon J.
Brown, Mason publisher and form-
er Lieutenant Governor, announc-
ed he would support Alger and ob-
jected to Dr. Prettyman's inter-
Alger said that Dr. Prettyman
"puts in the mouth of the Rev.
Mr. Norton an absolute false-
hood. I refer to the charge that
I made promises to the wets, and

that I will work for their inter-
ests if elected.
"If Mr. Prettyman means I
made a promise to fight against a
movement intended to restore pro-
hibition to Michigan, he is right.
I made that promise, but not to
any special group. It was made to
the people of Michigan, time and
time again.
"Mr. Prettyman has admitted to
a newspaperman that he provided
Mr. Norton with 'literature' at-
tacking me, some of which is
known to be of a scurrilous nature
and of a most questionable source.
ROTC Units
The University Air Force ROTC
unit has been formally transfered
from the Continental Air Com-
mand to the Air University Com-
mand, Air Force Headquarters in
Washington announced yesterday.
The change involving more
than 145,000 students in 188 col-
leges and Universities was design-
ed to "consolidate and centralize"

'U'Scientists Discuss'Saucers'on Radio Program


-Daily-Jack Bergstrom
* * * *

'Saucer' Talk
Still Raging
Flying gadgets were all the rage
this week.
People across the nation saw all
sorts of things at all hours of the
day. The lucky managed to get pic-
tures of the phenomena, the less
fortunate contented themselves
with speculations that ranged from
Martian space ships to layers of
hot and cold air that play havoc
with radar screens.
So much time is being spent
answering saucer queries that
it's interfering with regular in-
telligence work, Maj. Gen. John
A. Samford, Air Force intelli-
gence director reported.
But so far the only person that
has taken action other than chas-
ing the "saucers," seems to be a
restaurant proprietor at St. Pet-
eisburg, Fla.
His establishment, shown on the
right, has a large sign painted on
the top offering free coffee to any
"saucer" crews.
The aerial photograph was taken
from a plane-not a saucer.








1833 Washtenaw Ave.
9:30 A.M.: Sunday School.
11:00 A.M.: Sunday Morning Services.
August 3-Love
11:00 A.M.: Primary Sunday School during the
. morning service.
Sunday Evening Services will be discontinued during
the months of July and August.
8:00 P.M. Wednesday: Testimonial Service.
A free reading room is maintained at 339 South
Main Street where the Bible and all authorized
Christian Science literature may be read, bor-
rowed, or purchased.
The Reading Room is open daily except Sundays
and holidays from 11 to 5, Friday evenings
from 7 to 9, and Sunday afternoons from 2:30
to 4:30.
State and E. William Streets
Minister--Leonard A. Parr
Student Work-Marilynn Paterson,
Robert Inglis
Director of Music-Harold Haugh
Organist-Howard R. Chose
10:45 A.M.: Junior Church Chapel.
10:45 A.M.: Professor Preston Slosson of U. of M.
History Dept. will speak on "Original Sin."
Mr. Jim B. Stephenson will conduct the service.

Who's Driving Whom

(Disciples of Christ)
Corner Hill & Tappan Sts.
Rev. Joseph M. Smith, Minister
10:45 A.M.: Morning Worship.
Sermon: "What Do You Know That Is Good?"
by Rev. Joseph Smith.
Music: Mr. and Mrs. Howard Farrar, choir
director and organist.
Sunday evening program: Cost supper at 6:00
P.M. Reading and discussion of excerpts
from Bernard Show's play "Man and Super-
man." Time: 7:00 P.M.; place: The Con,
gregational Church.
Marilyn Paterson and Robert Inglis, directors.
(National Lutheran Council)
Hill & Forest Ave. Dr. H. 0. Yoder, Pastor
Sunday-9:15 A.M.: Bible Class.
10:30 A.M.: Trinity Church-10:45 Zion Church
4:00 P.M.: Meet at Center-Picnic Supper.
120 South State Street
Dwight S. Large, Erland J. Wangdohl,
Eugene A. Ransom, Ministers
10:45 A.M.: Worship. Sermon, "More Than a
Recorder" Rev. Wangdahl preaching.
2:30 P.M.: Wesleyan Guild and Fireside Forum
will meet at the rear of the Church to go to
Kensington park for a picnic.
Welcome to Wesley Foundation Rooms, open daily.
11:00 A.M.: Sundays. Visitors welcome.
and The Episcopal Student Foundation
North ion t Cath+erine

(Sponsored by the Christian Reformed
Churches of Michigan)
Washtenaw at Forest
Rev. Leonard Verduin, Director
Phone 3-4332
10:00 A.M.: Morning Worship. Rev. Leonard
Verduin will speak.
7:30 P.M.: Evening Service with Rev, Leonard

,.. : _ _


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