4 PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1952 I m I * I I DORIS FLEESON: Choosing the Campaign Aides WASHINGTON-Sen. Estes. Kefauver has sent congratulations and offers of co- operation to his victorious rivals, Gov. Adlai E. Stevenson and Sen. John J. Sparkman. It is now their move. What it should be is only one of the many management prob- lems to which the Democratic candidates must address themselves without delay. That they owe so little to any faction or boss almost makes it harder. Politicians accept among themselves the slogan that to the victor belongs the spoils. Republi- cans who supported Senator Taft expect that those who backed General Eisen- hower will run his campaign with only such gestures to the defeated as political realities dictate. General Eisenhower was sufficiently en- meshed in a preconvention campaign to ac- quire some background on GOP personali- ties and how they got on together-or didn't. Springfield, Ill:, and its reluctant Governor were somewhat remote from the clashing Democratic clans. Fortunately Governor Stevenson has a Washington background. It began with the early New Deal in the Agricultural Adjust- ment Administration and the problems of repent, skipped to the war years when he was special assistant to the Secretary of the Navy, and closed in the postwar era with service in the United Nations and Foreign Economic Aid Programs. No bureaucrat with that background could escape a fairly wide acquaintance with poli- ticians. The Chicago machine and the Illi- nois statehouse also constitute a graduate course in politics. Nonetheless such experi- ence is not quite the same thing as inten- sive, up-to-date knowledge of the changing political tides and personalities in the 48 states. For example, a Democratic cliche is that the national chairman must be a Catholic from one of the big cities vital to the party's success. It is argued by the city bosses that this is only fair because a Catholic cannot aspire to the presidency or vice-presidency and the chairmanship is the next biggest recognition within the party's power to bestow. This argument has been presented to Gov- ernor Stevenson. Perhaps more could be learned of its validity in 1952 by talking to Catholics than the the city bosses. It is still a tradition to be considered. There are signs that not all the Kefauver forces are taking their licking in good part. They say their man did not get the recogni- tion he deserved for his strong primary showing. They think he was unfairly treated by the Permanent Chairman, Speaker Sam Rayburn. The Speaker was certainly livid with fury over the manner in which the Ke- fauver strategists kept demanding that delegations be polled. They had hoped to the end to stop Stevenson. In politics, a little following can be a dangerous thing. It led Henry Wallace far, ar astray; it seduced Ha old Stassen into following a course which has whittled away all his prestige. Senator Kefauver is still young enough for a very bright future. (Copyright, 1952, by the Bell Syndicate) MATTER OF FACT By JOSEPH and STEWART ALSOP WASHINGTON-The existence of a Soviet stockpile of atomic bombs has now be- come an almost unmentionable subject. There was no serious discussion of this sub- ject at all at the recent conventions, at one of which the next President of the United States was nominated. Yet Soviet atomic production may well overshadow every oth- er problem which the next President will have to face. Consider the facts. In the first place, previous estimates of Soviet atomic stock- piling have now been upped about 20 per cent. In the second place, this probably means that the Soviet stockpile will be- gin to approach the number of bombs re- quired for an attempted knock-out blow at the United States, before the end of the next President's four-year term. Previous estimates have assumed Soviet production of about fifty bombs up to the beginning of this year; and thereafter, as CURRENT MOVIES Architecture Auditorium I MARRIED A WITCH with Veronica Lake and Fredric March. AFEW WEEKS AGO, in reviewing "The "The Ghost of Mrs. Muir," I occupied myself in passing the thought: "What if this had been written by Thorne Smith?" feeling it would have been less muggy. After seeing the present film, "I Married a Witch," largely drawn from one of Smith's stories, I am more sure than ever of my hypothesis. Though profitable comparison between the two movies is limited, at bottom they. are remarkably similar. Each concerns a supernatural being who falls in love with a mortal. In the one case, it the ghost of a sea captain; in the other, it is a svelte, husky-voiced witch, played by Veronica Lake. In each case, confusion arises from the relationship. But there, for most prac- tical purposes, the similarity ends. "Mrs. Muir" gets involved in sentiment; "A Witch" gets whimsical. The whimsey in "I Married a Witch" is not entirely innocent, as might be expected from Thorne Smith, though the devility has been slightly diluted for film purposes. It is this quality, simply enough, which sends the picture above the general run. It is a thing that must be dealt with subtly, kicked about and toyed with, and skirted cleverly, never indulged in an obvious fashion. It pro- vides a kind of peppery core for the farce, incipient in each action and speech. The result is that the wit achieves a cer- tain hardness, which, although not abso- lutely consistent, and sometimes muffled in nonsense, helps the picture along to be- ing a better than average comedy. As the passionate witch, Veronica Lake outdoes herself, acting langorous or bedev- iled as the occasion demands with an excel- . .. the result of the completion of a great new atomic plant in central Russia, monthly production of five to seven bombs. These estimates have been upped for several rea- sons. but especially because it has been found that atomic bombs of medium power can be produced considerably more rapidly than had previously been thought possible. Given this 20 per cent increase in cur- rent estimates, the following table will serve as a rough guide to the expected minimum and maximum stockpile in the years immediately ahead. At the end of this year: 130 to 150 bombs. At the end of 1953: 200 to 250 bombs. At the end of 1954: 275 to 370 bombs. At the end of 1955: 350 to 450 bombs. At the end of 1956: 420 to 550 bombs. * * * THIS SORT OF estimate is, of course, no more than an informed guess. No one can possibly predict what successes or fail- ures may attend the efforts of Soviet Se- cret Police Chief Lavrenti Beria, who is charged with the Soviet atomic program, three of four years from now. Moreover, the above table leaves out of account the hydro- gen bomb, on which this country has little head start on the Soviet Union. But the es- timates above at least serve to suggest what the planners call "the dimensions of the problem." The dimensions of this problem. which will confront the next President are also suggested by other estimates the experts have made. These estimates concern the number of medium bombs on target re- quired to destroy this country's military potential. This, again, is something which even the best of the experts, poring over their target analyses and production fig- ures, can only guess at. But for what they are worth these guesses range from 450 to 660 medium atomic bombs delivered on target. Here it should be pointed out, of course, that there is a great difference between bombs hidden in a stockpile and bombs de- livered on target. For one thing, the con- tinental United States does not contain by any means the only atomic targets in the world. Second, no country can afford to expend its whole atomic stockpile at a single blow. Third, some targets are sure to be missed. And finally, the effectiveness of the defenses of a country attacked can make the difference between the success or failure of an attack. * * * AS ALREADY reported in this space, the air defense specialists are beginning to believe that the effectiveness of our defense against air delivered attack can be increased very sharply indeed, given an all-out na- tional effort in this field. For all these rea- sons, it would be all wrong simply to equate the estimated Soviet stockpiling of bombs with the estimated number of bombs re- quired for a knockout blow. Yet when all this is said, the harsh facts remain. The So- viet atomic stockpile is formidable enough even now. By the end of the next President's four-year term, a very bad time may at least be near. This is the time when the So- viets will be able to launch a surprise sat- tnroa~tn attark ar neint th TUnitd Stats. INTERPRETING THE NEWS:l Pacific .defense Ring By J. M. ROBERTS, JR. Associated Press News Analyst O NE OF Secretary Acheson's jobs at Hono- lulu will be to make the new U.S.- Australia-New Zealand Mutual Defense Pro- gram an invitation to other Pacific powers to join eventually. There is no immediate intention of try- ing to create in the Pacific anything com- parable with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The nature of the present work is more like that with Latin Am- erica. The urgency of ever-possible enemy ac- tion in the Pacific is not present as in Eur- ope. And the immediate focal point if it ever develops will be Japan, not the South Pacific. Indeed, there will be a spirit present at Honolulu, however, politely covered, which compares in some respects with that which exists between France and Germany when they seek to cooperate, under new pressure, against a background of mutual fear. The fear is that of the Anzacs for Japan. It is one of the chief reasons why the U.S. has made mutual defense treaties with Australia and New Zealand on the one hand, and with Japan and the Philippines individually. There are economic matters involved, too, between the British Commonwealth and Japan, with the latter's return to trading importance in the Orient running head-on into British efforts for trade expansion. And there is some plain old-fashioned racial prejudice. But, just as the present lack of direct military pressure on the Pacific permits the present arrangement, so would a real threat require unification. And there is no guaran- tee that Russia's traditional expansionism toward the Orient, her traditional enmity with Japan, will not eventually regain first place in Russian policy. Nothing like a supreme command among America, Australia and New Zealand is being planned for the present. Liaison for coordination of military programs is the present objective. In this the United States will be standing between the antipodes, Japan and the Philippines. The problem at Honolulu will be to establish an institution broad enough to take care of future developments in case a supreme command should be needed, in case enemy pressure should ever override the current objections to Pacific-wide unifica- tion. Purging the Nazis TEN MONTHS AGO, after a famous series of articles in the "Frankfurter Rund- schau" on former Nazis in the German For. eign Office, a parliamentary subcommittee was set up in Bonn to investigate the charg- es. It was officially admitted that of seventy- five senior officials forty-nine had been Nazi party members. The scandal was of whale-like propor- tions; the euphemistic prose of the com- sion's report now published suggests it has gone only river fishing. It does indeed recommend that the chief of the personnel section and one Herr von Bargen be dis- missed from the service; that the late Am- bassador in Athens be urged to retire; that a permanent panel of inquiry be set up; and that a new Secretary of State be appointed to supervise the recruitment of personnel. That department has been noted in its screening of former "politically active" Nazis for its "negligent conduct of official busi- ness in good faith. So far so good. But other ex-Nazis, one of whom at least "failed to remember" his part in drawing up details of Hitler's "New Order," are simply not to be "sent on foreign service." The subcommittee's concern seems to be with Germany's prestige abroad rather than with Nazis. True, some were party members because it was "part of Germ- any's fate." "Experienced diplomatists," in Professor Hallstein's words, "are need- ed and cannot be discarded .just because they were in the old Foreign Office. There will be no real solution until a new gener- ation of diplomatists arises." The Russians have had the same problem in Eastern Germany where former Nazis al- so fatten in high places. But the "new gen- eration" is not likely to bloom with liberal sentiments in the Right-wing climate of the present Foreign Office's corridors. It is to be hoped that the Social Democrats (who are particularly anti-Nazi) will pass the subcommittee's findings through a fine sieve. The price of democracy is vigilance. -The Manchester Guardian Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writer only. This must be noted in all reprints. NIGHT EDITOR: HARRY LUNN 'yi /lr f _. _. . .. .-j,.-i.,. tt,. F .. i -1 DAILY OFFICIAL BULL'ETIN [ U 0 The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510 Administration Building before 3 p.m. the day preceding publication (11 a.m. on Saturday). Notices Veterans enrolled under the G.. Bill who will receive a degree, change course, or change institutions, at the end of the summer Session and who wish to take additional training under the Bill,' must apply for a supplemental Certif- icate of Eligibility on or before August 8. Application should be made in Room 555, Administration Building. Cercle Francais: The Cercle Francais of the Summer Session meets every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock in the Henderson Room of the Michigan League. The meetings offer a varied program of songs, games and short talks in French on topics of general interest, as well as the opportunity for informal conversation and recreation. All students, faculty members, and summer residents who are interested in France and things French are cor- dially invited to participate in any or all of the activities of the Cercle. Lectures Symposium on Heat Transfer. Trans- piration and Film Cooling." E. R. G. Eckert, University of Minnesota. 10:00 a.m., 311 West Engineering. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Donald Charles Kleckner, Speech; thesis: "Sen- ator Robert A. Taft: A Study of his Public Address with Emphasis on the Labor Issue," Monday, August 4, 3211 Angell Hall, at 2:15 p.m. Chairman, W. H. Beaven. Doctoral Examination for Alice Braunlich Dickinson, Mathematics: the- sis: "Compactness Conditions and Uni- form Structures" Tuesday, August 5, 3001 Angell Hall, at 3:00 p.m. Acting Chairman, H. Samelson. Doctoral Examination for Nadine Anna Cragg, Education; thesis: "An Evaluation of the Year-Around School Camp of Long Beach, California," Tues- day, August 5, 4014 University High School, at 1:45 p.m. Chairman, M. E. Rugen Doctoral Examination for Harley Young Jennings. Jr., Chemistry; the- sis: "Contact Angle Hysteresis on Sil- ver Chloride Surfaces," Tuesday, Au- gust 5, 1565 Chemistry Bldg., at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, F. E. Bartell. Concerts String Quartet Class, under the direc- tion of Robert Courte, will present a program in the Rackham Assembly Hall at 4:15 Monday afternoon, August 4. It will open with vivaldi's L'Estro Armo- nico in A major, followed by Mozart's Quartet in D major, K. 575 Mlhaud's Quartet No. 4, and Brahms' Quartet in A minor, Op. 51, No. 2. Students par- ticipating are Alfred Boyington, James vandersall, Beatrix Lien and Yvonne Schilla, violinists; Walter Evich and Daniel Barach, cellists; Charlotte Lew- is and George Webber, cellists. The general public is invited. Student Recital: Jewell Foster, pi- anist, will be heard at 8:30 Monday eve- ning, August 4, in the Architecture Auditorium, in a program of works by Bach, Beethoven, Schumann and Ravel. Mr. Foster is a pupil of Mary Fishburne, and his program, played in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Music degree, will be open to the public. Robert Noehren, University Organist, will present the second of two Sunday afternoon organ recitals at 4:15 August 3, in Hill Auditorium. It will include compositions by Schmidt, David, An- driessen, Langlais, Koechlin, Messian, Milhaud and Durufle. The general public is invited. Stanley Quartet, Gilbert Ros and Emil Raab, violinists, Robert Courte, violist, and Oliver Edel, cellist, assist- ed by Emile Simonel, violist, will ap- pear in the final program of the sum- mer series at 8:30 Tuesday evening, August 5, in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The program will open with Haydn's Quintet in C major for two violins, two violas and cello, followed by Hinde- mith's Quartet No. 3, Op. 22. After Clements Library. American books whichhave influenced the modern mind (through September 1). Architecture Building. Student work, Events Today Motion Picture, Auspices of Student Legislature Cinema Guild: Rene Clair's "I Married a Witch," also, "The City," 6 o'clock, 7:15, and 9:30, Architecture Auditorium. Play, presented by the Department of of Speech. Second Threshold, by Philip Barry. 8:00 p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Coming Events The Graduate Outing Club will meet on Sunday, August 3, Northwest Corner of Rackham Building, at 2 p.m. for hiking, picnicking and swimming. Bring cars. Recreational Swimming-Women Stu- dents: The Union pool will be open to women for recreational swimming on Tuesday and Thursday; evenings of next week from 7:30 until 9:00 o'clock. Sunday, August 3 Masters Breakfast, honoring candi- dates for the master's degrees. 9:00 a.m., Michigan Union Ballroom. Services in Ann Arbor churches. I Iettep4 TO THE EDITOR Pro gressive Party.. To the Editor:. IN ANSWER to Mr. Swander's four questions concerning the Progressive Party: (1) The Progressive Party is the only political party in which Negroes play leading roles, and the only party which heeds the demands of the Negro people for an immediate end to discrimina- tion, segregation, and racial per- secution. The Republicans offer us an avowed states-righter in the person of Eisenhower; the Demo- crats have shown us how serious- ly they mean to take their civil rights planks in nominating for vice-president a man who has consistently opposed all attempts at civil rights legislation, Spark- man of Alabama. The Progres- sive Party nominated a Negro woman for vice-president, long a militant fighter for her people, Mrs. Charlotta Bass. At the Pro- gressive Party convention, I saw Negroes and whites standing to- gether on the issue of civil rights and on all other issues-that's why we proudly say it is a party of Negroes and whites. (2) I quote from plank No. 1 in the foreign policy section of the Progressive Party platform: "Agree to a cease-fire in Korea today. without any ifs, ands or buts. Propose an immediate armistice at the agreed upon demarcation line; all disputed questions, in- cluding the exchange of war pris- oners, to be settled by civilian representatives of all nations in- volved in the war after the fight- ing stops." (3) In relation to the Soviet Union and China, Progressives would agree, I think, in holding that one paramount fact must be recognized: that the governments in those countries rest on broac popular support. From this it fol- lows that to talk of peace in terms of the destruction and overthrow of the governments of the Sovie Union and China, is to talk o war, not of peace; for it would take a war of aggression and con quest to destroy those govern ments, at least in the foreseeable future. Consequently, our mora "I'm Fine, Thanki, But I Hear You're In Bad Shape" ' s. ! f . f R +-a t - a -nom ,,,,.,swacss.a. Purr .... ON THE WASIHINGTON WITH DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON - During the early days of the long-drawn-out steel strike negotiations, Assistant Secretary of Defense Anna Rosenberg was urging that the crisis be solved by giving the steel industry a price increase. She wanted to know why this wasn't practicable. "You can increase prices all right," replied Price Stabilizer Ellis Arnall. "You can increase 'em if you want to wreck the country. "Yes, you can increase 'em all right," he added very softly, "but you'll have to get yourselves a new price administrator." Last week steel prices were increased as a "bribe" to the steel industry, and, as a result, Mr. Truman is going to have to get himself a new price administrator. Arnall will carry out his threat without any shouting or bombast -in fact, just as softly as he gave his reply to Assistant Secretary Rosenberg. He doesn't blame the President for caving in to the steel companies in view of the desperate arms situation, and he doesn't want to embarrass anyone. Nevertheless, Arnall has concluded that you can't control prices, if you yield every time you get in a tight corner. "Under the present law there are just two things left for the price administrator to do," Arnall told a friend recently. "If the price is too low he can remove a commodity from price control, or if the price is too high, he can cave in." Arnall is tired of caving in as a result of pressure from above, so about the end of the summer he will unobtrusively go back to Georgia. WASHINGTON PIPELINE THE PERSON who has more influence on Harry Truman than any- one else, told him just before the convention that she would not be too much opposed if he ran again. Hitherto Bess Truman had been one of the chief reasons why HST hadn't wanted to run. Another was daughter Margaret . . . . Mrs. India Edwards, vice-chairman of the Democratic National Committee, received an offer from the Eisen- hower camp to come over to the Republicans. She declined. She wasn't inetrested personally, and besides, the Republicans didn't even give the ladies a nominating speech for the vice-presidency, whereas the girls had quite a fling at the Democratic convention . . . . Both Mrs. Edwards and Judge Sarah Hughes of Dallas had their names put up, in addition to which one whole day was devoted to the ladies . Stanley High, who ghost-wrote FDR's famed speech on "economic royalists," is now ghost-writing speeches for Eisenhower. Once a great Ike fan, the President now privately calls him an ingrate. He is par- ticularly sore at Eisenhower's claim that he had nothing to do with carving up Germany. Real fact is that the Pentagon has some papers signed by Eisenhower showing that Ike did have a lot to do with carving up Germany. These will be used-if and when the campaign gets really hot. TRUMAN'S SENATE OPPONENT IT LOOKS AS IF President Truman might repeat his propensity for y picking the wrong candidate in Missouri. So far he hasn't picked a winner. First he bet his money against Congressman Roger Slaughter of Kansas City and lost. Later he bet against ex-Congressman Tom Hennings for the Senate and lost. Now he is betting against his old assistant, Stuart Symington, who is running in the Missouri primary against the President's choice, State Attorney General J. E. Taylor. A lot of people have been puzzled regarding Truman's opposition to Symington, a man who worked long and loyally for the adminis- tration, first as Secretary for Air, later as Chairman of the National Security Resources Board, finally as head of the RFC. Symington's difficulties with the White House date back to the days when he brought Charles E. Wilson into the administra- tion as defense mobilizer. Symington had suggested Wilson for the job, and went up to New York to urge him to take it. Wilson, he planned, would be an independent operator, and he, Symngton, would continue with his vitally important chairmanship of the National Security Resources Board. However, it turned out just the other way. Symington found him- self working under Wilson, the man he appointed. Wilson got the White House to issue an executive order making Symington his sub- ordinate. The President probably didn't realize that he had undercut his own man. The deal was put across by subordinates. Anyway, he later shifted Symington over to clean up the RFC scandals and this was where Symington made his political error. He let the chips fall where they may. When the Senate wanted information on such sensitive matters as Donald Dawson, a former RFC official now working at the White House; and on the Presi- dent's private stenographer, Mrs. Merl Young of mink-coat fame, Symington released the true facts. It was then that White House aides began gunning for him. Their nickname for him was "Little Lord Fauntleroy." Symington, they implied, was too pure. It's difficult for any President not to be influenced by the palace guard, and Truman undoubtedly was affected by the constant anti- Symington pin-pricking of the Dawsons, the Connellys, and the Vaughans. It will be interesting to see what happens if and when Symington comes back to Washington nexte fall as a full-fledged senator from Missouri. * * * CAPITAL CHA FFFFiat xl a' 14 V 4. 4 L{ .1 °t X C 1 2 S r a S S it'rt i F1 i71N7 TrlWZy SENATOR KEFAUVER has gone down to a Tennessee farm where he is swimming, relaxing, and trying to read some books. He hasn't been able to sleep at night for thinking how he could have handled his campaign differently -and, if so, won ... Secretary of State Dean Acheson was flabber- gasted at Brazilian hospitality. His host at Sao Paulo, Jorge Pra- do, built a glass wall costing $25,- 000 around his garden just for the party he gave in honor of Acheson. The wall was to permit guests to enjoy the garden while the public was kept out . (Copyright, 1952, by The Bell Syndicate) I t Sixty-Second Yea Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board In. Control of Student Publications EDITORIAL STAFF Leonard Greenbaum Managing Editor Ivan Kaye and Bob Margolin .........Co-Sports Editors Nan Reganal.......... Women's Editor Joyce Fickles ............ Night Editor Harry Lunn :..........Night Editor Marge Shepherd .......... Night Editor. Virginia Voss ............Night Editor Mike Wolff............Night Editor BUSINESS STAFF Tom rreeger. .. Business Manager 0. A Mitts ...... Advertising Manager Jim Miller....... Finance Manager 4 r. framed by Mr. Swander, presup- t poses that the existence of a Com- f munist Party in the U.S. is a threat to the American democratic tradition. This we fail to see. There have been Communists in e this country since the time of the l Civil War, and far from having ,mrnet+i,+ia. +hreat t Americran ,G