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July 31, 1952 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1952-07-31

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Litest Deadline in the State


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Blasts Talk
Of TaxCuts
Says He Will Run'
Own Campaign
Adlai E. Stevenson yesterday told
his first news conference since
winning the Democratic Presiden-
tial nomination that "foolish pro-
mises" of substantial federal tax
cuts can be "very misleading."
Stevenson also said he proposes
to run his own personal campaign
-"as far as content of speeches
and ideas"-but that be welcomes
President Truman's help in the
THE GOVERNOR, in a jovial
mood, met newsmen and photo-
graphers on the executive man-
sion lawn under the shade of an
elm tree. He said he felt fine-
"appetite good, pulse normal" and
no longer is a reluctant candidate
for President.
"rm quite content with the
Chicago Democratic Convention
and its results."
When asked about Dwight D.
Eisenhower's recent remarks on
reducing federal taxes, Stevenson
"I would hope that neither can-
didate or party would offer hopes
that are forlorn and at the same
time be demanding a defense es-
tablishment to accomplish our
common objective."
* * *
HE SAID everybody wants tax
reduction but it must be obtain-
ed at the earliest opportunity
"consistent with our needs."
Eisenhower, the GOP Presi-
dential nominee, remarked sev-
eral weeks ago he believed fed-
eral spending could be slashed
$40 billion a year. Eisenhower did
not specify any date for this
A newsman said that Eisen-
hower had mentioned this as an
"As an objective I think it
would be desirable to eliminate all
taxes-but it's impossible," Stev-
enson commented.
bearer said he regarded foreign
policy as the "most important con-
sideration" of the coming cam-
paign. He added that he supposes
his views and those of Eisenhower
on this subject will turn out to be
"I hope we say nothing in the
campaign to diminish the Wlle-
~ giance of our Allies and the de-
dication to our cause," Steven-
son asserted.
Asked if he would keep Frank
McKinney, Democratic National
Committee Chairman, Stevenson
replied "that's one of the many
organizational plans I have not
GOP Says
HST Picked
Dem Ticket
By The Associated Press
The Republican high command
cut loose yesterday with a blast
at the Democratic ticket of Gov.
Adlai Stevenson and Sen. John J.
Sparkman as "hand-picked can-
didates of President Truman."
Chairman Arthur Summerfield

of the GOP National Committee
said the Stevenson - Sparkman
team will be expected to "carry
+ on. the Truman tradition."
* * * '
SUMMERFIELD told newsmen
that while there is a "deep cleav-
age" in the Democratic party, the
Republicans of once rival factions
are forgetting their differences
and will pull together in a great
"unity" campaign.
Summerfield also made it
clear at a news conference in
the nation's capital that he ex-
pects Sen. Robert A. Taft of
Ohio, the loser in a brawling
fight for the GOP nomination,
will be one of the big guns in
the campaign to put Eisenhower
in the White House. Taft has
promised to cooperate.
As for Stevenson, who won the
Democratic nomination after get-
ting the nod from Truman, Sum-

Plane Spotter

U. S. Court
Calls Trucks
Act Lawful
Reds To Appeal
To HighCourt
By The Associated Press
Michigan's Trucks Act, requir-
ing subversive groups to register
with state police, was upheld yes-
terday in a split ruling by a spe-
cial panel of federal judges here.
The Michigan Communist party,
which had challenged constitu-
tionality of the act, announced it
would appeal the judges' ruling,
possibly to the U.S. Supreme








( N

--Daily--Matty Kessler
CIVIL DEFENSE-A volunteer plane spotter telephones informa-
tion concerning sighted aircraft inot the "filter center" at Grand
Rapids from the new plane spotting station aloft the Union Tower.
The station was moved to the campus yesterday afternoon from
the old site on the edge of the fairgrounds.
HSTlNames CoxToHa
Wage Stabilization Board
KANSAS CITY-(IP)-President Truman yesterday set up a new
wage stabilization board to administer a program sharply clipped by
Archibald Cox, a young Harvard law professor, was named chair-
man and one of the board's six public members, succeeding Chairman
Nathan Feinsinger.
* * * * ,
BUT ALL THE labor and industry members named yesterday, and
two of the public members, are holdovers from the old board. Ulti-

THE THREE judges split 2-1
on the decision, with Chief Jus-
tice Charles C. Simons of the U.S.
Circuit Court of Appeals and
Judge Frank A. Picard upholding
the constitutionality of the law.
Judge Theodore Levin dissented.
T h e Michigan Communist
party and its secretary, William
Albertson, had contended the
law was invalid because it in-
vaded fields already covered by
federal law. They referred speci-
fically to the McCarran Act,
which requires Communist and
subversive groups to register
with the U.S. Attorney General.
Albertson contended the state
had no right through the Trucks
act to deny the Communist party
a place on the ballot but Judge
Simons said in his majority deci-
sion, "the state is not obligated to
foster the Communist party by
providing it with a sounding board
for the dissemination of subver-
sive propaganda at state expense.
"When American democratic
concepts are challenged by a to-
talitarian - philosophy seeking
world expansion, the presence
in our midst of a highly disci-
plined subversive group may
spell the difference between se-
curity and internal chaos."
Judge Picard said the plaintiffs
"seek the shield of our constitu-
tion long enough so they may pre-
pare and equip themselves to des-
troy the very constitution and
government that give' them pro-
tection. We are engaged in no
sham battle. It is a matter of sur-
In his dissent, Judge Levin said
the Trucks Act if allowed to stand
would create a situation "familiar
in totalitarian countries-the stif-
ling of free inquiry into political
ideas that has characterized the
group of our democracy."
In Lansing, Attorney General
Frank Millard announced enforce-
ment of the Trucks Act will not
be attempted until the U.S. Su-
preme Court his ruled on its vali-
dity. His announcement came a
few hours after the three judges
handed down their opinion at De-


North Korea
rhMetal Plant'
No American
Losses Reported
SEOUL, Thursday, July 31-(R)
--American superforts blasted a
sprawllhg North Korean metals
plant into flaming rubble early
today in the biggest overnight air
strike of the Korean war.
Sixty-six B-29's in three waves
hit the military target near Sin-
uiju in extreme Northwest Korea
after civilians in the area had
been warned for two months to
clear out.
from bases in Japan and Okinawa,
shattered the 12/2-acre plant with
660 tons of explosives for three
hours despite intense Communist
night fighter and anti-aircraft
The Far East Air Force de-
scribed results as "excellent."
Superfort losses, if any, were
not reported.
Biggest raid of the war was a
daytime strike June 23 by more
than 500 Air Force, Navy and
Marine planes at five North Kor-
ean hydro-electric plants forming
the nucleus of Asia's largest pow-
er system.
No B-29's participated in that
strike. That was the opening of a'
new "get tough" policy of which
today's raid was another install-
* *

ORE BOATS UNLOAD-Part of the huge Bethlehem Steel plant at Lackawanna, near Buffalo, ,
N. Y., is shown in this airview as ore boats that were tied up by the strike, unload cargo. The plant,;
idle for 55 days during the steel strike begins now to come to life.
* , l in SelP i e

Theta Chii
Branch Ousted
The Dartmouth College Chap-
ter of Theta Chi has announced
its charter has been revoked be-
cause of its refusal' to abide by
the fraternity's National consti-
tution restricting membership on
racial grounds.
The chapter reported the action
of the national fraternity resulted
from a letter it sent on April 25,
advising the grand chapter that it
would no longer be bound by the
racial discrimination clause.
Arthur H. Kiendl, Jr., assistant
dean at Dartmouth, announced
that proceedings had been start-
ed to reorganize the fraternity on
a local basis, calling it Alpha
Late Scores
New York 10, Chicago 6
Boston 2, St. Louis 1
Philadelphia 7, Cincinnati 3
Brooklyn 4, Pittsburgh 3
Chicago 7, New York 0
Philadelphia 4, Detroit 3
Boston 5, Cleveland 4,
Washington 6, St. Louis 2

mately the board is to have 18
members but only 14 were named
The old WSB was abolished by
Congress, in a huff over the
board's proposals for settling the
steel labor dispute by granting
a union shop and a 26 cents an
hour wage package.
The new board must be con-
firmed by the Senate, a hurdle
that didn't confront the old agen-
cy. Members can serve interim
terms until the Senate convenes
next January.
IN REWRITING the economic
controls law, Congress stripped
the board of power to make recom-
mendations for settling labor dis-
putes, unless both parties ask it
to step in. The President could re-
fer disputes to the old board for
settlement efforts.
About all the new board can
do is set Wage Stabilization pol-
icies and rule on whether nego-
tiated pay raises come within
those formulas.
The only public member on the
new board who participated in the
steel case is Thomas F. Coman,
former labor news reporter. Paul
N. Guthrie, former University of
North Carolina professor, a mem-
ber of the old board who was re-
appointed yesterday, took his seat
too late to deal with the steel dis-

WASHINGTON -- (A') - Price
chief Ellis Arnall signed an order
yesterday paving the way for a
$5.20 a ton steel price increase-
an increase he once delcared would
make a mockery of price controls.-
He said later' that a steel price
boost would trigger a new round
of inflation and predicted it
would cost the average American
family about $100 a year.
It was obviously a sore moment
for the former Georgia governor
who heads the government's ef-
forts to keep a leash on prices.
City Theaters
To Ask Stay
Of Tax Vote
Attornies for Butterfield Thea-
ters, Inc., will make a last-ditch
effort today to prevent the city
amusement tax proposal from ap-
pearing on next Tuesday's ballot.
They will ask the Michigan Su-
preme Court to grant a stay of
proceedings to allow time to per-
fect their appeal from the opinion
handed down earlier this month by
Visiting Circuit Judge Archie D.
Such a stay of proceedings,
if granted, would have the ef-
fect of keeping the proposal to
levy a special ten per cent tax
on entertainments off the ballot
next week.
A similar bid was denied in a
hearing here Tuesday by Judge
The theater chain claims that
the election proposition is not legal
because it presents substantially
the same question to the voters
that was turned down on April 7.
State law prohibits a second vote
on a defeated charter amendment
within a two-year period.
Judge McDonald ruled, however,
that the two propositions are not
the same, that the defeated pro-
posal had largely to do with levy-
ing and collection of rents and
tolls and that the one to be voted
upon next week confines itself
to a specific tax on entertainment

Arnall had vowed repeatedly he
would never approve a steel price
boost of more than $3 a ton. He
made clear in yesterday's order;
that it was not a matter of his
own choice.
, * *
FRIENDS SAID there is a pos-
sibility that Arnall will resign.
The price director had no
comment as such, but the for-
mal order specified that the Of-
fice of Price Stabilization was
bowing to an "official and man-
datory directive" from Acting
Defense Mobilizer John R. Steel-
Steelman ordered an average
$5.29 increase for carbon steel,
which represents about 90 per
cent of steel production, to off-
set a wage boost granted in a
settlement of the crippling 54-day
steel strike.
The OPS order said Steelman's
directive "deprives the Office of
Price Stabilization and the di-
rector (Arnall) of any indepen-
N~ew Quarters
Prof. Wesley H. Maurer, chair-
man of the journalism depart-
ment, carried the lasi of his books
into the department's luxurious
headquarters in the new addition
to Angell Hall yesterday.
And as the long process of mov-
ing books, filing cabinets and type-
writers from the old journalism'
building on State Street ap-
proached completion, Prof. Maur-
er- presided over the first class to
be held in the new building.
It was an informal affair with
three students, coffee and the cut-
ting and scraping of a telephone
company man endeavoring to in-
stall Prof. Maurer's telephone.
Many of the books shown above
are charred and warped as a re-
sult of the disastrous Haven Hall
fire that drove the journalism de-
partment out of its old quarters in
June, 1950.

dent discretion or authority in
connection with steel price."
During months of dispute over,
steel wages and prices, Arnall had1
insisted he never would approve a
special steel price increase to off-,
set a wage hike. He said a policy
would add many dollars to the,
average family's cost of living.
* * *
RIGHT ON the heels of the 54-
day steel strike, John L. Lewis was
reliably reported yesterday to have
opened direct negotiations with a
major segment of the soft coal.
industry over a new work contract'
for 450,000 soft coal miners.
Lewis wrote Harry M. Moses
eight days ago that the present
soft coal contract will- expire.
Sept. 22 if a new agreement is
not reached. Moses is president
of the Bituminous CoalOpera-
tors Association and chief indus-
try bargainer.
Lewis was in direct talks Tues-
day with the industry, an author-
itative source reported. Barring
secret agreement between Moses
and Lewis, this source said, Tues-
day's talks probably were aimed
at setting up an agenda for full-
scale contract talks to take place
possibly in the near future.
Lewis, Moses and Joseph E.
Moody early last year did get to-
gether, without any advance pub-
licity at all, on a daily wage boost
of $1.60 for 80 per cent of the na-
tion's soft coal miners. The other
20 per cent are not represented by
Lewis' United Mine Workers of
Agents Reported
In West Germany
BONN-(W)-The West German
government reported yesterday
that 150 trained Communist agents
have been slipped into West Ger-
many recently from the Russian
zone to incite strikes, and agitate
against Bonn's treaties with the
The official government infor-
mation bulletin said the agents
were members of East Germany's
militarized people's police who had
received special schooling in sub-
versive tactics.

BRIG. GEN. Wiley D. Ganey,
Commanding General of FEAF,
said the big raid would have a
"psychological impact" on the
Communists. Gen. James A. Van
Fleet, U.S. Eighth Army Com-
mander, has often said the Reds
would agree to an armistice in
Korea only if sufficient military'
pressure were applied. The truce.
talks have long been deadlocked.
.,Van Fleet said yesterday the
Reds had pulled 60,000 troops
out of the rain-sodden front
lines to escape punishing blows
by Allied artillery and fighter-
The United Nations ground-
commander said the Reds thinned
out their battle positions, appar-
ently confident the United Nations
would not launch a major offen-
sive. He said he did not think
there would be an armistice.
The Reds still have one million
fighting men in North Korea, Van
Fleet said, capable of "striking at
any point with considerable sur-
prise," but they have been spread
gut to a "position of readiness to
wait out the war."
a F *
Van Feet



world News Roundup


Eight Prison
Riot Leaders
JACKSON, Mich. - (AP)-- Eight
long-term convicts got a fast 200-
mile bus ride and a day in court
yesterday to answer to guard-kid-
naping charges in Southern Mich-
igan Prison rioting.
Long before the end of a day
which made some court and penal
history, all were back in the Gen-
esee County Jail in Flint.
* * *
eight in shackles and the bus con-
voyed by armed guards and police
-figured in their mass arraign-
ment for last April's costly mutiny
and riot.
Except for occasional sullen
remarks and wisecracks of the
chained bus passengers, the ex-
traordinary transporting went
forth without incident.
At Jackson the men's court ap-
pearance before Municipal Judge
M. Grove Hatch was expedited.
After a football-style whispered
huddle before the bench, all eight
stood mute and demanded exam-
inations. Judge Hatch set these
for varying dates in August.
* * * .
BEFOREHAND, the court ig-
nored one or two contemptuous
remarks from the group.
The case against the eight is
being handled by Prosecutor


By The Associated Press
CAIRO-Egypt's avowed anti-graft government last night abol-
ished the titles of the Egyptian nobility, the powerful Pashas and
Beys of the wealthy classes and high political circles.
The strongarm regime that threw out King Farouk last Saturday
pledged, howev.er, a continuance of constitutional monarchy under
Farouk's half-year-old son, the new King Fuad II.
The government also said it had revised Egypt's law which for-
bids foreigners to own controlling interest in any business here.
In a move apparently aimed at encouraging American and other
Western investers, the cabinet decreed that foreigners may own 51
per cent of corporations instead of 49 per cent as previously allowed.
* * -
WASHINGTON-The Army charged last night that Soviet
propagandists completely falsified and twisted excerpts from Maj.
Gen. Robert W. Grow's famous diary for which the General was
court martialled.
In a surprise development, less than 24 hours after Grow was


Hook Calls Marx Dogma Pernicious

Truce Chance,
SEOUL, Korea-Chances for a
Korean armistice are poorer now
than ever before, Gen. James A.
Van Fleet, United States 8th Army
commander, said yesterday.
He said the Reds actually need-
ed and wanted an armistice .In
June and November of 1951.
"They were in bad shape both
times," the United Nations
ground forces commander told a
press conference. "They were
worried about the winter."
"Well, they got through the win-
ter. And ever since they have been
tough traders at the armistice
"To me," Van Fleet said, "re-
cent trends indicate less chance of
an armistice than ever before.
Chances for an armistice are in
direct proportion to the amount
of pressure put on the enemy."
** *
VAN FLEET warned that the
Reds still have close to 1,000,000

With a stirring call to the free
peoples of the world to become
the forgers of their own destiny,
Prof. Sidney Hook of N.Y.U. de-
clared in a lecture here yesterday
that present-day Marxist dogmas
constituted "pernicious social as-

He sought to demonstrate that
this pessimistic outlook finds its
center in the social philosophy
of the Kremlin. "The truth of
the matter is that Bolshevik
dogmas and aggressive expan-
sion, with absolute control over
one-third of the earth, consti-
tute a greater threat to world

.. ............

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