WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1952 TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY __...,_. Convention Reports after the Democratic Nominations A . * * New Kingfish in New Waters A N INTERESTING feud took place within Louisiana's heretofore closed ranks-the feud between Senator Russell Long and Gov- ernor Kennon. It was Long who signed the Moody loyalty pledge that nearly drove the South from the convention floor. And it was Long who represented the New South, joining with the North, as opposed to the reaction represented by Kennon. There was more to the Long pledge than met the con- vention's eye. Franklin Roosevelt, Jr. and Blair Moody had cornered Long in the small back room of the amphitheatre the night before Long's dramatic speech. For several hours the two Northerners pleaded with him to sign and finally he, capitulated-stating briefly that he would never leave the Demo- cratic Party. This is a statement his father would never have made. It is certainly a prom- ise the would never have kept. Long made his speech in front of a convention which contained five rows of grim-faced Louis- ianans: members of the old-guard o the South. And while Long was unable to swing the Louisiana delegation with him, members of that 'Old Guard remarked to this reporter that they were proud of the "pup." He was the ghost of the old King- fish himself, as he stood there on the platform delivering one of the most dra- matic speeches in a convention packed with drama. The loyalty pledge itself served a purpose, although not the purpose intended by the left-wing democrats who introduced it. The Arvey-Rayburn faction knew what they were doing when they refrained from blocking its presentation and initial passage. They realized something that Moody and Roose- velt apparently did not: that the battle which Moody was attempting to start had already been won for the North in Novem- ber 1948; that the resolution was completely unnecessary-the South was in the party to stay no matter what happened. What the resolution did accomplish was to cook the political goose of Moody, Wil- liams and FDR, Jr. Moody may be elected, but his days as an effective senator are gone forever. And any outside chance that either Harriman or Kefauver had to cop the nomination went the way of most long- shots when they alienated the South to their cause. SIt is interesting to note that the two men who spoke the longest and the loud- est at the convention were not elected- democrats. Blair Moody received an ap- pointment rfom Governor Williams to fill a vacancy in the Senate and Franklin Roosevelt was elected to Congress on the Liberal ticket in New York. The outcome of the convention was ap- parent from the beginning. The delegates, individually, liked Stevenson. The bosses liked him. He was acceptable to the South, and when Truman threw his weight in his favor, everything was over but the ballot- Ing. The wise old political dogs really showed the young 'uns how to steamroller a con- vention. -Peg Nimz t # * DORIS FLEESON: Sparkman's Compromise WASHINGTON-His choice of Sen. John Sparkman of Alabama for Vice Presi- dent speaks for Gov. Adlai E. Stevenson's confidence that he himself can carry the industrial states of the North. The Senator will concentrate on the border states-Missouri, Kentucky, Okla- homa, Tennessee, West Virginia, Mary- land-where his liberalism with a South- ern accent has a strongsappeal. Democrats assume the South will support one of its own When they add a fair share of .Western states where their senatorial candidates are strong in contrast to the Republican meat- crisis senators of that area, Democrats break into broad smiles. To the objective observer, it at least adds up to a real challenge to the Eisenhower-Nilson ticket. As Sen. Herbert Lehman of New York quickly and generously observed, Northern liberals can complain of nothing in the Sparkman record except that he stood with the south on civil rights. Likehis colleague, Sen. Lister Hill, Sparkman has been a re- gional captive on that issue, never an ex- tremist. Men like Gov. Jimmie Byrnes, Sen. Harry Byrd and the real Dixiecrats understand this very well, but they will be hard put to it to quarrel openly with the Sparkman nomina- tion. After all, they had some trouble with their own candidate for President, Sen. Richard Russell, whose efforts to prove that he was not a stooge for them carried him at Chicago to the unexpected point of pro- mising to "supplant" the Taft-Hartley act. It would be interesting to know whether Governor Stevenson grasped the fact that Sparkman's technical ability at compro- mise, as shown in the platform, reflects his actual temperament. John Sparkman has innate ability as a conciliator. He will work hard and patiently to find the widest area of agreement between factions and then shape it into a common ground for action. A new-South Senator, of course, has plenty of scope for that talent; both Sparkman and Hill have developed it into a fine art. The platform affords a typical example of their spirit and method. In building it, Sparkman became two men-a Southerner emotionally, a Northerner in many practi- cal respects. His first act was to make a list of the words and phrases which are anathema to the -South, such as "Fair Employment Practices." These "hate words" he deter- mined to omit. Lacking them for targets, the Southern extremists who, like the McCarthyites, can operate only in abso- lutes, were boxed in. Four o'clock in the morning at the stock- yards inn was a late, hot hour. Maybe the Presidential nominee acted on the superfi- cial evidence only. But if his choice of Sparkman actually reflects an executive ta- lent for finding the right man for the right job, it will furnish Washington with some- thing sadly missing around here for a very long time. (Copyright, 1952, by the Bell Syndicate) ** Stevenson's Promise A GREAT number of liberals have been strangely disturbed over the Democra- tic nomination of Adlai Stevenson for the presidency. Fear that he is a "conservative" or, at best a "moderate," has been wide- spread since "the bosses" became involved in his campaign and after a Southerner, John Sparkman, had been named for sec- ond place on the ticket. A few ardent New Deal supporters like Walter White of the NAACP have actually sulked off into the corner and declared that they would not work for the national ticket. As a result, of course, they are abetting the election of General Eisenhower, an unqualified conservative, who except for his support of the Truman foreign policy seems to be somewhere near William Mc- Kinley in his outlook. Meanwhile, the Stevenson candidacy seems to have become a hodgepodge of mix- ed signals. Although he was the liberal can- didate that Truman wanted from the start, that Harriman wanted, that the labor lead- ers wanted all along, he has suddenly devel- oped a reputation for seeing practically eye to eye with Eisenhower on all issues. This is far from the truth and will hurt the Illi- nois governor if the people are not rapidly disabused of the notion. The illusion has, of course, been fathered by FDR, Jr., Soapy Williams and a few others of the party's youthful set. These gentlemen kept their profiles in front of the TV cameras so long that they may have done the candidate ir- reparable harm. Defections like White's are already part of the record. With their eyes on 1956, all that the Young Turks actually aimed to do, it seems, was to exhibit their prowess as fighters; and since Dixie was the only thing around to fight, they tilted lances with anybody who looked like he might have a Southern accent. As a result the silent Stevenson was shoved into the Dixie camp, cursed as a candidate who was "acceptable" to the South, and consequently "not a liberal." "Stop Stevenson" coalitions were formed by the golden boys who saw themselves as kingmakers without any particular king in mind. Long after Michigan's labor leaders were polling for Stevenson, Williams with his one-third of a vote was still playing games by switching to Kefauver and other nonentities while Truman and everybody else dawdled in the wings waiting for the kids to quit. One plan actually called for a wholesale switch to Barkley in order to stop the Illinois governor. When it finally ended, it was apparent that the President had engineered the trick of the week. He had brought Dixie back into the party by means of. strategy, not compromise. He had given them the illusion of a "moderate" candidate, and followed with tossing in a Southerner for second place on the ticket. If the ticket is elected in November, this same South- erner, whose liberalism is on record, will be piloting Stevenson's program through the shoals of the Senate. My hunch is that the real goals of FEPC which came no nearer achievement after seven years of Truman's vinegar may be reached in half that time by means of a little of Steven- son's honey. At least, it is worth dis- covering if the new South of Sparkman, Kefauver, and Russell Long isn't just waiting to be shown the way. More than this, however, Truman has suc- ceeded in uniting'the party behind a man of real stature. Although humility has gone out of fashion in this country, Stevenson, seems to have a real facility for inspiration. Bred in the Lincoln tradition of southern Illinois, his manner, his speeches, his whole approach recall the Great Emancipator, who, it may be recalled, did not campaign as a radical abolitionist any more than Stevenson will. Nevertheless, his basic inclinations cannot be doubted. If elected, he may, by his assurances, be expected to consolidate the social gains made during the last twenty years including, the social security program, fair labor stan- dards laws, TVA, low-cost electric power, low-cost housing, and rent control. In addi- tion, he will endow the nation with a lead- er of high spiritual and moral presence. The Democratic convention for all its oratory and painful procedural detours, deserves to be complimented. They did not, like the Republicans, take the easy way out and nominate "the people's choice." Kefauver has been a good senator just as Eisenhower has been a good gen- eral. But this time, it was not enough. To be charming, popular, and a "cru- sader" against sin is well enough for a fair day, but only on~e of the parties understood that as a substitute for executive experi- ence, penetrating intelligence, and appre- ciation of a changing world, none of them could suffice. But the liberals better pull themselves to- gether and get busy if they expect the people "Not Yet! I Need A Rest" DREW PEARSON: * * * * J' -,-" ~ . ~ 75 * * , * THE ALSOP BROTHERS: Tribal Gatherings CHICAGO-The scene is the innermost of the great stone circles at Stonehenge, the time, perhaps three thousand years ago. By the stone of sacrifice, stands the chief Druid, and all about, in eager, ordered ranks, are all the tribes of neolithic Britain. The races are over. The dancers have retired. The moment has come. The king of the old year is led to the altar, to be killed with the mistletoe dagger, and to rise again in the body of the king of the year to come. i It may seem a bit odd to be thinking about these ancient ceremonies amid the sordid' litter which the political conventions have left behind here in Chicago. But American political conven- tions none the less strongly resemble the great gatherings of the tribes, at which the old peoples of the past sought to insure successful harvests and victory in war by cruel and traditional rites. Certainly there is the same spirit of elation, of collectively in- duced excitement which made the old people truly believe that the prosperity of the year depended on the year-king. Certainly, there are human sacrifices, although no blood flows for television. And sheer bitterness of disappointed ambition is the substitute for the mistletoe- dagger. And the end purpose and result are certainly much the same. * * * * IN FACT, in a queer way, one can even say an American president is much like a year-king, being held responsible, as the year-kings were, for giving the tribe both victory and plenty, and being doomed as well to something very like extinction when his term runs out. All of which is relevant at the moment because it seems to these reporters that the time has come to pay tribute to the Am& erican convention system. These great quadrennial tribal gath- erings of ours may be illogically organized, and no doubt are. But the main fact about the convention system is that it works, like so many other outwardly illogical but effective and' adaptable American political institutions. A lot of people who think that politics be logical have been talking, recently, about abandoning conventions for nation- al primaries. But in the first place, the national primary would in- flict on us the equivalent of two elections, hand-running, when even one is bad enough. In the second place, the national primary could never achieve the delicate adjustment of regional viewpoints, personal and popular interests, economic and social influences, which each political convention somehow achieves. And in the third place, it is impossible to imagine a national pri- mary doing better than these last democratic and republican conven- tions, which have given the country two such candidates for president as Dwight D. Eisenhower and Adlai E. Stevenson. * * * * NOR ARE trading and dealing and rumor-spreading and false-prom- ising by any means the truly important features of the conven- tion process, although they often seem so important on the surface. Individual motives may be cheap and self-serving, but the collective motive-the purpose of the convention as a gathering of the tribes-quite often takes on a quality of nobility. Moreover, every convention has its moments of individual gener- osity and high character which one remembers after all the anger and bitterness have faded. From the Republican Convention, one recalls General Eisenhow- er's warm gesture, when he hastened to call on Senator Taft, and the fine courage in defeat that Taft showed in those hard hours. From the Democratic rally, one recalls the way Truman plac- ed national interests above petty, personal irritations, to help put over Stevenson. And one recalls to the magnanimity of Averell Harriman, who was not well served by some of his liberal support- ers, yet who never failed to fight first for his cause and to think of himself only second. Altogether, if you think of them in the right way, these two con- ventions which are now concluded have been inspiring experiences. (Copyright, 1952, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.) Gaps in the Solid Front WASHINGTON-The chief problem faced by the Democratic party is that which follows in the wake of every convention-binding up the wounds. Here are some of the wounds that will have to be healed: 1. SOUTHERN WOUNDS-With a few exceptions these are likely to heal more easily than the Chicago fireworks indicated. Inside fact is that Chairman Frank McKinney the leaders of the three revolting states-Virginia, South Carolina and Louisiana-one day before the big blowup on the convention floor and offered to seatvthem without any argument, He said he would have the Chairman of the Credentials Com- mittee announce that he had examined the laws of these three states, that they were in conflict with the loyalty oath, and there was no reason why they could not be seated without taking an oath. However, Senator Byrd of Virginia haughtily declined. He said that 70,000,000 people had seen Virginia humiliated before television and he would accept no compromise unless the Governors of the three states made speeches before the Convention that they were remaining in the Convention without yielding a single inch. This Chairman McKinney refused. He realized what a storm of protest he would get from the North and West. Next day, the McKinney compromise was finally accepted- but only after hours of balloting, hours of speeches and hours of boiling tempers. All this could have been avoided if Byrd had not objected to the McKinney proposal the day before. Cooler heads in the South, notably Sens. Burnet Maybank and Olin Johnston of South Carolina with Russell Long of Louisiana, prevented what might have been a bad blowup. Now the nomination of Alabama's able John Sparkman for vice president should help to bind up Southern wounds. 2. PUBLIC WOUNDS-may be a little harder to heal. Some of the Democratic leaders forgot that a good part of the American public was watching on television, and that the roughshod tactics used in the House of Representatives in gaveling laws to a vote could not be used in public. There is no television in the House of Representatives; so the public does not realize that the passage of certain laws some- times depends merely on the eat of the presiding officer. Therefore, Gov. Paul Dever of Massachusetts and at first Speaker Sam Rayburn gave the public a bad impression. West Virginia's Walter Hallanan, chairman of the Republican conven- tion, impressed the public as much fairer. Hallanan' patient fairness in handling the Puerto Rican delegation was cabled all over Latin America, and made a profound impression. Delegates also fumed when Democratic platform, thousands of words long, was adopted by voice vote, with no printed copies dis- tributed for scrutiny. 3. PERSONAL WOUNDS-will be the hardest of all to heal. One of these was Truman's bitterness towai Estes Kefauver, based chiefly on the fact that Kefauver did not withdraw from the New Hampshire primary but gave the President a decisive beating there. TRUMAN'S HATRED THE PRESIDENT'S revenge tipped the scales at one decisive mid- night huddle when Averell Harriman told Kefauver supporters .that he could not throw his support to Kefauver because of his own loyalty to Truman and because of Truman's attitude toward the Senator from Tennessee. Harriman and Kefauver forces had been woking together all during the convention to stop Stevenson. Kefauver had run the risk of alienating his Southern friends on the question of seat- ing the Southern delegates. He knew that this would cut his ties with the South and ruin his chances of getting support from Senator Russell's followers. Nevertheless he remained with the Harriman group-only to have Harriman turn on him at the last minute and dump his support in Stevenson's lap. This is a wound which will not easily be healed. At one time Sen. Hubert Humphrey of Minnesota, with Sen. Blair Moody and Gov. Mennen Williams of Michigan, contacted Stevenson to ask if he would take Kefauver for V.P. Stevenson replied that Kefauver was not his personal choice, though he thought he deserved it because of the fight he had made. In the end, and right after Stevenson was nominated, a huddle was held in the private office of Chairman McKinney just behind the rostrum. It was attended by President Truman, Jake Arvey, McKin- ney, Stevenson and other party leaders to decide on who should be vice president. Paul Fitzpatrick of New York proposed Kefauver and was vigorously supported by Senator Moody. LUCAS' VOTE HOWEVER, Scott Lucas, the Illinois ex-senator who claims he was defeated by Kefauver's crime probe, hit the ceiling. So did Speaker Rayburn. In the face of this opposition, plus the known coolness of the President, Kefauver was dropped. He never did get even a nod for the vice presidency. Earlier in the convention, Sam Rayburn would not even permit a Kefauver representative to amend the platform with a plank on "integrity in government" and another denouncing "McCarthyism." William Whittaker, a Tennessee delegate, was waiting to introduce there two resolutions, while Joe Nellis, an aide to Kefauver notified Rayburn personally that Whittaker was waiting. Rayburn turned on his heel, went back to the rostrum and gaveled the platform to adoption. Then he made the lame announce- ment that delegate Whittaker of Tennessee had not been on hand to introduce the amendments - when he had just been told Whit- taker was waiting. Rayburn was so ruthless that his old friend, Congressman Clar- ance Cannon of Missouri, turned on him. "Sam," he cautioned, "this is going to help the Republicans." Undoubtedly he was right. These wounds will not easily be healed. (Copyright, 1952, by The Bell Syndicate) ', *1 } # . t + MUSIC + 4. !. THE FRUITS of five weeks' labor by the University Summer Symphony Orches- tra proved generally tasty Monday Night when Wayne Dunlap directed its members in a concert of 18th and 20th Century sum- mer music in Hill Auditorium .The pastoral atmosphere was authenticated by the chirp of a rhythmic cricket, apparently ensconced beneath the platform. Harty's Suite drawn from Handel's "Water Music" began the evening's en- tertainment in grand style. The wood- wind and brass sections sounded particu- larly well, but the slower passages reveal- ed a.phlegmatic quality in the inner string sections. Next, Professors Ava Comm Case and Mary Fishburne collaborated with the or- chestra in Mozart's Concerto for Two Pi- anos. Although not necessarily summer mu- sic it was intended to be light and entertain- ing, and the performance was entertaining, if not always light. The proper vitality prevailed in the open- ing movement, but a tenseness was visible as well as audible and was carried over into the second movement with the result that some of the opening phrases were not even- ly matched when exchanged between the two keyboards. This was overcome later, and rapport established to . produce some nicely turned phrasing. Excellent teamwork was exhibited by the two soloists in the ca- denza of the final movement. The presence of the pianos seemed to cause some diffi- culty in orchestral precision,'but the ac- companiment was quite adequate. Copland's Outdoor Overture opened the contemporary half of the program. Per- formance-wise this piece fared best, with a fresh, sometimes incisive interpretation. THE SECOND world's premier of the sum- mer season was heird last night when Gilbert Ross and Helen Titus played the vio- lin and piano sonata (1951) by Ross Lee Fin- ney. The program also included sonatas by Bach, Mozart, and Lopatnikoff. It is certainly a sign of a mature com- poser when the listener is immediately able to discern from whose pen the iusic comes. This was true in the Finney sonata which exemplifies the style into which he has recently come. Though it is cast in the rigid discipline of the twelve-tone tech- nique, it is by no means cerebral, but con- tains all the lyric inventiveness and sen- suous harmonies which seem to be this composer's trademark. The work appeals in its expressive and emotive content and is one of the composer's most beautiful ef- forts. It was given a' sensitive and per- ceptive performance by Ross and Titus. Of the other three works, the most suc- cessful interpretation was in the Mozart G major sonata, K. 379. Ross's tone is not rich in vibrancy, and as such I feel it leaves some- thing to be desired, particularly in a work of strong intensity as the Lopatnikoff sonata. But in the Mozart, where a quieter, more placid tone is necessary to convey the lyric- ism, his tone was convincing. Both Ross and Titus performed the' Mo- zart with real musical understanding. They achieved exquisite pianissimos and maintain- ed a unified rapport. The performance had the clarity and objectivity essential to a work of such classicism. However, I feel that they failed to sus- tain the tremendous dynamic and rhyth- mic drive of the Lopatnikoff. It is a work of virtuosity, and also shows the careful planning characteristic of the neoclassic i y.. I 8 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University1 of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Publication in it is construc- tive notice to all members of the University. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510c Administration Building before 3 p.m. the day preceding publication (11 a.m. on Saturday). Notices All applicants for the Doctorate who are planning to take the August prelim- inary examinations in Education, to be held from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 N. August 18, 19, and 20, 1952, will please notify the Chairman of the Committee on Gradu- igan Union Ballroom. Invitations to be the guests of the University have been sent to students whose addresses are available. Students who are complet- ing work for the Master's degree but who may not have received an invita- tion should call at the Summer Ses- sion office, 3510 Administration Build- ing, for tickets. A few tickets are avail- able at $1.25 for friends of the stu- dents. Kaffeestunde: All students of Ger- man and others interested in spoken German are invited to attend an in- formal group which will meet in the Michigan Union Tap Room Mondays and wednesdays from 4 to 5 o'clock. A member of the department will be present to assist, but no formal pro- graduates for the following positions: Ortho Pharmaceutical Company would like men with a degree in Biology or pre-med for sales, and if there are any Mexican students who are inter- ested there is a special need for a rep- resentative in Mexico; the Youngs- town Sheet and Tube Company would like men with a Commerce background for training program leading to sales;. The General Fireproofing Company also wishes Business Administration people; and the Simco Corporation is interested in talking with Chemical Engineers who might desire engineer- ing sales. The Simed Corporation also has an open ing in Salt Lake City for an advertising major who has some are ability. Pprsnnn n .1Un.ots Sixty-Second Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications EDITORIAL STAFF Leonard Greenbaum .Managing Editor Ivan Kaye and Bob Margolin .. Co-Sports Editors Nan Reganall........... Women's Editor Joyce Pickes....... .Night Editor Harry Lunn ............Night Editor Marge Shepherd........... .Night Editor Virginia Voss...........Night Editor Mike Wolf.............Night Editor BUSINESS STAFF Tom rreeger.......Business Manager C. A Mitts ....... Advertising Manager Jim Miller. . ....... ". Finance Manager t4 ,. :4 *