Y CONVENTION REPORT See rage 2 Latest Deadline in the State :43 a 11 tIly CLOUDY, SLIGHTLY WARMER VOL. LXII, No. 196 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1952 FOUR PAGES i FOUR PAGES Demand U.S. Withdrawal From Iran Parliament Told Help Not Needed TEHRAN, Iran-(P)-Demands for the withdrawal of U.S. mili- tary missions erupted in Parlia- ment yesterday and the National- ist newspaper Asr said Premie Mohammed Mossadegh's govern- ment has decided to end the mis- sions' services. The newspaper, which occasion- ally gets tips from sources close to the government, said Iraniar officials reasoned they did no need a strengthened army since they "have no intention of attack- ing anybody." * * * MAJ. GEN. Wayne Zimmerman head of the Army Mission, callec on Mossadegh yesterday and U.S -"Ambassador Loy W. Hienderso made his second visit to the Pre- mier in three days. Zimmerman said in an inter- view he did not discuss current anti - American manifestations with Mossadegh, but "paid my respects to him as Minister of S National Defense and told him the Army Mission was ready to give any assistance necessary to the Ministry of Defense." The Army Mission trains th Iranian Army. A Gendarmarie Mission trains and advises th gaudily-uniformed National Police A Military Assistance Advisory Group advises and supplies th Army. IT COULD NOT be determined what the Ambassador and the Premier discussed, but a usually reliable source said it had nothing to do with the situation of Ameri- cans in Iran. Demands for the expulsion o the missions undoubtedly result in part from a fear of provoking Rus- sia, a 1 ig neighbor to the north Russia contends that Iran's ac- ceptance of U. S. military aid vio- lates the 1921 Russian-Iranian Friendship Treaty. Tremors Still Cause Damage In California BAKERSFIELD, Calif.--Sharp jolts continued to rock this quake- weary city yesterday after early- hour tremors caused considerable minor damage and drove hundreds of families from their homes. A severe shock at 3:52 a.m. (Ann Arbor time) forced abandonment of Kern County courthouse. Su- perior Judge Robert Lambert mov- ed a criminal trial to a vacant lot. County Clerk Vera Gibson set up her stand in a parking lot. EIGHT DAYS of quakes have jarred loose a section of concrete and brick facing 60 by seven feet on a wall of the three-story court- house. Engineers feared the sec- tion might give way. Heavy jolts also occurred yes- terday at 12:05 a.m., 1:02 a.m., 8:49 and 10:37 am. They were the sharpest since the big one of July 21 which cost 13 lives and seriously damaged the towns of Tehachapi and Arvin. Seismologists said the after- quakes will continue for some time. Several hundred, mostly minor, have occurred since July 21. * * * YESTERDAY'S were felt as far as the Los Angeles area, 120 miles south. However, damage was confined to Bakersfield. Hundreds of jittery residents spent the night in their yards. Magnitude of the first big shocks yesterday were 61/2 and 5%, compared with 7'/ July 21. Announce New Wage Controls WASHINGTON--()-Roger L. Putnam, Economic Stabilization Director, issued an order yester- day putting nine categories of small business enterprises under wragpnntms -Daily-Bill Hampton "ATMOSPHERIC PHENOMENON, HA" * * * * Radar Reveals Flying 'Whatzits' Over Capital WASHINGTON-(P)-Radar screens showed flying "whatzits" over the nation's capital for five hours early yesterday, but Air Force experts said they appeared to be mere layers of cold air. Maj. Gen. John A. Samford, Director of Air Force Intelligence, discounted any theory that the Washington area is being menaced by unknown aerial vehicles from abroad or from other worlds. EXPERIENCED radar operators at the Civil Aeronautics Admin- istration Traffic Control Center reported scores of unidentified objects e flitted about the capital sky fro e 1 * y Flying Object Observations PeteringOut Y By MIKE WOLFF Local "flying saucer" excitement appears to have temporarily sub- f sided. No flying object observations - were reported by the Washtenaw . County Sheriff's Office or the Fire - Department last night. * * * GEORGE P. SMITH, liason of- officer in the county's Civil De- fense Department, also reported that his plane spotters had not seen any of the strange objects which have recently plagued resi- dents across the nation. Some of the local weekend saucer reports could, he felt, be traced to a flight of B-36's over Ann Arbor Sunday morning. Universityaastronomers were ? inclined to take rumors of in- ter-planetary visitors with a grain of salt. Prof. Leo Goldberg, chairman of the :astronomy department, said persons who actually did see some- thing probably witnessed an "at- mospheric phenomenon." But he was inclined to chalk up about 90 per cent of the stories to "just im- agination." * * * "THERE IS NO shred of evi- dence that these things come frpm another planet," Prof. Goldberg said. Stanley P. Wyatt, Jr., of the astronomy department, was in- clined to believe that the report- ed objects were of a purely ter- restrial nature. / Citing the case against men from other worlds, Wyatt pointed out that the chances of intelligent beings developing the ability to fly at precisely the time we have become interested in it is practi- cally zero. * * + HE ALSO FELT it Improbable that people from other worlds would never have landed here aft- er watching us for thousands of years as some observers have spec- ulated. There is a University student, however, who is not so sure that he imagined his experience with "flying saucers." Bill Sullivan, '52, claims to have seen a V-shaped formationof about nine glowing objects mov- ing "faster than a jet plane" one night last year. Sullivan said they were in per- fect formation when he first ob- served them about 35 degrees above the southeastern horizon. They then darted rapidly in sev- eral directions, he added. LONE EXILE: King Farouk r ' a W - a 1:30 a.m. to 5 a.m. , > It was the third time in 10 days that radar--an electronic device which tracks only, physi- cal objects, not imagination- picked up signs of something unknown packing through pre- dawn black skies. On the two earlier occasions, sightings were confirmed by more than one radar set, and veteran pilots, asked to investigate, said they saw mysterious lights zoom- ing hither and yon. All that led to one of the biggest flying saucer mysteries yet. ** * BUT YESTERDAY'S sightings -little spots on a fluorescent ra- dar screen-were unconfirmed by other radar sets in the area or by visual sky watchers. And the Air Force threw lots of cold water on any chilling speculation about men or mis- sils from Mars-or enemy na- tions. Samford and fellow Air Force officers told a news conference, called especially to answer ques- tions about the recent goings-on, that they are personally satisfied there was a natural cause. * * 4 THEIR EXPLANATION: In hot, humid weather-such as Washington and other Eastern areas have been having-layers of cold air are likely to get sandwich- ed between layers of warm air. These layers produce strong reactions on radar screens, the officers said. They didn't add any specific ex- planation of the reported moving lights, but presumably the cold air layers could reflect searchlights or other lights from the earth below. The Air Force chiefs conceded that of about 2,000 reports on fly- ing saucers, about 400 have not yet been explained satisfactorily. The Air Force is giving these re- ports an "adequate but not fran- tic" check, they said. Late Scores AMERICAN LEAGUE Philadelphia 5-8 Detroit 0-10 Cleveland 4 Boston 1 St. Louis 7 Washington 3 NATIONAL LEAGUE Philadelphia 6, Cincinnati 1 Pittsburgh 7 Brooklyn 1 St. Louis 6 Boston 5 Steel Mills Stage Quick Comeback Output To Reach CapacityShortly PITTSBURGH-(A)-The speed with which the country's steel in- dustry is staging a comeback af- ter the 55-day long steel strike promised yesterday to salve the hurts caused by steel shortages. But some new layoffs were re- ported. Some steel companies still hadn't swung into the back-to- work parade. * * * THE AMERICAN Iron and Steel Institute, the industry's fact-as- sembly agency, reported in New York that steel mill operations this week will reach 45.4 per cent of capacity. That represents 943,- 000 tons of production. Few steel sources foresaw such speed in regaining momentum at the time the steel strike was settled in the White House last Thursday. Last week's rate was only 15.3 per cent. Since an estimated 20 million tons of steel were lost during the strike and most available supplies were used up during the walkout, steel shortages are found to plague the nation for weeks to come. SOME TROUBLE spots still re- main despite the settlement reach- ed by big producers and the strik- ing CIO United Steelworkers. In New York, Benjamin F. Fairless, chairman of United States Steel Corp., said his com- pany's operating rate will be back to normal in about two weeks. A cheerful note was sounded in the iron ore industry. The Lake Carriers Association at Cleveland said the current high level of the Great Lakes allows boats to be loaded more heavily. The Association said higher load limits will permit about 600,- 000 more tons or ore to be shipped in the next two months. Army Diary Used by Reds Convicts Grow FT. MEADE, Md.-O')-An Ar- my court martial yesterday con- victed Maj. Gen. Robert W. Grow of improperly jotting down mili- tary secrets in his personal diary and failing to safeguard classified data. The diary was stolen by Soviet agents last year. Russian propa- gandists promptly exploited it to bolster their war - mongering charges against the United States. "I* * PUBLISHED excerpts from the dairy quoted Gen. Grow as saying "War! As soon as possible! Now!" Another alleged entry, dated March 29, 1951, read: "The time is ripe for a blow this year." * * * A COURT of eight high-rank- ing generals sentenced Grow to a formal reprimand-a black mark against future promotion-and suspension from command for six months. The court's decision came after a secrecy-shrouded trial that be- gan a week ago in a closely guard- ed courtroom. Newsmen were bar- red from approaching members of the court. By The Associated Press Consternation gripped the French government yesterday in the wake of a United States note turning down a plea for more arms aid. Defense Minister Rene Pleven Heusel Made University's Security Head Albert Heusel, who retired July 15 as detective captain in the Ann Arbor Police Department, has been appointed University plant de- partment security officer, accord- ing to Walter M. Roth, superin- tendent of the department. He will take over the new post Aug. 1. The appointment is a move on the part of the University to improve security regulations cov- ering its property in Ann Arbor, Roth said. *. * * . . HEUSEL will be active in two main areas. First, he will supervise the night watchmen force ofaap- proximately 18 men who patrol buildings to guard against fire or illegal entry. This will relieve the present supervisor and give him more time to devote to his many other duties. He will also serve as the chief contact man between the Ann Arbor Police Department and the University. This is expected to centralize responsibility for keeping the police informed about University events in which they may be interested as well as to simplify the exchange of information by both sides when- ever necessary. Heusal's duties may be further expanded in the future, but no definite decision has been made concerning that. ROTH EMPHASIZED that the appointment of a security officer did not mean the University was moving towards the establishment of a separate police force. "It is hoped that the pattern of co-operation with the Ann Arbor Police Department already in ef- fect in the matter of enforcement of parking regulations in the cam- pus areas will be continued and expanded, he pointed out. "The appointment is merely a move on the part of the Universi- ty to centralize responsibility for maintaining close contact with the Ann Arbor Police," Roth said. announced he would meet with Gen. Pierre Koenig, head of the National Defense Committee, to consider the consequences. THE PRESS and public too, were shocked. Afternoon newspap- ers declared France would now be unable to equip and raise 10 new divisions. They said some French armament factories would have to close and at least 25,000 persons would be thrown out of work. The United States turned down their urgent plea for some 439 million dollars additional aid to enable French factories to step up arms production. Diplomatic authorities said yes- terday that the note delivered at Paris July 25 promised only ap- proximately 186 million dollars to- ward a 625 million dollar three- year production program. * * * THE UNITED STATES, author- ities said, expressed willingness to finance the production of a late model of the new French-designed Mystere fighter plane and some artillery shell output. But because of the cut in aid funds made by the recent congress and existing priority arrangements, this gov- ernment turned thumbs down on any heavier commitments at this time. The newly-pledged 186 million is in addition to the commitment of some 600 million dollars which the U.S. undertook at this year's Lisbon conference of the North At- lantic Treaty Organization to un- derwrite for France. Evita's Body Lies in State BUENOS AIRES - (P) - Presi- dent Juan D. Peron announced last night that the body of his wife, Eva, would continue to lie in state for one or two months if necessary to give all mourners a chance to see it. Grieving Argentines have been pouring into the city by thousands to pay last respects to their be- loved "Evita." The announcement was design- ed to slow the rush of people into the lines jamming the Labor min- istry where lies the flower-laden bier holding Mrs. Peron's glass- topped white mahogany casket. Since Sunday lines of mourners' at least a mile long day and night have waited their turn, unmindful of rains and cold. BRITISH ROCKET-Flames pour from booster motors attached to rear shaft as Britain's high flying guided rocket, with a speed rating "well over" 2,000 miles an hour, takes off from a launching platform on a performance test. The new rocket is claimed to have five times th~e maneuverability of a fighter plane. United States Turns Down French Plea for Arms Aid Panmunjon By The Associated Press MUNSAN, Wednesday, July 30 -Allied and Communist staff of- ficers return to Panmunjom today for what-is expected to be another dreary discussion on the wording of the proposed Korean truce pact. The meeting was scheduled for 11 a.m. (9 p.m. yesterday Ann Ar- bor time). THE OFFICERS -are not dis- cussing the major remaining bar- rier to an armistice-exchange of war prisoners. Meanwhile, three small but lengthy fights erupted in drench- ing rains along the western Korean front yesterday. Counterattacking Allied infan- trymen engaged Reds in a battle lasting more than five hours on the front between Yonchon and the truce conference site of Pan- munjom. The Reds touched off the battle in a company attack before midnight. TO THE NORTH Chinese slog- ged down from the crest of Old Baldy in a futile. attempt to shove U.S. Second Division infantrymen off the southeastern slope of the strategic hill west of Chorwon. The Reds were beaten back in a two hour fight. , Elsewhere along the muddy 155 mile front only a few small patrol fights were reported. O'Dwyer Will Remain Citizen MEXICO CITY-(P)-U. S. Am- bassador William O'Dwyer angrily denied yesterday he is considering becoming a Mexican citizen and ordered an American correspon- dent, who had speculated in a news story on such a possibility, to leave an Embassy news confer- ence. The former mayor of New-York City called in correspondents after learning that the story was being published in the United States. Dixiecrats May Back Eisenhower Southern State Conventions Might Not Concur with National Choice By The Associated Press Flashes of Southern static blurred the Democratic harmony picture yesterday amid talk that some Dixie segments might bolt and throw their support to the Republican candidacy of Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower. Rumblings of revolt came loudest from South Carolina, Virginia, Louisiana and Mississippi. STILL ANGRY over the call for a party loyalty pledge at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago last week, some Dixie Democrats said there was consid- eace Terable uncertainty in the South about Gov. Adlai Stevenson of Ill- ft eseinois, the Democratic standard ma bearer. A possible straw in the wind turned up when the Richmond, Va., News Leader came out for the Eisenhower-Nixon ticket- marking the first time since 1896 that a Richmond newspa- per has supported a Republican Presidential candidate. The News Leader said the Re- publicans offer "one vital thing: change. New faces. A fresh ap- proach." IN SOUTH Carolina, the Demo- cratic state convention will be re- convened Aug. 6 to decide whether to go along with the national par- ty in the November election. In Virginia, Gov. John Battle refused to comment on the ques- tion of a possible bolt until the democratic state central com- mittee meets. The committee has authority to reconvene-the State Convention. In Louisiana, Gov. Kennon said the State Central Committee should decide whether the Louisi- ana party would support the na- tional ticket. Kennon would not comment on the possibility that Eisenhower's name might be placed before the committee. IN MISSISSIPPI, former Lt. Gov. Sam Lumpkin announced Eisenhower's name will be placed before the state convention when it reconvenes next month. How- ever, Gov. Hugh White has pledg- ed support to the Democratic ticket. In Georgia, the State Demo- cratic Committee will meet Monday. It is pledged to the national ticket. Gov. Herman Talmadge expressed complete -approvalof Stevenson, but said he is dissatisfied with several points in the platform involv- ing civil rights. On a broader scale, the threat of a dixie revolt raised a puzzling question for both major parties: How to woo the South and yet win the big Northern cities? Meanwhile, Stevenson and his Vice-Presidential running mate, Sen. John J. Sparkman of Ala- bama, pledged a fighting cam- paign to extend the Democratic rule in the White House over an- other four-year span. University To Establish. Institute in_.PhilipInes Relations between the United States and the Philippine Islands will be strengthened this summer when an Institute of Public Ad- ministration is established at the University of the Philippines in Manila. The new University overseas branch will provide training pro- grams in administrative techniques and methods which will be given Filipino government workers and students, according to President Harlan H. Hatcher. l L r 4 4 1 to SECRET REPORT MADE PUBLIC: ,* * * * THE MUTUAL Security Agency will finance the project planned eventually offer instruction to officials and students from other -- Southeast Asian countries, he stated. I * s s I FBI Claims Stalin Favors Force in U.S. WASHINGTON - (M) - A long- secret FBI report says that Rus- sian Premier Stalin has decided Communists can climb to power in the United States only by "forc- ible destruction" of the govern- ment-never by peaceful means. changed and only force aiid vio- lence can achieve the Communist goal, the FBI said. The report quotes the Russian premier as writing in 1939: "T, R, TRAm * r -C- * * . scribed is at a monograph "based primarily on the writings of Com- munist leaders" compiled by his office and until now classified as confidential material. McCarran in a prepared state- v-4 tion of the United States Govern- ment by force and violence." *' * * AS DOCUMENTARY proof it quotes from writings of William Z. Foster, chairman of the Com- munist Party in this country, some PROF. JOHN LEDERLE, direc- tor of the University Institute of Public Administration, has gone to Manila to begin organizing the program, About 11 public admin- istration professors and assistants will staff the Institute on a two- year contract between the univer- sities and MSA. Many of the in- structors will come from other educational institutions. Ground work for the new In- stitute was laid early this year ' V . . .., .... I