CHOOSING THE CAMPAIGN AIDES See Page 2 L Si1r tzgau Latest Deadline in the State 443 zt t1 CLOUDY WITH RAIN VOL. LXII, No. 199 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1952 FOURPAGES Stevenson Names WyttManager National Campaign Headquarters Will Be Organized at Springfield By The Associated Press Gov. Adlai E. Stevenson, Democratic Presidential nominee, named Wilson Wyatt of Louisville, Ky., his personal campaign manager yesterday. Wyatt announced at a news conference that national campaign headquarters will be in Springfield. He said it marks the first time the party's campaign headquarters have not been in Washington. "SINCE THE campaign obviously must be directed by Governor Stevenson, the headquarters will be here and mine will be too," he said. Wyatt, 46, Ex-Mayor of Louisville, was National Housing Ex- * * * Ikse thinks *World Peace Main Issue DEN VER-M')-Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower declared yesterday r~ that development of a sound pro- gram for world peace overrides all the issues of the Presidential cam- Lpaign. And the Republican nominee for Sthe White House said it is his ob- jective to create such a program. w AT THIS first news conference since he was nominated July 11, the General pledged that he and his running mate, Sen. Richard t M. Nixon, of California, will con- ;,duct, an intensive, fighting cam- paign in all the "nooks and cran- nies of the United States." The campaign probably will get under way about Sept. 1, aEisenhower added. He met with newsmen as his campaign high command was ar- riving in Denver for a strtegy huddle with the General ye ter- ". day. Those scheduled to sit in at the conference-the first big get-to- gether since he won the nomina- tion-included Nixon and Arthur E. Summerfield, the new chair- man of the GOP National Com- mittee. Summerfield also is serv ing as Eisenhower's campaign manager. z AT THE news conference, Eis- enhower also: 1. Said he plans to pay close attention to his political advis- ors, but he added "there can be no other boss of this campaign than Eisenhower himself." He said the party's National Con- vention had handed him that responsibility when it chose him the Republican standard bearer. 2. Stressed that he regards it t just as important for the Repub- licans to capture control of Con- gress from the Democrats in the v See IKE, Page 4 Michigan Polio Cases Reach High to Date LANSING,(I) -- Michigan's in- fantile paralysis case load to date is ahead of any other previous year, the State Health Depart- ment said yesterday. The Department said 145 new cases were reported during the past week. This compares with 70 cases the same week a year ago, 41 cases during the week in 1950 and 168 cases during the peak year of 1949. THE COUNT for the year now rstands at 370 cases. There were 273 cases during the same period last year, 224 cases during the same months in 1950 and 318 cases during the period in 1949. This is still no proof, the de- partment said, that this will be an epidemic year despite the high count. As yet, the depart-' ment advised, the count only in- dicates that the disease might be reaching its peak early this year. * Meanwhile, Washtenaw coun- ty's 18th case of polio for 1952 was *reported to the County Healthl pediter in 1946-1947. He was Na- tional Chairman of Americans for Democratic Action in 1947. Wyatt said his appointment was made after Stevenson consulted with his running mate, Sen. John Sparkman of Alabama, who con- curred. Wyatt said that Stevenson and Sparkman are going to conduct a "very aggressive and militant campaign." * * * IN WASHINGTON Sen. John J. Sparkman of Alabama, Democratic Nominee for Vice President, re- fused yesterday to be pinned down, by a Negro Congress member on his stand on specific civil rights issues. . Sparkman made public a tele- gram to Rep. Adam C. Powell, Jr. (D-NY), promising to "work whole-heartedly for the Dem- ocratic program" but parrying the Harlem Negro's questions about specific civil rights issues with a declaration: "As an experienced legislator you will understand, I am sure, that no one can properly give blanket assurance in advance as to his ac- tion on any and every measure.' Sen. Moody (D-Mich), a lead- er of the Democratic convention fight to exact pledges of party loyalty from all state delega- tions, denied meanwhile that he had sought by this device to drive Southern Democrats from the party. In Kansas City, Frank E. Mc- Kinney reiterated last night he does not choose to remain as Dem- ocratic National Chairman and said he would discuss party affairs with Gov. Stevenson, the nominee for President in about a week. STEVENSON yesterday invited three of the men he defeated for the presidential nomination to confer with him about campaign plans. Invitations to parleys at the Governor's Mansion went to Sen. Kefauver, Sen. Richard Russell'of Georgia and Averell Harriman. William I. Flanagan, the Gov- ernor's Press Secretary, said Ke- fauver plans to come to Spring- field some time after Thursday's election in Tennessee. Wyatt said the campaign head- quarters will work in "close asso- ciation" with the Democratic Na- tional Committee. He emphasized that direction of the campaign ious Presidential campaigns, Wy- att said: "I don't think it will be a less- er role. It will be a different one." See STEVENSON, Page 4 Stabilization Heads See HighPrices Food Costs Soar To New Record WASHINGTON-( P)-The gov- ernment's stabilization chiefs grimly predicted even higher prices last night in the wage of a Labor Department report that food costs have soared to a new record. Economic Stabilization Director Roger L. Putnam directly blamed Republicans. At the same time he accused the steel industry of hold- ing "a gun at the Government's head" to get the steel price in- crease which he said will be a fac- tor in a coming general rise. * * * PRICE STABILIZER Ellis Ar- nall said the food price report "clearly shows what the public can expect" and added that it is "a strong argument against those si- See story on food cost increase on Page 4. ren voices among the business community who have been telling Congress and the people that the need for concern about the cost of living is over." Arnall discussed the outlook in an interview. Putnam's views were recorded for a radio broad- cast on the CBS program "Cap- itol Cloakroom." Both officials based their re- marks mainly on the Bureau of Labor Statistics food price re- port which indicated strongly that a new peak in general living costs will appear in a report due later this month. "There's n question that the cost of living is going to rise some- what and that the 82nd Congress (only recently adjourned) did curb our program," Putnam said. "THERE'S just no question that the Republican Party was voting to cripple controls. The Democrats were fighting to keep the power of controls where they're needed." In his haymaker swing at the steel industry over the $5.20 per ton price increase that accompan- ied settlement of the 55-day steel strike last week, the Economic Stabilizer asserted: "They insisted on special treat- ment. They would not produce steel until a price increase was given. They held a gun at the Gov- ernment's head." NYC Strike Threatened WASHINGTON - (P) - The chiefs of four big operating rail unions got word last night of a strike vote authorizing a walkout tomorrow morning of all operating employes on the New York Cen- tral lines east of Buffalo, it was learned here. J. P. Shields, head of the engi- neers, confirmed from his Cleve- land headquarters that he had re- ceived a telegram from his local union leaders that the walkout, over working rules grievances, has been scheduled for early tomor- row morning. He said chiefs of the other three brotherhoods-the trainmen, the firemen and con- ductors - had received similar notices from their local leaders in New York. Late Scores AMERICAN LEAGUE St. Louis 2, New York 1 Boston 3, Detroit 1 Washington 3, Chicago 1 NATIONAL LEAGUE Chicago 6, Brooklyn 1 New York 7, Pittsburgh 3 St. Louis 10, Philadelphia 5 Cincinnati 2, Boston 0 Government Allots Steel For Defense By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-Impact of the steel strike on civilian produc- tion began to clarify yesterday as the government earmarked a big share of new steel output "for de- fense only." The National Production Auth- ority directed each mill to reserve a fixed percentage of its output for the armed forces, the atomic program and machine tools-up to 100 per cent of capacity in the cast of steel suitable for shells and armor plating. * * * BUT THE AUTO industry, for example, expected to be not too seriously hit, provided NPA does not enlarge its list of priority cus- tomers. Most makers of household ap- pliances and other consumer items should fare reasonably well also, once the interrupted ship- ments are resumed. This is because the military set- ,aside is smaller than many had feared-generally 16 per cent or less-for the types of sheet and strip steel most widely used in con- sumer good factories. But NPA administrator Henry H. Fowler has warned that "thous- ands" of civilian plants may have to close and lay off workers tem- porarily because their steel sup- plies, depleted by the 54-day strike, will run out before new shipments arrive. OFFICIALS said they could not foretell how soon or where shut- downs will occur. That will de- pend on the amount of steel on hand in each plant and the rate at which it is used up. The boiler industry notified NPA that some manufacturers of heating boilers must close down shortly. This, it was point- ed out, would stall the comple- tion of schools, hospitals, and other large construction proj- ects. Generally, however, NPA fore- saw no serious drop in the volume of construction activity scheduled for this year-about 32 billion dol- lars worth. Yesterday's set-aside order ap- plies to steel mill shipments after October 1, for which the mills now are filling up their order books. . * * CHICAGO Inland Steel Co., one of the nation's six largest steel producers, and the United Steel- workers Union (CIO) yesterday announced full agreement on a new two-year contract. J This was the first complete agreement signed in the basic steel industry since the steel strike ended last week. In Pittsburgh, Philip Murray, USW President, said negotiations with U.S. Steel are progressing smoothly and that he expects a similar agreement "possibly by next Tuesday." Allies Hold Strategic Hill Under Heavy Red Attacks REPAIRS DREN -Daly-Matty Kessler ON CITY BUILDINGS AND NEW PLAYGROUND FACILITIES FOR ANN ARBOR CHIL- ARE TWO OF THE REASONS ADVANCED FOR AMUSEMENT TAX APPROVAL. *M k * k * * * * City u dget Head Explains Tax Needs By VIRGINIA VOSS City Budget Director Lauren J. Jedele yesterday called for a "yes" vote on the ten per cent amuse- ment tax amendment in order co make future budgets flexible enough to cover needed improve- ments in Ann Arbor facilities. Though the 1952-53 budget Is better balanced than in past West German. Treaty Passed By Commons LOTDON-W)-The House of Commons approved yesterday rat- ification of the Allied contracts granting West Germany almost complete sovereignty and provid- ing for her to rearm in the West- ern defense setup. Prime Minister Churchill's Con- servatives won one of their big- gest victories over Labor opposi- tion in pushing through House ap- proval of the ratification 293-253. The United States already has ratified the peace contract, which will replace the occupa- tion statutes now governing West Germany, and the question is pending in the parliaments of France and Germany. The con- tract becomes effective only aft- er all four nations have ratified it. In the blanket vote. Commons also approved the Allied European Defense Community (EDC) Trea- ty, permitting West German troops to join with those of France, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. Britain is to go to the aid of any of these countries in case of an attack. years, he pointed out, "it wouldn't be flexible if further expansions had been included on it." * *, * JEDELE explained the need for the new tax in terms of the im- possibility of expanding present sources of city income. Ann Arbor presently derives most of its finances from two main sources: the property tax and the city's share of state taxes. The property tax, which is this year supplying almost a third of the $1,886,194 budget require- ments, is restricted by a 'compar- atively low 7%/ mill tax limitation, Jedele said. Therefore, the only method of getting additional rev- enue from this source is raising assessments. In the past ten years, Jedele said that the city has found it necessary to use the 712 mill tax to the limit. THE OTHER major source of city funds-state taxes- has in- creased this year, but will not go up in the near future to meet probable rises in the cost of liv- ing, Jedele said. Revenue from state intangi- bles tax and the weight and gas- Three States Put on Drought Disaster List WASHINGTON-(iP)-The sun- baked states of Massachusetts, Maine and South Carolina were added to the Agriculture Depart- ment's drought disaster list yes- terday. Nine more counties in Arkansas, scorched by blazing summer skies, also qualified for emergency help. THE AGRICULTURE Depart- ment's action opens the way for farmers in the stricken territory to seek millions of dollars in Fed- eral aid to buy cattle feed, keep their herds intact and finance the planting of new crops. Some relief for the drought belt was 4promised by the U.S. Weather Bureau in its 30-day outlook for August, but the bu- reau said "total rainfall amounts for the month will not generally exceed seasonal normals." The outlook, issued yesterday, -predicted normal temperatures ex- cept in the western half of the nation and the deep South, where it will be slightly hotter than usual. "Subnormal rainfall is pre- dicted for the Great Plains, West Gulf States and Rocky Moun- tains," the Bureau said, "but sub- stantial showers are expected in a belt extending fromArizona north-{ oline tax is distributed on a pop- ulation basis. Jedele pointed out that since the last cen- sus upped the local population level by including students, the city income from the state has increased. "However the census is taken only once every ten years," the budget director said, "and in three or four years the budget will be tight" if living costs increase with- out a tax remedy. Besides the amusement tax, Jedele said the only other source of revenue considered by the City Council to alleviate the income restrictions was a payroll tax. However, he mentioned that this method was voted down by a Sag- inaw court. * * ,** PLANNED CITY improvements which the amusement tax will fi- nance if it is passed are: an addi- tion to the municipal garage, which is only budgeted for a third of its cost; a bond-financed Fire Station, personnel for which must be paid by the new tax: and possible city wage increases, which will be needed if living costs rise. Other uses for the tax yet worked out in detail are the de- velopment of recreational fa- cilities and city hall expansion. Such improvements -as storm sewer construction, garbage col- lection and street surfacing will not come under the proposed amusement tax, Jedele said. The state allows the city to tax over and above the 7%/ mill property tax for such purposes. World .News Roundup By The Associated Press Dies Wins Seat. AUSTIN, Tex-Martin Dies yes- terday was declared the winner of Texas' new seat in Congress. * * . * Prison Riot . MONTREAL-At least one prisoner was killed and another wounded last night as 700 in- mates of Montreal's Bordeaux jail, staging the third riot in three months, clashed with 50 carloads of heavily-armed police. * * * Pearson Wins . . WASHINGTON-Charles Pat- rick Clark, attorney, was convicted today of taking a punch at Daily columnist Drew Pearson. Clark had been charged with assaulting Pearson in the lobby of the Mayflower Hotel June 18. 4, , ,* Chinese Fire Blasts Away At Old Bald Prisoner Issue Still Halts Truce SEOUL, Saturday-(P)-Deter mined Allied infantrymen held grimly to the crest of Old Baldy today despite a heavy barrage of Chinese artillery and mortar fire. A United Nations officer said about 3,000 rounds blasted the strategic hill on Korea's western front yesterday and today. He de- scribed the situation as "delicate." It was the second straight day of heavy Red artillery fire. * * * MEANWHILE Allied and Com- munist staff officers meet at Pan- munjom Saturday for one more effort to complete agreement on the wording of a Korean truce document before the main delega- tions again take up prisoner ex- changes tomorrow. In a week of disussions, the staff officers have cleared up several minor points of phras- ing. But the basic issue of pris- oner exchange remains un- changed. After a 65-minute stagl session yesterday, Col. Duncan Somer- ville, staff negotiator, said the "in- tent and implementation" of the paragraph on prisoners remained unsettled. The Allied command is firm in its position that it will not return any prisoner to the Communist side against his will. SWIFT jet fighter planes re- newed the air war high over North Korea yesterday. Fifth Air Force pilots said they destroyed three Red MIG-15s and damaged two others. The air duel marked the first jet battle in nine days. Nearly 100 other planes protected U.S. Second Division infantrymen on Old Baldy. The MIGs were destroyed in a 10-minute battle when M-86 Sa- bre Jets attacked 60 MIGs near the Yalu River. The air force said Allied pilots ran up a score of 32-2 in jet bat- tles during July. Seventeen othe Allied planes were lost to Red ground fire and other causes. * * * ALLIED infantrymen on Old Baldy were digging in hurriedly to prepare their positions against a possible Chinese counterattack. The Reds attacked twice last night with 50 men, but both as- saults were hurled back. An abrupt end to six days of steady rain opened the way for the renewal of air warfare and the recapture of Old Baldy in a 12- hour battle. Bayonet-wielding Second Divi- sion infantrymen drove 200 Chi- nese off the crest, but the Reds clung to an adjoining ridge line. Most Allied planes and artil- lery concentrated on Red artil- lery which zeroed in accurately on Old Baldy. The Reds fired 3,800 rounds in 24 hours. Under this protective cover American infantrymen w o r k e d feverishly, digging deep bunkers in the rain-soaked red clay. Restrictions Anger Russia BERLIN -(P)- Russia charged last night that restrictions im- posed on trade between East and West Germany by the big three western occupying powers violate the 1949 agreement ending the Soviet blockade of Berlin. The charge was made in a let- ter from General of the Army Vas- sily Chuikov, Soviet Commander in Germany, to the three western high commissioners. Chuikov de- DEMOCRAT STATE CHAIRMAN: Politics Keeps Neil Staebler Moving 4; By HARRY LUNN An interest in non-partisan politics has led Neil Staebler to an active career as Democratic state chairman. During the thirties Staebler and a group of friends who were alarmed at the lack of voter interest in political matters formed the Citizens' Council here. It still flourishes today, doing the important service of educating the voters. * *A * * IN THE EARLY PART of the war, he served with the Office of Price Administration and was alarmed "at the amount of influence certain pressure groups had as contrasted with the influence of the wider public interest." Following two years of service in the Navy, he came back to civilian life with the theory that a person can spend a moderate amount of time in political work and still keep up his business responsibilities. Today he finds that he is spending eight to 10 hours a day on his political duties, and has had to give up this notion. However, he fi+m tr t ,ir _> .4-.n- F +..-_ _ .+.. _ - r+f- t. nrFin-- .. lii. + * * * , .:.;;::;.ih ,z.,t . .... , r..,,. ,. _, a: . i