PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, JULY 25, 1951. ,.,, _ _ a , k DORIS FLEESON: Adm. Sherman WASHINGTON-Adm. Forrest Sherman, Chief of Naval Operations, died in the successful performance of a patriotic errand, the Spanish alliance, in which he firmly believed and to which he made an important and informed contribution. In this imperfect world, his is therefore a relatively kind fate, a fact which should help to beguile his family and friends from their grief. They may take pride also in the speed with which, taking over at a criti- cal point in the Navy's affairs, he soared to the top in public and Congressional esteem.. In long-range defense planning, no voice was more respected. Both for the country and the Navy, Ad- miral Sherman represents a serious loss that cannot readily be overcome. The Navy is currently in the midst of a shape-up of its civilian command. For- tunately the new secretary, Dan A. Kimball, Is well acquainted with the Washington Jungle. He saw it from the business side in wartime as vice-president of the General Tire and Rubber Co.; he has been Assistant Navy Secretary for Air and, for the past two years, Navy Undersecretary. Thus he knows not only his own personnel but all the ratholes and back alleys of his own shop and the bureaucracy generally. * * * * HIS UNDERSECRETARY, Francis White- hair, is new, however, and probably changes in the lower echelons are on their way. It is highly unfortunate that altera- tions in the top career commands must now intrude. What is even more challenging is that, with a Korean truce imminent, the old battle to make the Air Force the overriding arm of the services has been renewed. Andj there are ominous signs that the "I can get it for you cheaper" psychology of a stra- tegic air defense which does not require a draft, Universal Military Service, a standing Army and a costly fleet, is again taking hold In Congress. Sen. Lodge, Massachusetts Republican, is a sincere advocate of thorough pre- paredness. But when he argued for a 150- group Air Force last week before the Senate Appropriations Committee, Minor- ity Leader Wherry instantly interjected: "I agree but the money must come out of the Army and Navy." Sen. Taft, an even more important pivot of the ruling coali- tion in Congress, has always displayed a yen for reliance upW air power. The instant anguished reactions of the other services were sharpened over the week end when their old antagonist, Chairman W. Stuart Symington of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, chose to devote a ma- jor speech not to RFC affairs but to Russia's air might. The former Air Force secretary is from Missouri, a member of President Truman's personal circle; close to the form- er Truman counsel, Clark Gifford, who re- cently gave a select birthday party for him which was attended by Mr. Truman, and to Sen. Lyndon Johnson, Democratic Whip and chairman of the Preparedness Subcommit- tee. Both Army and Navy concede that the present Air Force secretary, Tom Finlet- ter, has behaved consistently like a mem- ber of the team but they fear flank at- tacks. They also call attention to the re- cent resignation of Ma. Gen. Elwood R. Quesada. General Quesada is the great ex- pert on tactical air power, which is sup- port of ground troops. The grapevine as- serts he feels it is neglected in current Air Force planning. It thus appears that Navy and Army must prepare new defenses against revival of the understandable national craving for a cheap war. Here Admiral Sherman with his brains and prestige will be sorely missed. Navy circles put three admirals in the race for the prized C.N.O. job: Radford, Fech- teler and Carney. Admiral Radford, how- ever, may be in the President's black book for his leading part in the October, 1949, r e v o l u t i o n against unification which brought Admiral Sherman into office as a conciliator. (Copyright, 1951, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.) Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: RON WATTS ON THE Washington Merry-Go-Round WITH DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON - Most Captial observers agree that not in years has there been such a tired, listless, indifferent, do-nothing Congress as the 82nd. The famed 80th Con- gress, against which President Truman cam- paigned to victory in 1948, was a stem-winder by comparison. Not only has the 82nd Congress failed to pass a single appropriation by te end of the fiscal year, on June 30, but a good many members don't seem to care. They don't even seem to care that they are being called the "horse-meat" Congress. Never in my recollection have both mor- ale and morals been so low, leadership so lacking. Never in my recollection has there been less idealism, less patriotism, such poor Par- ty discipline; never such shameless absentee- ism. Some Congressmen are present in Wash- ington only one day a week. There are three main, overriding reasons for this political paralysis: 1. This is the tail-end of a tired, uninspired Administration-probably the end of a long period of Democratic rule. Nobody, except a few incurable optimists, really expects this Administration to be re-elected, and when that frame of mind exists in Congress there can be no party discipline, no leadrsnip. And without leadership every Congressman adopts the law of the jungle-every man for himself. Instead of voting what's good for the country, he votes what's good for him- self or the lobbyists who helped fill his cam- paign chest. He knows that, in many legis- lative problems, the nation's interest has to be put above his district's interest. A flood-control reservoir may dislocate a hundred or so people in his district, but their dislocation may save the lives, and property of millions below the reservoir area. However, an "I'll get mine, you get yours" spirit has become rampant in this Congress. The law of the lobbyist and the local interest reigns supreme. 2. There has been no firm hand on the reins. This is true both of the White House and of the Democratic leaders on Capitcl Hill. The President has alternately begged and scolded. He has seldom inspired. Congress is like a team of horses. It knows from the feel of the reins whether the driver is competent, and, like a team of horses, you can't alternately lash Congressmen into a lather, then coax them up a hill. When the President calls the Alger Hiss prosecution a "Red Herring" one day, then rewards the Hiss prosecutor with a judge- ship; when he calls the Fulbright RFC re- forms "asinine," then adopts the Fulbright RFC reforms himself; when he vetoes the Kerr Natural Gas Bill, then appoints a pow- er commission chairman who adopts the Kerr Bill-Congress knows that an unsteady hand is holding the reins. Harry Truman will go down in history as a courageous President and on his ma- jor policies a correct President. But he will also be known as an unstable, unpopular President, and in leading Congress, popu- larity and stability is what counts. The President's leaders on Capitol Bill are no better-partly because they don't parti- cularly believe in the President's policies, al- so they get discouraged working for him. Speaker Sam Rayburn, who once held a steady hand over the House of Representa- tives, now doesn't care much whether school keeps or not. Sam is older, more tired, more discouraged than in the days when he con- trolled the unruly House of Representatives for FDR. Those were the days when he pi- oneered the securities and exchange laws through Congress; then the holding corpor- ation act-both great landmarks to his egis- lative career. But it's doubtful today if Sam would have the courage and stamina to re- peat that legislative performance. In the Senate, the President's leader is a genial, hard-working scared Senator from Arizona, Ernest McFarland, who is so wor- ried that he will not be re-elected that he spends more time looking over his shoulder at his home state than at the na- tional problems pitched at him in the Sen- ate. McFarland's assistant, Lyndon Johnson, squeaked into the Senate from Texas by the narrow margin of 87 votes and, having done so, has adopted a policy of antagonizing no one-a policy which does not help to pass Mr. Truman's measures and which has won for Lyndon the nickname "Lying Down" Johnson. Therefore, the Senate today is treated to the spectacle of watching the President's two leaders unhappily voting and working against many of the policies they are supposed to push. 3. The lurking fear of Civil Rights really dominates the Senate. This is something never talked publicly but which is the most basic factor behind the Republican-Dixiecrat coalition. Two years ago, when southern leaders found that Mr. Truman was really serious about pushing his Civil-Rights program, they formed a coalition with Northern Republi- cans-the followers of Abraham Lincoln-to sabotage civil rights in return for southern help in blocking part of Truman's economic program. That is why just enough Northern Re- publicans always vote with the South to block cloture and to continue any filibus- ter against Civil Rights. That is also why you will usually find just enough South- ern Democrats voting with the Republi- cans and against the Democratic platform to kill some of the Truman economic and labor measures which the Republicans op- pose. The bipartisan Foreign Policy has been pretty much on the rocks ever since the death of Michigan's Senator Vandenberg. But to- day a much firmer, though never discussed, bipartisan domestic policy has taken its place. Engineered primarily by Russell of Georg ia and Taft of Ohio, it operates so smoothly it is almost automatic. And it has become a ba- sic factor in the stultification of a Congress which will probably go down as one of the. most do-nothing in history. * * * -PROPAGANDA HURTS- REPORTS FROM behind the Iron Curtain indicate that one reason for the seizure of AP Correspondent William Oatis by Czechoslovakia was that American propa- ganda through the Voice of America and Radio Free Europe is hurting. When the Commies want to get something out of the U.S.A., their crudest but most successful technique is to seize an American citizen, and hold him as a hostage until we come across with the ransom money. The reported ransom money in Czecho- slovakia is to curtail the Voice of America and Radio Free Europe, both really hurting the Communist government. In fact, the Voice of America has had the Czech gov- ernment in a state of jitters. Before Foreign Minister Clementis was purged, the Voice made a categoric predic- tion that he and eight other top Czechs would be arrested. For weeks, the Voice pounded home this prediction, giving the ex- act names of the prospective victims. The Czechs listened but were skeptical. f Then suddenly Clementis was arrested. With him were arrested four of the eight others the Voice of America had named. All Czechoslovakia seethed at the news. The accuracy of the Voice of America was commented on everywhere, and its listen- ing audience has doubled. More than ever, Czechs are tuning in on the Voice to see who will be purged next. NOTE-Despite the State Department's remarkable propaganda job, the budget of the Voice of America and other propaganda, projects has been slashed to ribbons. Con- gressmen who have been doing the slashing have been invited to come to the State De- partment briefing room and get the story- much of it confidential-of what the De- partment is doing. However, only two or three have bothered to get acquainted with the ac- tivities of the agency whose work they pass upon. (Copyright, 1951, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.) MUS IC LAST NIGHT the Stanley String Quartet performed the second concert in their series of summer programs before a large and appreciative audience. In keeping with the program planning for these concerts, representative works from three musical periods were performed. The Haydn Quartet in C major, Op. 74, No. 1, provided a buoyant and spirited open- ing for the program, and was performed with exceedingly fine sensitivity and tonal nuances. What the quartet lacked in oc- casional intonation agreement was more than compensated for in clarity and over- all interpretation. Second on the program was the Bela Bartok sixth quartet. Besides being the composer's last quartet it is probably the most taxing, from the standpoint of quar- tet technique, of any of his literature in this medium. In this work a technical proficiency of the most unusual and dif- ficult kind is required of every instrument. The performance not only filled the score's technical demands, but also con- tained a tremendous vitality and drive. We Mustn't Offend Them-They're Very Influential" C&/ A ON S °rL 9T' INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Red Horse TradeSeen on Korean Troop Withdrawal By J. M. ROBERTS, JR. Associated Press News Analyst COMMUNIST ACTIVITIES in several different fields have created speculation that they may be working toward a horse trade over the issue of withdrawal of foreign troops from Korea. If you work on the thesis that the Communists want a cease fire in Korea or else they wouldn't have asked for it, and that as part of the price they demanded something they knew the Allies would not agree to, then the question becomes, what do they want in return for dropping that demand? One answer could be another Big Power conference, at which they would try to trick the Western powers and, failing in that, set up a counter-irritant to distract public attention the world around from the failure of their Korean adventure. For some months now Moscow's most intensive propaganda drive has centered around the public signing of its appeal for a "peace settlement" among the big powers. The whole effort is to bypass the United Nations in punishment for its action regarding Korea, its adop- tion of the Acheson security program and the Chinese embargo, and to disarm the West by making it appear that Russia is trying to attain the big power settlement for which the UN charter provided, but of which the organization has proved incapable. T SEEMS quite possible that Russia would just love to have another of these propaganda forum conferences, and even hold it in Paris during next fall's General Assembly meeting in an effort to steal the show. There is much evilence that Russia expected the UN to be merely a facade for a peace between spheres of influence established after the war by power politics, and that remains her only idea for "peace in our time." The West is convinced that would be merely an armed and highly precarious truce. Injection of the conference idea into the Kaesong talks would, of course, breach the original idea of a strictly military cease-fire. Russia might feel, however, that the Allies would accept such an offer, if no commitments were demanded. Russia, of course would want agreement on what nations would be represented at the conference. She might ask a five power meeteing represented at the conference. She might ask a five power meeting to include India and some other neutral, with a general Far Eastern settlement on the agenda. The Allies undoubtedly would reply to this with a demand for Japanese representation, and there would be a whale of an argument. But some sort of agreement on these points would not seem impossible. 4- x k x /t teP4 TO THE EDITOR The Daily welcomes communications from Its readers on matters of general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the editors. , y Catholic Issue .. To the Editor: ALTHOUGH Janet Watts criti- cizes Dave Thomas' line of rea- soning in her letter of July 21, I believe that she herself is the greater offender. In the first place she states that in a "partical, working sense" the opposing concepts of democracy and that of the Catholic Church do not contradict each other. This would be true if the Church con- fined itself to non-temporal, pure- ly religious affairs. However it seems to be doing quite the op- posite, as its mentioned attack on socialized medicine shows. Such arbitrary decrees as these are of- ten contrary to what seems right and reasonable tomany American Catholics. A greater danger is that by their very nature of "coming from above" they tend to stifle in general the independent think- ing so necessary to the success of a democracy. Miss Watts defends the Spanish hierarchy's ban on bathing suits on the grounds that it "fits" into that particular society. The reason that no such edict has been issued from St. Mary's chapel on campus is not, as she seems to imply, be- cause the influence of free Ameri- can soil has wrought a basic change in the hierarchy's think- ing. An examination of Catholic action all over the world will show that it is the policy of the Church to push its interference in human being's lives as far as the environ- ment will allow. The Catholic Church in America haspressed its social and economic program only as far as its present limits because further interference would arouse, the wrath of the non-Catholic ma- jority, and, in fact, would probably be rejected by the relatively liberal American Catholic population. My only criticism of the Thomas editorial is that it failed to point out clearly why the suppression of civil liberties by the Catholic Church, in the name of morality, helps rather than stops the spread of communism. -Paul Levin, '53 Catholic Issue . . To the Editor: MAY I POINT in passing to the professional manner with which your Dave Thomas wielded the bludgeons of bigotry in his July 20 editorial on the Catholic Church and bathing-suits in Spain? I'm sure that his readers were edified to know that the Church "pressured" the civil au- thorities into passage of the anti- scant-skin-covering law - just as I'm sure that many readers would like to be informed exactly how the Church exerted such pressure, and from what source Mr. T. re- ceived this undoubtedly inside in- formation. I am also grateful to Mr. T. for enclosing the word "morally" in quotation marks. For one who ap- parently has forgotten that such a virtue as modesty exists, and who seems to think that a Bishop has no business concerning him- self with the modesty in dress of those committed to his spiritual care, such an enclosure was right and proper. Had Mr. T. omitted quotation marks around the word, one might have been inclined to believe that he considered moral- ity in the same light as the Span- ish Bishop did. His subtle slander that the Church has been in a manner re- sponsible for the spread of Com- munism has been so utterly refut- ed by history, past and present, that one can only wonder how such an individual was ever entrusted with the writing of editorials. --Michael Thornton * * * Catholic Issue . , . To the Editor:, ANYONE WHO IS seriously con- vinced that the luman rights of his fellows are in danger -al- ready "inroaded," indeed-is bound in conscience to make his views known. It is reasonable to expeci that he will take the trouble to understand human rights, and thai he will explain in what manner they are being destroyed. He will also take care to use such terms as "human rights" and "civil lib- erties" with some precision. The current managing editor of The Daily, Dave Thomas, in the issue of July 20, makes the state- ment that there are "Catholic in- roads on civil liberties in this coun- try as well as abroad." One's first impression is that the piece is to be taken seriously. It is difficult to maintain a serious hearing how- ever, because the writer's argu- ments, as logical constructions, seem pointed to arouse a spirit of mirth. Of two recent Catholic actions, one is offered by the writer ti show the superficiality of the other. The Church in Spain has, we are told, "pressured the civil governments of the various prov- inces to tighten the restrictions or bathing suits and beach conduct." Therefore, the Pope's approval of a system of socialized medicme in superficial. This is like saying that the sign over the door of the Uni- I ti f ri l : versity club-house which forbids women to wear shorts and men to go shirtless while playing the course, proves there is something fundamentally dishonest in the Phoenix Project. Illogical progres- sion of this sort can be very amus- ing-like charades-but we can't be sure that the writer means to be funny. The bathing edict and the ap- proval of socialized medicine are called upon again. This time a comparison of the two "makes it clear that where violations of hu- man rights are concerned, the defi- nition of 'violation' depends on who is doing the violating as far as the Catholic Church is concerned." How does it make what clear? What is revealed, it is to be sup- posed, is that there are "Catholic inroads on civil liberties" here and abroad, but the comparison can only make this clear "to all who are familiar with Catholic inroads on civil liberties." One gets a little dizzy making the round. We conclude that the writer doesn't offer us his warning very earnestly. Bad arguments, at best, reveal a whimsical sort of atti- tude; at worst, they reveal intel- lectual defect or the need of inte- grity. Quite in isolation from any at- tempted argument is the implica- tion that the Church has failed to learn something that she should have learned from her post-war experiences in Communist-held countries, as well as the assertion that "if the Church hopes to ser- iously challenge Marxism, it had better mend its ways." It is diffi- cult to make anything of this. The behavior of Catholic individuals, and the Church as a whole, under Communist persecution needs no defense. Normal human feeling, re- gardless of creed, will be humbled and admired. And the Church does not hope to challenge Marxism. She has vigorously denounced it from the beginning. To mend her ways, as it is supposed the writer suggests, would be, among other things, to renounce her belief in human rights and duties. But, as was said, the editorial as an editorial is to be taken no more seriously than the writer's whim- sical logic. It is, of course, a repe- tition clumsily managed, of the vagaries of Mr. Paul Blanshard. -William Barkley, Grad. Man's Fate MAN WOULD fain be great and sees that he is little; would fain be happy and sees that he is miserable; would fain be perfect and sees that he is full of imper- fections; would fain be the object of the love and the esteem of men, and sees that his faults merit only their aversion and contempt. The embarrassment wherein he finds himself produces in him the most unjust and criminal passions imaginable, for he conceives a mortal hatred against the truth which blames him and convinces him of his faults. -Pascal, "Pensees" Y ol 4P a 34ai W' I. Sixty-First Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications Editorial Staff Dave Thomas .........Managing Editor George Flint .............Sports Editor .To Ketelhut..........Women's Editor Business Staff Milt Goetz ...........Business Manager Eva Stern .........Advertising Manager Harvey Gordon.......Finance Manager Allan Weinstein ...Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited to this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein are also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Subscription during regular school year: by carrier, $6.00; by mal, $7.00. :m I I C U R R ENT f MA AU/!S r At The Michigan ... ACE IN THE HOLE with Kirk Douglas and Jan Sterling. ONE of Paramount's trump cards is all- around Billy Wilder who in the past has specialized in making garish, cynical and al- most completely phony motion pictures (most notable example of the technique is the recent Sunset Boulevard). One is immediately struck upon viewing this latest effort with the complete lack of sincerity which supposedly enters into im- portant movie making. Mr. Wilder (who produced, directed and collaborated on the script) is reported to have said in a recent a man half-buried in a cave-in of some ancient Indian dwellings, vaguely reminis- cent of the Floyd Collins incident in 1925. Although the victim can be rescued in a matter of hours, Douglas conspires with the local sheriff to prolong the rescue, thus hoping to regain his national reputa- tion with front-line dispatches. An incredible horde of morbid curiosity seekers, including a carnival, settle down around the area to watch the rescue opera- tions. The plan backfires, the victim dies and Douglas pays for his sins in one of the most outrageously melodramatic endings in years. One can only speculate about the sensi- bility underlying this type of film making. BARNABY As soon as Gus gets back, your Mrs. Tyler Fairy Godfather will open this Mes.ntlet little old gingerbread school in the wildwood for business, m'boy. them come Tell all the kids at the nature down here, study camp to come and enroll- f Barnaby- 0 No. She p e probably LZ PL ,E wouldn't Ct even like Sit ;f she knew we are here. We're learning how vegetables grow. Miss Ross is around by the spicket. Cushlamochree! Restraint of frade-I mean, it's a violation of academic freedom! You all have the right to determine your own pursuit of learning- We have?0 .e. ©o t e 0 0 Is there no course in your nature study curriculum on rain-making? However, far be it from me to ~ proselyte. Just fake a -pile of' ts gingerbread and pass it -around -among the students at Mrs. Tyler's drab institution- U 11H *C'A-"'t lob's-, Rt. UR. Pat.Of Miss Ross, you better come out to the garden. Barnaby's Fairy Godfather isl( A. S. .4