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July 25, 1952 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1952-07-25

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Yalu Plants Among World's

* * *

Steinbeck Answers Germ
Warfare Charges in Italy

Congress was told more than a
-year ago that if the Yalu river
power projects were bombed it
might bring China into the Kor-
ean war on a large scale.
These projects are among the
largest of their kind in the world
and have been called the "little
TVA of Asia." Allied warplanes
dropped tons of 'bombs on them
last month, apparently'knocking
them out of service for a long
time to come.
carried a memorandum prepared
by the Library of Congress for the
information of congressmen in
December 1950, when United Na-
tions forces were stopped by Chi-
nese near the Yalu. The river is a
boundary for 450 miles between
Manchuria and North Korea.
There was a military-political
discussion in 1950 whether the
U.N. should strike the Commun-
ists in Manchuria and whether
the hydroelectric plants should
be destroyed.
Those in favor of the bombing
argued it would create a serious
economic crisis for the Commun-
ists. They said the hydroelectric
plants were the main source of
power for industries in Manchuria.
They also argued that these plants
were needed for the rehabilitation
and reconstruction of China. They
said China might become a na-
tion on relief and if the Soviets
failed to provide it there would be
serious internal difficulties.
THOSE AGAINST the bombings
argued it might bring China into
full-scale war against the U. N.
They contended that knocking out
the plants would have little if any
effect in reducing Chinese fight-
ing capacity. They said the Chi-
nese use largely light weapons
manufactured in small arsenals
scattered throughout China.
The American forces that
bombed the border plants in
June 1952 apparently were care-
ful to hit only projects on the
Korean side of the Yalu river.
But these are immense.
Korea is a land of great scenic
beauty, which means mountains,
which usually means good hydro-
electric sites. Korea has been called
the Switzerland of Asia.
* .* *
§OME EXPERTS have estimat-
ed its rivers could produce around
five million kilowatts of hydro-
electric power if harnessed fully.
They have compared the area with
the states of Vermont, New York,
New Jersey, Delaware and Mary-
land in size, population and ability
to produce electric power. The
Congressional memorandum says
installed capacity of North Kor-
ean plants probably was around
1.5 million kilowatts.
The Japanese began building
the power plants when they ob-
tained full control over Man-
churia in 1932.
There are seven principal pro-
jects, the Suiho on the Yalu river;
Changjin and Pujon river projects;
another on the Hochon river and
lesser plants at Puryong, Hwachon
and Kanggye.
Information available in the
library of the Defense Depart-
ment says one of the world's
largest generators was installed
in the Yalu river plant. It had
an installed capacity of around
100,000 kilowatts. Later another
generator of about the same size
was hooked up.
This plant rivals the Grand Cou-
lee project in the northwest United
States, largest in the world, if es-
timates are correct. Grand Coulee
powers huge atomic energy and in-
dustrial plants.

* * *

* *b *

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Loss of Hair Attributed to Studying

Men-does a glance at your
brush and comb reveal tell-tale
signs of falling hair-when you
face yourself in the mirror, are
you confronted with a receding
If this is the case, you may be
studying too hard!
Scientific studies of baldness
have shown that "fear, worry, and
anxiety" have a direct, pronounc-
ed effect upon bodily glandular
secretions and circulation of the
blood to the extremities.
IT IS conjectured that emo-
tional disturbance may trigger off
physiological processes that cause
a decrease in blood supply to the
scalp. Leading authorities point
out that any bodily condition
which materially affects the blood'
supply to hair roots can cause
hair loss.
Another condition that is fre-
quently responsible for baldness,
authorities say, is excessive
growth of the bone structure in
the skull, which also affects
blood supply to the scalp.
Whether or not excessive study-
ing Meads to the formation of a
"solid wall of ivory" with just a
fringe on top is not known at
present. Researchers point out,
however, that calcification of the
skull is found to a greater extent
in males than in females, as well
as baldness itself.
* * *
OUT OF the confusing welterl
of theories, popular and scienti-
fic alike, that seek to account for
that scalped look of many a stal-
wart male nowadays, several
have gained wide acceptance.

One of the most interesting
and controversial of these is the
old "hatband" theory. One au-

thority on
tates that
young men
sooner than
his habits
cive to hair
his head is

hair management
the reason that
achieve baldness
women is because
are not condu-
growth-the top of
encased as with a

tight band in the upright hat
of civilization," which cuts off
much of the blood supply in-
tended for the scalp.
Other researchers hotly deny
that men's hats are the cause of
baldness, and maintain that this
theory has no scientific basis
whatsoever however, the proverb-
ial dunce with his conical cap and
the grind who sports a "thinking
lid" may do well to make sure
that their headgear is not laying
the early foundations of even-
tual baldness.
* * *
STRIVING TO throw some or-
der into the existing confusion of
thought on baldness, University of
Chicago dermatologists have re-
cently been conducting extensive
inquiries into the mystery of the
receding hairline. The U. of C. sci-
entists maintain that the man
with a stiff, tense face may be
straining his way to a premature-
ly hairless dome. These authori-
ties recommend relaxing of facial
and scalp muscles to reduce bald-
Chicago scientists also assert
that baldness may occur as a
result of activity of male hor-
mones which cause degeneration
of the fatty padding on top of
the scalp. The scalp thus be-
comes so thin, the researchers

say, that the "shearing stress"
of blood vessels on top of the
head causes hair to fall out.
This hypothesis may account
for the fact thatthe incidence
of baldness is greater in men than
in women.
* * *
THE BIG question, that of what
to do about baldness once it has
set in, yet remains incompletely
Recommended cures range all
the way from the new wonder
drugs, ACTH and cortisone, to
"Black Magic," an odifenous,
tarry substance that comes in
bottles, and doubles in as a
mange remover for dogs when
not being used to return fuzz to
the bald man's head.
Many competent authorities re-
commend daily scalp massage to
step up blood supply to declining
hair follicles, thus preventing
their falling by the wayside.
A well-known Ann Arbor bar-
ber was inclined to pass off most
of the hair restorative treatments
as "pure baloney." He said that
the chief reason he had not used
any hair growing "concoctions"
on his customers was that "the
companies who make the stuff
haven't invented an applicator to
go with it so that hair won't start
growing under my finger nails."
Mrs. Kamer Aga-Oglu, curator
of the University's Oriental collec-
tion, will leave for Europe to study
under a Rackham grant and not
a Fulbright grant as reported in
yesterday's Daily.

(Continued from Page 2)
pie to whom you address your-
self through me.
The first mention of germ war-
fare by any nation occurred short-
ly before Hitler invaded Russia,
when the Kremlin announced in
its official publications that it was
fully prepared to "use bacterio-
logical warfare in retaliation
against any enemy and on the
enemy's soil." Even that long ago
the Soviets did not deny that they
had prepared this kind of warfare.
THE SECOND mention of this
foul kind of fighting you will find
in the NEW YORK TIMES of No-
vember 6, 1950, in a dispatch
which announces that advancing
United Nations troops discovered
a laboratory in which there were
5,000 rats and mice inoculated
with bubonic plague. The place
was Pyongyang, North Korea, and
was operating under Russian su-
pervision. In the same laboratory
were found a number of furs
sprayed with various germs in
which fleas were being bred.
Against this background I
want to go back to your story
of diabolic Americans inoculat-
ing bugs one by one and then
creeping out to drop them on
the faces of sleeping babies. The
bugs you mention are flies, spid-
ers, lice and fleas.
May I point out to you and par-
ticularly to your readers that this
abominable story was issued by
Communist headquarters last Feb-
ruary. Even in warm and lovely
Italy it is well known that flies
and spiders are not active in the
freezing weather of Korea in Feb-
The other two bugs you mention
are lice and fleas. You know of
course that lice carry typhus and
that fleas carry bubonic plague.
I know your readers do not, but
do you, dear Taddei, believe that
we, even if we were the ogres you
pretend, would be so stupid as to
release typhus and bubonic plague
in an area where our soldiers
would be as vulnerable as anyone
else? Think carefully of this.
Germ Warfare as a propa-
ganda weapon is not very effec-
tive, but as a military weapon
released near combat lines it is
as worthless as the gas of the
first world war which blew back
on its senders. I leave this to
your readers, whose intelligence
you so underrate.
Shall I tell you what the germ
warfare story really is? If
your communist bosses trust you
enough, you know that what I
say is true. In the communist
areas of North Korea the medical
service, never very efficient, has
broken down. Epidemics due to
crowding, malnutrition and filth
have broke nout. Bubonic plague
is endemic in Korea. Did you know
that? The last time it broke into
epidemic force, that we know of
at least, was in 1919.
NOW THE communist leaders
cannot admit that they have fail-
ed. They.must blame this evil situ-
ation on the Americans. Do you re-
member the propaganda potato
bug fiasco of recent times when a
failure of the communist govern-
ments of East Germany and
Czechoslovakia to control their lo-
cal posts was blamed on the Am-
ericans? That silly story blew up
in their faces and the germ story
will do the same thing. And I warn
you, dear Taddei, that when it

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blows up, you will be disciplined
for having contributed to world
laughter. The Kremlin does not
like jokes at its expense.
The germs the United Nations
are dropping in Korea are little
pamphlets. These papers contain
the most dangerous and commun-
icable germs in the world, the
truth. This is the germ the So-
viet fears more than any other
single thing. If this were not so,
why are the Communist borders
closed? Why are the communist
minds protected against the con-
tagion of ideas? Why is the free
exchange of books, papers and
letters prohibited? Why is a Rus-
sian citizen forbidden on pain of
death to speak to a foreigner?
Why is fraternization and friend-
ship between our peoples denied?
Oh, they are right to be afraid
of the germs of truth, for it is
these germs which will even-
tually destroy them. These truth
germs we admit we are drop-
ping in Korea. We are proud to
drop them. And would it not be
reasonable to suppose that com-
munist leaders, knowing the
deadliness of free ideas, might
try to frighten their people so
that they would not touch or
read the words on these little
papers that flutter down from
the sky? Would they not try to
frighten them by telling them
the papers contain disease
germs? I leave this to the judg-
ment of your readers, dear Tad-
dei. They do not have their or-
I come now to your eye-witness
account of the degenerate clubs
in Trieste where only American
soldiers go - American soldiers
and Taddei. Your story impressed
me so much that I made inquiry
and found that there are no
known clubs in Triesterwhere only
American soldiers go. Still I am
aware that in some cities places
of degeneracy exist secretly, and
you say that you have seen this
If it is so, I think it is a very
terrible thing. I want you to
take me to this club. I want to
see American soldiers "throw
women to the floor, tear off
their clothes and beat them with
their belts." When I have seen it,
I swear to you that I will use
every bit of influence I can
command to destroy these pla-
gue spots.
You must pardon my desire to
see it for myself, however. You
have been inaccurate in some oth-
er matters in your open letter to
me. I like to check my sources.
* * *-
DEAR TADDEI, a printed open
letter is in effect the use of a
man's name to gain the attention
of other people. You have used my
name. In America we follow the
rule that when such a letter is
printed, the periodical printing it
stands ready to print the answer.
Thus I submit my answer to L'-
UNITA. I suggest that if my let-
ter is not printed immediately and
with prominence equal to .the op-
en letter you wrote to me, or, if
my letter is in any way changed
or cut or tampered with, I will
then feel free and indeed shall


feel it my duty to print and distri-
bute both letters as widely as I
possibly can. I ask you to believe
that I will do this.
The first part of my letter
was directed to you and through
you to your readers. This last
part is directed to you person-
ally, Ezio Taddei. You have des-
cribed a degenerate scene in-
volving American soldiers. You
say "American soldiers have
turned to wickedness." Many of
your readers will remember the
American soldiers who devoted
their post exchange rations to
give sweets to Italian children.
They will also remember many
other good and friendly things
about American soldiers. But
now I get back to you.
Taddei, do you know what Am-
erican soldiers are? They are our
sons, our beloved sons drawn from
our hearts in the time of our na-
tion's need. They are the dear
children of our farmers and our
miners, our factory workers, our
tradesman, bankers, writers, ar-
tists. I myself have two little sons
of six and -eight. When they are
old enough, they will be American
soldiers if my nation needs them.
Now if you, you personally,
have meant to say or indicate or
suggest that American soldiers are
wicked, degenerate or brutish, you,
Ezio Taddei,-are a liar.
-John Steinbeck

midnight and the admission is
to students.

Play, presented by the Department
of Speech, Winterset, by Maxwell An-
derson. 8:00 p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn
Roger Williams (Baptist) Guild: Mid-
Semester Square Dance, 8:30 p.m. 502
East Huron. All Baptist students in-
Beach Ball will be held in the Mich-
igan League Ballroom from 9 o'cock
until 1. Johnny Harberd's band will
furnish the music.
Coming .Etens
The Intercooperative Council will
hold a picnic at Bishop Lake on Sat-
urday, July 26. Leave from Owen House
at 11:00 a.m. The public is invited. All
those interested should call 7211 by
Friday noon and state whether trans-
portation is needed, or whether they
will be able' to provide it.
Roger Williams (Baptist) Guild: Pic-
nic and discussion, 4-8 p.m. Sunday,
July 27.
Saturday, July 26. Beacon picnic, all
welcome. Meet at League Main en-
trance 1:30 for swimming at Island
Lake Park. Back at 7:30-8:00. Trarm-
portation 'provided.

(Continued from Page 3)


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