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July 25, 1952 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1952-07-25

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See Page 2

Latest Deadline in the State




* * *

* *






WINNER-Mat Whitfield (right) U.S. Air Force sergeant from
Columbus, O., hits the tape in a smashing finish to win the 800
meter title at the Helsinki Olympic games.
New Red Youth Group
Formed in' East Germany

were about 30,000 thirsty people
yesterday in the Pentagon, the
world's biggest office building.
Water was vrtually cut off
from the defense headquarters
in nearby Arlington, Va., after a
water valve broke in northwest
Drinking fountains were dry.
All sanitation facilities were
without water.
City engineers diverted about
10 million gallons of water from
the Pentagon to bolster supplies
for city areas affected by the
valve break.
Truce Talks
By The Associated Press
MUNSAN, Korea-(R)-The Al-
lied command today said the 18
off-the-record sessions on the
truce-blocking issue of war pris-
oner exchange were "completely
fruitless" because the Reds in-
sisted on the return of 116,000
captured Communists. Both sides
agreed to resume open meetings
Meanwhile the Korean War en-
tered its 26th month today with
the Army announcing the vet-
eran U.S. second infantry division
is the outfit slugging it out with
the Communists for possession of
the crest of vital "old baldy" hill.
And in Washington the State
Department disclosed yesterday
that the United States has asked
Russia to prod the North Korean
and Chinese Communists to abide
by the Geneva rules for the pro-
tecting war prisoners.
The note, delivered Wednesday
in Moscow, accused the Commun-
ist satellites of three specific vio-
lations of the 1949 Geneva Con-
vention, although both stated
they would abide by its terms.
HST Spares
Collazo s Life
Truman decided yesterdayto
spare the life of Oscar Collazo,
the little Puerto Rican national-
ist sentenced to die in the elec-
tric chair Aug. 1 for the slaying
of a guard in an attempt to as-
sassinate the President.
The White House announced
that Collazo's sentence has been
commuted to life imprisonment.

id to I
Contract Ups
Union Wages
By 21 Cents
Strike Longest
In Steel History
By the Associated Press
WASHINGTON-President Tru-
man yesterday dramatically sig-
nalled the end of the 53-day steel
Flanked by CIO president Philip
Murray and president Benjamin
Fairless of U. S. Steel, Truman an-
nounced that agreement was
reached after day-long talks at
the White House. He had summon-
ed the top union and industry
leaders to meet with him in a su-
preme effort to end the walkout
that had idled nearly two million
Americans and cut deep into de-
f ense production.
said the agreement calls for a two-
year contract, with a little over 21
cents an hour in wage hikes and
fringe benefits-plus a modified
union shop. The union originally
asked a total of slightly more than
26 cents an hour higher pay, and
full compulsory union membership.
Present pay averages just under
$2 an hour.
In connection with the agree-
ment the Government ordered
an increase of $5.20 a ton in
ceiling prices for common car-
bon steel, which figures oft
around $5.64 average when high-
er priced special steels are
counted in.
The agreement falls short of
the Wage Stabilization Board re-
commendations for which the
steelworkers had fought. The WSB
had proposed a three-stage wage
boost amounting to 171/2 cents by
next year, with another 81/2 cent
in fringe benefits and the union
nouncement of the agreement
came at 3 p.m. (CST), seven hours
after the chief executive had call-
ed the two top leaders in the dis-



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Score Advantage
Seat Louisiana, South Carolina
Delegations After Lengthy Struggle
As the Daily went to press at 2 a.m. this morning, the Demo-
cratic Convention was abruptly adjourned until 11:30 a.m.
By The Associated Press
CONVENTION HALL, Chicago--(W) - The Democratic National
Convention voted early today to stay in session for a show-down on
the question of letting two Southern delegations keep their seats-
and perhaps on picking a Presidential nominee.
The decision, taken by a roll call vote, was a victory for backers
of Gov. Adlai Stevengon, who hoped to push his bandwagon over the
victory line on an early ballot.
BACKERS OF Sen. Estes Kefauver had sought to recess the Con-

-Daily-Jack Bergstrom
PLANNING - Senator Buckley of Ohio speaks with Senator
Kefauver over support of the Ohio delegation.

By the Associated Press
The Communist East German
government announced yesterday
creation of an organizationdwhich
would be used for disguised mili-
tary training.
A communique said all East
German youths of both sexes above
17 will be asked to join the new
body for six-month terms on a
"voluntary basis."
It has been named "Dienst Fuer
Deutschland" (service for Ger-
MEANWHILE the Russians,
contending that the Soviet liaison
officers assigned to Frankfurt are
shadowed by West German police,
said yesterday they're going 'to
keep a check on the U. S. military
mission in the Russian Zone head-
quarters city of Potsdam.
Sentries will be assigned to
the mission and Russian escorts
henceforth will go along with all
mission vehicles driving through
the Russian zone, said the offi-
cial East German news agency
The United States maintains a
half dozen officers and several en-
listed men in the mission. The
members spend much of their time
in West Berlin, which is less than
10 miles from their Potsdam head-
U. S. officers said the announc-
Lee Resigns
Top Position
On 'U' Bands
Jack K. Lee, assistant conductor
of University bands and drill mas-
ter of the famed Michigan March-
ing Band has resigned in order to
accept a position at the Universi-
ty of Arizona, it has been an-
He will serve as associate pro-
fessor of music and director of
it Ac. in Arinnn' ac.n laa fina

ed Rissian move merely made'
public something that has been
going on for months. Every trip
the mission staff has taken re-
cently was reported to have been
accompanied by an obvious at-
tempt by Russians in civilian
clothing to follow and observe.
Living Cost
Sets Record
High in June
ernment reported yesterday that
the cost of' living reached a rec-
ord-breaking peak in June.
Measured by the price of food.
clothing, rent, entertainment and
other basic living costs, the index
of the Bureau of Labor Statistics
stood at 189.6 per cent of the
average between 1935 and 1935.
This was five-tenths of a point
above the January record of 189.1.

f rikP Stevenson Forces

One Chop
London-(P)-Britain's week-
ly meat. ration will be upped
by three penc~e to two shillings
(28 cents) on Aug. 3, the Food
ministry said yesterday.
Two shillings will buy one
medium-sized chop.
No New Polio
Cases Listed
.For Pittsfield
No new cases of polio were re-
ported yesterday in Pittsfield Vil-
lage or in Washtenaw County, ac-
cording to city-county health dir-
ector Otto K. Engelke.
Four cases were reported in the
city Wednesday, bringing this
year's total to 12. This is "quite
a bit more polio" than there was
in the county last year. At this
time in 1951 only 'four cases had
been reported.
A concentration of the disease
exists in Pittsfield Village. Five
of the 12 cases are on the same
street in that town; one other is
in nearby East Ann Arbor.
Dr. Engelke said that although
incidence of the polio is high,
there is not too much paralysis.
Only three of the 12 persons. af-
flicted have some paralysis.
Meanwhile there were 1,392 new
cases of infantile paralysis ,'re-
ported over the nation last week.
This compared with 1,047 in the
preceding week and 794 in the
comparable 1951 week.

Put in Race
-.-(P)-Gov. G. Mennen Williams'
name was placed in nomination
for the Presidency of the United
States yesterday as a "young, hu-
man, intelligent, dynamic and ef-
fective leader."
The nominating address for
Michigan's governor was made by
U. S. Senator Blair Moody of
Michigan, the former Washington
newspaperman whom Williams
named to the Senate.
POISED LIKE racers for a
chance to demonstrate their en-
thusiasm before a national aud-
ience, Michigan's comparatively
small band of delegates to the
Democratic Convention burst into
the aisles for a parade the moment
the Convention Hall organ let go
with "The Victors," the University
of Michigan's famous marching
California, Oregon, South Da-
kota, Tennessee, Ohio, New
Hampshire, Minnesota, Wiscon-
sin and Washington sent their
banners out, too, and some
Some of it was friendship of
state Governors and Senators for
Williams and Moody and some was
a "courtesy gesture" by the Ke-
fauver Presidential camp, wooing
Michigan's still undeclared 40
Moody declared that "no public
figure in modern times has been
so universally beloved by the peo-
ple" of Michigan-as Williams.

* * *
Dhems Use
'48 Tactics
For Fight
CHICAGO - P) - Democrats
have dusted off and polished the
same weapons they used four
years ago to win an upset victory
over the Republicans.
These weapons include: claims
that their party has built pros-
perity on the "economic ruins of
Republican bungling" and that it
is leading the world to an even-
tual "peace with honor."
* * *
THE BULKY platform, heavy
with self-praise, was adopted by
the Party's National Convention
early ,yesterday.
Republicans, in their Nation-
al Convention here two weeks
ago, anticipated the Democratic
"They (Democrats) claim pros-
perity," the GOP platform said,
"but the appearance of economic
health is created by war expendi-
tures, waste and extravagance,
planned emergencies, and war cri-
* * *
AS TO Democratic peace claims,
the Republicans had this to say:
"We charge that the leaders
of the administration in power
lost the peace so dearly earned
in World War Two."
In 1948, the Democrats cam-
paigned on a platform that boast-
ed they had led the Nation to the
"broadest" prosperity in history.
Then, as now, the GOP contend-
ed prosperity had 'a "false" basis
provided by government spending.
In 1948, the Democrats said
they were putting the United
States into the forefront of a
world drive for the "four free-
doms." Their foes, the Republi-j
cans, charged Democratic foreign
policy often "lacked competence
or consistency."
The outcome of the 1948 ballot'
turned largely on the economic
issue, with farmers in the normal-
ly-Republican midwest tipping the
scales in favor of President Harry
S. Truman over Gov. Thomas E.

vention until 11 a.m. (CST) in the
hope of getting a stop-Stevenson
drive under way.
Senator Paul Douglas of Illi-
nois, a Kefauver supporter,
made the motion to recess. An-
other member of the Illinois
delegation moved that Douglas'
motion be laid on the table. It
was this second motion that
came up for the roll call vote.
But the central issue was plain:
whether to stay in session and
fight it out or quit for the night.
The decision: stay and fight.
* * *
DOUGLAS made his motion be-
fore Rayburn announced the re-
sult of an earlier vote on the ques-
tion whether South Carolina and
Louisiana delegations should be
allowed to stay in the Convention
despite their refusal to sign a par-
ty loyalty pledge.
Gov. John S. Battle of Vir-
ginia proposed this peace offer-
ing to the south only a short
time after the Convention itself
voted to let Virginia stay in.
The vote in Virginia's case was
6481/2 to 512 (with 69%/2 not re-
AS THE CLOCK moved around
to midnight and then on beyond,
more candidates were put in nom-
ination and there was more jock-
eying between the Stevenson and
Kefauver forces.
Along the way, there were
'favorite son nominations for
Gov. G. Mennen Williams of
Michigan and Sen. Hubert Hum-
phrey of Minnesota.
And Senator Thomas Hennings
of Missouri took over the micro-
phones to propose for the presi-
dency "the youngest, the strong-
est and the bravest man in the
Democratic Party, the Vice Pres-
ident of the United States, Alben
W. Barkley."
A close associate of Barkley said
the nomination was made without
any impetus from him or from
PresidentTruman, who once fav-
ored Barkley. They described it as
simply an action by Barkley's
A BIT LATER, Gov. John S.
Battle of Virginia took the micro-
phones to propose.that South Car-
olina and all the Louisiana dele-
gation be allowed to take their
places in the Convention, regard-
less of their position on the loyal-
ty oath.
Sen. Paul Douglas of Illinois-.
a top man in the Kefauver camp
-bellowed for recognition and
finally got a chance to offer a
motion to adjourn until noon to-
That obviously was part of a
strategy to let Kefauver forces and
others trailing in the race against
Stevenson have an overnight crack
at regrouping in advance of a
showdown. It was a tipoff that
they feared a real stampede.
One of the Stevenson backers
in the Illinois delegation countered
Douglas' maneuver with a motion
to kill the adjournment proposal
by tabling it.
A roll call vote was ordered on
that-before any action could be
taken on the battle proposition to
give full Convention standing to
Louisiana and South Carolina.
New York-the home base of

3,000 STRONG:
Nation's Press Caught
In Convention Hubbub

Special To The Daily
CHICAGO-Everyone is confus-
ed here even the press.
Behind all the furious political
speculation, the stampeding herds,
rnd the mouthy chaos at the Dem-
ocratic convention is the frantic
attempt of the American press to
clarify and interpret a situation
which defies clarification and in-
* * *
THERE ARE, roughly speaking,
around 3,000 gentlemen of the
fourth estate dashing around this
heat-bristled city between Conven-
tion Hall, the Conrad Hilton and
the Sherman. Nearly every sizable

news with any real confidence. For
example, Barkley's withdrawal was
interpreted in a good number of
different ways.
TREATED WITH more kindly
deference than even the delegates
(i. e. free drinks at an exclusive
press lounge in the hall), reporters
are nonetheless not too happy with
the political proceedings.
Many of them predict a Stev-
enson nomination, but "it's too
damn hot, too damn stuffy, and
too damn uncertain yet," as one
Associated Press reporter put it.
At this stage, none of them is
particularly keen on staying
around for 10 ballots. Which may

*...a Settlement
pute to the White House and vir-
tually read them the riot act.
Bluntly, Truman informed
Murray and Fairless that they
must settle their differences for
the security of the nation.
In surprisingly short order, they
did just that.
AND THUS ended the great
steel strike of 1952 which goes
down in history as the industry's
longest and costliest.
During the 53 days of the
basic steel walkout, the number
of idle grew to almost two mil-
lion, including the workers idled
in allied and steel-using indus-
Iron Age, an authoritative metal

Stevenson Stand on Issues Analyzed

CHICAGO, (P) - Where does
Gov. Adlai Stevenson of Illinois,
who appears to have the Demo-
cratic Presidential Nomination
within his grasp, stand on key
public issues of the day:
Stevenson, who has refused to
run for the nomination, is not
talking during these Convention
days. But his past record includes
these statements:

tures of the law seem to me to
advance the cause of good labor
relations, and other features, in
my opinion, do not. I think the
Democratic platform should re-
commend modifications." (The
platform drafters have called for
repeal and then new legislation.)
Health Insurance - "I am
against the socialization of the
practice of medicine as much as I
would beagainst the socialization

determinate period to come. From
this one fact flow many difficulties
which we must face with under-
standing and stout hearts. The
Democratic party should continue
to stress in the future, as it has
in the past, the necessity for mo-
bilizing our strength, both military
and economic, in support of the
free nations of the world; the im-
portance of continued working to-
ward the international organiza-

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