'U' Sponsors Expeditions
Critic Tells
History of
U.S. Myths
(Continued from Page 1)
Prof. Lloyd Criticizes
Cowardly U.S. Writing
* , * *
A summer of swimming and golf
with perhaps a little studying on
the side is a far cry from the va-
cation that members of the an-
thropology department and the
Museum of Anthropology have
chosen for themselves.
From Ontario to Guat'emala,
the scientists are spending the
summer studying Indian customs,
digging in ancient burial mounds
or toiling up mountain trails in
search of new discoveries.
for the most part divided between
actual excavation work and ob-
servations of the social structure
of contemporary Indian groups.
The latter is the subject of
summer research by Prof. Leslie
A. White, chairman of the an-
thropology department. With
headquarters at Santa Fe, Prof.
White is doing a follow-up
study on a group of Indians he
vestigated a number of years
Prof. James B. Griffin is also
working in the same area although
his main purpose is excavating In-
dian ruins as part of his overall
study of North American archae-
* * *
A UNIVERSITY of California
field trip in the Sacramento Val-
ley is being headed by anthro-
pologist Prof. Richard K. Bears-
ley. The purpose of the expedition
is to train the students in archae-
ological techniques and to pro-
vide material for Prof. Beardsley's
Prof. Emerson F. Greenman
of the anthropology department
is leading another expedition
near Killarney, Ontario. His
group is engaged in excavations
on ancient beaches which are
now hundreds of feet above the
present level of Lake Huron.
But summer expeditions are not
solely reserved for professors.
Many graduate students are car-
rying on excavations in the mid-
west and the south, Some with
Social Science Research grants
are also engaged in studying the
structure of the Indian society
that exists high in the mountains
of Guatemala.
* * *
IT WOULD BE a mistake, how-
ever, to assume that the depart-
ment's expeditions come to a halt
when the routine of the regular
school year sets in.
One graduate student, John
Heimnick, returned this spring
from investigating a village site
in Mexico and another plans to
leave next month for studies in
Prof. Kamer Aga-Oglu, curator
of the University's Oriental col-
lection, will leave for Europe soon
under a Fulbright grant to study
museum collections of Chinese ce-
ramics for comparison with speci-
mens in this country.
Wood, Workers
Plan Course
Practical problems of the wood
working industry will be covered
in an intensive one-week course
August 11 through 16 at the Uni-
versity Wood Technology Labora-
Designed for executives, plant
personnel and quality control men,
the specialized training will be
limited to 25 persons, according
to Prof. Fred E. Dickinson, of the
natural resource school and course
"Frequent mistakes in produc-
tion of wood products are costly
to manufacture in time and ma-
terial," Prof. Dickinson points out.
"This course will deal with causes
of rejects and how defects, poor
production and design practices
can be eliminated."
Specific problems in drying, ma-
chining, gluing, finishing, and fab-
rication of wood will be dealt with
in lectures, demonstrations and
EXCAVATORS-Two members of one of the University's nu-
merous summer expeditions excavate an ancient Indian burial.
Indonesia Still Bitter Pill
For Dutchman To Swallow
"The feature of the few serious
novels that most impress me Is
their deliberate attempt to restrict
and circumscribe their subject
matter," he commented.
Cowley defines myths as "fa-
miliar stories based on widely
recognizable types of character
and conduct" which "can be re-
cognized by their ability to live
independently of the books or
ballads or events in real life
that gave birth to them."
"A nation without myths would
scarcely be a nation but only a
mass of persons living in the same
territory and obeying the same
laws because they were afraid of
the police," he added.
* * *
TRACING THE traditional Am-
erican myths such as Southern
chivalry, witchcraft and other
folklore, he said that our myth-
ology has been created by profes-
sional writers more than in any
other country.
The turning point in Ameri-
can mythology came around
1890, Cowley said. ;Before that
time it consisted of stock scenes
in which numbers of mythologi-
cal figures moved in true to
form situations. These were
characters such as the coonskin
capped frontiersman, the sober-
garbed Puritan, the professional
gambler, the Alger hero and the
girl with "iron-clad" innocenses.
However, as we moved from
agrarianism to industrialism these
characters no longer served as
"guides to daily living." Then a
battle of books began which last-
ed nearly half a century in which
the "Naturalists" attacked the
"Idealists" who were defending
"the older myths with their rural
backgrounds and their message of
confident optimism."
In the ensuing struggle several
characters perished, but others,
such as the "slit-eyed gambler,
moved to the city, Cowley com-
As the years passed new char-
acters such as the political boss
and the flapper came to take their
place in American fiction. The 19-
30's brought legends connected
with social problems, and a whole
stream of figures arose from the
two world wars.
"Wespeak like men but we
write like cowards."
So says Prof. Donald Lloyd of
Wayne University, who is visiting
classes in linguistics here this
summer. The recent issue of Time
magazine carries extracts from an
article which appears in the Am-
erican Scholar where he contrasts
our muddy writing with our racy
"WE AMERICANS are loving
and effective cultivators of our
expression. I remember the -gas
station attendant who was filling
my car. The gasoline foamed to
the top of the tank, and he shut
off the pump.
"Whew," I said, "That nearly,
went over." "When you see
whitecaps," he replied, "you
better stop." "You better had,"
I said, lost in admiration. But if
you had given him a pencil, he
would have chewed the end off
before he got one word on pa-
"The demon which possesses us
is our mania for correctness.
"Except for the professionals
among us, we Americans are hell
on the English language. Our
writing is muddy, backward, con-
voluted and self-strangled . . .
Furthermore, almost any college
professor will agree that his stu-
dents' writing is revolting too."
* * *
PROF. LLYOD finds no fear in
the American when he talks. "The
ordinary American is in conver-
sation a confident, competent, ex-
pressive being . . But with the
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(Continued from Page 1)
of materials and money for him,
it was his symbol of Holland's cen-
turies-old status as a world power.
Look at the map and you'll see
what the Netherlands really is to-
Conversations on Indonesia
can start very innocently. The
Secretary of the University of
Utrecht told us there were no
differences between the labor
government and right wing par-
ties on important issues.
When we asked whether there
was a cleavage on matters of for-
eign policy, for instance Indonesia,
the answer was a curt: "we do not
consider Indonesia foreign policy."
* s *
YOU HAVE to watch your step
particularly with the Dutch busi-
nessmen who spent heart-break-
ing years in the Jap prison camps
only to find their empires stolen
when they saw the light of day
There is a strong American
case on Indonesia: the justifica-
tion of a nationalistic movement
against a small power, the con-
duct ofthe Dutch military in
dealing with the natives and
other patterns of circumstances
with which we're not well ac-
quainted. -
But here's the Dutch side of the
picture, emotion omitted.
The Dutch consider themselves
efficient and humanitarian colon-
ists. Although they admit they've
made mistakes, they place them-
selves on a much higher level than
the British.
They feel that when they
fought the world at the confer-
ence tables on the retention of
Indonesia, the world didn't
Municipal Leagues
Will Meet Here
Directors and staff members of
state municipal leagues will hold
a national meeting July 28 and
29 at the University.
Under the sponsorship of the
Michigan Municipal League and
the University's Institute of Pub-
lic Administration, the meeting
will be held on campus two days
and in Detroit at the Veterans'
Memorial Building July 30.
Prof. Arthur Bromage, of the
political science department and
Ann Arbor councilman, will take
part in the program.
know enough about it. Fifteen,
ten, maybe five years and Indo-
nesia might be ready for inde-
pendence, they say.
But it takes time. They pride
themselves on the fact that they
spoke the language of the people.
Worked to better them, were be-
ginning to make some inroads on
the high illiteracy percentage.
When the collaborator Soekarno
took the reins, the Dutch thought
force was justified in putting
down a disturbance which they
felt would not ultimately benefit
the population.
* * *
"YOU CALL the Nationalists
fighting the British in Malaya
Communists," one Dutchman said.
"Well, by like criteria, Soekarno
was a Red, although today he'd
lose his head if they got him."
Indonesia isn't safe for a
white man. It is in a state of
violent anarchy. And the Dutch-
man thinks it will remain so.
For one thing, he is concerned
because his interests were largely
seized, and he can get only a small
profit out of the country. But it
is also a matter of pride.
In any country you enter, it is
this quality, no matter how little
basis it may have, that you have
to be careful of. If you don't salt
the gaping wound of Indonesia,
you can have a fine time of it in
British Press
Ignores DIems
LONDON-(/P)-The European
press paid scant attention to the
Democratic National Convention
In contrast to the long stories
that detailed every blow of the
Taft-Eisenhower Republican bat-
tle, newspapers in Britain and the
continent contented themselves
with brief items on the civil rights
fight and the Democratic party
drift toward Gov. Adlai Stevenson
for President.
Interest over here in American
political preliminaries faded after
Republican Gen. Dwight D. Eisen-
hower's nomination in Chicago;
it apparently satisfied Europeans
that no matter who wins in No-
vember there will be no great
changes in American foreign pol-
Young Critics
Defended by
Prof. Harding
That quality in young people
which enables them to take defi-
nite stands "for or against" an is-
sue makes the youth of the na-
tion better critics than some of
their elders, Prof. Harold Harding
of Ohio State University said yes-
In a speechassembly lecture
dealing with "The College Student
as a Critic," Prof. Harding stated
he "had great faith in the critical
judgment of college students."
Many young critics combine
some of the finest critical attri-
butes in arrivingat judgments in-
dependently, and in respecting
tradition while adopting their
judgments to the needs of today,
Prof. Harding explained.
He saw an election year as a
time of "need for wise judgment."
Because the critic should be a
myriad-minded man, there is
good reason for mentioning the
young voter, the independent voter
and the critic in one breath, he
Speaking of the critic in the
broadest sense, Prof. Harding said
that it was "a great error to think
of the critic as a non-creative
artist." Because of criticism's
stimulating powers, Prof. Harding
saw the critic as a "true comple-
ment to the creative artist."
The Ohio State speech professor
told speech department students
that critics of public speaking
could find a wealth of material in
TV Convention coverages. Accord-
ing to Prof. Harding television
coverage emphasizes the import-
ant fact that there is much more
to public-speaking than the print-
ed word.
Dems Called
By The Associated Press
Michigan Democrats have pin-
ned a reactionary label on their
party which threatens minority
rights, Republican State Chair-
man Owen J. Cleary charged be-
fore a GOP women's meeting at
Monroe yesterday.
"It is obvious from the actions
of Governor Williams and Sen-
ator Moody on the unit rule and
loyalty pledge questions," Cleary
said, "that they leave no room
for differing from their opinions.
"First they bound the Michigan
delegation so that anyone dissent-
ing from the majority lost power.
Then they imposed a pledge on
the entire Democratic Convention
which would effectively shut off
minority groups.
"This," said Cleary, "is thought
control in its most violent form
and smells of dictatorship."
Auditor General John B. Mar-
tin, a candidate for the Republi-
can nomination for U. S. Senator,
spoke in Detroit assailing the rec-
ord of Rep. Charles E. Potter, a
rival in the GOP fight.
..."racy speech; muddy writing"
* . *
negative attitude that attends all
our writing, those whose main in-
terest lies elsewhere are inhibited
... until the sight of a blank white
page gives them the shakes . .."
"Not until we come to our
senses-teachers, editors, writ-
ers and readers together--and
stop riding each other's backs,
will the casual, brisk, colorful,
amused, ironic and entertaining
talk of Americans find its way
into print."
Dr. Lloyd told a Daily reporter:
"For instance: It was the ordinary
American that produced the vivid
language that came out of the
war-not the public relations boys
who had supposedly been paid to
speak for him.
Terms like 'brass,' 'VIP' snafu,'
were ground out in talk. And if
the publicity men got hold of such
expressions at all, they picked
them out of the air around them.
Our writing is most American
when it's most like American talk.
And it's least American when it
hobbles itself by the rules in the
* * *
HERE UNDER a grant provided
by the American Council of Lear-
ned Societies, the visiting profes-
sor is a graduate of Wayne and
[ale universities. He was assistant
editor of a new unabridged dic-
tionary, and serves as editorial
advisor for American Speech and
the College English Association
A member of many learned so-
cieties, he has recently returned
from an ACLS Faculty Study Fel-
lowship at Yale.
His Time article is the latest of
several he has written in which he
attempts to bridge what he calls
the gap between the scientific
study of the language-and the
people who just use it.
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(Continued from Page 2)
Rackham Building. The changing Cam-
Clements Library. American books
which have influenced the modern mind
(through September 1).
Architecture Building. Student work.
Events Today
International center Weekly Tea,
for foreign students and American
friends, 4:30 until 6 o'clock.
U of M sailing club; Important meet-
ing Thursday, July 24, 7:30 p.m. Union.
Boat crews will be assigned and plans
made for work party at the lake this
week end. Also plans for Ohio State Re-
getta and Put-in-Bay Regatta.
Play, presented by the Department
of Speech, winterset, by Maxwell An-
derson. 8:00 p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn
Dinner, 7:00 p.m. Michigan Union for
those attending the Conference on
Housing the Aging. Admission will be
Coming Events
Roger Williams (Baptist) Guild: Mid-
Semester square dance, Friday. July
25, 8:30, 502 East Huron Street. All
Baptist students invited. Sunday, July
27 picnic and discussion 4:00-8:00.
Beach Ball will be held in the Michi-
gan League Ballroom Friday, July 25,
1952, from 9-1. Johnny Harberd's band
will furnish the music.
The Intercooperative Council will
hold a picnic at Bishop Lake on Sat-
urday, July 26. Leave from Owen House
at 11:00 a.m. The public is invited. All
those interested should call 7211 by
Friday noon and state whether trans-
portation is needed, or whether they
will be able to provide it.
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