TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JULY 25, 1952 -u The Real Convention ATER FIVE MINUTES in Chicago it is hard to take the Democratic National Convention any more seriously than you would take Ringling Brothers circus. The banners, buttons, music, and the mobs of yelling teenagers, whose actions would draw adult disapproval at a high school football rally, contribute to the carnival appearance. Add a log cabin, some refreshments stands, a group of outland delegates, seeing the big city for the first time, TV cameras, several thousand newsmen, throngs of spectators and you have the greatest show on earth. But it's not the ballyhoo itself which gives the convention such a ridiculous look, it is the who and the why behind it all. 'FLet's start first with "spontaneous out- bursts," "tremendous ovations," and "wild demonstrations." Supposedly the reflec- tion of the average party member's intense loyalty and enthusiasm for a particular candidate; they are really as phony as a three dollar bill. Most of them are the brain-children of well trained and well paid public relations sections with which every candidate is equipped. The demonstrators themselves are an in- teresting group. Most of them are teen agers who consider waving a banner and cheering more fun than the local movie. The convention hall gives just as bad an impression. The only people there who seem businesslike and interested in what is going on are the TV cameramen. During the early sessions most of the seats on the convention floor are empty. The delegates are either milling around talking to each other, or have gone out on some business more important to them than lis- tening to the speaker. The speeches are a farce. No one pays the least attention. Accoustics are so bad in the hall that coupled with the noise created by the talk and movement on the floor it is al- most impossible to hear even if you try. Even the press section is nearly deserted. Most of the newsmen are either following delegates or candidates in an effort to uncover their machinations or have re- tired to the well equipped press lounge in the basement to have a cold drink and watch the progress of the convention on television. The one thing which is mentioned least of all is how the public feels. Neither the candidates, the delegates, or the press seem vitally interested in what candidate the Democratic voters of this country want to vote for. -Jack Bergstrom TWO CONCERT BANDS, one carillon, five conductors, and two carillonneurs were the participants in last night's outdoor con- cert, "on the mall." The program was per- formed, on the whole, excellently but with one serious flaw. The one particular pro- vince of bands, the one type of music that can only be, performed adequately in a band, the march, was totally absent. Just as one expects symphony orchestras to play sym- phonies, and string quartets to play quar- tets, one expects, indeed looks forward to, bands playing marches. With the wealth of marches of real musical calibre, it is un- complimentary and unnecessary to borrow literature from other mediums, when such borrowing never seems appropriate anyway. An example of what I mean was the caril- lon-band duet in selections from Moussorg- sky and the familiar Bells of St. Mary's. Precision between the two mediums was lacking, the total effect was not unified. At best it was an interesting experiment. But what can't be denied is that Dr. Revelli al- ways comes up with a first-rate band, and this fact gave the concert some interest. -Donald Harris Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writer only. This must be noted in all reprints. ON TlE Washington Merry-Go-Round with DREW PEARSON Germ Warfare in the Italian Press (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following two letters are the full text of the re- cent publicized exchange between Italian Communist Ezio Taddei and American novelist John Steinbeck. The letter to Steinbeck was printed in L'Unita, official Communist Newspaper on June 15 following the violent anti-Ridgeway riots when he made a tour through Italy. Steinbecks letter answering Taddlei was printed in L'Unita several days later. It was, however, cut by the editors and followed by a rebuttal by Taddei. The passages of Steinbeck's letter that were not printed are enclosed in parenthesis.) CHICAGO-Politics can be a cruel busi- ness. The cruelest blows dealt in the current race for the Democratic presidential nomination were to Vice President Alben Barkley and Averell Harriman. Undoubted- ly, they were not meant to be cruel, for in Barkley's case they came from those, who love him most-his wife, Leslie Biffle, and the President. However, it will probably em- bitter him for the remainder of his life. The stage was set for Barkley to enter the presidential race on July 5, the last day congress was supposed to meet, at a luncheon given by Senate Secretary Bif- fle, the Veep's close personal and political friend. Since Congress was supposed to close that day, President Truman return- ed to his old stamping ground, attended the lunch, had a couple of bourbons and was pulled to one side for a conference with Biffle. Biffle is the man who put Barkley across as vice president at the Philadelphia con- vention in 1948; also the man who, posing as a chicken salesman, toured the country taking political soundings that summer and predicted Truman could win. He has long wanted the Veep to become president; like- wise the new Mrs. Barkley. So, at this luncheon, Biffle urged Truman to switch his support from Harriman, then his No. 1 choice, to the much-loved, elderly Veep. Truman agreed. The very next day Barkley, buoyed up by hope and spurred on by his wife, made a formal announcement that he would actively push his campaign. That was why, on arriving in Chicago, he walked from the railroad station to the hotel. That was also why the party bosses passed out word that it's "Barkley the White House wants." However, the days when the President can hand down orders on his successor and get them obeyed are past. When George Harri- son, head of the AFL Railroad Clerks, heard this from Bill Boyle, former chairman of the Democratic National Committee, he phoned the White House, insisted on talk- ing to the President direct, and the follow- ing conversation took place: "Mr. President, Bill Boyle tells me you have selected Barkley." "That's right," replied the President. "Well, that puts me on an awfully long limb because I have been pushing Harriman as you indicated 10 days ago," responded Harrison. "Well, stay out on the limb for a little while longer," Was Truman's cryptic re- ply. Whether the President meant by this that he was merely using Barkley as a stalking horse to stop Kefauver is now known. How- ever, the much-loved and no embittered Veep will never recover from that political blow. HARRIMAN A FUTURE POWER THE BLOW at Averell Harriman was not quite so brutal, chiefly because he is a younger man. What happened was that Paul Fitz- patrick, top Democratic leader of New Yorki, wanted a "holding candidate"-a man who could hold New York'sbig block of delegates together thus permitting Fitzpatrick to trade at the convention and throw the New York delegates at the right time. First Fitzpatrick approached New York's Sen. Herbert Lehman. Lehman, past 70, ridi- culed the idea. He said he had no chance to become president and didn't want the New York delegates pledged to him. Next Fitzpatrick went to Harriman, urged him to run for President. Harriman took him seriously, jumped in with all his energy, plus considerable money, and proceeded to put on a bang-up campaign. In fact, he put on such a good campaign that even his best friends were surprised. Fitzpatrick has stuck with him, but doesn't look happy about it. He wears a little Harriman button, sits back, goes through the motions of steering the Har- riman campaign, but there is no passion in his drive, no optimism in his voice. He is merely paying lip service to a comit- ment he made. For novice Harriman, however, this has been an experience. He has found himself able to make better speeches than the old- timers, he has snapped out of his habitual shyness, and he will be a politician to be reckoned with in future administrations. CHICAGO MERRY-GO-ROUND SAD SIGHTS at the Democratic conven- tion include: former White House Gen- eral Counsel Clark Clifford, now playing would-be kingmaker for Sen. Bob Kerr of Oklahoma. Clifford, whose law practice benefitted considerably from his White House contacts, now realizes he has pulled a bull, can't get off the hook . . . . Three other former White House advisers are also riding the losers' train. They are gracious Grace Tully, former secretary to Franklin D. Roosevelt and FDR's two top ghost writ- ers, Judge Sam Roseman and Robert E. Sherwood. The trio worked hard in Averell Harriman's corner .. .. The Roosevelt fam- ily is well represented at the convention. In addition to Mrs. Roosevelt, there is Frank- lin, Jr., who spearheaded the Harriman forces, while Jimmy Roosevelt beat the brush for Kefauver. Mrs. Roosevelt's private favorite is Governor Stevenson, with whom she served at the United Nations. However, the former first lady, an invited speaker at the convention, carefully avoided show- ing any partisanship. Two of her sons' Elliott and John, are backing General Eis- enhower. (Copyright, 1952, by the Bell Syndicate) DORIS FLEESON: Liberal Action CHICAGO-Liberal Democrats are reas- serting their control of their party in the one forum they have not ceased in 20 years to dominate-the national convention The striking developments here are fresh stages in their continuing effort to build a party that will be invincible in the pivotal states where elections are won and lost. The price of this effort is the loyalty of the solid South. It is a high price but it is the price. In that sense, Democrats are making a great contribution to the two-party sys- tem in the South. It mayhbe even greater than the Republicans made two weeks ago when they jilted their real hero for a can- didate with Southern appeal. Because this convention seems des- tined to nominate a candidate in Gov- ernor Stevenson who is acceptable to the Southerners, many people are question- ing their timing. Why did they join the issue now, it is asked, especially when when they face such formidable opposi- tion in General Eisenhower? The answer is that they are fighting the Democratic partners of the conservative co- alition which rules the congress, and are at- tempting to limit their power. The only place they can reach them is the convention What has happened since World War II first began to absorb President Roosevelt's energies is that such a coalition has in- creasingly wrested control of congress away from the administration and the party nom- inally in power. For the last few years Congress has fought President Truman very little on domestic issues; it hasn't had to, it has merely ig- nored him. Lately all its energies have beenj concentrated on exerting influence on the foreign policies he still has largely under his control. Yet every four years the Democrats have met, built a liberal platform, named a president who said piously he believed ev- ery word of it, and won the election. The seniority system has always enabled the southerners in Congress, even those who openly opposed the party, to hold their chairmanships and control the course of legislation. When they needed a few votes they crossed the aisle and got them from Republicans of the midwest and mourt- tain states. When Congress reorganized after the sur- prise victory in 1948 even the avowed Dixie- crats got back their positions and perqui- sites. For a very long time the men who are forcing the issue here have done a slow burn while they took a back seat for the coalition. Some of them, as former Sen. Francis My- ers of Pennsylvania, believe their defeat came because the party did not fulfill its campaign promises. (Copyright, 1952, by the Bell Syndicate) Dear Steinbeck: AM SURE that this letter of mine will cause you some trou- ble and I think that owing to it, the F.B.I. gentlemen might sub-.. mit to you, in these days that you; are in our Country, their famousI questionnaire, the one where at the twelfth question is written: "What do you think of the Italianc situation?" and the sixth: "Have1 you any friend in the Communist{ party?" I am sure of this, but I also think that they cannot harm you. For two reasons: first, because you are the writer: John Stein-; beck ,and, then, because the F.B.I. cannot avoid the fact that mil- lions of persons know you. THE SUBJECT of this letter re-, fers to the American General Ridgway's arrival in Italy and what is happening due to that., If I should make a complete exposition, I should write many pages and I should start from that you said some years ago on your return from Italy, regard- ing an officer, who was teasing an old Sicilian by letting him go to a Palermo dock with prom- ising to let him go to America. It was a joke. Do you remem- ber? The American soldiers started with jokes, then, going forward, they were no longer satisfied and some passed from jest to wicked- ness. So now they are fully changed. I would like you to go, for example, to. a "Night Club" in Trieste to see what happens. Do you want me to tell you? Listen to me. There are in Tries- te some night coffee-houses, where only American soldiers and cer- tain women go. THESE WOMEN are recruited] by the landlord, who obliges them to go there every night and to stay till the closing, which is in the morning. During these night-orgies, it; is now a custom that a soldierI suddenly starts to beat his wom- an. He pushes her down to the floor, beats her with his belt- and all this in the center of the place; while the other soldiers keep dancing, because they say all this gives colour to the place. If we wanted to find some rea- sons for what I have just told you, we could say that the Ameri- can soldier has discovered how to humiliate and how to offend what in America is considered a sort of idol: the woman. A woman, who in the United States dominates life, she can be' beaten here; her dress can be snatched in the presence of all, she can be derided. Then the en- tertainment continues. What I have just said, I can see with my own eyes, and it is not at all produced by my imag- ination. Of course here there is a cer- tain control, owing to the public opinion, but inother countries things happen in a different way. .. * * DO YOU REALIZE, for example, what is happening in Korea, where there is war; a small people, whom American politeness has taught (Americans) to despise, have held at bay the American Armies for two years! The recentsevents have given an idea of this and enough news has leaked out to strike all the civilized world with disgust and indignation. It is not a question of faults committed by single individuals, (for in such cases responsibilities would be limited) but of crimes organized, ordered and directed by a Commander in Chief. After having bombed houses and huts and machine-gunned whole columns of families looking for a shelter, after tanks had passed over babies' bodies, the American General Staff has secretly ordered to prepare a great quantity of in- sects: flies, lice, fleas, spiders. Many physicians were neces- sary to prepare the culture of the most terrible diseases. Lice were inoculated with bacil- li, then all this filthy material was sent to General Ridgway, who ordered his soldiers to spread it among the poor people, already striken by misfortune. Can you imagine a baby of four or of one year, with one of those flies laying on its face? The baby does not brush it off, it does not expect this, it does not know it. Then the pustules will come out on its body, then a high fever. then its mother, she too with pustules on her chest, will try to warm it. Instead they both will die, then a spider is ready to rest on another baby, a1mcs .. a.n s *..n . t.. Dear Taddei: I WAS BORN and grew up in California where many of the farmers and a great many of the fisherman were Italians. Their sons and pretty daughters were my school mates and my friends. I knew the old people too and very often sat in their kitchens to drink wine, to eat the wonderful things they cooked and to talk quietly in Amity. My littlest sis- ter was very much in love with an Italian boy. They were really close friends. With a good number I stood up when they were married and with not a few I took my sad place to carry the coffin to their graves. When I came to Italy a few weeks ago and drove slowly through the country, it was like coming home. The warmth and vitality and generosity of the Ital- ians was not new to me. It was a lovely memory from my childhood. THEN I ARRIVED in Rome and saw a headline in the newspaper L'Unita' which read "An Open Letter to John Steinbeck by Exio Taddei and the letter began, "Dear Steinbeck." I was pleased and ::omplimented by this attention. And then I began to read the letter. The second line said, "I am convinced that this letter will cause you trouble." "Why does Ezio Taddei want to cause me trouble?" I thought. "I don't recall ever having harmed him." The opening of the letter saddened me I admit. But then I continued to read and I realized that your letter was not written to me. You were simply using me as a decoy for unwary readers. It is a very old device. If your open letter had been simply a denunciation of me as a person or of me as a writer, I should never have thought of an- York with the hangman of Sing Sing? No, you surely would de- test it. Then why should we ex- alt the sight of this general? The hangman of Sing Sing may be only an ignorant man forced by need to accept that abominable life. Moreover at Sing Sing babies are not killed, while General Ridg- way, knew very well that spread- ing a territory with venomous in- sects, the first victims would be the most defenseless. You would not go with the hang- man of Sing Sing and not even with General Ridgway, otherwise you would not be the writer John Steinbeck. Yet the United States Government has named this Gen- eral as Commander in Chief of the Atlantic Army, at the same time Europe has named him "Plague General." But the Italian soldiers did more in their barracks. You know well that there is a language of soldiers which re- flects military happenings in a picturesque way. So a soldier today, who finds a fly in his tin, says: "Corporal, I found an American General in my soup.'" * * * swering it. But this is not so. You have attacked through the use of my name a number of people and things I thoroughly intend to de- fend. For that reason I answer you, Dear Taddie. In your letter you have made a number of errors in fact. I do not know whether you have done this intentionally but I in- tend to inspect your statements for your readers if not for you. In the very first part of your letter you refer to "famous ques- tionnaire of the F.B.I.," a docu- ment you know so well that you even quote the numbers of the questions. I have never heard of such a questionnaire, but I have made inquiries and I discover that such a questionnaire does not exist. I have further found that there is not one single F.B.I. man in Italy. YOU SHOULD inform yourself better. You accuse me of not knowing anything about Italy and then you make a series of state- ments which prove beyond doubt that you do not know anything about America. The F.B.I. is a bureau of investigation which de- velops evidence concerning crimes which have been committed in the United States against the United States Laws. It acts under our Departmentof Justice which is a branch of our Treasury Depart- ment. It has no power of its own to do anything at all except in- vestigate. It does not issue ques- tionnaires. Could you, Dear Tad- dei, have made a mental switch since they both have three initial letters? Could you be thinking not of F.B.I. but of G.P.U.? In the same paragraph you make it very clear that it is not the F.B.I. but you, Ezio Taddei, who are issuing the question- naire. I will certainly answer your questions. Your question No. 12: What do you think of the Italian situa- tion?" Answer : I am not yet well enough informed to have arrived ant. And again you fall into your habitual error of inaccur- acy. You say-"The American Government named this general as commander in chief." If you will look at the records, you will find that the NATO na- tions, among which is Italy, ask- ed the American Government to make General Ridgway available for this command. He was reluct- antly withdrawn from the East where he was doing a very good job. It was Ridgway who ground up the attacking Communists and who with smaller forces brought them to a standstill so that they wanted to talk truce. Could your hatred of Ridg- way be caused by the fact that he is too good a general? A Communist never forgives the man who beats him ,but he will usually try to knife him in the back. And incidentally, you are at this moment trying to think of some way of doing that to me, aren't you, Dear Taddei? I know the pattern very well. The next attack will concern some phase of my private life. I've seen it too often. The next one of the errors in your open letter to me indicates that you have not even read the dispatches of the Russian Chinese Communist group. You should do that before talking about poor lit- tle North Korea. For a long time the hundreds of thousands of Chi- nese armed with Russian weapons were "Volunteers." That pose has now been abandoned even by the Chinese press. The Chinese Communists now boast of 800,000 new Chinese sent into Korea. The Chinese and Rus- sians now openly conduct the truce talks. And you know as well as I do that from the very beginning, the United Nations troops have been overwhelmingly outnumbered. d * I WONDER whether you be- lieve your own accounts of chil- dren ground up under our tanks, of huts blown up, and refugees machine-gunned. But perhaps you believe anything you are instruct- ed to believe. And so I will ask your readers who are not in- structed. Why, ifwe are so brutal to refugees, do they always come to us, never to the Communists? People in trouble do not run to- ward brutality. They run away from it. Why do the hundreds of thousands of refugees we are feeding in South Korea never show the slightest desire to go north behind the Communist lines? Why do great numbers of them swear that they will kill themselves if they are forced back? In your open letter you told a story. I want to tell you a story told me by a friend and backed with photographs. One morning early, a band of old korean wom- en in ragged dresses approached a United Nations post. The sentw challenged them as is ndnal, whereupon they charged the post throwing grenades as they came. Our soldiers fought them off with difficulty and when they inspected the dead, they found under the women's clothes, not only penises but grenades andnburp guns. Are these the machine gunned refu- gees you spoke of? What a brave way to fight! The pictures are available if your paper would like to print them. I come now to the heart of your lettt, the reason for your letter, the matter which you thought would case me trouble, germ wi- fare. If You know the truth about the so-called germ warfare, dear Taddei, you must be cynical. And if you are cynical, what contempt you must have for the intelligence of the Italian peo- (Continued on Page 4) a a I. at a valid answer. Your question No. have friends in the Party? Answer: I am a I have acquaintances ties, all groups, all religions. I know 6: Do you Communist journalist. in all par- colors, all and have NIGHT EDITOR: MIKE WOLFF Interest On A Few Dollars Savings Ir. MOIST AoP4AA4 r + oy~$ / YPQp 'EC~op4 ' ,G0f4 nota X1f "Rig'* This Way, You-All" ; ~ -14 cx YFN tc; THESE EXPRESSIONS do not come out of a propaganda office, but have arisen in the barracks, and come from the mouth of those who shall show their arms to General Ridgway. Imagine their feeling the day he will re- view our troops. It is true that some Italian personages guaranteed our blind obedience, but perhaps in Amer- ica the situation is not well known. Do you realize that we have certain men here, whose preten- tion to public estimation is fun- ny? There is, for example, our Prime Minister. In America you have heard his name. During the first world war, while Italy was fight- ing against Austria, he was em- ployed "ad personam" with Arch- duchess Maria Joseph and, at the same time, he was a member of the women's Committee of noble patronesses, to honour Maria Jo- seph. Therefore, realize, dear Stein- beck, how our soldiers feel to go and fight, commanded by Plague General and by a member of the Women's Committee of noble- women of Vienna, the page of an archduchess. And guess what might happen if one of our of- ficers, honourable men, was handed a bunch of insects to be spread on another land. Surely we will oppose all this, we can- not have any responsibility for our life when in the world such faults are committed. Italian people will not be known to histnrva s laz y rfvhn rGen known Nazis, Fascists and Com- munists. Also I have known men who have been both Fas- cist and Communist. Does this mean anything to you? Following your questionnaire, you indicate that I might have immunities from persecution be- cause too many people know me. * *.* DO YOU THINK, Dear Taddei, that our courts operate in the dark the way those of some other countries do? If I commit a crime against our laws I will be investi- gated and then tried, but tried in the open, Taddei - tried in the open, where every one can see and judge. And if guilty I will be pun- ished. You have a curious and erron- ious idea of how our government operates. Don't you think, since yourdislike us so, that it would be wise to know what you are talking about? For instance, when you speak of Sing Sing, wouldn't it be better if you know what Sing Sing is? Sing Sing is a prison of the state of New York in which men convicted of crimes are imprison- ed. Sing Sing is also famous be- cause, through the work of War- den Lawes and his successors, it has become one of the model pris- ons of the world for the rehabili- tation of criminals. There is only one capital crime in the State of New York, and that is murder. If a man commits a murder he is tried publicly by a jury, and if convicted, he is sentenced by a judge, who incidentally is elected by the people. His case goes then to higher courts on appeal, and if all of them including the gover- nor find that he has been fairly and truly given every chance to prove innocence, he is electro- cuted. Now you say that I would not walk down the street with a "butcher of Sing Sing." The words are yours. This butcher is a man who has a job with the state. He is not either ignor- ant nor brutal. He must be an electrician because of the nature of the execution. His total work is to test the chair and, on or- ders of the Warden, to throw a switch. I do not know this man, but I once knew an executioner in Cali- fornia and he was a good man with a large family. He had many friends including me. Why should I not walk down the street with a man who is doing his job under the law? The Sing Sing man is probably an honest and self re- specting man and he has never taken the man he has killed and hung him head down in front of a public gas station no matter what the crime has been. * * * r l r l i lP~ Ml71w t Sixty-Second Year Edited and managed by students of the University o! Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications EDITORIAL STAFF Leonard Greenbaum Managing Editor Ivan Kaye and Bob Margolin .....Co-Sports Editors Nan Reganall..........Women's Editor Joyce Fickies...........Night Editor Harry Lunn . .......... Night Editor Marge Shepherd ........ .Night Editor Virginia Voss ..........Night Editor Mike Wolff ................Night Editor BUSINESS STAFF Tom rreeger..... . Business Manager O. A Mitts..,..... Advertising Manager Jim Miller...... Finance Manager Jim Tetreault..... Circulation Manager n1